THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THUfegtiAY, gfefeitJARY %*#*£ Nw$jindkV Country Chb Masquerade Ball Mrs, James R. Baker Creates a PleaSant uprise : by Appearing Jn^a Linen^l^resSi Carrying a :'t~^Print of The EvanstonDaily News. P«i.|.n l/:-„„„ Mo«„~«n«r*Urti ™e masquerade ball given Friday i Mlia Ann Foley, a guest of the even- WflUr ftinsevi Man^^ p'hinfljyn Nnrth Sttinrp FpctL |be as BucceeBfulas its predecessors;while her hostess, Miss Eleanor Spry. UniCagO WOWl Qnpre r^SlI- i Tbere |a ajwayj| an Blr of informality iwore a Spanish «soatume. Miss Sadie val Association, Announces Plans for Concert. tO BE BEST HISTORY SCARLET FEVER IN LEAD! s|j Carl: J>. Kinsey, huslhess manager ■• of the * Chicago North Shore Festival association has just made announce- naent of the complete plans for the .1.914 Music Festival to be held in the Northwestern gymnasium building on May/25, 26, 28 and 30--four nights and a Saturday-" matinee---five . con- certs, the same as inaugurated last; • year^_-v!Ehe_sola- Alma Cluck, abpranb; Alice Nlelsqn, soprano; Helen Stanley, soprano; Florence Hlnkle, soprano; Edith Chap- man 'Goold, soprano; Mar-y^hn-lfauf- : mau. sopranbj Margaret Keyes, con- >traUo| Evan Williams, tenor; Lam- bert Murphy, tenor; Grant Khttbjh ^ehorr Pasguule^^malb,; ; Jjarjtpjiei Charles W, Clark, baritone; Burton Thatcher, barItoae;\~Herbert"'Wither- ^pOOll, baSS. ......•:....:-.-.,,-•..... ■.••--, Toi Cover One Week. "This year's Festival has been ar- ranged to coyer the entire week, the same as-before, and will open Mont] day night with a performance of] Waydn's heautiful choral work,! thet '^Creation,"! jwith i^J^chornsr;.jojl 1.000 voices. ■ ■ SoTofe"tBr^orrtho "Creation" will be Florence -Kinkle, soprano; Lambert Murphy, tenor, and Herbert Witherspoon, bass. Tuesday night wilt bigArtists! night witkAlma-Gluck ^eHnabst-^acious and delightful of American sopranos and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra,- Frederick Stock* conductor, furnishing the entire-pro- gramvThe^ext concert will-be Tburs-]- dayTiiglit; with a performance of Gab ^eli.Pierne!s_new work, "St^Francis^'. 'This""performance is the first in Chi- cago and the west of "St. Francis," and will enlist the regular Festival chorus of 600 voices and a young la- dies chorus of 300 voices from the Evans ton and north shore schools. Gabriel Plerne is the composer of the beautiful ^Children's Crusade" which .................. . was sung last May with great success.; gowns or sailor suites, while the cos-; Horace Baker wore minaret gowns The soloists engaged" for."St. Fran- tumes <g the women were of a greater which were just alike Miss Cather- cls" are: Edith Chanraan Goold, so- variety One of the most unique,inc Ross,wore a quaint, old-fashioned Ip^np; Evan Williams,^ tenor; Grant, g0wns was that worn by Mrs. James gown, and Mrs. Frederick Connr was Kimbell, tenor;' Chartes ' W. Clark, ^b^OftBT"BuTt6n; Thatclier; baritone, and Margaret Keyes, contralto. At the Saturday maiihee the children's chorus of 1,500 voices from the Evans- tda schools ^ill be heard in children's and patriotic songs. Alice Nielsen, priiwnraonna^of the Metropolitan and; hinnmnr.o :m<l ipiI shirt Boston operas, will be soloist. • .,.■„!, ..,■'• i-- " . q----------------------------------; T-u Stf VtSi up „, Chicago Censor Chief\ A it Delinquent Tax m^^^S^^^^TeMHisExperiences' T>ayers, Look Oat! expected. The Saturday night per-J ^__ - I ------------,______s-- ; fO^rmancc^^houldV-bo memorable in;. r more ways than one. The n™t van Sergeanf jeremiah (y Connor ^Settlement Must Be Made Be of the program will" be patriotic in MRS. JAMES Rs BAKER IN HER UNIQUE COSTUME. ~ this dance which makes it one Buckley of Highland Park was one of about of the most popular of the year T^eithe most attractive among the danc- Annual Report of Health Com- m |$^ion^8q^meSho^sT!iere Has Beejt a Big Faliln&Qff of Contagious Diseases. diseases were brought to. the, atten- tion of the health department last year. The list is headed by *7u cases of measles. Scarlet fever Is next, being credited with 112 cases. Fifty three casesTof diphtheria wereTfepon- ed last year. Fifteen new cases, of tuberculosis were-reported. .The report 'of Dr. - JMarjr.Brooks BaU^.