THE LAKE SHORE N KWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY «, 1914. *»tll llllillMIIHIIillllll ...............H i Chicago'dVto^ : of Piano, Music, Dramatic Art and j ! C«t+«WtaiflAi"$l This directory will appear in these columns | JjUIVI laillWl O once a month. Clip it for future reference , PTTIH* ♦U111 III 111 c 11111 ii m 1111II11II11H M Hi Sllfp iflarlfan 0tfyaot (Incorporated) Vncal Art (MaclefiiiMeih6(3>f Dramatic Arr, Expression, Oratoryj 4,anguagevThedry of Music, Dancing, t-tc. „, (horuxea Coached Trt. Harrison 1850 Night School to Connection 'W^ ".'•. v \CT.KAH. Mna.r D.. Pre*. Directorof Vocal Dent.- - --; tjSr*BT.ih bmI •»)> ai*« jC*NJr.ii-RisKLi:ON8. Wtt.l>..Vloe-Piwi.jJ>lrecto»otI)n»n>atlcDept. I«Ht ttT-W Btaal nrk ■!■«. YM^m?™*-***..... S*4S.Mka.A^.C.kai. CHASF. PETERS Teacher of Dancing North Shorelnstructinil Academy ^jrjjarnrE^SEMm^^tittir--- p,i,aie Intlwetlw ■» «i»rtU«Mt fnm 1 <• ♦ ». ■. ju^oce phone Ctaccland 80*a Wflmettc 344 Instruction in the latest ball room dances as danced by Mr. Castel and Mr. Maurice. Class every--Monday night. Instruction 8:30 to 9:15; so- cial dancin& to 11. Argen- tine tango, hiaxixe, hesita- tion waltz and other latest dances.: 50c the -person-.--■ New Allan Line Steamer Which ^ Features Safety Equipment The Chicago office of the Allan Unci has received cable advice from their j Liverpool omce stating that the new turbine quadruple screw steamer "Al*. satian,"18,000 tons, sailed from Ijlver- pool on her maiden voyage Jan. 17, at' 3 p. in., for Halifax, N. S., her winter In fact, they represent the very last word in these points, which have es- tablished for the Allan line an envi- able and unbroken record for safety, speed and comfort. They represent the most modern ideas in ship con- struction from "cruiser stern," which a OSCAR0EJS Concert Pianist Pupils Received 81 Auditorium Bldg. i COURfTLAND COOPER Or BERLIN flautral Method of Singing JMtt 500 Athenaeum Bldg., 59 East Van Buren St. CH I'CAC'jO Pnone Harrison 7033 Telephones: HaVrison 3008 H,d«park&fc2 S. A. Campbell B. L. Brandenburg Transposition and Club Instruction a Specialty Instructors Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar and Piano Studios: Room 40. Kimball '"" Accompanists Music for all Occasions LOIS BLACK WOODRUFF M. JEANETTE LOUDEN SCHOOL FINE ARTS BUILDING BRANCH STUDIO. WILMETTE ••s S{a*8,8SSEastBsai«<«. r*«Bt iMSMes^ S98S =£=*•■ Phone Wilmette 99 •.>:;..;..:^ SPECIAL ATTENTION GiVEM TO YOUNG CHILDREN H, B, Bartholomew PIANIST Accompanist, Recitals. ",'.' _ Pupils Accepted 502 KIMBALL HALL L. Douglas Russell ..VOICE TEACHER.. 710 Pine Arts Tiding, C HIC A GO 23 Rood Building, EVANSTON Residence Phone; Stewart 5265 ' GEO. H.IOTT BASSO -• Teacher of Voice^ 512 Kimball Hall, 1902 Sheridan Road EVANSTON Chicago College of Music Esther Harris, President - All Branches of Music Taught Catalog Mailed Free KIMBALL HALL Hinshaw Conservatory AIX BRANCHES OF MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART Select--accredited--thorough--systematic. Catalog and Examinations free. Address Arno J. Hinshaw, Manager. S06 KIMBAIX HAIX, CHICAGO Dr. Wm. Kuntze PIANOy THEORY^ GOMPOSmON LUTGI #LM^I Concert Pianist Available for Concerts, Recitals, Musicals 519 FINE ARTS BUILDING CHICAGO Phone North 3663 __ R. GRATZ COX Teacher of Singing in all its Branches Phone Harrison 4865 419 FiNE ARTS BUILDING Bernhard Listemann Violin Soloist and Teacher of STUDIOS SIS FINB ABTS BC1XDING ' Wednesdays and Satardars from 1 V.JL Besidenre: 011 Fnllerton Ave., Chicago M. EILEEN LONG AND NEW WALTZES Salts. Van-stop, ftr. Open Day and Kfeninc Powers Balldlog. Suite 1301. 