Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1914, 1, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1914. ^......."......IIMIIIMH1III......................! Chicago's Most Prominent Teachers of Piano, Music, Dramatic Art and Entertainers j This Directory Will Appear in These Columns Once a Month. Clip It for Future Reference »i........♦<"'...........................nmi..........iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiMiiiiii:>iiiiiiiMiit«iiiiiiiiii'i iii>niiiMM«Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiMMiMinimiiiiiiei>»ii>Mnm»i' > IA VISIT TO HAMILTON HOPKINS' a conspicuous section of some outlines j SIG. ANTONIO FROSOLONO. Clark, "America's foremost baritone." i COMING CONCERT. STUDIO. ot courses of study. We should not; Sig. Frosolouo was born near Na- Hugh Allen of Paris, France, also The Ftrst National Bank male I Having an appointment with Ham- be misled to infer from this that the ; pies, Italy, and showed marked musi- trained Mr. Tucker in French diction, chorus of 60 voices will give a conceit 1 ilton Hopkins at his studio in the Fine; breath is an uncontrollable, unman- cat ability at a very early age. His and Mr. Tucker's ability in this art under the direction of its leader. R. MAURICE DE VRIES L.ATK FIRST BAR1TONK METHOrOUTAN OPERA. CO., NEW YORK, CONVENT GARDEN. LONDON AND ALL PRINCIPAL EUROPEAN THEATRES TONE PRODUCTION fS^SSSSTVSSS&STiSSS^^ STUDIO: 82 Auditorium Bldg. PUBLIC APWULBAKCWB FOR PCPIIJB CONCERT â- KKNCH CarUle Tucker JB&tit&m PHONE HARRISON 2558 23 Auditorium Bldg. m Ghicagi Wano College Oldest and Largest School for Piano and Theory. Our Grad- uates are in demand. HERBERT MILLER BARITONE L**^&S»^^ Ntaeteenth Vocal Instruction: Oratorio. Recitals Watt, Eleanor F. Godfrey, Season Harm°n H Directors, cifth Floor Kimball Hall. 304 8. Wabash F Avenue, Chicago. GUSTAF HOLMQUIST Arts Building, and arriving somewhat ageable something that would require father, an officer in the Italian army, cannot be excelled. Those desiring Grata Cox, on Thursday night, April 2, ahead of time, my ear and then my a muzzle or a halter to bring it under had a master come and instruct the good. careful, scientific • training â-  1314. at 8 o'clock, at the Sixth Prea- attention was drawn to a conversa- subjection. lad until the time when the family re- should by all means consult with Car-i byterian church. 36th street and Vin- tion being held in the reception room Written expressly for Lake Shore'moved to America. Here his studies lile Tucker, the American baritone, j cennes avenue.________________________ between several people, presumably News by Brunette Walter i>( Hissing were continued under the best teach- slngers. Studio, Kimball Hall. , ers, among whom was the late master. They were speaking of the different iTo be continued In May number) • jS. E. Jacobsohn, "stunts" they were forced or driven--------------------------------- Sig. Krosolono has had rare oppor to do under some instructors with the ANNA GROFF-BRYANT. tuities of study with the greatest liv promised goal in the end. of produc- "An event of vital importance to Ing violinists, having spent three years ing perfect tone. Of their blindfolded the interest of vocal stuLnts and with Kmllo Saur«=t. He is also an ex confidence at first, then the stage of vocal art, science and edu< fion was perien<ed orchestral director. As a doubt, artd finally painful realization the removal of the fan "is vocal soloist lie has appeared in many Kuro of being fooled. 