THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, MARCH 19,1914. 1 Ili-r LAKE SHORE NEWS fc Live Wilmette and North Shore Newspaper? CHURCH BULLETIN PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY â- â- jrirti...* - - ..#»».',: . â- ---------------------""_ L ..... ..... »»iiu-ctiu, ill. •- -.--â- - ..â- ' Offices, Room 2, Brown Building, 1159 Wilmette Avenue Telephone 1640 . FORHBST POLLARD . lAxtxii it fiOLLISTER •;--;WIUWETm-:, First Congregational Church of Wil ......- 7- incite* j A welconae:jU;;e«end(Sdi3o "every :'citizen add visitor to Wilmette to at- ; tend the Sunday -services. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Men's Bible class, 110 0. m. Horning service, ll a."in* i Vesper service^ 5jp._m.. Isles': Bijle 'ir~ 'â- '" "^eami^ftieMday, ft:SO~*. m. Mid-weel; .^ggy^^l^jnj^ioR^ednesday, S p. m. -, Cton ^-BUSINESS MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR ISntf-nnd Illinois, s .'•'-or.mJ-rl.-iFs matter March 13,: the- act jol March 8„ J TO,-_____ 1914. at the postoflloe at WHi;»ntf, k_J***â„¢ «" c«rntnunleati«na to The bake Rhoro N'««f, Wilmette. Ationymous eotn- rr.unlratJMiE wnl u«.t l-f Ji.-.ii.-fd. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned unless' nceam • iP@BI*fl JJE-JMeUHpe.. "All mgt&wr-frrtr-pabiterrirnr lir- '<ur offloe not later than Tuesday noon. nrrent -week's issue should reacn THURSDAY^ MARCH ^»ri«14. inonuealth class programs, secona ana" fourth Sundays of each month, at 5 p. m. Monthly' luncheon, second Fri- day, at noon. Communion service, first Sabbath of each month, with the exception of April, when a vesper service?.; will be held on Eastern mora* ing. .. - ..... theme wiW~dfe"^BS6ffiet«&ig:'-Setter{day. â€"The--children's, chorus, and[J» t Than Life." Special music will be a men's chorus also sang, feature of the evening service. •] Next Sunday evening Dr. Dancey of : The devotional meeititaS^WeAaesdsy theAcborn Park M. E, church, will j' evening. March 25, will be held in jpreach. His popularity and ability as, the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Fin- a preacher bespeaks for hint a large! lay, 419 NIath street. audience. . "i The* annual meeting and dinner oft At 9:30 a. m. the Sunday school wtllj the church will be held; In Brown's I meet as usual. '-"-*â- -.' If Hall on Tuesday evening. March 31. > At 10:45 a. m. the pastor wfll preach | Tickets may be procured from Miss on. *"Why Men;Dp„Gol_TJouCJhurch.**j Bolla. S27 Elmv.ood avenue." :^;~~"-i Special'music by Miss Rae and the] Wilmette Presbyterian Church. double quartet. -.,.____ Rev. J.^MMwUs(mr f^»^NIulh4ZiXEJ135;^^ street and Greenloaf avenue. ^jwill meet. This Is ttie boys and girls The pastor will speak Sunday atjowh church organisation.^_-1 - â€"-- 11:00 a. m. on "Consuming Zeal for; At 6:15 p. m. the Epworth league God's House.** > "The Zeal of Thy! service in charge of Prof, J. R. Har- House Hath Beaten 3Ie Upj" : v ; 'per. â- ' ' 'â- SAVINGS mm .â- â- â- -MORE' 7:30, pr-TOi^he^will-^peJticFoar the "Second Comingof Christ and Great and Xotable Day of the Lord.*' The Centuries ago in England the "fourth responsive "service and expository ser- Sunday in •'Mothering Lent Day." W,as the SAFETY FIRST PLAN OVERLOOKED. l^brthwestern elevated train and alMiiwaukee electric car at Hill Street more tlian a week" ago"Two afe~Wihnette citizens. They were saved merely by one of those freakish interventions of fate t often noted in rail wayaccidents. - -- â€"â€"â- =-; Tltese men, as hundreds of others have done, and halve often /been forced to do, were riding on the rear platform of theittterur- IJan. ; They were unmindful of danger until just a second before! .the crash came. Then they were hurled through-space and luckily, ^id-notrsTJffer,fatal injuries. Mr. James Sullivan, one of the Wil- 'mette^vrclims* may be a cripple the remainder of-his life because of ifreJn fiftiesJieMreceived.