Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jan 1914, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS7 THURSDAY; JANUARY f, 101*. 41 n i Mi iii'i Mini unit Mr anfl Mrs. W. H. Kretslnger. 935 West avenue, left;Saturday for New tori, to be gone a week. «- Mi* TfiftSl«yt" i*t*-Oak^avenue, *bo 'hasbewht liilwaukee |or three iJjggfcH, ims returned borne, - -Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kurger, B77 Co0k street, entertained a number of - their friends on New-Yeat*B day and _ gnd Mrs. C. Bl. Clifton and little lea 5$1 ingleslde park* left Saturday '^Excelsior Springs, .Mo., to be gone fen tfsfn^ ' Vjjjs."3K C. Jonn and little daugh- jjfef ^t *tftt%atnlefc ^aW, VfSltirig'>"Mra. {John's mother, Mrs. Jennie M. Loney, JwiUlilaklavenue. ■_ ,- _, ..-.■.« • • ;•■•" Miss HHma Mortenson of Baltimore, ijHarylandi spent the holidays with jftf r. fandwMrs. B. J.c Mortenson, H42 Ashland avenue.- •' *-- - '■'; ■ *.. j*: : y: Mr. and Mrs. P.-.;H: Brunei!, 2684 ^hefidan road, c^me home from their Miss. Dorothy Noy^s and Master Jack Noyea^f Jftlverslde, Ill.i were the. ^guests of! their aunt, Mrs. Henry A. Apps, 2315 Harrison street, last: week. "V Mrs. J.' William Pope entertained ^itb a dancing party Piriday evening for her son, Reginald, at the home of lMrB;< Johanna Hess-Burr, 1302 Davis street. '.■ n'.; ■v/' ■ •: « '-' *~ '. Miss Pauline Pearson returned Fri- day evening from her home in Quiney, ^lHJaj^i^4'noW-^Rl-:^^t!o|,hejr.ala; tcr, Mrs. Samuel H. Gilbert,,2663 Prai- :^c-.^yenue^l,..-,,...„; i,;,^.,:,;.;,-.^-,,-; - i ^A\reception will be given by the 'Drama'^^^^^^^SS^jf^S^tSgUlk Dr. Herbert P. \Ptek,; 1C25 Judsoh avenue, left Monday for the east. President A; W; Harris left Sunday for New York, _to be gone .away over a week."__'_:; '._: /_'■'•• Principal .'N^w/fletarsle^^nSy' place, left Friday for New Jersey to visit his mother.:, Mr. Wilbur D^Neshlt, 732 f Colfax street, spent New Year's day with hla parents in Xenia, O. Mr. Charles H. Rose, 2410 Park place,::spfnt-jthe holidaysArttM his mother at her home in Cleveland, 0. ,MrB. J^ton Pierce, 2020 Lincoln street, has been the guest of relatives and friends in Aurora, 111. Mrs.; E. Little and son, Charles Lit- tle, of IJrbana, 111., spent the week-end With Mrs. Robert Meers* 2301 Sber- Rev. and Mrs. Dan B. Brummitt and «s> Wyatt, 2523l Park place,* re- turned Monday from a two weeks' trip to Topeka and Independence, Kan. lilies Louise E. Hopjte^2WlCJn: tral street, spent • the - week-end at M6rris7111., In "the interests of the Woman's Christian Temperance union. Messrs. Elvyn MacRae. 2525 Park place, and Harold Bennett, 2508 Hart itaferhome at Magnolia SpringsrAla-rl,,^ 8treet> rctufned-Yuesday to St. 1 ffMgveg to i#»^Ii*-ti^ Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Hitchens, 1124 Judson avenue, have had as their guests their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.- Joseph Wilson of Kansas City. -./';, Mr. A. D. Orvis has sold to Mr. Win. A. Robme, formerly of Berwyn. an attractive new home at 74pjtfl|n> igan avenue, and the- latter is nOW set: tied there. 51 -.', '■ Mr. Fred Gedge of Waukegan and Miss Mabel Lang of Chicago, were New Year's day.guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Edwin J. Moore,"2601 Sheridan roadrtz: |on fiallfMriistftiijteylu members of i thV "Fanny's First Play" company.. / .,-..-,/■ >,.,- '..„>.