Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1914, p. 5

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»a« ii ill i i i r >< m i ii him* ■ Mr. Frank Ewald; 750 Hlnman ave- nue, left this 'week tor Springfield.' Mrs. Sewell L. Avery, .1123 Ridge avenue.' left Thursday for the south. Sirs. Reginald W. Crosby, 911 For- est avenue, entertained Friday at :bridf^'-"-:.:^.-^:'vv"rV^T'r "'•" - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dunbar left last week for an extended trip through :^j«to^ \V'//::/,//.//': Mr. and Mrs. Chancellor Jenks, 1217 Ridge avenue, are spending some time In California. &\. vtfrj^'$S^.^|M!^M&' Colfax street, 18 spending several weeks with friends ' '■'•'■•' Mrs. W.E, Stockton, 422 Hamilton street,- Is on a visit to her sister in Sewickley, Pa. ■/'... Mrs.'Perry Landls and her son, Les- ter, have returned from a .three weeks' ^$£|»?iu^ia;.Fla. / '•■ Mrt. Claude B. Cumnock, 906 Hln- man avenue, returned from the Evans ton hospital on Saturday. _, - .'.-w-U: Mr. John 8. Somerville, 229 Main street, returned Friday from a short business trip to Wisconsin. Mflii N. Helm and, Mrs? Watson M. -Murdoch:, left last week to spend sev- aWTIWilWPtyi^, , THB lAks SHORE; «BWS- TlfOicSDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1911 W»T eral months at Blloxi, IMlss. Mrs. Hugh Taylor Harvey, Grant street,• entertained the members Of her sewing club at luncheon-yesterday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Tilden and family, 1118 Hinman avenue, have moved to 324 Greenwood boulevard'.■ : airsV ■%%^ejrturf of Buffalo, n, V., is making an extended visit with Mrs. Frank Nutting of 418 Church street. "*: Mr;- :and- Mrd. John Towne, 1004 Gr^i^dOd /boulevard, are staying at the Royal tNinelfapBi, J*alin Beach, FJa., _ Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wass, 1425 Sher- man avenue, left Thursday for Flori- da, to be gone from four to six weeks. Mrs. M. C. Braedon and Miss Fran- ces Bragdon of 1709 Chicago avenue, are expected home from Philadelphia, Pa. -/>'■'/ v'v. '/'••■ .':■■-' : H» Mrs. Eugene J. Bufflngton, IHOFot: est avehuejHs spending a week^ with her mother and sisters in Catletts- burg, Ky. •■:.-■-.■■- , ■__■ •.. r 0nTFib7 IS an inter-society' dance will be^ givenr by the students of the Cumnock School of Oratory, at the ^Wojoan!1!^^ :-'-,:' -."/> rr '■'■{■■'■■■ ."■„/^": -Mrs^-iti:-Jt.^jr^Armstrong-of--150& Forest -avenue, gave a bridge party Friday-in honor of Miss Gladys Kelly bfiBostpn, Mass. w,- Mr: and Mrs. W. B. Dlehl,-formerly [£*?•_ Mrs. James W.-Bonneir is spending the winter in Mobile, Ate. Mn and Mrs. Charles Sumner Hall, 1003 Grove street, have gone to Miami, Fla. -' ..■'.'. '" 'f::, ■/:'■. Mr. C. S. Roberts and Miss Roberts, 235 Greenwood boulevard, have left for California. - * ' • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marsh of As- bury avenue are' buiiuiug a bow home on Lincoln street," ^ t -- ^ Miss Leua Wallace is .entertaining Miss Mary Bell of^Carbondale, 111., at W0 Tlhiverslty place? - 7:"~~ ------^------- Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson, 1028 Hinman avenue, will move tq New Yotk in Mar*&: Mr. Richard Day of Denver, Col., has been visiting Mr. Oliver T. Wil- son, 222 Cake street. