THE LAKE SHoku News, iHURSDAY, MARCH iS,1914. ,441IIIIIIIIIII â- •â- I â- 11111 :. MIot Shsttta of Barrtogton, visiting Miss Anne Jamison. ^ ,â€"- -Constance Tyrrell left this -week for the south for her health. Mrs. J. M. Curran gave a tea Tues- day in honor of Mrs. Belfleld. .;. Miss Ruth Forberg entertained the Young wbman'sjjmlld Friday. - 7Mra.~Aatttn jYpnkers entertained friends at a luncheon Saturday after- noon. ' Clarence Schafehen and Nash Cael leave for Harding, Montana, the first ofthemonth. -I.'.*-. • Mrs." Dlkeiaan of Montlcello is the guest of her sister, Mrs. P. R. Greene. 776 Prospect avenue. Mrs. Ralph Charles entertained the Merry Matrons at cards in her home Wednesday afternoon. ^ Mr. and Mis. Charles H. Thorne have -gone *o Hot Springs, Virginia, to spend a few weeks. Mrs. J. N. Ott of 878 North avenue, and her two children, will spend the month of April in'Atlanta, Oa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald, McPherson have returned from theirâ- "â- â- wedding ___trip and will be at home.afterlApril 1. Miss Catherine Greene is at home visiting from New York City, where she has been attending Finch college. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. H. Farrell and children are enjoying a visit in Flo- rida. They wm visit in JVashlngton, H, C-i he'ore'returning home. "~ Mrs. W. D. Mckenzie of Hubbard Woods, returned last Saturday morn: wg from"vCalifornia, where she-has been spending a few weeks with Mrs. john; Jamison; *: - ; ^|tey.7p|itf,e8 wturtiedHaat-Sabirday^ â€"irom-New HavenrConh.rlWhere he at- tended a meeting of the National Re- ligion Educational association. He^ Ohio. n . -' The French reading class held a meeting FrtaByJevenlngLat: the home of Mrs. J. W. Scott, Sheridan road, Ti«wLr~Scott^avenuer-Readings were My Dear Mr. Pollard: In reply to your favor of March 12, I would say that I heartily favor the plan of taking Immediate action to flne secure a Community House for Wil- mette under the provisions of the statute enacted at the last session of the legislature, largely through-the efforts of Representatives j. ayette S. Munro and John M. Curran. The greatest need of Wilmette at the present time Is a Community House which would "perfOTTO^eTttthei tions which are being so admirably performed by that splendid institution known as the WinnetkaComjrnunUy House. According to Representative Munro and ethers who .have made a special study of the matter, the new statute seems to offer a practical means by which Wilmette may pro- vide for this pressing need. I earn- estly hope; that a vigorous action may soon be started in this direction and I congratulate the Lake Shore News upon its enterprise in calling public attention to the matter. Very truly yours.* 1 S. M. SINGLETON. Cole Favors Plan. Forrest Pollard, Editor Lake Shore New*»=>?^ Dear Sir:â€"'Answering your coin munication of the. 12th Inst., with two inquiries, I wish to say that I am an enthusiastic advocate of the com- munity house law, and very much de- sire this be put Into effect in Wil- mette. I was only t<wglad_to sign given by Mohsleurs Cauuet and Hol- land. ^Anotfcer-meeting. will be held this morning at the home of Mrs. George J. Farnsworth, 960 Sheridan road. ~ the petition asking its submission to "the voters^ â€"â€": Ypurs^very truly^ ~ - George E. Cole. GOMnluNITY HOUSE PI.AH iS EXPLAINED (Continued from"'PAjge» 1) if 1 any, will .sprang either; from a mis- understanding of the functions of such a' community center, or from inade^ Quale informatloh as to thecbndlttons which it wjoaid'^ .,,.