*HB XAKB SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 19,1914. Thirty First Annual Repflr^ByL ; Fire Marshal Harrison Shows [ Actual Loss to Have Been 1 i)nly$19,225 Last Year. J ijffs. 8<*BJP*pfe: ;l|<fe|F)i0)ll; 13$ Beach road, entertained at__a__tea_Tuesday -gfternooiir--~'-S-~ , --........4^t~~^ ---jjfg.--Paul- West of-Oakland! *-- Cal., j3 * enjoying a visit: with her father, ■jfr.'SyJVan Newhall.^ " Mr. andJHrs. Ferdinand Roltz have turned from South Carolina where tfiey have been for several weeks. Mrs. James K.Caihbun and daughter, Miss Eleanor, have return- ed jfrohT*an'^extendedstay-in Biloxi, -jilsS. . .: ■ '.-'" '- ■/, Dr. S. Hall Yourtg, a former mis- sionary to Alaska, gave an interest- j .,-----------.. ■ ■ - ISS:'" rte ™m - * S"ntoy!257 AURMS ARE SOUNDED ^SHira. E. *L Stafford, 635J^ngwoQdp;■_._ > j...:.••,y ' ' tSt____ avenue, entertained memhew of the u , J, V„ . Worth While dub in her home Tues- Flre Marshal Carl Harrison has Just day afternoon. . -'. [submitted the thirty-first annual re- Mrs H Benjamin left iasT^eeTc j^°u uf «•« «*« department of Evans- f„r Neosho, Mo„ where she will visit |ton for tne year of 1913 to Director Sr daughter, Mrs. William Stark, for | »' PoWIo Safety Walter G: Hedrlck. ^Vral weeks I The document will be filed wltlrThe severa . ^ . w 8ftJ city council together with that of Chief «R^K%^^ySB^Sf«r Police Shaffer In a short time. Grove ftt?V2?E^ffi^J2l- According to the report, the fire ■lhe NelshborhooA^rWge club in their 11088 lo • ^n8ton in l91g \^ beeQ nomeMonday evening. . . j small, amounting to 910,225.49 on ^rma^mm^^m^^^ ^""Hproperty the valuation of which is ^freelT-entertained a utimbei of] $3,oi6,995, with insurance of $1,7217 friend in her home Wednesday after- j 250. Thus a saving of $2,999,769.5r „oon. The boursrwere ^pro-S untlL f^fhoi^ by the work of the fire de- t; o'clock. " : :' . ■ : ' nartmerit during the year. An all-day meeting was held by • r;jeliTi)ftra~oT the Woman's guild of St. j 257 Alarms During Vear-. Elisabeth's church Tuesday afternoon] A total of 257 alarms of flre were in the guild hall in the church. Lunch-; turned in during the year, which is ton wns served at noon. the largest number, with a single ex- ■ - - ■ . ' - .- ; ceptloh.-of any single year since the j fire department was organized, thirty- ir l ~<~ **f £V*«-/> •***% ' one years ag0* Two 0Ut8ide calls VCtCrdfl QT JTOlCtgn ; were answered in 1913, one from Wil- j mette, when the Stevens home in Lin- den avenue, Wilmette, In which Mr. H i if s a* »ha mm h a i: ■ ?, .66 tM H»IM* Ml lit IMW ♦♦♦* Mrs iD.v E. schauffler is home from a week's visit in Memphis, Tenn. ~~ MrTTT.rOZEyaosl^oTCflahmPTSSr^tX; TALKS BEFQRI in CHICAGO FOUBTHFIOM FWEARTS visited his brother, Mr. R. C. Evans, te^~w&&l^SSlSSSSSZSSlSSSS:S----- Mr. and Mrs. Marshal S*. Marsh left 4astr week for an extended stay in California. j r Mr. and Mrs. John Putham left last week for a stay of several weeks at San rjiego, Cal. S2-.....S. ':SSiSSSlX~- Mrs. John L; Udell entertained » grqup sof - young, people at herhome 0/B^$h$»y night. "'"'*•" -■'.'-.,--t -- ____________ Rev. J.-Poster-Van Evera Is spend-i _: ----- ing ten days in Grayville. 111., where j SJOCK COMPANY PRESENT he Is assisting In special meetings. ulvun uw ' Mrer J7^L>^PeaTlinr^r-RaT,Bi- j« a dance Saturday afternoon for her three children, Lee, Lemar and- G^61** trude*Fearihg. -.J •" ' postpfflcfe Iwaa established l»ere In _ ^ _ ^ ;Vnnflfl ^ ^ n n ,_^ e ;f 1S46 thef spelling as shown was!-idopt-j £^ I '^;;^|h;i..'