'school, known as the Anna '.roff-Bry- pean cities. Berlin. Bremen. Hanover. 1 Kduca etc He occupied the second chair in nmbard one of the l>*»st orchestras in Geneva, Swi»»erland, a»>d was also one of the lie new firs' violinists of th«> grand opera in Ho has temperament. and is a brilliant per- To Vocalists-^ot^ ^aie and female Can you stag an "ah" to the front, with a loose jam-, open throat? If not, have Mr. Hopkins, who is recommen Je J by Caasini the real teacher of Titta RutTo, who changed Ruffo'a voice from a bass to a barytone. «how ymi how; also let him show you how to breathe as he was taught by Caasini; also hear him sing an uah" as he was taught by Cassini. _____------â€" 710 Fine Arts Building .-,-------â€" _ The studio door • woman left, and my "See the young lady Mr. Hopkins, "that >pened. a voting ant Institute of Vocal Art << turn came next, tion. Fine Arts building. ' leaving?"" asked College. Galesburg, III. was a sad and The formal opening of 716 Fine Acts Building Chicago 304.Kimball Hall CHICAGO Agnes-Leist Beebe Dramatic Soprano Bess Leone Bradford Concert Pianist, Accompanist and TEACHER Studios: 716 Fine Arts Building Michigan Avenue 5328 Biackatone Ave.. Phone Midway 2372 pitiful caseâ€"a girl front a provincial home jf the institute took place the tho same city town, possessing a beautiful voice and third week of the second *< ^ster. a beautiful toi a fond and all-believing mother, who Daily Republican-Regist*" had the former sacrificed everything to borrow the following to say: money (a large sum at that! which "The opening of the Voch, they had been told was the first thing dio of Mrs. Anna GrofT-BryaiH necessary to make the girl a singer, of the notable social functim Now her money gone, her voice gone, season, the number attendii s. she comes to be doctored up so that the afternoon and evening maybe. Mr. Hopkins, I might sing in was large, there being mu«â- !• a moving picture show in order that the events delightful. I can help mother pay off this debt." '"In the first place the sin I ""MUTT (09 KIMBALL HALL S98-, HKKXKL BQfLEVABP ! ORATORIO SONG RECITAL PL-PILS Lilian Mary Stout ...fltatui... lust returned from Berlin. Modern Edu- cational Methods. Principles of Busoni. Fine Arts Building, Phone Sunnyside 8S40 â-  â€"â€"â€"â€"â- fâ€"â€"â€"â€"^â€" Breathing, Voice Placing, Tone Building Studio Interviews: Wednesday P. M. and Saturday P. M. 629 Fine Arts Building HOWARD H. VAN SWERINGEN, Tenor Res. 1326 E. 47th St. Phone Ken. 300. Available for Drawing Room Programs. METROPOLITAN Conservatory of Music The highest standard of musical art maintained. Education in all branches of music. Junior and Senior Choral Classes. Orchestral Classes. Recitals by pupils. Harry Dimonrl Directors l.frov Wet>el Violin Voice 603 KIMBALL HALL CHICAGO 1 Here a re just HKe" "That?