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Wilson Eddy are BpendihgsoiaeMme at the Royal Poinclaha, Palm Beach, Fla. -i ^J»r,Jind:J4is._Q(eoTfge T. Kelly, 1038 Judson avenue, leave Feb. 14 for an indefinite stay in Pasadena, Cal. t J*r. Joseph J. Charles, 1310 Hinman avenue, has Joined his family at Pasa- dena, where they are spending the winter.-'/ •■'./■:' -*$■■!*'?.;./""■ ■"-'u Mrs. Eli2abeth Garjison of Cincin- nati, O., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Champe, 2663 Prairie :ftve"hue>:,;,'~"-~'-'-----:"">^--:■ :'",'> ;'v■---//' ' Mr. Clarence W. Adams. 1127 Hin- man avenue is on an extended busi- ness trip through northern Wisconsin and Michigan. '^ , ^r Miss Dorothy fieckitt, 1120 Forest avenue, and Miss Lorraine Mead, 1810 Hinman avenue, ..Will be two of the Easter brides.y^/^v^".' ■■-." ; ■-'•;■' -'.'; Mrs. MA. Mead1 and Miss Lorraine Mead, 1810 Hinman avenue, left Fri- day for .New york.^ They expect to he away ten days. .'.'■?'* /■•'■■■/•_.'."' ' A supscription "dance will beheld at the ; Wilmette Woman's club- on < tjie evening of Feb. jffetisrithe society peo- ple of North Evahston. ;~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Shiinmin, Colfax street and pioneer road, have returned from an extended trip to New York and Philadelphia. : Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Myers of 1620 Sherman avenue, contemplate^ perma- nent residence in Los Angeles or Pasa- dena In the near future. ' ' ■-■ v ■'- ' Mr. William B.Bogert of 1818 Sher- idan road, who was married early last month to Miss Carolyn Wood of Louisville, Ky., has been heard from on the Riviera.- He will spend some weeks in Sicily before returning to Evanston in .April. , v . Mrs. Oliver T./Wllson accompanied Miss Eleanor Spry and Miss Margaret Armour to New Haven, Conn,, where they -rattendedz^the/ Yate;£*prora.J* Miss Spry expects to^spead'.^few days at Rosemary half before' return- ing to Evanston. ^;. .s _Mrs. Ralph E. Starkweather give a large bridge~^arty^ff1^idByvaft^ noon In honor of the Misses Staples, who have just moved to Evanston. William McElveen,. son-of-DrrWr T. McElveen, 1110 Judsan avenue, has been home for a .few days front ilii- nois-^miver^ty^lsitijag^his-pa^ ~llfs. Willard Harris- halTrefulfhed to herThome-lh-Green^ayy Wisij after a six weeks'! Visit _with_ her sister, John- Leslie^ 318 "Hamilton street.------"-. :.::"~ . .'■■/-■' '■■■ ' -' - Mrs. Av S. Frampton, 820 Judson avenue, is spending some timS in. San Antonio with- hefe:two children, and her mother, Mrsil,Goodchild--bf. Pltjs- L_ of 632 Hinman avenue, have gone to New.- Britain, Conn., where they will -make their; home. ;j'- ; ^Mri and Mrs. William Blacker, fori ■ >v me^yp^f^iljQ^ ;Oak: ayenuepa^Mi^eWj. . p^ ^^"TTSvIng at tlfie ^ :^t^iti~Zyi • 'nl.*Mbnroe.street^\: •:-' V'^vH ^^^Sp^^BBm^S^ ending £5hort time with herjaangh-; ^J^^^-^^^^^^J^^r^- m Mrrwalter Atwater; at *er fiome; «i«)unced herv^^nrcnTtW-M^ ^Milwaukee, Wis. ^ - _/ Alvin Fargo. ,v . ;Prof;and^Mrs.;Jlobert L. Cumnock.