•. r $ The next meeting orthe Fortnightly ielub will7berlield-JanVlfc- A paper on <"Thc Department of the Interior" will !be given'by Mrs. G. ,,C. Richardson. •/Irrigation^" \ ' • '-' Mrf Lewis Clarke pf Boston, Mass., who came to Evanstott to spend the holidays with-his fiancee, Miss Alice Piersen, has transferred his business interests to Indianapolis, and will not retinfo^B^stgn^ ■■<"■.';:--■-■■' - ■■'<' ■'■ Miss Eva Hardin, formerly of 2135 Sherman, avenue, have gone to Spo- kane, Wash., where they joined Mrs. Hardin, who-lias beeh^thefe forlsomu: weeks. They will make that western city their permanent home. "Ther ^Hncolnwbfjd V*school*Colfax street and McDariieT avenue, will ba open on Tuesday evenings from 816 11 o'clock, beginning Jan. C. The girls, who work in the homes of all parts of ••• Katliryn ■ Jensen- is spending the week in New York. ■-- Mrv and-lira. R. J. Neidlinger, »So Forest avenue, has been entertaining Mrs. P. Frawley and Mrs. J. Foran of Madison, Wis. ~" .'"" Miss Orvis, daughter of Mr. Alton D. Orvis, 739 Michigan avenue, has just returned to her home, convales- cing from a recent operation at the hospital, and! is making rapid recov- ery of her usual good health'. Se-isMB Edith Mathis, Jane Blackburn, teachers at the Central street school and Miss Kathryn Rose; 2410 Park place,, returned ; Sunday from Bloomington, 111., where they have been guests at Miss Blackburn's home. •- -•..- - ,., m ^ . .• -'..'« :-^\[ Rev. and Mrs, Lloyd ' W. W^alteti; 913 Elmwood avenue, have had'as their guests. Rev. and Mrs. W. I. Guss tod daughter, RUth^pl Pittsburgh, Pa. They are en route to their hew home in Peoria, where Mr. Guss has accept ^d*a-^MHo-therLuthorandBhurcht-^^-: r~Trrtday, Jan. 16,- at a tea to be gtven by the Chicago College club in thi clubrooms on the ninth floor of the JUne.Artabuildlng^ 5 p.m: President A. W. Harris of NorthweBt niversity will be guest of honor Burbank, a Northwesterr gradual^wTirT^TfestcssT------- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bushnell am daughter, Miss Blanche Bushnell, ant Mrs. Bushnell's mother, Mrs. Storm Hlnman avenue near Kedzie street left Saturday for a pleasure trip to the south and west. They will stop a' a number of southern cities, New Or leans', cities of Texas and others, and on to the Pacific' coast.: They expect to tou* from southern California north to. Vancouver, returning to Evanstbp in throe or four mouths. Miss Nora ButTer, 1555 Ridge ave n.ue, served as bridesmaid at tin wedding of MlssL May' Peabody jnughtor ot^ Mrr and --Mrs-.--F-rancft-' Stuyvesant Peabody, Lake Shore drive, Chicago, to Addison Stlllwell son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Allison Stillwcll of the south side. The cere- mony took place at 4 o'clock Satur- d«y afternoon at St. James' Episcopal church, and wag_ performed, by njshon Aiuior^on and Dr: James^ST Stone. The bridesmaids low velvet gowns with brown tulle, edged Mr. James R. Duthie left last even- ing-tor New York City. The annual meeting -of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society was held today at the home on Ridge ave- nue;-'"--.......^...:;;;,■:--,.--. ---- ?-.,...-;.;:.. Miss May Palm, 2405 Colfax Street; will be hostess at the next; meeting of the Oak Leaf circle on Wednesday evening. -Miss Ruth Mitchell, 22-02 Central street, returned yesterday from!Car- bondale, jnpU where J she; :haa _ .been spending the; Christmas holidays. Tbo Young Ladies'-, Evening Gymnas- tic class will hold their third annual Christmas party this evening at the Lincoln wood .school. A cotillon will bo. the -feature- o! the:evening; : ;> Covenant girls will meet' tomorrow eventing at tlxe homo of iMiss^Frances Vandercook^ j^410« ;Hari*laoa b street. ThOfSabJect under7discussion- will-be sociationv--; 'Alaska," The annual election of officers of he Olympic club will take place to- norrow evening in the: clubrooms On Oavts street. The polls will be open rom 7: o0 to 8:30 o'clock. Thursday evening the Evanston Commercial association members will mtertain their employes and members •>t the Olympic club in the association rooms. A fine