Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1914, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, FE&RUARY if). 1914. in Evanston ****** -Mrs. Ralph Hobart, 1112 Grove street; entertained at bridge Monday. Mrs. O. P. Carpenter, 746 Forest av- enue, returned Saturday from Keno- sha. - . ^. ' Mr. JLL HT Burns. 1215 Judson, ave- nue. Is spending' a week at French QckflnoV , ' Mrs. J. M. Larimer and son, £Mr. Robert Larimer* left Friday for Wen- dell. Idaho. Miss Louise Goffe, 1422 Maple ave- nue, left Thursday for-avl8lt-in La- fayette, Ind. Miss Lillian Raymond, 715 Sheridan road, entertained at a luncheon Wednesday. ir.^..J».iiFroat,jI832 Hinman aye? iue, returned Saturday from a short t to Paaade: Earl Mahood of 2306 Harrison street left Monday morning for bis home In Sioux City, Mich. Mr. George 8. Valentine. 2407 Flo- neer road, has returned from a short business trip to Cleveland, O. Mr. Samuel D. Rowe is spending several weeks in. Canada. Mr. James A. Peabody, 2512 Hartsell street, is in Iowa oh a short business trip. <.,.' ..:_....■...:.■ - ". ','■ Mr. and Mrs. George S. Bridge, 578 Milburn street, left Thursday for Flo* rida. .'•' Dr7 and Mrs.Will ^alterlleTrSaV urday for Florida to be gone several weeks. . . . --," ..... Mr. Charles Hart has returned to 2019 Orrington avenue for an indefi- nite stay. Mrs. Arthur Carroll, 2736 Hartzell ****?*» entertainedher luncheon club Thursday. ."..._" Mrs. Sumner McCall, 1022 Sheridan road, entertained the "bridge" club Saturday evening. Mrs. Harry E. Clyder~913- Forest Mr., Nathaniel Peterson of Vermont Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George ^ S. Moore,-2406 Prarie avenue.--- Mr. and %rs. E. OrrisHart, 1017 Forest avenue, returned yesterday from a trip tp Cuba and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J). Carlson q£1503 Wilder street announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, February l4.-/\rt Mr. and Mrs. John Ackerman, 2311 Harrison Street, have as their guest Mr. Ackerman's mother of Chicago. , -A-card-party-^iflll be given by the United Order- ol Foresters: this^eve-- ning at 81 o'clock^; in'Odd Fellows hall. \: Miss Rachel Kincaid of Kansas City. Mo., arrived Tuesday to be the guest of Miss MiW«d Armour; iCOSBidge avenue. Mrs. Edmond J. James, wife of the president of the University of Illinois, and a former resident of Evans ton, is seriously ill. . Mrs. L. W. Broberg and Mrs. Titus Samuelson of Osco, 111., are visiting at the home of Mrs. A. T. Carlson, 832 Simpson street. Miss Dorothy Rose entertained .* a number of h$r friends at a valentine party Saturday evening at her.home, ^2410 Park place. -- 37 Mr. William O. Vawter II, left last Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vawter, who have taken a bungalow in Pasadena, Cal.. . Mrs. William Tilghman, 2708 Hard sou street, gavo a sleigh-ride party IF Saturday afternoon*: :ior her*" little" daughter, Cornelia. .. Mr. and Mrs. B.F.xHomor, 1140^Hin- man avenue, left Monday for Southern Pines, N. C, where they will remain until theiWm~Stthprli^r-^ZZI~:i Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Brown of Chicago announce the 1>irth of a son Sunday, Feb. 1. Mrs..Brown was Miss -Marie-Gilbert of thiscltyT .'V / /'.". The Coterie club gave a Valentine shower and rauslcale Friday -after- noon at ihe^bfl^e_pJLJIrfl. Allan B. Crundcn. 