^M^.._J,..JP^;.BartIe.:-hM....takw «» reached Cairo/ Egypt, oh Febro»y ll;[apartment-of.Mr8^. E, Barnard, 419 Atter/a.s6iy-bf two Weeks they "will Lee street, while Mrs. Barnard is vis- iting her daughter, -Mrs. Ralph Sils- bee, in-ElyrlarOr^-- ^ ' * - / . The Misses Mfttgaret .and/ Marlia Fabian, 1C37 Chicaga avenue, enter- tained informally at tea for Mrs. Wil- '■ I i ■• Mr; and Mrs. Chhrles e. Dudley, 813 Judson av'enue, are at Hot Springs, ArkY.V-r-. 't ■.:/-. ■.■ ..7.T-. aftf.sissjd: M^ Wihlam McKay have issued cards for a reception to be held place Friday afternoon,1 when 'Mrs. Percy James Linderman of Sl9|Mafii street gave a child's party from 2(04 o'clock in honcr of the fifth birthday of her little son, James Smith' i.indenhan. it their home, 2308 Central street, oh j The children were made happy w 1th Saturday oveninftFeb. 14: :,;; i^omes and favors arid attractive re- Mr. ; E. - D."'-Fiixer of "618; LibraryTft'cshmcnts^ -Those invited were Dorr street has • returned from a hurried othy Byrne, Margaret Hubbell. Gra- trip to St.Lculs where he was called] hnmThackwell, Mary F. .DoH, Phyllis pearly in we week/W?bulffleis^ Mr,^^arid Mrs.Donaid Dunbar/of42hi-i6ftn. Elinor McDonnell, Cecil MeDon- cago ha!ve ;Hft$*edrtb Phoenix, Ariz. I hell, Katharine Howard, Doris How-! evening at- the Woman's club. She re- j dancers Mrs. Dunbar"^.aa^Mlss gara Browne, a*di Dorothy Wlneberg, Jean Vickers, ceiyed ^er education 4jbroad and has; oonald his sister, are living at Miss Reynolds.; number, were arranged In a cirpU J838 Hinman avenue. Dr. and Mlsajthe outer edge of theibaiij^iss, Terry have also become membera of the participants performing the Round Table at Mrs. Shotwell's, center. Miss'Lillian Johnson 630 University place. 8tar of the evening. She appe Itflss Loraine Wyman arrived Thurs-; a costume of the. early '70s./ day, for a visit in Evanston of tea|Bnd veii completely cones*: days, before leaving on the 15th to fill.) identity, which made her the engagements in London, England.; 0? a curious throng. It was ii Miss Wyman will make her Evanston j-9ne had finished dancing, appearanco under ^hedlrect^^ Mrs; ChalfleS F/: DWlght on Tuesday !.recognized ^her. Among the wete' Miss Louise Kimbark. who danced Miss Louise FunKOouser,rdaughter]daughter of Mm.' W.;A. Browne, 1012 'Harry Cooley. Royv Howard. Richard now made a reputation as-arsoprano of Major and Mrs., M./JU. C. Funk-,' Judson aveiwid;^'- j Hcdberg, John Wineberg, AlVin Wiriiif houser, formerly of Evanston, was Mr. and Mrs.™ Harry Pearsons of j herg, Edward Sheehan, Stanley Nel- married Tuesday evening to Mr. Ar- Chicago, avenue^vwbb sailed Jan. 17 j son, Bailey Eagle, Myron Holmgren tbur Williams of Lincoln, Neb. The | for the Mediterranean, were last|an<l Horace Poole. . wedding,, which was a very quiet brie,-, with no attendants, took place at 8:30 o'clock at -the home of Major Funkhouser, .1517 Fargo avenue, Birchwood. heard from at Algiers, qjj their way j Dr. and Mrs/ Terry_Je'ft the latter [ part; of this week for an indefinite stay to Egypt, Wher# they will spend sov eral'-menth^':'--'^--/^"' ; in New. Orleans. La.. During:.their ah-traents-bt*.the season was given-Friday One of-the ^»»«ttte8t entertainmentsj