Stfperintendent p? Streets Here Is Chnsen From Lonfi list of Appiicantsfor E)«cutlve Position in Village. ^JS EXPEfH£N€EOPOWGtAt During Two Ytirs He Has Been at HeadofStreatOenai^mant^Many New Efficiency Weihoils Havft Bean Adopted. - chosen out of a list of 200 appli- cants. Superintendent of Streets Her- bert H. Sherer was unanimously named village; manager of Glencoe Old Fifteen Room Structure Was Re- j Efficiency Has Been JV1 otto of Wor Phaiotimph b„ n„ (viwrm sft«/., Two disastrous fires caused suffer- ing and property loss in two north lT t special ineeUng of ibevil-1 spend their very busy days . .4W-i-i«»c«Wii TjiS-w.ii-~efipeciaL.dutyJs-_th^ '......... lage trustees of that suburb. He will; i ,, ,£g ^,onatnn „„ ■ , v . i ing ana property loss m two nortr The office of the/managing editor is capable of seating comfortably twenty j shore villages during the last week, in this room Mr. James Leonard Lee'Evanston. Here are received those j entered only through the reception or more guests when delegations from The .first blaze wasJbV the home of and" his assistant! Mr. Forrest Pollard, callers whose, mission is connectedi room, where his secretary. Miss Irene clubs or special committees et" suend tlteir verv busv davs. Mr. Lee's with the news denartment of the na-i Powell, sees-to It that everyone IsNtws offices to enlist the go ............ ,.......- ......... ............ - ...... ,,..,.,,, ....... ,..„ ..™...,..-.., ..----.. ...„„„„. „K--...-----„........all at The j \^m\\ Zvaujuk, the"v"iilage garbage man Mr. Lee's, with the news depar^entLoJLJthejpa^jfrowell, sees Ao tt that everyone is NVws offices to enlist the good offices | 0j Kenilworth, when hla daughter, ""■" " ! omfortably seated and entertained if-of Tlte-NeAvalhTanuie^una'nlHkiJigxT.he^MTss^lfelcnaF-ltr years= old? Buffered •____ ... ..«. _ ..i.-i.. „<• .... . . _ __. ' n * suburb Ha-gym-l-especiai-Jtmy-is tne securing or news I per, those~who ,wish-j>ubllcity mr um; comtortaoiy Beaten-mm: aiwr-wmwut-.,. „..--».--» ... ,.....>-----^i™,™^^I=^„1M_Jll;„;1,0r .» jvwiu vim cvwm stees oi mat suDuxD. »e Evanston and preparing it for I good works in which they are inter-j the presence of -some other caller large French doors on the right of painful burns In a barn firCiTAesee- assume his duties abouA Feb. 1. The pUOiication. Mr. Pollard assists Mr.! cstcd and would further, and, alas,: makes waiting necessary. Mr. Bow-; this picture join the managing edl", on(i, and the one in which the largest position paysa-"salary of $1,800ayear.JLee in this work and devotes much of j sometimes ajso those who wish to man Is seen seated at the desk. This tor's office to that of the chief edl Mr. Sherer's duties"asvillage inan-;hih time to tbe.towiis to the north of avoid that publicity. 'room is large and;well lightni, and isjtorlal writer. a«r will be both administrative and' and Promotion Will Be Reward is Rumor in North Shore , _ Village, „ After being chosen assistant c of the Wllmette State bank by^ ; unanimous vote of the directo Earl ^rnerr station agent for i cage and JSterthwestern Rail pany, has decided to remafi road- workr-^For^--more-i: years-Mr-j Orhei^&asf.■•been? railroad office work, and those yeare~ke. hag_btm& M In Wilmette. While the banlflB Uion executive. He will be In full charge (>: affairs of tneJ village outside of the] police and fire departments. He will b. .