Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1914, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1914. ,»«IH MI Hi 1M MIMM If §4 Mrs. J. Jameson is wintering in California „&jira, Jik.M. Jp^nsTOiaat her winter home to CaWoroia. Mrs. W. D. Mackenzie is spending the winter in; California. Mrs. Pdugiass -|fn>Ub^^to_JeaYe soon for a trip to Florida. MrTAlbert^^ ScbttleriBaWerto-beiat tfork again after a week's illness. Mrs. Frank R. Fuller and daughter left Monday for a three weeks* trip to lorida. hFTOfcBefore Menifcers of Woman's Club, Geoi^eW; t^fin Tells of Poor Ad- ministration of Affairs. WELCOMES AID OF WOMEN Miss Helen Farrell Is attending and 1 boarding^ ^t ^fton acnool during the absence of'her parents. Mr. cialir of. New; York was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Magie of Sheridan :jroad, - '_Mrs^JL;Jdi ^JesJ*„tareada. paper Ireland" at the regular monthly meetingi'$t the Woman's club. Mr, and Mrs, *% , B- Hoyey of Lin- colnaveniw lia^e^Witn thejn this win- ter 'Sfft:i0^^*^lB^0!::&0^Baet^f^ The Royal Neighbors of Winnetka gave a well-attended xard party at!ment' ZeT? *M to 3? Ci*ita depart* immunity House Wednesday eveiv ^^ xifS^ *^ f"8^ j , ] by George W. Paullin, the Evanston °Th. engagement has been an-imember °f M ^nitory board. Every nounced of Dr. Delbert W. Poff rflf*™11 *ho**** ^V,**1?1*8wve r,1„„„*i,<, »n* Mi«7Qln Ma*L.» filiation was of the belief that every The unspeakable administration of the affairs of the Chicago sanitary district, and the great need for Jthe, WmenTof the district to come to the fescue in the name of good govern- Winnetka and Miss. Zeta Massej- of -\yilinette. J'..;". . i v Ensign Robert Either is at home for a visit. For several months He was stationed with the flee$ off the Mex- every i voter in Cook county ought to know the facts he told. The speaker ex- pressed the hope that as the-women could now. vote for. members of the drainage board a great improvement and Dock company was able-tormake wttb JM»»-#sM*Bt* that the r&mmm was over a year behind in its contract in dredging, that they, made a contract £or $65,000, had been paid up to date #115,000 and was not half through yet He- told how the company was compelled to pay only $2,000 for dumping their spoils bach in ihs river when $50,000 was none too much, and then explained the. secret by saying that the great political bosses were interested in the company. " ■ Too Much M oney to Spend." "The troth is," lie said, "that the district has too much money. There Is'.Jib. use of having the levy of $!,• 500,000 that has been made this year, except to spend it And, Mr. Sullivan tolls me we will spend $10,000,000, and raise the extra $2,500,000 by a bond iSSUe." - -'-■ - "- .-.'.■■ ; „....;.„.,,"'.;„. . Mr. Paullin then took up the "in- visible/ government." the most dan- gerous type of all. "Dp you * know you have paid for water sites that you will never receive benefit from on ac- count of corporate Interests? In his Gettysburg speech, Abraham Lincoln said that the government Of the peO> ple, by the people and for the people Should not perish from the earth, but we should resolve that this Invisible government should perish.-from, the earth, and forever. ' , When the hydro electric plant of ^r'^MrsT^^eg ¥errttt^ Hubbard Woods held a small recep- ne*5 ^l00,0"' . ' ..-i' ^L. . . . .u^tSi.****. tk r>-^„ t»»».««,a^ Mr. Paullin paid a high tribute to tion at their home on Green Bay road, . _ _ ... „ „ ,. „ , , »/.,.»«■.«*. v^u ir in-h™,™ nf i>fo™«r President. R. R. McCormick Sunday >""^ ** 4* * honor «* and to the integrity and efficiency of their golden anniversary ( hi8 admiul8trat4on> ^ decUjred that Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heinig and fam- eVen the Chicago & Nortbwestero iiy of Hubbard Woods are in Florida. !!J£J*&** °.ffel„S l!