-meAIcai Im schools, shows a great amount of work and good results. The hundreds of inspections made of the pupils of the various ward schools and the treat ment which foUoweA_6tows.the prac- tjfcai worth of the-medlcal Inspection in the public schools. The number of general inspections conducted by Dr. Baird ^otal.i6,944. The physical exam* inations'.'"'total 2.85C. About 500 vacci- nations haye resulted from the med- ical Inspection. '.;:;".'.".. \~2~'~>~;~~'Z- February Brt^e of Makes Suggestions. After reviewing the work, Dr. Baird includes some practical suggestions ■;-■■■•- ,-■ ■ '•:,.•■, | and changes forIt-he^ administration of ■ - ' V'": , ■ "* . themedical inspection. These recom- A marked decrease in the number mendations f0How- of cases of contagious diseases in Ev- anstop during the year of 1913, with a single exception of scarlet fever, is shown in the voluminous annual re- port Health "Commissioner ! CI VT> Evanston council. Although Dr. Koome has been at the head of the heajlto jtepaj^ent only a few months, his report is com- r^-the-^year-of--HUSf-covci every «pfttinn bi w°rk in that depart- ment In detail. One feature of the report is the ab- sence of any serious epidemics during the last--yearr~The scarlet^fever scare last winter was the only serious epidemic and only a few deaths jrej- suited. AitotaJ Of 112 casesof scar- let fever prevailed la^t year com- pared with sixty-one cases In 1912. In all otber contagious diseases, a de- crease was shown. N Typhoid Fever Checked. As an instance, the checking of ty- phoid * fever epidemics is a sign of progress ln~the eradication, of dis- ease. Last year only thirty cases of U^ngSgonS dlHnase_JKfire--suffered in Evanston compared with si«ty-four cases in 1912^ This reduction of more than one-half is credited larfely toJjpJ^J, VJ^^vs!schooi8""regar4tag the nnnt #»f th<> lakp. water with _ - ' . .»":.• ;_____,_ *.*.- ~>- The most pressing need In connec- tion with the medical inspection in schools is the --establishment of a dental clinic. Recent research work )bjy psychologists proves that teeth, de- fective either from lack of develop* menfWo^cay; have"a pdtent4nfmencc^ In the retardation of the child. School attendance suffers because it is neces- sary to excuse a child Wh6~is suffering from toothache, entailing extra ex- pense in bringing these children up to the.Standard and at"the same time re- tarding the other „ children In the class. Economy would certainly be served by the small outlay necessary 1rn)rovldlng inaterlar and"place for Such a clinic, as it is understood that the dentists of Evanston are ready, like the physician, to give a reason- able amount of time for the treatment of deserving-charity cases. AfTmehtioue^ last year, the subject of "Sex Hygiene" is one that deserves consideration, preferably as a subject for discussion in Parents* and Teach- ers' associations in order that those who are the natural mentors of youth should themselves have a working standard and fitting information to supply the needs of those-under their care. ' Some years ago observations were White Buckskin Button ^Boots.......77T77.. s. Dress Shoes of Patent feather ii----- .... v .. Boys' arid^^BiF Boys^ DressShoesT......;. .