408 Michigan avenue. Mrs. Don Sebastian and little son, 425 Greenwood boulevard, returned Saturday from _MuMeg6h,l„-Mich~, where they have bSeu visiting Mrs. Sebastian's parents. Mrs. Albert Blair of St. Louis has returned to her home after a two weeks' visit with Mrs. BT. WTRlchard- scn, 427 Greenwood boulevard.- Mrs.- Blair came on for opera. ■M rs. Morgan Butler will return this week to her home' in. New Bedford, Mass. Mrs. Butler has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva JTFish- er, 840 Michigan avenue. ■ Airs. Hugo Schraeder, 6101 Kenwood avenue, Chicago, gave a Valentine luncheon on Saturday. Mr. Edward Monson of 2732 Hartzell street was apartment; nuc, entertained at auction Friday cve- i ing. Mr. Roger Jenkins and Mrs. Norman Cook won the prizes. A meeting of the Society for the Erection of EvanBton~Htetorical Tab- lets was held Saturday, eychihg "at 8 "o'clock at the home of Mayor James R., Smart. 933 Judson avenue ; ■ Mrs,^. FrAd^Gannor, 133 street, and Mrs, Maurice Baker,: 309 Davis street, gave dinners preced- ing the assembly Tuesday evening by the young married set. ° The February meeting of the Ev- -anston^WrCvTMJT-willbe^held^LRest^ Cottage. Friday afternoon -at - 2:30 avenue, entertained Saturday after- MichiganrWe^en-R^lBion, Univer--werei Mr. Howard StiIeB,Mr>-Vlctor noon at "bridge. Mrs. Catharine Waugh McCulloch, 2236 Orrington avenue, will return to- morrow from Elgin. --Mr. Joseph F.piersen, 1231 Oak avenuer is attending the~Tallora* con- vention at Richmond, Va. Miss Schenk of Chicago will spend some time as the guest of Miss Leila Trevis, 2704 Harrison street. Mis3 Gladys Beyers, 1017 Ridge ave- nue, has returned from Ciarkesdaie, Miss., .after a stay of two weeks. ~ .Mr. and Mrs.-George S. Bridge, 578 Milburn street, left Thursday for Florida to be gone several weeks. Mrs. F. E. Wlhans, Ridgewood apartments, will entertain today for her club at luncheon and "bridge." Mr. and Mrs. Lazear have gone to Colorado. Mrs. Lazear was Miss Helen Gerould, 1200 Judson avenue-- Mrs. Preston Davis entertained for her sister,.. Miss Gladys Kelly of Boston, Saturday^evening~at "bridge." ^~Mr. and Mrs. Willlam-PrBrown-and daughter, Laura, left Monday for a ten days' visit In Washington, D. C. Miss Louise Graves entertained in- formally Saturday evening at a Valen- tine's party at her home, 2109 Colfax street .--,-- Mrs. Walter At water of Milwaukee has returned to her home after visit- ing her sister, Mrs. George S. Valen- tine; 2407 Pioneer road. ~~ - Mr.- and Mrs. William L. McKay were "at home" Saturday evening to a number of their friends at their home, 2308 Central street. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hardy. 2522 Hartzell street/have as their guests, Mrs. Hardy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kirkpatrick, of Macomb, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wright, 903 i-or est Avenue, are moving this week into their new home, 946 Forest ave- nue, southwest corner or Lee street. Mrs. A. M. Ericson has returned to her home~;in Piskilwa, 111.,: afterra short visit with her sister, Mrs. Sam- uel H. Gilbert, 2663 Prairie-avenue. Mrs. Louis M. Crary of Benton Har- bor, Mich., hasUeeir visitin^^Mrrantt Mrs. Albert Ahrehdt, 2308 Hartzell street. Mrs. Criiry„ left, for^er^honie Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Burnham, 1225 Hinman avenue, Were among those entertaining at dinner Friday evening before the masquerade at"the ^Couh^ trj^club. Mrs. Frank Dale and two daughters, the Misses Martha and Dorothy Dale A Omaha, Neb., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dale,^2327-iCen~ tral street, last week.