â- > -J*refc- to -Ev*fybody^: vcf";<:'.'; In the first place,7«uch an institu- tion would be for, use of the entire cdmmutsity without distinction; and. being established and maintained by taxation fpM^eiy as a. public, enter- prise, it wbuld beT unhindicapped by those small prejudices which inevita- bly attend any partisan or sectarian enterpriserandi-fii a measure- at least, destroy it3 efficiency. No denomina- tional church, no club or other pri- vate organization, and no institution established and^roaintainedâ€"through the generosity of a _feWj_cpuId possi- bly^ flil the place of one erected and maintained entirely at public expense. In which every citizen- may feel a sense of ownership and pride, its; as sembly hall, club-rooms, gymnasium, tainment features maintained for the benefit of all, without distinction of church, club or other Social connec tion, and absolutely free from every patronizing element. Such an Institution makes for the highest type of democracy. It means a better community spirit. It means wholesome supervised entertainment for^the^pttng; and that intimate com- panionship of parents and children in common sports and amusements Which' helps more in the right devel- ___opment of -the chIld^aji_imost of us ------parents realize, -in short,itinteahs a higher citizenship among both old and young. . I have spoken of a better coin-., muhlty spirit, tfear we~now. lack something in this regard. We can all SfzzJnjprove in this: direction and should f upon ' Welcome.any:. proper agency which-Jjipmegg will give us greater breadth ol vision and a keener sense of public duty. Let us, by all means, take advan- tage of this great opportunity! Let us show that Wllmette desires to be counted In upon any movement mak- ing for a more enlightened public spirit, a more wholesome mental and moral atmosphere and a better citi- zenship among us all. RALPH R, LOUN8BURY.-â€" Lauds Winnetka Plan. Mr. Forrest Pollard, Editor Lake Shore News, ' Wilmette. III. Chicago, March 16, 1914. INewtrierH^ School Jottings The Gymnasium Eahlblt, "- The great event at New Trier; this week is the gymnasium exhibit held in the school auditorium Friday even* ing at 8 o'clock (not Friday after- noon at 3 o'clock as announced last week). The gymnasium work at New Trier has received an almost nation wide reputation among educators woo come from far and near to investi- gate it. The gymnasium exhibit this year promises to be exceptionally No one can"siffoTd fo*missiL; As the school auditorium seats only a thousand, seats are at a premium. A word might be said to the citi- zens of New Trier township as to the financial side of the exhibit. Admis- sion is only fifty cents, and the total proceeds therefore cannot exceed, in all probability, over $500. This sum IB-needed to iully-equip -4he-joutdoor teams, particularly the baseball teams, which need new equipment throughouL-7As--New-Trier has no enclosed athletic field returns from the out-of-door games are very slight, and the Proceeds from this exhibit are very much needed. . ____ Literary Activities. New Trier students, especially the upper Classes, have been unusually busy writing for "various prizes. A dumber are writing verse, essay, story, or descriptive sketch for the six English prizes, amounting in all to forty-five dollars, offered by Mr. Henry P. Williams of Glencoe. TCom- positions for these- prizes-are=due March 2,7. Still others have been working very strenuously on Peace Essay to be submitted Invited to a surprise party in honor of the birthday of Miss Jessie Hess of Wllmette. All4 had a most enjoy- able time. The Senate is busy preparingItsr vodvil for the evening of March 27 at the school auditorium. __ - '--â- -- Tiwrgerman club. . The German club was entertained hut week by Miss George who' gave humorous versions of TJIe Lorelei and' Miss Snyder who: â€"read German stories'. NEW REALTY AGENCY. Announcement is made :in another column this week of the 'opening ot the Wllmette^ branch of the Ball & Rowe Real Estate1 Company.. The lo- cal branch la in^churge of Mr. ft JD. Hill, 1520 'Cplujnbus avenue/ and Mr. Rorer. Mr. Hill has been with the»firm for several years/ He has resided here seven, years. He former- -ly-was-employed-withâ€"w^-K.