■ 0 r Girls' School and Dress Shoes, sizes 2i and up.. $2.50,53,00 .00 the treatment of the lake water with the hypochlorite or lime together with j ^n^ctiC83l"contro1 of every" case re-1 ported. Dr. Koome-points o\it that ] the typhoid fever decrease should i fully reassure every citizen who sup- j lisrted the project of filtration. .. j Co-operation is urged in the control I of contagion by the Evanston citizens,! by Commissioner Koome. He cites the j rt-lative amount of moisture in the air, Although it was found that in most caseiLlhe_amojint of moisture was in- sufficient, an adequate remedy has not been applied and, in light of our pres- ent knowledge on this subject, it seems well that steps should be taken to supply this lack. Since it has been decided by the health department not to require duty of every mother to report even ■ [xxml^ati in the school rooms, but „, tlie mildest case of scarletlna, whoop- »i««nUfteBa to offset any masques were removed after the \ crg t ■ Russian costume, Mrs .Arthur iftg cough, etc., and to guard against to rely on clean,l!1< b t0 a,l> grand march at Iff: 307 The costumes j 1608 Chicago Ave. Evanston, 111. „.., t , l?f .* , ^Jdanger of Infection, it is suggested „.,,, a n0vel-i »d varied; a great;Cable represented the Czarina of Rus- allowing the children Infected to mm<4 h made of the rules for many o th* ^ wore «"yama-yama- sin. Mrs. Marshall Rogers and Mrs. gle and play wUh neighbors' children. observance „ janitors that rooms .^ Baker, being made of^he Daily News.;a farmer girl. Miss Dole. MiSB Sttry. The skirt "was In three" flounces with Miss Helen Glenn, Miss Armour and a beruflled waist, and aJtnack luUe j Miss Jdhnson were in Oriental cos- frill and feather comprised the head I tumes. Supper was served at 12 and dress. Miss Helen Hancock, as a little! from then till the closing a "rag co- Dutch boy, made a very attractive pic-! tlUlon" was danced, bringing to an ture with her wooden shoes, blue j end one of the "prettiest dances of the year. Praise Assistants. I deska be scrubbed with warm soap . Much credit Is given the various suds or an antispetic solution on lieutenants in the health department order of the medical inspector ap- by Commissioner^ Roome for the : proved by the superintendent or prin painstaking workv-conduetedf Speeial-^ctpal be llpjScU'r and will enlist the services of the great barltohe, Pasqual Amato, i Of the Metropolitan Opera, and Helen ■ Stanley. soprano, of the Century Op« era. Ka.chV of these.-artists* will be; _yia_rdjn_ah-arja and agroiT|roT^ong^ Tho secomj-part-wlllbg n perfojrn-j ance of Hamilton Harty's rThe Mystic Sil cnorus or Funkhouser's Assistant, Gives Talk to Women. I fore March First to Avoid' "'"■ Seizure. Strgt. Jeremiah O'Connor, Clii- c:4^'^o£^gjm^ceiu;or of morals, who MajrM.; L. C. Tu^TfhlmsexTOfiiK second deputy superlri- __There are ft large number of -Evans« ton citizens who fall to realize the necessity of payin property taxes by such people, who art ; their personal January 1. For styled delinj ^rruropeter.4' the Festival cnorus or pointment a 600 voices will sing tTie chorus partsitendent of police, has been in charge of thw new work, whj^^ privilege or settling this ^rJlrsT pert or maficTTn America, and Pasquale Aniato will take the only:111 " solo role=-for-baritone. .The entire; Chicago Symphony Orchestra of 00 ;Jniaslcians. wl lli_Frederlck-Sto&k--eon- ductor, will take part In ail perform- flaces, and as in past years Peter C. '.JLiUtkJn;".musical director of the Fes- tival association, will conduct the choral work. * '* '~r" ; Surpasses Past Programs. ?The program arranged for the com- ing Festival surpasses anything in the -jK»8t;rTlieT»rices of course tickets for ^bVfive^concertS-Will^be^tile^Tsamer as last year; viz: $10, $9, $C, $4 and $2.50, according to thelocatlon. The price of the boxes will be fOO^each. price of single tickets, remain'tpg tlie; same as- in-thfrrpastr^O^ent&^te-^^^^^ w city, gave tiio members oi the" Evanston board of censorship the benefit of his experience 1ft a tatii tilled with advice. The meeting was hold" in the mayor's office in the eity liall and Vas attended by more than a dozen women members of the board. Sometime