Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1914, p. 3

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1914. â- Mlilll..............tâ€" in WlinSika Mrs. C. T. Mordock. of 611 Oak etreet, has returned home torn tier \ The public schools of Winnetka will close next Friday for a week's spring vacation- Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lleber. of 985 Blo» street, were visiting in Canton, Ohio, am Sunday. Mrs. A. D. Capron, of Ridge avenue, entertained the Mission Study class Wednesday afternoon. -MVai-*Hft^ lieona*dr-«fc 8G1 Bryant those of lighter nature which were avenue \Itttf;r^ ;â- Â»â€¢**^eittU,U8ta8*|eaI^^ feceived were weeks' trip in Florida and Georgia. ansviHe, Ind., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. RL.Gonsalves, 11S3 North ave- #;â- â-  if^'f^f?;* :â- --:<-'['.'<â- â- ' ,-^'.' •:â- â€¢;â-  Mrs. Salmon M. Case of Hubbard - Woods left Tuesday for a two months' vtsii It- ithelr summer home in the râ€"-; - SOUth..- ;•'..• --^ - /--'•;â-  '.r'.-'---. •--.-";-•/â-  â€" '-'-. aMrs. Wllco3t.-,a,jBister of Mr. Frank Gage, of Scott avenue, died of blood psisos'BS last -Saturday*. ^Burial- was jNjJjSJBW^W.V IS- â- "• "^'.'. J:"'r :- Florence Taylor, eight year old daughter of Thomas Taylor, Jr.. of Greenbay road, died last week of pneu- mbnia. Interment at Gross Hill Sun- day, • • *. - • :,. ;' ; > -â-  . Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boyden, of 725 pine street, will leave next Tuesday for '&â- && abrwd. They will be gone about three months in all. Mrs. Fin- ney, Mr: Boyden's sister, will occupy men* home during their absence..' The Vfennetfca Men's club of the Congregattonal church will give its annual dinner and entertainment for the Woman's . club, Monday evening, March 30, at the Community house. TheT>rograttr wlii be furnished by the Woman's "club and a jolly good time is promised for all attending. ' The next meeting of the .Woman's club, Thursday, April 2, will be an open meeting in the ballroom at the club. All organizations of Winnetka wlii ba ^represented v by competent speakers; Theobject is to show the women .how ,they^ca^cAoBejaie_fog the betterment of the village tj Girtdn school has two rare treats m store for patrons and friends the first We^ek in, April., On - April 1, at . 2 6fil^ '!»&.; Underbill ;'i|$e' :: a dramatic recital of "The Rivals," in tftBTaew gymnasium' On.'FWdaljr eve; ping, A^prilith^ird,, t^jo Myiases, Marshall, ThesjsH^ngf?h»diw have|i3ecently re: turned* from i tlreir studies abroad-- One IS a violinist and the oUierj is a pianist; AH friends" of CHrtbn aVe- most cordial- lemian Widow Visits Blind P|& then Gets in. Carriage VfMthdut Attending Seryiqe. When a Bohemian funeral party was ready to return to Evanston Sunday from-a^^^ 4)u,rtaHat^he^ohemia) tional cemetery•: the widow, could not New Trier High \School Jottings): ! What People Are Doing; >>MMIMM........».....> Gymnasium Exhibit. The great event at New Trier this week was the gymnasium exhibit, Fri- day evening. The exhibit was remark- able, both from the standpoint of skill displayed and that of beauty of scene. Boys and girls were in costume for many of the numbers -and preaeated pictures in both folk dances and drills that will not soon be forgotten. Something was going on every min- ute from the time the curtain rose at 8:30 till the performance was oyer1 at 10:30. Of all the many interesting numbers on the program, probably the wooden shoe dance by girls and the motion pictures and dance of the Jumping Jacks by boys, and those of more serious nature, receiving most applause were the