THE LAKE SHORE; NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1914. as w SOllftL MMPFEKIN&3 IH, J SCIENCE DAY C"""V,:'"~'",i seriously ill. He wa» .taken, to tte Evanston hospital last week; where â- Mrs. J. A. Nourse. Greenwood.ave-:wood avenue, gave a â- party; to four- CnlondiH nicnlaw nf Tnnthcnma «, «* « 1* «, \ ,aak?2mLJ& m entertained at luncheon Tuesday: teen children Satumy afternoon In dP,e» W^ISpiay OT â- OOinSOmej Miss MarJorte iTrask, 1045 Ashland :i,er home in honor of the fifth birth Deludes Attracts Attention javjiue, is illjK'^r honw^^| x â- »â€" -.--«--:â€"^.cim .. ^_ ..-----*.*â€":.«*„! George C. Hulst left Monday-«3-a #t£Mrg. Frank Williams, entertained: day anniversary of her daughter; Miss several friends for her daughter, Miss Betty Mulford. Several of the "Utile" j tdele WilHamsrin tier home 919 Cett^ guests^ere front: Chicago. Polk "avenue Wednesday: â- . "â- •;^~^':_J^|dSBnic«s^ana^'galnes: were enJoyed^bTJ ;,., *~ . the children* Dainty favors consisting' &lrs. Arthur .F7 Rmder, a formerj 6f Eastei» novelties were given. ; rilinette resident, entertained several j- '*• -' J â- â- "•â- '• - - . . â- â- â- â- "•"'-: lends from here at a t luncheon In ifer home; In* Chicago Tuesday. at Woman's Club. short business trio to Buffalo, N. Y. improved. Mrs. Edwin Drury, 1112 Greenwood; avenue* has rented:her house to Mr; Lars Etager; and after April 1 wil^ make her home .with herS daughter; Mrs". John Ling. â- "^ati«^.feit^~-V»-'JI:!ayh5rrt=2*-!> Twelfth pleasure and the: success of thfc exhi- bition could be summed up.â- .":iC."|8ei descriptive and unusually interesting: fAn^^g ,.f#w-MhtiMeS: • The flmyti man interest the stories this week-«xe Dorothy Kre*er of Glencoe ts thJ. *\* contemporary; andT^what Is still bet-j ner of the first prize. Her story,;*TJie tor, it is local. It is sincerely intended Legend of Glencoe." deals with his- fir us. And flnatty, it comes from ; torical data written in ah Interesting1 those who are of us. •â- Such will be the genuineness of the fun we get at the vod.vil next Friday manner. The second prize story this #eel-was written^ "b)E:GertrMelTil^ 104G Greenwood avenue, Wilmette. Her eight And such ;*in he the ouaUty I story of "My First impression of Wii- I»^^Sm Monaav'fdr Roach-[of the fun of all, ther efforts of oarjmette,!'Is humorous attd yot points street, departed Monuay ior .*•*?"" k-,-^ N-w Trier-.- - U» «kB «Miiikh mMim nt^M «««.- date, Ind., her former home, where beloved New mn£~ ^t-.-^ntTT^isMr .xi„n^o onrt vthbuHb • M-I-^ub sure I would The Domestic Science day at the ! Mrs. Frank GiNewland *IM^\tt-**W&g^ 11 wasthe guest of .friends here Friday ^^^^^thT: 1 83 Imposing; to: ask the publicgg Witiigeite7 > ~ Societies and Clubs I 1 ne woraenic oeienwi irajr «i «i»i «rs Florence Honkius lid Ninth â€"Y j Woman's dub_ last W^da^ ^ ^W^d^S^^ very successful, the contributions ejr,__,:,-.;, ' - '• • Haml/ M"f* J^yt~. ?^3"Ti? ' J*»"'and students3ofjNbw-Trier, for such Iceeaing in v^Iue anynnniMfci^ £. V lof'aliy previous exhibit. ^ v â- â- â- â- .;? i,.;..Mrs.', fc. **.., JSVfceelock, 830 Central gjyen, }| of^ therbirt}i>iMUiiver-]c*,3: MvtiWm out the childish mental picture. "The Night in Venice** Is the Bubject of a story by Noainl FUttOn,' 516 Lake ave- * ^SiiS^ fS^u*.. «r M* Iibta mein offering my utmost-ilianksJ nue. which is Judged as thtr* l»st of crowdurt^aatnetto friend, o* M*.,'Jâ„¢ ««^.ti..tti *.