ago Major Funkhouser of- fered the services of Mr. O'Connor to Director of Public Safely Hedrick. Since many of the women who have been selected to act on the censorship board am not conversant with mbv- ...kftiJhB picture fdtow terms. It was deemed advisable to have Sergt. O'Connor fell of his experiences. He .described scones7 ■svinch deal with murder, sul-1 thereby " deprives -killings," etc. He djfrlwi debt is extended ui> to the last day qf„_ February. After that date the authorities take tt upon themselves to acqulie sulhcient ol the t que'nt's property to settle their ac- count. This is iiecessa-ry because the city expenses are chiefly met through this source of revenue. Every means of keeping the tax down is utilized, and when the rate is made it is constructed on the basis of every piece of leviable property in In general, the cleanliness of the pupils, both as to persons and cloth- ing,, has Improved. The situation would still be further improved if there were in every building a con- stant supply of warm water, soap and towels. _. - .__________ Whooping cough has not been a great problem in our schools. Should It become so, it might be well to con- Data has -been secured | aider t»e"-p"gsslblllty' of establishing a special outdoor class for such pupils rather than have them out of school six weeks to attention Is called to the medical in spectlon In the public schools by Dr. Mary Brooks Baird. All the other officials, such as Visiting Nurse Miss Adelaide Thompson, City Chemist W. Lee Lewis and others, are commend- ed for the services they have per- formed during the year. The compilation of a new milk ordi- nance for Evanston is mentioned in the report. from ordinances in effect in other cities and it is said--that the first draft of a new milk ordinance Is now for a period of from being revised. It probably will beiiiH-ee-montltsr----------- brought before the council in a few Vacuum cleaning has been installed SMITH MLS STORAGE AND MOVING BUSINESS Company Buys Plant of A. H. Smith & Son. By a deal which has just been closed the A. H. Smith & Son storage and moving business, located at 1621 Benson avenue, Evanston, has been purchased by the Evanston Fireproof --Warehouse company. Mr^ Smith-w retire from -the storage and moving business and will devote his entire time to his upholstering and cabinet making establishment at 1D52 Sher- man avenue. -- The Evanston Fireproof Warehouse company has taken a terra lease on the old Town Hall building, 1621 Ben- son avenue, from Frank R. Qrover,: - owner, and will occupy the Smith lo- cation and continue the business along the same lines as conducted by telephone: wilmette OS Miss Dorothy Macauley Teacher of Piano and Vocal : WILMETTE, ILL. . Reference: Caruther's School of Piano ___ug ,11U NETTIE SPOOR HANAUER. 741 Fiat art* Btilg., Chlcato ulhe gitfle Butch ©ludio Gifts out of the ordin- ary for .people of re- finement Leather. China. Water Colors, Art Craft Sundries. Instruction in Leather and China. Cards for all occasions.------~ , months, according to Dr. Roome. One other recommendation-made by Dr. Roome in die remarks which pre- face the pages qf statistics. That is in a large number of the schools and when it is established in all of them, we shall feel that aesthetics as well as cleanliness and hygiene are better the urgent iteedZjdf--revision of -the served; Evanston health -health--ordinances .ordinances. "The nie"a|?fe~and' need, revision and exten- sion," the report reads. "We expect There is still urgent need for provi- of thls-^eity--^arc4 §ton 0f tranS)>oTtatlort"Tor the medical tlie(old established firm. In branch- ing out the Evanston Fireproof Stor-J age will also move their main offices ; from the present establishment, 1839- j 43 West^Railroad avenue, to the Ben-' son avenue -address.