Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Feb 1914, p. 3

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' ■ THE LAKE SHORE MEWS. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1014. Annual Report Compiled by Building Commissioner John Waldron Shows Great ln- ^~ crealeDveri^l^ -- UNIVERSITY HELPS OUT \ building record was established in'i;v:inston in 1913, The valuation _,- new buildings constructed in_the_ twelve months was neariy a half mil- lion dollars more than that of 1912. 4 totaUof 424 building permits were '^ed cTurThg^Ehe year, which is ™entv-e»gbt less than the number jssue<l during 1912. However, the total valuation of ifce new buildings iu i9i3 totalled $2,136,491, compared ," with'a valuation of 61.G56.100 in 19.12, when 4;"»2 permits were Issued. The m gain was $480,391. " Statistics Compiled. ' Statistics for last year have Just been compiled by Building Inspector j j Waldran, and although not yet Arranged In detail as to the amount of repair worRTlf Is «a£e to Predict _IlIat the^arger portiou of theJ|2,O0Ov oot) valuation represents hew struc- tures The increase of almost a half million dollars in building is explained by the new Northwestern university dormitories on the campus, facing Sheridan road. -The aggregate cost oi the eight new four and five-story brick group buildings is $357,500. The main structure coat $134,000, while tKe~ievetf ether- separate buildings range in cost from $31,000 to $33,000. But since these statistics have been compiled the new year of 1914 has started out with an unprecedented rush, according to Building Permit Clerk -Buck** Shaw,- and his predic- tion is that the building record in 19H will eclipse that the year just closed. .Already this month permits have been issued for several, large structures and, counting the large ad- dition to be made to, the postomce. the valuation of new buildings start- ed this month will be approximately tl 00,000. This is arecord-breaker for the month of January, always conced- ed to be one of the slowest months in the year in the building line. A Bright Outlook. with the outlook so promising for 1914, building operations doubtless will mark an epoch in the develop- ment of property in Evanston. If buildings are of brick embellished with stone trimmings. Thei new $80,000 Oakton school at 432 Ridge avenue is another costly public building started in' Evanston last year. The structure is now en- closed, work having gone on steadily during the late fall and winter months. ■ ■ y Another brick school building which was started and completed in 1913 was the Lincoln wood school at 250S-10 Grant street. This structure cost $48,000. i Several pretentious residences were started during 1913. Included in the list is the home of Charles Ringling. a member of the large circus concern: at ,1202 Forest avenue. rT!he Mructure cost more than $30,000 and is now nearlng-Completion^_D_urlngiJhe_yeax Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Dawes have built a beautiful home costing $29,000, at 109 Greenleaf street. Other resi- dences were built by Dr. H. Fr Helm- holz, at 1013 Michigan-^ avenue.--cost $16,000; by Cyrus Mark, 1005 Michigan avenue, cost $17,000. Many New Modest Homes. ~ Scores of modest homes averaging in cost about $8,000 each^ were built last year: These structures were ,-erected in various sections of the city, the south end probably showing a greater number than any other sec- tion. _____,.,.'