37 S.Wabash Ave. Cor.Monroe St., i hlrsgo Phone Central 9482 308 FINEARTS BUILDING Phone 5389 Harrison D, A. TJOMSLAND" Tenor___i____ Specializing In the restoration of falling • * voices due to bad method. RESIDENCE 1236 E. 61st STREET. 506 FINE ARTS BUILDING HENIOT LEVY PIANIST Available for Concerts and Musicals Phone Hyde Park 4784 Kimball Hall, Chicago, 111. port. During the summer season she will sail from Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool. The "Alsatian"^ has passenger ac- cGuiiaGuutiGii Tor 250 lust-class passen- gers, 500 second and 1,000 third class, In addition carries a crew of 500. "The Allan llhF has always main- tained that safety and comfort over- balance In importance the making of speed records, consequently- the new ships are designed, built and equipped ii* absolute observance of this prin- ciple.------ -~: The Safety Rules Observed.--------- requirements of the British board of trade as regards safety have not simply been observed, but exceed- ed in every point of construction, ma- terial and design. =These steamers have a length over all of 600 feet and a depth of 54 feet. They are fitted with quadruple screws and turbine engines. In point of in- terior design and equipment, they are without question the finest ships oper- ating to Canada. No single detail which would contribute to the comfort and luxury of a sea voyage has been neglected. adds to their seaworthiness and ap- pearance, to wireless submarine sig- naling, and every other precaution for safety which science has devised. Carries Motor Lifeboats. '-. The "Alsatian" will carry a .number, of motor lifeboats, each fitted with thirty-horsepower, four-cylinder en- gines, and are individually capable of taking eight to ten -ordinary -lifeb in tow. They are twenty-nine feet in length, with a cabin occupying five- eighths of their length-forward, a con- siderable freeboard giving good head- room in the cabin. The engine is placed in the cabin,,and all controls are taken aft to a water-tight self- draining cockpit, hi which the steers- man sits. These motor boats are fitted with wireless telegraphy and subma- rine signaling apparatus. The steamship "Calgarian," a sister ship of the "Alsatian"' will make her maiden trip from Liverpool on Feb. 14, and will be operated in Liverpool service in conjunction with the al- ready well-known turbine triple screw steamers "Virginian" and "Victorian." INVESTICATORSOOMETO LOOK AFTER JUSTICES F. MA FULL AC VIOLINIST Beginnert foVsi HMO Half Hoar 4.00 Half Hoar Advanced Pupil* Studio: 422, 59 East Yak Buren Street CHICAG Alexander Lehmann Teacher of Violin Teacher of....... G. C. DAVIS. Durant. Okla. JAMES CRISPIN. Grand Rapids. Mich. CARLETQNKAUMEYE8, Wilmetierlll. 718 FINE ARTS BLDG. Phone Drexel 7679 Assistant State's Attorney Langtry and Investigator Joseph P. Geary from State's Attorney Maclay Hoy no's office was in Evanston recently checking up the dockets of the justices of the peace on the list of state cases prosecuted during last year. They in- spected the dockets of Justice of the Peace William J. Norkett, Bartlett and Elliott, Police Magistrate John P. Boyer and ex-Justice of the Peace Samuel Harrison. A: ".few weeks ago Investigator Geary inspected J William J. Senate's docket.-- Judging from the notations made by the Investigators only criminal cases prosecuted during the year* and the dispositions made, were inquired into. It will be recalled that a few months ago notices were sent out by State's Attorney Hoyne to all of the justices, and even chancery proceed- ings were started against them to prevent them from collecting fines for violations of the motor~^rehlcle*law; No questions'were asked by the In- vestigators and it. is inferred that the ♦♦ M111111111III ■»« 111II. i i What People Are Doing j; Professor Alexander Sebald MiniiMiiii-iiiniiiinif ; Events of the Future : in Evanston 7111111111111111111111111 Viollnvl^uoso and Teacher STUDIO 81 AUDITORIUM BUILDING 431 Wabaah Avenue. Chicatfo Concert Manafcmcnt. ERNEST L. DRIGGS .'