Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1914, p. 6

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THEJLA1 8SDAY, MARCH 19,1914. ^ VILLAGE TICKET IS Classified Advertisements | HAMEO IN CLEHCQE •^ELEFKONE, WiLME 1 IE. 1640-------- W*lat Ads in tie Lake Stove News tre charged at de following rates Real Estate Classifications. 7 Scents per line. AU OUier Classifications. 5 cents per line. Mininwm Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less thsn 25 cents. HELP WANTED WANTED-Ti) RENT WANTEDâ€"YOUNG GlrtL TO ASSIST j WANTED ROOMSâ€"LADY WANTS With housework. Mrs.; Robinson, j to rent two rooms, in private home, 715 Llhden-av., Wllinettc. Phone j furnished or un;urn:shed. centrally 132. ltc; located in Wllmette. Address D. E. | Allen, 1157, Wilmette-av., ^Wllmette. K Phone £40. ; ;, 18-2tc ',<m•msmmammwrnmrnamBsmsssssms^sssbss^ss [the work or a Village trustee> has been â-  11IIII111111C III III M 1111 I reduced to the minimum, very few will X . _ «,»,c ctr A WCTriM 3 seek the "honor" attached to the of- f Al Irlfc EVAINOHJIN 1 ace. -i_Li__: - â-  - - --â€":â€"â€"-â€"---------~x&-----â€"fr-^-.â€"â- s-6-fi*»e*-e:fc-a^â€"; f MENl^OV SOCIAL. [â- Viiilillliiltllllllf More than tnirty-flve Members of With a setting simple enough to A village ticket, the only one to be nominated it is understood, for the ____ ____ ________ _. village election in Glencoe. April 21, 'the Men's Bible class of the Wllmette (satisfy the demands or the most earn was chosen in a caucus held there Congregational church enjoyed a so- est advocates of simplicity m toe Monday night The following is the cial evening in the parlors of thei«tage, and characters humble enougn list of candidates named: church Thursday night Short talks to gratify a taste for slumming, For village trustees, Henry T. were given by W. A, Durgin, chair-j "Kindling," on thesj^eat theJSvans- WAITED ';r~- YOUNG WOMEN. BE- TWEEN TtlE AGES OP m AND -18, ^MO WISH Dfc-SIRABLE AND, STEADY EMPLOYMENT. I RAPID INCREASE IN OCR T3USI j V NESS MAKES__IT NECE3SARVI If-FROM TIME TO TIME FOR US TO EMPLOY INTEfciaUENT YOUNG WOMEN AND TRAIN THEM AS OPERATORS. TO THOSE WHO CAN QUALIFY WE OFFER AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN A PROFESSION IN_ WHICH_jsM- PLOYMENT AT GOOD PAY MAY BE OBTAINED IN ANY CITY OR VILLAGE IN THE UNITED STATES. REAL ESFATE For Sale FOR SALEâ€"10y3 ACRES AT NILES Center^IHrr Good for celery, truck . garden, or green houses. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to-James A. Huxtable, owner, 431 Sherman-av., Evanston. 111. Phone 1187. < ltc I Smith, Bruce McLeish and John Mat- thews. • .-â-  . , For village clerk, Granville E. Hall. The caucus was called by Sherman K. Booth, husband of the Glencoe suffrage leader. It is rumored that two and possibly three independent candidates for village trustees may be filed in a few days. However this is only a rumor and many citizens be- lieve that since the village manager | enjoyed, it is planned to conduct the plfth has been adopted In Glencoe and} social gatherings at regular intervals. man in charge of the entertainment; I ton, marks a distinct departure from James N. Irvine, teacher of the class; 'the character of' plays given there in M. L. Patersos, M. H. WsMty^^ Hatch, B. F. Clifford and others. Mm. i Just as one comes - to the real In C. W. Hilton, Wilmette's talented ; character by stripping off the. shams whistler, entertained the guests with and hypocracies, b> eliminating the several numbers. Refreshments were niceties and leaving, only the human served. This was the