--Young^ & Brother, another Chicago-realty: firm. . â- The I Fou Chicago Little Theatre Fourth. Fleer, fine Arts Building NextW«ek-M«dM TrojtnWcmtn 81- Eves.. 8:15. Mats. Thur». and Sat.. 2 15-J1 Sunday, March 22-8:15 ZUKQWSKYTRIG FINE ARTS tues. ^:;;^M|fJ|!li|et^,-'"rr-'^;B^^ Winthrop Ames rn«c»t«THEPI.AV WITH 5IISIC " With* MARGUERITE CLARK If laarMNJfcosinm and Granville Barker . Bfnalo by JOSKl'H MOOKAT Classified GENERAL MERCHANDISE Fine fruitsâ€"In and out of sea- sonâ€"always form a part of our ^arge stock of Select and Flshcyv Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut 7 Cams 'it coed. 'â- - .â- â- . â- "â- â- .y.\~:: GEO. B. WINTER the this â- 11II111IIIIIIIII ******* £Whc3 0GQ * ffiiaimu &+*♦* in -^-^i^â€"and--MYsr-^AT-JCeurtaey Camp-if hell" are visiting In the south.__â- â- â- -•: I j -- Mr. and Mrs. George W. Keehn are again at home after, a pleasant trip to Panama. • • •-â- • â- "•";_â- _:'_; \ vMr. Sad Mrs.' James B. Thorscn re- turned last week from a three weeks' stay in Florida. 7;- i\ ,.'„ ;: ,; :.; Mrs. and Mrs.. William Junnlerman Satfouiice the mTfth;'6T a"son in their home last week.' X Mrs. Robert-O.-J5erger has for her' euest her mother, Mrs/R. Zimmerman of Twin Lakes, Wis. _' Mrs. Marcus L. Bell of Essex road is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Trent of Madison, Wis., this week. Mrs. Charlotte -all Eastman, Mel- rose avenue, entertained several guests at dinner Saturday evening. Mrs. William E.7Higbee Js home, from Boston and New York where she has been visiting relatives for a few weeks:--------------------râ€"â€"---------------- Mr. and Mrs. James Murray are en- joying a visit in New York City. They have been enjoying a stay in Pine hurst, N. C. ] Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert .W. Kelly have returned to their home in Cumnor week for the one hundred dollar prize offered by the committee of the Lud- greh Peaiw^FunxraTild-TradeT-the-Bus^ pices of Northwestern University. The essay of Marcelle Laval of Wil- mette was chosen by New Trier to submit to the committee. Still other students, and a great body of them, are^rying-for^the-contests In oratory and extempore speaking at the Uni- versity of Illinois and Lake Forest. Tryouts for, JtheZ University of Illinois^ extempore speaking .contest were held at the school Mondajnuorning. Dorothy Doty' was awarded first place, and JBedric Smith second. Both from Wllmette. Interest in Contest. Interest has not waned in The Lake Shore News', story contest, but de- Detailers' losses, due to short *V orders, are reduced by pronapt use of JLong Distance Telephone service. When such * shortages ^ccpr, the naerchant's-^niy-recoLirsc to obtain the missing goods irv the leastâ€"possible time. A"^"Eongf Distance Telephone message is the quickest and most effective way of hurrying^ the shipment. Quality and not Quantity-â€"the Besriorihe moneyâ€"is our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries Is always select, and Fresh Fruits and _Y< alty. A. S. VAN DEUSEN All tt'irlnjGuarinteed Electric Shop- HARRY A. WITKOWSKY Proprietor WIRING; REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOE, ILLINOIS AUGUST RODELIUS Successor to Rodellus A Rossa. Expert Watchmaker and Optician. Repair!og of complicated watches and clocks. Many years* esps eace with best known Chicago houses. Phone 2632. 