^..»,,„ ^n„nS the stories submitted. ,:;, . ^!he. witineiTj of the first series of stories published' a ' few weeks ago Wrs. Jesse W. Tuthill of 511 _HJlli ,.si|reet entertained a party of relatives j aad friends in her .home,.."over'1-the; iek-end^ in ;honor b'f \iSf. Tuthlll's^ ^frthday, '••â- ":..â- ';_ '...."' j.Miss Eleanor Snider, 730 Washing-! evening at Dr. S'tolp's residence, 029 jt$n avenue, entertaiiied with several; Thirteenth street. \ '"'"â- •";â- â- 'â- . j tables of bridge Friday afternoon in i â€" ,'•* jnorof MisiHlirtfrGlanceF,^ Woman's Auxiliary to iif Mfs. Burt C. Hardenbrook. j.tbe Woman's club met Monday after-J ;' v . ^- ......• 'â- -' noon at the clubhouse. "^Mrs^llarry Mohs, 921 Oak wood ave-t , ,,. , j fivenue, is 111 in ier home with to- rr^rhe^Hibl^s Holdmg-the-varlOus-«#rf^Sppe^ ----:-r^y-^--_-_ â€":-,â€"^â€"~J pbUring^Isplays were arranged in mj^^B^ audltorium-and were decorated inyeii I .low ami Jwhtte, the;club cbj with avenue, is Hi at her home with tn^ mumps.. sary xrf Mrs. Maney Saturday. Dr. Riohard S. Pattillo, 620 Forest SB Apr PHliEl avenue, jvhb has been spending the] <Ijpist.'t^b;week's. ai;.;.,^m;;Beaffi,T.Fla,,i.r^i m^n« Siorfturned to Chicago. Mrs. pattillo! BV UfW 'and daughter 'will remain In Florida] :'w*:â„¢^^ â- â- â- â- â- i â€"^jlarge baskets of pffodiis.j||fiVhe*i j^r. E, Andersbn, 1223 Elmwood av*-^afttf daughter The Neighbors', club met Saturday |^"^^^J^^^li1 ^S!^ «« suffering Irom an.attack df anW^pST; Li__ ~* n^ fiuSBSb mSfodSkt o« I white with touchee of green in thb [Mffiiim j! A. Heller. Miami, Wis., and. Dr. ito&sllitis form of bowsed sashes making qui6fe0# A Kueli^TSl Central avenue. U^y "Heller. Fargo; N. ^ who have! ?^hei^^^^^^^ a-spring-like picture. Along the west j ^ ln,I1^0)u|, md.. the first just returned from an extensive trip attbmitted by Engl sh depatt- side of the room were tables Holding^; _f the weGfc \*uLIa £1** thl we^k end feuests of iment ot the New'Trier High school various attractive desserts, in charge pa^f "^^L „„h ArittV^HRS^SS StSBSPaESiS ! «e published this week ih-anbther * xi±a*am~B «,„„ poiho Knnn,i ' Mrs. Von Glahm and children will Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Helien 808 p ffifS?%S^-S& S£li« the-reeldence at 1210 Lake ave-j Elmwood avenue w - .Si rL^?^^ntttrThe:nue after M*y^~ ! Mrs. O. A. Urben, daughter of Mr.]- im.>fl entertained at luncheon two! The Triangle club entertained forty Ctt"^Jage Rau 11 and GHleMe. The Mf8 BenthlM^ 760 Laurel avenue, j Robert Rae of Elmwood, who under- ; tf/j^j.-Vir^-j;.r:,^-fBWiH«M-'iarnt"i:d^HitiItHia^dttniM--,<d!,A-tlie -next- group ror-tables contained pre-7^ss~â€"r-, ms^Hii^â€"rA-ir-^airt*sSiti--«»irh:::t_t • _^^r.r^^^-_ii^^ -**».- i^.i,a.l? wdrev- first". prizb,; • Jahte's -M; * tiogie.' Wihnette; second prize,. Norma Mc- MuUln, .and .third prize, Elvin Sipes ofWUiaiettef *3Wm!^W<kH$.- u The ypupg ladies', gymnastic c.las? of the Lincoln wood school will give a "stunt" night and exhibition on Mon- part of this j paper. Teeming with hu-' Leisenring, day evening/ April ^^ I3^^tTtnÂ¥:s^ooT7 under the direction pit -Miss Lydia L? = ^^S^T:^^r^7'Z'f^aned .Tuesda?