Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Feb 1914, p. 1

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VOL. V.NO. 16. Phone Wilmette 1640. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS^^iiSDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 19m Room 2, Brown Building. PRICE FIVEICENti WOOLLEY STIRS WILMETTE WITH LargeCrowd of Vil lagers Attend ZlUruon PrptiibiticMi Raily In Presbyterian CHurch Sunday NigKf. DRY VICTORY PREDICTED h Scott McBrider Declares That AlVith Women's^ Votes Thirty More Counties Will Be Voted Dry In Coming EtectiortSr Garden Contest To Be Arranged Soon Wilmette Civic Improvement Association To Meet Tuesday- Night Td Make Pldns^ Plans for the garden contest to be conducted in Wilmette the coming! ' ' '"": - . '- '■- ■ ' spting and summer by the -Wilmettef ■ ■" , j ^F1,, V «•' civic improvement association wiu be Representative In Talk Before formulated in the next regular meet-) ing of ..that organization to be heldt next Tuesday evening, March 3 In Li- brary hall. Since the plan was sug- gested in the meeting of the associa- tion a few weeks ago, many citizens have,become interested. It is hoped to arouse the interest of every property owner on both' the east and west Bides of.the village, by the:time the contest opens. Wilmette Common Class Advocates Commu- nity House For Village. Contagion On Wane In WUmetfe Now Chicken-pox Epidemic Has Been JMyJ^hiemJ^chMasCon- frontedCommissioner Moore, is on Contagion is" Oft the, wane in Wil- mette just- nowv. Recording, to Health Cc :rimissioner<-f>r. E. K. Moore. : Since, hef assumed; the duties of his office last fall, Dr. -; BJ^ore has been un> usuallyactive in^^ frying to kWp ;^he contagious diseases at the mini mum. During the last" three months there has been only one case of diphtheria. (\r\mn ft* it Tpr IP MAM r- rrj A,]L ?t>Wemic of Ohicken pox has OCCU- uU'.M'lVf I I I tt JO NAIVItU'pied the attehttol of Commissioner Moore. A total of about sixty fam- ;«,■ • , i . to t. to c *«ivS have been quarantined with the No inference is drawn by the pro- jOUpermlenaentOtbcnOOlS Harper be-!dlaease/ Teil cases of scarjet fever, Before .a. large audience, comprised of members of ull the churches in Wil- mette- who jofned in the Union tem- perance rally at the First Presby- terian - ch urch of--Wilmette,--Sunday evening, /^strong ipleasWere made by. . _ ^jwmifgfewhite-rl^^ wjri'• I ^3y^yti°lr^rhl■• J?^u J'__, If}*:"1,1*"1 the citizens of ; every city and village - awaken to the tremendous power that is being ejeerted by the liquor inter- ests. In the same talks predictions were made by the temperance workers -thatr-in-the-c6ming-electionS"Saloj>ns would be wiped but in scores- of Illi- nois cities and towns. v John G. Wbplley, who has long been -identified with^ thfc^PjahibltiQn move- ment and candidate for president ? on that ticket, was^he-priftcip'al speaker, r>r. fleorge W. Morrow, secretary of Mr-monthsjld.Jii the meetings which!recent development of the community,-*-.>r-j-^---'--<---•■= -t -^tv""""• r------------.; «,.,„ hPi>» iripntified with tho Pan-1"" '"--"- "----~ ~~ *-- -r--* -- ---.-. have been held, the social feature has j bouse. He tlien described ttf--:<£»kail] tastaW-ts i«p0rt«4;-.:Ia .iBome^lnatanees j.^a^S^^^^-^^J^^il^icMf**::*" the.