Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1914, p. 5

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mmm â- mm â€"i i mil THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH Id, 1914. In AH Day Meeting at Noyes Sfreat School Friday, lies of Interest Wetefliscussed. WANT THE VOTE DELAYED Feats of physical culture,. perfected by training under instructors at the New Trier high school will be given in the new high school auditorium to- morrow night by fully 250 students lit the school. It /will be the fourth annual gymnastic exhibition given by Ihe^pbysfcal deportment of thd J[igh school and an unusually- good7 enter- tainment is promised; - In former years the gymnastic ex- hibition has attracted much attention JjK krgecrowds ,attended. The The women of, the Tenths Congress- [feats showing the strength, and en- ... .,:..._;:.«.- ...» . . . hiurahce'jDtthe y^Uhs,j6gether with the. many drills in calisthenics* etc;; have always pleased the large audi- ences. The added facilities for ath iohal district' will -not be ; forced":."to fight the liquor problem with their votes." We are fortunate in having a class jojT men Who. cleaned up this ter- ritory .before the ballot was granted women."' ..-_,, ,./=. Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch made this statement at the convention unina China Ktatorcd by BnkIn* Vr««*». Bums*. Ma t> «\ Ivorv. »k\ Mittlne parf» rcplact-il. Onty Exclusive Shor-iif its in Chicago. Jl E AN BOETTER, 2SSS& Phone Central r. I1T "';>>- ' tf Rci.h Ntktlk liNM ;nr Korth Shore Nurses Outfitting itesocilifion We" will, give you a beyfect fitting uni- form to your measure- ment.â€""We reinforce all button1 holes tb stand wear and tear of tSwira'ryrieall- or mail measurement. Deposit on All; Order* â-  -.'.k-ghoBe.asar... ..' - 1615 Benson Avenue NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Our Price To Please Everybo Complete Funeral â€" Casket, Ea-» balntIng and S'«rvicaâ€" Hearse and Carriage to any,cemetery $65.00* â-  this cloth covered Canket. lined with whit* mU. with complete furnishings, only J30.CO. "NOT IN ANY TRUST We conduct funerals in all parts at -the-city~»ud suburbs. No extra charge for distance Calls answered Immediately WEIMESCHKIRCHI WILMETTE I letie training in the new gymnasiums JW: "howlng will have much to do with the supe- rior program which, is promised for this year. With all the up-to-date of tho Woman's clubs of the Tenth[equipment in the new athletic quar- CongrcssionaFdistrict held at :"N<iiye.s\:^^'jnittea;.work'has been accomplish- street school PridayT ------ Chicago Women Absent.------^jj Miss Harriet E. Vlttura, head resi- ed byjttte youthful athletes this year. The program which is announced, B>eaid to be~only a general outline of 'ilhe. entertainment. Much of the of the Northwestern University j begt&qrto of the- exhibition is not in- ient^an<UMra.43eorge Bass, who|'clu'de^ui^.tiie^:list-^Of events which were,to have^made addresses at the follow/but is used Htl in otherwise with them. Particularly at tliis time of the year, there is little rest for the real estate agent and he iCl&gpTt going a full seven days a week.;-------- "The outlook for spring and summer business in . Wilmette is very promts ing," said a prominent - agent y ester day. "We nave received-scores of-in- quiries both for rental property and homes which;are on the market for sale.â€"Our fall sales force were kept _ busy Sunday 'showing property. Wher a boom comes such as this, and espe clally so early, it is a sure indication of good business for the season." morning session, were unable to be i dull moments when scenery and ap- present so Mrs. McCulloch spoke in \ paratus is being shifted. The follow- their^Stead. *:i i 11 i, „ii _ !Jng are the events; Tumbling by "W/ometfiare #inteUig(^ a^aMOflbOMi ilndian club ^drill,^girls; • calisi Abler* as ever-were^tven^^e^ratt^tnenicsr^oysr dance. girisr±:=moifow jehise," she said. Mra, McCulloch at-{pictures, boys; motor march, girls; Routes tbis^tp^th^ v.oodcn shoe done by women's clubs. "The pollti-! dance, girls; dance of the jumping tail parties arc waiting with out-; jacks, boys; Irish jig, girls; horizontal £trctched arms to receive the women, bar exercises, boys; Hungarian dance, Mat we-do not want partisanships The eifie; expert tumbling, boys, and •#en wjift M^fofcisttr ^y^44«wamMi*nd-pietures by-boysâ€" Mr* *â- -â- '*â- '-'*%r:--"--â- --â- -*â- &"â- '*, *-'- •'* â- *â„¢n*****t^ romPdyWin hn fnjo^^Firfl in Vanant Residence in gardless Of whether they be fftfflrtcrat! ln the entertainment; in fact, the pro-1 or Socialist. It is results which wejmoters promise "a laugh every min-' want." r.