-mpowered^to-audlt^e-bWkaucon- t»111 i n'g records .bt^be^^ances-b^^he ullage. He will supervise theaccount- ii.g of the water department and have n ll swarover all put>lle improvements i.i bo made In the village. 18 Experienced in Work. . | ' lor more than two years ^r.: Sherer j has been at the head of Eyaaston's i si net department', and has brought^ about many changes ta systematizing j iii. work in that department. He has | .-.ivod many problems in the repair} <,;.! upkeep of the city's streets and] iMs.i has employed new methods in in-j n, asing the efficaen<5y^qgarBage7^teg| t .sal and street and alley cleaning. He | mk < (eded B. F. Housel in the position, i rin p6st is now tinder civil service! n tulaiions. Mr. Sherer is a graduate of the EJv-; ;;; ton high school and the Morgan j I .iv academy. Upon leaving school j h pro< tired a business training as as-, .-.,-iant receiving teller in the Bank- j .•,., National bank in Chicago. Later; l; frrtrrr theT>ositlon of cashier in the I hiiij of Sherer-Gillett, a wholesale j m i.-i- and coffee concern in Chicago, pioperty loss was occasioned, was in the home of Gilbert H. Scribner, Jr., 705 Oak street". Winnetka. Monday morning about 8 o'clock. The prop- tuy was owned by-GarHonProuty-, po- lice magistrate and town collector of New Trier township. It was valued at $10,000 and insured for $7,500 "The furnishings belonging to the .-Scribner family totaled more than $2,000. Both ,, ,,,,,„,,,,, , the residence and furnishings were to-] tbjat he baa be^n-tender: ! btist agencies on the N"or; | ca\iae,of his efficient fecaj tally destroyed. Driven From, Home: is a lucrative ^ne^andLbi i n d ucements, Mr. Orner "d« main iurtfierailtoad=fe»ii The decision toremaht^ probably .was made by ! onstderatiou of the nui f4iat officials of the North^L . hOjve commended his work. It is said of the (tern be- uring the This picture is a view in one end i Irene Powell, who is the managing of the reception room in the editorial | editor's secretary presides in this VhnU'iirnith hit Tin t'ttiifiii 57i<i/». twelve years lie has boon in that vil- Startlug In the middle of the night j ,agl am, for thnf 1TUSon"na» decided ami smouldering for several hours be--trJ r)\nain iu railroad work^ • foro being discovered, the blazo routed ' _\, ^ _....' ' . :«»„w . ... T ■».««-« * i Busiest Station of Any Suburb. the members .of• the facrlbner family.: _--------,-_.._„...._ , ' . ' consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Scribner,;" A^rdinF to sfatenients ttiadeby of-^^ four children and two servants, into ,,<*,a,s- the Wilmette station is U the bitter cold winter morning. The1 lms{ost of al1 suburban stations. That Tdnze Is thought to have started from is- th(y volume of. business Is great I «• defect -in the heating plant. Tlu> -'--1WU^ ^ ^assity It. with Cities throe j blaze gained headway in the walls and til»e8 lt« populatp*. Figures just beiorelt was discovered the house was implied show that tlmtbtdl TecftlptB filled with sirroke ! nt the AVUuu'tte office last year exc«ed 1 Although' the' Winnetka firemen ! *133-000- This Is an increase Of mowt .promptly answered the alarm, the flre"^" 12,000 over the^ business trans- had gained such headway that they !■««*«« in ^12.TOf-thte-a^unt - the, were unable td battle with it. Be-[ tMi<* sa,os tota1^ .