first social i being with vital needs and emotions, evening held by the members of the so in a play like "Kindling" one is class, and because of the good time brought face to face with the ugly things of life in smart attire and, at the same time, with the graces and virtues hidden beneath the ragged and, what she knows to be "good." coat of extreme poverty. ; There is the honest and sturdy ha* The scene of the three acts of band, embittered by the conditions ^Kindli^J^Uje kitchen-o£-the^*eae -I wbten he-c-rnnntGverceac^sa^ la- ment home of Hehniih Shultz. an} young thief who comes near to being ugly, bare room in which is spent the!Snaggle** undoing, life of the Shiiltz household and a!" "KhidMng" is odt a light undcrtak good deal of that of their neighbors, j >og for the company at the Evanston. Grim want is evident everywhere and' It has required work to produce it as % *~souTs tragedyIn Maggie: Schuitl* ««d*tably as it is being done at our face There is the patronizing Lady tlteatcr. â- â-  It is a good and wholesome Bountiful whose desire for uplift worklesson which is taughtâ€"it great truth among the downtrodden doesn't ex-1 presented In a tellingmanner, Tot-'"*""* tend to the malnteaanee of decent! gently but in all the barrenness of conditions in her tenement property j truth.- It Is a play whlcn Evanston and who comes, from her Chadless i can see witb^prolit. home, to condemn the mothers whoj Next week "The Littlest Rebel" win have brought children into a world: be offeredâ€"a war drama. of poverty and hardship: There Is j ------ 'â-  ;i": _;â- .; '.!.;â- - â- â€¢ Maggie, driven to desperation^ byil»e+^ Good Control, thought of *the child which Is to be| "That man has a wonderfully weii- born, torn by her struggle to do right, j trained memory." "Yes.-He can maka or what she sees to be right as she it remember anything he chooses."â€" looks through the eyes of the. mother! Washington Star. -1J r.-* v FOR- -SALEâ€"WjLM;ETTJgr"VACANT, lot, 2 blocks from electric line, 5 blocks N» WY depot; only |500. With i 1100 cash; balance monthly. Ad- rfrPHw A. H.t najre Lake Shore News. 19w-ltc to Rent Houses stating location and- Lake Shore News.â€"â€" rent, W 230, â€"â€"-ltp- "lirEBMKSTlNGTWORK, REFINED SURROUNDINGS AND ASSOCI- ATES/BENEFITS IN -CASE-OF SICKNESS AND PENSIONS WHEN ELIGIBLE. PAY IS LIBERAL AT j_____________________________ THE START, WITH FREQcENTj WAMTB.rv_Ii.nn ,tAY AND J1TNE S^p *£/ â„¢rv,rX2 i^SS^SagO^r-£Sr£S£ WARRANTS INPIVlDUALt Rent mM bfi reasonable. Address, EXCEPTIONA t, CHANCES ARE OF-! lilFERjiD FOR AhVANCEMENT-IN4_________________ * TO POSITIONS OF RE3PONSI- m- ^ H -TZZ"~ n~.â„¢â€"w'~" BILITY WITH CORRESPONDING T flR RFNT-APT HI I X ADVANCES IN SALARY ___I**H "**** 3' MAKE APPLICATION BBTWEEN-8J '-"â- "â-  A. M. AND 5 P. MvTOTHE CHIEF! OPERATQR7â€"1520^"CH1CAGO-AV7, i : EVANSTON. CHICAGO TELE-1 P^uNE COMPANY. he | WANTED*~ BOY~ TO WORK IN j _ bakery and lunchroom and_Jearn baking trade. Api»Iy 733r Elm-st., :â-  Wlhhetka. . , l9w-ltp WANTED â€" WOMAN COOK FOR _ 7. bakery and ,lunchroom. Apply 734iFOR SALE-HOUSES Elm-st., _WJnnatka.â€"--------- lftw^lttn- ^000 to |C,ooo: -35 EvansTon^s Finest Apartments THE PARKER . Hipman Avonuc and Church Street Choice lix.ation. Larse. wcll-lishted rooms Vac- uum CIoaninK Syiitem. Luurie Wall fc'af< a. Iiu-go private porch rooms. Store-rooms and laundries large and well-equipped.____ ___MASON ft SMART C_______ Telephone 285 -â€" ^1880 Sherman Avenue FOR SALE-HOUSES WANTEDâ€"GIRL TO ANSWER TEL- L^ephone and take care of-books7-Ai»^ V ply Sehultz & Nord, 1152 Central- av.. Wllmette^ lOwrltpJ WANTED-r-YOUNG I^ADY; AN EX- j -7^pt^a^pp8rtu.nH^-^s-now-H»poJix__^ :-'y_f0?