^t. *,t>r(.>v^v i: -r * - Jutg.» Many new and'original "stunts"' _-----gfehooi.jLunchC8-.HelB.----------{-showing" extraordinary ekill -wlif-be4 Miss /Florence Nesbitt, dietician of j given the boys and girls comprising i the Juvenile; c'odrt-in Chicago, told of an entertainment of unusual worth by> her work.;,/She:isaid school' lunchesi the youthful gymnasts.â€"*~~?rl* ~ were a great help in teaching the] â€"â€"â€"â€"yr\-, „-------- mother or big sister the proper foods!â-  >*â- %•• A is'i-iii'a»Wa'*#i-,"i â- %» to prepare at home WRECK V CT MS ARE "I hope cveryTospItal in the state' ,l «««M-^nUJ«IIU flllL PROMPT RESPONSE BY FIREMEN SAVES HOME Linden Avenue Qujckly Ex* tinguished - by Firemen; fire fighters.;i.«ro_^oused^iv m slumbers at night tin is-turned lntd$fo|^r$f 'Sta^o^P^PBI^ arrangement gives* the volunteers ra chance to dress" olid"be prepared m mount the 'fire route to the blaze.- ' *#' fW-'V- -â- â€¢'â-  : :'â- "' - :;v'r--- ^& & "*â-  - â- â- ".?*", ENTERTAIN ARlilrf RUSSELt. ** - Mrs^Plorcncerl!^UQpki«s^U6^Nintiv Street,. .,.<B.nter(aJn£dW....:Mr.. s.aud.-; Mrs. Charles Russell of Great Falls, Mon- tana, in herâ€"homo -^last weekâ€"JWr. Russell is a landscap*?3: painter of note OPTICIANS . 56 W. RANDOLPH ST. EstablishedI8&3 crocrooior CHICAGO' Iopow'ox) oxi cro OX.' Spectacles and The, prompt response of the Wil mette^vbiunteerrfiremen saved an un occupied two-story jcesldence.PMBeriy4|^^^t^^^ at liinden avenae and Third fetreet7 Friday ; and with his'-wlfei ,1s eptoute -to- i^on- j ; don wbere be williexhibit his worlci t 1 Mr^JP. Wi Hopkins^atudied with iMr.! cro ox>. cm cro cro f~£* Made to fit yout <VM hy those wlio SS ^5 knowhoiv. Represent not only METAL Xg cro «""i GLASS but also comfort and or: Cro efficiency. oo cro cr& owcro ox> cit?cf<>.cfK>cro<ro EbftityYouFHealth gpg7i:;I^U1.18<B^I1 HAVE YOU EVER FED YOUK~€HICKENS RED COMB POUI-TRY FEEDS? If not. nntl you will give them it. fnlr nn<1 Impnrllnl thfity tlnyx* trial, yotf' wflT he eonvlhccit-t»<^t^lr-»tep«^tfriiLy_jQ^r^lj_<^.«^. fee<u> n»w on the mafknt. TieSD rOMB Fine Ct»tek Vetd. for baby uhlcka tip. to throe or four week/nM? ItKI> .C'OMU C'onrwe Chick Feed. Tm Rr«>wlnsrchicksii-.nn three t«-lcn weeks ol-.I. ttf^VX'/^Ija^jaljjh >>«-.! f,.r wnrn fowl;.. togCth'eg with ' ' ~~__~~ KEI* COMB Meat Mu*ll. 'tho .'sncut.-ejfR jlinhc?. am! «-hi<:ls .developer, : "â-  « -the-reeoK'nlaed -si-atKlards-of-perfeot-J^n-fwi: rnj'i'l <Ujui!ln|iin*,ut^lta4lUs,-.»tMn!Sth, ami ecp prmlucllim. "Keep K13U COM IS Meat M(«sl» before your cliicUs all tl;e time, frova tho crailJe to thegrav-y,'*____:___ '---". '- .. ' - "â-  â- ',-: T Ireh -- w tOTf-1 lie=1f t rre=<*\} I e k »â€"gr o wv= And jive the :itrowttT:|voaa--luy^,.......t.. LlMeti to tho fiiouters crow. ., *i.'hat'i« what makes Chicken* Pay. -FOR SALE BY- Fhoae 4500 Consumers Company EVANSI0N. IiL. 1015 Church-St. mimm will send out representatives to teach L the people of„ the poorer classes the; "prdpef foods tu huy.â€"I-am^trying to 1 Show the women that it is cheaper | for them to^-their meals^han^o,^ g. ArenSOn-and F. P, SdO- buy them at the bakery," said i-HsBf Nesbitt. ; A telegram »4«elt to Senator Mt-hurst asking'him to delay the vote on j woman "suffrage in the senate until he j was'sure, the necessary two-thirds vote j could be depended upon. It was signed night. The blaze started in Ol Atlll l# llinnnifllin-Ith0 besement^supposedly frora spon: uLUfrLY IIYIrnUVIIlUitaneous combustion' wnere a quantity 1 of rags~anor offier^retuse-hiedâ€"beerr plletr NEWS WANT ADS'BRING RESULTS W. It had gttiftea^goiBfr-ireatlway" when the firemen arrived, but they quickly extinguished the flames. .The damage did not. exceed-$75^_.ThcLj property is owned by a South Water street commission merchant. • Another false alarm was turned in Thursday morning from the rear of G. Arenson. 