Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1914, p. 4

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«0*1J8HED EVEBY THURSDAY â- â€". «r THE BOWMAN PWflLJSWJN© CO, Wilmette, III. . ;_____ <3®oe : ,. -. , Room 2, Brown Biug. r*»yS V*'iIiUK-tiv Ave. ^^ephoue $6#0 Forrest Pollard . i ,..- - .Editor Business Manager PPESCRIPTION PRICE, |2 A YEAR AR mutter for publication in any .^eejt'a' issue should reach our office 3aot later than noon on Monday. "ft.......â-  ' â-  ' ...... â- ------------ Entered as second-class matter June 1911, at the postofflce at Evanston, Illinois, under the act of Marc*13* 1*7*- Request made February 18, ldl* for change, of place of <entry to WW mette, lit ! THIS RIGHT IDEA. P Increased efficiency in' the adminis- tration of public affairs Is welcomed [by every thoughtful taxpayer. And 'for. this reason we await with interest the answer and manner In which the citizens -of .New Trier township accept the proposition made by H. It Snider, supervisor, wbo reUresfrom office this spring,' that't â-  to wnship. jBanager should fee iiamed to direct the affairs of the township in a business-like way. ] SpeaJkiug from experience and with A knowledge of a» Hie detailed wort; required in discharging: the dutiesof a to wnship supervisor, Mr. Snider has the distinction of being the fin* citi- zen to suggest the township manager THE LAKE SHORE NEWS.^THOESDAY, MARCH 9, Ittt way company, duly ealiad and held! of his official po&ftioas, be was the at the office of said company in the Inventor of several railway tickets DIED SOMM= cfty and <x&fa/&-2tey:'Wfrrm*i»«> 7ih day of January. »1C o| irtolcto time and place of meeting ;**! the members ofs*M rtmnitt** f)M Am notice, and at which meeting a quorum was present, the following proceeding was toad: '.:'„ "ftoe reslwaSto of Mr. John Be- as tbJW yice^reaideal o? the ipany *-as; presented, aod on mo- Former Vice-President of Rock Island Line and Prominent Citizen Succumbs to Heart Trouble. John Sebastian, third vice-president of this company. has been in its service thirty-six years, principally in' the passenger traffic «M>MlJWMJ ' He has labored in divers capacities through ttoe cfeaaging conditions of nearly four «aca^es._ It has fallen to Ms lot not only |o deal ~ srift piaae/tyger traffc problems ranging from colonlsa- tion to the haadllsg of dense; "â- " tra«c problems ranging from eofe****- Herbert F.Antunes PIMM flMMJ ni KoHlnT ecM*iMx*k and' mileage -' books which ;**» «be â- ." He toad been a resident of Evanston for the past siateen ye^a. during in the upbuilding of the commonKy. " As a vestryman of St. Luke's church, he was instrumental in the -growth of its activities and inS»esye. He is survived by a wife,, a son. Don b„ who with Ms s^ and infant son, John, are residents of Evans-1 l*gfj? MISSES FULLER ton- !>T«esevm^|KuMimirawJ«AtmcK«)ss>)w*y Mr. Sebastian was a member of the ' ynion I^eague club, <31eo View Golf club, Chicago TixfDe 'icJWji,' As«p«eA»- tion of Commerce, Church club and ttoc Country club jat Oak fluffs, Mass., Miss Dorothy Macauley TtHkts * tsno m4 Vox* SS,(£aS0 UTTIC TIEATER Mr, sad Mm.UidUMgOffgsivs Â¥ mauage?JLTi^^ WESMYte 2o3e?*£ and after studying ttoe need of such; ' .;'•".. • "â-  / ' ' " °- i^w*. in THURSDAY, MABCH^, 1914; # an official In township affairs toare. t . ._ _r > j* Mr. Snider states that toe sees no res ***** Sebastian/ former vica-prest json why tie sehame eonid^o^iMre*!*^^ THANK YOU JiemJed so as to -include ttoe '«Miafl|0«sJ.*JfcWe.:-»iiUi««d.«*d- «!m» -^â-  iliaf -lM«e Ttoe management of ttoe jLake Shore W «rf t»«w*lp fcittlnew, known residents of JSvansien, dU^ New. is *«i!v srareftii tor th« wn^«w«*<*»*e i^tendid and fast grow- Sunday at bis home/ .100$ Forest .,c... » tru.j «t fol fpjbttoe w^sl^ ^^ 0eatfc resulted fi»»* com- bis entire range of duty toe has ac- quitted bimself witii vjgor /M&ftojMr and it js sl source of regret that on account of ill-health he finds it neces- sary to' rettofts from active service. *t.w "': :.'";."'>" ' .â- .