*™:??t Mrs. E. M. Marble of Lincoln ave- railroad was not managed better than i .. „.,„ -,* % „ c,i^ -r-» t tbe-dratnage districthad been by-Mr? nue lias as her guest her sister, ivlrs. ,: ._ . , „-.'■-. . . ,. , McCormick. "Yet, because the People _ Mwere ang*y. over the way the-tarlff ^ " was handled at Washington they threw him out: j(. C. Houser of Pasadena, Cal. If plans as outlined are ried out the new parish house • of CJirist church will be ready for occu- Some Uecidedrnn-Strifei pancy the first part of March, oUhe rooms are already finished andj «whe„ the present board came in itt-use:--------- ----- and Mr. Clark, and I found-wfaat-we- ^QJLFtdjdjcjyorksMoore spoke of the the district was built it was the first and only example of. conservation in this country. If the corporate inter- ests can have their way U will be the last, and-conservation will be dead. You paid $1,000,000 to build a dam Which is mow rented for $10,000 a year to the Economy Light and Power com- pany, and it pays them $250,000 a year profit. In spite of the outrage- ous extravagance last year the dis- trict made a profit of $237,000, yet wherever a municipal plant is de- manded'the corporate interests adver- tise that the district plant is losing money and ia a colossal failure. Chl- cago is the best lighted city in the World and. because the district is in toe market, we toe citizens, in Ev- anston, are paying from $15 to,$20 less a light than we would have paid ^otherwise^ . -- --------._____■. Both Mr. Paullin and Commissioner ■ >_ , The second of a series ?of musical i were con£ronted with, we decided it L. -stalks. being_glven by_ Mjss Prtsc!!!a^bett^to^ Carver of Highland Park is to be I to g^^ to wrong We have had lt. .given at the home of Mrs. R. D. Whit- We nave been standlng with our man on Maple street, Friday morningjJ^^g to the ^aU ever gince I',('1'- -°- -------- "There are three kinds of govern- TMe new---home--of-^Mr. Forbes; meut-faroperatlon in the sanltary-dls- Cadenhead, which is being bui^t an;[trict: ^e vlsible# tiie semi-opaque and Un'coln avenj^e, Is^xapWJy nearinsjthe jnvj8ibie. The visible, under completion. Mr, Cadenhead expects ] President Tom Smyth, is bad enough, to have the house ready for occu-jthe semIopaQue^which is the patron- pancy early In the spring. J ^e demanded by the political bosses Theannual-mee«ng^f^he=^axenta44n^^ and Teachers' association was held j which is that by the corporations, is at the Horace Mann school, Wednes-J ^roI!S]t of all» * • day afternoon. After the regular! Mr Paullin said that President business meeting, Supt. E. N. Rhodes | gj^y^ was ^ mf>xe quai|fled to be read a paper on "School; Efflfclency/' j pre8'itient Qf the district than he was Maj. P. J. H. Farrell of Winnetka,: to be presUtent of the!United States. past commander-in-chief pf the Army}Not that he waa| a bad man in every of the"■ mtiWm y^yp"vat"iW««8p^hut tluithe.Jiad_nQ_morai.qr speaker at the annual dinner of the administrative sense for^government^ Philippine club of Chicago at Hotel «We bave a vaudevilie every time La Salle last Friday. He had as his j tl.e boar^ ^ Some 0| w^ rulings subject. "Would Lincoln Deny the j are perfectiy absurd. When I wished Phillppine^slimjasL_4ndependence?"