THE '.LAftti SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY. 26, 1014. ytiiiiiinumtnuiim. in Mrs- 'Luklns of Kansas City, Mo., is ^the guest of Mrs. Mark Cresap. Mr. and Mrs. George Keenn have left for a month's visit in Panama. Mr.and Mrs. Robert Stearns axe In Guba.^ -They.'-.•-will-:^^returnVin; about-a month. Mrs. William E. Dodson gave a card; party;afrber home yesterday aft- ernoon-. ■....__..:.' A military euchre party was given in the assembly hall of the Kenilworth chib Tuesday evening. _ Mr. and Mrs. James Murray and son have left for Pinehurst, N. C., where they will reside for th.e next six weeks.-,. .";■■ Mr" and Mrs. Gilbert W. Kelly and daughter^have left_ for Washington, ~T£ X£ 'They will" he awayTabouTtwo months., ■ .... '-.. _1: A;newly.;drgtol^':"caxdciub:bfionr tables-met last Saturday evening with Mrs. F. JS^M. Cole. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Frank R'. Young. The club„ wilt" meet once in two weeks: The Literature*' club of the Neigh- bors .gave a French play Thursday aft- ernoon^air-xhehome of Mrs. A. F. Reichman. A large number of ladies were , present. Mrs..,' John Vennema was inieba'ge and gave a paper on •'Victor Hugo's Double Role." An" entertainment: will be given tjar- morrdwl^bliTnTtheKenllTOrth gyih- nasium. The small admission fee that the expenses of the gymnasium. Mr. Charles Chapman is in charge^bf4he entertainment, which will consist of basketball,. Volley ball and1 dancing. ._ '■' Madame Birdyce Blye otiehlcago will, give a musical recitaLfiiis after- noon at the Neighbors. This meeting will be ahopenmeetihg,~td whicheach member will be entitled to bring one guest. The next meeting, two weeks from today, %lll be devoted. to an it lustrated lecture on "Through India With Kim;" by Prof. Vivian of Ohio university; ....... ForfmrReUdentls Playing in Chicago MissMableRisley Is Playing a EngUwoo^fheaU^ Evanstonlans will be interested; to know that^iMiss, Mabel Risley,; former- ly of that city, who went on the stage M~^ Mabel Risley. about four years ago, is in Chicago llifrvweek.: MissTtislejrls-in^vattde^ yille and is leading "lady in "Meiu _zcLelbcheii,*' a; comedy sKltlttiSEls show- ing this week at an Englewood the- ater.' Miss Risley was a resident of Evanston aboptrfifteen^ears*anar_Ba^ a large circle of friends there. She is with the Sullivan & Considine circuit Rogers Park Association Has Been Dilatory in Making improvements and CitU zens Start Campaign. _, Mr.- and Mrs. Charles Hess are in the east They will be gone several weeEsT ": ~" "■> " ~~~~~~r~~r -- The B. A E. club gave a dance Mon- day night at the Woman's Library club room's."; [:'r:^.::s:"p. :z;::n::y. Mrs. John Jeffreys "entertained the basketball club on Friday afternoon of last week. / The Glencoe Athletic club gave' a dance at the Woman's Library club, Saturday, night. ,-' Mrs. George M." Chandler enter- tained the Monday Bridge club at her home,Monday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred D. Jackson enter- MEET AT BIRCH WOOD CLUB talned the Neighborhood Bridge club at their home Monday evening. The Mystic Workers of the_ World met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hessler on Thursday evening Of last week. Delta Upsilons Initiate Members The speakers included: Mark W. Cresap, Dr. William A. Locy.^lSmerlt, M. Anson, N. J. Harkness and Wil- liam B. Walrath. Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS At a meeting of property owners held at the Birch wood Country club recently in Rogers Park, a campaign committee was appointed to hasten the improvement of Sheridan road in that section of the city. -- The committee ^was - instructed to nominate a candidate for park' com' missioher to be elected in the spring, and also to present a petition of front- age owners at the meeting of the North Shore Park district which will be-held: the: first T'lesday in: March* Seeking Gontr%L The committee is i circulating^pjeti- tions among frontage owners along Sheridan road asking the North Shore Park district to give the control of, Sheridan road to the Lincoln Park board. _■■-'•■'• ■""/^'.'^'•:.'_" :i- : According to President E.-L. Loh- dell, an -active, aggressive campaign is in progress. Residents of Rogers Park are thoroughly determined to improve conditions along the road which are how extremely bad. ■'■ '■ _ "The North Shore Park district,- says Mr. Lbbdell, "has been dilatory in making improvements. The inaction of the commissioners aroused the sen- timent from which the present cam- paign resulted." The^Wtei^TWhim-clj^ musical tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs.. Joseph Cormack. This affair will be given for. the benefit of the Children's Home at Evanston. ^ : " r The Woman's Equal Suffrage asso- ciation will meet - Monday afternoon with Mrs. Otto Raymond Barnett Mrs. Arthur, Sayles and 'the village manager, Mr. Herbert H. Sharer, will; be the speakers. Monday ~nlght the Northwestern chapter of Delta Upsllon fraternity had its thirty-fifth annual initiation 'and annual banquet in the new chap* ter house on the campus and fifty-six of the alumni, together with the twenty-eight men of the chapter, gathered for the house-warming of the new building.; Among those present were the fol- lowing: Frederick Arndr Ai H. Car- penter,*FTedeiHlek T. Connor, RutUaC. Dawes, Alexander P. Gray, 111, Rev. David Hugh Jones, Dr. William A. Locy, Herbert G. RichTT^r~G7:Shep- ard, Rev, ftenry O. '. Cady,. Robert Catherwobdr Mark W. Cresap, Dr. William C. 'Dahforth, Arthur E. El- more, Karl D.. King. G. W. Kunstman, Rev. J. H»8tte Odgers," Dr. William R; Parkes, John G^ Singleton^Shelby H. Tomlinson, William* D. 'Walrath, David I. Williams and Dr. G. H. Wyne- koop. - Thirteen freshmen were initiated. FINE-ARTS I EVERY NIGHT (but bun. and mow) Mats. Thurs. a Sat. THE THIS WEE*--^-^H""" Tues.. Wed. and Thtirii." Mat, "Th* Kiaafa Threshold." W. B. Yiats, ui»l "Da»er°4t Gold." Lady Gregory. . t: Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Eves, and Sat. Mai, "Kathlam Ni Horlihan." W. B. Yeats; "Birthrijht." T. C. Murray, and "Duty," bySuemma O'Brien. & •-' SvHiiIayWTito^^y. ?5fi» f 1 .UUt »I *5P AUGUST RODEL Successor to Rodellus Expert Watchmaker and Ol Repairing of complicated wai and clocks. ~1lany year** ence with best known Chi' ■'houses.--" Phone 2632. 827 Davis MEN'S WEAR , Fine fruits--in and out of sea- son--always form a part of our large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee Is Good. / OEO. B. WINTER Clothes Ready Made-^Clothji Order. Packard Shoes for? Sorosfs Shoes for I&Mr; Children. Gentlemen's Furnlsi "■ing Goods. .:.. . HAYES & HAYE CHICAGO FOURTH FLOOR LITTLE niemts THEATRE ~ BUILOlW MAURICE BROWNE ■■' presaata ^~ The Misses Fuller Evenings at 1:1$ Matinee Thurs. and Saturday 2:15 KitK.ittt'mcnt . - _ .. . _ . _. teuite.1 unv«i.