sencejpr. Guy Terry, professor of hl'syi evening at the; Country club in form i of the season ^or-the little people tookttory in Northwestern university,T and tot ':aVcaba»t:'-'Thertables;'forty-five in -------■--------------- ■' . i ii ) I.......him ----i land interpreter of eharacter and folk twinnetka in Bv^veiy attractive songs. Miss Wyman studied with Yvette "Guilbert, being the only Ameri- can taken -as a pupil by Madame GuiL- bert. .', *;i-'-; . ■'■ . / -'... ' One ..of .the most novel entertain-|sScott ended the performance wi oral old, old songs. Light nawrits--were^serveii; all eyerilns; general dancing afterwards. / Argentine, and Miss Evelyn Isom dance. The "Bee-Hive" quartet thoroughly appreciated, while Raiph Hay den brought down the In his usual manner, air. ■I 12.98 Black Astrakhan Coats, 8.98 Pretty, Black Astrakhan Coats, very fashipnable, shawl collar, with hdted bactej collar ymd guffs^oT blabk velvet, 1 inings of all Golorsr~ a ift< this lot, veilue $y^8. Special forth^sale, while thfiy last they ** .- Hi' '^ r. •;: r / Pretty Lawn & Voile Waists, 1.00 Women's WSfists of fine sheer .■.....; ■■ •--■■'. ■ ■■ "J ajj>ray..i . • ' . -■",■,,' lawns and voites, button back / ^^ andfrbnt, drop yoke shoulder, . .*'e.i S3-•»'*.-/--- ^kimono sleeves, trimmed with lacfeahd e:iproi- •-v '■' ' '" "l- • "j ■ " ■ "^'V ; S ." 46 per cent. For this sale specially at OMEN'S BRASSIERES Made of good^iiuBlitjrJftji- lin,for stmt or slender figures, sp'endid fitting", lace «md ^daferbi '<&&$ trim- niecJ; sizes" Bl to 44.. I OMEN»S cdymst^jaii tiie new styles aod rrjajejrb al?,naifts(dl(^iingerie,cam -rne<£ >?0^:fi n^^l®1*?^ »nyefei 3&>«^^ chon and embr^iJeiyT - select frbfii take a trip ur the Nile. J. ->;■-■ '-,-- 'Mr. and Mrs. Wllllanv^sbofa Belt, and-"Mri and Mrs. • Clarence -Delwyn Worthlngton are giving a dance at , the Oullmette Country club on the evening of Wednesday, Feb. 18. •"■..; '<■ Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Gustav Hall- ^jjcrg^pf 5001 Sheridan road, Chicago, will "move/1&- EvaifflUnpthe flrst^Of May. Tiiey have taken a/ hot}se" at "Jttl^OrpvedBtreet near Ridge avenue. , The Misses Eugenlan and ^Sara Louise Buffington of 1140 Forest ave- nue, leave/the latter part of this week tp^iittt relatives in the east Return- ing they will stop in Virginia and Kentucky. - t " "T. 7" Mr. Louis Ferguson of J518 Payis mid-year vacation with his. family, In Eva^^on, returhedI Saturdays^to---thei Boston Sclibol^f-JTsctanology. Mr. liam Shields, who Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Goodhow. 'l_^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles ;S.; Read have taken-Mrs.;-Robert^andee's apartment at 1310 Oak avenue while Mrs. Candee la spending an Indefinite visit at Pass Cbristtan/with'her daughter./r~ ^ / MrsV^Gerry Brown of Spokane, Wash., arrived Monday for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Harold Dyrettforth, 741 Forest avenue. Mrs. y Brown is ' a daughter of the Jate/ Dr. Christopher. Mrs. Joseph F. Pie'fsen Of1231 Oak nuc, leaves tomorrow for the south --^ to visit Dr. Benjamin A. Oreene, her father,, of; St. Petersburg,/Fla*^e/will stop at Richmond,~Va., and