«""as recently erected by th says Mr. Hopkins, "the innocent vie- college for the exclusive u tim being led on by what-not prom- GrofT-llryani and designed h\ her. is ises. doubting, wandering, losing object of interest. Th, style of but still h«pinK And this will con- architecture is the modern Publish of tinue until something most md will Bailey Scott ;uid a decided '"novation be done in tialesburg 'The individual surrounded by and During intermission the -1 ,<lii> with trained to recognize what is rimm! in its artistic appointments w»»- admired. music is not the great sufferer in this. • The space not oi-.-upied b> !•••' upper btit it is tli. untutored student who rooms left a balcony on boti> -itlcs of puts himself into the hands of one the large studio, the lengtli of which who can hardly produce a single good is the width of the building and the tone himself, but who has personal height its two stories. From this the magnetism, perhaps, and is a clever guests looked down upon the charm- talker. Hut thes.> things, if you do ing scene below and remarked what get them from a teach, r. won't make a pleasure it must be to have one's Sig Krosolono is an excellent Art Stu- teacher Some of his pupils hold re- was one spohsihle positions in the world of is of the music, at both Comments from the Press. • â- ceptlon l-a Tribune Sig Krosolono played "> make with a great master hand and Italian warmth After William H. Sherwood io which heard Sig. Krosolono. he appointed Lombard him head of Violin department in the of Anna Sherwood Music School The Conservatory of Chicago //^li Music, Acting, Expression ^/ instruction I Drancnes i Second Floor Auditorium Bldg If you are interested in the study of Music or Dramatic Art and desire to have the beat in- struction available, investigate thoroughly this school before deciding whsr* to *o. Catalogs* containing tail information sent trt*. Address.Walton Perkins. Director. The concert which was given by the Knglewood Woman's club was enjoyed by all il...... who attended The pro gram was an unusual one. Mr. Her he rt Mill. â-  ,1 th Iv.rit was liberall> Mill itugncrt t..u Tay it tin Mildred Wentworth SOCIETY ENTERTAINER (Impersonations. Monologues. Droll Stories. Etc) Private instruction in Popular Entertaining. Oral Expression and English: Coaching. 1022 N. Dearborn Ave STUDIO. AUDITORIUM BUILDING Dr. Frederick CLARK Baritone-Uocal Instruction Inez Taylor Deeming ...Uo.ce... r- 2738 Woodbine AVenue, Evanston, III. Studio. 510 Kimball Hall, Chicago. Studio Phone: Harrison 6457. Residence Phone. Evanston 472S. EMIL LARSON Piano Organ Theory BiSSing Music Studio STUDIO: 304 KIMBALL HALL ; â€"------------------------------------------------------------------ » on sing voice cnlti The foundation of the correct art rounding* of singing is tirst. perfect placement "Curios of all tones in eaoh individual range, ticed and whatever that voice may be. and last and tapestries of all. interpretation. 7\ beautiful Tn learned wvrv ex terpretation of a song is the climax the studio of a wonderful art. providing that Phone Dearborn 1043 which comes before, and must rome hefore has been mastered "' led amid such artistic sur Mi KoniKen . rotn many lands were no- il number of oil paintings which the guests •uted especially for by the well known artist and personal friend of Mrs Croff-Bry ant. Judson Allen, qf Chi* the artlstie realization of A FEW HINTS ON VOICE OLOGY. Apropos of the subject of this brief discussion. 