. Investment in apartment buildings demonstrates the confidence of finan- cial men in Evanston as the Ideal residence suburb. Many of these structures were built all over Evans- ton. Thomas McCall is the owner Of a larg£ brick apartment built m'843 Ridge avenue at a cost of $70,000, and has another' apartment building at Main street and Ridge avenue, which cost $50,000. A list of other apart- ments, owners-- and cost,--Inelndesi- Charles A. Johnston, 141r45 Arnold place, $48,000; John A. Nyden, 904 Michigan avenue, $47,000^ Patrick O'Neil, 1525 Maple avenue, $35,000. Erect Cottages. The firm of Neils Suck & Co. erect- ed eighteen cottages in Monroe street during the year at a total cost of $36,000. Another greenhouse was built fey John P. Letter at 430 Flor- ence avenue costing $15,000. ELMENDORF AT ORCHESTRA HALL. As the topic of an extra travel-talk to be given at Orchestra hall on Sun- day afternbon, Feb. 8, Dwight Elmeri- dorf. the artist and globe-trotter, will present his most colorful lecture. Southern Italy." This will include. its teeming life, a visit to the buried cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii where all the latest discoveries will POSTAL ZONES OUTLINED BY DEPARTMENT Postmaster John A. Childs Is in -Receipt of Instructions From Washington Governing --Parcel^ostJRates.__2~l QQJfT ZONES ARE DEFINED Postmaster John A. Childs of Evan-, ston has received notice from the postofHce department in Washington, D. C, of the new rating for parcel post packages to be sent during 1914. According to the new ruling parcels weighing more than four ounces in the fourth class mail, can now be sent at pound rates under parcel post, a fraction of a pound being-consider- ed a full pound. Packages weighing less than four ounces will be mailed at one cent ,per ounce. A full list of rates on parcel post packages is contained in the circular for the eight zones. Packages weigh- ing fifty pounds, the maximum weight allowed, may now be sent by parcel post. Oue peculiar-feature in the new rating is that the first and second zone rates are the same. A package weigh-, ing abound can be mailed for five cents, parcel post, in the second zone, a distance of 150 miles. Thej-ate in- creases one cent per pound until the maximum, fifty pounds, is reached. -- What Third Zone Prescribes. In the third zone, which prescribes that packages can be mailed to dis- tances within 300 miles from the mail- ing point, the charge is six cents for the first pound, Increasing two cehfl a pound for each additional pound up t > and including twenty pounds. Continuing from the third zone, the Increase in rate for each succeeding .»ni minium ui niiii; \ What People Are Doing in Highland Park Miss Lillle Bell is home from an extended star In Mexico, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Terry-haKfi-Jcei PORCH CLIMBER CAUGHT IN ACT BY WATCHMAN James Healy, 26 Years Old, Nabbed While Trying to Get Into W. H. Hill Home. turned-tromlT vtsltrto OttawaT" 111: ~Mr. aud^Mrs-Charles K. FolTansbee are staying at the Hyde Park hotel in Chicago this winter. Caright red handed after he, had at Mr. and Mrs. George \V. fluids and j tempted to gain entrance to the home children have returned from Hinsdale, t Wililan> Hogarth Hill of Ev- where they visited relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Clyde.Shields of ,Leb-.\".n«onf b> Ule »>orch climbing-router anon, lhd„ were guests laftt -nw* ^pftm** <Wly«..J&^yeara -old^-fomierly Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brownlee. j employed/ as an ice handler, 1817 Miss Marjorie Small and.Miss >i»r-1 Simuaon, atr^eeU-waB arrested' by J. P. jorie Loudon spent the latter port 6T last week at Lake Geneva. Wis. Miss Rachel Vette.^who has been --.■■-' Dolan, a night watchman, about 11 o'clock Saturday night after he tum- 1U1BB IIUL'IIVI__M.V9WM----,.-.v ..«..» .---- -* the guest of Mrs; Samuel Levin, has bled from the porch roof of the Hill jetnrneJLtoIhsrJ»ffledini-Marengo,-la. ORDERED TO STOP AT GUN POINT; REFUSES Bv Refusing to Heed Command pat RobN^fiW Driver Avoids Possible Robbery. Peter Medinger, a cab driver em- ployed J)y_thejQhapin_& Nelson livery, took a chance Sunday night and by disobeying an order, at the point of a revolver, from a hold up man at Central streetiand Stewart avenue. Evanston, to stop, saved himself and his passenger, Mrs. Ernest Reckitt, 1120 Forest avenue, from an experi- ence with a robber. Medlnger was en route from the Trortlrend to the Reckitt home with Mrs. Reckitt as his only passenger. He