~foF^alrtbroia-irbip ] w^ntVserTousopeFation at the Lake serves, jellies ami canned goods in x £ve ^^ charge of Mrs F. L. Fowler, assisted Side hospital several weeks ago, -is Mrs. C. F. jti^w, 705 Elmwood ave- greatiy improved, and is expected pmool friends, Mrs. Ag'Ss^esti^tW'^Cr-at"a-deiigbtful dance: at-the; iolm of Hubbard Woods and Mrs. j Woman's club Saturday evening. lary Dale of Chicago, .Thursday. * V '^ \ . j ~ ___,.....'â- -...â- i • Mrs. . Chester Hogle, entertained Mrs. T. R.Adkins, 1112 Central ave- members of the Bridge club in heriBiauB«w».^»^v^», ,«Ja. Y. **|Aage8ton of Chicago. â€"Mrsses=Katbleen nnd Constance, Jor-; TitiP, onterf«inmT for luncheon TiiV»B. home, 407 Central avenue, Saturday Dart, and Mrs. ci-nuemn. ? j Mk an^ .Mr^tc C. Cameron,. 922 dan, 505 Hill street,. entertained aj day, March 17; Misses Carson. Mayer,! night. In front of the platform were the [Ashland avenue,returned Sunday from j number of Chicago and Evanstonj Steele and Itogers, the teachers of! 7~-â- .v _ two tables aroun.d_whlch tMchJMrmi^a^saort^trip-in the south. .' {friends at a "Hard-times" party Sat-i b4r little daughters. Winifred andj Mrs- ^ohn s- Stevens, ,8» Forest, clustered as long as. supplies lasted-H-i Miss Hallie Bockius, 1035 Central rUrday evening. The Chicago guests1 Edith. ':* !av§hue, entertained members of thejthe candy table in charge of Misses j avenue, is ill In her home, suffering: were Mrs. Tillie Cohen, Miss Marian Lu%Heon club in her home Thursday.; Fiorence Pond, Mary Gates, Clara^roma nervous breakdown. iTetlpw, and Edward ' Miller, AUgust ^y Mrs. Willard Thayer Mrs. Benia-r^ fa f r ^ Miss Elsie | Some next week, mln Gage, Mrs. Schoeneok, Mrs. C, R. | Aa;aBtAn nt *£„;,„„ ^!2!SL!!2L-S!!- Dart, and Mrs. Clendenin. Residents of Wilmette own ih&4m± f^^fr^ntd^Mr^^illfaTn^^fammond? %$}?â- Linden avenite, attended;-a ban Trtet given at the La1 Salle iiotel- Tues dter night, -by^lieJlllnoIslStatelJJenJ ^a^ociatioii,. which is. in session there ^t|i»:7week.--.- . l~$lrz. J. U. GrBig,,-835 Greenwood yaffenue, 'cntertamed:twei vd ladies, the vollieers and chairmen of committees ;in; the Woman's Aid 'society of the ;. Baptisti 'church; Informally, Tuesday afttrnpon, AfarcfclT. ______ «i:j PSfTvr 7^irjctnxui.«>" The floral decorations were__ yellow j Morse and-Margaret Hall, and the poVr JjmOuils*^ :;'•"'. v-7;'~'"^^|Z-|"1. â- >_".-'74 â- -,! 'corn ball and candied apple table with ^ ( 'Mra\-6ebrgelp^tterson-amlJtfrs^Co'^- William B. Earle lias returned to his: Schade and George Xltto. . . j home, 1020 Ashland avenue, after a Mrs. W. Johnson of. Evanston^ in' few weeks'.^tay-:aVBiloxi,-Mis8£ {whose h^nor\several farewell parties I BY W. Monsf^^l Gakwbbffavenue, haveHboon-given during the Yast-Ww The H. and,:W Card^ club met Tues-j^nd a8&isted by jviesdames Beach, 0 iirgHit-the-hbme of-Mr. and,L> EmHch and LJ A. Bower, r r ;, |returned Saturday froma^th^weej!^^ Mrs. F. B; Crossl-jy, 600 Washington. Mi*; and*Mrs: O. %." Bartlettb" of Laf Grange were out-of-town guests The east side of the room contained ; business trip" through the south, tables of cakes, breads; aM dougbnuts,| ; Mrs. G'eorgp-Ii Reeves of'Salt-Lake in charge of Mesdames C. ,C. Mitchell, City is the guest of her sister, Mrfe. the^musfcaneiMIThecluh onzTuesday^l^ fHuipari Culture 'is; a perfectedrArt with whiefcrihennâ€" briilg -aboutâ€"perfect digestion, ab- ;«feottiCbra«iiTrttlation^-arid excretion.