Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1914, p. 1

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IV I JNt:ws VOL. V. NO. 10. Phone Wilmette 1640. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 19,1914. Room 2, Brown Building. PRICE FIVE CENTS Community House Plan Is -^ -- - Explained by Lounsbury Application of Law Here and Problems Which Con' front Citizens Are Set Forth by Weil-Known Resident-Need of Such an Institution Cited. t IfflMIHITFil RY nuifeiiinei.£j y»i LEHTI "OPEN CAUCUS FATHER MOURNED AS DEAD VISITS SON HERE A public mass meeting of the citi- I the levy of a tax for a Public Munlcl- sens of Wliiiiette will be held at the!pal Coliseum." if the Question car- Woman's club building, Thursday j ries, the Tillage board, in the next an- evening, March 2G. to discuss the j nual tax levy, shall include a tax of proposition which will be presented not to exceed three mills on the dol- to the voters at the coming village lar for the establishment of the in- election in regard to procuring a com-; stitution and thereafter may annually munlty house for tbis village. The i levy a tax of not to exceed one mill application of the new law to the for the maintenance thereof. needs of Wilmette will be fully dis- cussed and a plan will be presented by which the village can secure a community house at a .small, expense to the taxpayers. A largo attendance is desired In order that the sentiment of Wilmette residents towards this proposition can be determined. Every person attend- ing the meetlug will be given an op- • The president of the village board, with the consent and approval of the village trustees, is required to appoint a board of three directors who shall] Mar,v S$^$ss Jeing Madej by Local Church Members During 40-Day Period. have the power to construct, equip and manage the •enterprise; and no director shall, either directly or in- directly, be interested in any contract with said board, or in the purchase or sale of any supplies or materials portuni^ to take part In the discus- i OTed ln â-  ^ building or its raalnte slon. ^ /, ^ .* - v ' j nance, nor shall the directors hold V^S^1? r^°"fl ^,.. "V otner offlce. or receive any com- Rffi"«tol ft"» imnortanca «f th« nro- L,^),^' posed^ommujtity house for Wilmette. j The directors may purchase or *C^"T ^-^f^1^3SS leaseliny-real^tate for the purposes last week addressed letters to several jof the ln3tIiution and. with thfap- Wilmette cttisens #and <f^^jprova| Of the village trustees, may tag them to gjve^thelr vewon the lg8Ue boaqs 8CCUr€d by mortKaKe ^ proposition. To^date ^onjytjiree re- property, to assist la eBtablishing K'^^mm^lo^ have been received. use for the purpose any real estate S^Kouhsbury^^ intormSionon the suWeci His reply 8 not necessary for any ott6r munlc- iiuui utauvu Vu w«»»"* *- * Ipai pUrpo8e or n,ay acquire a site by follows:.".., To ^the Editor. ; My reply to your question. "Does Wilmette need a Community House?" is "Most emphatically Yes.** I bad supposed this need was pretty generally admitted, but How to obtain such an institution has been, and still is, a problem not so easy of solution. Apparently the method of private sub- scription haa, for the time being at least, failed. r However, a full realU ration o^^enoed-ls* sure forerun- ner of success in a progressive com- munity of determined men and women; and rflrml^ not yery remote wfcen Wilmette will possess .»immunity center, so use- ful and so helpful that we shall won- der hbw.we ever did without'it ;.?