--state; to form a league. not been overlooked. Followingfrthe! its possibilities as a meeting placefbrj he has fou^ business session next Tuesday even-rail the people regardless of social con- 0»o village, are not acquainted with j°< ™° "f ,Rn« °™*.°l J^fH^^Ldemocratic league work; in Chicago ther^tfonnfcPMm^ [a*iflbh -Ft--SeOtt--MeBriderr-superintendeitfc-of the Illinois Ahti-Salobh league, also ---spokeT^Fhej-inciemeney-ofr-the-\veather- "--Stnra^" night*, did not dampen the ardor either "of the audience or the speakers. ^ Miss :';Corette opened the service with , stirring "renditions of "Star Spangled ■Bahfa'er'i (variations), by Buck, and McDowell's "In An Indian Lodge," and Mr,,Freeman sang inf-hia -- strongest- fashiofr -Kipling's-- Reees- sional. ";;".-- -"*• ■'■•■ ■:'-' '£ Predicts Dry Victory. F. Scott McBride, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon league of Illinois, and i Dr. George W. Morrow, secretary of the National Jeague\ both spoke of the - anti-saloon, fight, both in the state of ]-__ Illinois, ahjb the nation at large. Mr. : McHride spoke ofTtfie ^cWen's vote : "~"and "that^tfflr1^;more~counties oTtJirr- ttois ^vould Without ]doubt swing into the "dry" iine at the next election- largely through: their instrumentality. -j They both referred to the convention ------at Columbus and the .introduction in :.,~^ jhe national legislature at Washing- ton of the amendment to the national constitution prohibiting the manufac- ture and sale atIntoxicants. -------=---^-^oiillejriGSlves-Sermon Hon. John TG. Woolley, who, in his aost- incisive^-manner, aroused the jience^ot-Jm^hearers to thes ah^ surdity „of ignorahce-r-its fatality aild obligation on the liquor question. Hs selected the passage in John, ninth chapter of the disciples and the blind man, as the .basis of his remarks. He said, in past: l^The^^harisee^Jhe priest and .the business man had "passed that"7J^ser^bTe~bliird uian, but had not seen his misery;^vomenJiad -t)assed-along,-but-^ielr^minds were ^ccupiedr-^gifer^SQelal nhjHgntinns and '-home. duties71and:they failed ta notice motors and members of the Civic Im-(- provement association that "there is; any lackuot^lnterest in the beautifying] of Wilmette homes. On the other hand • the contest is to be conducted to stim- j ulate further the pride that has al-} ready been taken by scores of WU-! mette citizens and make the scheme j attendance-at the ~ CohgregaOohal uniform. The contest will be mod- j church Sunday afternoon, where Rep- sled after those conducted in such ireseritaUve Monroe spoke under the cities as^Ottawa, Ont,,.JoiLmany .year^ In this northern city the contest is an j but his^oTdress was h^rd ^ lected As Head of Body to Con- fer WitW Organizations About Plan. Tho; storm greatly ^diminished the j have been quhiriajatlned since ;Dr. fMoorerha3 'beeh-Hta offtcer-":SeveraT j cajes' of whooping cough have also S _heen;: reported. :,':■' . ■ 4:; - ! There has been an absence of ! measles in that time and only a very [few cases of pneumonia. A few scat^ i tering cases ^ojfTsaumps and other i slight diseases were, also reiwrted. . Whenever any sf|n of an epidemic other jnunlcipalitles judge the gar-11 ter weather and will- doubtless-lead"'0*"the health ot" thje school chUdreu dens in the same mantior in