Washing- Ferguson,, whose father, Mr;, James L. ton,*©. C. Ferguson, is /vice-presidcn| of" the Miss Gladys Allen of Cherokeer-Iaj. Gle'nview Oolf club, has been doing j. and' Miss Helen Norton of Bedford, quite:;_a.;.lltoev trap, shooting at the{ Ind., graduates of Cumnock School of club.'7Jfe Represented the C. A. A. in; Oratory, are visiting in /Evanston. the, Central A. A.' U. championship last night at ike |. A. C.i swimming ^h the; relay-race on theTC. A. A. sec^ ond Squad. \ • - - At a meeting of Vassar college worn en recently held at the home of Mrs TNp. Stanwood, 1637 Chicago avenue, fqrr the purpose of. forming an Evans- Miss Allen is now teaching in Madi- sen, Wis,y and MisS Norton is with a iyeeanfebngeftWi -e-^fe ■■.:/...:"...... Mr. and Mrs; George S. Greeh/1230 Forest avenue, .gave a sleigh ride i;arty~on Friday afternoon in: honor of the birthday ■ of /their daughter, Gladys. There were twenty-five »ALK AN & MIDDY WAISTS ^ --For'8chd6l or f/jrrtnasinm" wea r, in ade«. f good qu a! i ty gain- tea f>IpHf^c»»kw; white; with eol- oj"ed convbinaH^ ^uffp, woihen's. and misses^ izes\ejLceb -fentvalues..-...... y d Beautiful Furs Half Price Aji exceptional opportunity to secure a single piece 7l^d1^autiittl~~set~at oneJMt^hl^regutur~prtce^ ' ^JOfti 2 Wue Wolf Far Sets, Regular ^^ IJO0O values,; '■-<-'■ 1 < A/V Btte-Half off rr^:;. ■ .. *>Oj UU 1 Blue Wolf Lyrfx Fur Set, lleffu lar 147.50value; Oit *7C One-Half off...........<r^i 5? ';t Brown Coney Fur Set, Rejrur ail On mm f bit.;. I m ^Nattu^iHUth^t-Fur^Sf^Ftnishvd- with head and tails. S'i&.UU + *% tfgvalues; One-Half oH:.........; A£ # DU 1 Red Fox Pur-Siefc;Mni»\M st bottom with li r^ehead and tail,.... $35.<0 value ....../....; 1 Alaskan White Fox SO^^est gusl- itj, lavender satin lined, with Wk-Ofuaments and. tassels, / :.\':; .-,.' -'.... ■"/ '■'*-^jht--'-Wi'iik $36,00 value ..... .^vJ^T,.3" '■/•VH .-■■':'--. : *,/ ■■:,. 'vtJisi:': ,/•' ' '//; 17.50 separate pieces, muffs--and coU^^e^esM semraL kindsr-epJur=ihat have- been popufar this Truly exceptional values at MAtJ;%}J^JRICE WOMEN'S PETTICOATS "^ Of good quality merceiiiaiKl sateen, deep luttietr pleated floiincej regT ular^and-'exira sizes ^ HILbREN'S WHITE DRES- ^ES^^Of^fi ne sheer BVencht style; waist^nfl trimmed with lace i.JL and embroidery; I sixes; 6 years, .t i,pf WOMEN'S BLOOM1RS Of '" fine washable CLepentater* iitH creiimr pink arid bluK all sizes. For tills sale*....... w.. OMEN'S CORSET GOV JCRS--Of fine nainsook and allover embroidery, others .prat tilyttimined with lace, ribbon-run heading,all frizes 34 to 44 . ..-*.' -i* ton Vassar; club, Mrs. Stanwood was guests, all returning for dinner at.tli«J elected'president and Mrs. Edward L.; of their young UostcsH. S«mauh,' 21W/Orrington avenue,^Mr::)3ugene L. Spearhian, 1G12 Wes- made secretary and treasurer. The H-y avenue, arrived in Rome, Sunday. itewly; formed club wiU hold a purely social meeting at ? o'clock in the af- ternodn ol/the. last Monday in Piebru- rb=ary»=at^me^bme or Mrs. -Ida J. Shpt- weU,- «3p University place, to which all the alumnae and former students Of $assar wilt he cordially welcomed. aiVs. Harold Dudley, 632 