---°^^r- 3^1,^^ Bali. Chicago. 111. r~~ $H0MA!^^^P& KIMBAIX HAIX Teacher of Singing c------- SIMON (BUeHHALTEB Piano Virtuoso and Teacher •HJDIO, «4 FINB ARTS BUILDING I'hone Kenwood 5068 !rs, Theodore Parsons AVJTIIOn, LECTURER, DRAMATIC READER AND TEACHER , ArtiMic Body ■■# Voice C»lfre 80* FINE ARTS BUILDING ReMdencc Phone Bays--wood IBS IZUKOWSKY ,- VIOI4N 8CHOOX. 627 Fine Arts Balldlns; _ -----Zukowsky Trio Engaeimtntt: *191t-Jari. 4-18; Feb. 88; at eh. 8-22-1914 l*f OOEU.rxo THEO. DD MOCXIN MERCHANTS, BEWARE OF WOMAN WITH A BUNDLE Evanston merchants- and others who __„_. . __ ined to assist a cleve' woman, who has been working a con- fidence game elsewhere when she tells a story of hard luck, are warned by the police to watch for "a woman with a bundle" just now. According to the reportr received"by- the in>llce th^Woni^ an enters a store and after teiiing a hard luck sfory, asks for a loan on a package She offers to leave for secu- rity. The package is worthless and the woman fails to return to redeem it. She Is described as a middle-aged woman offfedfum stature. She^^ wears a blue -serge Buit and small' black hat. All officers have been instructed to ^^^^for^tKe confidence worker and arrest her. -^t£CPei«IVe^OI^TDLEiL-_^_ A large level, used in , masonry wort at the-^tew-irtreet-tar barns-at Central street, just west of the canal, valoM^^IKOr^Ra^^ tool^hed theror--jrr^--^j--~ i ■•_ rr-ro'oK THE FENCfc:~= The Evanston police are looking for the thief who took fifty feet of cbick- entmlre fence from the foot, of Demp- ster irtraet •■;-y,--^L-:-----------:-^- Miss Julia Henry of Girton school cases have been dropped against the I wllt ^ive-the second of nrseriesof lec- justices. tures at the home of Mrs. R. Floyd Clinch in Hubbard Woods. Superintendent of Schools E. N. Rhodes will be the speaker at-the Woman's club this afternoon. His subject is "School Efficiency." Thursday, Feb. 5, Reading of the play, "The Land of Heart's Desire," by Miss Freda Keys of the faculty of the Cumnock School or Oratory at Annie May Swift hall at 8 o'clock. - .. ___ Saturday, Feb. 7. Concert by the Fuller Sisters at the Woman's club at 2:30 and 8:30 o'clock. Monday, Feb. 9. " SeconoT^lecture of Historical so- ciety series. Speaker, H. H. Kingsley; subject, "German Cities and Towns." __Tuesday, Feb. 10. ern university school of music artists' series. Song recital by Lillian Wiesike at 8 o'clock.________ Monday, Feb. 16. * Third lecture ^In^^^ansfon^Hlstor- ical society series. Speaker, Prof; Frederick^W^Nichols; subject,r ^The Old--Masters and Twelve Greatest Paiatisss-is the World." -- Friday, Feb. 20. -- Minstrel show, Second Presbyterian church, under auspices of the Men's league of the church. --Monday, Feb. 23. ^ Fourth lecture in the Evanston His- torical society" series^ SpSaker,^Mi8S Stella Skinner; subject, "Italian Pal? aces anil Their Furnishings.'" Monday, March 2. Fifth lecture in the Evanston i-Hls Mr. George Wood has returned from a trip to Davenport--la;----------------- Mrs. W. D. McKenzie has gone to California for a six weeks' trip. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Wolff of Provident avenue Fri- day, Jan. 30. • Mrs. J. A. Jameson of Hubbard Woods leaves this week for a trip to California. rs. A. P. Gilmore and Miss Gill- more leave this sweek-fQT a trip-to California. Mrs. C. L. Day leaves this week for New York to visit her sister, Mrs. C. K. G. Billings. Miss Carrie "South worth Of Niles, Mich., isthg guesl ofMiss Rebekah Alden of Linden street. Mrs. Benjamin Allen and'Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt are to leave soon for Lake wood, N^-J„-w4iere-thcy oro to remain until spring. 