Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Feb 1914, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY ft1911. DID NOT ALWAYS are conducted for the grammar school hoys in swimming and other athletics Including basket ball, volley ball, etc This instruction is given free. On Tuesday and Thursday morn- ings at 10 o'clock, the women of New Tmer are given instruction In swim- ming. Many who did"hot join the summer evening classes last year are availing' ■ themselves of "the opportun- ity now offered. . Director Hyatt has been instructor injaihlgticj^tJNew Trier high school for/the last two years and has been j ■ •. ".' •' in full charge of the social center ' ^ activities. The-pian is working out Chief Streetnrf Evanston Was well and his services are highly valu- j ■ - .. 4k c ed. Before coming to New Trier MrJ_ Named Alter Ur. Nathan O. Hyatt had experience in athletic work J in the South Parks of Chicago under E. B. DeGroot He is a graduate of j the ^University of Wisconsin and was' instructor in athletics in that institu- tion for three years. TABLET SOCIETY JOINS OLDER HISTORICAL BODY Davis, a Celebrated Physician. afe I WAS ONCE COLLEGE STREET ♦♦I111111 HI 1 MM I «."»»♦« **j ;: What People Are Doing ♦ Mil* G. A. Holman of Kansas City was the guest of friends here the first of the /week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spinney enter- tained several friends at dinner Tues- day evening. - Mrs. Hosea of Indiana is the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. T. Lewis, 900 Genlral-avenue.--------- By William C Levere. * Davis ^street waff not always Davis street. Many years ago it was College street. . That was when the first uni- versity building stood on Davis street at the corner of liinmun avenue. There were but few houses then be- tween tiie first campus- and the lake. A great waste of sand extended to the Evanston At Union Meeting! Mem- bers OMWinToTlslyrVdteiiJo- Accept Invitation Extended. Evanston had an amalgamation within its borders last evening which promises to be of great advantage to the^ community and to further the cause for which two groups of citizens, have been laboring, when there was a union of the Evanston Historical society and the Society for the Erec- tion 6f Evanston Historical Tablets. held in the offices of The News, and something like fifty responded to the calls of the two presidents, Mr J. Seymour Currey of the Evanston Historical society, and Mr. A. H. Bow- man of the Tablet society. Invitation Extended. The invitation had come from the Historical society to the Grover, chairman; J. Seymour Currey, A. H. Bowman, Win. C. Levere, Membership Committee--George H. ^umllBSOiir^-Seyiiiour Carreyr-Frank R. Grover, A. H. Bowman, William C. Levere, James R. Smart, C. B. Rich- ards. . »» _ Pictures, Maps and Framed Docu- ments Committee--W. E. Horton. Tjhairmanr A. H. Bowman, f]. K. Jack- son, Walter Hedrick. George Taylor, George BUrdsal. ------------{------------------ Museum Committee--W. J. Hamil- ton, chairman; J. Seymour Currey, Frank R^Glover, CharleB-BartletVC. p. Foster, George H. Tomlinson, C. Q. Franklin, A. S. Van Deusen. Library and Records Committee- Joseph Pearson, chairman; James Duthie, Dr. A. \V Gould. C. E. Roddln. Charles S. Wallace. W. E. Barbour. R O. Vandercook, H. B. Gates, John C. Reesman. ' Furniture Committee--John F. Hahn, chairman; Charles A. Wightr church-last Sunday morning at our church and all are Invited to come next Sunday. ■ _V ' ^kt 10:45 the subject of the sermon will beT^ "A Jteasonlng God," the uec- ond in a series on Isaiah. At 6 p. m. another In the series on Bible tragedies, this being "The Trag- edy of Hainan." } -Undoubtedly the best double quar- tette on the north shore or anywhere Jn_Chicago sings every Sunday morn- ing } ■'■■ "-J, ,,„. Sunday school at 9:30. -Mry-E. W. McCullough, superintendent, j Junior League at 3:30.