feats on tba hori- zontal bar; and in expert tumbling, both by boys. Of the many good num- bers not on the program probably the best received were the exhibition by two boys in which train lanterns took the. place of Indian, clubs, and the three-legged-dance by Mr. Childs. There .were many clever asides, a take-off of the Yale-Harvard,boat race and another on the New Trier Deer field games. Most; frequent byplays represented in one cbaver form or other the ever losing contest for gate receipts against expenses, -There was sufficient reason for all such demonstration for it is .doubtful if the funds in the treasury will war- rant carrying on athletics this spring The attendance at the^esbjbitlon w Surprisingly small considering the reputation which it has always had along the North Shore; Coming Events- New Trier is already planning for commencement. Commencement mu- sic, two four part pieces of unusual strength, are being practiced by the school each Wednesday," and-Jtrygouts for commencement dramatics are now being planned.-Senior dramatics this year will consist, not in one long play as heretofore, but in three one-act 'plays, each one; of which calls for some particular kind of skill and has some -peculiar, interest In the oratorical contest to choose candidates for Lake Forest which was eld-ii lug, Helene Doty received first place and Carleton Kaumeyer second, i"'.! The Senate is working hard on its vaudeville, which promises to be high- ly entertaining. Friday evening, March 27,*p. m.; school Auditorium' of BvahstdnT-wW give'a; W£&\ flHK!XM£ ^^S^M^9h ' With the Senate vaudevillette school events-of ;the whiter term cloW.Va- catfoh h>-ff0m March 2.7 till; April C. .-, .. â- â- 'â- â- â-  â- .!â-  .mi -m -» NORTHWESTERN TAKES FOURTH IN BIG MEET fGrayy" Osborn $hows Con? Terence Runners Just How the : Half Mile Should Bfc Run. Athletes representing the Purple ei Northwestertt-university^managedâ€"to take fourth place In the big confer- ence track and field meet at the Pat' ten gymnasium Saturday night, when 'it.': ffjT 'â-  14^6 :j»wttsr Illinois, with an evenly balanced team, .took be found. It was her second disap- Vnfo mmt with, a high total of 36 pearance Of the day.^ TOO tSamr^ms potatsV the Badgers of Madison were pig" Whisky Is said to be the cause of the mystery, . Stioiriijy before: the•:furtoral, which was held at a North Evanston home, therr bereft ved,:-: widow -a could -! not-be found.*: Thc'secvlces'proceeded with our^her- presence,'.'â- â- and when the mou)tttertflled^Q^t:to^he^earrlage^^the wldojr tfas' fohhd seated comfortably in one of them waiting for the prb- cesslonrto,start, ^HeiM^Ief^ad been assuaged by liberal potations. When the cemetery, was. reached, the chief mourner accompanied the . re- mains to the grave, but when the serv- ices were over-ahd-thVparV^^^ ting ready to return, she was again missing. 'â- â-  Search was made for her. but finally the carriages wereTorced to 'come back .without her friends being able to locate her. second with 26% points, while Chi- cago was third with 20% points. The meet was pneLor the. most-suc- cessful ever held, and a tremendous crowd was present to see the fun. It 4s-esUmated-that^at least^liSOO-^eo- pie gained admission to the lnclosure, while * a like nuhiber were turned away. ;-.y. ", % . "Gravy"' Osborh ~of; Northwestern brought the Purple- of NortfiweBterh to the front in fine style In the half mile raeev which he won • with ease. It-was the prettiest race ef the eveny ing, and proved that for the distance the Purple runner is in a class by himself. This was the only first place; landed by the -Purple. : un-rifc Mrs. Truman W;~ Brophy,- Jry and son. of Warwick Road, arc visiting in the south. . _ t"-_ ,_ .1:., Miss Carol Horswell is spending the Easter vacation with her aunt in Up- per Mont Cmre, New Jersey^â€"7-^â€" The educational _i_commttte^:iJ»iU hold the last meeting of the year on April 1, at 3 p. m., at the Joseph Sears school. \ v' Mr. and Mrs. William l Zimmerman, Jri, announced the birth of a bob- He has been named William F. Zimmer- man, Jr. '.';'.,â- â€"â€"', â- â- -.'