which to tangible results. His subject was, • isconducted.ftt th^jbegiimlng of each paintings* and other exhibits arefi'Tne Community House Idea." '-M*rn>rof-schc^^^^iiie attendance at judged. All of the Ottawa residents j He described the-political-andso^^ are enthusiastic over the contest each! cial value of the old-time town meet--; the average tMayiear. which attests year and as mucMttcntidh^ as^any other civic or national celebra-freally democratic community life and j'a6e are in good health. tiom^ "■'"" TT J ' jdeciared^ that noting in modern life [ Dr. Moore has an office in Pphnnvivanin av*tpm The Wilmette organization is about jhaa arisen in their place except the hall and supervises .per8qaa!ly-4iH^-^a^ *'»■* ggg^- i^rnanih*„a\<ahit*i(> meetines which Lreceht develoDment of the community <l«arautiningc^ the homo where con- \■ __ *WV.\./ A?._»«_c,■ J GOUFFER PROMOTED TO RESPONSIBLE RAILROAD P-OST Woman Democratic LeadertoXiivetalk Dr. Julia Holmes Smith,Woman A uthority of Politics To Address Local Democratic League. - Dr. Julia Holmes Smith of Chicago. who has gained a national reputation for^belog the- pioneer democratic lead- erand.organizer among the new" wo- men voters In the United States, has been procured to address the mem- bera of the new^ly organized - Wiimett^ branch of the Illinois Woman's Dem- ocratic league, in the home of Mrs. Frank Lincoln .Fowleiy^aii-ttJnden avenue Wednesday morning, March 4 at to O'clock. She will talk on"Wd- men's Duties and Privileges as an Acknowledged Citizen." ■ , __^_'_ During the last few years Dr. Julia 'Holnies Smith has been prominent 'in interesting women in; various sections o^^h^-t^lted^iStatesrwhere suffrage has been granted them, In* the princt- ples of democracy. ShlTis7weH~pbsted on political affairs and her addVess will contain many InstructlVje tea- tures^. 1 ■'_,; -. -- -.-■.-.•- - ■ --.-; - -:'. ■ The organization of the Wilmette branch of the Illinois Woman's ^Dem- ocratic league was. perfected, last ^^reatdeiir^ohn D. Couffer of AVll-r-^^-;;""^6-^oU1S[SLiStJ'^ motteaTe congratulating him upon Il^T^fY^V P^fT' ^S' his recent advancement to the post- ^ff ^fo1" g^: ,ftr^^^: 7T-----■ .-. .,,---„..„, „,„„.,„ ^-',-.v identrt^lra. John-^ehu-lc-Bakerr^sTrc- tiou of General Western rrelght „_, ,. ■■ ,. t ,,_ „ » „ , ■t«i»»-«r«.-'--ri,(v/t ^„. Qi. , ^ iond-vice-president, Mrs. P. J, Cun- Agent of the P. C. Cv and^St. -L. rail- „u„_. .„ * ^t„„ „»^„^,„»„ «-- i.>,« ..... „__ . - •■■,-'.-. „ ,*, ,, neen .recording secretary, Mrs. -John way., lines.; to succeed J. E. Weller. „-,>„,•. . „*„„„a„ji^ „»„«»»„,,. »«_• A » i o i% ■■«.- a _ ± ■« i-B. Boddie; corresponding secretary, Mr. Couffer is one of the best posted M-ri■•«:•■««, a„»j," "„„»i!i i,»««,.«.™ freiBht aeenta in this section and his ^8l1' W' Snow; financial secretary, rrcibnt agents mtnis secuon ana his r Mrs> A c p u and treasurer, Mts. apjpiutment^Ue^^^^ is in recognition of his faithful Berv-. ,- ..■.^mi.^w%tmt^, , ivos to the Pauhandle lines of the John D. Couffer. The hundreds of friends of Village ears"-Mr. Couffer In organizing tho league, the wo- ! men of Wilmette have the distinction -=r--f-ofrbeing tht first group-froni; any city of-village outside of the city of Chi- wlll be"given. iteffeshments^wilinsej served. ;7-.'..• "...,,".'