program has been ar ^aageiiojr^eevening. Mr. anoT^pi71frj:~^rTst6W? Sherman avenue, motored to Corliss, Wis;, Saturday, and returned yester- lay with their son, Raymond, who tpent a week With Mr. and Mrs. harles Olson on Burr Oak farm. The Society for the Erection or EV- mston Historical Tablets mot Satur- day evenlhg at the home of Mr. Joseph Pearson, 629 Nbyetf."street. Twehty- Master Ellsworth Betts, 2219 Cen- tral street, has been spending the week with relatives in LibertyviUe, Illinois. Miss Kathryn Rose, 2410 Park place. ^ht the w^ Blackburn at her home in Blooming- ton, 111. ;-:'■' . :; • '. -■■' Joseph Hobbs entertained Messrs. B. F. Houscl and William C. Leverc; on Jan. 4, on the celebration of bis birthday! i Mr. ana Mrs. Atweli of Mexico, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. BY Dale, 2327 Central street, for, a short time, navb. returned to Ten- nessee. ■ '. -,, . • '..^. .,.-'. ';?. ■ ■ J'teresiden* A. W. Harris of North- vester'n university left Friday? for Hackcttstown, Nf; J„ to attend a ses- sion of the Methodist Educational as- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ttawxhurst. 1315 Church street, were at home/to all their Evaivston friends on New Year's day from 3 to 6 p. m. Mrs.'Salter S. Ptimley and Mrs: rashioncd high tea. New Year's after- neon at the home of Mrs. Man if, 1574 Ashland avenue. --_,___ r. Mr ^^d Mrs, rbarlea. Dorrance of New,.,, York City spent the holl- - ys with their son-in-law and daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Sexton, 1028 Grove street. Mr. Cortland Yount of I was the, guest. of WIlMsaa over New Year's. Mr. H. L. Longley. S23 1 street, left last evening for I where he will spend several weel Prof.'"Nathan Wilbur Helm, i cipal of Evacaton academy, i guest of his parents in North cheater, Ind. Saturday he cont east to Hacfcettstown, N. J., attended a session of the Educational association. He hree members responded to the in- ritation, ISA Wi enjoyftbte f venling »vas spehL-il:___;__'.___: . ,______'___ Alice King,,1028JVesley avenue, me with a serious accident yesterday morningl j)y_Jtoffing._and cuttlng" TieT wrist She was rushed to tb e' Evansr ton hospital, where she was attended by Dr. Danforth. Sho is getting along nicely and will be able to return to her home withiu-a-few days. "---------- Miss Florence. Song, was hostess at an informal tea.Saturday afternoon James wore yel- her home, 2.1.30 Lincoln street. Those tunics of in ..attendance were: The Misses with fur. and Helen Randlev, Vendla Johnson, Mar- thecity] as well as thei ttorth"endraroJ-brown^v'elvot-h8jcs and algmtesTTOi^arelT-ATidewonT--Margarc invited to make tose of the building the attendants carried ahawer bail- ifj/h^S^^^»t^G^ay9 AnfleTOoa: for dancing and Other:amusements^ ^ quets of orchids.______ and Mrs. Thome.■-.>,:. .- - -r- --.■■■ Mortimer' Grover, son^of Frank R. Gi-o'vcr, 1100 Hinman avenue, who re- cently passed his bar examinations, has been admitted to the law Arm of ^rovefltTlarsh, of wnTeh^s^ther l-i senior member. Young Mr. Grover is a graduate of Dartmouth college. The annual day of prayer and praise, interdenominational, will be held today at 10 a. m., in the partort lures Hugh 3. Elliott, vice-chairman of the committee, wllTrpTrlMla^~T^er^~wlirfS| be the usual, box luncheon at 12:30 and the afternoon Session will close at 4 p. m. The public la cordially Invited for the entire meeting or for any part of the day. Miss Mary Louise . Walker enter tained--several of her. girl- frienda at her home, 1001 Elmwood avenue. Sat- urday. -.After a delicious luncheon, there wore Intore3tlngr-as--weil .as amusing contests, for which prizes were awarded. ' Miss Walker___ ls;rfa charming hostess. Among therguests Louise Thompson, Adah