â-  / v-.--'-;--'-- The Joseph Sears ciub will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Coolidge, Abbotstord road, Sunday evening.' â- â€¢â- â-  i,;; .â- _-.j.;£.;;_i;, - F A. Forbes, Richmond road, has purchased the Miles home and with his family will occupy the residence as a home. The last meeting of_jthe Literature department thiaTyear" wiltTSeat the home of Mrs. John Vennema, on the 16th of April. - - Harry P. Harris of Hyde Park, has purchased the-John Howard Jones residence in Woodstock avenue, and will move April 15., Mr. Jones and family will stay at the Kenilworth Inn Untfl"school closes. :?"fe==="isâ„¢" Miss Lucy Chandler returned home Saturday from Wellegley college. Miss Prlsciila Allen and IMiss Faith Wil- liams of Evanston, two girls from the dormitory destroyed by fire at Welles- ley,, returned earlier in the week. Mrs. W. F Zimmerman of •Kenll- wbrth avenue, returned Sunday night from Ann Arbor, Mich., where she at- tended the Freshman .card club parly. Mrs. Zimmerman was chaperon at the Delta Kappa Epsllon of which -her son attends. The Neighbors club will meet this af terjj^.n„^.4h&„AM?J!9Wy -:halL .The. program on "Colleges for Girls" is in charge of Miss Marie Kasten. a grad uate of Wellesley, who has arranged to have graduates from the different prominent colleges for women speak on this subject. • s._________,________^ The Literary department of the Neighbors club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Henry Taylor. .Mrs. artin, K. jNortnam of Ontcago, wno has visited â- â- Russia,-and was, at one time; the guest.of Count Tolstoi, spoke on "The Master.Mind of Russia." MrB. Henry Taylor sang a group of Rus- slan songs; accompanied by Miss Eleanor Serriell, violinist, and Mau- rice Kottler, at tho piano. is February 28, 1914. In pursuance of a nouce to that ef- fect adopted at a special meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmetto Ex- change State Bank on the 26th day of December. 1913, the capital stork of said bank was increased from Fifty thousand dollars (I">0,000.00) to Seven- ty-five thousand dollars (175,000.00), all of said increase of capital stock, amounting to jTwenty-five thousand dollars (925,000,00), was subscribed and has been actually paid in cash and no part thereof in notes and pledges and the said authorized additional capital Is now in the hands of the Wil- metto Exchange. State Bank to be used solely in iue legitimate business of the bank. /^:; _'_.....â- .'; ' Certificates of these changes have been filed in the proper oRices I wm*mm**m mt^amm The capital stock of the Wilmette Exchange State Bank is how Seventy- five thousand dollars ($75,000.00).' The surplus and undivided profit Is Nine- teen thousand dollars (f 19.000.00), and tho capital, surplus and undivided profit is now Ninety-four thousand dollars (?94,000.00). . J.lH. SCHAEFER. Cashier. ^ 83tc Cottage Wanted Wanted^t?'^^rciiJt?*lia'^1EottaSc W - Wilinette ^wttter furnished or ti nfu r n t shed. Reasonable. Would - co'nsidjBr roonis. Ad- dress H. "0>i care Lake Shore ^Ne\VS. . ; ;;,,:â- :•'.