.Jt4"iE ed. The same name was applied In j', THEAI^iLK i^lh* early day to a locality near De-j*fMlM» «l H& I WAUBICi: BROWNE |;troit. and there the original spelling'«Wl|IMl --fre"*nt*«^« is retain^, to this day, namely,] Sihrtaf 2U5 j TheMlSSeSlullC . Grosse Polnte. After the name of ourf LaitWeelt j entii,i», Falfc Singsrs at dinner FridayjafghL..;:y -----4rln I8^rtho -namo-of-€iross Point onceL .„ Mrs. i^awrence - M. Xiles-J^t-JasJLLnJQ^roverte^ week;for.OrmondrPhi. _ 7 iihe-lako »V*r1», ""«* had no apnllca-tioni .C; ;Hrv^dj3||s/^i|il. /Day have gbne|tc any; "other locality, but in U93 Itj to Ocean Beach, Miss. ---------fwas taken; up by the little communltyj Mr. and:<,^Mrs.; John__(: rittitli and , ci tjerman farmers situated about a j tJOiown Critic and Poet Reads) Her Hay "the^ Man E ag te " Bejare Interested Audience at Woman's^fcb.- Mr. Samuel Bingham with his son, Samuel, Jr., left last week ^prj'few York, preparatory to sailing; ror France tor~anrfndefinite stay.' The Drama club met Monday atter- n,oon"ln-the~audltOTlunT of The Wbmnn's Caroline Poofnian Mother of^Supervisor of Music in Public-Schools Passes Away -- at Advanced Age. club to' listenH^ihe-reading 0f Miss Harriet, Monroe's interesting Dlay. "The \fMpn-l&gl^.":r.Tlie members of the Evanston Stock company. were the guests of the ciub, and their pres- ence added to tho Interest of the oc- casion. ' /,, " '■{v«i.\" . " Entertained With Music. c_P-recedingf the r^adlngr^frsr Green- wood E. Murch, with the gifted pian- ist, Mrs. Harold E. Knapp. as accom- panist, charmed the audience by her exquisite rendering, of several songs. Mrs. Eugene H. , Garnett, the ' presi- -dentrHtheir^ritroduced^Miss Monroe, daughter left Saturday for„Cajifornla. Lmile west of -Wilmette-and-the; post Mr. anof Mrs. A. Watson^larmour "oflfce there was named Gross Point: and children: haye^letrfor Palm Beach, L„j ao remains to the present time, j Fia- , , iThus the name has become anglicised I Mrs. Stanley ICelth and^her father, j »* isjteen In the word Wilmette, the Mr.^George H. Leslie^ liave gone to pr0ncli form of which was Ouilmette. .Miami, Fla. ^l___j__ „ _ |,ThA.n«nafi^L,13rossjJWnt~is.^^^ " "Count ess Gizycka has gone to-Wash-1 retque - remnant-pi-the-; period wheni ington to join her mother.Mrs. Robert j-an the extensive regions of the Great! W. Patters6n. West were a part of the dominions) • Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. McGann I 0f the French kings. j have gone to California ^lie.re__ihey 1 '*^^>i^^^^^^&i^m^^mmH^mi!mT^mTim^ will spend the rest of the winter. ; Charles Harder, Jr., has returned! from Peoria where .he attended a convention of hardware men last week. TUES. EVE. THE Irish Players (ABBEY THKATRK. IH'BUW) •'.. THIS WEE R J r- - - - -j$ TUES. WEB. 8iliS & THuftS. Bkt. ^ "THK IWCLL OF THt SAINTS" - "'*r*J»W; "SOVEREIGN tOWE" - - - - - f.6, Uon*1 iHUBS. FBI. 4-SIT. HIES. SIT. MIL "the clsncv wAme" - - Wn««* 10M*. "WE COIMTIir MtSMIRU* - - C.Fitnaaurtt* 75c $1.00 $1.50 Uo |>*rfiirniiinc«'« Kami a j or iloa'laj. EVANSTON *'Y" WINNER. JPhe-l£vanstotv Y. M. C. A. wqn the Wars Dies Here Here, Passes Away. Two hundred and thirty a carpenter and!alarms were Siven over the telephone -httrnedr~andr the^e^tTOcTion~6T lhe MathiasWaMe.Aged ContraCtO Wlnnetka Merchandise company in *. _ .. Wlnnetka by flre. and Thirty Year Restaent The month of. Anrii leads with the greatest number of alarms, when twenty-eight runs were made by the ! • . j department Mat bias Wahle, a carpenter and] Aiainuw «»».