Klein-Smid. and" Mary' Funk- were the M i sses Prances f^^Streich, Dcxotby jbaraey houser. The Noyes Street Mothers' club.wjli hold Its annual'sowing day Wednes lay, Jan-7r«t- the Noyes Street school beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. Com- forters will bo tied as usuatand-cloth- ln honor of Miss Gladys Andersonr-at-Hng- for the needy will be-roadeaap; rttered and^ mended., ^hose-wishing to donate clothing or material to be made up will please liavelhelr dona tions--in--the-Jianda_of Miss Olsen. Wednesday mbrhingT CTjr TMH4imMUSiCAL cot*: Plymout'i 31J(j.. Droaiwa/ if Lclani-Colic;c Entrance. 470&-08 Broadway . t«». A SCHOOL OF MUSIC ANO DRAMATIC AfcT STE1MHAUS VIOLIN SCHOOL-Pcrtiol Scto?cr«>fp to talcnUd r ,',: VOICE COACHINC-Doncing By Miss Olive Dejtw thfe, Fri. and Sat. Jan. 8,9 and 1U ©tir^ipssiryourprofifc^vVeire-euttmg^»nec» right and left to rlear _ our shelves of winter goods. We know, as everyone else knows, that we're bouhr to ha^ cold weather. Thia is your opportunity to buy winterr wear atcost,- and in^rn^y:-cascCl?ss_ti^^osl^ «THB STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING" 81 Clearance of Blaitikets ^and Comforters 4s ii Our January Clearance SaleS are justly famous. The offiwrhigs df -this year are greater^tliari4ever. Good rrierchandise^ the same that we have bceti aeiling all along, at prices that compel you to buy. ^ollar^pei^j!*!»iy^ilLd ____*___ Coed, vvarnr Eed~G6vers7 Things you need atprices that are sure :t^hi=^rejs^ yoiiv PULL SIZE COMFORTERS--Coycred with siikaline, filled with white batting, sold regularly fcr $1.25. Special for.. lEiTte^ObOD "QUALIFY ^eOM^ FORTERS---Covered with, siikaline and sateen finished cambric, full eijse,. filled- with ^good cot^ "tbri^-^Special foiV;,.......... IP Coats and Suits Priced^ for Quick Clearance j| 1 ^OlftE LOT OF^aiEAVY WINTER COMFORTERS ~ Medal- -f j t$m patterns, for this salt Vv" COVER BLANKETS--Extra full size, double blankets, >ox76, grey and tan^ regu- lar price $iu{5, for... SALEM BLAN twrsmti Well brand, heavy wool jnap^:*izejv u 66^g^f§rey--bnly, i,egulaT Pfice$3a5, this palest...-V..' . ,,-»»»0»04» ^o*#***oot< uftUSTRALIAN PLAIDzWOOL 3?LANfKET3--Extra heavy^ full 12-4 size, nice patterns, regular $4.00 value, for.... *,. --■■-. U tfieWkdle SeasmSlill Aheadlot^ Kow. ' * - frQod quality a^afchafsfr arge shawl c o II ar rnA cuffs of black #% Q 0 plush, plain Jh£uO back or: belt A splendid Coat of genu- ine Arabian larnb, large turn-back cuffs* A lot of Coats^ for women and misses, in plain and novelty mixtures, not this season's styles,, ex- cellent Values, while vwvy only =^^ -goh ai "rrr^-zf:"":^ Tsilk^prna ment, lined with good" satin ' throughout v Jj | Women's ^oats of best^^qu^ity Salt's plush, collar an^lcuffs of goodTArAbianT lainb, large silk: lined with omej^pafiS^ps good quality , black broadcloth and serge, velvet collar* lined with good satin-"..-...•••.-.• :good3atinr^or this^ale»»*..«.»»^~^n One lot of Coats, in novelty mixtures, in alFeolors and sizes. Specialty priced ior^ this Clearance Sate, only .».....•...•...••••'•••»••--» Wool 1^:»k;^kk Choice at Any Wemah's Suit at Clearance ONE LOT OF ALL1WOOL TRICOTS ard FRENCH FLANNEL, nidstly..-.light colors,"'-'Worth up 4o $oc a yard, for............. 88 PIECES OF FINE ALL VOQ DRESS GOODS, in nlatn colr ors and stripes, worth up to $ a yard> for............. 3»-INCH ALL WOOt SERQE Veiling and fancy Wool Suit- ing, worth 59c a^ yard. fen~; uary Clearance Sale...- ^^-^_i 50-INCH WIDE SERGE, att tic iiig shades* re|juJter^|.oo^al^ * ity. January Clearance Sale, a yard.... • • - • •........... . * 43-INCH HEAVY WOOL RATINI ■iptple, old rose, Copenhagen ^uaKty^ayard.. raBKsamBH ■■

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