â€" .fJL'litrf blood thereby/ is? ^replenished, ttJ>6^^1fe asSditJSstffeS'aroi reconstruct- fedjjWitH6nt:the use of .Medicine, tri-1 .MrtttiuJriis,/<-.r'anything thit-'is utt- pjeasiint; I cure chronic ailments, ijfejjgi n^oy^(^3«_^rjvenJs_of: .twenty ( , - .y^ars duration, .. â- 3..... ,: • . SiThcsQ* sjat^tn^nts ^anr/,lp^! verifi|<i _ by;anybbdy*wH6 will investigate ;;. %'p fi$tyy( wfc|4,'i'ihave-done, or to; |~';^^^^^V(h(^^^«pjcurj^L^y^.'- jr«i$ is^ to, .jbj^_c$gvinccd^that .thqse; statfiCients are absoluteTac'ts. { ' i: i Ghe^tes lm ere"r k4-~ Muman Cnltun . 1812.Cbicago Avenue „' , _^ " •â- •;,>,â- "- - , .___»-A. Jji-Taylbr, George Llrin^ F. ft'E. Anderson, 1123 Flmwood avenue, i The Tuesday Xuncheon club met jTIcnenorf John Cochran, 3. F. Stonfe,! Mrs. Anna Sparbeck. 1110 Lakenve- Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. B.;M R gpringerf c. h. Major. D. y.^nue, who has been ill with lagrippe, Whitley, 727 Elmwood avenue, having ,.Webster end P v Brfght. ; was able to return to work' last week, been postponed one day on account of; J^^^^ ,W thft ehlh imakk jfgg. p, H jfohnson of ^rm^im, N .^J^ the most attractive tables, bn|DttkOta, is the gue:?t of her daughter, ,n0 which salads ^were displayed, was in I Mrs. F. D. Buckman. 831 Oakwood ave- Gentra^venueVenter^ned'thT^en'sjl^v^^^ ^I^Mlss CharlottP Wittenbunr Terre «,Hict r.ii,h Mnh.i»v Mr nnrf Mr<? isided, assisted by MesdamesC- W. Miss Charlotte \\ lttennurg,-terre I^^I^^^Ld^alemS^^^^ZS Bowe8' R- w Jor-! Haute, Ind.^;visiting at thehome of au-mnerâ€"ivasonrâ€"Oi"-ii>imwooa--a-venuej-râ€"-------â€"-â- -â- â- -'v.----------;--------r?â€"-â€"^r^â€"â€" ttwwt a nâ€"f»<niitn.i- 9'>7 riniian duS7 ... ... . . . .. j . ,, n dnn C F ' Rpnnpf»knr Lnuia Rrtioh Mrs. A. C. Uienuort, Zot Liinaen ave- will entertain the club Monday, April 6. (nan«, c. ^.*vennec.Kar, uouis »rucn, . Jullen Smith, Charles H. Smith, |nue day for'Callfbrriia1 where $he will' make Her future home. Mrs. Johnson was the week-end guest of Mrs. Ches- ter Hogle,- 407-Central avenue'^ ' i73" iroW^^inleresi i» the Wilmjette Exchange State Bank. ^Tvy ^ There are 47^pckhqlder^frwhoh^ 28 iiyljitt^lmefte, Sia<^ss|Bdht, .•|; ji^^Il^orHnVj 'â- #': Slles'â- f^efite^55t; I ndiana, and 1 in Winnetka. "M^&^ Alhoi.(___P^/>1» frbm Page 1) was either no feeling of a change, or JTlm^ntraTAvenu^ Circlen^^ l^l^^^^'^E^X^J^^ very slighifone. but whenever mem- I Friday at the borne of Mrs. Wheelock,! Probably the greatest interest ceh 830 Central avenue^ Mrs. Newey, 436;tered;{&^Ut; Ashland avenue, returned Friday from ! . bers of the fair sex deigned to appear rat ^veeteB^|n^Hi;oxtrrip -plibiTcT perfomalicesT^here" has~ltl ways "been - that" same eagerness to see- them..- 'Especially eager*the' pub I Lake ayfenue, and her mother, Mrs.|the^el j Newton,- will entertain the circle Fri-1 miscell day,«'ApriI 3.-, -.- , . > .'» »•?> .'Domestic i«h;«ht"buiui-jh.> m i.«.f , ,. , •. , , r. â- . j ...