*^ ^^W ! cause of the intense cold weather. tl,e^ frctg,lt »TWhresr $o*^00^md^18CeIh^ ! water froze quickly, transforming the!-*X>™ revenue^bottt^^^^n^ 1 place into a veritable 1ei> palace. r exprcsa business m Hich 1* handled bj; The structure was built in 1867. UjMr. Orner,jUd not show^a deficit ^at :TaS~ren^o^ieTed~f7oln^nl^ iiiuiirtniiiH _ , ^ .. ,„„„..,...,...■.,, .................... \\as remodeled from time to timtxanap"V~^™"-^r^""aK, ", ~r" • s in this wt ... ncide the first modern structure In the!juet being coraplIellRby the express ^ernQ^^ag0'! offices of The News. The camera stood | room and meets the many ladies and In this room, farthest removed from erfor^^J^^^J*^^^ of Winnetka. Merrick Rj«»ditors. MMd.of inroads being lt>05 to 1908. In Mg-*?^°,at the door entering the room and thejothe.s who have occasion to visit no,g(> Iuimol, „r machinery „.__,.-...„ ,ditl)1. Uh(H»«„ ,he doors; Prouty. father of Police Magistrate n .xperience in contractIuB vvyvk , . OI>posite comeri^ the anyone~W auoTner oT the staff of-Thr----------------------------------------- "'a"^"'" ....... ,aln experience in contracting work j ^oV^^^posTt^orner^Theih^^ staff .rtltr^ga^ tu"""-----------°......-'■ '»a^ 1S <^>r u.H,,l,«, , ,,„■ two years was With the Wells «J«rl n he Pg»^e c,r ne^ one ^ m^ngvr b thB edltorlai w. -It- sboVn in ano.bor pjk-ture ,i for two years was »ttnu»ntt» to Mr Bowman.a office Miss NfcW8 ..ilurs company, a general contract-.--------------- , ,', -- l! iT'wentto Ftorida, where h SCHOOL YOUTH CARE" u«iged a large, plantation for Frank ^ Cray of Chicago. •* . Much Interest Shown. riu selection of Mr. Sherer was a ,|'fLw.JwiratC^hSIi«SrCarel«88ne8S of Colored Boyat Miss Mary L Childs Names -"*....."......Haven School Sends Fel- ' Speakers for the Current LESS; PUPIL INJURED ANNOUNCE SPEAKERS I UTILIZE WASTE LAND TOR POPULAR CLASS] f Ofi^LL~flE«GTrVE& ii.iard and set forth his Qualifications. t: . Clencoe village haU was filled : « ;n, citi/ens eager to learn the name ami hoar from the new manager, But^ it , losed meeting was 'held~and each j <•! the tlvree men selected from a large oi applicants was called aside low Pupil to Hospital. Events Class at Church- The carelessness of Surgwm Morris,J The C-ougrcgational "Current Events 1 „t--■ and -take ot „ thel minds that like to LtunK ab&Utllil W--4-n^arKry7aI n.e r^mgregattonal fur ihool.f Union of present rfay-preblems^ U ^•g^!- Events class on Sunday morn ;:.-t or applicants- was callea asiae & foul.lecn.year.oU1 t.o|01fd boy. resld- uiuts is aTTtnWimrt g+re- - r,nr '"rS'SSL SfirS J5S&. \ ** <" 1229 Lemj place, a^upUJn the mincls that like to ihink, imus. Ihe^other men witn wnom «i. , => v.r;_■;., ™..i,„s ..„ „..i.^i hmion of trrcsrnt day pro ' ' Tf ^2^! tgSa-^feng Xion" S£ U mak" ^ Uttle distinction ndent of streets, in Evanston. l.^g^, ™^ plece of wood h„ ween the so-called saere* andjhe which was on his bench and in hand- so-called secular It defines religion ing it to him a block of wood upon j as the sanctificatlon of all life, which MorrlB was working dropped Miss Mary L. Childs, the chairman to the flodrr--^-"^--------- \of the executive ' committee of,-the Alexander Johnson, of New Jersey, Tells of New Way of Handling Class. "Put the vvasic people on the wast' land and create irgarden or the I.onTr Haid ^ir. mexaiider .loTiirsffn of