^ on^^to^aice_juu_an_arti8tic pro- fossion.V For particulars call or ad- ncaamaj Five Days, Wed., Thars., Fri., Saturday and Monday, March IS, 19, 20, 21 and 23 dress Smith's Studio, 701 Davis-st., Evanston. ___ , ' I9w-itc ^WANTED r- EXPERIENCED COOK Telephone 1530. Apply 1503 Lake-! .j--:aVj->:â- ;â- â- ;. .> â- ' ,-", â- â- â- '• lOw-itc! 21 HOUSES, $G,000: m at $6,000 ?|8;O0O: 29 at $8,000 to $10,000; 41 â€"ftO;OOO-to-$25^OO0r-For-exchange7^r room house, ST»,?.">(), fur smaller house about $6,000. ________ IS Furnished houses, 2 mos. to 1 yr.; $00 to fl50. Phone Wilmette ime, far appointment for your friends. -â€"- Miss A. King. '- Res. Office, 31G Central-av., in "1. '•'..' /-----â- Tnerminatr--.-rr--_------HjM»fT-lteJ- These baskets strung with ribbon add a -great- deal to any room. See the^pretty^1 effects in our display window.____:_____ purcnlase of Imported Japanese Waste Fatjer Baskets makes this unusual Sale possible. It is^ra?My4^iat you will ever^see such beautiful FOR SALEâ€"710 MADiSON^ST.. S±I hardwood for quick rooms, hot water heat, floors, lot 50x130; $4,250 ___________________________________sale. Exclusive agefit. df IUAIIUN5 ^WAll I tU on Rldgc-av., between Dempster and; ^"Af ATES2OlVEN:^N.AUi K^min^-KeiM^t^^^om^, hot water Of ^o»k-^e«ainins"â-  to the Lawn, ,lcat> bardwoolt floors, lot 42x125; Sodding and- black price if sold (juick, $4,750. 1126 .Vlain-st., 8 rooms, modern gar- fruit and shade trees, lot 5')x to the Lawn dirt Shrubs.; ? vHedsel trees • trimmed and planted.! ^!6«es/for sale.from $1.00.up. -No4 charges fqr. calljnt'iand. giyjng e3ti- j mate on work .wanted. Phone or ^yUtrlte W. J. Downcs, 1720 Darrow-j tnvv.TEvanstoh. Phone 2C70. 19w-tf ; SITUATION^; WANTED â€" LICENSED J chauffeur, is houseman and butler; i :.r wffe nrst-class cook,_.Addr.essX>__428,J c Lake Shore' News, .-' ltp j POSITION WANTElTAS "MANAG 1 NO 1 liousekcoper or com panlbVt^Vd^cr^iANTEl^HfcW*4tEFIi^©-BUSl^^ ly person or i.unny invalid. Phono woman, one or two furnished rooms, age, 200. Bargain. _ Geo. JI.T.Cruih, 845 °f.'h jcago-ajL-----+. you_arc going to move this spring! call and see what I have to.offer In] houses, Hats, apartments. 17w-tf. Geo., H.° Craliij 845 Chieago-av. -4 WANTED -for reference, Kehil wort mmmmaaummmamm FOR SALE with or without board. In privatR j home in Wllmette. Musi be cast ot [ tracks and within reasonable walk- ing distance of the C. & N. W. R. R Sta. -Jane Graham; Gen. 13elrr<^M--)- WANTED-TO BUY FOR SALE1-GOOD "BUSINESS- IN j : Evunstoii for "a-compotont, energetic ! stenographer; also office "furniture,'LJiM^^~*^*~ typewriter otattontry. mimeograph' WANTEDâ€"SHORT HAIRED MALE and L.O. Shiitt» typewriter. Good' WW, no fox terriers; will |iay Opportunity for the right girl; if in- $2. 522 Washington av., Wilmette. r-torcstedr Hddrcs,^ wr^ggr"â€" ^Tt^^^re"^^ ;rX)HSALB^^.,M^S^^lITOMQBH^E;r?HP" in good condition, $400. 410 Linden- : 1!>W-Ite SV iWiten-otkar-Pbohe Winnetka 74. 17w-3tc IFIRE INSURANCEâ€"ROYAL INSUR i uti ~S ALl!3~;i» J :J RAKER. El .EC-i UI1!C Company of Liverpool, largest trie; rsar drive, two revolving front [ fire insurance company in the seats; used a short lime as demon- ] world, insures dwellings, household in per-1. goods, rents; lowest rates. < TT. trator car;. repainted -^t^xoTtditi^onr und -Apply•'to" "N Blatchferd, Jr., 7S5 Linden^iv.r Huh :i-hard^Mdfe=Hl.