1 will relate a recent ex- __________________________________perience which ! would entitle. "A I dttoit s - Vocal Convert " There swept Into my i PUPIL' of CHARLLS V\ . CLAKK gtu(jlo a neafly gowned young woman. dream and many were the expressions of delighted admiration to he heart) on all sides." J. NOEL FOREST. method of singing and voice 83 Auditorium Building Rot Residence: 6737 Perry 8t., Rogers Park, Chicago ...».*e At Studi,» » 1'aik *il4 Thursdayb Ostrovosky Institute Musicians' Hand Development u<„.J a«.d recoiumendeilbyZlmbalist, Arthur Shat.uck Edwin Schneider. Augusto Cottlow and other prominent artists. 613-14 Slllitn Hall ltib«t> 16»» li,6vta, Rei Underaood, 64 E. Van Buret) St Roy David Brown Pianist Teacher ..i.Ai Hall, Chi4.*£t> * ii dDA M. pEoEGER VIOLIN- VOICE PIANO HARMONY Pupils enrolled any time: Pualtlona secured for talented pupils Petroaitscti Btssfng. Violinist, flronette natter Suftians Private eni{saam»nts »»luii«J; separate jr joint programs. SOO Rlniball Ball. CHICAGO Mr. Frank T. Baird Teacher of the Art of cringing: 424 >I>K ARTS BlILDIM. t<« a MICHIGAN BOl I EVABD. Cu., >.... Telephoue Harrison 17b OSCAR DEIS Cviilci t Pianist f up its Received HI Auditorium BUg giving ever, who applied for view of placing i Jti.-. . Ux. aboul.i n illi thw . < nun b> I. " inoitier be. ii to diii^iiig .. iK i>l lotelllgciicc liifuitiiutluii with it r-l tali nl tl>. J< I ... v it., Itic-a . i .ml i ui > VtX I M .Irtttio >nior ivi id piev Li inly thiust npi , oiilrox <-ra> »bu»«-d » • l>o \„.l or f.rt, po I iited the CU.>.- Melhod »a.- doiuiual k,.. all had ne\>:l dated>l upon u.iluif in the i prop* c I.K-al l.hift iii,a to caielt'B.iliear. tun li fuui. iiudlidlt'iJ lis u.^liif, aolio- ed hi eallil.iK \«-r. i. ea *-.\l \\ to c , nion If i t. ill J. COURfTLAND COOPER ------------â- -- OF BERLIN--------------- Natural Method of Singing Suite 500 Athenaeum Blue . 50 Et.iVtn Bu.c St C H I C A G O Pbone ri»rrlson 703J A WT14TTP RA1MOTTS UOfS BLAQK WQOPRV-EE AH 1 nUK IIAWVJUO TEACHER OF PIANO JENNETTE LOUDON SCHOOL VidlllR and 11 iiuuiilâ-  \\ .â-  »bt>. Ki , v o yuui ,e t.Mit ' > hotil.l ,.11 shot ..1 .14 Ul-i unidnceu ,t h..., i The culture taught by J Noel Purest Is the (iurtla method lint thl. method no .ailed <iaiilu li..â- . betn Unfruved Upon .time the (lax.-, oi thai f.lllloli.i vol.. VWIll ill. build, t ll. the .uily pi.t of th. last I.i-i iiilml icului] .\Ji I .<ic»t loll..... a die ..auk.: ..pptweiitly prliulpl. .. ol (he ,>rln.ltl\e (oil. la thlilv Iht! in. thod luch.i rto.iiuimi! and dlu Tli.- iht.t ptiiagiiiuiic lull . ...mtal o»pIiatluu ami lile ..fler breath control Kurth.-i more, be .-.up .jve. the plelueiila that ..rigllial method us in .tijei I of the Italian ai.i Kreni I. modern < ..u leach -b- »ct. alorlen thui la. h. blends lh< I facial and ,..ilat. 'ts,.aa.,.;e whb 1. In li.iu/ove produced t.y the .lental action, a» In i of im the so-called Italian inf. hod, and »fte liahli oi naaal quality produced l..i tile KruUch be dlphtliongn .-,.> that the too protnlnenl :t Inflection towards iiunai . ffect is tern pertd by the- dental actK.n .,. I...,..11 > Mr J Noel Korent ts lliot u..a i... p .liln /eel ....