Vijie live, and Lhe rest. :U) u^r cent, are mentally Irresponsible. Mr. Johnson told of the research work that the »tntt» »f Now Jersey • is doiiiK. He also told of the flnc colony that has been ustubilshetl for , difoctlveH In Massachusetts. He de- clared that idiots should be put under the custodial care ot the state, and should be regarded as unproductlves. but that Imbeciles were, in a measure. Tra itiafate tip: trrtd tare taPt^rtntr tin-- Niiieland institute notified the state of New Jersey that many of the In mates who--had boon a ohargo upon" be state »e_re now able to make their own living. Several states Tiavo a ; iw declaring that any township huv- j Prouty, occupied the place as a home from 1878 until a few years ago. The home contained fifteen rooms, and was a frame stucco construction. Girl Badly Burned. In an attempt tcTstamp out a lire which was started In the barn at their home at Rldge and Kenilworth ave- nues, Kenilworth^ late Friday after noon between 5 and 6 o'clock, Helena, Zvanjuk. ttm T<»-year-oId daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emll Zvanjuk, suffered serious burns about her limbs and a bdompur ^t lantern ~wmc"ir^sne hud set down in a pile of straw while she was feeding thel chickens, was over- turned by an inquisitive pig. "lotting" lire to the structure. made in this busihess';HbJ* tk* parcel post, an Increase -of "more than viSfl worth of businessi'tiriT^^i^sae^.'.'llte^ Wilmette station >l jgrobably one■■ oiit o r n tho ueaifd where" suca In express, record was made,- as the parcel,post reduced the business in practlcaBy every other cityji Known as a Hustler. In Wilmette; Agent Orner is known as a hustler who never tires and ha* n^ver shirked or Complained;: This fact is recognised by the railroad ofv flcials *nd they have often voiced - tl elr appreciation of hla work. He has The ease is almost a parallel to the vem-- < i,t» mi .m...», , ,..,,... , Kreat Chicago tire disaster iti so far In New Jersey a big-hearted j "tg fifteen mentally defective cli 1- ^ t]w or|ghi ,ft coneernedr with" the POLICE NAB YOUTHFUL LOCAL CHECK FORGER ^______ wood from falling and in reaching out j to Oalitz struck him with an open After successfully__passing three ;pCcfcet knife which he held^ih his ~orthTesF checks z6n two"-"ByansfOn fhand. The knife blade struck Galltz's 1 ; herdashery firms and a^Chicago" sa-j ^yfjt causing a wound that necessitat- Wonkeeper, all for small amounts,jed two stitches to close it up. He was Herbert Walsh, 20 years Old, was ar- taken to the Evanston hospital, where Morris tried to keep his model of class, has just announcedl «"* '°«™ ing speakers and topics for the next month: Jim. 18. Mr. F. H. McCulloch, "The Income Tax." Mr. David Robert- son to preside; Jan 25. Miss Ethe! de Long, "Settlement Work in the Moun- tains of Kentucky," Mr. Sherman C. .ng. man bought r.oo acres of swamp land for a little over $»,0uu. He draiuei it and now :i»" defective people ar. Working upon it and earning their dren can establish :t special class in their public schools fir these children and receive for such jH^jtje a bonus .if |500 from the state. Mr. Sherman own living. They are happy and con tent." Mr. Johnson is an expert in the handling of "people who are men tally defective. He insists that two- thirds of the people who are feeble minded have, had a^ bad heredity. If we could prevent feeble-minded peo exception that a pig caused the Zvan- juk blaze, while a cow was responsi- ble for the conflagration which de ■■'""■ i_"j I Htroyed Chicago many years ago. The Kingsley presiflud hi the lutttllw. barn ,alld its contents, together with --------------------------;---------------- i-_____-- rv -- .