827 Davis Stree MEW'g WEAR g Clothes Ready Madeâ€"Clothes to • Order. Packard Shoes for Mesv V; Sorosls~"Shoes^for^fcadir? â- ;<id ;i Children. Gentlemen's Furntsa- Ing Goods. HA YES & HAfESi HOTELS THE AVEJSUE HOUSE , Ffivate Eschanga 1110 Sunday Dinner a Specialty. 1 to 2:30 P. M. Phone 1110. Phone Wlnneika 587 Phone Glencoe 490 PatlersonBras. Gs»s_ NEW or USED SEWING HMMIIES Repatrin* of Sinswr. Wheel«r& Wilson! WHcox and Gibba. Md alt other makes of ma- chine*. IS22 Sherman Ats I'hono C51 EvAS*rO« NEWS V/ANT AOS BRING RESULTS, MICHELI'S Famous Italian Rcxiuraoc m 75 Cent* fS'€iMXr - Private Pining Room for 50 to 1 SO People Arrangement* Mad* for Motor Parties MICMIOAN AVHNUC AM) UUl STNEBT CHICAGO bowling alleys, educational and_ enter- road after a visit with relatives In Washington and other eastern cities. Mrs. C. K. Parmelee Is slowly re- covering her health after a three weeks* stay at the Presbyterian hos- pital In Chicago. She returned to her home here last week. Mr. CHve"Taylor leftthls week for an extensive 'trip through the north* west. He plans to ' visit sections of Canada and Alaska and then win travel to countries In 'Asia Minor. : Mrs. Oliver R. Barrett returned SaU urday after a five weeks' visit in Flor- ida. During her stay she;visited i^ Tampa, St Augustiue-and either pronjK inent places of the southern stated Mr. and Mrs. William FT dimmer- man. Jr., the latter the daughter of Mr. and^Mra-Edwardâ€"JV-Phelps-off Kenilworth, are being congratulated the arrival of^a" son in^their mands have been so pressing for long articles of a different nature than those sought by The Lake^-Shore News that the committee In charge, found that it had from the two upper Classes only five stories, whose turn it is to write, which.met Just the re- a^uteemento,';.ot^ the paper, and has asked for one more' week, a. request which has been courteously granted. Tfeeioffer of "the paper has furnished a distinct stimulus to the students, especially to those of the first two years, who are already preparing ar- ticles for their turn in April.v -t,-------â€"-i-The-Ereihriieri,._iJ___ ' V^; The freshmen have been given the opportunity to publish the April num- ber of The Echoes. An editorial hnarrl-hair-heBn-appointed with Grant- Keelrn7~editor-in-chief, Wellington Coolidge, business manager, and Dale Smith, artist. Plans have been made tqrhave-aininusual- number-of-hum ous cuts and the whole paper prom- ises to be one of rare interest. It Is hoped that the subscription for this issue may be doubled. The Literary Societies. The Zenobians and Elizabethans held a joint meeting Friday afternoon, March 13, after which light refresh- ments were served by the Zenobians. In the evening the, Zenobians were Talking Machines« FrenehTOerman, Italian and Spanish Language Out fits When yarn wtnt'-a Machine or Records, call up Wlnnttk* 693W, or Central 3507. JAMES I. LTOHS, 25 West liki Strut, CHIC.60 ft. Repairing Promptly Attended To _^±Cbicago Telephone Company â- â- â- â- â- j-/:>-â€"H. B. Gates, District Manager____ ^f£i..^-._j.:;:.:.'\-'^lep.hon^fife Mexican Curio Armadillo Compdny XKW sroitKS 330 SOUTH STATK STUEKT, {Oi>po>iteRothseblt*] Dora:sticated tnd Live Pets lot the Children. (Call and see th'e Live Arnudillo) Beintifol lamp Shidc Frames of all Designs and Sizes at SO CENTS EACH _____BIG REDUCTION SABY GO-CARTS ATI2J8____ _ Turn <I»nrr»c * •"»»« south state stkkkt i wo aiorcs j te4 Wqrtm nrxH avksuk Chicago, Ulinois iHtesflgata H ITIIOUT T»i! l'i,ATJ£S salt SDK â€"GARjbTON PROUTr Police Magistrate Touring GARS 7 Passenger, 6 Cylinder. ...4IS75 GOME FOR A DEMONSTRATION BEFORE YOU BUY ____ MfmTires 5000 Mile Guarantee Without extra Charge 801 Post Off ice Place Evdnston J u rIitf lÂ¥ttoii la me a• that of a Justice of the Peace - i*souTyJuiLbiNG ^.'