'Tfrvv in Kenilworth Classified Btisiness List GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS Mrs. K. D. Parmelee and daughter are enjoying a week's trip in the east. Mrs. Mark W. C^sap will entertain at a luncheon this afternoon in honor Of her mother, Mrs.:,.Poj^^who_igjaer_ guest. ■ _ ' ";"'; ~^~". ; .:';• :).'/■: *, ■,"" i ::Dr. Henry H. Everett gave an.intep-f| estinfe talk to the boys or thei Josjyjhi * Sears club in the Union church Sun- day evening. -_„.- Mr.- and M rs. -Glarence-W. • Gasque and Mr. and Mrs. Mark: W. Cresap who have been east for .several weekB, are again at home. /£*"**■*£ ^jf^*; A4*'*"'* 'or-ist* ^d^. 4fim+S*!Xi &%&**-*-* ¥* -,f\ ««y"n.,a Successor to Rodellus <?,/ Rosen. Expert Watchmaker and Optician. Repairing of complicatedlwafchea and clocks. Many years' expert- : ence with- best Known Chicago .^-houses, -y ■v;l'^r^-r^-:--";";: ;^> | Fhbne-2632. 827 Davie Street Mrs., Kerry C. Meagher entertained several friends at a luncheon Wednes- day- afternoon. Afterward a theatre party was held in the city. Friends of Dr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Martin have received cards from them telling of an enjoyable tour they are experiencing in Europe. Mrs. John Vennema will be the lead- er at the regular meeting of the Lit- erature club in the home of Mrs. A. F. Reichmann Thursday afternoon, Feb- ruary 19. The topic will he "Victor Hugo's Double Roll." ~ Mrs. Grant. Ridgway, Mrs. James H, Prentiss and Mrs. Ella A. Stpnders will be hostesses at an entertainment and luncheon to be given in the As- sembly hall next Tuesday afternoon. Miss Ellen Van Valkenburg will give several interpretative readings, among them being "Alice-Sit-bythe-Fire," to-------------------- oata4?!Jowt-0woers5! Announcement has just been made of the annual musical recital which will be given for the members of~ the Neighbors club Thursday afternoon, February 26, by Madam Birdyce Blye, a noted pianist, who has recently located in Chicago. Madam Blye has studlied, abroad in Berlin and other neastern cities and is noted for"1ier accomplishments in music in London, England, where she formerly resided. She is a close friend of Mrs. Henry R. Corbett and has often visited in Kenilworth. All of the Kenilworth ladies interested in musical affairs are looking forward with much inter- est to the recital of Madam Birdyce. Miss Emma Wilmarth, 324 South avenue, entertained members of the bridge club Saturday.-------------.----- Mr. and Mrs. Albert MacRae enter- tained members of the Neighborhood bridge club in their home, 80S Grove street, Monday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brigham, 790 Sheridan road, departed last week foi MaitlandrPla^rwttere~OreTwm spend the^remainder of the winter. A pantry sale will be held In the Peaster store room Saturday by the members of toe^rfcadIelj*~Alff"so^ of the Glenco'o Methodist church. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. B. Jones, 730 Bluff street; left this week for an extensive trip through the south. They will spend several weeks in Cuba. --Mr. James~F. Dennlsr 823~Green- leaf avenue, accompanied by his sis ter, Mrs. Caroline Doggett, have gone to Micco, Fla., where they will remain weeks. .