1022 Eleventh street. Sixteenth street and Forest avenue. A grass Are near a shed caused much ver Recovering From Bruises and Cuts. telephone: wilmettk 44C Miss Dorothy Mdcauley -~â€" TewlierefrPuitfii Vfk»' : mtmjrt; ill. by^be-^nth^Gohg^essional-DistrJctiJSttd_,F. P. Sclover, 1305 Greenw-OotL_ Federation of Woman's Clubs:- avehue. the tWiTI^Bn^fig^g^^wBd^^^^^^^g qiiu^un^JLJnadc Girls and boys of the school cnter-jwere injured in the Milwaukee Elec- fmnW^IbeH>perr^^ wreck at Hill street. by Driver Zibble and two volunteers, and tho blaze was quickly put out. â- -HwaaW^w^iofi^^ dance was featured by the girls of the] bruises and-cuts-euifered ln the tt^iSSiSKSSsfeSS^SStS??® '~WxUi~Wr^e^-~rrt^f^rr-zr~r7^--i. Ide'nLâ€"JBoth were injured about^.the "" ~* '............ Tho subject of motion picture cen-[ back, and for a time it was thought sorship along-the north shore was lh-jthat the spinal injuries might prove formally discussed at the afternoon(serious..- session. The result is that a commit-j A report gained circulation that Mr. :__ -tgPe0{_fif^«>n-memberB fmm thp worn- j Sclover, who resides with his daugh- au'a club alongTtne shore may be Called! ter/^tfl: Frank-Jbrrrison, 1305 Green- to take action. i wood avenue, had become partially Prof. Franklin BHss Bnyder"of! paralyzed from the effects of the in- will be Jury. This- was denied -byL a.â€"member Northwestern university, who spoke 'on "literature^^^^^^^pof^hl^^^^n^Mtond^ -KJcd that a new literary age present In the next generation or two. Writers Not Certain. 1I~~ "Present day writers are not sure enough of what they write," herald "This is an age-of criticism in -every-|]Bwin8ton Wednesday, thinf. put ho one Jiving: has Huttcr'j== ___, , .. i. ^ â-  stood American life as a^wholer^ | twenty ' cenSrileur -Our,new literature wllUcome from1 Mr. Arenson Is able to be up and about, but is not able yet to resume hls-duties-as-drug clerk at 'the Ren- ackerâ€" pharmacy.â€"The other men wfeo were injured were allowed to re- -Iturn to their homes in Chicago and money. The ,. j streets are named after -.historic per- ^it-xitles^-There-ls-beauty in the_big|gonagea and historic happenings, m city. Despite the materiaHsin In thel^Jff> ,^y ^ chHdreD^ ,earn geography loop there is a wonderful idealism jand locatlon8 ^ tne BaScJi^r>------i ^thgre. i^S^amd on^Mlchigfln- avenue,| â-  „ , , „ , , in , ^Wcago'r^some--^foggyl=5alny^^nrghtf when the tiny yellowed lights of thej gigantic office buildings are trying-to-' pierce, the mist, and then try to rcal-| ize whaf you are looking at. Stop and! ;drcaim_Byery man who does-anything | "tu the present day iiFs6mewhaT~bT~ff dreamer." â€". : • .-------; The meeting closed with a stefeopf ~YOtJâ€"$tfe~ifeinnHBgâ€"oi Ucon lecture by Wafter^h^d^n^^nveri ^fefltilltf QJT S^Iliilg'^QtJOXi home or if you want a_ new Jioiafi to move into^ this spring, make your -wants-known through THE"" ------â- -â- â-  ----- WANT AD SECTlQWbF THE of the University of Chicago on "What ^Some South American Cities- Are Do- lhg." --'~^~ ' -x^- â-  - T""":""^"^- ^^^We-eimagine-jaur,^parksT beautiful. Theyr-are- not:'evenz.torbe compared with the SouthTAmerieanrparks. Sooth America has parks everywhere for recreation;^ - -â- â- 'â- â- .' ___"Th^re are two new8papers^.in,"1R|o de Janeiro which are better than any Chicago papera. The drainage canals 6re not unsightly^â€"They are bordereau ^with pine trees.v, lhj.thlincjlty;-.««*.â- &jH ^ee^randbpeta^for^au-equltalentiof Second Book of the Nortb^hore Hpmes^JGardens, Landscapes, Higf ways and^ Byways, Past and Present MAAtAN^; WHITE Intensely^Intcrestin^,7~Hist0fica1}y^ ^usel^Ilastrated in sepia and ofincreasing valucrar books will not be reprinted. Make remittanccsdirect to M ARIA N A. WP fiQ2ft Sheridan Road ;; Chicago ^^BOWMAN PUBLISHW(te(£ Evaiiitutr^ ~ JfOHN FREEMAN. Proprietor did NOYESSTft Nurserymaft and Landsc»Be Gardener (Hit i«ttm*rs tttW^Mtt TEtCPHONC UOS OfFICt AT THE GAROEN CVAfttSTOtt,,«.

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