------------------- Mrs. Frederick Connor,-Mrs. Ray- mond Cook. Mrs. R. M. RobeBon, Mrs. Maurice Baker and Mrs, Hubert Burn- ham gave dinners preceding the mas- querade Friday evening. Mr. Oliver Cunningham of 1318 For- est-avenue was-one of the4wo best students at Yale in the freshman class. He received first grade honor rank for the first half of the year. iMrrand Mrer^^4)avis^0©8^uo* son ' avenue, entertained Saturday evening from 7:30 to 10:30 Ih-honor of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth. Valentine decorations were used, but uests--came -in--"bard^t! clothes. The young people danced and played games. Those assisting Mrs. Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Green- wood Murch and Miss Molly StroWle. Mrs. Frederick C. Pickard of the Newstead apartments and Mrs. George Bridge :ot the Hm etui d apartments, gave a reception Friday afternoon ii mi. teri^t^be-lrome-o^MrsrGeorge^Sr-BTldgeT 1 578 Milburn street. The^decorations Mrs. J. H. Fall. Jr., 1114 Hinman avenue.: Is_Je»vinB-this-: week for-Mo-^ bile, Ala. She will visit her mother, Mrs. Dunlap. Mrs. David O'Shea addressed the Catholic Woman's club yesterday af- ternoon in St. Mary's hall. Oak avenue and Lake street. ~~Mr. and Mrs. R. :M. TfoU»son~ettter- tained at dinner Friday at their home, 1114 Lake Shore drive. The table decorations were in red, carry- ing out the Valentine, scheme. The twenty guests afterwards attended the ball at the Country club. ...--■ .•,.-....-- 7 Mrs. John P. Pyner and daughter. Miss Florence, 1712 Orrington avenue, entertained Thursday at luncheon. The guests were Mrs. C. H. Verhcch, of Freeport, Miss Ruth Smith: of Ober- iin college, Robert Butts, University of sity of Illinois, and Mrs. Bert Carlyle McCulloch and Miss Vera Verbech of this city. Mrs. Oliver T. Wilson. 222 Lake 4itreeti-has-retarsed from the -east.-- Mrs. Clarence L. Barker, 2404 Hart- sell avenue, entertained at *'bridge" Tuesday.. Mrs; Scott D. Blanchard of the Greenwood Inn has returned from a two weeks' visit at Ocean Springs, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Tilmon Irving Gilbert of this city announce the marriage of their daughter. Marjorie, to Edward J. Flnley Timmons, which took place on Saturday. Jan. 31. Mr., and Mrs. Tim- mons will be at homo after March 1 at orchestral 6822 Sheridan road. Saturday evening the young people from Ridge avenue and Foster street enjoyed a sleigbride giyen^bJczMr^V. H. Wilklns, 1117 Poster street The young; folks comprising theK party Thomas, Mr. Walter Thompson, Misses Marcella and Lucella Shultz and Miss Stella Stiles. / Mr. and Mrs. Hillman and daugh* ters-Mlriam^-ar-ft-la-StrAagsstinej-Pla. Mr. and, Mrs. "Walter Primley, 903 Forest avenue, who have been visit- ing In Montreal, have gone to Pasa- dena, Cal., to meet Mrs. J. P. Primley. The Paulist Choristers gave a con- cert Sunday at Arcadia, Edge water, for the benefit of ' and under the auspices of the Visitation Sisters' Academy, Ridge avenue and Simpson street. It is the first time in several years that the Choristers have been heard in French Oratorio with a full accompaniment Master Ben jam! n Hart nett, recently chosen by competive examination-to be senior solo-boy of the society, sang the chief arias. The patronesses were? Mes- dames Edward Hines, chairman r Irv- ing