had Just reached Stewart street when a young man stepped out from the walk, levelled a revolver at Medinger and ordered him to stop. Instead of heed "*w*r* ■»»----------«-- ----- v. home although no marks were found Jn&. the; comro^nA»=J^dinj£ii^:hijp,ed ou the windows where -any instrument I -- ,L - E____--Bg«--HOT--Swbirtfnm tllP ------:---:---------=--■----------" zone is one cent for the first pound The fourth zone rate starts at seven cents for the first pound and for each additional pound a charge of four cAnts is made. The distance this "Southern itaiy. ™» ""■ ™-"rr package will travel in the fourth zone in addition to a study of Naples with P jwe ^ is within 600 miles. The fifth zone Yate is eight cents for the first pound, and six cents extra for each additional wcere an iue .»™ "IT^Vt^aniM pound. The distance to be covered In Capri, --•• -- ----- „,„ , memories of the Emperor Tiberius. After visiting all places of Interest oi; the Island, and entering the.grotto. the tour Is continued to Amalfi and Ravello, by way of Sorrento and Cas- tellamare. meat of property in Evanston. If *e** Wedf ^f^"*^ rumors which are being circulated "lags And again on Satuiraay*««^ r rhe ,nltia, poUhd rate is eleven cents are to be considered, many new busl- Mr. Elmendorf Will Drefeni . of and ten centg fCr each added pound. ness structures are being contemplat- as his fifth \raJelta;k'/e8*r'P",the The eighth and last zone; In which a ed There is talk of a new lake front a visit to tfce otner *™° , package can be mailed to any dls hotel tor Evanston, one or two more^brld." Mr. Ef «nf^"r^aJu^ island of wonderful plcturesqueness- Long Distance Rates.___ Continuing to the sixth zone, where parcel post packages will be carried a distance of 1.4©0o miles, the rate for the first pound is nine cents and eight cents for each additional pound. The seventh zone rate, for a distance of motion picture theaters and a few substantial business house structures. As a starter for 1914, the postofflce addition, which will cost nearly $50,- 00". tops the list. The colored Y. M. C A brick building at 1014 Emerson street is the next, at a cost of $20,000. A permit has just been issued to the William Deering heirs for extensive -remodelling of the home-place at: 40tr Church street at a cost of $15,000. - Conrad-SfhmelBser-has taken outj-island a permit for the erection of a combi nation brick store building and aparF ment*. to be built in the 1700 block Sherman avenue, at a cost of $12,000i. A permit has also been issued this month to 1. Best for the erection of a brick building at 125 Chicago ave- nue, to be used as a storage house. Hospital Building Expensive. Tin most costly buildings erected in r.tii, aside from the university dormitories, were the two structures at th- Evanston hospital, the service building at a cost of $45,000. and the new contagious hospital, which rep- resents an expenditure of ~f65.T>00, and To drive through the old town of Ba- tavia with its crowded streets and bazaars, to follow the lines of its bricked canals, where the women do the family wash and the small natives splash and swim: to see theTnroad avenues of the new town, lined with tall tamarind trees and the blazing Madagascar~flame-ttees-ln_bloom:ulQ visit Buitenzoirg, the Versailles of the ndlstroll through its great FAST BASKETBALL TOS$ER. Howard-Clements of Winnetka is being, called the star of the New Trier high school basketball squad because Qf his fast work in the games played in the^ suDUTbaTrlteagueT-^New-Trler has not lost a game to a Chicago jeam. Botanical Gardens, and then to see the marvelous temple of Boro Boedor, surpassing in magnificence and_j^ tent anything to be seen in India or Egypt, are some of the pleasures the lecturer has in store for those who journey with him tolhis "BurnTOefjand: of the world." Among the many interesting motion pictures-will be those showing the volcanos of Smero and Bromo in erup- tion, the strange native dances, the market and street