^r^asr^arTc^ wnnetka I. CO.VM I.TATION rilKK.____â- _______' _ mm* wrMrt , a aanai «f eomforl and •"urabBilf. Sit »aotSH»lBjiceela!l«(l. Southeast Cornrr Randolph ana Clark Streets â€"â€" Ooon evenings until T-Sunday 9 to 12 1'OnTKR'S HIGH QUAUTY STOCK Illustrated Price List Free. Write fur Copjr ti.ijriy. PORTER'S RURSERtES K^^„U^! NOTJJâ€"ttla 8ti>«k or lirite Specimeu Norway Mttplfs at !.<>» 1'ricus.__________________ , 'â- â- s HARRY fcYMM Staple & Fancy Fruits and Vegetables is ScBiuia Kenilworth* lit. Phones 1041-1042 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmememmmmmeemmimmmeamtimmeimti FOR SA1A ' KINGS RESTAURANT gt?r JO years the naroe han rtood fnr pwrr. .lean lnod. perffct cuu" ' right price*. ^Kiniu"a i it buslrieca ami clean food, perfect cooklac. I4&a| ecr vice and ' take a particular pf%4m von Rtl the benefit of It. Kmt tit K INO'S today and you'll come beck to- e"a particular pride in toef ' â- M, morrow. 10 C«urie labia Da Hole Dinner Sunday 7SC «ilh AVFNIIF net. Madison and Waghioaton St» 3IB fl.tflUt Chicago. Illinois â- â- ,â- ,â- , Forinefruiy modern Home i â€"twoeks-t9~/irTfXY~~r Re J Croao Filter Service! TCI. Main 30ta CHA>. S. WALLACE. Agent 1621 Orriogton Ave. Tel. Evanatoa 2tO [House of sLv-rooms- and hath roniftr two largo porches, for $2,5Wf-I"1 cash, balance easyv- Also ^~twa*|lsi building of seven rooms and hath* rooms and porch 8x22 on each floor» for $4.500. or will rent for $1& and IJM. Buildings almost completed; locate* second block west of Kenilworth 4«h pot. Good sidewalk and street. ByWm.Wilsoii Builder and Jobbtr WEST KENILWOIITH. R O. BO^ t«^ Telephone 1146. Ph3M Winnetka 425 ShopriQ+Lindtn^A JL±------â€"^HnttnrdrWoodtiVUnoii^â€" - \ 171 KA < jAKA( > ... : ,1 «nf.n j: ;•!â- • : KU VXD CIIAI-MKI MOTOH CARS Charles A. Wigiifiiian & Oompany Real Estate Agents, Brokers and i n V'i ~~Biiyefs of North Shore Property Stores, Offices, Fiats and Residences lor sale and real in Evanston, Wilmette and "Winnetka. 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE Art Embroidery, Designing, grams, Stamping and ..i'-.;- '-'-â- â- â- â- ':â- Novelties-----^~- -..... yENETIANrAjgr_ROOM3. Minnie Lange, Prop.. 617-C18 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington St., Chicagc LADIES' TAILOB8 Tton aretnTltad-to taspecttae-liew-: Pantalooa Skirt. PAUL.SON, HANSEN A CO. Exclusive Ladies' Tailors -7 P<jrraerly located In^North^Americatt Bldg. (now C1G-C20 S. Michigan Ave. 7'â- Suite 9i0). Phone Wsbash 6195. NEW IMPORTED MATERIALS IIAyELARRiyED Plain and Fancy Suits at Reasonable â€"â- â€"â€"__7â€" Prices. __,; 7_____ Workmanship Guarant GOWNS IMPORTED. Phone Eranston 1997. SlgHamlltooSt 7aTTN?STROM: A. ROSENBERO ArUstic Ladies' Tailor We swnow showttg^Sprlffgaed^^Sam- ninr Stvles for plain and fancy suits. Workmanship guaranteed. Established CHILDREN'S & MISSES', LADIES' nfrttgaRg, wATfiT TO ORDERS SMOKING. MONOGRAM NOVELTIES. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 717-nT*Veiwtlan Bids, 15 East Washington St, Chicago. Tel. Central 4f»L ~ RICtt HtJDNUrS MARVELOUS COLD CREAM HAS NEVER BEEN EXCBLLBD. LARSON . ^ «06-4«aIlers^ldg.,-Madi8on7^L_aBa Gifts out ofihe or- Wabash Are, Calcay. Tel, CeaL««. InaqUtor people ot j . ____â- ,__.___-r-____J_JL_i__^..jV.^jT. n^TbeatheL. ^Wa^r^Colorsr TArtrCralt Sundries., Instructions in leath- er and china. Cards for all occasions. =*rOT^OOTBFFeo; EXCLUSIVE LADIES' TAILORS. REASONABLE PRICES -~««»92*H8otttlr7MleW|»ar-ATea»e^- Fifth Floor. Chicago. ^hTjwsa-marked degree of distinct! taste in the selection oX ; ____ your attire. ^I^£IUlT~Etl^t^OE:N:-*-Ca^ 90».Mailers'BWg.