Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1914, p. 6

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IT THE? LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, MARCH ^6, 1914; â- M Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE. WILMETTE. 1640 jfcst Ads ia tkeLike Shore News Me charged at the following rates Real Estate Classifications. 7 }/£ «nts per line. All Other Classifications. 5 cents per line. Minimum Price, 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less thin 25 cents. ;mi»itiMiiciniMMMi AT THE EVANSTON THEATER HELP WANTED WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GENERAL. housework; two In family; good :-"•'â- wages: nice room anaT>rivate;bath. "C Apply 815 Linden-ay., Wilmettc, or ;l;Ztetei»hone AVlimelte 1143. . ltc tv^T*D^=A^BOY~TO~TA>f.E~CA of telephone;. oyer 16 years old. / Kenliworih'--Nursery, 1 block north ©* KenilWbrth depot. ltcjFOjt -jtia~'jKirx FOR SALEâ€"1913 BAK 'Irlc^rrearfdriye; twoTreyolving front seats; used a short time as demon- trator car: 'repainted and Jn per- fect condition. Apply to N; H. Blatchford, Jr., 735 J.mden4v,r Hub- •arffWoc^lJk" ;^vy,; â„¢7 4tc HIIIIHIIIIIMMIIIIMM* There is war at the Evanston i\u-u- ter this week, war with the volley and thunder of battle, with deeds of hero- ism and humanity, with the pitiless machinery of its discipline The bugle call-at the theater entrance, the men j in the uniform of ihe army, the flags and muskets proclaim,, the martial spirit within. There again are flags and shields, and the eagle hovers pr<K tectingly over the audience,,;? . .____z-r^- AWlr Flag.-':":-'.....- •'-* with the patrona of the theater. Mr. q«y Kibbeei* former member of the company, has reappeared on the stage this week, and is being well received by his many friends. ^ Next week the^ mana^gemeht^ojrers "The Rosary,â„¢;â- Â» Catholic play, which is sure of success. Those who saw the present company in Marion Craw- ford's "White*Sister," early in the season, will suit^be,willing to. miss this second opportunity to witness'a some- what similar play. , ;'* POSITION"jttfat'itiU^-U* MARRIfcJU 'hmihas gardener, general hbuse- work. V No children. Best reference. f^eMilU. 20w-2tp GARDENERâ€"ENGLISH ~ 12 ' YEARS' . 4i lar?Xhe Alttteat JtebeT who holds the center of the stage this week, and fully capable is she «f accomplishing i her task, for she is little only in that SALE-^-56x2v6 ffli "AT li2» she is a child. Her courage matches Central-av. for business property. I that of her father, "Daddy-man,'.» a Mrs. Hall. Tel. ,WHmette 174. ltc j hero, rebel spy though he be. The Littlest Rebel is in the spirit of the present. It displays men of courage and honor In both the blue „ , , .„ , , FOR SALE-719 !P$f^ffl£^!»*J*J *?*.^-^SSJ^JS^t Addrws C, L. Long, Box ci^J^ke, TOm«8r^or^ater heatThi^oalneM * ,war- **« brut*lity ?hU± " "------- *" """"â- ' â-  necessitates and the utter absence of FORSALEâ€"HOUSES floors, lot 60x130; $4*250 for quick ] sale. Exclusive agent. mercy to temper the justice which «tperience: of work under glass andj wanted-Cash offer on 80 feet front thL.V,g2r0!18 di8cl?"n,e dec.reff, • outside /grounds," wants position1 on j on Ridge-av., between Dempster and , good estate; married. A. D. Mac-j Cranrata:-------~~------------;------- kay, 2254 Campbell Park, Chicago, 217 Kedzie-st.. 8 rooms, hot water :-' HI- --•"â- ';:;"'â- â€¢'-'â- â€¢â- â- â- .,, ,£0w-4tp. heat, hardwood floors, lot 42x125; POSlffp'N WANTED AS MANAGING price If sold quick, $4.J50, „ housekeeper or'companion to elder- 112G Main-st., 8 rooms, modern gar- ly1 person or sunny invalid. Phone j age, fruit and shade trees, lot 50x for reference, kenilworth 1329. j 200. Bargain. â€"---------â€"â€" '!',-'- . 