„,. . _ -j _. ..__... „v;j-;; LAD NARflOWLY MISSES the injury was dressed and later re- moved to his home._________ TriZr^Sdams. director--of-the Mr. T. JL, ISdams. attector-or tne -™ - Jugtice„ ManuahTraining school, was in the. T^ «-•"_ •,. ^fe«, basement when the accident happened. He stated later that the injury *» the Near East," Mrs. U. S. Grant to preside: Feb>-8» Judge Q, N. Carter. The class meets at 12:10 o'clock every, Sunday noon, and continues un- rated by the Evanston police Friday ^a charge of forgery. The warrant ^^swoTn^o^lyy^WrPr^to'^rerarmem- her of thefirmLOfKean & Howe» 525 >'afh atreety-one of Walsh's victims, enable; to furnish bphd, Walsh is locked in a cell at the police station. Wallah formerly worked as a gro- cery, clerk for John Westreicher. 907 Chicago avenue. Recently\ he has been employed at odd-jobs aboutvihal ^ity^Hehaa confessed^fe-tte^ three j ,Ajarge_Rm^ b««°p "'""" " i"'^A\ '^».A-- ,.,rtD^ »m i . a slf lorgerles. fJSsplte the youth's dental, i barber shop of GeOrge J. Burger, 13M | NEW8PAPFH WOflK VALUASL^. pie from marryingL^nd hearing chil-• , ..-- i4_t.^_ u Cfrr,rb hh tho dren we could decrease the many de - {JaiTI0S HayeS IS OlrUCK On me fecfrvp of this cWfifry W two thirds in one short generation. Mr. Johnson divides the mentally defective into three,classes: idiots ! -~~rr~" .,_ . . ^, imbeciles and morons. He. uses af While playing with a^roup of boys ............... Kingsley to -pVeeiae; Feb. 1. Miss S«- j peculiar ^ ^^^^^ ^^ £*!£?* ™VnsrS" **». ^^^M^^^J^ san H. Olmstead. "Our Opportunity In' may be 21 years ^ • ..b.s.«-alh. Cheek by BiillefcFired from Air Rifle. ,more than 10© head of hogs and pigs 1 and hundreds b7~ehTckens and geese I were destroyed. Attracted by the screams of the -girl, Mrs. ftvaujuk saved her- from a terribie deatlLjvhenrBahe ran^to^the barn and"■fbtinil her daugh^r^e'tivel- oi>gd_ in flames^Her skirts had caught fire from the'bumrng^raVr^elpifiB. her efforts to tear the burning cloth- ing from the girl's body, the young woman was bad^burned,; However. Dr. B. M. Couley. who was summoned .lames .1. Hayes of Evanston. wasacci- SLStSSZ-K. « S73* S -H . riUt T»e«,; mlnut« are lttU . :\:■ _, ..-■■■ AttoAti frtr thfi nresentation of the the Morris boy. WIND 8MA8HJSIWJND6W., A large plate glass window in the given for the presentation of the topic and the rest of the time is spent In questions and discussion. ^/&~i of age physically i ^!o ar? of'STmtnS agT^t SS^ ^ISSF^'^ ^.fZ a to 8 years old mentally" be by a companion who carelessly point calls imbeciles, and-all Vim are jrroni X to 12^ years old mentally he calls fatal, unlesfr ^complications ^should BOY l> MtSStNO^ F. Young, 714 Main street. ed the gun at Hayes.""Luckilytiie shot-- c l(i_ ,, x > i - vears old mentauv u .«.