>nl ,. t,. liolui In vocul mid liba .. po.-. To vmiIiIi .-lion f«.r his a.-t Afte. flftet-n of t. aching he ... .-mIH ntudyli.g th. lot. i- in . oi. ci l.h. ..up'ls {<â- â-  h , „1, i., tin . . n li vol cutiaritiet. whicb tt..ty dUlilual, >... the I.m In . I). Voice rkui'l I alld hi' Program r ..... Haritone â-  I'iano . . I'ianist Heethovcn S< hiiiiuinn Schumann Schumann . . 11 rah ma lira Inns . ..Loewe . Itrahms . Hrahins . . HrahniH . . Itrahms . . Itrahms Vntolnette . . I .emaire Toast........................Marty II I'leure Dans Mon Coenr. . . . Debussy Mandoline .................Debussy I'edul Studyt..........Arthur Whiting La Kileuse............Arthur Whiting Waltzes. Opus IS'.t.............Hrahins Tlit t'ilgrlBM»£«.......Arthur l)i>:ih»iu. Herbert 11 --I tn.i ii Mrs licit Adelaide WidinuiiK Her N'tissh Der llusar \\ ie bi>t ili MinneAeil l>er Krlkouig.......... Koinanoe. Opus 11^, No. •*•. . Uallade. Opus I is. No H . Intermezzo. Opus I IT No. 2 Intermezzo. Opus ll!». No 3 I'aprieclo. Opus ID!. No. 7 o D is ("est Mon Ami Marie beautiful Madrigal THE BEETHOVEN TRIO OF CHICAGO M. Jennette Loudon, Piano Otto B. Roehborn, Violin Carl Brueckner. Violoncello ItivoMugs now for I :*14-15â€"- Sth season • 51 ;• Fine Arts Building Phone Harrison 6533 LUIGI GULL. I Concert Pianist Available for Concerts. Recitals, Musicals 519 FINE ARTS BUILDING CHICAGO Phone North 3663 Bernhard Listemann 1'ioit'n Soloist and Teacher of Advanced Pupils STfUIOS 519 FIXE ARTS HI II.U1NO Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1 P. H. Keslit«nee : OI t Fullertun A«r..Clltra(0 TELEPHONE: WILJiETTE +40 Miss Dorothy Macauley Teacher of Puno and Vocal WILMETTE, ILL. Refbrknce: Caruther'a Scfcoatcf Pianoâ€" L. Douglas Russell ..VOICE TEACHER.. J. NOEL FOREST Tenorâ€"Voice Builderâ€"Garcia Method S> sti'inati/.ed development aud train- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"^â€"â€"â€" iuc of th. various tone producing "lfl ^»"p Arts Building, CHICAGO muscles and tissues of vocal organ: Breath Control, Placing of Tone, Interpretation Z:\ Auditorium llldg., 431 S. Wabash Av Tuosilin and Friday Harrison 2.">."iS ::i Kood Building, EVANSTON Resideuce Phone: Stewart 5265 GEO. H. IOTT BASSO Teacher of Voice 512 Kimball Hall, 1902 Sheridan Road EVANSTON Chicago College of Music Esther Harris, President Bestowal I round \ «u I hli.K .No .Mi IUOO A K....I . i... Herman Schuchert Herman Schuchert td l.ulu i nln« I ulu I I >ov iiIiik ( ,ui.j.l.. II "l"i|>t.)ii ..t il. il. i lik ..It epilcd tli i auld II Bc will b, (;ivei. on A ,,rll i.t ..i 3.30 .ii in II > wo id's Thriiter Tte meiii » of ihlrt exccll .-lit trio i.ave many t-^ »,(p«a.cil In public coiiceit. there i- need ml liuttur lull odl.ction .iK'.*nia an i.r.i...lly rendered sliniiat trio* hi <• in many instances R. GRAT2 COX Teacher of Singing In ail its Branches Phone Harrison 4865 419 FINE ARTS BUILDING All Branches of Music Taught â- â-  ----- Catalog Mailed Free ANNA GR.OFF-BRYANT Studios of Vocal Art ooti Fine Arts Bldg . Chicago in. Anna (irolt Bl vaiil System ot V« i.»l Kducuilou tn now fully la.iticlicu ut I ombard Collect: tialesburg. Ill . UI1 der the personal direction of Its foUi.Uei At ton B. Al,... 