_"....'." '■'■ ""'.■" -::".-~;:-:'.: j ^^he-^fneers--ofHbe-^ssociation -in-Ttu"e~ recently r~ enactedT^dm'muhTty elude: Richard W. Boddinghouse, j bouse law and spoke of its application president; William C. Reinhold, vice-} to vmages like Wilmette. In answer t the health ordinance passed .by the iness« »atil heJs an autliorttrWlliTr| ana js recording secretary in the Wilmette board of trustees last- fall.|?jBd .°^ ™»«>ad.!*W U^C^I>' W state organization. More than thirty president; W; D. Matthews, treasurer, > fa^questions, he stated that experience and Leroy Hill, secretary. Paul J bad already shown that certain amend- SchfOeder and several other citizens | ments are needed ^to make it fit Is Author cf Bilfr- j ^ becatlBe ol tM*fact is forced to \has heen agent for the.gruitt lines ofjw,!m^tQ lattle8 haVe already become ggggeBen^atlve^onTOeJs-a^^^^^ in case the quarantine is violated. « [exacting ppglqonv- ^ T, J applicatlohs have been^ receivedT for ._____,;,^,., j '■' -l-.-<-y- i ^^e^newTltithiroTTvir, Couffer will j metoDer8hlp 8lnco the organizaUoh --------- ----------~t«tuseMrfm--to--travel: ojVer the lines jwas „er£ec(ea_l____ __ >"_■:_ have been active m~promoting the as-iRXa(itiy a locnl situation, but said that Artists1 Recital A sociation. j the Women's cluba; of Illinois are back i of the needed changes and they will 1 douJbtIess[be made "at the next session: ] of the leglslatureT^ '-" - . * I /It was the; feeling of all present at Wottian'S ClUb \ ^at ^r- MWe's address should lead .***■ '"vwi'.ff^ ?? T>M*ffP.jr to definite action and it was accord- -:-!:-"--,;:. ' ■:>"."" ■•■ liugly voted to appoint a committee to Third Program ol! Series Will Bef^itQto arranse for concerted action Given Under Auspices of Music jto thls end- Study Class March 6. The third artists' recital wiil be .,- r-Committee Named.---■•; Mr.4.?R. Harper,.wbo-nrdsided,.,waa made chairman, with the president of the Juvenile Protective association, Mr. R. R. Louftsbury, and Mr. A. L Advocates Woman ^^Mm^^^^oard ^rs^Edmn^Joh&bn Urges That Woman be Chosen High --.--r- SchoolDirector. ■s*n*i> Advocating that a woman should be'; imore extensively tlmn lie has in the | _,.........______________ ! past.few years. In charge of the Work j --^~~ »t j Wf " «. ton-the^gralnHAne»r«^n-^frn^wenty^ [seven..yearsitluU4ieJiaa-been^engaged|-j_^_--:;" .. '■ --^---^---- «-; « i in freight-division- of railroad^ ^krl^rp^'^^^^^^-^^f^f^ip^l ;he has been located in the Chicago] toJSce3~cf~the~PanhandIe~lIncs.- , ~ -| ----- .-------•-- --- ( Mr. Couffer has been a resident.of..->•. j..."j »i^«. i>^i« ni«l»i« J?A» ! wumeue fortw^ive^ars gnd in that I Ground Has Been Broken for I time has alvirays taken an active inter, j ! est in the affairs of the yillage. Be-i .cause of his prominence in munlclpaV] affairs he has been chosen village j Small Business Housejftfc Linden Avenue. Five- small store - buildings, repre- , , „, ,, president Xdf four consecutive terms, elected a member of^the^Townsnip r- ^|cd of eight ye^ars. Hiahianj^ High school board of New Trier town- i f ig-j-; -, n ftthe north ahore wlu j senting an investment In construction shlp^JMrs. Edwin T. Jphnson of- Oak " ,ft hiscon8tituents in Wilmette ofa»,oul WiDOOi are to be erected in. Park-held the"lntcre8trof-10(r-Wil^™f-^^ mette women, who atteiided the sae4 "SiTffl " 8ULceas_4n-m8-Jieitten-streets, opposite the Northwest ond of a series of meetings held ihjlQ '. ■ jevn elevated railroad terminal in Wit civpn hvthe^ii i« siu.i class of Wil-i""-" " ■ • ■ , " ......