\ - ■ ..;.; Epworth League at 6:15, in charge of Prof. J^R. Harper. ntanr Ck)ojri»-J. Rabman, Daniel Mo- ^ervleer41-ar-mr~-The-subJect of tne" Cann, Ritze Mulder. James R°. Smart. C. J.' Golee, CHURCH BULLETIN edge of the water. You could see the lake from the windows of the original university building which was subse- younger society--and--was--made- last week, when the annual meeting of the Historical society was held. An quently moved to the campus where It unique arrangement was made, by still stands and is known as "Old Col- which the Tablet society will become jKgcu, ' {the tablet section or tablet committee ------ Boats Stopped Her& -- -- -^ttne-mrtorTcS society, and this por- r^v. , » £ • „ .>«„.. o, «h« aa'at) tion of the society will have on this There fe*s a ong pier at the east comml£ee all the men who end of Davis street which extended «_________ nv,hiot -,- J.^G. -Wray, 618 Washington avenue, has returned from New York, where he spent ten days. ■ Iirj {), uavia mreei which «ii'inn;« - . „, ,, Joifn DT-Greig, 835 Greenwood ave- J 2J the ^e and in those days the hav*.been ^^^^J^ nue75is-convalescent after- an illness [lake vessels came bringing great loads society. Speeches wcrt made of two weeks. ___ lof lumber. The professors could see Mrs. Richard D. Alien! 030 Central j the approach of the boats from the col- avenue, entertained several friends at j lege windows and used to dismiss Messrs. DarUett, Currey? Ward, ^Hahu^_3LcCftnn- Bowman, and--fce^ WILMETTE. Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. ReV. J. M. Wilson, minister. This being Education week, the pas- tor will speak Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on "A Fundamental Necessity --Christian Education." 4__At-the-reAPehlng responsive Bervlce, he will speak on "Wages, an Am- bitious Mother and Blind men." Miss Corette will render on the organ the following evening program: Fugue, A minor...... • •;......Bach Romance .................Svendsen vere, and the ideai-of- the--fine--oppor- arelr ci;^es\\arthe7tudents of those tunity for work of the united so- a bridge party Friday afternoon. j tneir cjasses mat we Biuujm. ^ »~~° -- - reCeived with enthusiasm. Mr. andrMrs. ^Cr^orse-havefoi^daysr w^o-^ere generalbr financially c.tties was receiveI wiwa «ax u a their guest'their daughter, Mrs. Chas. embarrassed, might make an hones There was litUe sentlmen^oyer^ tne Wahl of Gary, Ind.. for a brief visit. dollar shoving lumber. Davis street death of JPVT^L!^^^ Mr and* Mrs Albert S Webster, as the chief thoroughfare of the city was felt-tt^jt^^aj .™1^^ ««^S announce the I has a large appeal to the old residents away but rather a *^«-»- birth of a son in their home, Jan.** for its local historical associations H^g^^J be greatlv advanced Mrs Charles R. Mack has issued in-j well as for the more recent'comer, on > societies would be greatly aavancea. vitations for a-bridge-party in her j account of .its attractive shops. Few! Named. Committees, home, 707 Central avenue, this after-Umall cities in America have so charm-' President Currey of the Evanston noon. r "Mrs. Frederick Cain, avenue left Tuesday for Sioux City,} Fountain Square Business Center, tees: Ils/wherft: she will-visit for two Follhtaiu square, ^htch ^viii ghravst -Tabiet -1?^^^^ l°lZ?r' weeks. be known as the heart of Evanston. is ! chairman; C. E WJ«J,v ice-chalr- Mrs.