•â-  Law. Passed Recently. It/toayloot be; generally!Jumwnthat an act was passed by the last legis- lature of Illinois which,.although "Im- perfect in some -details, la neverthe- less a splendid step id the direction of enabllttt eltWs atid tillages to build ^j^^bifiiniu^fty. phonies which, as expressed In the act, "shall i»e"for the\free^seandrbeneflt Fof-^the inhabitants of the city ^r_ village . â-  .. *„Kii»h^i *„» when, and the nature and scope wherein thejiame is e^«^^^reof, it Would vbe^^m^sslble-^ lectures, concerts, public assemblies, and alt other general educational pur- poses, and for the purpose of main- taipments^ and "all auch uses shall spjte of*jt3 defects, and utilize it in condemnation. . r " ' Act Defective. , The act is defective in that the tax limit specified therein Is too tow. The assessed valuation of property in. a small village like Wilmette is insuf- ficient to make the three mill tax for building and the one mill annual tax for "- maintenance adequate for the purposes intended. This tax upon the assessed valuation of property in Wil- mette would only give a building fund of about $4,500 and an annual mainte- nance fund of about ?1.500. Even if the village availed itself of the further privilege of issuing bonds in payment; or part payment, of the property, the one mill annual tax would be wholly Insufficient to pay the interest cs the bonds, provide * jhf^M^f^:>mM^ cost of maintenance besides.* It I: other revenue by temporarily leasing tire- property from time to time; tor reasonable private uses, bttt fi-Is not probable that this would result in, any substantial J sum. forecast.' :.:.â- ...' ~'t ".â- â- ." How, then, is this difficulty-to be met? How may we take advantage Speech That Opposition Poli- ticians Want Full Sav or Nothing. ^tempts to arrange a "harmony" ticket in tho coming village election In Wilmette havei proved futlle,lac- cording t reports made in the second caucus of the Villagers held in the Brown building Thursday night. Con- sequently a list of candidates, selected by the nominating committee of the Villagers, was ratified 'In the caucus. The list includes: " iFor VillageZClerk, :P. M. Bingham. 80S Wood court ~ For Village Trustees, Ford Jones, 1045 Forest avenue, from first pre- clnct; Max W. Zabel, 610 Greenleaf avenue, from second precinct, and An- drew P. McCanney, from the third precinct, or west side. For Village Treasurer, Harry W, Miller, 785 Ntoth-straet^- For Library Trustees, Mrs. H; M Snow, 514 Greenleaf avenue, and Mrs, John D. Boddle. 885 Fifteenth street. :. . Montgomery Makes Report. The report of the nominating com- mittee Was made* by Dr. W. J. Mont gomeryr one^ot tho Jtoldfiyei, village trustees, who was elected last spring on the Villagers' ticket.. He stated that much consideration had been •tyon each candidate whose name appears in the list, and that he be- lieved the ticket was equally as strong as the one which won the:day in the 'Wievfrtectlon last spring; â-  Chairman Colson, who .as member true that 3§|£|il!BeiB^/^^ Lent Is being .carefully observed by Wilmette North Shore church mem- bersinsofar ait iscriflces for the forty day period go and many are remain- ing faithful as the fourth week of tho season starts, to the pledges made Ash Wednesday. Social activities are j almost at a standstill in many neigh-, borhoods. .: - ._.:_. Parentof Driver WalterZibble of Fire Department Returns After Long Absence. Attempt to Get "Harmony" List of Candidates Proves Futile and Plan Is " r Dropped, • ".••'. To many who are not conversant u,-----â€"- rules followed by Catholics and mem- Chairman of Caucus Declares in Llsrtft^ndldites for Town- ship Offices Is Nominated in Caucus at School Sat- ==â€" unJav^liight. .