scenes, and a com- plete series of pictures" Illustrating the rubber industry. -ffhiph is just gearing <»mpletto^^^ tattce exceeding 1,800 miles, the first pound rate is twelve cents and twelve cents wlll^ be charged for- each add! tTobaf pound. up the-horse and got away "from the robber. Medinger described the hold-up man to the police as being-about-20-years old, and^ he was unmasked. Because of a bright street light at the street intersection he was able to get a good •look at the fellow. He is described as being about five feet six inches tall, medium built, and possessed of a round full face. He waajrtttred in a dark suit and wore alirdwn hat MUST 8UPP0JTT FAMILY. After a hearing before Police Mag- istrate Carlton Prouiy in Winnetka Monday afternoon, Paris Clark, a trav- eling salesman who formerly resided in Winnetka, arrested on a charge of wife and child abandonment, agreed to pay to his family $7.50 a week. The sum was guaranteed by Joseph H. Schaab, Clark's stepfather. Clark, It is said, hadjiot been living with his wife and twelve-year-old child since 1011. ___ Atomerr KoUowipg a_pre1iminary hear ing Monday morning Police Magistrate Boyer, held Healey to the grand jury in bonds of $«00. A maid in the Hill home heard a noise in the house and notified Mr. Hill. In a tew minutes he lo- cated the porch climber trying the windows of the porch on the Church street side of the home: Evidently Healey heard the commotion in the .house and was attempting to" escape when he jumped from the porch into tlie hands of Night' Watchman Dolan, who whs then making the rounds at the Hill home. _ lAtTtlTe preliminary-lreiiring Healey declared that he did not remember anything about the attempted burg- lary. He declared that he was drunk having spent the greater part of the day in" a blind pig in the Church street road. However, he was unable to ex- plain how he climbed the porch and made--his--way--onto--the--roof--over-a two-foot "projection extending from the 4welve-inch columns. Mr. Hill told how tracks in the snow on the porch roof-ehowed that Healey appeared at three windows and appar- ently tried to gain au entrance to the i What People Are Doing: in Lake Forest Color" Perversity. Some men paint things red ever they're, blue. Mrs. K. B. Samuel is visiting her mother in St^Loujs.■:'.-* * ■■, Mr. and'MrsTllugli J. McBlrney are at the. Hotel Chatham in Paris. Mrs. George Shepard has returned to Lake Forest after a long absence. > Mrs. J. Ogden Armour- was called east last Week by the illness Of her father. Mrs. Samuel :T., Chase gave- a din- -neridancearhef home Saturday night. Countess "Eleanor Glzycka gave a dinner to eighteen guests at the Black- stane hotel SaturdaxjnighL--;------^~ Mr. and Mrs._T. Barbour Brown are to be hosts at a young people's dance tomorrow night. The event Is--In; nonor ot tlie .Misses Lydia and^RiSse Brown, the-former a debutante of this winter. CHICACO LITTLE TMaAT».*| Fou rth Flimr. Fln« Arts Kalldlnffj "S?T7,eMissesFullBr EMSLISH FOLK 1MM« ALL SCATS Si TfcMftttaml Toni^ht8:15 FINE-I ADTCl Matinees *%1\ 1 Om Thursdays, IN 3 acts By Cllely Hamilton - «TUC cuiiy oniiPM By Tdiiiiitv I AS^»° B«t Seats WM had been used. Two bottles of beer were found on the porch roof where they evidently had fallen from liea- leys pockets. Healey has lived in Evanston sev- eral years and has never before been arrested on a criminal charge. NEWS WANT AP8 BRING RESULTS NEWS WANT AD8 BRING RE8ULT8 Private Institution for kadies Only Bwken constitutions bulll up Convalescents and invalids Receive Scientific Nursing Doctors have strict control of their patients Booklet sent upon request xtLmm* lux h ri m 2328 Hartzell St. Phone 1118 Evanston, III. Hei%ertEAiitunes PiaaotwutraMdRfMlrtr JU7 Main St., Evnston Telephones Evanston 3475-J And 449 Official Tunar for. Northw sternr School of Music PRE S SI KG RE V Al RIH G Phone Winnetka 278. Maynard Bldg. H. E. ODHNER Merchant Tailor ladies' and Gents' Suits Made to Order 1046-48 Gage St. Hubbard