Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Feb 1914, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY «, 1914. .itt&K'Sfcpftfe PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY '&.-----,-----w----r- BT --:-------------r---- THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO., .. 529 Davis street. Evanston. .Albeit H. Bowman . perttaa R. Bowman lanes Leonard Lee Managing Editor Associate Editor ; City Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2 A YEAR ft All natter for publication In any week's issue should reach our office lot later than noon on Monday. | Entered as second-ciass matter June 28.1911, at the postofflce at Evanaton. ^talnoiSi-under^the--Act--ot-rMarch--lir THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1914. HITCHING DANGERS. No doubt most parents in the city ■have warned their small . boys and fgirls of the dangers which attend the practice of hitching. No doubt many -|j|we forbidden their children to par- ticipate in that-populaivsporL------------- 1 It Is ah unfortunate fact, but a fact, nevertheless, that maternal warnings -j^d-pateroalTConm^ forgotten when home is at a sufficient distance to suggest safety in such--a- lapse of memory and, when- the hltch- fiig opportunity^--presents itself, the chances are that the temptation will" ! at least, it is certain, dropped In the streets overcome by ■ heat and fright and foul gases, to be quickly covered by the fall of ashes and incandescent rocks.' The writer of the report, be be Japanese or AmerlcatuJiurely does have a good command ofi English. How simple," how dramatic, how effective are bis concluding lines: '"I am the last person living' and that was the 3Mf^1ng=Be^#nidv^ a poem out of that; nay, is it not al- ready a poem such as Mrs. could not better? ____ -- "Alasrit is hard for poetry'to thrive in this matter of fact-age.--The-toe-of- the statistician comes so - near - the heels of our. poet, he galls his kibe. "SHERLOCK HOLMES" IS| ATTHE EVANSTOH Manager Harry Minturn Scores a Hit in Conani Doyle's Ex- citing Detective Play. The city of Kagoshima was not de- stroyed. The official report estimates the damage-to the--city as thirty-five houses collapsed and fourteen persons dead. As for the heroic^ telegrapher, last survivor of another Lisbon, he seems to be not longer in existence. Perhaps he never was. And the world can, ill afford to lose such men." ------,-----------------------M jji _ J;____________________; If^he^managers-iofcthe^Ewmston theater fail to fill every seat in the theater at every performance this week they will have a perfect fight to sit back and. say: "Well, It's not our fault." "Sherrock Holmes^^isTthe play and" it is-by-far- the=most fascinating pro- duction, taken' from all standpoints,, that has been placed 'before the Ev~ anston public within recent weeks. It is a play with a punch. It grips and holds the attention of everyone as if by magic. It deals with things of everyday life, thus IS- appealing-and interesting. The characters are those that are seen constantly around a big city. Whether we see them ourselves or not we know they are there. -From POTATOES Have You Started to Reduce Your Living Expenses? Average Consumption of Potatoes Per Day is One Pound Per Capita THE GROWER7TO USER^UPPLY COt Suite 833 Hearst Building CHICAGO Telephone Franklin 3109 Are helping jour neighbors reduce their living expenses. Have jou sent in your order? Don't the idea of farm products fresh from farm to jour home, packed under the most sanitary conditions, shipped in sealed packages in clean cars, appeal lo yon? Why not try -out oar proposition. You can't lose anything. Get your order in today so as to have it delivered from neat shipment. Wo offer you in bags contain- t mg 10 pecks, 2j4 bushels, 160 poonds, Gochrane's Feai Brand Screened and SortedJforthern^rrown Irish Potatoes at $2.25 per sack at your doot^IIayjfhen goods arrive/ Money refunded if you »re not satisfied. _____ - Reference: Ciljj Bank*7FortageiWi$. 7 „ High Class Local Agents Wanted The vgMye a Httle too strong for thryouhg Ster and he will set forth on a delight- ful ahd^ exciting ride behind a passing automobile or delivery wagon, heed- irnvvnT iTHfl«»'» Withe, mental description we have of wax j\uj ,\i aujuc. these typef^oMiuman beings it is easy ^Chicago Tribune has kindly j to observe that those characters tak- l_mjdertaken the task of enlightening | ing part in the play resemble closely the women of the city concerning the I those from whom one might expect to precinct in which they reside, the lo- receive a blackmailing letter or have --~. ■--*- •. ... ---.-- : 1 enter his home-through a second-story^ window. Though he far from resembles the MICHELFS 75 Cents - 75 Gents Private Dining Room for SO to 1 SO People Arrangements Made for Motor Parties MICHOAN AVENUE AND life SrBBET CHICAGO cation of the polling place and such other points which were to be of serv" ice today=registration day. This morn reported less of the very great danger which he runs. / TngHthat publication reported a con tinuous-jingling of. the telephone ac- companied by feminine voices inquir- ing into the mysteries of registration -day and its forms. __;____ The steady patronage of the Trib- une's information bureau suggests at HARD TO BE GOOD._____ It is strange how law-abiding peo- ple" may become when a reformative bill is-enacted which threatens to in- terfere with practices which__have brought them profit. In our own I state, veneration for the constitution and a holy horror of offending against that document prompted investigation concerning the agreement of the wom- - Jul ^suffrage:bill with the_constitution by those citizens of the state whose business is of such a nature as to arouse opposition from the majority of the women.