«..,*•-.. _ a( Ischools. \ ..... {ifc2^H Vâ- >â- lhrW*h:V^b»;.fn!l-;da.Jnot;epme frdnwitte-pttfessldhal The Amicltia. club met, last Thurs-; JWe|c!b> iAWSfibg^Vlifc* lJ^M-ArtM^ 721 fehnwood LliWI°ka-<' ' ' ' ' ? * ' day with Oliver and.Gfeorge Tobias,! tea room and n/neanDleicV. iriade fav ****'>?â- * *r , T^^ ' 7^ MJ lj6t uscompare, for our; purpose, 101? Central Svenue. The next meet- {£ EJ£ Se^rlsfaSStteil^ ^â- f^^',Mltat**«llld..4«.*«K» Friday night jing; Thursday; April 2, Win be #1^ ffiSE3S5^» a lUghly.paid^Or stoge f riorf, Ken^worfh, . . : 1^^ ' H° " '^^ f The Woman's Mission and Aid sp- f"?,0^ '>V^d, U iW' - i!*«Mli«|Wl»^to«M*«^ mityToi the WlimetteiBaptistchurdll f The• prdceeds. abobt $200, not needr eslavertue/ •!-.**> â- • '•'" "•• f^, hersgreatness as a woHde^rfully 1 will serve luncheon in Brown'sHali tb4f£fc*%*P^ ^ O^m^tlc Science; Mrs, -Wffliam B. Hopkins, 1221 Ash-I tfmned acti?^" d0eb"lmT^^tee~~us By banking at IronieypjU H#gej?th^ best service and your balance will help to ;;»..vfc your own community. TE8ANK American Welding Co. (NotlnCr)----â€"â€" All kind* of lie has been to see them, wheri'they ! MolOfC|ClwRl|»iridlLiWnMower*SfclirpiBeil,ite < ' Wedoeverythiiipin' Mflihihery ihrie,'"! COR. FOSTKR AN& *UL3*G& AVt. Phono Wilmette 1381 " 'â- WUAJette. Illinois li„>.,M.L,^,.H.I!| ?.;.,.^...JJ'UJ. SrG^^tie4£gt0n&ti& BattiercsalBfos.i^frr^ â- U'vli IJJfeOt^^MJ^IU H^ye Your Clothes IH Made to Order by|| the public on" tlie second Monday of I another, year, wlil^ g? ^owards^ paying land avenue, wtajrmnderwent a serionsi fialFas muOh^as^thS amateur â- fefforts ol each month, -The first luncheon will! f0^*^e S.eryic^s.of two thef operation at the Evanston hospital re- fouri beloved Miis Ruth Leonard who, be April 13. . j pubHc schools^ for physical.culture and ce.ntly,.is improving. ,;.. for a .long time; Jias been preparing ^,..^.iu.^ ^'...^Ui^^t^r-l^^^Z.^- 4?01^ dlnc!ngi^4 H^-fjM-ff. ^ * ^s ^ '-l&Mi^ Cuminins^lias returnedto his! and-t4-amlng^hetself ^and her-pupils. Mrs. B. P. Patch, 611 Washington ! t WrTOs^^ftHawlwlMitlie* retlowtag home in- Oberlin, Obk), alter a visit, not-for-rhe shining glory and immense, avenue,-entertained the ladies of th? school children; -;» ] v^.|IKf||W|^']|ps- ftop-K |3o^erj|j |a| %% d gTedt P^eji whist club Monday evening. The j I Logan School. _ jj-MHlWira Street. ,W" TBwf »J#j fiutiltf tlr*ln% SSk^Ot giving us rieW'ntegtlng,1tf&nWayTSprii'6;'wifl^e^ ZWfi$E JfTpe^^ir^et Stanton.'Phil- J*|Dr. D. J, pa\is> of the University i pleasure of one single- evening, epib at the home^f •MiW'TSf. TT Sklhn^rifllay!^ ! di^llldolj^ ^chooT^.|r_,Medicine,.has jiur-Med7u>>her ver^Xseii^jfe^^^gW forth, Clara Jergenson, Hazel Brow^i- • cn'Ssea'ihe "home of Mrs. E. E. .Hyde,; without the giver "Is*.bare/' 'was It a 725 roth street. j forth, Clara Jergenson, Hazel Brow»- chased the home .TO Mrs. 12. E. Hyde,; without the giver â€" . jing.____________.. 721 Elmwood avenue. . I wonder, then, when Miss Leonard ap- Tho reception and inusicalo given) Second prizeâ€"Helen Herbon, Marie Mrs. H. J. Kaufman of Mendota, 111..! pcared on the stage with her friend by the Woman's club for the members, Arnold. • Marie Jackson, Gertrude and Miss Zoe Gates of Stockton. 111., i (to call him the least at present), Mr llr-U.rv1 sai Bam Ji-I-J.':.'/ ii/.,.F..'iSV'» .--L1' €lM'»aflr^ li^^lffl^ 1152 Central Avenue Phones Wilmette 320 i£Si'J. â- 9PTT MUM!