___^^Q^^ege^t^-mlnority report after a At the recent election of officers, majority report had jbeen given, he of the Skokie Country club, Winnetka fruied me out of order because it re- \vas well represented in the officers; ,ated to the 8ame th|ng that clio-sen. Mr. A. A. Beebe was elected; jority report dld president and Mr. John M. Gurranf Mr. Roger-Shermairwere-eiectedl--;-------PayrolF4s-Excessive. -- directors. On the committee on mem- i "Bartzenism is a Sunday school in ^bCTship. Winnetka is represented by,[many respects compared to the ad- Messrs. J. E. Bradstreet, H. M. | ministration of the sanitary district Capron, J. R.. Dickenson and George , affairs. We have two sejtsjofjpayrpns, D. Forrest. j the published; payrolls and the sup- Rev. Frederick G. Budlong of Christ j pressed- payrolls. The highest amount < hurch has been elected to the caair-: the payrolls reached under former manship of the important committee ! President McCormick was about $500,- of the Northwestern deanery to se-j 000. For the year just ended it lect ecclesiasticalJtopics_and_spealters! reached over $L100,000^ and it Jn- Mr. Budlong i creased^^$30();00OTdUTrngnthe5iast-yearf may- compare--the^administra- -~ for the coming' year. 1--4ws also been appointed-bjr-tlie-blshop I as diocesan representative to aid the \ tloh of the district as it now exists to joint commission on_presB and pub- j the old feudal baronetcy. The baron Ueity, createdjiylactton^o^^ I --^cneral^onventioj-rin NewTYork City7Tkuowl^.olittcaT^bo»s wno^ls'a^candi- The dramatic committee of the j date for one of the highest offices in -- Woman's club announce the presenta- j the land.; Under him are all the vassals tz--Tioirof artTiple bill at the elubliousejand-toe vast--.-power, that comes to on Tuesday evening, Feb. 24. "Mia. i them with the patronage they_use is I tress Penelope,'1 "It's Great to Be j the seroH>paque part of its govern- Crazy," and "A Case for Eviction!' are ment The enormous increase in the the pieces chosen for this occasion.] payrolls is all in the suppressed rolls Those taking part in the plays are Miss ! a vast aggregate of political patron- Lois Pittman. Miss Jeanette Walker, j age." '_ -Miss Eleanor Elmer, Mlas Constance Mr. Paullin illustrated how strong Tyrrell, Mr. Robert Elmer, Mr. Robert! he was with the other members of the Alton, Mr. Miller Callahan, Frederick J board and how far his power for Copeland, Mr. GilbertT Scribner and [patronage went byjaying_thaL_if he Mr. Darrell Boyd. A dance will follow i was seen shaking hands with an em- the dramatics. Thes affair, which isrbloye of the district it meant his dis- glvcn for the benefit of the clubr mort-tcaargeV He^toldof-talking-^with-an- gage fund, is expected to net a good I engineer at one of the electric plants rand in a few days the engineer, an old [and faithful employe, received notice iofj his discharge, and with it the in- I formation that he could not servo two | masters. Describes Patronage. '-.-As-an iUustraiioh^of^bojvipatronage Jium. Neighborhood Club joMeek North End Organization Will Listen to Talk by President of Drama Club. A_T"meelIng~Ot7nh^~-Nelghb1bThbo^ ^ttnder-suspieion^or-witnessei^n-4^a8eiJ- ^He^ted-. several xe_aj£lago_tl^APj_^ clob of the Central street and ^ncolnwooii schools will be held at the Lincoln wood school this evening, Feb. 2ft. The speaker of the evening will be Mrs. Eugene H. Gar- jiett, president of the Drama club of Evanston, and her subject will be, _-lReMlnft^Jtorlj_bilik Mrs. Gar__ ^5?ILS__r____f__her the^ program by sing- ing and reading sopve of her original selections. "This-promises to be;■■■«. meeting fnil ofr*nto1rest for everyone and it is hoped that"a~large number may attend. is used and the payroll suppressed, I would cite seven grass-cutters at $75 a month along the canal in Evanston, buVwttd. never cut^^ any grass. The lot ot junk on the Evanston Golf club grounds requires nine watchmen at $75:a month to watch, and the whole junk ■» pile isn't, worth one month's four policemen to watch the Wilmette pumping Station. An auditor went through-the books and found that they hadn't been posted for 1013, and he reported that of the . twenty-seven ■.nnir.keepsrs in the electrical depart' meat only one was competent to make an entry. Nepotism has been reduced to its finest point. ;The_dIsTrk*-is run as: a; greai eleemosynary. Institution for the benefit of their friends and relatives/'^ __ T^b-e^areaker told of , toe luggatl contracts that the Great Lakes Dredge EVANSTON Hai"1^?.""'