\ the Wilmette Woman's club Thursday |_ • -_ __ ...._____.....«-«-" -mette. Work has already been start WtSJ^S^SU^lJ^i 'Rice, the founder nf the Wilmette:or^t ftfternoon. Mrs: Johnson .is a-mem. mette, at th^Woman's club; March 6. :.„„,-,,„„m> nnv ^mitd i« thp other '-----.-.----. -•--• ---- --- The artists to appear ! 6an?^atlon of Boy Scouts' as : I Mr of the high} schoolboard, -in Oak j at 2:30 p. ^m. PrM. t,±M,TS. DEMANDED. ,| od on tv/Q one-story brick structures Property owners in tho vicinity of j near the right of way of the Milwau- members. Park and snoke in detoll concerning'! the Northwestern elevated terminal. {"kee'.'electric*I'line" by Burt Fitzgerald the administration of school affairs i at Linden avenue, Wilmette, through j0f Hubbard .Woods. Each store room Village Attorney Charles Jackson last j Win have a frontage of twenty feet She urged the Wil- are Mr. "Hefiry Purmort Eames, pianist, assisted by Miss Syleha Sails- i""-" Use Building for School^ bury Steere,_ spj)rano,ziaccompanled r It seemed to be the opinion of those; in that place by Mrs. The program" win "be" as' follows: I house" it" should bTsituated and con-IwOman member for the New Trier | limfts district, bt'ing Songs j______.;......\.....'......... j stmcted with a view to use for_school j Township board, a£5rom Cavalleria"i.Bugtlcang.^uTposea- as well"a^by^e-cmttmunit' <?eth » 'Roberts ^he public I interested in the movement that if [mette women voters to become^ctive i week:^ied Jhe.jittontk>C of Ahe vil- and a depth of about forty fee^ Three- >fr ndmiBsion iree------------L^lmetteHs--to-havo a cominnnity4arid-at-their-fir8M>Piiortnnity-select aJ lage trustees to ,the need of n^Jlro^tnitr^bU4lalngH ym he-erected .west W> aumiBsion ire»,. /*-**»-" •,.-__,J ^_ ' ,.„_t„^ ^ „„„.! m.-;™ m„mw tnr tho Mow TH*»r: Hmfta district beinc established in i ftf »hn Knilrthies aoon. established »n j 0f the buildings soon. ,,,,,. ,,.„,. .„................. i that neighborhood where five newj R'.^r-/.DayJa of Eyanston i» planuing Prof: J. R. .Ha-rper-r^giiriftrintenfl^nt- i one-story stores rooms will soon beltp hnlld two one-story business bulld- Handel-Phllipi) at large and thus yield larger returns ioTlhe Wilmette schools, gSve an in i erectelir-The maticr .was referred l" lings west of the Fitzgerald buildings Mozart ■ on the investment, as well as provide 1 structlve talk to the clubwomen about .the ordinance committee and an|in ^4nden avenue. Each structure "'21 btpsMv heeded school facilities at i the methods employed in organiza-! ordinance governing the matter prob«i wtlV;have-*^rroutage of thirty-five feet tton, raising mohey by taxation, etc.,!ably will be submitted in the-next |on lijnden avenue.. y to conduct the grammar schools of [meeting. T^G. R."'Lan'gtry^ of- 484g^rSherldaa the village. s Hereafter Commissioner of Public | road, Chicago, has recently purchased Sherman M; Booth of Glencoe will 1 Works Forre^er will have direct su | through Paul Schroeder a sixty-foot Allegro Modern to Fantasie C minor Sonata--C sharp minor, op. 27.... j greatly l.