1.,.0 VVod In Chicago Thu.jday, rTlday -..a o..tu. day tor lull ...iitculuin address. Miod b_ll Reeves, Ass't Teaot.c 606 Fine Arts Bldg. 422 KIMBALL HALL D. A. TJOMSLAND Tenor all altkt II. Al I" ..1.1 I.ill .11 1 f. el with . di ob the >ase died 1EACMER OF VOICE AND PIANO ,.,; 401 Kimball Hall BmUi..,, Monday. We«ln«Mdaj> Friday and Saturday BARITONE i jo Fine Arts Building t-l.i..« . Phone Harrison 1595 l>i» PL. Evanston. Pboiw SASL-) COSTUMES FROM » I heatrical Costume Co. ii lividuality, style, beauty, and thai atten- .lotail which only an expert can jrtvt. Your ipplieilforall OCCASIONS. Atnateurplay .â- nn OUlt SPECIALTY Prices the lowest rail [h-es* Suits for Sale or Rent CHICAUO >i»!t*l .iftoii' Costamst â- i State St. •ml 7h74 ...'./uJrtfii 629 FINE ARTS BLDG BRANCH STUDIO -WlLMETTC PMONC WltMETTE 89 ntaiuCNCC STUDIO. 655 EaSTwoo. PHONE RAVCNSWOOO S9S5 1 SPECIAL ATTENTIOH Given To YOUHG CHHOfttnS H. B. Bartholomew PIANISl Ai-companlst, Rcdmio Pupils Aiteptcd 30^ KIMBALL Mai . d*.d rtld. i slnsl, rcgisl into i deal vtltl. she i.ui'tfl . tb« modi . i esti.i>lidhed -Well .u I 1 aardh ided In th. I. â-  W .lac i hi. i.-.i. h. .Otlollo air III. t i. 1,1.-..d i/teiii i,.'ce«saiy. to .ill ' At lu»t n r«l. .1 t (hi II li, I DO YOU WAST TO PLAY RAGTIME? M; and Mrs. J. H. Kurtz The Christensen School Room 300, Kimball Hall ot Popular MuSlC I o Pinnn nnrt HnrmntlW Will teach yon how within ten or twenty l«.»on». ll '«*i riano ana tiarmony Nocontract8iKninK_youpayfory<)Ur ilgrni _ Pupils prepared to super- '«»>"ns ** 'ou take th«m- £nro" at on^ chools Lessons at your Hours: 1 to'.) p. m. Sunday by Room 18. Rood Building. 703 Davu Street Bi- '«Jern methods. JIm- music in public hon.... if desired. For an interview address J. H Kurv.. Kimball Hall. 304 S. Wabash Avenue. know. I. Uj,. u.-kliife voice 11.1.-...1 ^fl«. uiaKii.rf .--l ii.i . tin to 1 «... i,.,l I..K li.. If lll£ 1,1 , lit IliK It,- ll. • III I.ill i.. . i ui.d v., .jI<1 RigarainK Hi*' ,.|h-i i<tl atii iitluii vth.-ii | ti. ilift cede ihat Ili<- L> â-  powf,' of tone bu'. mind upon th. l»r it an" obstacle Tli to the tone what the engine. Deep I'o «l.l. I. 1 I ii. „. . .1 pllyll tl. lllul i. lKht ha.e t .1 or .l.illni.^ .... lul off oil to u.l tn. I f..rtl th. io.o l.'i i, ,.h«' I bed t. .-UK,,. ntlOli.- K>. i. It bit • .-.aid -il Ik, I in i . m.v ,. ,i< > ,,»t»d ii, beauty risking a , \s 1> a fo.t I l.-.i ilu ,»ai-tti iinr i.,ak l>U> vol. f a,id Io- muni appl, tin prtip.-. 1-i.ercb that 1.4 I i lli^; trained Mi Kor.-^l Im.-, niaa. .i»,i-t laity U> li<-lp prof litid their iti rhodi inai < -ouiplete, dliiKcra. iliuli, find sonic voi.e trouhli-n th count for !!<• invites days jiiybo.iy d.-«iroiiB . .-,tud> and also sitiKera to coi.sult lit tn as to ;., .lii.Kinf? A ii) oi< •• can and brought i,ul, litid -V refer you to former toil <s he built. , which i-ntly beyond any'possll, prov ement itudyi.,« • upilh fi , ban it;, , c ten.ted I u.unt hat. . IlllJM to >K Of liln I Knott' hot to tl.l tl I but in urd« r io givt the pub oiiifihliin o i of tuo ordinary i\ll»» lt-iiiit-lti- l-oiidei. ll.e leader, has ailed ail. ll a olofciaiu that 1.1 faro n-ard in tl.l.. city t oinpoaitioiis i lie. th.. n-ii Stru..D» and Arcn ilnc that Villi bo InK > onsbl. red one . oi.nli y arc duter «i>eciaiuing In the restoration of falling voice* due to bad method. RESIDENCE 1236 E. 61st STREET. 