â€"------------------â- â- -. â- • ••- â- .' • : .'•-â- .;.. -"' â- â€" set. apart as laterunner of the -modern â- "Mothers* Day." "As for several years past, this churehr-wllr so observe the mid-Lent Sunday, which is next Sunday. At the morn- ing service the hymns .will be hymns written by mothers, and the sermon will discuss some phases of woman's life in the twentieth century. ~^ At 5:00 o'clock the address, will be mons are proving popular. ^-IMiss-BaiOt 43oretter^WiH render the following program en the organ: "â- "' : ' "^1*7 Morning ^ , '"" '-.- Clioral-jntroductio;! and Scherze... 7~-_• '•"â- •': • • • •.- * '•.- • - ........-• â- Bartlett Offertory, Aria.................Bach Hosanha !77^T; Evening .Wachs given by Sherman C. KingsIey_of thei Vesper Bells .. Elizabeth McCormick Foundation. He!Vision. ___-1 • oveuius Symphonie Gothhtue (1st Move- ...........Wider ment> -Splnnej speaks under the auspices of Commonwealth class. St. Augustine's Episcopal Church. the I Offertory. At Twilight------...Stebbins Alleluia..................... .Dubois .-R?»c!?!berger and the said authorized additional In attaching blame for the collision on the elevated train motors tmani the fact is overlooked that "safety first" methods are, in a tineasure, overlooked in the operation of the electric lines. Both ^companies; use~the~"same tracks from the Linden avenue terminal | prayer and address on "Slothfuiness." to JEvanston. V«»f with tUct>xni*niinn nf «!•<> irflM ^â„¢a*:„„ ,.,^«v>l,_ ! . Tha antliem at the 11 o'clock The services for the fburth Sunday in Lent, March 22, iSM, will be as follows: 7:30 a. m„ Hoiyâ€" Commun Mr. Alfred G. Freeman will sing, 1140 Wilmette avenue. Wilmette^^^r^Ot. Y^i^swiL1? liy Buufcg-ftad^Of.thB-banfc Rev. Harry D.Heald. rector. J^Hold ThOu My Hand," by Briggs. The church is looking- forward to the annual meeting, April I; at which â- ^â- '-^y--\: ••-lltmC^ "": -' . ' . 'â- '...:_; I February 28, 1914. In pursuance of a notice to that ef- fect adopted at a special meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmette Ex- change State Bank on the 2Cth day of December, 1913, the capital stock of said bank was increased from Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) to Seven- ty-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), all of said increase, of capital stock. amounting to Twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00)," was subscribed and has been actually paid in cash and no part thereof ia notes and pledges capital is now in the hands of the Wil- mette Exchange State Bank to be used solely in the legitimate business gg JaeilitJesJar^lfc^ O AN KING facilities for every individual are - provided by this bankâ€"the oldest and larg- est on the North Shore. _ ".'-:' ^-4'-« :Y4-$ M s For completeness of equipment and broadness of its service, this institution is unexcelled, and it affords to depositors individual attention such as is not extended by most banks in the large metropolitan cities. We receive small as well as large accounts. â- * _ jfj£ [STATE BANKoFEVANSTOil ion, with the Corporate Communion of the mission board, a:45 a. in., Sun- day school. 11:00 a. m., morning prayer and sermon on "Dependence Upon God." 4:30 p. m., evening Yet, witl^tliJ^e^eptJLQn oLllie street crossing-watch- *'»" "nt,'ei , â€"* «« â- 1 , - . â„¢ . , ! service-Sunday mornmg~wii*~beT men, no plan is followed to guard against the -possible, accidents. ]Then as workers Together With fElevated trains trail along dangerousJy close to Milwaukee electric j Him," by Surette. At the 4:::o p. m. â- cars headed in the same direction, and vice versa. The excuse was lservlce Elgafs • Jesu, Word of God i Incarnate," will be sung. time-the Worosn'^ ^ecietyâ€"will-serve the annual dinner, reports of the year's work wMlhe given, and officers elected. i v. On Wednesday evening, March 26, Mr. Wm. H.xEjlls, president of the men's league,' will read aT paper on the subject, "The Remarkable Kes- We~h*fck Movement" The public is in- vited to all these meetings.,. Wttmette M. E. Church. Rev. T. K. Gale, pastor. 