Woods, 111: AUMnde of Fajwy Cleaning- D<m*t Read This Ad. Unless You Own An Automobile TtUphonc Winttlka 279 CiT.BiORTfiR,OF REAL tlTATt - - ■- ^--tOA«a - &*ri and RENTING Gage St., Hubbard Woods We have an entirely new process of clean- ing carbon out of the motor. We burn out the carbon witlx oxy- gen which does the work better than by scraping and is abso- lutely harmless to the rest of the motors Dp "notT confuse this with the old liquid forms ^IcarliojiTeni is unnecessary to take down the motor. We cau^complete-the-iolh in half hour. The best part of all is the price Popular Prices 25c to $1.00 Sunday Feb. 8, at 3:30 Southern Italy Aiaalpi Capri -- Pompeii JAVA the Indies & P E CM Art"S^lrt Er $l'a.0() 1JAHV CONVERTIBLE GO-CARTS. m«kinr>lso litelictair^mH!,* J CI QC with this combination, now.......___ ....... ........ ..........^^••^,u' Ttiiy Bears and Dolls at Wholesale Prices. tl.OO Msgic Lanterns at S2.2S Sea us for Theatre Prises. SEE the Live Armadelloii. that (Jniqae Baskets "~r made from. MEXICAN CURIO CO. J- -----v 12 North Dearborn -Si. ChkaRu. Stored ( l'-.t North Fifth Av,-. > tUtaoia Special Offer During the Balance of $40 for $30--H5 for W FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Spring and Summer styles and samples have arrived---- JOHN BERNSTEIN, Ladies' Tailor 1907 CENTRAL STREET. North Side ,. Phone 1409 Winnetka Garage WKTi WEHR.SrXDT,!Prop. 562 Lincoln Awnue Pboit 166 Charles A. Wightman & Company Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Buyers of North Shore^fyope^yrr^^^^ Stores, Offices, Flats and Residences for sale and rent jni Evanston, Wilmette and Winnetka; Um*s Negotiated and Itttmrance Plated 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE BEST AND CHEAPEST LIGHT QUTCKEST, efcfcANESTr AND MOST CONVENIENT ARC LIGHTS FOR STORE? AND LARG£ SPACES. INCANDESCENT LIGHTS FOR ^OBfE^ % RANGES, 4IADIAT0RS, HEATERS, WATER HEATERS. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS vccessons TO The Northwestern Gas Light and Coke Co. 1611 Benson /wenue, Evanston TELBPHONES 89-90 MONOGRAMS AND STAMPING Art ("mbroidery, Designing, grams, Stamping and Novelties VENETIAN ART ROOMS, ^t^^vflsBMlmifeT^ange, Prop.. '{£& 617-918^ V«iietlan Building, 15 East Washington St., -- Chicago_________ LADIES' TAILORS frtJfc80Nr-HANSEN & CO.r ^ ExcloslTe Ladles' Tallora, formerly located^ In Norta-Amcrlcan Bldg--now 61W20 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 910. Phone Wabash 5195. NEW IMPORTEDMATERIALS HAVE ARRIVED^ LADIES' TAILORING. Plain and Fancy Suits at Reasonable Prices Workmanship Guaranteed. ^GOWNS IMPORTED: ; phone Evanston 1997- 818 Hamilton 8L A. NTSTROM. A._ ROSENBERG -ArtisthrtiadielL-TaiIor Special prices this month on Coats and Salts,; just to Seep pnr taHofs lmsy^^NdirthowmtrSpringTBuI-Sam- mer styles. Workmanship and fit guaranteed. Est 15 years. , V- Suite 506-608 Stewart-Bldg^--- 108 N. State St--QPP. Marahall Field "CHILDREN'S SMOCKED FROCKS BLOUSES MADE TO ORDER CHILDREN'S SMOCKING FROCKS MONOGRAMMING AND STAMPING^ THE NEEDLEGRAFT-SHQRli 717-718 Venetian Bldg., J[5_ East WaAtagtonLSt, Chicago. Tel. Central 4691 RICH. HUDNUTS MARVELOUS COLD CREAM HAS NEVER BEEN EXCELLED. find much pleasure la avlaltf MOUtTON a RICETT-a GALLERIBB. -Vjm^Bwm-m£r8mt~mwstliu. LATEST STYLES SPECIAL_ PRICES^ during Jan. and Feb. LARSON & AN DERSON. 803 Mailers Bldg., Madison St. and Wabash Are., Chicago. Tel. Cent 6162. W. H. MQSHIER CO:. ^CLU8ln^lLADIBB,7TJaILORgL' Special Reduction in P^cea^durlhg; January and February -6i6^SYS©tt^ THE LAST WORD IN Ladies' suits made; to order now at- very I;: reasonable '^prlcea. ■.■ ■' Latest Spring novelties -to-select from. :: H^ARrOinh^ ^dles^Tallor^and Furrier. 904THaWersVBIdg. 5 S. Wabaah Av*. C Central 7915 HAIR CULTURE The Layton System or Hair Culture has a NEW BEAUTY DJBVICJB. fcnowii as the "American BewatyJ'Orowm eyebrows. Renews Nature's Charm*. Chin. Residential calls on request L

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