Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1914, 2, p. 6

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XAKE SH0RE NEVVS, THURSDAY, APRIt 2, fo*. tmmmm 24m*I AjIi SIH6S ASYvriioviuaiid FfiLEFHONE, WILMETTE. 1640 anr Ads in tie like Shore News are charged at die following rites Bell Estate Classifications, 7 )4 cents per line. AH Other Classifications. 5 cenu per line. iaimam Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less tkan 25 cents. I iwHSiPeople Are Ooing w° in Kenilwortb MrsJV. jfc Steele; or Sheffield^ En**, is the gu cat of Mrs. Horace B. Hurl- buri, Sheridan road. ... . Mrs. Ira Darling and little daughter returned Saturday .from the Michael Reese hospital. Mra.fJ. & Keith of Abbotsfbrdl road. u Kju-a<iuKJii\i*j uu u uu-j u toi-y u y^uu; a^-n ,,yi»,;;. ».?_... w. :8 enjoying an- extended stay in Florida ait»«i ^VANlfcaJ^B*• MA^RJl^Pj portentâ€"FOR SUMMERTfrBOOM . She-ssiUbe Jgone several weeks iW~~'^«J---«r«»AA ¥»*»#» r «M»TloÂ¥ill "nflAltfllCk. ',--â-  / ";.-- '• . . â- *"' _ »â-  â-  •._^_'__«-»l_T â-  IT..!. I UTi. nn/1 Mud Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE ITUATIOKS WANTED Fob REiii^rTMts «-as" gardeaefr^%6ne7raT~l!wuse^ rk. No children. Best reference. tdreas 13. X.. Long, Box 019, I^kejj^^,"]^ ti v w*m. /* /S0w-«tp| wMfo. iBJ«BRpHW0LISHJr'l2: TEARS! (fiance of work under glass and iide grounds, wants position on i $5 good estate; married. A. Dp Mac- k*y. ?2i>4 Campbell Park, Chicago, "In. 20w-ttp furnished modern bungalow; Hub- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Englsr^O^ord bard-Wood, two blocks from station. Box 6, Hubbard 21w-2tp 99990999 «^M"9S 554 a8bury ave., the asbtjry. Brooms single or en suite, s excellent cuisine. phone r 2392. MRS. P. C. DIEFENDORP. <*US. KKK Iâ€"PLEASANT ROOMS i with best Of table-board, 731 Tenth- st. Phone 992-J Wilmette. 19w-4tc HW*â€"M^â€"â€"â€"9 â-  â- â-  ! "..... â- rvn**»V.C*...... 'MX AJN^±J&M-MJQlUM^ â- rrr;--'. â- ":"â- â- â€¢*'â-  V"":.....":"""V 1580 Sberman-av. â€" 89w-tf â- BHBHBB99H' II, , .1.-1â€" road, areJni New- WindsorrJ5d.t called there byVihe death of Mr.^aglarl's mother. â-  ; 'c":l'2*:J?£22g£ Tt. Wi: Harrington, 1058 Linden Are- nue, departed Monday, on a -trip through Indiana and the southern-part of Wisconsin. . % Louis T. Wilson of Essex road, left â-  Saturtayfor Alqainba where he will meet: Mrs. Wilson who has- been in the south for several weeks. Mrs. Kate A, Bassett of Omaha, Neb, has returned to her home'after a pleasant stay with tfcer daughter, Mrs. Arthur W. Ruf, Curohor road. : Mrr Allen Bulley and Mr. Stanley Wisdom will entertain thirty guests at a dancing party in the Bulley home in Sheridan road Saturday evening. April 4. „ „ Miss Cnarlotte n. Everett enter- tained-membersHjf the Evanston chap- ter of the Alpha Gamma Oelta sor- ority at a card party in her home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Donaldson and j Miss rGace Donaldson will leave Wjl- __________________________________I mette for New York on Monday, April STORAGE â€" IREDALE FIREPROOF! g, and will sail for Europe the follosr- Warehouse, Packing, Moving, Ship-1 fag Frtdayj April 10. ping. 1721-1723 Benson-av., Phone j Members of the Union church Guild 955, Evanston, 111.