-t-k I English Folk Slngors Quality and not Quantity--the best for the money--is our mot- ' to. Our large stock of groceries is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a specfc-7-- A^ S» VA N DEUSJ5N PRINTING Printing of All Kinds !■.......:.. Done Promptly and Satisfactorily by Tb# BOWMAN PJUB. C __. Telephones 585 and 58ft HOTELS Mexican Curio Armadillo Company NEW SrOKKS 3S0 SOIT1I STATK STHKET. (Opposite lt"tli»<li]l.7») Domestiatcd ind Livt Pets for the Children. (Call and sec the live Armadillo) Beautiful lamp Shade Frames of all Designs and Sizes at SO CENTS EACH BIG REDUCTION BABY GO-CARTS AT $298 Two Stores 32". KOtlTll STATE 8TKKET 1C« NOKTII FIFTH AVEM'K Chicago, Illinois To Improve Road Piecemeal. ". In accordance with the terms of the law governing; -. the i mprovement of Sheridan road, the Lincoln Park com- ^tnisaioners are^authorized to improve the.road piecemeal. Efforts are being made all along the north shore; to havf the various portions owned by;.the dif- ferent towns and'park boards placed under a unifie(Tcontrol and brought up to a point of eficiency.. In iseveral ot |heVhortb^bo^iw)Mi p^ntM-ces are pending, and in other places the road has been actually the Lincoln Park board. |> Chicago was. tbe flr'st to surrender its portion between Devon^and' Poster venues,--and- more- recently Glencoe fell into line transferring Its section. The portion; of ^he road through Rogers PaTk^sTurbad^as possible. In Wisconsin, on the other-handr-every town. and county board between Mil- waukee and the Illinois state line has begun the fe-makihg of this inter*state highway..... The ..delays rof the North Shore Park district retard improve- ment even in Chicago. Chattey A,Mon>dish Kitted on Coast p$&~ - -Kll Charley A. Bdwdlsh, son "orMri and Mrs. D. p.,Bowdish, and brother of Mr. J. B. Bowdish of this city, was led -Wednesday afternoon while boarding a moving train at Asti, Gal. Mr. -Bowdish was a resident of gv- anston for thirty ye^rsTT^Hirittended thftjijhUft nnhnnlB and tha high school here. Seven years ago. he went to Berkeley, Cal., to accept the position Of freight auditor "with th* Northwest- ern Pacific railroad, and had made that city his home since then. ~He"is suryiyedibyl:ar-Wlfe and:.two: children, Harold and Helen, aged sleven and four; father and mother *nd brother. ~~. . There will be a Masonic funeral in Berkeley Saturday at 2:30 o'clock. The body^will be cremated and laterj probably be brought to Evanston. j No Smoking to Be 0rderonNentCar$ TKLKPIIONK i»m Cars Will Be So Constructed That ~fffiereWillBe No^RoonvfofB Nicotine Users. riNN.KTKA (iARACJK .....(Ill HIIOHE DIHTHHH'TDKH Hut 'UDEHAKRR AND CHALMERS MOTOR CARS "No smoking" will be the rule on Evanston's street cars as soon as the new equipment arrives. There: will be ho argument about it and no necessity for the motor man to hit a refractory smoker over the head with the ■con- troller .'handle'-or' for the conductor to throw him■'■.bit the front platform. The new Cars are to be made similar to 'the vestibuled elevated cars with the motorman and conductor inside, although the .motorman will not be in n cage. Th^iefore since there is'n'ST front platform on ' which to smoke there wllj- bfef no smoking. The new rtjle ^lil!it|k^iro«i itd^fr aiitoiuHUc^liy, '?We did not aim to get a car that would do away with smoking," said Mr. • Speed ;of the -Evanston Traction company, "so much aS we did to get the most .inoderh cars that could be produced. ' Since these are made with* out platforms naturally^smokers' quar- ters-are omitted. You see, we do not have ar on:this'Une.