-W. OXBelt gave a party for | aJeo lhe pivotal point of Davis street I "W nJosePh l>ear^,J^^IlJ^ her daughter, Miss Virginia, in her | bu8lne8B fnterests. For several blocks I f>. ^^l^^L^^R^^ home, 601 Washington avenue, Satur- day afternoon. " L Mrs, George Upson, 607 Washington avenue, entertained the little folk in ingly enticing windows as the stores 'Historical society announced the ap- 907 Central! of Davis street. j pointment of the following commlt- i i. Nocturne .Lybach business interests, roi seveiai uiuuivd - ,.„,.„. n„ from it, both east and west the older; Clyde D^ Foster. Ritze^Muloe£ Dr. stores of the city extend. The old! »■ Henderson George X. MW timer as he saunters along this street, Joseph Pearson^Wam^ Hanjllton, ^-point-eut-many-iateresting-thingDIflfiPlge Taylor. Dr. A., W^GoaidVDr ean-point-oui-many-H»«Ji=«BtMtK-t*«»»'«-^---- u . T . „ w „. ^^ the Fatch-Flanner wedding"i»arty in 0id Lj0nB Hall was lamous in Its day! Q- m .Hichards, Joseph *, wara. w, her home Tuesday evening ,0. its public gatherings. It stood If- Horton. a. W. Jenk inson, JamesR Mr. and Mrs. John D. Couffer enter- where the Evanston Auditorium now Smart A. F. Bull William E ^Ander- taineu several members Of the Good \ Bland8. in the days when the now fpr-! son. John h. «ahn, R. H. %°™*™> Fellowship dub in their home, 903 j gotten republican city organization | James LeonardI Lee, Robert J.MUje, Lake avenue, Friday evening. used to exist, mayors and other city, Charles S. Wallace. C. £. Franklin, Twenty-one members of the H. and \ officials were nominated here in parti- Daniel McCann, B. S. Harrow . . . . j>______±-- . flinrlt {Tpaper on Jonathan Edwards and his place in American Religious History on Wednesday evening. • Lincoln's birthday will be observed on Friday night, February 13, with a free stereopticon locture by the pastor on "Making Americans." Seventy- eight views will be shown. He will give the same lecture to the children .and their parents at 3:15 p. m. All who are studying the --books in the mission study course on Immigra- tion will be deeply interested In this lecture. The Woman's Society through its so- cial committee, assisted by Mrs. Cron- holm, will give a colonial tea-onHFe' ^aptiit~Xhureh^ services-are -held- in the club building, Greenleaf Sunday Woman's avenue and Tenth street. Pastor, B. Frank Taber. 1046 Greenwood avenue. Bible seboolr HM5--ajrm-1 morning morning sermon will be "Abraham Lincoln, the Great Commoner." <The midweek meeting, Wednesday evening, Feb. 11. will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Major, 215 Ninth street Rev. B. F. Taber and his family were the guests of honor at a de? llghtfu! reception given In the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grelg on Fri- day evening, Jan- 30. A large number of the people of the village availed themselves of the opportunity to meet and welcome our pastor and family. GLENCOE. The North Shore Methodist Church. Hazel and Greenleaf Avenues Glencoe. Horace G, Smith, Pastor. ^Sunday schools loiXh amn Worship, 11^15 a. m.i 7:30"p:Tn. Glencoe Union Church. , Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday Bridal Song........• ... .Goldmark Mr. Freeman will sing Tosti's "Prayer," and at the morning service^ Huhn's "Song of Praise." Mrsr-Frederick Rr-Quayle will read- school,-9:45 a. m.i preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service is held In the church every Wednes day-night at 8 o'clock. W. club were guests at a dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Van fjyke, eio Washington avenue, Tues- day. ~T~ jdrs. D. M. Gallie entertained mem- bers of the Drama Study class in her home7^flT5~EImiwood avenue, Friday afternoon. Several important