- So in Nevada. For many years Ne- vada _has borne the reproach of lax --marrlage_^jad_j|iyorce laws. Reno has -.-become a JWecca for those--whose mat- rlmonial bonds have begun to chafe. The new Nevada divorce law which \vent into effect January 1 makes a year's residence in the state neces- sary before a decree of divorce may ho obtained, hot a stringent regula- tion* certainly, but better than the old law under which six months' resl- appearahce_jQjLJ,he_ man „we know as, "Sherlock Holmes'" Mr. Minturn, who takes the leading part, overcomes this slight handicap by the spirit he puts in his work. Mr* Minturn must really ff el he is Sherlock Holmes this week. If he didn't have this feeling he would be unable to act so well. Many who attended the playhouse at the opening night this week had seen William Gil- first blush-aconsuming interest on the jelte ln the piay when^ it wa8 havIng part of the women in the opportu- j its long run in Chicago. All of these nity of casting their first vote in the I were highly^ pleased with the way the Februaiar primaries. An instant's con- j roana?er t00k the Part. This ia_sunl-f cient to show that he did his part well nigh perfect, for who could take the place of William Gillette and not do good acting?. But the success of the play this week dence sufficed. Now the new law is under trial for Its life-on the grounds of its uncon- stitutionality. By whom? By those who profited by the six months' resi- dence there of divorce seeking parties who chose Nevada as the scene of op- eration because of the speed wttlr which the divorce mills grind. * & ?R • HEROIC ASPIRATIONS. . Heroic aspirations are usually com- mendable but when their realisation depends upon a definite form in future events, the aspirant should also be something of a prophet, that is, if he is jneUned "to-assume the heroic pose in advance of the necessity.- The recent disasters in Japan do not furnish a subject particularly provoca- TfvelODlflEaira^^ luted by the Independent, is worth a jsmlle r ". Z^LLThe_jBiQfX_of the boy whd__stood on the burning deck whence~alt but that -recurs in in the -ab- >y occasion -for--Buchb-heroism. A most-4,hr41]inK version of this immortal legend came oyer the" cable from Japan on January 13, or at. least appeared in ourlnagfti sideration pTodueea a doubt as to why the ladies who seem to have been in doubt as to their political residence were unable to obtain trustworthy in- formation from the men of--their household or acquaintance.* And to that query, there Is no answer. i£ iji %i ENCOURAGE THE BIRDS. The little flurry of consternation at the_jpred.iction of ruin to our trees be- cause of the exodus of insectivorous birds from the vicinity which resulted ln the somewhat laughable action of the city authorities toward extermi- nating the squirrels, hitherto a cher- ished possession of the city^ has died for lack of fuel. The squirrels con- tinue to scamper about the city and the more valiant of the birds continue their fight for residence here. There is nothing more to be done in that quarter and we must look elsewhere for means of keeping the desirable spe- cies of birds with us. And just at this time Mr. Joskpii H. Dodson comes forth sounding a plea for food for thOse birds which would remain in this vicinity during the winter were it not for the terrors of starvation which hang over thpm.___ Would it not be worth while for those who a few weeks ago were'will- ing to enforce the decree of death up- on our squirrel population in behalf of i the , birds, to accomplish the same results, so far as the birds are concerned by supplying them means of sustenance? A piece of suet, hung be- yond the reach of the hungry dog should ensure the presence of feath- ered neighbors throughout the winter, and supply a formidable enemy for tho insects which in the summer prey upon the trees. EVA .V.S' TOX PROF1TS. on does'not depend entirely upon the act- ing of Harry Minturn. Far be that from true. Jean Clarendon took a very prominent part, and of course he was a villain.