-. severa Thomas Ward, brother of Mrs. John C. Parry, has returned to his home in Syracuse, N. Y. He was called here on account of the death of Mr. Parry last week. Livery and Teaming Building Material KENILWORTH Phont 261 Residence Phcmt 264, Agent Hartford Fir* Insurance Co. _.t-------and Illinois Life Insurance Co. GROCERIES Fine fruits--in and out of sea- son--always form a part of our large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel eutr-^ Coffee is Good. OEO, 1. WINTER Quality and .not Quantity--the best for the money--is our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. - -- A. S. VAN DEU5EN HOTELS THE AVENiJE-fli Private Exchange 1110 Sunday Dinner a Specialty, 1 to 2:30 P; M. _______--Phone .-i-tHL-.---------- CARLTON PROUTY Police Magistrate Jurisdiction same as thf«t:---- of a Justice of the Peace PROUTY BUILDING Telephone WianctLa 7 WINNETKA MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Made--Clothes to Order. Packard Shoes for Men. Sorosls Shoes for Ladlr- -nd Children. GentlemeoTs Furnlso- ing Goods, "..___.;-'.-: ■■ -■ HA YE S A HAYES **" ■ PRINTING -'.:;; o Printing of All Kinds ^ __^__JDjqine.-.-Jetomp'tly and ;; Satisfactorily by The __ ffOWM A Ef PUB. COt Telephones 585 and 586. •«^-. PLAYER PIANOS -PLAYER PfANOS- 83 NOTE INSIDE-PLAYER Installed in all upright pianos. Call and see' this player. Our prices are very low, fei. Evaanon S54 1522 Sherman Ave. Talking Machines km French, German. Italian and" Spanish Language Outfits When yon want a Machine or Records, *aW.B»" Winnttka 693-W, or Central 3S07. JAMES I. LYONS. 25 West Like Street. CHICI60 K. L. GONSAtVES Contractor and Builder Repairing Promptly Attended To Phane Winnetka 42S Shop: 909 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods, Illinois____ iftnlimTKiCTii Irnnilfil If WITHOUT m< 55liar* I'l.VTICS u„5(H A manrtl «f confortand tfurabilify. Our ________________ e«!ebntrd 1800 nil hm itood Iht ■;.;--: tttt of llmt. Falnlts* tit tiding, but HtatnlitiHelallna, CONSULTation Fit kk. Southeast Corner Rondoioh and Clark Street* "'•■"'■ Open eTanings until 7--Sunday 9 to 11! We ARE MAKING Ladies* Tailor-Made Suits for $30 to $35 Best Material and Workmanship ^yfC&dSot LaJ*te*L T*Uor 118 NORTH STATE STREET Opposlw Fields Phont Central 813 CHICAGO Klinge (3b White HI6H 6RA0E GROCERIES AND MEATS Ridge Avenue, near Lake Ave. Phone Wilmette 430 Phone Wllmette 431 GROSS POINT, ILL. NEW METHOD OF MARKETING FRTJITS Carroll S. McMillen, a former well known merchant tailor of Chicago James Weart, Jr.. is a member^of-f^ forrears a resident of theTiortlr "" ' shore, has returned to Chicago to re- main about three weeks; WhiHPMr. McMillen owns, operates and resides upon the Mary-Mac Orchards in Med- ford most of the year, he has formed ^ connection with Mr. Dallas H. Gray ^of^Armona* Calif-grower- and packer of the best varieties of California dried fruits, his vineyards and or- chards having a capacity of 175 tons. the New Trier tank team. He was one of the point winners in the recent meet with Oak Park high,, school. Mr. Ernest Burkitt is expected home from Hopedale, Ohio, where he has been for the past four months. "After a short visit he will leave for the sdoth, . -- torical society series. Speaker, Joseph P Wardj subjeotr^The Civil War." . Mrs. George HigginsOn was a box- holder at the farewell performance of the Chicago Grand Opera company last Saturday^Mxa. I7aTrdnSell, Miss Caroline Kirkland and Mrs. William Burry were also presenL^ ~;-J-:'f-'. "■' Mrs. A. E. McCordic will be one of the speakers at. the Chicago College dob's "Class Day Celebration." to be given Feb. 28. An old-fashioned class day program is to be given. Mrs. Mc- Cordic, who is a graduate of Yassar, '73, will represent the class of that year. --~^- - •■v;:"u.v:^,--L" Mrs." Andrew McLeish of Glencoe addressed' the members of the Wbm- an's^gulld of Christ-church at their meeting