topics relating to the drama were discussed. Miss Louise Fatch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fatch, 611 Washing- ton avenue, and Frank Fellows Flan- r ner-of; Evanston were married In the home of^the bride Wednesday even- ingHat 8 o'clock. Rev. Roy E. Bowers, pastor of the CongregaQohal church, offlciatedT~ChUdren In the neighbor- hood of^ the Fatch homer acted as members Of-&e^brldal=partyr"John Enerson and George Van Dyke,were ribbon bearers, Virginia Belt was flower girl, Jane Upson ring bearer and Edward Enerson page. sab conventions. Speaker Suppressed. In this hall, the famous George Charles H. Bartlett, A. S. Van Deusen, John S. Reesman, H. B. Gates, G. H. Tomlinson, J. B. Breese, F. K. Jack- VILAS TO ATTEMPT TO , son, R. O. Vandercook, C. J. Golee, Francis Train attempted to speak dur-;Charles Q Hilton, W. E. BarbouifTDr ing the anarchistic outbreak In Chi- R H Web8ter( j. a. Odell, Walter C. cago and. was jpppressed by the local j Hedrick, Charles A. Wlghtman, James police. At the corner of Davis street, j Duthie Gcorge Burdsal, W. M. Col- and C^iicago avenue where Colwell's weir. drug store now stands, was the old j nonorary "Members--J. Seymour brick building, subsequently consumed j Currey, pratrfr^tr Groverr-BIshop-W^ by fire where Erwin Rldgway, now j p the owner of Everybody's Magazine, ruary 20 in honor of Washington's birthday. The thirteen original colo- nics will be represented in costume. Guests will come dressed in colonial costume. Striking scenes and events in early colonial history will he illua- trated In stereopticon. McDowell. Committee on Annual Exhibition- tried to establish a restaurant, which j c E Rjcnards, chairman; James R. effort was not successful. Next door I Smart, c. J. Golee, W. E. Horton, C. to■ this-buHdl-ng was- the. Btore-^whore ^ Hilton, James Tait Hatfield, R. F. Samuel Merwln used-ta-W^rtt-durlngj^^--j-^y Jenklns.TtrHT^Qoddard: Logan A. (Jack) Vilas, 1332 Chicago avenue, the sensational young aviator, who won a w4fe recently by his daring aerial work, Is to be one of the Ameri- can pilots In the trans-Atlantic flight next July. Vilas, according to a dlB- patch from Hot Springs, Ark., where the young Evanstonian now is. received a letter f[om ^ I hcre. Dr. Nathan S. Davis was a man dent Curtis-of *he Curtis Aen»plane dloaJ his student days, long before he dreamed of his fine successes of recent years as a novelist. In the store now used by Battles as a drug store, was formerly the Evanston postoflice. An Old Institution. The Avenue House has been a Davis street institution' for so^naany-yeari that few realized that,it has grown piece by piece from a very humble be- ginning. It seems so much the hotel corner of the city that it is difficult to think of any other .location dedicated to this purpose. If the persistent ru^ mors that fly about the streets from time to time are realized this particu- lar corner may soon lose Its distinc- tion, but the old timers here would rather see the new hotel go up on the site of the old. Named After Famous Physician. Davis street took its name from a very famous physician who once lived Lecture Committee--William C. Le- vere, chairman, Dr. L. D. Henderson, Dr. A. W. Gould, A. F. Bull, James L. Leer-B. S. Harpole. J. H. Odell and 'W. M. Colwell. - Finance. Committee---Frank R. -Too Bad HWas Broken Oh, that's allright, just send it up-to The American Welding Co. ss they will fa all kinds of Castings, etc COR FOREST AND RIDGC AVE. Phone Wilmotto 1381 WUmette. Illinois M. E. Church. JtQVi Ti K. Gale, pastor, 1024 Lake avenue. Phone 654. Four hundred and ninety-four per-1 sons accepted the invitation to go to WINNPTKA. Congregational Church. Pastors--Edwin F. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 505-J: J. W. FL-JDavies, residence 1004 Pine Street, telephone 470. Services--Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.; morning worship. 11 o'clock; vesper service, 5 p. m. The communion serv- ice: First Sunday In January, March, eptember and November WILMETTE EXCHANGE STATE BANK THIS BANK ill pay $3.00 to the boy or girl writing the\advertiseineni best adapt- edto its uae in thisWoe. The copyvplainl^ lettered and of not n\ore than 100 words must be at th* bank Febrlnary 26. Contributor^ name, address and /4ge should accompiny copy. The advertisement chosen will be publiBhedand^re^r^ivenits-aiitb^r^ Bank will pay f 1700 •afib3pjp__o^erj}iMitn= butions used. % 1% 'AID ON SAVINGS stMIMMM»IIMMiM»»>MI,MMMIM>M»I^Hm<HH i We- have taken over the WUmette Motor Car Works, and have started in businesswith the firm resolye to treat our customers with prompt, courteous and efficiej^Lservice, Repute < • work a specialty. GEO. DESMOND, Ptap, Phone Central 3461 Lace Dyeing- a Specialty M. Gillespie ».&';'£?«..., Spring Novelties Made From Ostrich Feathers 217-218 Venetian Bldg. 15 E. Washington St.. Chicago SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in . Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a _ Dash Primer for $1.50 J. W. Meyer & Sons ' l7lBColnmbnsAgtnne_ Phone WUmette 426 Wllfflette company, statlng-that he would butta a $20,000 "flying boat" for him and assured a speed of seventy-five miles an hour7~ The craft will contain a 200 horse power engine and be equipped with wireless apparatus. Pilot boats car- ryinggasoline will follow^ WumanGulture is a- perfected ^Art^with which I can bring about perfect digestion, ab- sortion. assimilation and excretion. the cells and tissues are reconstruct- ed. Without the use of Medicine, In- struments, or anything that is un- pleasant, 1 cure chronic ailments, _jiv V»ny fa**-8 aflmento of twenty ^eariraBTaiioiS." ' ~ " --These statements can-be-werifled by anybody who will investigate hat 1 ^ak^to-one wbo-faas been cured by xne^ls^o^ be*" corivinced~that^tliese facts, s Ha man Cultufisr T»r2TChtcago Avenue whose name was known Hn the medical profession not only In this county but j in Europe. He was one of the found-1 era of Northwestern university, though I not-one of the Incorporators. He was also one of the founders of the Ameri- can -Medical dissociation. He was born in New York state In 1817 and lived until 1904. As a physician his work Is part of the history of American me- dicine. ' He was a man of the greatest simplicity. To the time of his death he wore the old-fashioned dress coat, or "claw-*ammers," as they were called. In the old days. So devoted was he to his profession that the thought of wearing -apparel never bothered him and Tt was Only the care of his wife that kept him from wearing the same clothes^yeaf after year. And she had to practice diplomacy to jnakc any chain?f,T^Wh<ai-a^Buif^was~ made fOr him, she would place ir by his bedside^ after he hnrt retired, taklne. away the _cIotties."he had renroved.""Th^Stories ^^hts^aeeas-ot philanthrrrpy-would All a -large-Blsed-^elUrne.T-rTo-^l^l-ofH^Is: researches in medicine and his emF hence as a "phyilcfah^ wouid fill an* other.r'------------- g ~ ^TJavfB street heed - never Ttave- any cause to blush for Its names--It;csme- from a true and a -great man. wt0mmmm0mtmmtmmm0tmt^fmm^mt W Gas: SHE ^?nTy thu^g^rtpap nKmit our caskets is the price. We cany a full line of Solid Mahogany, Circas- sian Walnut, Solid Oak, etc , as well as the usual ) ineof btoad cloths and crepes. For the