19w.2tct Geo: H. Crain, 845 Chicagoav. tmmsms The first presentation of The Lit- tlest Rebel at the Evanston was en- thusiastically received by a house more than usually well filled, for the opening night in the week, and every- one in the audience fully enjoyed the play and the patriotic and martial jnusjjjJB between the acts.__^±«____ ., â- ; Miss Allen to Return. Announcement is made this week of rittdC AsaURY AVE;, THE ASBURY. fe ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE, EXCELLENT "CDT8TNEr~PHONE^1gi 2392. MRS. F.C. DIEFENDORF. ~ ':' ':\ â- â- :'- r: lCW-tf if yoVLare going to move this spring call and gee what I have to offer in j the return to the Evanston company houses, flats, apartments. • 17w-tf of Miss Letty Allen, a player who Geo. H. brain, 845 Chicago-av. , : I last year'5 was :vvery' mtiehTa;favorite 'mmmimmmmammmmmmmmmmmamtmmmimmmmmi*******^^ NET EVENTS GIVEN TO ONWENTSIA CLUB The .official list of dates and awards of lawn tennis tournaments for the Coming season have been announced by R. D. Wrenn, president of the United States National Lawn Tennis association. The list includes 134 tournaments, the all-comers' national tournament being set for the Casino at Newport, Rl„ beginning Monday, Aug. 24. The sectional national dou- bles will be held at Onwentsia, Aug 4, and the western1 championships at the same-place Aug. 25. The women's national tournament Will again be held at the Philadelphia Cricket club .beginning June 8. The national clay"court championship be- gins July 13 at Cincinnati. The striking: feature of the list, which is larger than usual, is the in- crease In the number of women's tour- naments. There is a marked growth in the list as scheduled for the west and south.' The Longwood meeting and the eastern doubles are scheduled for Boston, to begin July 20. and the mm New York state championship forUie Crescent Athletic club, Rrooklyn, on July 29. â- ' ^ ' INSURANCE COMPANY PAYS ON HECK HALL The insurance on Heck Halt baa been adjusted, the companies settling is fall, and the amount received yaw $5(j,00rt. The value of thelirickjn the walls which are! standing was de- ducted:' *â- ., .'.,;Vf-:*i:'-,..â- â- â- '/'" -;:: - Now that the matte* ^ loss is }adr Wstedrtbe Garrett BlblU^Lastftatp| trustees are looking out for.•new^per- manent quarters for, their students. FfotitVYourf^ By N.tura Phyiicrf Methods No Lone Trip. No Great fxptote Just * Leiavn Hour.' â- â-  The Edgemere Medical Baths 4811-4813 Broadway, CBICAGO, ILL. Phone EdBewater 338 : Bret Book tit the North Shore Price $1.$^ Second Book of the North Shore x - PrteetZM XS0'?i' â-  Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, High- ways and Byways,; Past and Pjpeseiit by MARIANA, WHITE Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, #ror fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value as books will not be reprinted. Makeremittancesdirect to MARIAIf A. WM1#£ 6928 Sheridan Road :: bUit RBtM-i-^r^l^AiSANT ROOMS with:best ot table board, 731 Tenth- sti Phone 902J WJtmette. 19w-4tc : .CVANITON HO M E 3 1580 Sherman-av. CTetly New Under muslins jPor Spring '..... .1 ' â-  1 â-  â- *» ' 1 ' ' . mmâ€"Lf-MUMi. ii 11 11 pp-------i--------. gga»- You'll surely be pleased with these very attractive values in dainty muslin wear. This is just the season of change, and you will appreciate the timeliness of these offers Stylish New N^cllw'r rLOSV tt BJhUH '.â- '•'.'^liHe'-ureaut;- long ears and tail. ;' • SI fgh tly lame;'. brass studded leather rT^farrnRotum^lo^afOlJ Woodbine ave ,?nue,' •'• ^Iltne'iteV, Phone \ Wilmette I^C^'-rltewardJ-^----;----- -- - -Jtc mLJUinawwiw*wwii mm.......Trmr This season has brought out £ome noveiicjeas in neckwear. We 1 ':- are showing very pretty styles ofj all Jtin<|s. /A^lgW- J,lil^ ^m^^=^~ --t±=â- --;•- :particular offers anr|isteit|^b:ere EMBROIDERY FOR WB; ^AtEJT-SEWINa MACHINES . ^tokeniin/ trade, on our new Singer rotary. vGet our prices. We can sell ,.cheape^,ti^4jagcl^iiii-#' f- DomesticU. ££â- #.. ^. }4 • F • £:-----* ?