â- _._;„ After'an absence of a quarter o. a century duringTwblck^nw^aJias been mourned as dead* Albert H. Zib- ble, 73 years old, a civil war veteran has joined his son. Walter ri. Zibble. a driver on the Wilmette fire depart- ment in Wilmette. Through the ef- forts of Charles Golden, who married Mr. Zibbie's daughter, the wax* vet- eran was located in roppenish, Wash. Mr. Golden, formerly a soldier in the rt _ icr»TlAMO TA DAX/II fstaudlug army ^adohsd^afrFor^Bhsr^Him^ r A-VJl bers of other denominations, will be i. ,„ V ^ t- e n u'Ll' i interesting: ' Alftoup^Only Small Number of ^-All^daVs of tint, Sundays excepted, are days of fast and abstinence. ' All the fattkfttl Who have completed their twenty-arst jrear are, unless le-1 gltimately dispensed, bound to observe. the fast of Lent.' j Dispensations from above given, laws are as follows: ldan. enlisted the aid of the pension department at Washington, D. C. and found that the elder Zibble was living in Topponish. , , ,; auditorium of the New Trier High By dispensation flesh meat Is hl-lgchooi Saturday night, candidates for meal on aii',_,,._„!-,„ „m,.„0 •„ »«,„ niiwiinn n«vt lowed at the, principal meal on »»jtown8n|p offices in the election next days of tUg. ]except Wednesdaysr| month~were^ameo^a-aZirclfiBOQri^ Fridays, the Ember Saturday (Marchlknown as the -open Caucus" ticket. 7) and Holy Saturday (April 11). i while only about 75 voters attended The use of wn: with flesh meat Is I tno cauCU8( mucn interest was manl- forbidden at-thesamo mea],^evenr-onUegte^-------_____' . ..,;. â- â-  . 'â- ;â-  g Sundays In l*^i^ t^â€" - ! The ticket named follows: â€" Custom sanctions the taking of a Pop Supervisort Jacob J. Beck of cup of coffeei:vmpr thin chocolate in;Glencoe. ^ - ^=$IS«ii^^^iM-^JS^^i^_ ^"or-Town Clerk. John J. BelOTWll- collation which should not exceed the!mette fourth wrt#^#i||ordlnary meal. JU | Por'„ epllector. Samuel Hailett Gree- Voters Turns Out for Meeting, nM , „r., t ,. t , . . â- ^_\t The son In Wilmette Immediately oplTn ot raimess rreuOm- communicated with his father and en inates in Sessions c,68e? Pho^raphs of. himself and members _of_ his family. The war veteran became estranged from his in an open caucus held Jn the new fam"* In Kansas when the Wilmette IHBIEESff WILMETTE IB Propositions for Annexation Southwest Territory am Community House to Be Put Up to Voters. Several Property Owners Appear Protest Proposed Street I m p rov ments, and Hearing is Gon= tinued twol/Veeks. Are fighter was only three years old- Walter and his sister were always '-lhg taught that their father was dead Upon .receiving Uie letter and .•photo- graphs,- Zibble made arrangements to visit his: son. this collation meat only is forbidden, lcy ot winnetka the use of^b^tt,^eese.JJprilk_andJ__porAssessor. Joseph Shanti of Wll- eggs being allowed In virtue of aimette special indulrof |ie Holy See. For Highway Commissioner. Peter The u»e_of_Ia>d and dripping3_J9lBorr^<>t Qroaa Point.