Tias-on that we manufacture all of our own caskets, we can and do guarantee a saving to the .public from one-third to one-half. . _...,,* T~" Wm. H, Scott, formerlyjwithj: L. Hebblethwaite of Evanston, is manager and part owner of otir Evanston store and will personally siipeiintttid e\eiy detail: ^ Automobile Service Famished --*- / L. Schultz I Nord Saiiormg NEW PROCESS CLEANING AND DYEING 631 West Railroad Ave. Wilmette. IUiaoia Phones Wilmette 320 TEIEPHONE:' HIGHLAND PARK 32 0 Mrs. i Jr. Private Employment Agency CALL ME! I furnish good help with good reference. 35 St. Johns Ave, Highland Part, 111. _J?lfleeJtoiuaLJJto n; 1 to 5 -- Saturday, 8 to 12 For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the moat discriminating guest, call WILSON^ 0 - ■ North Shore Bakery 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE H~ Phones Wilmette 41S4YI Wilmette Auto Delivery Sam*s Restaurant - THE BEST FOOP AT THE ' MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL. J. A. SHANE Real Estate, Loans, Renting and Insurance --------NorltrBhore Homes and Vacant Res.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 Office 1128 Central Ave., Phone 1079 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE: . WILMETTE 446 Miss Dorothy-Macauley Teacher of Piano and Vocal WILMETTE, ILL. Repkbence: Caruther'a School of Piano J. B. Heckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Illinois-------- Real Estate, Loans Renting and Insurance Real Estate bought and sold on commission First mortgage Loan* Negotiated Rents collected and taxes paid Estates managed for non-residents Phone Wilmette 50O ^afhW.Faupel TheViliageElel^ieiaii In connection with hto regular Electrical Contracting buslnetay ha* put in a lull line of ^Colum- bla Orafonolas and Records. Tou are invited to come and hear them. 609 W. RAILROAD AVE. PJioneS22--------------Wilmette--I Office Phono 296 Shop & Res. Phone 158 A. C. WOLFF Tin, sheet metal and furnace work. Furnaces, gutters, spouts and metal roofs. .*.* .*: .*:. :: ESTIMATES FURNISHED Furnace Cleaning and__ Repairing Office, 1124 central Ave. Shop, 628 Park Ave. (rear). Wilmette Agency for B. P. S, PAINTS Varnishes Stains Floor Wax BEST PAINT SOLD W. G. BEYRER, Hardware BREAD Masjajaeajajjajjjsjjjjjjjmi The best bread made on the NoriK Shore THE Wilmette Baking Co. __L165 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 449 AttORNeY-AT-Law JOHN HUGH LALLY IIS Cblcago Title and Trust Bldg. II f. Washington St. Central 1867. BeaMence lltl Oak Ave Tel. 18» I. W. 3*PES Gontractor 6 Builder Store Phone Evanston 98 Residence Phone Evnasion 2903 H. Scoria 1007 DAVIS ST* Manager^^ -EVANSTON, ILL. ■*«a^a»a*aif»a*a#ki^^ MOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE JlLi3ftlWlliitttM, WilB8Bf,UK Antomobllo and Carriage Upholster ng. Trunks and All Leather Uoods Repaired. Charles R. Petersen Harness Maker 1220 Central Av»nn» Cross Livery W1MHTTE, ILL. All work prompt); and neatly done Telephone WUmette 21 To Please Everybady JtamssBgss===ssz======^ Complete Funeral --Csket.En- balmlng and Service-- Hearse a< d Carriage to any cemetery $65.00. This cloth covered Casket, lined with wh te ilk. with complete furnishings, only $30.00. NOT IKTANY TRUST We conduct fnrnerals in all parts of the city and suburbs. No extra charge for distance Calls answered Immediately WEIMESCHKIRCH 708 Main St. Tei. ions Evanston mClETTfi DAIRY Pure Milk and Cream, Buttermilk and Cheese tftl& fiimwnnrj Avoni|n: !r WILMETTE. liA. .=^==^^ Self Watering Flower Boxes••-fy; " "^ Wire Flower-Bed Guard--Shrubbery and Hardy Ptrtnniols :: T«l«f ler« 629

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