•;. •.;-rT of kindness and praise which were heard in comment of last week's issue "Besolred> IPtoat this company ac- cept the resignation of John fiebas- fines, the township affairs of NewJpUeation of heart iand «ver Mwhie. !j|X' ifmt^m'V^S^Im^m Trier4M»i«»* * prohlem thU '«oq#i«r|VkV/it0»':';wme^^tMAav»--]U(s;T4««>t^J^.]il^wilyj'<es()w^V-^djr.'iua«.l|jg^p:MUp'v|||55' of this paper as a Wilmette publics- «r later must be solyed, Mr, Snider; SebasUan who was 65 yea km. In fact we have toean given ^-j*«l^i«^"«*7h»*P*fr"BMfiJii^-^ a welcome by the citteens of Wilmette i«* *»^ <w efllelent solution. He re- that we already feel at home and are *?tee* th»i â- Â» <**<«!»« «W be en- confident that our move has been a ^unte,red In. itoe way in which the wis* one 1 - {^tetow^fa construed hot if the two Cooperation In every"enterprise 'ffmir***^ of public highways can bo dona away with and the fees paid annually to these officials, applied to the salary of a business head arid manager, it is thought that better, quicker and more was at a sanitarium at Battle Creek, ),.*** ^fS^^*"?5 & *W*&* Mich, but when ^mmm^^m^^^'r^^^ anion they decided to take him to his ' 2 Private Institution fftr LiJitt Only Convaltscf Jits and invaiios Kcceive mcBttflc mating ;'. ftft/fipff Booklet sent noon reoaesft CLARA LlfXKEJM 2328 Hart**!!**, Pboi« ilib 0a Marl* we Witt !_.;. BCW SttWJft 1;'" -'IPiRp tW--W*.^^ EDWARD II our WEWB WANT AD» BRIKQ HfULT Btffftltf ft ftfillf â- " B^B^- aff^^P,- ^B*B»Bj( ^W â-  ^^P BB^W P^MV wt> wJS J â-  - â- *â- ". 'â- â- â-  â-  ' â-  . - -:' x â- :â- â- â- â- ' lilt* Store Ibrses Oiifllttif AssoclatiiB We will give you a perfect fitting «ni- : form to your njeamre- •fffifSfr-" ffe ffrjffforps ail and tear of laundry. Call or mail wasfmmeat • Deposit o» All Order* ' pjbww ss*r 1615 Benson Avenue spells success. And we know from the general attitude of our Wilmette patrons that since t we have made this newspaper a purely Wilmette paper, we will be given your-hearty coopera- tion. We hope to merit your confi- dence and esteem by fair and court- eous treatment to all. Our policy will be, as we stated - in our foreword last -^eek>r'V> prbmot0^&^m^fni4resi» of the village of Wilmette and in »6 idaing we will strive to treat all news, matter in a fair, square end impartial manner. The columns of this paper will at all times be open to the citizens of Wilmette who may desire to give pub ilcity to their views or opinionB. The one stipulation, that authors of all articles, sigh - their -names-to-manu^ jcHptft. Hn^ffiit<^> will be enforced This Is not with the view of publish- ing the hame of'. the contributor, up- la** he or she so desires, but to satis- fy the management of this paper that the articles are genuine. No atten- tion Will be given anonymous commun Ications, nmvLTs mtou CHANGE. it is probable that members of the ..village board of trustees and other officials of Wljtmette,^ 0ell as hun^ direus of ouier citizens, read the arti- cle dealing with the condition of the health of the community, with much satisfaction 1ir last week's Issue ortbe Lake Shore News. The fact that contagion is on the wane in Wilmette is due to the good work which'has I^oC'cMducloo^lnTihe^heaHh depart- -ment since Dr. E. 13. Moore was nam- ed health commissioner last Novem- ber. In the four months that Commis- , sloner Moore has been in charge of the department he has been busy and has given much of his time from his regular_i^icilca__in^Idcsharging-li<» duties. 'One feaiure_clJils_work has been the medical Inspection in the local public schools. By this regular inspection at the beginning of each semester, snd-alsoat-times^when-an efficient results will be obtained. Any citizen Who has any suggestion to offer or comment to make, concern- ing the township manager plan. Is in- vited to-send a written statement for publication to this paper. ____. " '%<"&»%( [ 1 WIDER BVfilNEBB BTUEBT. Within a short time the question of repaying Wilmette avenue, one of the main arteries for traffic in the village, will be up for consideration before the hoard of local improvements. The old macadanr-streetreoverlng has aerved its days of usefulness and the need of a new pavement to replace the old worn ouTlmateriaTis now imperative. In connection with the proposed im- provement, a movement is now being mmmmm vam. wKD.mam* a tiiuks. mat. "T»m Cn^nBgWEnt ».