Osborn, Charles Dawes, Rufua Dawes. Marshall M. Kirkman, Charles Yerkes, Arthur Hawxhurst, and George T. Kelly of this city, and Mrs. John Cudahy of Chicago. Mrs. H. G. Buswell of 1014 Green- jK!osd--bos!cVard""ls-"lsom©--frsSB--As!se~ vllle. N. C. where she has been visit- ing her son, Walter, who has been very fit. The elective officers of Pcntaltha chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, were entertained Saturday evening at a valentine party at the home of Miss Beake, 1705 Sherman avenue. The rooms were prettily decorated In col- ors appropriate of the day. Card3 and numerous games and music furnished the amusement of the evening. sell street, was hostess at a very pret ty luncheon Thursday. The table was decorated with the national colors in keeping with Lincoln's birthday. The guests were Mesdamcs C. M. Fair* child, E. P. Wool worth, C. A. Gale, E. J_Ford. P. W^-Oxste.JL_S, Vjalentlne, W. N. Buchanan, Ralph Durham, Richard Mulvey, H. E. Hoskins. J. W. Branch and Miss Helen Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cook of 1 i *«* V ' SW» UI a son. Saturday, Feb. 7. A number of young married couple gave an informal dance' Saturday evening at St. Matthew's parish house. Mrs. Thomas' F. Holgate, 6J7 Li- brary street, held an informal re- ception on Friday, introducing Prof. Conklln of Princeton university to the Ia^9To1^^^WOTteirJ?'7P^lConk* lin was a former professor tit uloiatg at Northwestern university. Mrs. C. C. Linthicum is working a Mjrs,rtA_ribJir_P^dDarrQll, J5Ii6rHa^ the Congregational Training School In Chicago of which she is a director. On Monday of last week she enter- tained five ladies' each' of whom en- tertained five more. on the following Monday. Thus, she hopes to interest people In this work i of ■ irebaring young women far social and religious work. Dr. McElveen Is the president of the Training School. T ■ i zoo PIECES OF PLAIN CURTAIN SCRIM, with fancy colored border, sold regularly for as J\J- cents a yard. Per ^VfA^ yard how.......... <Q*J2»%0 REN FREW' GINGHAM: wide, extra good 20c quality^ -Ayard... ^,.. ;i 31 inches AURORA- DRESS GINGHAM- 31 inches jvide; extra good- :s| H 1^ ?oc quality. Yard.. .". .XJL2V' CHINA CHAMBRAY. 500 yards plain mercerized, highly--finished; ioc value. """ """-ftlfi A yard.7..........;.-... 1 Lot of Triumph Seersucker Nurse Stripes; extra heavy \ Ol, quality. A yard..... T77 m Nurse NAINSOOK. Very fine, soft-£nish Nainsook; regular 25c '::."|'HlA quality: A yafd~: ie 1:p3NGCLOTH. English fihish 7 Longcloth; ^extgr good qualityj_ ISg^uJ^rlpltLce,"jSc_j^atd^L#j|4lji- For;..,.'.;-.: - • • • -V-, ^ *i +WV^ CREtdNNES. 2(j inch wide, best 15c value; a large assort-, ■ VjQ^ji:' inent of patterns. Ayard..... W-2^ POPLINS. Best quality of double me^cerizedT Poplins; all ' shades; same as we usually sell for 25c a yard. For.... Ilk CURTAIN SCRIM. One lot, of ?--plain-- color Curtain Scrim, , with ^hemstitched satin borderr-cream-or^ ecru. Special, J' a yard.... ...-._*........■ msi CURTAIN SWISS. Yard wide, plain white Curtain Swiss, in a great assortment of pat- <£& 1 terns. Regular 15 ^Jk--f^ cent quality. Yard... ^J2\f IMPORTED SCRIM. A lot of plain Scrrth.; air colors; open work satin horder; Value 46c a yard. ^3ULa- Special.>......1.^, . ^.^ift^V SHORT LENGTH SCRI1VIS. In cream worth up to 35c a yard. For.;.,......... CURTAIN and ecru; 12k HUCK TOVVELS. 