â- "/. . :. , ' . IN NO TRUST We desire to inform thevpeqple of this community: f That we are in noL^3rI^nn<^ted with a trust, corpor- ation or company of any kind in the conduct of our undertaking business. That we buy ourricasfcetsr and supplied direct from manufacturers at a co$t less than by mamtammg a" factory ofpur 'b^it.^iiTeamng'77*'- direct and appreciable saying to ydu when you require our services. That we have conducted an exclusive undertaking o^epr^afkT Evanston"ahd the North Shore lor over twent^six years, whictTa^ures you of capable service. Weitnes^ T lie Chicago Little Theatre Fourth Flotr. Fine Arts Building Next W««k: â€" TROJAN WOMEN ?1 Eves., 8:15. Mate. Thurs. and Sat, 1M5-J1 635 West Railroad Ave. Established 1888 Funeral Directors Phone 1610 Wilmette, Illv *m0*imm*m*mm0m***m*i0-» »i*jj. 'jj.' CihO A ft© 4,° S M'chtgan Ave. riilCAilSTel. Harmon 4104 prices: $2. Sl.SOT^ST Ens. 8:20. Hats. Tfiarsdsj•& Saturday, 2:20 WINTHROP AMES PRCSfNfS ' Or Lev* »it A Garden I as! TWo Weeks A p,aj'witb muBic by Lddl «W« VTICI9 Laurence Houiman and Granville Parker. , v â-  Music by Joseih M<»rat. THE LITTLR THEATRK. Nvw.York Production with MARGUERITE CLARK. Classified Busi ness List JEWELERS ican Curio Armadillo Company s^â€"*T*|^KrjkfjrtWpra-'â- ' 'â-  *", '•. .>»<? spwtm STATE"*r»,Et.T, (opiiontte uutii*< hu «> Poacstiated tad LmPet*for tUCWdrta. (Call wiiettke LWeAmtdillo) Bcantifol Lamp Shide Frames of ill Dtstgns and Sirw «t 50 CENTS EACH ^ BIG REDUCTION BABY CO-CARTS At |2.98 ^ Two Stores \^X^^m^ ^l€«iit>;iUiiiol8 MICHELTS Private D Famous Italian Restaurant EVENING DINNER 75 Cents - 75Centa Inlng Room for SO to 150 People -SINGING tt Made for Muior Partii ewr iters Sold on * Easy Payments ^qr Jjtent wi £asy Terni$ ',•-• *ALL MAKES \>-<r- ;, NEUANJ) REWljCt Some Special Good Bargains Full Line Typewriter Supplies H. E. CHANDLER & GO. 63(^-632 Davis Stltet tAUQlJST^ODEL^I^ SacceBHor to Bftrfetliie A Roien. Expert Watchmaker and Optician. Repairing of complicated watchaa . and clocks. Many years* expert- ence with best known Chicago - houses. Phone 2832. ' • 837 Davis Street GROCERIES •;, Pine .fruitsâ€"in ,and qut.of. sea-r Bonâ€"alwayg form, a part of our ; ' large stock of Select and Fancy .; Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Good, dEOvB. WINTER mut'S WEAR Quality and not Quantityâ€"the best, for the moneyâ€"Is our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries Is always select.; and Fresh Fruits Trad~Vegetablea~a spect- - • â- alty. â-  . --.,.,', .: - A. 5. VAJVJ DEU5EN Clothes Ready Madeâ€"Clothes to :% Order. Packard Shoes for Men. Sorosls Shoes for Ladir- *«d ", Children. Gentlemen's Farntttt- :•- Ing Goods. HAYES & HAYB$ HOTELS AllCII-OAN AVENUE CHICAGO THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange 1110 •'â- '.' Sunday Dinner a Specialty, - rto«:ja p.m. 'M Phone 1110, NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Buyers of North Shore Property Stores, Offices, Flats and Residences for sale and rent in EyapstonjrWitmette and^ lint N*fotl*t*4 and lntwrantt PUuxd 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE PORTER'S HURSERItS kv,,,,,,.,,. ..,. NOTK-BI« 8to«*lt o£ I«i*e_^oc!mcnJ<orwiur Maplea at Low Price*. KING'S RESTAURANT For 30 years the name han atood for pure. lean " " " "' " ' • - - - « right clean food, perfrct caoklug, Ideal service am) _ it prices. KINO'5 take a particular p.'ld* In their RUSJflMI mnA yon Jtet the lienrfit tit it. Bat i»t KlNU'S to-day nml voh'II come back to- morrow. 