•' Standard: -%-^y'i Singer AutomaHc Wright, drdphbad ......... .v WHdeier ^ Witsori -...... i.. Singeir V..;.;.-. /.".'...; ;••;;.....-. /wiisbn;a Gibbs ,i â- ..v......•; l-L - PattersfCn Bros., r 1522 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, 111. AND SJJAfcOW LACE COLLARS with Rusk Tissues of ail kinds, new V-sharie eoUar6; trie latest shades.... 49c 00 8.00 11.00 14.00 15.00 ltc: ture and.pfflce flies and chairs. 1231 Foretrt av4"V/Ilmette, Phone 960-.I. FOFt SALEâ€"PIANOS trade pn pur;â-  player. pianos cheaper than , . wii) pay;; you to see us before buy- FA$HrO N ABLE NECK- ^VyTSA'R T7 the most modish spring1 ^yliss, something to suit^everyone's taste, variously priced, up td "... ...... FANCY SILK BOWS â€" a 12.00 j great variety of1 pretty patterns, priced at..... WHITE NET GUIMPESâ€" with shadow lace front, very pretty guimpes for ............. SHTONABLE~GUIMPES TAKEN IN cpen, front and back, high and We can sell iow neck, trimmed with pleat- Chicago. It jngS> fine net guimpes 2.00 'S â€" a 25c [PESâ€" it, very 25c 'â- ing.:^ Thompson................ â-  PeaS'e--i ;vivrrT.'..-; ;•;;-... /.- HaUett ^Gomaton [,.._,....... Weisner .....;.............. Bush! ft Gerts............. Stein way .";,.. r............ Kraknuer Bros., almost new â- -11 EaÂ¥#TjpyTOents, $5 per month U i , Patterson Brosi, •. ;"* N ; 1522 Sherman Avenue,, Evanston, 111. at 49c 49c 75.00 j SILK SASH BELTS for wo- 85.00 i men, attractive belts in several 100,00 coiors. Values up to as ;«•»*"..........â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ 190.00; " ' '••' ' ' " ,' 180.00 ltc CHILDREN'S PARENT LEATHER BELTS with new style buckles, all colors ............ 19c An exceptionally large assort- ment of really pretty boudoir caps that are so popular right now. Various styles of net, Shadow lace "and silks, prettily trimmed with ribbon rosettes and satin bands. Dainty caps for every taste 25c 49c 98c ♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦»♦»»♦♦0♦ CAMISOLE NET GUIMPES front trimmed with pretty pleatings . .. LONG SLEEVE GUIMPES of very fine material, tastefully designed front, sleeveless mod- els also, a superior QQs* value ..............JrOC 85c BRASSIERES for stout and slen- der figures, made of iine_sheer muslin and cambric, also allover embroidery models, edgings of lace and embroidery, sizes 34 to 44........ WdrMEN'S NIGHT GpWNSof fine rriuslih, Cambric and crepes, many pretty J<modelsi' 'effectively trimmed with â- ' lace, embroidery and ribbon, button front or slip- over styles, a large assortment td' select1-: :' T7s> from...... .......//!• BOUDOIR C APS.of fine voiles, nee and'erepes, lace,and ribbon fiT/l^/ trimmed ... â-º".............Ol/C WOMEN'S C OM B I N A T I O N SUITS, of fine nainsook and lin- gerie, corset-cover and drawers in many charming models, effect- ively trimmed with fine cluny em- broidery and val laces, ex- y f\fcellent values ...........* •"" BLOOMERS NAINSOOK CORSET COV- ERS, round "oT square yokes"~oT lace and embroidery, run with ribbon beading, a beautiful assort-. ~fltent. ,. /;>,/,-' lt, ' Sizes 34 to 44 . of silk messaline, knee length, c.abe worn instead of a petticoat, in white, pink and blue . . .'.;-----*..» 2.69 WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR, iumf brella drawers, also knickerbockers of fine nainsook and cambric, lace embroidery and ribbon AQgtrimmed ...................