--Tn --the seven • years this coneern has been estab-; irished their growth has been phenom-; enal. The addition of the Smith es- inspector, the great goal today is efficiency, which Is surely not ob- that this mutterjvlH re_cejye_the_care-| taine4J)yj)aying jusalary for walking] tabHshment-will-giye^lre^rm-mv ae fUl consideration due it when the gen- j the streets, eral-clty ordinances are revised this! "" " Sherwood Music School ' Founded by Wm. H. Sherwood 712 Fine Arts Building GEORGIA KOBER. President WALTER KELLER, Director Highest Standard of Artistry Piano; Organ, Harmony, Counter Point Composition, Vocal, Violin, JPublie Jkhool Music,JVIusicaLHis^ tory, School of Expression. For catalogue address- JESSIE K. READ ____ Business Manager . 410 S. Michigan Avenue i-cessible location for general offices in' year, tions control Already the rules and regula-1 pertaining to quarantine ™*\MrS,FUntMeetsWith Reaction From the Poisonous Tablets Takes Place and She ! Has Sinking Spell. the Davis street section. of contagious diseases have erm4been-reviaed and ■ endorsed ■ by the Ev- [ CJ^i WflTtft rrf Hnsnital anston branch of the Chicago Medical ^^^ DUCK Ul nUSpUUl society," 277 Deaths in 1913. There was a total of 277 deaths In Evanston in l!U3> according to the health commissioner's report. The highest number of deaths In a month's tlme_ was twenty-nine. _ This number: ------------- Was reached in each of the following A ,.oactlon from the poison0us bl-1 lUree months last y,.ar. i ebruary,j^,^, 1Jt, ^ mUCurvtabtety taken With suicidal intent almost two weeks ago J by Mrs. Mnreia fe-Fltnt. at the AVe- j A. II. Smith & Son have been estab- lished in Evanston for^ twenty-four j years, half of which time their stor-f age and moving business has been io-| cated in the old Town Hall block. The| building is a three-story structure; with a frontage of twenty-five feet on [•Benson avenue and a depth of 175 j fleet in the Postofflce court. according to location holders of record have the privilege o ; staining ^sle-pfgsent seatB,.prxtylfh?(i i Pl£ 7-n -;:-"rr■:■-'.-■ .. ■• -- j. . .... i .'iii.' Course ticket clamd that i scenes -such upon a impretiaion made bj as_ mm-ders»; Evanston. Every delinquent also cotrts ! ^p^n ahd"."July." l^eplrrltls and apo- tae city money- for collection and j plexy each claimed seventeen victims. himself and UA•! The highest number of deaths ac- ,„.,.,:, i creditedL. to any--one----disease--Was-' uitizeiu>-oi--some--be-neflts--W4He»-~--* vmsvs. ---- ~ * - . . . mimm vijn-------------.------------- - i twenty-eight, caused by pneumonia. tins-money might otherwise haye Mm,. inciud(!s both divisions ofjhe ii ' ., ■ lindsv wasT^-0-" usei1 for' [or oul oC ^hc ^^fdiseaserlobar and broncho. Four per- approx^;; sonJrdied frmn~typlrcrtd fever, ftve-of eVTb? of tan motion picture j levied :;on #tuaoua! propetty tickets for boxes to he reheiyed-^Aprfl-±rrdetmrsc (Iiirty-three from cancer their subsc^pti^sare^ » -- ^/Vorrected. | unately ?4.00 of this is for personal, diphtheria. May 1. Except course tickets for ^a^t^^^ 8Uch J.U^ various organs, Seventeen of L^* ^.... -.• ^A «««»!ft H^lrn.a ..M^Zhuvt XlOt jpolIt^^e-J-reiMT-Of- tUOU^UXT- _-.--- ;- - public May 1 and single tickets May 8. The location of the Evanston box Office, has not yet been announced, but the Chicago box .office will be at I,yon jfcVHealys, Wabash and "Adams, the same as in -past years. The -officers and: dtrectorif-"oi: rhe_Festival associa- tion are Frank fe. Shaw, president; Jlarry D, Wyeth and AlexanderjO/Ma- son. vteB-presidents; Walter B. Smithj -Becretafy; .TohnT Hale^llillou^reasur-" «rv The: mernbers of^ the^executive committee afo'"Therroflleera and M. Cochrane Armour^ Dr.; A^ W Henrys[&.