Hinman "rt javenttey ia/vMting^relatlyesr'at~Qlfn- -ton, Iowa. ~ . ■ . ~~~ "~r~~~~ for a ^three aunt/Mrs. A. weeks' visit- with--li If. Lewis, whO is spend- ing the.winter there. Mr. Spearman is making ; n extended tour/ through Europe and will not be home until June 1 Miss Bessie Gault Robinson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Arms Rob- in son. 1225 Tl Idge avenue, -will hrmar- rie'dlip Mr. Dohald~petote Macdonald, _ Mr. Joseph BousqUet, Jr., 920; Jud- bon-of-Mrs./J. M. L. Macdonsld of St. son avenue., who was-^t^mid^l^ graduate of the Lincoln school, lef1112; The «ercmony will be performed Friday for St. AuguBtine, Fla., to Jpin| by. the .Rev, Arthur .Rogers, rector, of tho Keewatin school-for boysi to bejst. Mark's ^is^pal ^hurehj^it _8 prepared' for Yale university. The o'clock, at the home of the bride's ^Tho^maTd of Jionor will be Keewatin school- is under, the manage* ment of Mr. Kcndrigan and is run on the order of English schools with a limited number of boys, so Individual attention can be given each accord- ing to his needs. The four winter months are spent in St. Augustine, patents Miss Mary* Belie Robinson, slater of the bride, and the ribbon stretchers will be the Misses Margaret Childs and Emily Canby.of St. Paul. Mr. Mal- colm R.^ Macdonald .of St.. Paul will serve his brother as best man. Among IWflg Shoes-Womett^s, Misie^ and Men^sButton Shoes A lot of Men*sShoislhjid on tne xrtw custom button only, all 3.50 values. Special for • this sale, only.... /. pI A lot ofWDrneirs unusual We want to do your s.tibjerjre- pairinf. We Know we can do it weii, arid at the least cost to ybuv We have the imestGpx^earilec- iricarrepair machinery in ^hisseq- tidn. Shoei repairing called for anddelivered. bargain. this, rhIp; r n'y V'alues V HI A Int^pl Misses' Shoes; made of rim i)T>.t"1pTit1v»i.isr ^l!iie reason we are ofTpring these shops at. p^h .lo.w 14 ..tjiat lre,y.'wrg all* t«.ar* mw--witl t b», va f- ups up to $2Mr Sppcial fiTr~~this <iih*i■••tm,'y. .... AlorofOfiihlien's Sli ops . jrjjjj; ton on •> sortmew*: from for ihissalp^oriljr m--r BOYS' SHOES, lace orly, every pair warranted all solid lea ther, sizes 2»to5i, all $1^50 valuea... i. but the spring and. fail terms are held the out-of-town guests who wUl attend, at the school in Prairie du Chlen, Wis.]the wedding, are Mrs. P. M. L. Mac-; Mrs. Bousquet will join her son thejdonald of St. Paul, mother of the. middle of March to remain until the groom; Miss Harriet Johnson of St. school leaves on the 8th of April, by Paul, a cousin of the groom, comes steamer for Washington, • D. C. They from Boston, where sbe is attending, come then" to Chicago by private car school, and Miss Edith Connor comes. far the Easter vacation, before going from Minneapolis, ilinti. The guests torJPrairle--du--Cbleoj--Wls^--for -the-alV arrive in Eyffftf*n Tngaday to be spring school term. ___ the guests 6t J^. m^y^,:^xMk^^ ' -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHIKC^ These Offerings for Wed. Thkrs.% Friday qnd Sat* February 11J2J3 and 14 Rosenberg's Re&Ti% Stamps Mean Money : YQU~~Stari §ayinje:JE 1

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