^-....__^______........ '.Beethoven j comparatively low cost Adagio, allegretto, presto " -Minuet jj^ ... ^ • •.......... Sauer Nocturne................. Schuman i "Wind Across^the-FIaina'^-T^DebussH "Ai&iX?l!f -'" *"'";" *'^ •'"'"•"•""tSSSSv j-fc'-Wdr-at^^O-iigjivJLext ^u^day.; March•--4}v-insteaa^-=of-6n.--,'-apaaih^><'-. Fonmral-MaTCh . rr.r......... t.iu»t>tu i.ugua|_ja: Mazurka opin "Chopin r lanea -vy-uvme Aiazurna .... r.-------------------• - -""•-"• I domestic science teacher, will give himr but^therec^as^ne^vh^^^ tliat way and He-stopped; sat-dovvn- beside him, spoke kindly to liim and opened the miserable man's eye3, raised lilni Up and Introduced him again into an active and -useful }[&•" --^^Would DWroy "Saloon FowerV--; "Tie declared that "he knew the sttuaf tion of the -drunkard and--bi&-family|-- and the facts of the political and so-:! y cial power of the liquor business was ; J. "Wler^eople7 in ..motion fo^destroy its j awful mastery^ and that ln; oider^toj oA-^Pc^e^ln4s7'SS and women* must f o|)en their^eyes_to_Jthe -sitnarioniand j determine to *5see the thing through" j Songs--(Selected) GroupT Father and Son ^^^ff^t By Falls I of her classes will serve a luncheon prepareJd by them WILL QUTLIN RAVINIA PARK WomiEhfiFrpm Various Norlt Shore Villages, Members of Chicago Tomorrow. WILMETTE UOIES AGTIV! Headid by Mrs. Char}o&jh Wartiw Group oi Village Clubwomen Plan ^zrr^ AcT^GaWpal^C In- terest of Park. Definite action in outlining ' enter-. talnment features and other arruugij ments for the coming season at Ravi nia park, will be made in the regular monthly meeting .of the governing Mar<i'■-..'PiJRayinja cjuh at the Blacky Chieugo^ tomorrow; The^sesstohu: CHANOE DATE OF MEETING. The next meetihg^f_thJi_PaJ^ents•^_ be^^Bpeaker^i^ the^meet>ng^-to-be jpei vision of all water meter ^installed |frfliltage on Llndennvenueiijust west qjub of ;Wilmette Logan school J111^!,^ ln tne afternoon. ' He will tell(after they have once been removed j 0f the terminal. He is planning .to the -- W'llmette women - voters abootJ-fibni-a^pi;operty-thaChas heen vacated \ crect'business^ houses within the next {5FInsteaa-oC7on: wonaay^^u^ Citizens"-"leaguerof j for a time. A new ruling lias beenTfCw monlhs on the site ayrst^nicelfatE^^ --hinAde^by^the_jdnage-^mciate_i^ '".....:,! ","""* -::.-. __£^2.-;-v.. ------- ^ icheck-j^lves^jmust^be^placeld^itt^nll Miss Julia Henry gave a talk, the The evening meeting will be heldlthird of a, series under the auspices on the foliowing Thursday, March 5, [ of the art and literature department: and Dr. Eugene Murray-Arron. noted j of the Wilmette Woman's club, at the traveller and explorer.^ will s|>eak.^ clubi yesterday^afternoon His subject will -be°-"The Amazon^ject-was^-^Monk and Magicl back How. TO HOLD BUSINESS MEETING. The Wdman'B Asso'ciatioh of Cove^ ^^^^{HubbardHiUMecca Forecasting Parties stone hotel morning at 11 o'clock.- will be one of the most,important of the year and, with the repreBentatlva; officers of the association from ait^ of the north shore towns in atteoofo ance, many topics relating; to, the adr;; mlnistratibh of the affairs at; the E«riti will be discussed. • Residents of the north ; shbre who; last year enjoyed the splendid ehterv talnment and social fentures'an*or* at Rav inla park; await with a greai deal of interest the announcement from the clubwomen concerning the plans for the coming year.: Succe»:; crowned the efforts of the nhrth ihor^;: ladiesi who labored untiringly ihTp^i rnotins the spclal feuturea laat auhi-. mer;';'. .