1024 Lake .--;,.^.. :„ <i,« _„. 1 u- - i »i .. - --. â- unj.uiuiit-, mil uh t.u;iK- avenue. Phone 65-1. giverrifrihe rear^endTcorhsion last week that the motorman failed to j The spefia, preacher at the servlce( The special Lent,,, services at 5:00 control his elevated train when he suffered an electric shock. Would ion Wednesday evening, March 18, was I r* m. every Sunday, afternoon, under it,not have been possible to have averted the collision" in face of ithe ^ev- J- H. Edwards, rector of thijthe auspices .of the ttarper Men's *li#» mi,.â„¢ tjn *ro;r.m«« i,«,i :+ k««____ 1 i- » -v ' 1 j Church of ihe Holy Spirit, Lake For- Bible class, are in< rensing in attend- ^he injuryM> trainmen.JiacUt been a-good distance,-say 100 yards, |est. 0n Wednnsd:iv "venlng. March ance and interest lue attendance M^HlJwit-ii^^ ___________ ! 25. the Hev.E. L. Eustis. rector of the past Sunday eveni#K made-it neces^ £^tJslesUmated=that fully I.OOO Wilmette residents are passengers lG-urc!r ef the Holy Comforter, Kenil-Uary to place chairs at the rear of the '» , . »' -.« I worth, win preach. "Everyone is wel-; church to seat the people. * An,ci]tial number and^pos^yJ^^^^^-------------------- iJr. i-;. \v. O'Neal of Chicago, preach- more, north shore citizens and others are passengers each day on] On Friday, March 27,~ihererwiti he |edâ€"&-iMiipf4ii_and -uxspiring sermon. thei many ^filw^atncee^eiectfic cars. Surely these patrons deserve ian all-day meeting of the Woman's j and Mr. Will Meyers, also of Chicago, better protection than is now afforded them from accident and in- iauxI,lar*' ^'Uh luncheon served at .Pleased the congregation by his skill „.t , .„ , ; • „ ' tt^*«»="i «*«*« jnoon. The auxiliary has undertaken: »n leadiug the son? service last Sun- jliry. Why not preach safety first' in the nftrriaU pf the^ linfo^ >,, ltlv-llh ^nuniil i fin -rnmr children j ' ' "•â- â- '. • â- â- â- ..â- • ;â- ;.",. ,... . ' -â€"â€"-------------~.-----;â€"'.--------------- ] *n a mission school in Alaska, and! 'there is plenty of work for ail the! ion tile elevated trains each day. Certificates of these changes have been filed in the proper offices. The capital stock of the Wilmette Kxchange State Bank is now Seventy- five thousand dollars ($75,000.00). The surplus and undivided profit Is Nine- teen thousand dollars ($19,000.00), and the capital, surplus and undivided profit is now Ninety-four thousand dollars ($94,000.00). J. H. SCHAEPER, Cashier. ------*- ^3tc HATS, All Kinds of Braids remodeled into absolutely stylish shapes TURNER'S Fo«rtb Floor 20 SO. STATE ST. ATTORNCY-AT-LAW " JOHN HUGHLALLY Central 1S67.1.tidiae* till M «t. EnJTrJjm women who can come to help. Wednesday, March 2r>. is the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and there will be a cele- bration of the Holy Communion in the church at 10 o'clock. ~~~~ Wilmette Baptist Church. Sunday services held in the Wo- man's Club building, corner Greenleaf avenue and Tc'nth street. Pastor, B. Frank Taber. 1046 Greenwood avenue. Telephone 820-L _„ ___"_ Bible schoolâ€"9:45 a. ra. Morning service;â€"11:00 a. m. Evening service- â€"7:30 p. m. The subject of the! morning sermon will he "Paul's Cer- i tainties." In the evening the pastor's BUY YOUR POSTAGE STAMPS AT HOME. For some time there has been a plea from many residents in al- most every section of Wilmette for better mail delivery. Six ppst- ^ejii'inow Comprise Hie delivery force from the local postoffice while there is work for' eight carriers. The question naturally ^ises.