__________ permitted to |$M preparation of, ab- j The can<ndacy of Mrs. Katherine stinence foou. ^ - *â-  JGirllng of Glencoe for school trustee When theprincipal meal, cannptbe^as^ndorcedy as JKas_also thltjf taken at midday, it may be taken In the evening,and- she collation in the morning. "':":'% - All persons under 21 years, or over «0 years of"nj^^ose^whv^re^en* gaged in banl labor, the sick and convalescent, and those who cannot fast-wIthout^jte|tti3P=-to- their health, are exempt from the obligation of fasting. Those who have any rea- sonable doubt as to their obligation to fast or abstain," should - consult their confessor. ... tee, explained in a concise manner the! may use i fleshi meat.;more' than once CtfeWures Which had been made'|eachday on-wbich; its iiae Is permit- the "opposition" regarding a harmony j ted. . ticket and how that, "ostensibly, JHie p^Concerning abstinence: Practically members of the "oppoBltion" wanted. attr-who-have^com6M4o^the4me of rea- Tbis: defect may, Of courseTTn tinie7TW®^|OhT6^faUr^^ be^r^mealea^ol^ramenilmeTit^bu^th^ ^^her" taembersTof liis^^committ^ meant Joseph Schopen of Gross Point for psundmasten Doth are candidates on the New Trier Citizens' league or "Good Government" ticket. ""^SwiTTSptrlitthown.^ L Announcement was made^ prior to the meeting that it would be" an "open caucus>*^d^"8uch=it^asr:^to a small number of^he motors-of-the township were In attendance, every phase of business was conducted "in an open and above board" manner. TUcn „,,,„, 0.„ -Â¥ w„„^ tn -ofrl^had^4K»n rumored that some of the Arriving In Wilmette Friday Mr. Zibble went to the lire station in- greeted by his son. little Herman Zlb ble. his six' year old grandson, Who was-^playlhg about the yard,. ran to the aged man and-called outr "Is you my gram'pa?"^ " ::' , Mr. Zibble will visit with his son for a few weeks and. later go to Roanoke, W. Va., where he will meet his daughter. DENTAL THIEF MAKES Several important measures, luCtii ctwo' special will .-be Submitted of \Vllmettt In. electron, April 2}». Issues whi to the vote the vllb were up» consideration of the village trust* Tn their regular raeeting-T-Tu« night. Definite action taken on two issues and "alscussion of ot! toplcsTnade ^iherTmeetlng ene; ot£ political affairs In New Trier town- ship, would be in charge of the meet- tog and that the candidates named would- he members Of that faction. This rumor^videmfr^^ upon facts, as _evjnt«efi!iOtt in ca^cus^-waa _4fl»eii^n_j^ present the name of lfls or her candi- date for the approval of tho voters. George K. Fernald of Wilmette, who be subjectvtp" suchrreasonabie~ruies and regulations as (he board of direc- tors may in order to render the use of said property of the greatest benefit to^tbeigreatest, number.'^-- -This law -will -doubtiesslhayejto_b_e amended i^.sdime particulars, as ex- perience teaches the necessity; but H is even now vVorkable, and it is to be sincerely, hoped that Wilmette will lose no timeln aValltog herself of its obtaining a Community House com- mensurate with village needs? The answer would seem to be, avail our- selves of it as far does go,. Join- ing forces with some other public bMy^hatjcan go the rest of the way. School Board Plan. It Is understood that the school board has, for some time, had .under had keen willing to "give and take" j elmply the abstaining from meat 6n or-share evenly the naming of the^f ^fef buf ;5ft£ T- ^^.^l^SSSJ^Sn5^^^^!^ 'has wrbeen^lateo^^pi^rS not countenanced by the other village [Saturday. On all other daysrneat Is m „ or factlon. was chosen politicians. Slnce*no agreement could allowed at the various meals to those chairman Henry Pierce Pope of be reached, the present ticket was j who are bound only to abstain. Qiencbe was named secretary and ^We^P0* ^ -------"^tl»rs7^InnIe-A7^eymi>uriirWlnnetkr ed to the voters in tho caucus, wa9 P||P|| C Ulll I PIWC accepted unanimously. j I 111 ILO fir ILL III It. The failure of a "fusion" or harj_ mony. ticket-probablyi was caused^_by.| the '.'