___________21w-tfjare busy Waning the sewing work on FIRE INSURANCE-ROYAL INSUR-1 bathing softs this month. This Isi the ance Company of Liverpool, largest!last month In wWflh. the church Are Insurance company in the I women can prepare the suits -nd FOR SAtE-r7!9 MADlSONSTi, 8 nrocina, hot water heat, "hardwood floors, lot 50W30; $4,250 for quick sale. Exclusive agent. Wantedâ€"-Cash offer on 80 _ feet front on Ridge-av., between Dempster and Crain-sts. 217 Kedzic-st., 8 rooms, hot water heat, hardwood floors, lot 42xf25; -r^rW^WSF^^KP^^ 1126 Maln-st., 8 rooms, modern gar- age, fruit and shade trees, lot 50x 200. Bargain. Geo. HjGrains S45 Chicago-ay. If you are going to move this spring -rgrij-nrhd Bee_»hat_l havejtO-OlterUSE* houses, fiats, apartments. 17w-tf Geo. H. Craln, 845 Chicago-ay. world, insures dwellings, household j much work is being done. > goods! rents; lowest rates. Charles! Mr. W. H. Ieom sailed Friday from V FOR SAVEr-S SUBDIVISIONS. Kings Meadows. Wilmette avenue w of 15th street, , m50X156 ... v..,..,.............. .$750 j McDanlela Woods. Hill street w of 14th, 50x171......1900! Gregory "avenue w of 14th street, I 1I&0X171 - •-%...- • > •>.............*9l)0 j Isabella street w of 14th street, _ ! ____ Ci;50?1174........;* •'•••••••........*650 oniy to get first selection, but to avoid â- Â§&&<".&' T. Paul's Division. | tedIoua walting and delays, which are j New York, where she will remain un ;Elmwood aXeUUe w.of 16th street. j unaTOldably caused by those coming til he returns from his trip. |5pxl40 ,>_....r.............•?,ff0!late who wish quick service. j Paul Schulze of Kenilwortfo and p Write for flats. W1„ lve me the opportunity to Charles Hale Matthews of Evanston CLE. Schiller. 19 S. La Sallo street, j J*1" ,u â€"- â€" «--*»â-  «â- ------------k«-«. hv A. Wlghtman & Co., agents. Phone 203. resident Itp N?w York on the steamer Imperator for Europe on a business trip. He will be gone about three weeks. Mrs. Isom accompanied her husband to Phone 608 Randolph. HARPER TELLS OF ISSUE ON COMMUNITY HOUSE, add-WrWimrto-my many well sat-rare two North Shore men chosen by tefloA customers? the phl Gan,ma De,ta' a secret 8°" My estaSmenr is located in the;dety of the Sheffield Scientific school Ward building, 12 North Michigan ave- of Yale in the annual election, this nue. Suite 151C. Chicago. week- OFICGERIES -^ Fine frults^-inV and out of ae»y ' Ar sonâ€"always form a part of our ; ^ 'large stock of- Select and Fancy -"Groceries. Jiafcsr's 8teel ICift f Coffee Is QWs fB o. mm W INTER Clothes Ready Ma'de^<ncUfea to Order. Packard Shoes to? Men, Sorosls Shoes for Ladlft ^»d Children; .GenO«un«n* Fwiutii- ing Goods. ^Lj-':--ar. ,v,.':, mmrUS & HAYES P-fiQuality and;not Quantityâ€"the V best for the moneyâ€"is onr rapt- 'i to. Our large stock of groceries $ is. always select, and Fresh a Fruits and VejpBtables a specx- %*S._V|^. DEU$J3N All VJHaf Coirtaucd HABBT AwriTKOWSKt i l^iprleior ' WIRING, jlEPA IRING ; SUPPLIES % CLENCOE, ILLINOIS Phone Vinaeita 887 ; Pbone Glencoe 490 N£W8 V/ANT AD8 BRING RE8ULT8 JEWELERS f^ w wi w »^ •-_-- •X *r^ •*:.-P^ m~ .. â- . Successor to Rodellus. ^J**^ Expert Watchmaker and OpUcten. Repairing of complicated watches and etoMB* - - Many years-v esperl- r ence with best known Chicago houses. 4, Phone 2682. 