^rOC BLOOMERS, of fine crepe, knee length, in white, pink and C/|/> blue, all sizes..... ........Ol/C INFANTS' CREEPERS, a very practical garment of fine white ma- dras, also blue and white, and pink and white checks, finished with dainty edge, sizes 6 months to 2 years, special......... ^vML/v- â- 'â- '•" tTlfl WOMEN'S PETTICOAT$ f 0* fine nainsook' and cambric, trim- med with choice patterns df fine imported embroidery, also lace in- sertion trimmed, flounce edged witrr ribbon beading1' f ' this sale..............I • CHILDREN'S GOWNS, of good muslin and nainsook, slipover and; button front styles, embroidery or- lace trimmed, sizes 2 to AQs* 14 years ..................rt&C INFANTS' BONNETS, of silk or poplin, prettily trimmed with ribbon rosettes, also turn-back effects of embroidery .. LITTLE TOTS' DRESSES, of fine gingham and percale, smart little models, trimmed in solid colors, braids and pipings, sizes 2~tor6 yearsT^....'-::'. rr: 50c SOe Seed: Just redalvedia full: i ' line of D. M. Perry's and - Anftrlcanâ€". Seed'^ Go/s â-  famous Flower, Garden and. Lawn Seeds of all lands. Dates: Ostrich f Selected Hallow! Bright, per.pkg. ..>.........9c Matches: Grocers' (noise- less) per pkg.... â€" 12c Mustard: Morehouse pre- - pared German or Horse ___BjuUsh^^er-ibottlev-8|4c Mustard: Duesseldorf. per crock ... <;. â- ..... .21c I Maple . Syrup: SO Red; 11â€"Trading Stamps In addl-t tlon *toi jour:. ifegular stamps free witl| 1 i quart can- Old • Manse â-  Maple Sirup1, f,f£;.£<j,.j..m Tomatoes: Rliqdesdala solid pack, No. S cans, 3 cans ,v.M^..,..33c Tomatoes: Savoy Red Wpe,. coreles's. No.. 51 cans, 2 c^^. :>..... .31c Nuts: Large English (soft shell) Walnuts, ppr lb. -;prv^.vr.... :19e Nuts: 1 Fresh Shelled Wal- nuts (large halves)^ . Oleomargarine: Jplke's Good Luck, % â- :â- Â« 1,. i # lb. brick;.4...;u.>,.39c n B lb. pail...,...v...^§c Preserve*: Richelieu Pure Fruit* per jar. r.,.., .31c Flsur:... NewXentury,_____ per % bbl. sack.....65c per M bbl. sack... .$1.27 per Vs bbl. sack-----$2.43 Pipur: Gold Medal or Ceresota, per V8 bbl. sack..... .69c per % bbl. sack...$1.35 per % bbl. Back....$2.59 Sugar: H. & E. Best Granulated. ^OTdsT .79c COUPLE SEEKS DIVORCE; 'SISTER'WEDS'BROTHER' Two atorlea dealing in matrimonial lines but directly opposite in the cli max worked out, "broke" in Wilmetto this week. Residents in the north side of the city were toraewhat surprised â-  Tucaday, when.they learned that Mrs. Maud Sterrett, 1137 Lake avenue, had ^led suit loir a divorce from her hus- band, Arthur F. Sterrett, treasurer and j rnpnT?n rHFP,, 27 inches general manager of the Quaker Manu-: C0RD^P CRtpli Z7 »ncJc* facLurlng company in Chicago. Mrs. | wide, .plain color for waists. Stori-ett charges that. her husband j Specially priced, g\JZ*% 'possesses an ungovernable temper and' a yard................* kJL/ recites many Incidents of '"""'"i""'- -------- billty during their wedded life. They | : were'married In ;1901. While the divorce case was being filed, another couple who were pleased j to give \Vflmette" as their home nd-j-----------------------_:â€" dress, were marrl* a in Chicago. They j «*r_____^^:«11., ^^11 .,^.1«. were-EdwardT^-Pflcl, C8 years old. We especially Call yOUr cad Martha M. vVeBt, 4* years -old.! _...♦ f upmn Mr. Price camrto Wilmette recently! attention tO OUT Iiemp . and engaged room and board in theji . TL .. nrpi pYrnnf family of John Shsrroan, 1624 Spencerj ndlb. M. ucy arc CAtC^t rV r.n He then asked_if Ms p&tffl&^^jy attractive an Spring Crapes Crepes are without doubt one of the most populai sprmg dress cloths and deservedly so. They come in such pretty patterns and make up so well. Here are a number of e*ceHeftt vahies that recommend themselves to thought- ful buyers. BEAUTY CREPE DRESS GOpDS 27 inches wide, big assortment of pat- q! terns. Special, yard...vf^ ENGLISH CREPE 38 inches wide, in fancy pat- terns, good quality, f zj/^ a yard.............