} 1:-ivi'..o .•'â- *;' ;>/fx â- ;!>.â- . ;>».jjf;fJB'-y> v. â- \3* wV * •JaX^/afcJiT'JP m it. _ind their husbands will be held next i Wheeler', Delia Kahler. Tuesday evening. The program, as ___ Central SchboL previously stated, will be furnished j First prizeâ€"Eleanor Gage, by the art and literature department Second prizeâ€"Margaret Cutler, and light refreshments will be gervedrj 'Sixth gradeâ€"First prizeâ€"Jane Lo- â€" gie, Margaret Peterson, Joy Scbnei- The Wilmette branch of the Wo- i deiihelm, Kathryn Gardiner, Benilce Williaiii^S. Eeyrer] Electrical Construction, Hardware, j spent last weok with Mrs, J. H. Kauf- Cliarles Lincoln, in that beautiful,-aUj â€"GasandEleciximL Fixtures, Auto-__1 man. 102!) Elmwood.,av£nue. ; ways beautiful, Spanish serenade; was j mobile [Supplies Miss Mary Gates, 1126 Wilmette I It a wonder, then, that we we»e trying j This Season w« will carry Ferry's Garden Seeds I avenue, who suffered a severe sprained to wear off the palms of our hands , 0ffice Telephone 81 Residence 6ss â- â- ankle a few w.fks ago, is able to walk, trying to have a few more moments ofU-mo CENrR^LAvanfe^-yH^ferTE, ILL. j without the aid of crutches. j hef? I . '" '.' . . ? .-' " â- Mrs. Robe, f T. Richardson and \ Lauds New frier Girls. ! ^^r^uTiff KSeVSeSfe Rehire*. man's Democratic league held the sec- Hosken, Jeano Baird", Elizabeth Web- daughter of La Grange Were the. The chorus of a great theatrical Charles R. Petersen ond of their series of open meetings | ber, Margaret Pctrle (2 firsts). Dor-ghests of Mrs John D. Greig, 835, company is composed of an equally i -»rj- n^-- -. Wednesday,morning, March 25, at the |othy Weedoh, Helen Brucb, Marian Greenwood avenue, last week'. well trained group of professionals as ; XlRPIl 08S 1tX&>K.GV homo of Mrs. Praiik lincblh PowlerTTTrbst, Margaret Moslier, Peggie Mac-^~ Mr. and Mrs. Br-K^Jlckeason ^nd; the leading lady, herself Jhe_glrisJn ("50 Linden avehue.* Mr,, .Robert CiLeah, Margaret Gallagher^ â€"â€" J daughter, 511 WaSbington avenue, left j the chorus are often noted for their, Hfirot Chicago, an eIOqusut;;epeaker,J . Second, prizeâ€"Mildred Affleck, JJor- j Inst week for a month's \dslt to Flor-i beauty and professional stage mechan- Jleflned-the principles oiltble^emoVrOthy. Perry. Eleanor Anderson (2).|lda and other plafcfes in the south. |ism. But who would prefer the most craticTiaTty. "The meetingrwhtch^rairtfargaTetr^a R. H. Huntsman,; 21^ NittthT^&at,tilul*f-enor<ls e»rls to one of those NOTICE!! ONE WEEK MORE Of MY WOMDERFUL OFFER HRKg'S THE BEST TAILORING , l^&LUE EVKlt Qyj-EUED in CHICAGO | tGryToRROwT [ 1 will i»lnc«' oti sale my ontfre stock ..ot1 O'fmfKirV'wJ ' aiul_Pqm<'!itic Woolen*. KOIt 'J >«^ KEASoKSr r= * "v fjff ~ir\|~_â€"" 1st- "To mnK-p^pwumstonnirs.-/â€" - â- &% V>l 2n.f.l -To-INTKOUUCK my new stock. I\J ±A __::;-a-T« TtiVtv my tailcrw busy._________*>V Final Cut-in Prices! -V<HM»e»it~to corni? ni> and leave >->>nr' ilcr earJy"if~votrwjint to bur dti artnaJ", ic..$2S. and $30 NEW SPRING -> SUIT /AND EXTRA PANTS- .- a.-.-- ----- ' â- ; ' " I Of the Same Material at Your Suit Ti< Yout yf\ ><%•"* Hand -------1225 Central Avonuf 1___ It very " ' •VftlMV.'VtB, ILL. Ail wbrk promptly and neatly done Telephone Wilmette 21------ 1 i ,. i i. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in -ColdiW&fher v We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for$lJ>0 J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus AvM# Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette Qtoen to air fnteremeTa-T^^^igeJ^tit^artt^Yonkers KeltbrrDndce, 13velyirâ- street, enter?ained-^Ilss Lizzie Fltz«[^ew 3!rfef- glrls_.ghQse whole effort, tended. I HUfh^Hrey, Alice Wray, Elizabeth patricK ST Taporte, "TncF:.^ and Mrs. slmple^aslf was, not professional, yet â€" ' Ismlth' (2), Helen Bruch, Emily Frim- William Maiden of Chicago. Thursday. â- full of grace and real j-ed blushes, was The next meeting of the Woman'sj and. " _ . I Miss" M. E. HerQua-returned to herjto Please a Mother, father, brother, club. Wednesday, April 1, at 2:30! First prizeâ€"Elnora Reed. Bertha home" in NIagara-*Falls Tuesday after i sister or perhaps an admirer, or even ; o'clock in tho club house, will be chil-! Cftande'r, Viola Specht, Ruth Speclit.ia^ Pleasantv-visItr*!iarlier"^r^her.^Mr^:fWe8^^r>"?.^-.' a. .^ . - HfeteBfiti dren's day. Mrs. Charles N^Rbberts i Winifred Alkins. ^ Fred N. Re Qua,^20 Washington ave^J - °f conrse,yU^: re#t .M: .us: .^Iso, g«rt Is hostess. The program will be+ Second prizeâ€"Anna White, Bertha nU#/ I the benefit.^ Was it a wooden fti this "Bird-scores in Optra," by.Mrs. Jessie | Olanderl Winifjed__AdMiis._llarriet] :Mrs. Robgrt 4pjJetQn,_a-former„jeslj5ggg' a^ wel1 a3 ln the case ot. Mis6 Brairien fiaggetr ~Mrs7T5agfStt Is the j Newey, "lluriel Blsbee'; Elizabeth! dent of Wilmette, was the guest of j Leonard, that we went wild over those musician who claims that the motifs Place, Florence Droegenmuller. Mar-'friends here Tlmrsday. Mr. anil Mrs.if1*?8' whether we saw them, swinging of the great music of the world ate jgaret Crippen. j Appleton are now-residents of Milwau-; \nâ„¢an clubs, dancing folk dances, or to be found In the bird notes and shei Seventh gradeâ€"First prize-Emmy kee,- I ^inB ^JSg out *hi^h *,n ^ear illustrates her^talk with the songs of! Rosberg. Phoebe Hoffman. Phyllis Mrs. J. II. Miller of-ChicagoTimi }°*yfst.lhe floor or the wooden shoes the various birds which she whistles Page. Julia Re Qua, Pordthy Rodman Miss M. E. L-slie of Toronto, Canada,! * - - J^**e_«®™^!I!?_n cripples to her ~ own piano accoinpaiiimenf.' (2), The program is altogether delightful (2i, Edith Leonard. Rebecca Fiteh, A„mos W. "Hnstetter, t>28 and lnatfuctlve." LEldrehce Gillson. Martha Hahn, Ad- avenue. -------.....------------------_,_ . elcne Decker (2), Dorothy Dennett. M.~E J. A. SHANE TfVft SmB^Mmmma^^^^tiiti^^^ THE BEST FOOD AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Railroad Avi. j . North Shore Homes aurt Vacant . ! Res.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 Office 1128 Central Atc, Phone 107& WILMETTE, IttTj ^ for a week afterwards? WELSH SELLS SHOE STORE W-. Welsh has sold his shoe and hat j Evans, store at 1213 Wilmette avenue to E. Donald Elizabeth Cutler.. Frances Zinf are the guests in the home of Mrs. ,,.., , Greenleaf The orchestra: of a .great theater, ; with all its professional ability and Barker. 735 Tenth -street, la'!*?!?*!