827 OavliStrot* MEN'S WEAR Estimates Given On AU klsSs of work pertaining to the . , l ' v Uwn Sodding 4tnd Blocs wriVambs Hedge trees trimmed and planted. Trees for sale from *i/» up. No Charges for calling and givingL^oatt* mate on work wanted, Phone or write W.J. DOWNS Dmrrow Ave.. Evanston Phoiu>2679 We will give yon a perfect fitting uni- form to your 'measure- meat. We reinforce all button holes to stand wear and tear of laundry^ Call or mail measurement. . Deposit on All Orders "'â- :Phoa«:asar..-- 1615 Benson Avenne HOTELS THE AVENUE IWUSE private Exchange 1110 Sunday Dinner a Specialty, l.'tb 2:30 P. M.--= - -.- *^ Phone 1110. j-._ , Get oar low prteea on NEW or USED SEWIN6 MACHINES Repairing of Singer. Whooler ^Wilson. WUeox aid Gibbs. and all other makes of ma- chine*." â-  '. , 1S22 Sherman Ave -<*»hon#6M BvAHStOM ATTORNCY-AT-LAW JOHN HUGH fcAfcLY SIS CKMgoiilla and Trast BWg. 69 w. Washington*'. Central 1667. BkKUbm 11M Wa», Is»»l»»- W-1*8 - THEATRli EVANSTON AMUSEMENT CO.. l»rop. \ ** Fooataht Square M. & MINTUENf »^f- ^^^ *^*?*^ TO-NIGHT and Balance of Week The Eviwist^ jt>g^ <j^ -HOtA^l>A^i>-CtIFFORb'S International Success "TUB BACAI|V" By EDWAPlJ E^ ROSE - A Complete Magnificent Production. Gorgeous Electrical Effects. ^«/Wfj^vi^^ â- i , â- %? m :.â€" ?' Bilperinten^ent of Schools Re- %^4n^ogcJMJteQfl^:jDfe-l tails ot^^^ Topic. ?fhe question that will appear upon ^bO.MIittle ballot" at the coming vil- iage election will be worded, "For the! rjfevy of a tax for a Pubuc Municipal; ^^iieum.or_Against the levy of a tax ; Sitorl a -Public Municipal Coliseum.*" OPEN CAUCUS' VILLAGE ; 12 North ------- Michigan^"*"** I Ave. TICKET IN CLENCOE i^« »»«°f v Kind â- Â«Â«Â£ AhIc for catatogrue and pric«8. Chicago Hat Muafactoriog & Bleach»g Co. Voters Place Candidates in Field Opposing Booth and His Group. Herbert F. A ntunes Flano tutur and Repairer a list of candidates have been 1925 Sherman Ave, Evanston _ »u« />..„r> p„„„,,u i Telenhonee EvanBton 347B-J and 449 tor a -ruDiic «i«uji;if»« w«»»«-».. chosen to run on the Open t uucua ""'"" " ICJtlis Wording is necessary tO conform ticket in Olencoe in opposition to the | Oflicial Toner for Nofthweetern School of Music With the law. Just what does the, ticket placed in nomination by Sner- support ot this question involve? man M. Booth and his group or poll 'Those who are familiar with the ticians in that village Schools know that the Central ave ( The following is the u»i hue/schoolJs. in a crowded condition; For Village Trustees H. ( t>.iuo«d- aSd that more school rooms are an Cr, II. J. Moeller and John ( Wilken. j inittiediatB necessity. Our schools For Village Marbhal. Herman Hur- naVe uJso lacked an aBseml»ly room weister. Ana a place for gymnasium work. The For Police Magistrate. M. T. I.anc. SChool-board-4ias-l?ad 4^ in nminOV ^or All of the candidates are well Known some-time -to: ereei^a building that in Glencoe and a close contest is ex- -$rill meet these needs but has waited pected in the election April 2*. until the finances were in a condition to warrant such a building. HalS RfilH0del8d »'»'4.H»!».M»deo».r Expert China Repairer China Restored by Baking ProccFB. Bronzy. Miirblf. Ivory, etc Micaing partu replacvd. Only Exelutiive Shop of its hit^d in Chirajjo. JEAN BOETTER,ai!E- Phone Central 6417 17 Mirlh Wabath Into* A remarkable sale of ahiminumware. Wonderful of- ferings at really