-Ijmv fBSmm "Tto* t*to»iur t'p <-r lllanru I'm*'!." -If; tino. UcrnjardSljaw SSSSlr home, thinking that the surroundings there would be beneficial to him. He considered by many prominent citi-1 failed to rally, however, and he passed l^c^^a^^i zens, to urge a widening or the tbor- away Sunday, with the members |Ave. ougbfare lit the business district at.of *»»8 family at his bedside, the same time the, new pavement is Funeral Held Tuesday. Ladies' Hats of Any Kind Bt^°pSIc' e»ia»i} Ha Msnufijjs* i&g & JJJ»cfii6g Co was talkerof tow^o^^tton-is^-tkken?tdBT-B/tBTnm)n^ The present width of the avenue is I Luke's Episcopal church/df which Mr. about twenty-five or twenty-seven feet, j Sebastian was a vestryman. For the It is the opinion of the business-men [conyenienee o| jphiciiga friends, a we- and other citizens Jbat Jhe street 1 c'al train was run over the Chlcago_& should be widened~at< leant ten paet «nrawawtern, rhftfl. more from, curb to curb, this would i "^^ . /h^' pre»,dei; °J ** not detract to any extent, the present Ro<* ,B,an.d. !^18' ,8ald th?K t,e ,7*7 M*»»r WMS**V,l""iw»B"* passing of Mr. Sebastian marked the plan of the walks or curbing in place 0l0B|ng of the flm 8tage pf one ^ at the parkings. The expense incur-lthe greatest features in modem ran. rod In the street widening would be â-  roading. Mr. Mudge said: nominal and benefits which would be! , "Mr. Sebastian will always be re- derived would be many. With two! memberedfas tlie originator of the sys- vehicles standing at each curb_a^the! tern of railroads providing farm lands present width of the avenue, it is with Hl 1UUo, or.li6 COBt '^*' &3* H?es ,Kni„,.i.., «hn» »f.« *i,i-.i -i^^r^-mKK,*^ to-jvortlty farmers. It was hs mind ffffMfrL^f J** ^rd-riy-vju. wead-Ui^^nTWwl the idea that railroads Its way between these two convoy- cover|ng va8t Biret/ihoa ot territory ances. â€" In the west, should co-operate with Such a condition should not exist honest men, help them to establish In The much travelled street. Conges-1 themselves and by the succoss of the tion Of traffic only increases^the dan-]nien b0 yelped, build up valuable busl- -?epidemic is threatened. It is bopedTo bold contagion and disease down to -the minimum. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" -But-tberer~is-one-handicap-that Commissioner Moorfr has been work- 5 ln» under and that is the unfamiliar- : Hy of scores of family heads in the :, village of Wilmette with the quaran- tine requirements as set forth In the health 4>rdlhance^pa8sod^y-the^lliage trustees last fall. Despite the fact (that the ordinance was published, scores or parents with whom Dr. -Moore has had dealings In health mat- ger-Of accidents and also causes un- j nes9 for the roads, necessary delays. The future devel-j > System Used by-Ail Roads, opment of the village of Wilmette is "This system, devised by Mr. Se- to be reckoned with in providing pqb j bnsMlffl, now Ifl in opBraHfm upon pr«c« ile Improveroeuts and the dnct that' f'ggg- ovcry, railrnadi^t-or-wentr â- â€ži.i^„ ..,««.#.. ».n«»i«ii„ I- u» k..»i te UiIb country^ anjLJorelgn^ nations wrlder streets, especially in the busi-; afl ^JJj , a<J a JJ Meft> But nesB portion of a municipality, add to i Mr SflhnRf<|in went beytmd_ tllla, _, Jts^eauty_aniLiaciJitata-traihc^ia_lhe j <me rcxperl^ Jfil^deciaw^hatu^ey-jUdlnot-see-the published ordinance. Many of these residents failed to, see the ordinance in Jieeauaa of the=^obacure position whlch^sliwas^placed,-while--others stated that they are-not subscribers of the publication in which It appear- ed. When, a ease'"of° contagion "de- velops in a family where the parents governing quarantine, the work .and -oifor£8--oreh*y oniciais Iri tendlng_j.o ^fck"th« ravages 'of the disease, Is -doubled, Explicit instruction must be given such residentSrWliereVif public' important argument in favor of the; mental-farming.r Few men have been proposed street widening. __• â-  .' jof more practical service to their r ?