-, * >"^t. T~"sand seventeen turned in from fire- cabinet-maker, who for twenty-seven j alarm boxes> j ears has resided In the house at 1045 Burning grass caused the largest Sherman avenue, Evanston, died Sun-1 number "of alarms to be sounded. day night of bronchial catarrh and; Thirty-eight alarms were given from "_•■._- „-.« "ZT-.^j TToftnis cause. Burning rubbish caused g--ociuvi^u.wHf Z*?., . . !the next highest number of alarms, was 7C years old. Mr. Wahle baa re-1 33 Tnere were eighty fajae aiarms sided in Evanston for more than; given In 1913. Backfiring ' automo- thirty-one years, and was ^widely^rbiles caused seventeen alarms: defec- known to all of the older residents. Itive chimneys, eighteen; crossed wires, i whose literary_work has alreadyitiade .' -• ■■■"•■:-.,•• -"; •*" I her well kpowri. Who read her play to Mrs. Caroline, N. Poorman, mother; * t closely attentiye audience. The of Miss Nellie poorraanT supervisor ofjsyWect of the play, as the name im- music in the Evanston public school! P,le8", is th« ever^ascinating one of in District No. 75, died hrSt. Francis j-avlatlon, with ^absorbing s ory of hospital Monday morning of apo-! <"»*?&' and untlrlngeffort on the part a.-., avenue, wnmett, m which Mv P» She was 70 years old. ; Two of the hero, whosea>luck when, even ^with--apoplexy--in--her--homer" 20i6Tt,ult-ft«er allJieliasno^neen tne-nrst^ Prairie avenue. She was taken to St. man ln the air- but n?u«t take'second Francis hospital, but never regained M*** and, as thoughijfate were de- consciousness, jtermiped to overwhelm him the _ . . . . ., „t woman he-loves alsoyfails-hlm,._turns Mrs, Poorman had been a resident fev<m ?defeat inttflgfetory by the un- of Evanston.only a few monthsi bav- daunted cou e with whicll lt ls niet. ing moved there la e last fall wltirher nag a,read beeu 8Ucce^ daughter from C\ nton. Jowa. ^Mlss h performed in Chicago, and de- Poorman succeeded Mlss^ Cella Camp- \ ^ ^ ^^ g>wn . hell as supervisor of music In the pub-: __ ,; tic schools in District No^.75 last falLi Made Announcements. Funeral serviceu wcw-^ld^- .*■**■*■ f^eateg; tlMHprd^lm, several 1m- Hebblethwalte's chapel, 1610 Maple j portant announcemenW were-made IH avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30' O'clock, cemeteryr seventii indoor meet held In Its gym- nasium Saturday night,, in which eighteen schools and athletic organi- zations took part. One gymnasium record was broken. The standing of the leading teams was: Evanston ¥t-M^G A.,l first, 43 $ points; Sinai -Social"Center club.--~TS: ^'ajjgtggj Township High school, 15^; Vor- waerts Turnverein, 15. v J The winning -team--was--'"given a -bronzer shield;: and the" athletes who SPECIAl SAI*f ?15.0<) I5ABY CONVERTIBLE GO-CARTS. making also hi«:h chairs and beds $3.98 with this combination. »w....;.,.......................■............; -........." - ^ Teddy Btar* and Dolls at Wholesale Prte*i. SEE the Liv* Armadellos. that Uniaue U«»k<t» WOO Mairfc tintcrns at S2.35 l --'-__. are made from. ; , ......--- - Seewf or TheatrePrw««. -Mm M1!«A1V/AN V.UJVAV VW Storms > 16t North Firth Ave. > HWn^r' ,. „. . i ten; hot ashes, eleven, and an even Mr. Jtt:ahle^y^s^born ia^SJedJlng^ hausenj >ye^t,Phal;en% Prussia^ May 18, j unknown. 1S38. He came to America" with his +'"""" wife and three children In 1882 and. cabins. cago wag still in its fur-trading pe riod. The fort was. deserted at the time as the troops had-been with- drawn in 1823, though, occupied again ____ ....... in 1828 when the Winnebago Indians Itlt£T£$tiTl& MCLtefldl oi tfte Proceed8 of th^e successful per- began to threaten the peace. Again 4i»iri'rp0tH»g * .