low prices that make it a matter of cconomv for you to buy this superior ware. These offers pood for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Satur- day anil Monday, April 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Pure aluminum sauce pan, :< quart size, liighly .polished, with two lips^ -easy- toi. pour from,~ equipped with always, cool handle. Regular price liic Special barr gain, with coupon, 39c. COUPON None sold to chidren. -- ••------- - , iihij uuiiiuuuiuw into Stylish Shapes ^FGr some time there has becnad, Pananjm ftcd Leghorn Cleaned and Blocked SSand la this vBtoge-ter-a -conununlty â„¢" « 4,,, F|>mr ..e s NU|t„ house, a place th'at could he used for lUKllClt o strwt, <i1i<nK.» jail kinds of amiHinrnts and meetings and thatMvouldâ€"t»elong to all tbe people. "' Now the kind of building that is deeded by the school is just the kind ;$E building that is need by the village •tor community purposes, it is obviou.s f|hatVft would be very foolish to erect â- $y/o buildings when one would suilice, and it would ttleo be very foolish to erect a butlding-antt^o use it fortmiy me; of these purposes. This question Is brought before the people at this iiine in 1 order that they may he in a position to take advantage of a new school buUmng^hal_wnLllv^JLl>mt»i ability bo construcVed for community purposes. j '* A smalLtax inay be levied under this law to the amount of three mills ^ the dollar, the first year, and one mll^thereafier. This would mean that r the man paying one hundred dollar tax would pay three dollar? the first, Tear and one dollar thereafttr for this purpose^^Thls money would be "used to purchase such equipment as; would not be-needed-by the school j but would be needed in a community! house- and to employ a man trainod [ to loolt after and direct community j Interests; It Is to be hoped that every voter will vote ©h this question at the com- - I.. „1g±~it^m^ PUREWATER For the truly modern Home i TWO CENTS A I*AV^ Red Cross Filter Service TES. MaiN 30'G C-HAS. S. WALLACE. Ag«nt 1621 Orringtoo Ave Tel. Evan»ton £<t> Pure jilimiinura Berlin sauce pan, VA quart size, with cover, polished outside, satin finish inside, 75c value, special, 49c. iBerlin Settle I'm aluu.i.itun Berliu kettle, 3 quart »u&e, wiili cover, $1.39 value. Special, 98c; 4 q,i..i. size, -tl.59 value, $1 19. ^^^p~ Slttc poller ^*~ "~ZJ(\ ^^ »..i« aluminum rice boiler. 1 quail I r~*&r size, extra quality, guaranteed C'J !M) per cent pure, $1 65 value, 98c, i_ JJ l«j <piart bizc, $1.85 value, $1.19 Oh* £\title alun.i.uin tea k<.-tll<r i i/ polished, bltick pwlirthcd ile, $2 ii5 value, $1 11>. aprill CcaEettte Pure aluminum tea kettle, 6 quart size, seamless, welded spout, wire bail, cool handle, rubfoeroid knob on eover, $3.50 value. Special har- gain, $1.79. iSerttn Settle or Berlin Stance $m Pure aluminum perlin kettle, or Berlin sauce pan, heavy metal, our regular price, 98c. Special, choice, 69c. "Tpeserliing Settle Pure aluminum preserving kettle, high- ly polished, 6 quart size, never sold less than $1.59. This sale,^98c. Orona, the world's wonder for cleaning aluminum; sani- tary, antiseptic. Large tin^ 10c. i'ui, alun.laum Ity pan, 9 inch or 10 inch, extra heavy. Special, 79c. Pure aluminum tea kettle, Wagnerware, cast aluminum, 5,'/> quart size, extra good quality. Regular price, $3.75. Special, $2.08. CoKee $ot I'iii.