« mlssedthe optic, though ij^ane close , A^^6 the police yesterday afternoon morons The last class he regards as to it. Ho was taken to the Evanston j ttt inrfl{^ his_ son, Herbert YonnfJ^r the most menacing, for from that das 11 hospital where an X-ray examlnatton j yi,ar8 0id, whoThas been mlssingTrom o<Lo manv of'those who commit! showed that the eye had not been ,l|8 home 8|nce Sunday. The Chicago crinms^of violences HeJnsists that} penetrated. The shot waB remoVed j ^ ^M^Mkedia W**n the^areh many so-called crlminaft lire simply by Dr. Parkes. j for the youth. - _ ^nSiFdefectiveT--------1 i^On many different oceastons the I the police believe that more forgeries^ have been perpetrated by Walsh.'n-'"': The two checks the police have held natures shows that Walsh could soon become^ ah adeipt-tn^he-fraudnieiit "practlear^-S^- ." :-------- -Ht~the Elmira' reformatory in New P0"« o---received complaints HORSE AND BUGGY MISSING. lireemca, .» • ...... Prof. SIN. Soptt, in an address ^l^.^. " cent of the present in- about youths *ei^^eaieUjs»:_to^f:^ ^y afternoon by the high wind which| fore tne Nat!onal Couocil of Teach- ^s3°rf Mentally belo^ par. At manner In which they-hanaie air f Nick Myers, 20? Ashj > ac^mpanled^thel coWway^;l^Jar ' ' ---- - ^t**AnvzLin: Jthe-Lord- store war Greenleaf street, was blown in Sun-, day afternoon by the high wind which, the National Council oi ieac,,'J ^«Vm ire mentally below par. At manner in wntcn iney nauui« •.»» * j««J^^' "^C'"<'.',', n,-,t SL^anWhe cold wave.-^^*sXa^^^ rifles and other fi^arms^he^^lp^^^ ^^^^ Jthe-J^Mjt^^was^a^^^ ... «uM4«>»«-»tio loferfi eleic- 2^!l .-** .■:.....:.. ___j. i_ i~~ <«-:«-} r^* »---* - ~'"?r'~;."~-r~ZZ*- tii«"""tion in aewspapyi «Mra ... >^c Jaai"H cent cent are7 border-Mne cases: that ' siBssueu^ i- w --=" --------- ;:^-----■ ----- _ *son in newspapef wwr»«* »"^ *■"•---1 cent are. uuruc*-f»iK> v« ■«».»-----..,- ........ trical sifm-wula:^ bhmn o^^ 4 firamen were^orced to relnforca fto> ™J!™ -^--, | ,^-^6 mentally^^brmdrally dofec-] weupons by the yoaths. I fr.ume work. course. :-1 log place In front af his home. _ built up the ^uslnesa from TJfSO.OOO a. year to moretUah ?t30,000; more than' douhfe^ThJiifa^ ability. The keeping of aecounta and all records show the office to be con^ ducted according to the beat and Jnosjt^ up-to-date methods, , The appearance about tlie station property also counts much for the en- terprise attd worth of a station agent. MrT-Qrne|" has always taken great pride in ieephtg^ther premises^ clean- and all of the grounds well kept. His 4atesVwork bas-the-rkldiag ^-the- north side of Central aysnue, between Electric Place and tne railroad, front all the old frame structures, and this sprtngH&te entire *pae^^ --Citizen* «f Wtlmette" geuerally ad -..»gm^g^|.V..^TUa-.tle..'Ati»>..irif..t.h<y.' IBpSt P05?- ular cKlxens. a fact attestwl-by hla beingxhosen village clerk for the last eight jreara^ vrjthout any opposition, itecehtly^lo;"'was urg>d! to beeffm^ ar taudtdatft for \the postniss**1^1*^ *% t he-^ttsge^and-liad .the. support at pracUcail^.-'every.. resident of the ylK la go. However, he lost la the r^«j ^^^Ulfes^la^ed^-large^a^^ selecffen. of .Jiie^governmeht a»r pointee. Thte Northwestern University cata* logiwililie IssuedTttui i(^t:ai;T<toinmi$ this year, fully two moatl^ ahead of th* former schedules, latife ^aass Is -contemplsted In th^atraBg«a^7 of the. PubltcaMon this year. Slios Cumno^ School of Oratory has >» come a full-fledged part of the uhlvv^ this ae^tikmriirW^hermai*. Other than this there Will be ««le change. tfHMttiitftfttiHiill