506 FINE ARTS BUH-PINO HENIOT LEVY PIANIST Available for Concerts aid Musicals c am.niK '1 tiln ll'lo lionl In t that all __, _ Phone Hyde Park 4784 _ r rOSOlOnO Kimball Hain ^hlcatfOrlH. ter Or- <mmmmmm^^^^mmm^lim'mmmm^m^'^Fm^'m^mymW!li!l!ff re£F. MARILLAC VIOLINIST 11..111 that look ,ord 1 dm r.i,,iit.m v, , > â-  luatf t.i in sed tbroiiKl' , Cannot a< on receptlot 1 tahiiiK vole no mat tt lal llOUbl.r, ll i.rf cull it iii •<: Kor*-«t , a, •uplla w|ion< were appur way of in, ,| 1 hat ah in .> have an 10 .!»â- ...1 I), li ci ,ic« ,.il in vlett tin prict s , v ill Im i I "" .lid 7 . ...1. 1 , ill ,<> iti, id ii.ih 1,111 .ait) tnifiid,"!! to b < but llistl 11 tit e as t .-ll ; Bccthuvco Til^> or Clilc^a KlKhth .S.-a.oi, . , ,1 .. 'Hit«..r 1.4 1-aM strei t Suii'ili.t 1 iiooli. 1 4 al o .i" p in Pi ojji am .1.. 11. 1 ..udon jppor t and of ad cents .,ncei t entt-c v).ril Wlfi Antonio V (OI.INIHI iMrector of ti.,- Illinois Theater Or i-ht-stra ()ic|ic»tra may be for con. rt» Arraiigements can be ma.I.- foi v ion., itecitala and Musicals. A loo prltate Ic^sona by appointment. It.,- Siudlo 12^7 12. 14th Place I'lioiu: Iirex 60?'j ASKIN W. KITTNER of Alexander Heineman Voice Instruction* Piano ooy Recitals. Concerts, Oratorio Studio 85 Auditorium Bldgs. Studu 4/-65 Maiden Street Res Tel Sunnyside 10411 B4gintttrt Advanced Paptls $2.00 Halt Hoar 4.00 Half Homr 'tit, SUNIi HfcCl I ,.,»ll« of H B S.avc a. k,,lbllt: . ulu, l-l >i n, â-  '"H to »h« bi atnins; ,ic. «t aiuat con ith , oiii..Itutes the to com^-ntrati1 th>- •athing is to make breath represents the stcam does to breathing In as es- 1 im Illinois The cone hue. â-  as Mi Martholom to much and sin terly method of training for theiusclves The fob sans i>r J. W. How.. J Ward Moore, barltoi.' Wagner, alto; Mildred Sl< i^awrenci; B. Keeder, tein; ist who appeared in M la. ii. . icirt. hi 1, 1 wa,s a I.. 1 a Is r.itl.1,'1 •1/ bis 11.., voices a|»ul • wing puplU d, bariton. I^utse M uw, soprano, r. The solo endelssohn'H "Elijah." PMeanor (Junzer.liauser, Wag I -KI-< \\U pn \ II. „ ... M.dant I I nab r I,, Opu.- Mlegro ,-i. licrzo iil^la l"iiiale. A Thi ..i.-t on i .d. rat., Violoii, I'll.l.O Violin \ lolouc llo Meelhot in pluuo St ran Studio: 422, 59 East Van Bnren Street CHICAGO A lexand*r±#hmmm ^Teacher of Violin Teacher of G. C. DAVIS. Durant. OHa. JAMES CRISPIN. Grand Rapids. Mien. CARLETON KAUMEYER. WilmetteVItt. 718 FINE ARTS BLDG. . __________Phone Drtxct 7B79______ , . & . â-  THOMAS A pa PP ProtessoFAi^aflderSebalfr; " Vlolin?i«-tuoso and Tcadicrâ€" Ilea I in 11 „j,. ^ at,.I KIM1IA1.I. HAM. Choral Conductor Teacher of Singing SIMON BUCHHALTER Fiuitu Virtuoso and feacher in I-INK ARTS IH 11 l>IMI 'hou» Kentruod IMSS STUDIO 81 AUDITORIUM BUILDING 431 Wiba»h Avenae. Chicago Concert M.natfcmcnt. ERNEST L. BR1QCS Stctnwiy Hall. Chicailo. Hi. n.t ., L „Mit t ii it> v A N D ZUKOWSKY VIOLIN St 1IOOI. 62? Flnr Arts Uulldln* /.akoiiifky Trio Engagements: Jan. 4-13; Feb. 22; Mch. 8-22- l!)l» Mrs, Theodore Parsons AUTHOR. XECTUKER, DRA3IAT1C READER AND TEACHER Artistic Body and Voice Culture_____ 508 FINE ARTS BEIEDING Residence Phone Ravenswood 198 Hinshaw Conservatory HRANCHES OF MfSIC AND DRAMATIC ART Selectâ€"aocredltedâ€"thoroughâ€"systematic. CatalcK a-nd Examjnalluns _free. Arno J. Hinshaw."Manager. sential to good health as the proper ner' KOprano.