^announcement" ' that" O. W.] Schmidt, 827 Elm wood avenue,! ANNUAL GYM PROGRAM assistant secretary. Mrs. Seymour was one of three Nevr° Trier women voters who attended the caucus. r:â€"^fferntld Makes Statsm«nt. In accepting the chairmanship of the meeting. Mr. Fernald stated that would be a candidate from the (yjew Jrjer BOVS and GlTiS tO I ho never hai been Identified with any consideration the establishment of a pririQesTltodeett^^e^J&alr^^ ^ nection with the schools. Just how far this board can go In such a project under Its^ own financial resources alone, I am not prepared to say; hut been begun with ithls object in view, I nection with the schools. id at thri cnmtnri? village election on April 21 we shaill no doubt nave th9 opportunity of voting on the question by means ofthelfttle ballot; - This act is entitjled "An Act to En- able Cities and Villages having a pop- ulatfon *«ot to "exceed" Five Hundred nough the working out of the enterprise through the joint action and resources Thousand, to Establish and Maintain of the CommunityL_House directors and the school board. For example, the Community House directors, un-. der the law, may either purchase or lease property for the purposes of the institution. Let theâ€"school -board, therefore, build the structure, leasing it 'to the Community Housedlrectors, who will maintain it through the an^ «uafta5^wvide^by^^h^0r^^ again, the law might be availed of to\. Z. tl 0 »I»" r» provide funds for the purchase of. aj Talk Sunday DOfOfe COTl- first precinct no matter who was de cided upon. This assured a contest with a possibility of an Independent j ticket in the field, and all negotiations j were called off: Appear in Entertainment Tomorrow Night. group or clique of township politicians and that above all things he stood for clean and businesslike administration of township affairs. "In this town- ship of Now Trier we haye the best MtJingSam, the Villagers^ aiuue . am uu, p.^aicu ^ oa,, >».v *ffi^ vJ"auge t 1 *,11&***?*< 8I wilt be presented by members of the j to make myself dear at the outset the: act above-outllnT^^^^ this caucus In a broad enough in^ terms to permit of ft: ^1^^ S ^!0,^s oi the NowTrler TownshlpffaTrandimpartial manner." He aUtod It Is probable that the contest be- Hlgh achool> Jn the theater at that in- that he stood for good=go*ernmsnV tween Mj. Bingham and^ Earl E., BtljutIon^, Frlday night, March 27. C. the shme as othors, and that h? did Public and Municipal Coliseums." It may be said here that the use of the term "Public Municipal Coliseum" is misleading and unfortunate, and may result in some uncertainty and con- fusion at the polls. \ However. It Is the subBtanoe of the act and not the naine-wblcfelsHmportanj^ formed that it Was because^ of this title that the bill slipped through the legislature without objection, few members, other than th> author of the law, knowing what if was about. Its passage seems to have been one of those instances of; legislative legerdemain, sometimes \ necessary, or thought so to be. in tie practical operations of law-msklng^hedies. At any rate, the bill became V l»w» and the term "Public Municipal iJoli- ^e^ilH^linfrifemilty. but^s^Per^amo^ciors ror Community Houses, as i» very aP-,.T?f8-------if"32£-0 (,„ ,-„„„ , „,.. ™™ f allude to-eetails .can...doubtless be worked out cago. most interesting that has been he in months. "." __ What Was Accomplished. The following Is a brief, resume the proceedings: Passage of ordinance calling "for special ballot to he prepared in tl matter of annexing the territory cated southwest of toe present bout aries of the village of Wilmette, be submitted to the voters to tl coming village election, ?. niAU IIAIII Ili tiiii iiiilP'TTriP r ^Pn^^senof reaolutlbnt calling for Klbn HAUL II iLMtl 11 »"»* &m? &*%». ****/&& Community House plan as â-  prescrlt "j-furtheMoTrroe^tsw;-'too*-subojSuea:; the village election. Declaration of on violators the smoke ordinance th the villa 'Preliminary, steps taken to monopoJy^toneTJD^ ___________ used exclusively in vliiage. ,"'".