."'!! Ciassifietf Bttsirie^List Toll of Death Unusuallv Heavy In Evanston When five Well-Knovvn Persons Pas§ Away In ■ One Day. COLLECTOR fOUND DEAD iirKeniiworfti Mrs. Hugh A. Forcsman entertained tiveraKfriends at a-tea^Tttesday after- noon. - ' ■" Mr, H. L. Stuart entertained Theo- dore Roosevelt, Jr., at hia home Ti:es- ffiay nigh,t .7" .,--, -.....-,..< --_ -..,:' "A^cbtUlion was enjoyed by several GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS '<^9C*!«a, pi ni, nr,ii ii m luemBers of the^enilworth club\Sat-|C<1,----A..:.^P'II.O:B!fct3.ElSI-: urday evening. J__._______ [ °r • " j *r Miss Charlotte Everett was hostess| ^Very and leomipg Building Material KBNtlWORTH AUGUST RODELIUS Successor to Rodellus A Rosen, Expert Watchmaker and Optician. Repairing; Of complicated watches and clocks. Maay-years* eaipert" ence with- best known Chicago . houses. : I- Phone 2632. 827 Davis Street MEN'S WEAR Five Evanston citizens, four of whom were old residents and widely known, answered the call of death within, twenty-four hours. Each died from natural causes. This is probably the largest toll of "death recorded in Evanston ia such a short time in years. The list* includes; George Price, Thursday afternoon at a tea for » grcup-ef-college. chums Jtovx,rJSvans-A Pimm 2«^ g t0n, ' ' I Rtudtnte Pkoip 264 Mrs. Frank M. Chaffee entertained' Several friends in her home Saturday j evening at dinner in honor of Mr.! Chaffee's birthday anniversary. Mr. jind Mrs. .lames Prentiss and Mr! and Mrs. Grant Rldgway departed yesterday for Florida where--they Willi spend several weeks. They will alsoj visit Cuba. ___;___ Friends of Mr. Charles Chandler have received word from him that his health is greatly improve*!" be- cause Of the mild climate in Florida where Tie is passing the winter. Mr^ L.. A, Jiowman is building an eight?room home at Gregory avenue nnd Ninth -street.^ The cost will be Aftnt Hartford Firg Insurance Co. an J Illinois Uf* Insurance Co. Clothes Ready Made--Clothes to Order. Packard Shoes for Men. Sorosis Shoes J for Ladirs and__ : Children; Gentlemen's Furnish- ing Goods. 2 HAYES & HAYES GROCERIES PRINTING the veteran collector. Lake street, and Sherman avenue; Mrs. Mary Cooper, widow of Johu Cooper, for more.fchaiL+ahoat $7,000. R. L.Vohsalves^Is super thirty-five years a tosident of Evans- ton;-- Alec Ilallatrom, veteran mail Fine fruits--in and out of sea- [ son--always form_a~part of our-----[7 large stock of Select and Fancy, Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut 1 - Coffee is Good. _. I ?: GEO. B. WlffTERJBOWMAN PUB. CO* Telephones... 585 and 588. Printing of All Kinds Done Promptly and Satisfactorily by_ The Quality and not Quantity--the best for the money--is bur mot- to. Our large stock of groceries is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. A. 5. V^AN DEUSEN vising the construction. Due: "■lO^tKe^liou'ghf fulness" W sevH" George Price was found de?>d in his i most a block long, is provided. bed Saturday morning at his late resi-j----- " ~ - ...