-assisted. H food and drink tor the system, and should be practiced whether one uses the voice for sinking or not. On sev- eral occasions, when giving pdpils Mildred Wentworth. the soeiety breathing exercises, I have observed tertainer, wishes to announce NEW STUDIO. the CAHllLE TUCKER. >lr. Tuck, r who is th. possessor of n rare baritone voice, recently sang hefore the Chicago Colony of New Kngland Women at a musical which was tudd al ih*s Blackatone hotel. ____ Mr\ 'Fucker's «olo*r w^iF^^ b«»HUful4y-_ SOFRAMO SOLOIST encored, and his renditions we most VIOLINIST. CLOCUTIOWtST. PfiftfWST M. EILEEN LONG NEW WALTZES ijâ- .-•â- _ Ho juil K»t,uiiia . PmtiH tluMdini;. Salt* uoi, J7 S Wabash Ave. Car. Monro* 5t.. Chicago Phons Central 3 «9i Melba Mae French AM KIMBAM. HALE. CHICAGO TBEBIKILSI^USTER, Only Authofixed Chiieafo Te«clierâ€"Dor» Duty Jones Method of Address ^ y^ turn h),lp ,hp iace become .openiug^of her new North, Side Studio artlatlc and tenipeiamemai. tins art , w l0<u^„-lnqtTluuttl n„,1,bar»..r^iitirM pro«n»m», pale, and the body reel in a faint. adjaTTT Bellevue place, 'phone Superior lit is now'toaeTiTns;aTlarge "numberTJ^jgg||||s^|Mut Phatt 0ikllBdM385 a result ofhaving opened up the lower J.8&46. Miss Wen worth-,achieved students at his beautiful studio. Audi- , „. cells of the lungs, which had hereto- sueh phenomenal success, has decided torium building. His careful training tore not been expanded sufficiently.'to continue her classes during the under some of the best teachers in HENRY B.RQNEUectarer 'UTS. fUM CMDLE TO C'o.'U'li fur < un.-ort-., c'bnir. Uiv piirtulrp. â-  S t>*â- Â«! I a t i* «*» Moyv â-  Vuictm. Traiuer-Stg?. ""Uoasj'a nor*" 0ooe*rt cu. tar is^ymanm Tri, ii,-i „r Blatcbturu Karaeach «,» J M DOtad Moy Stngors. _'. Gracelami IVSOH Mi si Katherine - at»tnde. bare enabled T\:r?? •**"» exeeplloBaT to continue it is verv common for one to feel dizzy j summer months. She will divide her this country and Europe have-fittedU and weak when first trying these ex-itime between her New,York: and Qfrl- Mm with such quallHcationi r..r•â- !>â-  erciscs, which Is proof positive that jcago studio, und arrangements can j possessed by a T^T)reathlHgrhadr before been-faomfnow-be made for summer lessons at;eminent gtyg tf atkan frtljooj T sBaiibe glad to â- Â»Â»â€¢Â«Â» chjesioj^^^jrjttwâ„¢; wâ€".- » «^w mi' <rar>_^~»wn~» ~r~;iw. w-»«»fc" *«»«.o rn^sri"uMsa" resttsst. :T~~~ ~' : 'isrsc mcasurs, grsat credit: »s «ue »»»*.? < Incorporate*) - vocai'^Bacher."Irhe i Vocal Art (Maclean <Miethod), Dramatic Art, Expression r Oratory* r i .Charles -W. - ciark. t- ^^^ Languages,Theory of Music, Dancing, Etc. ytght ftfJalll aa fsslsmiiâ€" riays and Chorusrs Coacoed Trf. IfitrrUoS 755« tsigoea) 71 The Auditorium Bldg., Chicago HAN i: M*n. (•:*â- Â« M,.«t> b~^ rHjsii«.s» «â- '«-»«!«>•«», U. CATUKKtNB LTOMS. Utt I»., Vlcu-Pro-... Dirwiotuf hritualic D»|>i. L. S. MKLZKK, A. M.. lie*!'?. 8>4S.Hka. i*e.,*afcaft

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