„ ~ â-  !•â- "-'â- :. Pretest- •<«!•*â- . inipVovsmaht,";- A dental thief made a rich haul- Preceding the regular session here Tuesday noon when he entered the_ yiyajje trusiees, an open hear the office--'Ot Dr. C^ B. Smith,room 20 j oh three proposed.•â- .-street imprc in the. Brown building, -and mado'ments was conduaed by the boaril oE ej*ay with > a large quantity, &/.seldjl^^ made up to expensiye bridge work j Jectlon was made by a group of I valued atjeyersl hundred efollars. jerty 'owners^^ in Wilttiette and (Dei An entrance to the offlce was gained j avenues to the proposed plan "" :.iwov '"" Office of Dr, C. I, Smith Is Aobbed of Several Hundred ^ollara^orth^ otGoli^ irtheTloor leading tqthe offlce^andi fares. In fact P. ^ Debm«yT clipping the lock. I de h avenue, owner of ah BothlTJrFSmillFaTid^i^ sistant. Miss Sigma Johnson, were t became ;a bit personal in -art at lnnch when the theft was'"."perpe-••'{ President J^oht^D. Conifer to tl trntod. Uinally Pr. Smith watts un-[tag when lie asserted that the vi: tit Mlis Johnson returns but Tues-j president was trying to force the : day locked the offlce. .In the small (provement upon the citizens again space of time, probably fifteen mto- their wishes. ^tca^ which elapsed between the time Aslde^frona the proposition to pav< UiH Ur. Smith left the office and Mlaaland widen Wilmette from a i^sii-= Johnson returned, the thief entered 1200. feet south of i-akq aveuuc tu ;; the place and secured the gold. [Chicago and Nortjiwestern railroai! In returning to the office about!tracks and Central avenues from ti. 12:40^ o^lock MIbS Johnsoni discov-[ riiilroad to Eleventb street, a hcarik ered' the robbery. She met 0 strange j was also called to consider the pi a man In tho corridor of the .building [of paving a north section of Wlimettn and It Is thought he was the thler.! between Forest and I«ake avenue Included in the large amount of gold; This was also frowned upon by t stolen, were six or seven expensive property owners in^^ that section > .. gold bridge pieces belonging to pa-[were directly taxed tor the ImpirOv- tlents. Aside from the intrinsic value, j ment. the bridge -work represents much | After taking a .recess'.- when the si hard laborwhlchfrnust-berreplaced-byfston became somewhat heated, it ' > the dentist. . ! decided, when tho be^y reconvC) U - Several persons were^â„¢passlng .In rt0 continue the hearlags:. for*'\'-â- <-;â-  and out of the building at the time; weeks, until March 31^ WThe^robbery; Tfieveifar?workmen be-|";~- pjijtiorT for; Annexation, tog engaged in carpentry work to an;; A ueMtlon. aigned by 150 proptfty adjoining room. ^The janitor, h. E. QWners jft it||0 gottthw4)llt *&#&» * Edmund, was also working in the cor- yond the^ villago limits,-repressts -„.,..,.4t. rldor when the thief made Oia haul. 7^5^^,, frontage of 3iOW fee - -. -â- --^-â- â- '-â- --' -----l..-'. - â- '-â- .;-â- -.. + . a total of B.«62 feet^ asking that tin: annexation matter he submitted to sltB7_the~ school boardâ€"erecting the One* who has announced that he|A-Hyatt physical director of the not believe any man should be drafted S11 b,f, *^?