--= dence at the cornerjaf Lake street and 3SffielnM5ft^a*6^u^^^i^3RCS|o^^^^ evening feeling quite well with no premonition that death was so close at hand. He had mourned the death of his neighbor, Mr. Hallstrom, re- marking, "\Ve are passing like- the autumn leaves." Mr., who re- tired- freim--business-some-years ago, proposed «bww diiMPii^}?m-tTi:nw-^^THiJ^ad-Jived in Evanston far a quarter ton JntO-.toe drainage canal. ^Mr. Moore believed his plan for a trunk sewer from the lake through Green- ieaf street Went to the canai was best even if it did cost more than the sys- tem recommended by the district engi- neers. Mr. Moore said---that--it-was only a question of time when the city would be compelled to treat its sewage before disposing of it in the canal, and he believes this treatment could be done better at Green leaf street and the canal than further north7^where+*"rice, and five it would be in a residence district. Police May Operate City Switch Board Director of Public Safety Is Plan- ning on Placing Board at ---------Police Station;--------- Director of Public Safety Walter C. Hedrick is confronted with a prob- lem, one which 1st scrvexing-that^ he probably will be forced to call a con- ference of officials to assist him in settling it. Workmen started™work Monday in the police station mak-~ ing room benind the sergeant's desk for the telephone switchboard for the municipal offices, now located in the city hall. It is the plan to install the switchboard inv the police station and place men operators to answer all M!sj7dayrjmdf^g|^^ reports. ^: ■---.- But in placing the switchboard in the open space behind the wicket in Hie police station,, no_ thought was given in the preliminary plans of the noise which will be occasioned should an unruly and boisterous prisoner be haled before the desk for arraignment at the time a telephone message is Ijeing"received-7by the -operatoriTtA; separate room Is really needed for the switchboard, but no such room is available in the'police building un- less it would be located on the sec- ond fiqor. . The moving of the switchboard and lijfBtaR«%n of nteii' oparatora^lft^ plan of "Director ;Hedrick to relieve the pplice desk sergeants of a tedious dutyr-Qf-aa8WerihgrtKe patrOI amTall other calls. j/ --Many- times, when these-offlclals are extremeiy-busy idirectlng some urgent case, they are forced to stop and an- swer some foolish question received on the telephone or receive the report of some patrolman on a beat. The w trolmen pull the patrol alarm boxes evef.y half hour. The recording of these reports consumes much _ time, whicli can be looked after by arptione operator. - --'-":-- ■-""-:"-'--..-.. There is one jacant room oh" the first floor of the police building which adjoins the sergeant's quarters, but it lis often used to detain-.person's either being heard ^n the police court Some arrangement:j&rqbabiy_ wilLto deeided"lrpon~by7Saturday, when the change is scheduled to go into effect PASTOR TO LEAVE CITY, v Rev. A.; L. Murray left Monday for? a week's "mission" at Emmannel church. Champaign. There waa-mo Wednesday^morning Blbie lectorle On the 18th. Bishop. Toll, is arranging to supply St. Matthew's for Sunday. Feb 82. Bey. A. L, Mugay-wllLreturn o the 2Sd. , -^ carrier, 116V Shernwn avenue; GeorgeJ cral ciUzenSi the - folks of the _ F^^T^1^^^""8^ ^ h*"*^ *™ been brovJded w^ltldri Howeu^ln latter!a-bome^ 33a,Green4^tiu-:D^Li^ HOTELS^ , . , , . r, ,, , ,, I ftkating- pon* 4n--the--vaeau^-spaee wood iwulevart. and Cyrus MoDonald^Urth 0^ MeIr03e ^ near £J JJ in the home-of hmraister.™n^$Bl^^^ Waterous, 2447 Ridge avenue Price Found Dead. i flooded the last of the. week and ex? rceHent-ice for skating Tn the lot al ^H^^YENyE HOUSE Private, Exchange 1 Sunday Dinner a Specialty, 1 to 2:30 P. M. Phone 1110. CARLTON PROUTY PattersonBws. $ Oct. .Mir l«w prtce3 on NEW'or USED SEWIN6 MACHINES Roualrinjr of Sinirw. Wheeler £ Wilson. Wilcox ami Gibbk and all other makes of ma- chines. -..,-r.,1..