Wednesday morning. = The weekly meetings of'the guild are being held in--the basement room of tho Public library until the: completion of- the new parish house. Mrs. Frank R. Fuller has organized the Winnetka Woman's Democratic | does, league and plans are being made for is-sprlnf Thursday, March 5. ==6^1 Flesch^Hungarian^violinist, at the First Cohgregationai church, under' were elected^s-^ice-presidents^Mrs. meeting she was elected president of the organization, and the following MSp{aafnf Northwestern University School of Music Alumni association. Tliur^avy#iWarclif?1E Lt C. Whitman. Mrs. A. M. Klaepter, Mrs. W. B. McUvalne, Mra^J^T^Jtod- Jenc ^^^re^W=S^MiIIo'r^Mr5r-C, Minneapolis orchestra. Einil Oberth, 'fdock and Mrt. Calvin Fentress. Mrs,, condnctor. auspices of Evanston Mus- .J T. Cheney was elected 8ecretary^pd-4MocM*d-Tor-^ leal club. i and Mrs. F. K. Copeland treasurer. The inability of Mr. Gray for the past f<>w years to get cost of production through the regular channels of .mar- keting prompted his present method of Selling direct from the tree and vine to~"the table of the consumer, without one Intermediate toll-gate or middle man. This of course hoTonly enables him to treat with you at wholesale prices, but assures you of aW61uielyrr^r«sb- froit-^tbTar-year's crop, not exactly impossible, but very improbable' with your local markets. These family packages of 40 and 85 pounds sell at $5 and $10 respectively and contain live varieties. The fresh- ness of these goods justifies their posi- tive guarantee against their "going bad" in from eight to ten months un- der just reasonable care. This is cer- tninly an innovation and, we feel, offers the only solution of the problem of high cost of living, carrying as It with regard to Jthls classi of goods, very poor quality. Mr. McMll-' ntilen has ]nst-closed-tne sale of oup car of 23 V. tons of these goods and has In thiBLvJcInlty-.8nothfr car ot_25--toon Tfoni which air goods may Jbe dfllv- pred'pyexpress^ dlrjectZtO iour^r^fe Mr. MeMHlen would bo glad to hear frrm his old friend* snd their friiends. Steger building. Chicago, III. ® USE A AND BC HEALTHY All Wiring Guaranteed HARRY A.WITKOWSKT , Proprietor ; -■ ■ *r WmNGyMEBAIRim SUPPLJE& miNCOETTLLlNOiS Phone Winnetka SS7 Phone Gtencoe 400 Johnson & Johnson M A SON AND------ - CARPENTSR CONTRACTORS SBaWaUaWanSBBIBI.___________r_ Tel. Winnetb 645 Hahbsrtf Wesfe.!!!. C. A. FORBEKG DEALER IN fancy firoccrics,Itleats. fiotions 6^ hardware Phone Winnetka 4S& 7B « Hubbard Woods,;-!ll. A Specialty We have' sa wideHa reputation for skill in handling women's fine garments that you may have overlooked the fact that we do equally well, with men's clothes. We do the work right here in EpqnsJon. 622 Davis St. '" ■ " (Evaneton 1730 Phones: fwilmerte 1475 HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables In Season Kenilworth, til. Phone* 1041-1042 All varieties of Shrubbery. Vlnsi, Rous, Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Hardy, Herbaceous Flowering Plants Poro n n i a 1 Cardong JOHN FREEMAN, PrmprOf* ^4rnA« PHONB I THE ELIZABETH M( L ES Maternity DRESS (PaMau<ijoir IM913I ONIOF OUR M ANY >TTLES A serviceable dress made of black and White Elysian foulard wif h reseda $ C .00 and black trimmings. 4#-- ------If aol carried by Tour dealer ----'_ '. order dlrrcl or call on THE ELIZABETH MILES CO. - 337 West Msslsim *i, rstrejo On K. rv»r. Market Stn-sl KING'S RESTAURANT cf4*mfa*^ITpin^*t cuaaiag, t«*ai aervlcaand right irice* KWO> take a pa»tl««tar arM* in their bu«Inr»« and you get the benefit of It. ft •• K (NO'S toda, asd you'U come back t*> 10 Caarae Table De rtota Dlaaar. JJS- ladlao* and Washington Sta Chicajro. nilnoia