-. aluiiiiiiiuii coffee |M.'t, 1>_» quart size, with black polished wood handle, $1.65 value. Special, 98c. 2 quart size, $1.85 value, $1.19. 2.50 S. Michigan lk>ulc\ui»i t»«i uckson BIwL. Rsllsay ExehansQ BMt Unatii i>.. m Fasftiaaafel^ ^pfiafef FOR WOMEN AT PRICES THAT ARE KOT EXCESSIVE 3 As a special inducementâ€" to gai*» the Easter patronage of the suburban women of fashion â€" we offer any SUITâ€"GOWHâ€"COAT in this ahop marked up to $35.00 for MICHELI'S SPAGHETTI F,mou! *,***&&?2â„¢t RAVIOLI •JJt EVENING PWr<ER . _ :ScBi* â€"~»â€"â€"^3 Cents MUSIC - Private Dining Room for 50 to ISO People - SINCINC Arrmaiemenes Made for Motor P*«ie» MBCHtOAN AVRWUE and ma sirch CHICAGO k REVELATION IN tADlES' TAlL-j ORINO. J > The^^iadlesi-iailaring establishment ;^ti Sokoff, vrho was for ipany vear3 y(m*A jiesisuer-wlth-M«nret~Bi »^., ap 5jp«als to every7 patron and prospective i&pttonier: tor the very reason that every salt Js-madejinfler the jjersanal direction of Mr- Bokoff. Jt is there- itore not^surprising to sea a good many ladles, .U^estL^reBsedJ_conUng_from_. and going to the well known Sokoff I establishment. kbw storks s«o , There is now on display an endless Dom:stic*tcd «nd Live Pet* for the Chi'drsa. (CiuUsd-fW tke Live Aimadillo) |iBSOrtment 61 thU season^ choicest; Beintiinl Lamp Shidc Frame* of all Dssiga" and Sizes at 50 CENTS EACH ^ricsL and In connection with this| BIG REDUCTION BABY GO-CARTS AT 12.98 «nnoimcement I wish to Impress Aipon atAr«« i»»• Ro«»b »ta»* stbket Chlcfiiia. iliinois tou the necessity of an early call, not TWO 2HOFCS [tM >ouru fifjch avkmjk •^..;;~*2f=!i?" Armadillo Company SOUTH STATE STIliSjrT, (Oppo-lteRothncblinrt &lumtHittii ^>ak <iij»»U v 1 pan, cov< 1 iiillUm Berlin 3 quart size, $1.39 value. kvll al,....triuin liorllu , 6 «n«»rt size, patent d-enra, with polished ,nutn cover, $1.79 val uo, this sale, $1.29. altu,.tuum tcaspuoutt, highly polishcil, 5c each. This sale, 2 for 5c regular V i l!i aluminum tablespoons, our regular price, 10c. Spe- ihis sale, each, 5c. Pure aluminum basting spoons, 9 inch size, first ouality, 15c value, special, 8c. aluminunrcafeespoon, slotted high grade aluminum, value, 9c. -'• 1'ui ; aluminum salt and pepper shaker, polished top an.I bottom, satin finish center, loaded bottom, will not tip >ver, 15c value, special, pair, lOe. J?,|n-' aluminum^ sauce_jgan) ! x/i- quart isize, heavy metal, 49c value, i gUttmtnum ^>ale «»«â- â€¢ $reserbtns Settle Pure aluminum preserving kettle, 8 <|uart size. Sold elsewhere at $1.79. .Special bargain, $i;l9. g>auce flan I'tm aliiiiiiituiii sauce pan with eover, 4 quart size, $1.59* value, special, $1.17. .--- __* - $ie flairs! I'.u.- atuiMiiiutn i>i>' plates, 9 inch «tla., 15c valu%vpc.; Cea or Coffee Strainer t ^ Pure aluminum tea or coffee strainer, 15c value, 8c. ^anitarp ©tl M09 :^-, A great labor saver. You can clean ft five- room flat with' it in 10 minutes, includ- ing halls and closets. A dust killer and pol- ished surface renew- er; it is antiseptic; an absolute necessity in every honlfcâ€" â€"T4iis jwcckrspeciai7l"quart can of oil, regularly soi5 lor $1, and 1 oil mop, regutarfy-sold foF^lf ^OO^irjilii^ â-  98c. IZZIJ ZL__^_____â€"P •i jv/: .#â- â- 

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