£ %• y£ :-'-- â-  ^country. *WAFtt ^f^l^^k^^^^fFWm0 j-^But-Miv|leba8tian-was y^ry-raodest a very citizen In Wilmette J should j JcUiui^Lpmber_oX the Wll about his work, it was difficult to get him-to tell the Btory, In thu same ,« . ,. rw*ay=Mr?=SebaHtlan-^wasr&"-most- char- "^ ^° ^IProvoment assoeiaion U(lD7^maI1( bHt hoin8,Hted tnat m and hctii promote tho spirit of civic charitable work be Kept from public pride throughout tho entire comroun-, knowledge. There^itro hundreds of ity. Tin? garden contest, which Is just I men today wlio owe their start or flnaT starting, is an affair which should stir; success;!Zlh t)ie__Wdria to tlu; asaist- The pjanjanco of Mr.. Sebastian/'^ a large amount of Interest, has been so successful in other cities, tttncff Born in Kentucky. thTs~grgr~ar rWirmette.£ Mr. gehasTtah wasJJbojal Jnri 28," whero there are many counter attractls15'. at Nowpert^Ky. Ho served as nmny" M. Gillespie r.aSVrtf.s..r Spring Novelticf M#ifc From Otirich Fttthcr* HATS, All Kinds of Braids TURNER'S -Vsr"-" tlomt that the day when the judges j chief clerk and traveling agent in the meet and decide who Is the winner of j nassenger^deua^ment oi^the Atchison^ Ihecontestris haled as a holiday. ! JSf L^lf m° ff^i *T°m No feeling is shown by gy»l1MI tft 188ft Hfl thm ht[rm« COD' ,.,,.............. ......... ,.,.,. , nocted with the Hock Island Unos a,nd i ur^Sot^olScrsant with then^uleTP^^f,^ ^° tf f^TO"^ ^"t^ttW »s general ^ssenger agent. | would indicate tltat they wish to point j passenger manager, passenger and; -out^cltlaens^ who-4iave-not-jolued-In; traffic manager until riuv ilrst of (his f ^^h^^HOT'cjticittirrasr.^tiJClesyrl^^ resignutioir-wag"neTes^t keep of their property. No inference•! sitated by illness. ..." .._ ,__, of any kind ia made that Wllmettolâ€"JlLthn- paasing oX^lJ^-Scbji&tUul^ilLt^i property owners d" not po.sReH»-rivlc! railroad world'"IrnlTidsf tiii' able eoun- ity. olJtho rlght>aort4MUl.J»een-^ye_nj^r^p-â€"ipjf a"woTTn«V6Wn fact •tnat"T'fletofr'tbie'"'at'tt'e'"and c<nmtrya co" the health subject, all such unneces< sary work would be eliminated. ' ONLY^A]^J^^i^7^V£_ l_TbeOialmy Isprmg^ j scientious and law-a ken and tlie chprch a warm supporter And ear- the majority of Wilmette residents arc proud of Jhe.. -yfflagaJn. which they { - sf advm h 4ive»â€"They are"anxious to keep theirf lawns and premises in the bPBt oftenough to be among 'Mr.. Sebastian's To those who wt»ro fortuuati provements^abont^hg|T"rtOTnw^: -SVlday. and Saturday of last week, fol- - lowing tne-longj*p_ell--of-winter, served â- as-only a reminder that gentle spring |« not far distant. As a timely hint, wg suggest -thut^ nor great fawte fao: teraaUn the garden contost. • made to-atore-away-the fursâ€"and woolens; March weather is genertfly varied a^d unsettled. -â- _ _ _ _j_ T juft speaking of spring,^7won4er who'll be the first with the annual /"harbinger" and offeriug uf "hiiasful iifctstry'!" condition, and are proud-to point Ugij Intlmates^his^OBS^Js^Ereparitble^ their flower . gardena^^ad-^et-her iriv-1 betterâ€"evMencc of theT^ateen :wh1chT^er^a8-_hTiUria5!iliis-^5i80clates: could be given than- resolution:â€"passed-^bT" the tfie" following executive the campaign will be,one of the best it lOuit thefte citizens that the members of the association hope to in^ overy-l«t'Qiih^teeroJ^her€hicag0rHo©k JsSasd ejLa^tOT2^rttth^_mcrvcmont4n-a right spimriEofeirnoaOT count of the illness which caused bis death:-â€"â€"--------- .^7- L,^ The Resolution. things yet arranged to promote civic ^SS^j^^f^^^f^ j *Be it remembered. That at a meet Ket the slogan of every eltUen be lng of ibe executive commutes ol the "Make Wilmette Beautiful." 1 Chicago. Kock island dr Paclflc Rail-. a New Sampl/e yne of Wash Drejses at prices that afford a saving re prices There are Dresses of Gingham, Ratine, Grep^ Vorter^^awlF^^nd^W^ Fabrics, in white and colors, made up in the season's newest models. $S fit $6 Dresses (or only $a and $3.75 $6.50& $7.50 Dresses for only $4 & $4.50 i» and WiM Dresses for only $5 & $5.50 ITtrE&es^ilFbr only ifigp and $7^ $15 Dresses for only $9 and $9.50 $17.50 Dr^ses^BMily^^ Ladies'Home Patterns Fountain Square Eyaastou, Illinois

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