-â€".:____râ€"_--rf^4tc won Wightman & Vo. ageiits. Phone ffiS. Charles j baskets at such fa are sure more than e made of fine round stock, wax finish, dark^ brown irf^ti^ window^ display. The values are far in excess qf for 5 days. Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat\m& Jfon>. March ta^^a efforts In developing a^jarger business in Brass Beds have met with such signal success that we Jiave extended the line untnlwe^now shpr a yane^y^rdes]gns and aj-ange of prices equal to many of the latger loopstores. #e IB^^^I^iitf entirely to the superior quality of the beds. We handle exclusively the product of the Simmons Mfg^6o^of Kenosh^ Wis who are conceded to be the leaders always in creation of styles and invention of processes, improved construction and durability or finish. Prices we quote are intended to meet competition anywhere. Call and see the newest designs-you will not be urged to buy. unusual value, has 2-inch posts and Trinch inside .rods, latest design mountings, rich satin finish, im- An attractive ..Colonial design, posts are 2 in. in diameter, all other ticQ£& tod and fillers 1-f in., yery»tastily--tFHBte This Colonel 6^1^^^^^^ A very attractive SAL15~HOUSEHOLn FURNl- j tare and offico deskand-chairs. 1231 j Forest-av.. Wllmetto. Phone 9C0J :v::;^-:::z::.:z^:.::i!r.^-z=7-----^i8M6 mm ' FOR SALE EVAN8TON HOMES at design, of the con tinuous post'type, full 2 measuring incKes-irih diam.; in s id.e _fi lligg -rods' -arreâ€"l-f inches in 1654 ASBURV AVE., THE ASBURY. ]______________________________^^ ROOMS SINGLE OR EN Sl'ITE, i . EXCELLENT-CUISINErâ€"PHONE^- INTEREST IN „FAtL BAZAR. 239^. MRS". F. C. mEFENDORF. 1 Much intcrcBt is being manifested lOw-tfjby the Kehil worth women members FOR KENTâ€"'PLEASANT ROOMS iof the Church' of'tho Holy Comforter with iefit of table board. 731 TenUntff3h<y oazar wiucn ulm he^ivartiext- st vhonB-9M*^viiiiret«r--nrwnt^N^e^^ event, the church women are already FOR RENT - KenllworJ h hie oflh-'eu; triclty and -OFFICES Q\rER THE store;, two sets of dou- -liot Avater boat, "clec" g!is,;r sewing op fancy articles, which he^xdliiriyLIorJKalo-JxLlliat Jiiue. ..Sometimes It la.^ elegant location; suitable for doctors, dentists, etc. Apply Phino 884-R or Dox^Jl, Kcnil- worUiFHI Tllek, wliriKcv fnthor wna a. rapdldatfl- for office, one day ran to his mother, exclaiming.: "Oh, mamma! Mr. Smith gays papa's got the nomination. Is" that-worse than the measles? diameter, satin finish. Specially priced Ring] POt proper for you to turn around and r lid Bird !lnnk <,ffera gentleman?" "Bul^ ^â€"^ere'OTniot of pjiriti': -fjfeariear-Wh-ite'a 1-ai.en- , , . . __v. .„, v „ mamma, r was only looking to see IS ! zl^^^Wi^^o^me^n^d^HMett^^^ - rnU-atjont It. Box 46, Kentlworth, 111. : lng.~â€"FUegende llTSe(Eerv_____ ' %| nicely proportioned with 2-inch posts and 1-inch filling rods, is a very good value; although less expen- sive, cojistnicjipjoiidl BrHsR^slustTs dur- able as higher^j A 7f> priced ones on posts and An^jclFaordinary massive hedhav- ing 3»inch ouiside posts, mounted Avith 4-inch - Jiall-bearing casters, satin finish........ .7 all filling rods 1% inchejs,;extra large^ This bed is of most imposing ma^s i v eh e ss "arrd pi easing i n Edesi£j£33rii A most striking and pleasing design, having ^2G fiTHngTods inchâ€"m diameter^ ^_ro^J^:jngh Ming iH^rU^j^siir^ma^l.^^ in a rich satin mounts 39.50 in a effect; a challenge â€"Jialue^-m-. illustrations show cxact-proportions, being reproduced from photographs^of beds adveFtiscd that It la THE store Wat sells everything** l^enbe^^ ==Stamrjs^av^=o*o1tefs?©fte: Jor every 5c yoitâ€"spend

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