106 dozen, ex- tra-heavy, large size Towels; regular Tprice, I2C. Special, 6 for.,.............../,. TURKISH TQWELS. extra1 heavy, large size TowelsT^SpccTal, 4 for.. iQO_dozen IIOUSEHOLD CRASH. Excellent grade;of Huck"Toweling; Ql^j full bleached. A yard...-----W'Zw2 '. BEDSPREApSri lot oTextra good quality- ^Bedspreads; large size. Specialy-prijped for -this^- - Ofi^i* Sale. ... .'. • ?-3 iir..........• &.'*>mr^F SCRIM CURTAINS. 2K yafd^ long^Avith wide insertion. *| Af% Special, a pair........... .JLoflFaF. FINE WHITE SWISS CUR- TAINS. Edged with fine lace. Special, a pair. JU EXTRA GOOD SCRIM CUR- -TAINS. With lace-insertion-and- edging to match. Special, a pair^.. 1.98 PERCALE. Full yard wide, light color, Percale; regular ia% cent -quality. Lengths a to 10 yards. A yard.,,*........ . 8ic SILKOLINE. 1000 yards of best quality Standard Silkoline from the piece. Regular price, 125^ cents a yard. Per yard;........ .. 8ic Charming Spring Dress Cloths Many new Eastern Fabrics are now on dis- play in our Dress Goods Sections. Beauti- ful, light materials that delight the ^ of ever^wbman. Here are a few special price inducements; * CREPE DRESS GOODS. 29 inch Fancy .Figured Crepe Dress Goods. Hundreds of patterns topickTrbm.; Special price'for this sale, ' ^^l-J'^k'^ a TyardT^rv........"'------..... --......,.:.;;'. '^r:2%-7 FIGURED CREPE, beautiful styles and -Specially priced a yai dr 36 inches widei extra quality. at. VOILE DR£SS feOdDS. 40 inches wide, extra quality, fartcy pattern "Voile Dress^Gpods; aUjnew styles. Specially priced for this ^jjfcs sale, a yard^Cf ....-♦> 23l<^ WHITE GOODS, yards of White Goods*^^^Waistings-and-Dress Goods. Valnes upjtor^C-^^yjfe^ a yard, for"................. LISTEN SUITING: White Linen Finish Suiting. The Hillsbury Brand; 25c quality. A yard ^/. X42C WHITE PLISSE. 400 yards of best quality White Plisse and Crepe, for ^Underwear; Regular 25c; :quality ^ yard..^.;,<» llh CHALLIES. 36 inches wide -Cbttoii Challics. Large assdrtinent of patterns.? 3pcpia|l^prjced _fprJhjs sale. A yard..,....... .V. --.4 ***** ^OO^OO j^^^^ Noteworthy Table Cloth Offers 64 INCH MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK. Extra heavy quality; fine patterns.^Specially priced. A yard.,.".,.,............. ^22i4nch Napkins to match. A dozen^r^ 10 pieces of pure all Linen extraNfine Table Damask. Entirely new patterns: yo inches wide. Special a yardTT.T7T7.......T price, w^siaSv S4 were spring flowers. Those. assisting Mrs. Pickard and Mrs. Bridge were Mrs. ChMlcsrCatfto1r,-Mr8r^Sherinan Kingsley, Mrs. Robert Row and Mrs. J. H. R; James.--Miss Dorothy Finger sang-argroup of songs. Over 1000 Pieces of Enamel Ware at Less Get the kitchen ready for Springy you'll not have arioth^rjsuch opportunity to buy blue arid white, am^whjte=^^ factory seconds. irVe bbtlght the whole lot at a sacrifice pfie^ and we're passing the bargains along |i>^6u o'clock. Mayor Smart; Dean Mary]-- The three sororities of theeumnock Ross Potter and Miss Wood, state I School of Oratory held their dance presldehrof tliB'WrU.TTriJ^TwlIlbef Friday night arthe Woman's glub. Thei the speakers. ;^ ~| societies taking part were Zeta Phi j EighteenLTOung friends, fof ^isaEta:.. Omega Upsilon and Sigma Delta j Bertha Swlaher, anticipating her i Gamma. The1 birthday, wJiich was Saturday, gave 1 young women on "the committee of arrangements were the her a surprise party Friday at^the ~home^gr^88 Anna Bauerr 2118 Maple . avenuer"" Piano music;~ anil "tnents were" enJoyed^aiTd^UmTevenlng --fm«8ed pleaeantly. -An assembly ball was given- Tues- „day evenuig -at^^lw--rr-Evanston Misses Aura Bradford, Ruth Burr, Mdna^Vorghtr^novi^^ refresh- f McGague, Dorothy Hull and Margaret GnchyT^THeehaperQnes were Mr. and Mrs; Ralph. Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Claron Hardy and Miss Agnes Law. _ --Mr. and jars^Muberi^uwihamf122& IVoman's club hy the young married illinman avenue, were among those'that 1 ^efcr^his--was-lne^aat-of-a^eries^4^av^din^^ evenings] subscription dances by" the club. Gn The guests were those that participat- the reception committee were Mrs. led in the artists" fete on Jan. 9, and Irwfn Rew, Mrs. Malcolm Ewen and-1 wore Jheir costumes from the English I ">trs. Philip Wyatt Mobre. ; [group. Mr. and Mrs. Burnhamrap- The annual Phi Kappa Sigma prom-tpeared as Squlre-and Mrs. Hallet.-afej etmdB-^Uhe hetd^FrraSy^TOTn^l^fter^tt^^^^^ Bitrnham wore gray chiffon over pink satin with a Pamela hat, and Mr. Burnham was in black-^velvct coatJ k nee breeches, and white silk.- stock- nigs. Mro. miicucM nvji n«a Uicj Hon, Graham In white silk oyer at crimson petticoat trimmed with! pearUL l&tn. Reginald Mauff as Mrs. j Siddons wore yellow chiffon over | satin witlu^^iolil^relTet-se^ with roses an* a taHehfed dreas. 1 the Crystal ballroom, Blackstone ho- tel. The Chicago .and alumni chap- ters,r ahdHthe active-chaptewrofrNorth* western University, Armour Institute -and- the Uniferslty' of Chicago are cso- operating with the Central Western chapters, and a successful event Is assured. Among the patrons and patronesses are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Connell and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Crumpton of Efanston. FUNNELS--iVz Phit size. WALL SOAP DISHES with "TTrilnsr. •« --~r _ SOUP LADLES (long nan- d««)-:i -- . - 1________ BASTING SPOONS (seam- • |e8S) --12, 14, 16 inches. SAUCE PANS--1 quart size. 8KJMME?8'^lat^----^-^. YOUR CHOICE PUDDING PAN^-B^sTsize. MIXING BOWL--2 qt. size. SAUCE PAN (seamless)-- 2 .;. ■quart;size.".".'■ -.,.f?v^ SAUCE PAN--2V2 quart Size. WASH BOWL--.14-inch size., SAUCE PAN--3 quart size. YOUR CHOICE COFFEE POTtseamless)-- V/2 quart size; TEA POT (seamless)--1'/2 quart size. SAUCE PAN--4 quart size. SAUCE PAN--5 quart size. PRESERVING KETTLE--6 .quart size. ^v.,-.,.■• COLANDER--10'/2 inch size. SINK STRAINER, TRIAN- YOUR CHOICE COFFEE POT--2 quart ftlzer TEA POT--2 quart size. BERLIN KETTLE --4 quart size. PRESERVING KETTLE--8 -a: ::qUlrt':Size^:--'-f;;' ^---^viZIZ: WATER PITCHER--3 quart • • size. ■ DISH PAN--10 quart size. jjr|p:pan-^1«^141^efia5z^ YOU'R CHnOICB COFFEE POT--3 quart size. RICE BOILER-->lfe quart size. •'. TEA KETTLE--4J4 quart - aize. - ".•■ ■-■■:"■--'--:: STRAIGHT POT--10^a fl«*ft size. ' BEilWI4HtErTTHyE-?--nO-quart-: __ jftjggf--^---,--_-- -.-.,_-. PRESERVING KETTLE--10 Xiart size. TER PAIL (seamless)-- tt quart size. 0ISff^PAN--i14 quart size; YOUR CHOICE VALUES UP TO... TEA KETTLE-->*A qutft size. ;...,"■ ;■; '." STRAIGHT POT--12 quart •'. size.....ii_r-: ...„.:i;-;: :> :•..■ BERLIN KETTLE--T/z quart •; ;ttze.: PRESERVING KETTLE--« .0 quart size. DISH PAN--17 quirt *&•._*- YOUR CHOICE APRONnGINOH AMS. aooo yard» ijJL^inUl^lengths just received from y P. Login. New fi York,; patterns most- F^ /"^ ly small checks. Yard AM W BLEACHED MUStlN Af CAMBRIC. *oopi*c#i.i 15 cents a yard.. Aa long as it lasts, a yard^^....... .

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