^ _-1542 Sherman Ave- - -Ohonei&i EvAsasois of a century. He went there from ■Polo, 111.", where lie had lived for many years. He was born in Martins- 'burg. W. V., seventy-five years ago next June. The funeral services were held at his late residence Saturday evening--at- 4450--oWeekf-andr^were conducted by Rev.T. P. Frost of the First Methodist church, of which he was a member. The remains were taken to Polo,- 111., tor burial. Mr. Price left a widow, Mrs. Sophia reema"n-S; Price- Tmd -ftorberryPrice of"lJutteT Mont; Charles Price, Anderson, Ind.; Miss Anna Price, Philliiishurg, Mont; Mrs. Stella Eld ridge, Evanston. Mrs. Eldridge is very sick at the Evanston hospital----^----------------- r~^--------- Mrs. Mary Cooper Dies. Mrs. Mary Cooper died in her home, 7210 HiUSdale avenue^JRogers Park, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sh': was G4 years old, and until last spring had been a resident of Evanston for more than--thirty-live years. Last spring she sold the family home at 15G9 Maple avenue, near Davis street, to the Evanston lodge I. O. O. F. A short time afterwards ehe pur- chased the property itt^Regers--Park- and removed to that place to reside. „_She; had, a, wideeircte-oj friends in Evanston because Of her continuous residence there. Years ago she con- ducted one--of -the~first employment agencies in the city, and by that means became acquainted with hun- dreds she would not have met other- wise. She was possessed of a sunny disposition and always had a _ good j rpryoner^=ss=- . well known among the older residents J of toe cUy^^jle^was a^faitbtol .memd ber of the First Methodist church and ' Jurisdiction same as that a-regular attendant% when his health I of a Jtiitlee of the pe)«co permitted."'at all the services. He j. >ROUTY BUllDING leaves a wife and two sons. Funeral; Telephone Wiaoctk* 7 WINNETKA services were held in the """•"" home Monday afternoon lit Z o'clock". The body was placed in a mauso- leum in Rosehill and later will be Talking Machines nws Spanish Language Outfits JA»ES 1. LYONS. 25 West lake Street. CHICIfiO taken to--Pbuglpceepsle. - -N~~..JL^_the- former home of Mr. Brown, for bur- ial." Mrs. Waterous' Brother Dead.' Cyrus McDonald, aged G5 years, died R. LGONSALVES Contractor «i4B«iW«r Repairing Promptly Attended To- Ph mc Winnetka 4 js Shop: 909 linden AvH Hahiard Woods, Illinois -in--the-Bomer-bf-hls^sistef "Jobn- Waterous, 2447 Ridge avenue, Friday, j -L. Death was^ caused Jby broUciutis, coupled/with dropsy. He had been ill several weeks. Funeral services were held in the Waterous home Monday afternoon at 2;;iy_jQJclcfck. --Mr.--McDonald has--made--his home in Evanston (or about two years, lie was-formerly-identifled with A™ T>. Al- len, a Chicago undertaker. Besides his sister. Mrs. Waterous, he leaves a Soa Jn^ Chicago, ja^ sistet Jo_Pejjnsyk, vania and Iwo brothers, one located! in Chicago and the other in Texas. "wwianrrnxmar Ladies* Tailor-Made Suits ^ $30 to $35 Best Material and Workmanship Jtadek Ladies' Tailor I IS NORTH STATE STREET ' field*.- - Opposite Phont Central SIS CHICAGO S«»oursfst«raTlCKTII Imullgll - •era. of WITHOVT ana 35»«r» ..,...;l>MVGf.twH!li a muiiX »f trafwltta JutrtUitf. Out | celabialea S8.00 sats ha«« sloo* lh» | aotli n«lu.t|tclalini. CONSU I.TATION rJWK¥.i Southeast Cornrr HamloiDh nnd Clark Streets Open eveninus until 7 -Sunday U to 12 All Wiring Guaranteed North Shore Nurses Ouififtiii Association We will give you_a^ perfect fitting uni- form to your nieasure- roent. We reinforceral! button holes to stand wear and tear of laundry. "Call or mail measurement, Deposit on All Orders Phone 3827 1615 Benson Avenue Klinge (8b White HISH BRIBE 6K0GEHIES AMD MEiTS Ridge Avenue, near Lake Ave. ._ Phone Wilmette 4JO Phone Wilmette 1JI --,----- GROSS POINT, ILL. Electric Shop HARRY A. WITROWSKT K:::--- - Proprietor ■.