-'^.1,.^.----:"/'-""; ;:' :<-r. Just what changes will be decided upon is a-matter-whlch will doubtless bring about considerable discussion. ITn^-succcBs of' last; aeaaonrMi£e- d-15^- - itiui OuStiie-ita v'XpertwSCaw■-:■«« former years, has inaplrfed the north shore women to strive {or even great- or success during the cbmlngVseasOn, They intend to work as a unit in urg* ta^^^thbslrrcsidenta^of the north shore who (ailed to attend the line concerts ami otherrattracttons icraere^ Jast- itiifr mer, to join, with them this sumincr. * Wlimette' 0ommittj»*Siuiy.71: plana are-aiready vttnderrw^y; for a busy season for the Wtintctte com«Rr lee^headert by..-'JVlrai Charles A.;Wah>: ner, 62tf Central avehu^-rc.*'We- V^W*^ every Wilmette citizen.-to join with u» and enjoy ttnvinla B»rk thfa season^': explained Mrs. Wanttjer' when askeji pbout the activities of her committee^ "and each member of ouf*cdnimittet> Is working to stir the interest Of thts Wilmette people whQf did not attend •Ravlhta last summer/ We know that once the Wilmette folk begin to:■'ai£ tend tho concerts, eocial ;I»hfittona. CtC^~ held at Ravlnia ench summer, thejr; will regrctathat, thgy have hot iooketi to the fine nm^tlirshbreparSTMKrefpr iccrcation nud plcaaure-iiu the aumr;, mcr arternoous and evenings." The vice-chairman on the Wilmette committee-are!- #li'stvics^hsirma9i^ Mrs. Harry K. Snider; secbttd vice* chairmanl . Mrs. Charles W.:.; Brai^ Waite:-Jiecttitary,-^8, jlr':L; J'ltaRan-; dolph. Ttio other members of the coJn- inltiee- are: Mrs. I,yroan M. ,Drake* Mrs.-Albert N. Pag^, Mrs. .Tulian C Smith. Mrs. Walter t>. Steele, Mm. Lola P. Rawit /MrJ8*T:' Ifrca^lcfc^';: Bowes, Mrs. Frank Collier, 2^rs. Edgar: O. Blake, Mrs. Alfred Bersbach and Mrsi Louis Brach. --^^«ilai^^8tf,p«.wUl be. taken^iii the meeting tomorrow Cphcerhlng tli<; BVWhiile)r Suffers Bruises When tie Falls On Icy Walk ^--andrSon Breaks Wrists Valley." H'ei^Uantk^ clan, rraimeetlng In the church parlors Wed;[ andOtherPlaCeS Enjoy Sport ^t^^^m^^&^ . On the Big Hill. Lippo Llppi and Leonardo da Vinci." ; nesday at 2:30 o'clock »#iii »♦♦'!»f *' i»<""» >»»>*»>♦» -and set their brothers and sisters at-| Two mambers of-the f*^f^ ^nberty.r He said: th^t ircouW ;0« w -done - - - , finjuryHn-fails this :week.--rWhlle play-, (, TheJsinging of Prof. Alvin Thacher | ing In-thc Sunday school room of .the|; was especially a feature of Oie even-} Methodist church Sunday ^morning. ^ ing and called forth the applause of | James Whitley, 6 WsohJ^^ipped ^=4vfe audito% especially tiie^pieee, khe ~fo " "--"Deeply DownT^rn which he ^buried wrist in two places. He was taken King Alcohol down,--down, -deeply.! the Bvanston hospitaLwherean X jdoyn. - - - examination showed the comnound ;i^^T^/6n^ing~oT~tBe^^ "" . .... Jaken for the_8tate and national work) Mr. A B, Whitley feR.on the snow- of the Anti-Saloon league. ■ Icovered sidewalk in_ front of the Wil- =---- ; --- -, ^ ' ■ ' - ; " . .;~z^z ----7-j metfc^Cohgregatronal chufch lir-WII- ^ MOUNTAINEER TO TATLie^Hnicttcavenue^Tuesu^ ReW Cf P; Gibbs, a former Ken-1 suffered painful bruises. Because he -lucky- mountaineer,llwill^give„iarialk I lalnted Jljvas though^ fm^time^by before the Glen's club of theWilmette- those who went to his-aid that ho -had ^^Methodist^church^Sunday afternoon beta severelyJnjurgd. He was taken --aT5 o'clock, on "My Old ^enlucT<yiTO"W Home." A welcome is extended .to jvtved every citizen of Wilmette to hear this j , Interesting speaker; President \Vopd- row Wilsoh'recehtly 3aid in ^address that the. Kentucky mountaineers wore among the foremost citizens of the ~^^nn;eorf5tates^ea1r^a^ in the shaping of the destiny of the nation. i ttc LAKES^ gg"| inaklii^ ^ay;:| titizens of this village an iij)-to,datc, newsy publi^atiGnF^erGhicf \ |Syo«^ Frl^ay n! 13, was so successtutthat itJa prob? able that the goviprntng board "win "d- cide upon the pageant a* an annuataf- Hnbbard^tllr^nowTt|ni^ciri^e»ijdi4falrr -It-is^mid^% d>te^^ittil^daot Is a popular place for the winter sport J about a month in advance of the date ! I'i of coasting these winter hlghta. Par- j upon which it was held in 15*13. *'Ities from Evahslon, Wilmette and Every north shore.'-twit and subar > other places throng the hill every [from Edgfewater north t> Waukr«:an danger, _ -. in turning the sharp^ahd abrupt tarasjsBmmer^^m^ Inthe course down the hill, the sport j featuresto be offeredithis aummcr. more by the daring \., List of Chairman. ~ --r { The following is the list of chairs Ight a crowd -c^m-.. mcn of committee in the various sub-. BUSINESS TO FALL OFF. Tobacconists "expect a falling oft of business during thev Lenten -seaBon From Ash Wednesday^ February 2 to^t^aster^7^uffda^""April i2r~majK smokers refuse to use the "filthy weedr' ""......T'."- ~ ■ ^^'■~\.^ ; mtct of which will be to promote and further the best intc^sts;!; S^nLSen^^va^^ * ofW^eommunity. r e:™ ..... : . , _ liixmr***^^ HTn pifltifig^ seek the co-opcfation if every resident of Wilmette. During the past few yearsthis newspaper has^ en joyed sptcridid support in Wilmette. Because of this conffieiic^pl^d^y the^ ^his^illage/it was decided to inakethe L^ a prelyhlool^WHmette ne ltcm% and news of interest to the resident! of the villsge can now bes_left or tejepnoned to the oi fic^located in Ro^ 2^B«^ '" 1640. hatlleid IU.V.IJ .1 M»O..M» ,*"" *' i SCmyiW " at the hill. ATTjpbOh.ft 1^^ Miss Hattie K. Bene at the foot of the hiil and a lunch | M**°se" conslsting^f^coffee, sandwiches,--^^^^^^ii ^fcVdrtl U-*r»mp. was served. " . y ---- -~ >ltof,thc: coasts who vl^ltJlu> I ton, ^ Charles A. Wanner. >ttrd hill are enthusiastic over lu| r^^, Mrs. Warren Pease. Wlnnctka, Mlsa Joacphtne Lssdsn. Hubbard Woods; Mrs7 Johu A. Jamcaon. ? MANY ATTEND LECTURE i Glencoe, Mrsv John Bulien. |i-An lnteTe9t4ng^lustrated^c^reM ^^^^^^^^^^ IriSdianS or Glacier ^ationar l*rk"t «^I*M:^^^1',t J] was given by -Bttts Prentice Cole,Tues> lard.^ bard superiority for the dashing pastime I over theslow-and easy Oak street 1 VblR-ih- \V4nnotlw 1--~ *i. <k*. ilHH II11 IK III il 1 it 1 "•♦'< it*: Hl» HWtM>MMi tIt 11tiH It Iecture _ fntujFOOlltlona] ♦ [church. A large crowd; a«0h^«^^ l^aket:Fore*tsJ*f*. Arthur Meeker. Lake Bluff.; Mrs. J0»»Pfc Sosmank; Waukegan, Mr*^^Miirenee E. SfflflU

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