* O2C Silk striped, d..,.ble crepe, beautiful pat- terns, a yard width 39c CREPE DE CUINE 36 inches wide, in plain colors or fancy figures Special, a vard 59c whom, he -expected-to-«FFlv*4«jm^In ^^%T^^^^*!^^st?feh. Charminp-hats with board and room at the Sherman / • ** west,ari0f a|j descriptions, \ Then It} _ ' a _______, - r ^. A special 00 board home. The."sister," Marl rived the ffrst of the week,' was; announced by Price thatNjie andj g \ Q^ 4jq -MartM were going-torbe-marrica. The'*. ""^"'â- '-'â-  ceramony was performed Monday. j feature. OUT bat for There** a tot of pin money in soiling shapes and Trimmings for ^Sharter^Jhltei **i««t Wlld^Wrdl^^j^^^i^^^^ijyia^^ Feeder, ^frhe to me and 111 tell you 1 all about it. Box 45, Kcnllworth, lib â- ^^m^^^^^^~^^^^^m Special Sale of Toifet Articles Face Powders, Creams and Pastes; Madame Isebeli!s, Melba and other weli known- brands, 50c values at ____.v*......,T ESSi FUMEâ€"N^ricus per ounce....... LUXi_P»EB- P.AY RUM perior. The preraieFrSu^ per bottle......... LIQUID SHAM POO â€" Damask Rose, per bottle.... &u ALUMINUM POWDER COXES, each.7....."Jg Cclcsial oilver, «a-asv^K-'ilj^. tractive box, $1 value- **Cfl^ Potatoes: Just received^ a car fancy Wiscon. sin Burbank's (fine cookers), per GO lb. bushel. .89c Peas: Dodge County extra sifted. Early June; our regular 1$c Peas, 2 cans.....27c per dozen......$1.49 Grape Fruit: Fancy Florida Rusaet. thin skin. heavy fruit, medium size, 4 for.......23c per dozen .......59c 50 Red Trading Stamps in addition to youi regular Stamps tree with 1 doz. cans Wis cousin Sweet Sugar Corn........... .98c SPECIAL FOR SAT URDAY ONLY (March 28) Hytfrox Brick Ice Cream, per quart brick ............28c (5 varieties; Neapol itan, Chicago, French Cherry, Palmer House and Maplenut). cannot e cannot deliver this Ice Cream. NEW SPRING HATS, for, men and young men? soft" and stiff models, mushroom, flat set, high crown, with large bow on side, ano* neat low crowns. A remarkable assortment, 2.00 at............. INITIAL BELTS for men and boys. The very latest thing, three initials. You'll find your initials no matter what they are. Rflft Handsome belts.....UUu BOYS;' WASH SUITS in Sailor, Russian, Beach and Rob Roy effects and beauti- ful color combinations. Price at $3.50 down CQn to 95c and .........UUU MEN'S UNION SUITS, fine Jersey ribbed, spring weight, closed crotch, bal- briggan, long or short sleeves, ankle length for stouts and regu- lars .'.......... 1.00 JSllEK^^Il^jabjffl^high spliced heel and toes, double sole. -â-  Made- to jrive-^good wear. In all colors. Special, per p&r...â- _.,, MEN'S S O^ST *E SHIRTS, white and cream color, with soft laydown col- lar and soft' cuffs attached, highly mercerized material. Shirts that sell at $1.25, special at ... $1.00values ......C... 79c Confirmation <S Easter for misses and children, dull calf or patent colt frith mat kid or cloth tops, very neat, broad toe last!; button only. Sizes 8 to 11 at.........j..........___j 11)4 to 2 at $2.25 Women's Tango Pumps at $1.50 Extra fine grade of white canvas with rubbef soles and^prrng heels, 1 SIT all sizes....... r^¥«?""' SHOE REPAIRING CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED JUNIOR SPORT COATS, of all wool ma- terial. The new set-in sleeve with sloping i^ajh^^fer^^gSfe^ejU^BBj^^gtezfergE^^ patch pockets, in two models, *7 (10 plain red, or red with black and f iHfj white check collar and cuffs...,.. ..?.•â-  â€"â€"^tHB STOaBrTH^tSElJtSEVBRVTHING- Qne big lot of Chrticheted B^d Spreds, Sefns, ibr" single and double bed. Special this gale Ipr .

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