•--: >.r^-~ j- WfRimimPAlRING f SUPPLIES | CLENCOE; ILLINOIS Phons Winceits 58? V.;;=\.--^fiS«»wClN^.A?l|h tftrjd to tlieitatrol and flre-alarm boxj WraTCodper leaves ffiree ..fsSIRSren. JohnCboiHr, a department By Natural Physical Methods No Lone Trips No Great Expense ■■-X '■■ ,. luat a Lcisur? Uoiir For the truly modern Home l TWO. CENTS AW V : - '-1 Red Crow "Fiher-Scrvicej 'Tci... main abia"; ' :• CHAS. S. WALLACE. Asent j 1621 Orrintfton Ave. Tel. Evanston 270 ; Johnson & Johnson _ ,l_ MASON AND CABFBNTIR CONTRACTORS Tel. Winnetka 841 UuhbArd Woacb. l!L Thoy are manager in the Rosenberg store; Mrs. Clifford Drake of Sodus, Mich., and Miss Anna CpolerT^ho^eT'TIer husband died thyeei ye^^nagor She was an active member of the -First Methodist church, of Evanston during her residence there. Fuheral.'services were held in the. family home in Rogera_:Park, Monday--afternoon-at^ o'clock. Rev. Timothy P, Frost offici- ated.' Veteran Mail Carrier Dead. A joe Hallstrom. for more than twenty-two years, a. mall oarrier, em- ployed^ in the Evanston' postofnee passed away in. his. homo in -Sherm avenue Fridayv-^Oeath was caused by tuberculosis, from which he had'--. _, »» ,. .„ n ,f been a sufferejf^for^four years. I u j 1116~ CugSRlSFB M6QIC8I d31HS neral services n were held-^in--the Swedish-Lutheran churchr Lake-street t^ A. FORBERG DEALER IN - icy Groceries y meats, Rot ions 6^ Rard ware Phone Winiietka 46 & 78 " ~ Hubbard Woods, III. and Sherman avenue, Sunday after- noon at 1:;;<> o'clock. The active pall- bearers were chosen from the membership of the church and the honorary pallbearers from the Evans- ton letter carriers. The burial was in Jfagenm comefory.'T """"" ~~ Mr. Haiistronrrvte^eTears old, and was one of the first mail carriers ap- pointeirT 1n Evanston.- Hb~"W«s born in Stockholm, .Sweden, and this country with his parents in 1869. For many, years his' father, U.~ilaih strbmV-wa8"'Ti:-"0fi four years a,g° Mr. Hallstrom's healthj laUed_and he.J^fMred^rtm^ the _g»^ ernm^nt aervice. 'His widow and a step-brdtherl are-^tlie ohlyl .-surviving relatives. George R. Brown Died Saturday. Mt.\'0eyn1s^^^rownV.;oja^le': of Mr. Cornelius P. B. Howell, died Satur- liay in the laiter's home, 330 Qreeii- uood boulevard, lie bad been"ill.for slveral monthsf He"waa. 77 years of age. L Btown Ttflit resided 1q Evanston ||: for the laiBt eighteen years and was^ 4811-4813 Broadway, CHICAGO, ILL. Phone Edtfewater 338 i s ArSpecialty We have so wide a reputation for skill in handling women*? fine garments that you may have overlooked the fact that we do equally well with men's ftotkes* 622t>avis St lEvanaton 1730 Wilmette 1475 Our prices To^&as^ireTybody Complete Funeral --Casket. En- balming and Service-- Hearse and Carriage to any cemetery $65.00. Thla cloth eoTarod Caakat. Hnad wit! arhita cilk. with eomplotefnrnlahiftjra. only 530,00. . NOriN ANY TRU^T We conduct funerals in all parts of the city and snburbs. jjjgai NO extra charge for distance r Calls answered Immediately • WILME ei i dkhakh UNCO:.N A\ KMB JfARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Kenilworih, III. Phones 1041-1042 KIHG'S RESTAURANT j Por 30 yeiira th« *«io« haa *top& tat »•»«, cleao lood, perfect cvoklag, lajMt a«r *r<* aad. i rlxht priw*. KINa'A takA p«r«CitU» prW« iu thtjlr buAlneaa and vot«ift*%. lUe betieUl of it. Cat at KtKti'S & £s; sadyou'iicon*.fracfcT*. |•aa«fa»•^;■■rf^iPt1«^•T«^'•n*'■^♦M•^nKi^lr. Sunday7Sc Sft MFII1F B«t- M*diao» and WeshUgtoa Bte. 31 ""■■ -- ChJea*o,IMjtoa» :\..J:. Trees Spin All varieties of Shrubbery. Vi« Roaes, Fruit and Ornamental Tteee. Hardy, HMbacevea Howenag PUaU Perenniai Gardens PHOWK - UOaV-

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