THE LAKE SHORE -. Ion Firemen Have Good Record IViihikePulmotor Catty. "My husband," she said, "always wants me to look roy best, no matter what the coat" "WeU," her friend re- nMedf Ssss eas hardly blaas h'.m for feeling as he does."---Chicago Record* Herald. Sometimes It la. Dick, whose father was a candidate for office, one day ran to aia'nother, exclaiming: "Oh, mamma!"Mr..Smltbj savs ;pap»'» got "the aositS,aM!*K" --■■ that worse than the measles?" Without making any attempt at a ird, the Evanston group of Are- Sitters who operated the lung mot and T; J. McEnery, who worked faith- fully in the several calls which were] answered.■■;'■■'•■ M. EILEEN LONG AND HEW WALTZES Utaltz.' Gmtisttp. rtr.' ') Open Day and Evening Powers Ruilding, Suite l30l.37 3.Waba»h Ate. Cor.Monroe St.. Chicago Phone Central 3452 We will give you a perfect fitting anl- form ^to .yonri measure- ment." We reinforce all button holes to stand wear and tear oflaundry. Call or mail measurement. Iteposit on All Orders Phone 3827 1615 Benson Avenue Fortify YourHeaRh By TM.tur«I Phy»icri Method. No Loaf Trip. . No Grew E«i*st* ! jaataIriwra Hate ^^ ■ ■ The Edgemcre Medical Baths 4811-4813 Broadway, - CHICAGO, IIX. Sherwood i 712 Fins Arts Building GEOKGIA KOBER. President WALTER KELLER. Director Highest Standard of Artistry Piano, Organ, Harmony, Counter Point Composition, Vocal. Violin,.; Public School Music, Musical His- tory, School of Expression. .For catalogue address JESSIE K. READ Business Manager 410 S. Michigan Avenue FOR SALE A6-RoomHcEse Price $2500 TERMS EASY .'■ * Also 4 and 7 Room Flats to Rem $ 12 to $20 per Month will be completed about AUrch 1st Win. R. Wilson Contractor and Builder Phone Kenilworth 1H6 P.O. Box 72 KENILWORTH, ILt. Two Blocks West of Drpoi ♦♦♦»»•»♦♦»»»»»•»»♦»•»•»••••»•♦••••••»•♦<• *>>*»»#»»»»»g»»»»»»*»»»»--V>* most last Bujtnmer and fall saved five lives i Three Jong distance runiL were made and thus" were awarded the S25 prize I and in all of, these. instances the vic- posted hy the Life Saving Device com-1 tims were revived. One case was at I pany of Chicago, manufacturers of the} Gross Point,. where a 16-year-old girl lung motor. The above group of fire- men, from left to right, includes John Mersch, Lieut. A. N. Hofstetter, Fire Marshal Cat! Harrison, John Monks was saved from death by gas and an- other was to: Rogers Park, where a man and woman, on two, separate runs, were resuscitated. Beautiful newjskf^^ o effects, ruffled flounces, peg-tops, the new tango ski^ | \ moire, poplin and novelty mixtures of ?lj shades. In short, everything that is ii^w jnd j fashicftaiie found in thfe^ splendid selection. Flesh for Food it Would j. Reduce LlvinghCost,---- H/Iii.Iii* A ~~ I ^M<,AJ tbe animals, which is palatable and W UUlCS n.T<& aUargC.