*, f68^^ is„ no"ced on,ir Helen Dennett. DonairDeWitt. Helen--------------------------=^=â€"----------------------- S "^ ^T . "ut- how many Allen. John Ben, lev. Second prize -John Wegforth, Flor HmM ha*e We heard the mere p,an0 Helen «..v... uU.u. -««^y. »«v~-« •»."•-;-^v»» "cf,"«^-"1" playing of Mrs. Doty and Miss Martha Burchard, Margaret Coufier, ence Wright, (race Hess LydeR-Beau-. L ^ a ^ * â- "OTâ€"TncoTUa, VVflsh. ^MtrTStliBl Myefsr--------â€" , ^H-mofttTJEBzabeih Brown.TCathryn Hess, j nee IfTucker has already taken possession.; 9'econd prir;eâ€"Minnie May Schmidt. Marjorle Mann. jjUith Dieterich, Jane-t-" Jf^MJcusurc & S35-$4flTSua aoi Ertra Panisnow, $25 O fit, â- svara -h;mf:ter and workmanship 3T netv «uiU-< •â€"--------------_ â€" .-XO^JvX-lKA Cll.VUOKK Mr. Welsh retired from business on j Phillips Taylor, Florence Wise, Dnty^dJarriet McOmberr-Ruth Watt fff account of his hpaltlu With his,wife.'othy Yonkers 12)^JDorcthy Rodnian. " Elghth.~graxli^-F-irst pxLzer-^yjrginiai Kjohg will leave Wilmette soon, and plans '.Virginia Kendall, Edith Leonard, Mar- Olwln, Margaret Macau ley, Mildred f^fto spend the 'summer-:with their ionT-^jorieâ€"Mai-shaiLâ€"Rebecca Fitch. Ethel Latham, Elizabeth Sanderson. . Mar- •f-Edwaid Welsh, at BedfordT-lmhâ€"Theyâ€"F4e'nr>-e." France^ Gordon, Frances, garet Haskins, JudSon StoneLDorothy j will also-visit other relatives in theZipf, Dorothy Den'aett. Helen Dennett. Hardenbrook, Frances Hogle. Walter j east.-^lr] "Tucker, is a brother ot Wil- Helen Evans. Edna Esentrot (2). Karl Nelson. Gertrude Gillette. Ethyl Bar to hear them play again' at ahyi imp whatever? in conclusion, the secret of our; â- r,V.uâ- â- * tir:liitiTTfrfjiiirwK »hi?; ofTrr. Now v?!'" 'â- '"<!icii to Ufit i.'.-o :,uii.. for the | | price of one. .â- â- -."-â- •______ Leave Your order Tomorrow TATTCooas Marled InTlaln Figures lOOO'ffc'*' fc* vlf^ to" Tflfct iTroni. - 13asHn?ciy-No Disappointments- imam m A. Tucker, 1214 Leake avenue. $201 lEstes. Margiireyt CoufferrEfHel "Myers VettrMeg GnrdoQ7~Gertrude Feltman, â- â- â- â€"----------- â€" j- Seventh gradeâ€"First prizeâ€"Ruth William Carruscavlsch, Samuel Clark. â€" MUSTCAL FRIDAY, - â€"[Watt, Mildred' Gale.- Frances Brown, Second prizeâ€"Margaret MacauleyT A musical" wiTT ~Fe gf\ren~at "Cove-fSara Huguenin, Ruth Dietrich, MiL._Bobsie Skinner. Elieabe'th Sanderson, lioatit M.' R. church tin Krtrfny oyprningldred Drogemuller, Jessie Paul, Eliza- Isabel Specht. James Wigglesworth. under the^liUBplces of The" Woman's fHith Brown, Lydell Beaumont, Wil lard" Stella Cook. Jack Brown, William | asafljClaliofl^ An P*epliorii pxogram <ajr>nw«>it, riyrin •Htrrinnn", virginlnVUiâ€"i,rco,man, _.Ji.iniorwGfejner, Eleanor 'now in preparation. I.W.SIPES Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE 184 THE only thing cheap about bur caskets is the price." We carry a full line of Solid Mahogany, Circas- sian Walnut, Solid Oak, etc., as well as the usual linepf broad cloths and crepe^. For |he reason that we manufacture all of our own caskets, we can and do guarantee'a saving to the public from one-third to,* one-half. __ _ ^^ ^ J WmTH, Scott, forme^^wiflf^TSfHel^Ielrrwaite of Evanston, is manager and part owner of our Evanston store arid will personally superintend every detail. Automobile Service Furnished Store Phone vanston 98 Residence Phone Evnaston 2903 WM. H. SCOTT