^ " whyâ€"riot^pr^ 'efficient service?" But JJncle Sam has something to say in that Regard artd nntij he is "shown" the extra carriers needed will not be sanctioned. "...'.â- I In filing thcjcomplaints against the present service, few- Wil- ^ette-ciiizens realize that the fault lies at their door. They, them- selves, are responsible for present conditions. The fact is this: one-third of all of the outgoing mail handled in ';tfie^'\yi1r^et^.-pV)sionice-.-bears postage stamps purchased elsewhere. 1^ m This deprivation of revenue, and by the way, it is the only item of j ' revenue in which the business of every second class office is dc-j^i"*^*â„¢!3401 . Lace D^ine a sneci»Ily teirmnTed^^y^l^ "Cfiances of- any^improvement-" in -the locar^servrcer" Unconsciously, f "Sp"»« Novaues From bstrich Feathers perhaps, thc^itizenswho^ijurchasctlicir stamps in other places, do j*W-2W-"eBell«hBMfr. 15 E. Wasotegloa St.. CMcagu not recognize that they are hampering the chances for better postal !'â- â- â- ""'" " â- service here. But it isla fact nevertheless. ":. -r/Until a second-class postoffice can show its revenue to be a cer-: (am figure, which now maintains only six postmen'for this village, I no additional carriers can be named. The purchase of stamps is a I trivial matter, yet in this case the iniportance of such an item means ! much. The public is to be benefited in-the-, purchase of stamps at! home, not the postmaster-. His salary will be the same unless a' tremendous increase in revenue, which is most improbable here; tiQw,:is^recotded. /___^=---------^-------------- --- =•- â- --- ~=--â€"-1 ----- i|> L Letls alfcf^nicmhejr^e^sfogan^ to Tf^B UY YO UR j POSTAGE STAMPS AT HOME. HEMSTITCHING Pleating. Buttons Covered While You Wait, EMBROIDERY L. J. Wrobie, 13r, s. Statist. CHICAOO Mail ordem have oar prompt attention. Writ* fir price list, M. EILEEN LONG AND IWWILTZES ffitltz. uTnto-Hlep. ttt. Opea Day and Evening Powers Building, Suite 1301. 37 S. Wabash Ave. Cor.Monroe St., Chicago Phene Central 34Bg RVANSTON THEATRE Fountain Square H. L. MINTURN, Mgr. Phones 2A98-2899 mmm Herbert EAntiines 1117 Main St., Evanston Telephones Evanaton 3475-J and 449 Official Tunet fut Nurlliw atern School ol Magic AND BALANCE OF WEEK The Ev<mst>on SLock Company â- frPresents Charlgg Kenjon's simpler forceful, deeply human drama As played with greiat success by Margaret UHngton. Every Monday night souvenir photos given to the ladiesâ€"Next Monday. Gail Saterlee. ^ • :. Miss Russell will be hostess at the reception Tuesday Matinee. •â- •'•â- *• , ; l: WEEK or MARCH 23 "THE LITTLEST REBEL" â- _^ .-s»t»<i;; WAR UB AM A On May 1st we will occupy our new Stewart Building Store at 184 State Street merchant in Diamonds Hortk Slate Strut, Opposite Marshall Field & Co YOUTHFUL WRITERS SHOW CLEVERNESS. - Written in a free, uhstilted stvjc?rqnite unusual for such young ^attthorsv-the otorjes by^lhe~New Trier high school pupils published In this paper last week, the_first_pf_a series..to_.bc_run- in a contest, attracted much attention among the "grown-ups." In fact, the tleyer satire cbntained in a few of the stories-on timely topics would do credit to ajnorelexperienced writer. â€"-------------------.