^ waste or la j : ;:jl ■'■■«■ • • ,. W • m | being used[for fertilizing, purposes. AtlXttKXlS Ifl CXIStBTlCC j* "pew people realize that the blue, ' •-; '•" ■•;" ' '-; : '-'■-' lor sulphur bottom, whale found in all I ------------------=-4ottr:oecans48Tnot^nijfthcV^ If American People Used Their mai that lives(today, but is also, so far [as is now known, the largest animal j that has ever existed on the earth or I in-Its waters^-- writes-itfrr^ndrews^ ("Specimens have been measured which j ^^ireachedAJength of 87 feet and in ?all p "it the American snd-Europleah "peo-! probability weighed as much as 75 j pie could be educated to the point of j tdmi. Although the mouth' is cnor- j ■eating the canned flesh of animals rmous, large enbugh^Th"fact7Td_permlt which individually yield as much as J ten or twelve men to stand upright in 8O,00Q pouuds of meat, what^ a won-! itj the throat measures only Scinches derful; food ^ supplywould be within ; in diameter. These animals, like reach ,of the poor of our great cities," {most, of the 'whalc-bohe whales,* .Usu; writes Roy Chapman Ahdrewa of .'New j ally feed on minute crustaccous, a j iprk|n ah "interesting communication shrimp about tbreeWiuarters of an inctl-j on whaling^ to the National Geogr long.:; They Probably heycr cat fish of} raphlc'-;s6ciety at Washlprtfin, 1> C nny kind-tf^fl'"'1 '"r"H '■ f" ll" V'^ He; pfedlcta, that as a result ofthe and /of the Many stomachs 1, wdrid-6unt'!tbir'the monarch of the aroined, never once could 'anything aeas, nt»w goingon in ttlt/blaat, the but the 1^ ■^miuei^ bljue whale whales,' withini a very: few decades, is at Vancouver Island 'five' barrels of inevitable.'J:- Except in Japan, he shrimp were taken, and it was by no says, "great; portions of the "fleBh of means full. ^ • t< M11IIII1II III 1111 Ml ItMfMMM {WantAdDep The LaKe Shore f T^ 5«5 WILMETTE 148? % Want Ais in the Lake Shore News ire charged at the following rates Reil Estate Classifications. 7l4 centsper line. AH Other Classifications. 5cents fct Jine^ --.- ------.------ Minimum Price, 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents i»*+*+*l^+W^++++*4*+**+*++** ********** MGATIOli^^ A COLORED-WOMATTWOiULU-LIKai -general cleaning by the- day. Phono i"<:>'; Rl^'i Evanston'4725. . w-2te ^NORTll SHORE REGISTRY FOli; . nurses. Wo make a tsvmc:alty of! 'nurses, *g6vcrne8Bes and companions | to care for chlldrehralso invalids by, ~~the hour or, otherwise.; 1615 Benson-1 ( - av„ Phone1 Evanston 2827. •■--J-tc;' OFFICES OVER THE | Kenilworth store; two, sets of dou- ( bl.c ollicts; * hot water beat, clce-i tricity._aDd_„gas_;_„clegant location; I cuitable for doctors, deutista, etc. | Apply Phone 834-R or Box 59, Kenll-! worth, 111. 16w-4tc pJB^jflTt- ^WairtBi^tq Bent Houses FOR SALE--PIANOS TAKEN IN j trade on our auto da luue player | -4>laco^-You cannot-buy a now iHano^: or player as'reasonable as we arc! selling. ^Wei have no high rent or i j?yj»r_hgg't.'.•experiaeB.--' Snend a day or two in tnaking yourTselecttoiii You will then buy of us Simpson upright ......... SchuUz ..:■...>...-----• Wessner, New York.... • • • • Wheelocki New York, ... Stoinway .;,.:.,.:.■-'• ..*••... _i-J^y-4>aymettts HOUSE WANTED IN -WILMETTE- Prlvat'e party, seven to nine' rooms, I 7 -good" repair, lowest^ngure, glye-|' ieims and full information and; attention, owners; answer only. M. VVK,. c/o Lako' Charmirtg;Dt^ss^kvrtsxA fine Erench^efg;ej three tiered effect, co^biitatK^ ^ sell* taffete, ^Wtofe^o^ijy Si&TWfeiaJ)r€s$Skirisy very attraetive, an exceptional value J Beautiful Dress Skirts pi wqqT Scotch plaid, alt new shades, the newest effect.................. W om&n' s~ Dress--Skirts, jar: lekzandrwhir^xhecfcsTtwcr^ tiered effects, ipearl buttons____...