*,._. jformance at the Evanston theater. the troops were withdrawn and agate .....a brief business meeting. Mrs. Ray- Interment was in Rosehill j mond ^ Cook chairnian of the library committee, reported that twenty-nine new volumes on drama had been placed In the public library with part finished first, second, third were given gold, silver and bronze medals. S.J.S0OTT WAS FIRST (Contlnuedfrom Page 1.) MICHELI'S Famous Italian Restaurant EVENING DINNER 75 Cents - T5 Cents Private Dining Room for SO to 150 People - SINGING .......Arrangement* MaJc tor Motor Parties ^iSt^^m^ _ -CHICAGa straggling pioneers built themselveaj cabins In M Neighborhood. Among them was JohnO'Leary. who settled south of Calvary-- Others were the Hill family. Edward Murphy, E. H. Mulford, John Carney, and AbraJiam Hathaway. The location of S'cotfa cabin has not been ascertained, but most of those who In later years set- tled in this neighborhood preferred the west ridge for their farms and WJhen Scott l^ved here 33HI fir Ntetm^itecture Only Twp Accidents. Mrs. ErA. Dawson nnno'inced a lec-.^the^fb'ii {^:vira9<"4^ccupled'<,at ine" -time tare to be given in Fis^R ha)l on Satur^pf the Blaok" Hawk war.- -No- ftosfr i Heal Estate Agents, Brokers and -----------Buyers of^oHh-SHare^property .--■-- Stores, jG>ffices^ FlatTalKl Residences for saleNuid rent in Evanston, WJlnKtiejand Uaat Negotiated and tmttranee Placed 1S64 SHERMAN AVENUE residence there he worked on many of February 13t WllliaiarWUburnMP^^ix^r^^r^^^^^^^^PP t¥e^i>resent buildings and residences a fractured limb when he fell from a Aroused Comment* and later engaged In the cablnet-mak-; wagon In returning from a run made He was & faithful member Mh answer to an alarm. Matthew Evanston people generally have as j bershlp ^ickets^oWcurreSt year give 8lte of the lighthouse, was originally much confidence"~itr*Prof. NJcholsias_i admission to this course.___ j spelled with a fin they have In George Washington, j ^a<je p|ea for Stock Company, and ib-w-hen^he^toTd the Historical so- Mrs.C. E. Clifton then made an clety--audlence-of--having lectured at ing work, ne wuo a, iauuiui u»c...i,t.» ; , of St Nicholas' Catholic church and Maxwell, the veteran firefighter, sta- was active until recent years In the j "oned at Engine House No.-3, was run affairs of the-EvanstoirCathollc Order j down by an automobile on Nov, 6 near of Foresters and St. Nicholas' Men's j M» home, Emerson street-and Maple ... !avenue. He suffered four fractured ClUb. ) I ■ ■ - ' ■__________fTL-2 IJeing a vet«an^ortho£ranc^^ slan war in 1811 and two other «»-jdMlng the year by Fire MarBhalHar- ihctB-m his native country, he J»J !,,«,„. investigators from the state much delight in telling his children Ur^ marsbars office were_called lo Ev,.......... ~.....- .. - "thff^gnwarsfll^SX^S^S^m^^^^ lecture.:tamed o,» the lights to ani0UIlt larg<. ,nough to warrant the nine years ago. He leaves seven chll-; "_ ,j___..,___»_».,.____ dren^ They are: Mrs. Charles! day, Feb. 28, by Mr. William Bittier j office existed at Chicago at that time Yeats, also a lecture course on j and none was established until 1831. "Leaders In New Movement In | About a do»en families of civilians | Bjraffia,"; Jo be given Tuesday morn- f- cbhsdtu'feiri'he populatTon. ings in March, beginning March o. at I Spelling Was Changed. : 10 o'clock, in the department hail of ]■- ^^TBe^nafne'oTTIroes Point, whichwa¥ the Woman'* olub, by Mr. - Bridges4 applied to ^he^egtonSdomrtbe north and Prof. J. G. Carter Troop. Mem-; shore In the vicinity of the present one time to a gathering of good- riatured women, who-had jhyltedThlm to talk on art to thenu-and. finishing | of the name. - In process of < time the ! final letter was dropped, and when a ernest plea tor thiriiippbrt of theTIv^ ft ATS, All Kinds Of Braids canvass which is beinr.