^^8i»®ftSjechool, is directing the entertainment,jtote publicsorvlconnless he Is given the village clerkship, will be_ spirited, j^-^ be assisted by. C. Cameron,!ample remuneration.; He further ssld â€" -------- 1 chairman of the Senate committee; M. that he believed that Interest from ; Bruch, stage mai^gerVri^Dunbar, j public fujocls^shoflid^be~devbted to-a ^^^^^^^ nrft p.„nn n^„__!property manager; Webster Stafford,[fund where> the public would derive dr. DANCEY to TALK HERE. AIinRFSS IN Wll MFTTF chairman of the finance committee, some benefit from it. Dr. Jesse F. Dahcoy, .pastor of the the voters, was presentcd by^J HUUnCOO IN WILRILI it \A^Smlih;nmt^armanV ~ I orsaley wd^art^ ------------â€"-- The fOllowina is the unlaue nroBram . wr"^; " „„mtMJ#Irt«-.frt, widely known in this section as an the cast by *1fteonth street, on r^whlrfr h*« bSS t^^y[°f â„¢ ^IjL ycepttn8:^f1°0"S'tSl5 authority ^n Socialism, will give a aouthTby Isabella-street, on the IMeamerismâ€"An act designed to con- ;0f winnetk'a and Joseph SbeoU of ^ vtoce the most^^skeptlcal as to theâ€" fwnmette made good" talker thanking power-^or^TlioTight-Transfercnce--^tnelf frleodB m(i assuring them, If and other Physical,and Metaphy- j eieqt(ed( th3y W0UId discharge the dU. alcal Phenomena........;....... -iâ€"'ties of the offices to a manner which .. C. Russell Small-Robert Irvine ;wouid bear the stamp of "Ifood gov- monweaith Class, building thereon and the Community 1 House directors maintaining it by the j â€". .. .# levy of the annual tax. In either case Sherman C. Klngsley, director Of' the property would be used in com-],the Elizabeth McC'orrolck Memorial monitor school and general public! Fund, will bethe-speaker before the The Dago Fiddlfer. .Cjftjritim'Kaumeyeer|^ parent from the act itself this In order that the voterSmay not and cbminunlly purposes, under! Commonwealth" class at the Wilmette j Lightning Artistsâ€"Walter Hall, An- proper regulations betw|on; the Bchool | Congregational church Sunday, March-.]- drew Taylor, Merrft't.Bruch.. board and the Community House dl- 22, at 5 p. m. Bull and English Entertainers. tHoyt-KIng^r Wilmette, Mrs.; Qlritog and others named on the -Opposition These aire suggestions' merely. The i know Mrv^jCIngsley^Js-Ohe-of- the best Twenty minutes of singing, dancing, tlckct jMr^Gjeetoy:.J'launched Into an i town of the weltare workers of Chi-i talking ahd ttevelUeg, r ^eXPlaimtfo^ to when this voters have* authorised the1!matte he has spent a period abroad: "Nearly the greatest escape artist!iearne(i that it was to oe an open cau- i»-«ni-nee-1 establishment of the institution. Atj studying the charitable institutions of jn the world!! I" :^SS^!!L^M^^i!![~>i2oi. "but [any "rate, it "would; seem_advlsabIe:torvarioU8 nations, especially as regards | jntormlssioh^wo minutes for "Pttstv[|ead^ a^y of my friends who signed will remember that a vote lor\a em-Y-^. „,4.„;i. 4. .__ n, „ â- â- â€žâ€ž. u^ frfM^ ,<n vvilmfii tog.' .. my petition as an -independent candl- and a good at- Legerdemain et Lcgerdecliin. , \fote tor the collectorshlp.-However, T ~'*Traducln« some of the world's ;i will say that I am not Identified With shall then-be to position to take ad-H Mr. George E. Loies address onrgreatest\ performers^ Hyatt, Paynter,;any clique or party, and of a^y voter vantage of the benefits of this act the subject of a constitutional con-!Bwiiett 11 M„„i,in»i r»«n«„m» i- a We for t'n»e, without the loss of a year be- friends in Wilmette, 1 S£ XI mâ„¢.!