----- Crepe Dress Steiffs, airrwoolv ove rski rt effect, covered „hjLLtt^os^ green, Cik penhagen and tango vv o o I ^ e r&er trrnay jr hjacl^altthe h^w^ effects......... ... i x I t Shore News. ltc |:73.00 I 125/00 I 15(i.OO; 150.00 | J 90.00 FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR RENT--THREE FURNISHED rooms; ■ .rates reasonable; modern PATTERSON: BROS. 1522 Sherman, Ave., Eyaiistoh. -- Open Tues.. Thurs.. Sat., evenings; FOR I SALE--MAHOGANY PIANO player attachment with sixty pieces of musIc->: Also; several pther pieces of, furniture. Telephone. Kenil- worth 598. ltc conveniences.'5 1012 Greenleaf aye., Wilmetto. Phone 935-L. " »UK HAhki-- USED SEWING M A- - chines taken-in trade oh-our new ' Singer rptary. -6yer two million of; these new Siggerjs sold each: >car. j BOARD AND ROOM 1554 ASBURY AVE.. THE ASBURV. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE, EXGEI.LENT CUISINE. PHONE 2392. MRS. F. C. DIEFENLORF. y~'-.,;" .'-.-• ?•■;- :>.- -'•-.• ■' *V.H 16W-^ HJSHMS r rt^^wijljjplty yblTTo~Bee us uetore buying. Prices are\ lower than you can: buy any place Standard ............ ■ •. ■ Domestic>"-r. rry^yr.".Tr^^ Singer Automatic ..:. ^i. Singer drop head . ,>,...• Domestic^- new^drop-bead. 3yheMeril&^^.WHsojs rdropihead 5.00! 7,00; ^8T0(H 15.00" j 44,00^1 -lSJOOl Wheeler~&~WllBon~cabinet f .~^r^M)04 Wilcox: & Glbba-^,^^^^^-48^04 Wilcox & Glbbs, drop head.V:.. 23.001 1 _Also, large ^aBsprtment^pL --t^H4na>>htni>£ --A tt-nrav'iiiniRB liuar^ I^HE JN.SURAJN^E^ROYAL INSUlt aiuie Company of Liverpool, ^largest ~~hr<! Insiifap^n-' iTofnptLny^ ^Tn thT wprkl, instires dwellings, household goods, rents; lowest ratdg. Charleis A;;: Wightman r£^r":Ca7 resident agents.- Phone 20C; ltc »OR SALE--^-~=-- E V A N8TON H O M E 8 ----■ - v -;- t-. ■-'- :.r -B*^^!-------- anteed from lzMll^ZJWf^ZMM ^ratsfpKS PATTERSON BROS. 1522^Shenhah Ave., Evaftstsi 15S0 Sherman-av. Women's Petticoats Made of good wSrnr flaniaei- ette* in_neaL blue and pink stripe, deep ruffle flounce Women'* Gowns, of good quality flan- nelette, in blue and pink stripe, regular and extra sizes... > .... Women's^Drawersi, made of best quality muslin, umbrella style, tucked and hem- stitched hem, e'dged with tor- ^ R/* chon lace and embroidery......m Ot We have*, an exceptionally pleasing seleeiWin ol-spring^qqtwear fopz- your inspection. Spring shoes are ^&hTrjr~evefy~day. Per Haps you have already - bought some. It's to your advantage to Jmy early._^ You have an tirtbroken se* lection, excel- fentservice^ and a full season?s wear. Superior shoes foi^wbmen and misses* 1 _ Women's Comet 'Covers Made of goo Jln^ceandiembro^ ery-trimmedpri bbon :' fun beading all sizes Women's Cover- All Aprons Made of gojod-qual^ ity percale, in checks," stripes and figures, light and mi e d iu m: ^patterns Children's Dresses, made of fine quality gingham and percale,Ti*tfneaichecks,fig- ures and plain materials, prettily trimmed wttlv- braid and combinatiori ^dfiorsv^izes^ 2 to^i yearsT ■;.!~ rings for -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING" ^=f ROSENBERG'SRED -^R^rt>tNti STAMPS Bm^EMERY^tlJ^ OU'LL DO^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦^♦^^♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»>»»»»»»»»$t»t