10 Coarse Table Ue Hole Dinner Sunday 75c - |yru|ir get. Madison (ind Washington8ts 3HI1ICIUC CWiaigo, Illinois Pcfttew^ IWWBlstretw Jurisdiction same as thai •f • Justice of thaHeaoa^ PROOTr^UItDTNG 7 Teltpkoae Winnctk* 7 WINNETKA MOTOR CA'H! UN K-il A I.K HI HARRYXÂ¥NN Staple & Fancy Groceries $ ttnltsinii Vegetables In Season KenHworthtm. Phones 1041-1042 j news v/ANT aos bring RESULTn WIRING, REPAIRINC SUPPLIES JQLEWIQM* ILLINToiS- Phone Winnetls 587 Phone CJIenco* 48( NEW or 1 sewiw tumm Wiicoa and Oibb». and all other makes of ma. chines. ;' â-  15J3 Sherman Ara hona«M Ev*»btoI« Drown JeteurtTSltrnTHKTII Innitliati WITHOUT ng 85»siri sjuml ct ttlf -. Uilolllmt. ralRlnt ulrietiif.ill «08llH«l(lfta«laliH<. C«»NStJI.TATION MIKK. Southeast Comer Randolph and Clark SUeeti - -.â€" -Open evening on til 7 Sunday 0 tttlt cnnicn r'ortheiruly modern Home TWO Cr.NTS A U.\V Red Cross Filter Service tel. main aota â€"CHA^S^WAifcACE, Aganl:â€" - 1621 Orriogton Ave. Tel. Evaoiton 270 House of six rooms nnd bath roonr, two largoljjoxiclics, for $2,500; $509 i'i.atks ea»cjt| c5*ft« Mlnnce «asy. "UlacT a two-Hat •^•/JiMIWInslof seven 'roonis; and batH* ""-'â- ' ruorrts^and porch 8x22 on each floor, for $4,500, or wtil irent for «8 and $20. Buildings almost completed; located second block went of Kenilworth de* pstv- -4lsod- sidewa!&- and street. Bgp^â„¢ fiyWMe Wilson BnildT mi Jobfcgr . WEST KENILWORTH, P. O; )BOX % Telephone iliC 1> SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE-® Art Embroidery, Designing; Mono- gram B, Stamping and â€".*_â€":_^- â€"^Npveities^â€" VKNETIAN ART ROOMS, Miss Minnie Lange, Prop., fit 7-618 Venetian Building. 15 East Washington St., â€" -â- â- "â- â- â€ž-•. -Oblcago---â€".â€"^^^ LADIES' TAILOR8 You are invited to Inspect tap new -.;. -:,.- Pantaloon 8klrt. • PAULSON. HANSEN & CO. --r^^BseluSlfe Lsdles^ TsBors ~ Formerly located in North American Bldg. (now 6HM580 S. Michigan Ave. ^^oJteJiJO>^hTOier1!TObial«;9S7r^ NEW IMPORTED MATERIALS r |tjtvte:Aj»nnr|m:- r LADIES* TAILORING. Plain sad Fancy Suits at Reasonable .'vPricea.'- 'â- â- :.â-  .".Vâ€" Workmanship Guaranteed. flOWNS IMPORTED. Phone Evanston 1997. SIS Hamilton Sl A. NY8TROM. ' A. ROSENBERG Artistic Ladies' Tailor We are now showing Spring and Sum- mer Styles for plain and fancy suits. Workmanship guaranteed: Established jS-years^-"-'-^ â-  --â€"--....... CHILDREN'S & MISSES', LADIES' zr^ffiES3ESZ3BATBT33mB]2ERir SMOKING, MONOGRAM NOVELTIES.------â€" THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, Tl?-n8 Venetian Bids., 15 East Washington St, Chicago. Tel. Central 469L RICH. HBDNtrrS MARVELOUS COLD CREAM HA3 NEVER BEEN EXCELLED. NETTIE SPOOR HANAUER 741 KimJ^ArtB^ldg^Xhtrasigor-' LITTLE DUTCH STUDIOâ€"^ DISTINCTIVE CLOTHES. NEWEST FABRICS. "i.Mi'iM'Aap"'""-"'" LATEST STYLES "â-  REASONABLE _T. PR1CES LARSON * ANDERSON, X«r>-MalIerB Bldg^Madlaon -SL-and Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Tel. Cent. 6161. er and china. Gifts out of the-or , dinary for people of Ifeflnement. leather, Ulhlna,^Water.CotarS, Art Cralt gundrj|es> ^natructlona in leatb/ Cards-f oral?occaslmatsr W. H. MOSHIKR EXCLT^SIVB^ LADIES'^^ TA1LORB. REASONABLE -PRICES 41*423 South Michigan A venae, Fifth Floor. Ciil*ae». YOUR SELECTION OF A SUIT OR COAT HERS shows r marked degree of distinctive taste in the selection of - your attire. « It A R R YE IN it OR N & CO. 901 Mailers Bldfr MASSAGE INSTITUTE. Phone -Harrison- i5ri"5. \CME MASSAGE t^STITUTE, «clentiRc Massage, Klectrle Light and Shower Baths. Therapeutic Light and Vibratori. Manicuring. Hours 10:0© a. in. to T:W p. ». IWaTi MISS MAEOLIVRK Prop^ v Suite 9»>, .SU: W. â- AdamaSL,

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