^^..^HDWrjBW^WfN--- the Drama club members and other j | Uf^fN £il< o 20 so. state ST. citizens - to insure ^-^subscription x. ( find bis hearers all1 asleep, they knew j stock jcbmpany's continuance as a An inspection of chimneys through- j he was joking. You see that hta audi-1 valued part of the recreational re- aTm nlTl^a *v\ T^pn nf"pasr!out the ^ was conducted by the flre-j ence found themselves much more]sources of this community. dA? rTx- m«?"mS-mSSSS^t9^^ mL Repalra were S&SSl iwake' when hl8 lectvt0 on ',1,hei The DrRma club has made arrange" Sl^J' J? MMthSi mapy lnsiap:ce9^h^n:>t- g yg^PW Masters and the Twelve I mt>nta >n aftjtnd thw Kvanston theater "^£^SS and Chri^nh^fe^^^ PUm>>tir 0t alarm& tne 1 Greatest PlUntlngs in the World^wasl^,^^ ,..'!',: »^:..!!r,,. ^Ort;comfng year.- . Tended than they were when he com- j week. . Herbert F.Antunes 1117 MWin St.f Eynnston Wahle, all of. Evanston, He ^aLsoj ^--JTrJitphoh-- BvMBton JW71 Oflieisl t^uirtrfiir-Northw «tern School of Mu»te leayes six grandchildren. ^TheTisual recommendations for new t menced._____________. .____^_j^c^ajJuuir,JmcjLanoraea an oiti--.,^-^ 0 . M r D p D a r p i w Q ^osfJr^ncre^e^n-salarierxf firemen,: -rFrom beglnnlngno end his addreWr,,ortunity to meet Miss Monroe, Mrs. |**£**f ^.^ »-0 wl^t^«m» .« r»ii rtp <n»orp9tmE mnt«riai «ndLKS"t£*^ „„„,« „„,. *hD ™lh,r« pnonTWinulBtka 2*8. MaynardBldg. etc.i are contained In the report. ORCHESTRA RECITAL. This Sunday afternoon at 3;.30 at. jwas full of interesting material and Murch, Mrs. Knapp and the members | stirring information, which made his fof the local company, completed a auditors sit up and listen. It was a j most successful and enjoyable meot- brchestri hall the entire Minneapolis jS,TILLr VIOLATE PARKING R0L^E.j^yjtp2^Mfflthe Symphony orchestra of eighty-five mu-j According to reports by •p611ce_olB-j great paintings of the world which f- Kiciansr^Emll Oberhoffer, conductor^ cers,ra7lew owners"of electric |^loh|d-j Were thrownupbu the screen. Falfh-r -gives its annual ChicagoLconccrt un-[biles-are still violating the inStruc-! ful in color and In design to the orl& ORCHESTRA CONCERJV H; e; ODHNBIt^i Merchant Tailor rr- Ladies' and Gents' Suits Hade to Order 1010-48 Gage St. Hubbard"..Woods. III. the entire 3er-*ho management of Carl D. Kin-1 tlon given about parking their auto-lfljalsrthey •"mado the canvas radiant! Next Sunday at 3:30__'%] -swr-~-MnieT-^ulia-^;iaussen, the dlfltln- fmbbnes^at^JhjOteam""""aha erevated:]jimiQhMr:JoJ&l£^ '. ^Jtihheapolts- SymphonyOrchestra ft] The lecture-next Monday evening 85 musicians, Emll Oberhoffer, con- gnished COhtralto of^ thS Chicago roadF stations. One electric auto ___._^-^..Ttl*pHpn€,Miimtkai7S C.T. NORTHROP] grand operai-will be the soloist andj stood near the Davis Btreet station of I wlll.be given by Miss Stella Skinner | ductor; will give its annual concert . R.E,At, (LaTATt , J appears twice on the program. Thei the Northwestern "L" from 10 o'clock; on "Italian Palaces" Those who. at Qrehestra Hal) tinder the manfcge-i ! " '■LOAN8,.y-.,.;. Si. \SiM orchestral program ls interesting since; in the morning until 5 o'clock in theJ heard MlBsSkmner last year, on "The j me^ Jiillaj and RENTING * j if includes a ballet suiteTby Reger that j afternoon rocently. The owner wasj Charm of Spaln,"^wlll remember one; Clauseen, the distinguished contralto ; (3age St., Hubbard Wo ods will be played la CBrcago~fQr the^ flratlnotlfled that a rep^tton^flhe vfbla-j of the most-delightful evenings lmag^jof the Chicago Opera company, will; -^pf^itei6^Howthe:Piopatysi: H time. : S tion would bring about his arrest. inable. | be the assisting soloiat. J y ■- -r --- -;; "' s .