-In fact»7he was one of the blackest rogues we have seen por trayed on the stage ln many a day. As Prof. Moriarty, king of crooks, he gave some realistic acting that forced the shivers up and down one's back. Of course, Sherlock proved too clever for him in the end. But the matching of wits was an interesting battle while it lasted. The pther members of the cast have but little to do this week. Gale Sat- terlee is Dr. Watson, and although he fills in as Sherlock's assistant, hennas but little work and consequently is able later to appear as Thomas iTeary, a crook and one of the flunkeys of Pro- fessor Moriarty. Like Satterlee, Nelle Redd has little to do, but she does that well. Richie Russell takes the most active part of" any of the femi- nine members of the cast and appears lovely and serene even while assisting in the blackmailing plot. A". C. Van Slyke. Charles Brown,* James Morton and Edward Ewald are all exceptional- ly good this week. Jessie Boyce, who recently returned to. the company, proves to be by far the neatest and nest clever maid that has betin at the Evanston this year, while Blllee Lei- cester-Is an Ideal and brave hell boy. There is Httle plot and much acting to "Sherlock Holmes." The play is built around the great detective of Conan Doyle's imagination. There Is a blackmailing plot and in solving it Holmes locks horns with Prof. Mori- arty, who "is'"considered the most clev- er and cruel of crooks. Finally Holmes dupes his opponent and the play ends with tho villain in handcuffs and Holmes comforting the pretty sister of the victim. „ . - Spring and Sumrner I9M This is to announce the opening of the Spring and Summer showing of imported and domestic suitings, overcoatings and other fabrics. These are designed to be made up into perfectly tailor- ed clothes, adapted to your individuality. You_ are invited to call early, and inspect the com- plete assortment of the seasons productions. Cleaning, Pressing and Remodeling Work ^Galled for and Delivered. A Reduction of from $10 to $15 during February The Ro/al Ladies' Tailors 603 DEMPSTER ST. TELEPHONE 1138, 1321 £MERSON ST. TELEPHONE 4274 First Book of the North Shore Price $1.50 ~i and-------- Second Book of the Nottli^Bdre Price $2.00 ____Homes, Gardens, Landscapes; High- ways and Byways, i^t^nd^reseirr fry MARIAN A. WHITE Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, Pro- fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value as -books will not be reprinted. Make remittances direct to MARIAN A. WHITE 6928 Sheridan Road :: Chicago mmmmmmmmmm The course nf lectures ou citizen- ship which havr boon given by Miss ~~~HVtA4tx_Om.i>s weekly >at the Noyos street school, lectures patronized by! many earnest wonien seeking through that means to strengthen their grasp on the themes, principles and prac- j ticca of our system of government, is about to draw to ai successful close. The talks have covered the main points- of federal state, -county and t PROF. A. R. CROOK IS AUTHOR OF PAMPHLET Former Teacher at Northwest- ern Gives Sane Advice, in Regard to Museums. IV01*y Soap, 6 oz. size. 6for «H>emx^ti^^ women. hlnv-had fled-is one every great disaster even papers of the following day. 'The city o? Kagoshima with 04,000 inhabitants was totally destroyed by a flood of Are from the gakura-Bhimavolcjtno.,~^On'^ _ brave telegraph operator 'sat athls key calling for^ help* while "the~erowd» -rttebed--Into--the. -seaV-and --thousanda+cer ta I n Prof. A. R. Crook/formerly of Ev- anston, bat now curator of the state museum of natural history at Spring- field, is the author of an interesting municipal government and through j pamphlet entitled. "Needless Rcgula- them Miss eiai.Ds' interested auditors l.tions' in Museums." It is a very have gained a goad- working--feunda-^n-sible article "and- starts off with tJon-upon which-^MtHfi-aHtrwwIeds^1^^^^ sentence,-"OimH , .... '. . . .. ", ,. who lives within hearing distance of of political matters to he developed by:L statc legis,ature> where a thousand tho exercise of the. franchise rfght and.! or two/of bills are Introduced at one Uu new interest in public affaire re-J session, and wrho allows his thoughts suiting from * feeltng of being able to to 6° out to the forty-seven other do somet 1, t »g, of possessing- a weapon/i ^f5 tg which so many bHte arejnr „. -. .. -,. , , troduced that their total amounts to The members of the class have fifty or roore thousand every two gained much from their teacher. The j years, cannot be but strongly im- city of EvanBton has gained more,- for-1 pressed with the tendency of man :to_ Lunch Napkins, gsfigj......_ Sanitary Oil Mops, fiife..... Madeira Handkerchiefs, Were 50c, 75c, $1.00, ai...................... French Wool Challies, J?£yT.. Bolster Rolls,„^rer.,in:........... Children's Dresses, f^i'°... Muslin Underwear, Soil<!dfr<>m Men's Sweaters, %£* collar....... Card Tables, g!;^'^f!!^...........l^ Women's Union Suits, jSSSS, ^fiO display.... Gingham Aprons, Large 39c Shirt Waists, were $1.50. ch size. itrice 19c Doz..... oice... i.-ieaten-of_understand- Jng hasibeen-Ji of-ffemlninft-votera-and--morrr-rhteltt^ gent action on;publlc questions jtnade tIowjl ils-___ full 'jof"hard "SSmTMOiaense In regard to the purposes of museums and the -impropriety.- olr -havlng._toa may useless rulers. Wash Dresses, wonh to'$6.oo....... $iu Raincoafs T $l0MackinawslChoice ■750 Bath Towels, SSHSft*,.............„19e ^igured^Grepes,rfw^^ Table Tumblers, fi^Q^, Men's Vegetable Silk Hose, ^nd:._........ Rubifoam, 25t Dentifrice ........... Dressing Cnalb^^ Hair Pins, fSSSS^..................... 3c Writing Paper, ^^P^^-Jj^c Women's Silk Hose.(an e onds 'r$T30 quanty^ Apron Ginghams, -0yard Iim f Yard.. 6^C Exclusive Agents for LadiesUdomt 'ouutain Square Evanston, Illinois Evanston Phone 1024 ^Wilmette- Moa^se^ No charge made for connections.

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