« ^ 'ore toe next ar»nttal=election_m^endence Is expected a Community House. • shall then^be in iwltwn to take ad-| Mr. George E. Cole'^ Submit to Popular Vote. In substance, the act provides that upon petition of one , S^^-J^et^ ISd^tolcna^ oTlu^TanTBs^ w SonT^SrSto^ »' therAugustana hospital,, ,^-, -:; • ' â- "" ' ^"""«^" ,hf"-« "•'"' »« :','a*i^cWMg©r~aT«er=^nâ„¢!liaeis=^^ mette Methodist churcluuSanday aft- i by Wilmette avenue. The anne) ernoon at 5 o'clock. His subject wlllj ordinance. Introduced by Ti be. "Methbdisr IdeaK"^BrrT3^Rjey^e^ gave an: addrcss^on^h^^aine subject! The co/amunlty house-plan wai before the Methodist Mlnlsters, as- gained by Ralph li. Lbunsbary.: J lis sociatlon ot Chtoago^Monday^IIDr. Ti petition to place the plan heto; P. Frost of Bvanston and others whotyoters on the ^llttie„ballo^ . heard the talk declared It wsa one \ signed by too WllmetteK»oteri After jcommending. his opponent,]otthe bogt addresses they ever hadimotion ot Trustee Montgomery. ; re- .....*•â- **-------- """ f""""" heard." â- '""~"""'";" "" ; â- '-â- -"â- - "-""â- " â-  :" - .jeolutlon, .favortog^toe,luWtie:.i^ ." â- .-;â- '_____ tvotlng plan was passed. . *roe CROWD AT MUSICAL. ! . \ ^mmunlcatton signed by P A large crowd attended the musical: pregident of the Northwestern program glvea JyLJUss,_Marle B^^Bted - JRallroad Company, â-  Jni' wards," Mr. Jerome Levy, Mrs, Mario Jnto the ca0tfe 0| *rrecfc of tt White Longman and other Chicago. vttBteee electric car and a >*or artists at the First Congregational ern m^. tn|te j»«t tssefc isa*; church^J^nday-jaternooii: 'Becausej:;^,,^^ j.-,Kivstons;said"thai^ of the large attendance at the musical recelvcd numerous complaints it Is probable that proatra^Ba^wlithe^ churches, a laundry and other buildings to Wilmette. It cus," he saldr "I do not want to mis- nm,rlp. tna. ......-. , . who has endorsed me or signed my^^eaeh-month until summer. i-iuiai!^' l^mi i whenever a feasible plan can be de-i^ention-wtll be given,_at a later date, j Am>tear night._....Cameron, Brigham j petition, feel as though they would !rUin<!.â„¢iw-5-{! sired. â-  "; .. ! MR8 ANDE8TEAD DEAD--------{ 'The Last-Coat," farce in one aeL | like to be- relieved from any suchen* It seems almost idle to. discuss thej uJ^ »L.^^ „, lm..^ »«*«,« sCharacters;" Cast idorsement since I have^bee^endorsed MB^tmnriclantrrrriv- 7 in thla open caucus, they are certain the" election officials snail caujezthe question to be submitted to jppular â-¼ote-atâ€"4he -next- regnlaciifeB^t ^when every elector will have ye op- portunity of voting "For tor tost) yetrfi^smpposer^ere-wilt^lw^^smy smcerediffeience^flpinlon ^pres^ as to Ito-necessHy. I caimot help bu^ ^fc^^^^^^l^^^^^S^^sl^^a^Jtiiezazdfew^ weeta^^Tle (Continued on Pace 3.) hnrlafcwaa to Lake Forest cemetery. R. Markwell iy free to he relieved from any such C^-Kaiunsyeriobjj^^ Isaac (the coat dealer)...... H.KHlen Mr. Shantz said that he stood tor Thomas Dana (artist)___Geo. Arnold; good government, and that If he is ^Wo^^fJCtotb^po^ ^ - .:.fc ^ TrnaerTure^TTT: 77^ efforts to give-tbe eltlaens and tax- [ gcated that prosecution- tot payers a square deal, '- warnings are givehv the vi A committee composed of -George j stop the nuisance. Walter, '"-:' ."â-  '.'..,.:; >,!!.â- '>- GYPSIES INVADE VILL W. Springsr^otr^WlIinetter: jiugbes of Glencoe and Allen W.^Wy- He of winnetka was named by^Caft«f«r; t% tt,-.=.- man: Fernald to fill any vacancies in women invaded Wilmette:a the ticket and also to call a caucus! for sevewl hours were for next -ysarv=^-^------ -â- '- -jatore»^*i|[^

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