\S .,# ,'■ - s: The letterhead is seen before your message ----- is read; from it your correspondent gets his first impression. ._;.yosi:.::]^w^what it meiwi to make a good impression from the outset. Let Us Print Your Stationery Your Letterheads, Envelopes, Billheads and State- ments aro as important as tho advertising you do, henco you --ehould^entrugtHthfrprintlng to a firm, that knows how to combinsr --tasty composition.-«od Prcw-work and Ink wftt."'.tfis;jnya^ys|i#n.-- NATIONAL BANK BOND is a fine writing paper, such an is used by Banks, Manufacturers, Retailers, Whaltsalers ar;d Professional Men. In price It is within reach of all. Why not let us figure with you on your next order and use NATIONAL ^6ANK--filOl«D, tho paper that is recognized throughout the commercial world for its appropriateness to busi- ness uses. In this paper wo offer you the choice of White wad Five attractive tints. Envelopes to match if you wish them. You*11 be interested in the samples wo have to 3hpw you. When; lmay.'we:rall?:7 ~--~. .■:.... . : "■ . .....' ~^~~:^r" ■■■.'•■•■" Si': Bowman Publishing Co* 526 Davis St. Telephone 585 ^SOMETHING FOfc EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE & MONOGiRAjna AMpariMPiMft AF^^Embroldery^Deslgnlhg^-Mono- grams, Stamping and : -,-----^--JJoveltles -- _ ^ LADIES' TAILORS. VENETIAN ART WOGBfST, Miss' Minnie Lange, Prop., C17-C1S Venetian Building,, =^6-^i»^Wasfihigton^fef: Chicago . LADIES' TAILORS J^jPAULgON, HAN8EN\~9t- CO., . Exclusive Ladles'Tailors, Formerly located Jn North American BIdg.--now 61G-620 S. Michigan Ave-. -^Sutte sioV-PJfiohe Wabash 5195. HAVE ARRIVED. LADIES' TAILORING. Plain and Fancy Salts at Reasonahls Prices. Workmanship Guaranteed GOWNS IMPORTED. Phone Evanston 1997. 518 Hamilton SL--- ;r=z^^_TA^NTaTROMT A. ROSENBERG ArtisticLadles'""Taflbr" 'Special prices this month on Coats and Suits, ji^.MSi^B^^a^i^^ bnsy.lNow showing Sptmg M»d Bnm- ^ner--s^les^WorkmMiship^- and lit gaftranteed. Est. ISTears.^ ^ Sulte 506-508 Stewart Bldg. 108 N. State St-^Opp. MarthaH; Fleid NeEDLCCnAFT SHOP CHILDREN'S SMOCKED FROCKS BLOUSES MADE TO ORDER, CinLDBEN^S SMOCKING TPROCKS 5iON^G^A^MlN#^AtfD7STAMPINGr THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 717-718 Venetian Bldg., 15 East Washington St, Chicago. Tel. Central 4891. RICH. HUDNUT'S MARVELOP8 COLD CRBAM HAS NEVER BEEN BXCKLLBD. THE DISORIMINATIHQ' nad mcch pleaiare la a visit to MODLTON A RICKHTT1 QALTtBRIBS. Van Barm St, liar Michigan. DIS T IN OTTV^r--O LOTBB8. NEWEST FABRICS. LATEST STYLES SPECIALiJBRICES : durtng FehPoary.r LARSON A ANDERSON. ; -tm~ Maikrs ^Btdgv4»MlW^.;St'::Wf Wabash Ave., Chicago. TeL Cent. 0153. W. 11. MOSIJ1EH CO, EXCLUSIVE LADlEr TAItORS. Special Reduction In Prices daring ^February, 616-622 South Michigan Avewse, Fifth tloor. Chicago. THEJ^T-WORD IN Ladies' suits made to order now SI ygry. resJtonable ";prf^s^"':Latest' Sprb^n^rel(^:to^ ----HARRY EINHORN & CO., Ladles* Tailor and ^Farrier. 904 Mailers Bldg. 5 S. W«bsss A«s Central 7DI5