---_: -111 conducting-thrs short story contest, the -management of the Lake Shore News feel^, thaiâ€"thf--pms»ir3jTPincpt thusâ€"given- to the high schbblr'^'c^-:T^'-^TlB-"to'^esent" their views ~on certain Eefv^Ejiglishf will aid them materiallv in master- suojects in wen ww ing that-br^ncit ^f iustr^ction^-^And-sitrelj^^he-^^rtt^displayed 1 the prize winners in turning the, money iuto-a-fu-nd 4o-be-Httsed-for iinproying^the school property, is most commendaIiJ.ea_ __ . _._ _ . Oftentimes stories stibmitted^ for publication by school pupils and j others untrained in literary work, are stereotyped and uninteresting. I Not so" with fhose which were_ published lastjvvegk. On the-other' hand all. wefe~well ..written, and., if one is to credit the favorable! comment heard on all sidcy thev held the attention of thousands of' "The tine of Good Servlci" > 3 Sailings Every Week o TO AND FROM «3 VIA j â€" VIAâ€" ! See rife St. Lawrence Route , Montnalâ€"QHebecâ€"titerpool Jilimtrealâ€"^uabec^-W Montreal-Quebec- Havreâ€"London Bostonâ€"Glasgow U _ Bissefe GTandr Rapids Carpet j^^^p^ lers, cyco Ball Bearing ;$3value. Price $2.19. Carpet Broom, 4 sewed, regular ^Oc. Price 39c. JB-B Wall^©uster, designed for walls -aad ceilings, 4 foot handle; $1.00 value. Price 69c. â- "____ renders;of-t-h'is paper thrnuglumt. -r^i _JM»Q TICKET JPLAN IS ADOPTED, Wilmette citizens will htrve ail oppuiumity in hotli the village and township elections, which will be held next month, of. selecting their caiiuidaitrs ~fro'm"tickets, since a "harmony" ticket could not be ar- ranged in village politics and:since_opp(V>itifTti ha^Jip,-tim;-up against ithc New Trier Citizens'-leaguc^ It is our opinion tlr;<f»the "two plan" is a good onei While we do not advocate factionalism, it is -an_-njjdi§£Ut^d^^ ^yâ€"toothing of the ]>ossible independent omce "seekers, interest Is stimulated and no one can tfieh raise• tlie cry^after eiec^ien^-rrhat ^hej- selection of officials" was "cut and dried." ... ____^_ e Hew-turbine Quadruple Screw S. S. "Alsatian" awfP^GaJtgarian1* -----25.U0U ions Displacement LARGESTâ€"FINESTâ€"FASTEST __CANADIAN ROUTE Ocean Passage Less Tharufour-Oars- The Steamer of Many Attractions WashlBoilef, No;9 size, copper bottom; were $2.00. PrjceJJ.59. zJB^B: ResearilF^il Mop; a 50c of oil free with every one. '$2,00 j/alue. Price $1 50. Wool goap/toilet size. 1CTbars Tor 35c. Wright's Silver Cream, best by test, 19c. £rjermaa^o^ Ppl^hing Mittens; rip off the outer lay- " ' 9cT . T ^~^ Curtains Our Annual MarclL lay of Ruffled^^nd Flat Muslin Curtains. All made of fine quality of ^materials, full two ^nAonesMl^af! not^inake tlieir^ Curtains of plain muslin, ruffled, group of five srhall tucks. Pair 75c. â€" Curtains of patterned swiss in dots^ spots, small figures and plaidsrrufl%li^l v-, iHrvith hemstitched flat edge^ Pair 89ci Curtains of patterned swiss in plaids and figures with full ruffks, ajso flatccur- tains of plaid swiss with insertier^kee^ and edge. Pair $1.10. :S€RING^NEAR^«^HAPJPT The bright, sunshiny weather the first of-the-^veek-gave-nianv i rnor.ttv sh*r^*e^denti^ihe^f^ the fact that a mild but chilly atmosphere prevailed in/'CbnnccfTont with old SoVs rays._ But upon consulting the calendar we find that official begin 11 in^g^f^rtng is only Telvdays distant.."- ~ ....'.,."'.-I So cheer up, the robins will.soon be hcrc^.- I II 1 Cabins in suit< l>:ith uml toilet. 5 with Drivntn SimcioiiH stnt rooms. OloaH inclosed promen- ml«- .lt-rk.â€" Verufiila G*fe. Com-- fort'ablo I.onniTv... El»"ctric Pas- . imager -Elevators.â€"OrchVutra. coniodation, all el.-u-:, s. Lowest j*tcsi Samracr recurvation lists - -now open.. ijtriy bookiners rec- 6m~.cnd«i. Send for descriptive Booklet "G." ForfunjgartiCjt lannH-to-reitlhgsriates, ttc^, apply nean-st Local Accnt, ALLAH L CO., General Agents 127 north Dearborn Street, Cbieaw er as soil Mop Cloths^jlcj^JQc, Broom Covers, heavy fleeced bags^^lS^ Curtains of extra wide swiss, in plaids -^vrth-witfe liemstitched ruffles; curtains and 10c. rfes^^ster^rS^^5c^T5c. Chamois OeaningXloths,lHc£ife^r of plaid^fim m^ edgre; curtains of plain swi^, group of ^Q^-tocicsrifisertioTi^arixtJ cur- Hin^bT white marxiuiselt^^wit^^ce