^^llenaChen^HttianrF.:-Hypetr, ChaneeUor. t>- in,(he piGtttw.jHitithat"-sUcli "cutouts ITav^j eliminated -scenes--Vvhlch. would leave an eytL-impresslon upon the mjhds of the youthful movie fans. Many questions wex Evan 1 Titpoplexy, four "of-appendicltis, four- ; teen of tuberculosis, and thirteen from old age. There were six deaths by suicide-^last .vear^-three-drownings, ie-^uid lire pro tectiouT^ Now it. is •drawing-near the end of February and the authorities have no!sev«n h};. accidental injury, four from | th-a nauatt nt ^.^^ ftnd Tdnnrgg desire -to send" the movin house of any- of the nue house, has set 1 iw and-Avhlle--the attending physician of the woman is hopeful of her recovery, her condition 4v considered•-preearmns. The change for the worse developed yesterday when the Flint woman suffered from continuous vomiting. Jllhi_tJie_opinion-of-^Dft^VV-GT^Alex-- ander, who has been in constant at- tendance to the woman, that the dead tissues or lining of the stomach, which was first attacked by the poison. Private Institution for Ladies Only Broken constitutions "built up Convalescents and Invalids , Receive Scientific Nursing Doctors_haye strict control of their_ patients Booklet'sent upon request 2328 Hartzell St. Phone 1118 Evanston, 111. 3 Sailings Every Week ^ TO AND FROM 'M EUROPE -VIA- Scew'c^M^rrmfl-Boiite- -- Montreal--Qaebec--Uierpool Montreal--Quebec - -Glasgow Montreal--Quebec--Havre--London Boston--Glasgow automobile accidents, and one by rail-j^,,. oon{litTonr TJnless complications should' set-in^t-is-thouRhtr-^hatr-trrisi van up Vs citizens -road accident.. - •iMany oid3Peopte^Di*f^ othet-recohhr- wbiclt-^vtmhl-trid--tire~ Evanston board in-keeping outobjec Harris,-tionable ftlms. . JThe£*ooks are open to all ihollowing the tallcrSc:ret,:G'C6unoit|-.thetr own and otliefs^ taxes and janka^ Joseph E^Fa^n,iejmihlfeiV:l,0M feet of "cutouts" at | their accounv-8tands^ way is,'settlement rof__ ThOi "books are^open Charles N. Stevens, C. A. H. Vojlim.lne: and .Vose. delinquent taxes. to see bow It^will be too W. Spofford.S the which had-been hate iu a few days and a timely.warn- Fredrick P. i Mrred_frojnZ iev^aL-different-fllms ing should be instrumeutalin helping ishown in.Chicago. ithe aluiwdsh memofleB of taxpayers. ' ages of 81 and 9C years inclusive, and two wh° were between.the'ages of 91 and Ipttyears, T)a^sed^away >n 1913. The mouth with the lowest number of deaths was May^ when only thirteen persons died in fivanston. A tAtfll ot S18 cases ot communicable rcom!ition-Jfnn be~overcome. rrr .'_:_"•" Flint is not assisting the care- medical aid that has been .given Instead of being hopeful, she ms discouraged andj^i constantly- regrets her rash act. Her aged father came from Molina the -last- of-the- week to visit her but even this.Inter-j estof^the-^jarejiLdid-not^Beem io cbecr-l her. iE. J. Riedy. tha" ahto salesman 1 who "rejected the despondent woman,! has refused to "visit "her" at the hospi-j tal. '"."•" --;"r'"""~:-' --; SF.TH B. ROBERTS EUWARD S. GOUI.nlNG la^r.^ OPTIBim ^IgSf - r~-.--M South Wabarir AvtauiT" .__„-: .. Tftlapfcooe IiandoIph'STo Expert personal attention given ta correcting all defects of the aight ^nd scientifically fitting- and. adjusting of MXE GLASSES AND SPE.dTAGkES.=Geeulists!-presertp- tidns filled. Tlie very best work at the lowest prices. Developing, Printing and Enlarging Cameras and- Kodaka Exchanged; The Ke« Turbiae Quadruple Screw &S. "Alsatian" U H \--andJ*Ca\&arisa" 25,000 Tons Displacement' UBGEST--FIHEST--FASTEST CANADIANTCOUT^ Ocean Passage Less Tbanfoor Oayi . The Steamer of Many Attractions /Cabins in suite jyllh private! : balh-^rnl'tQllet. Spacious, state rooms1.- Glass-tnelostcr pponien- ado deck. Veranda Cafe. Com- fortable Lounges. _ Electric Pas- senger Elevators.' OrcheKtrli. ! Gymnasium. Unsurpassed ac- comodation, all classes. Lov.cst rates. Summer reservation lints now. open. ^atLv bookings rec- ommended. Send for descriptive - -Booklet "d.'*~~f'Btrtull piurticu- lare aa. to snilinps. rates, etc., -applyrnearwt Local Az«nt or? AU4N & CO,, General Agenfs 127 Horth Oear&orn Street, Cntc«o raaaia liaialali iMI.toliiiii