*: It? is otily twej^-W6 minutes frbm^fie ehd of the line to the othe^ and few-peo- ple go the whole distance^ so we .fig- ured that nearly anyone woufd*. be willing to_ go without smoking for^ the very * short "lime tiey-'are bn'thTs Iine7r The abolishment of smoking on the Evanstpn line will doubtless be accom- plished with none of the hprrinc com- bats customary in other,iparts of the country When the "no smoking" sign-j is hosted. A Specialty W&Jiav& so wide a reputation for skill in handling women's fine garments thai yourmay have overtoWed the fact that we do equally well with men's\ clothes. We ttoj^he wark~right here in Evanstotu 622 D&&^ ^^ Si' THE AVENUE MOUSE Private Exchange 1110 Sunday-Dinner a Specialty, ' " Uojgiao p. m.____^ Phone 1110. CAklitON PROUT1T7 Pol ice M a g i st rate Jurisdiction same as that of a Justice of the Peace P«OUrV BUItDlNG_L_l-- Tdepkoac Wimietki 7 WINNETKA Get our low 1 " NEW or 1 Repairinjr of i Wilcox and Gi all other makca i chincf. . 1522 Sherman Pnon«6S4 EvanI HLGONSALVES €omractor and Builder Rrpairine Promptly Atttnded To ■ Phone Winnetka 42S Shop: 909 Linden Avt. Hubbard Woodt, Illinois North^EnddEmpht Hurt in A ccident Taxicab in Which Mr.qndMrs. Attgue Hdnspn Were Riding z^~1tits^r6zm^noW^iMk^^^ Mr. and Mrs. Augue Hanson, 2C2C; Ewing street, Evanston, were severeTyTf injured early Monday morning whenl they were returning to their home in a taxicab belonging to the Evanston | Auto: company. While the cab was dashing along West Railroad avenue -near^Gfant-Btreel^trtMfjacl^^ snow bank and the occupants were thrown against the roof of the vehi- cle.. Mr. Hanson was hurt about the head, while Mrs. Hanson, according to the -police, suffered internal injur- ies;^^ Ther were attended by ?Dr. Er- iest Pord.". .. i„C-J-:,--~ Stopr Xrookl! Readlt! iMtarmlM TEETH. ImtHgil feM«f » WITIMWT ant A m.rol of comfort antf durability. Oui cilabrattd $8.00 tali haia Hood Iht tut of lima. PalnlMt ailraeting. bul 99thl»laS'lDtclati»l CONSULTATION FKKH. Southeast Corner Randolph and Clark Streets Open evcnitUTS until 7--Sunday 9 to 12 Talking Machine! __.;-. Freneh^Girman^tattanan^ \Spanhh Language Outfits Whtn vba wtni a Machine or Records, Wmnttka 693-W, or Central JSv7.......... J AMES I. LYONS, 25 West take Street, WE ARE MAKING Ladies' Tailor-Made Klinge <3b White i£ GROCERIES iiOHIAIS- MONOGRAMS AND STAMPING Art Em broidery, Designing,- Mono- grams, Stamping and Novelties i.._^ VENETIAN ART ROOMS7 Miss Minnie' Lange, Prop., |i-C17-C18 Venetian Building, 15 East Washington St., Ghicago LADIES' TAILORS PAULSON, HANSEN & CO., =^ Exclusive Ladles' Tailors,^ . : Formerly located in North American Bldg.---how 616-620 S. Michigan Ave. Suite WO. Phone Wabash 5195. ^JEW^P|)RTEDT«ATERDTiLS-^ HAYE ARRIVED, LADIES' TAILORS. LADIES' TAILORING. Plain and Fancy Suits at Reasonable ■_:i..... '""PrTceBr^; . ,:.:^'. Workmanship Guaranteed. GOWNS IMPORTED, Phone Evanston 1997; 618 Hamilton St. A. NYSTROM. A. ROSENBERG Artistic Ladies' Tailor-" SpeHal prices this month on Coats jindT SuRs, lust to Seep bur tailors busy. Now showing Spring and Sum- mer styles. Workmanship and fit guaranteed.--^Eat-lS-years^ -_- --^__;-■-- Suite 506-508 Stewart Bldg. 108 N. State St.--Opp. Marshall Field