•SHE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1,1914 RECOVERING AT HOSPITAL Itton - to the numerous messages and telephone calls, many persons tailed at the hospital in person Christmas day to inquire into the condition of Bishop McDowell. Late In the' after-! neon yesterday a few intimate friends and acquaintances were admitted to his room for a brief call. :' . -'. A •rilllant Oj6rt«V__ I Bishop McDowell is 53 years of age. He Is recognized as one of the moat] brilliant orators and scholars la the f Methodist church. 1914 ALMANACS IN BIC DEMAND Those Who find Pleasure in Digging Out Forecasts Are Already orttherlob. Almanacs in many languages have He Is also presK _ j££*.^ig^^ tn the drag .many years he has been prominent In °y U,ose whz flnd >J,easure "» digging SSttSaV aa^^lSa^ at M JSTnS ^ ^ n^ ^ the Methodist Tnurcb. He entered the watching phages of the moon and ImtahSTm^lS^thl ^<^^^^^^I^^^ conference, and served pastorate. ~ia45^^^.^^^°^bS^r .OberHn and other Ohio cltjea. IajaJmana«toWtVa ^J*'*** mt«*e»r- I18M he was called to the chanceUor- 1.............Illl.....Illllll I Hi I ■ I It IIIHB lll|lt»» ! Want Ad Department i i; 'Be Lake Shore NewsI i TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WttMETTE 14S? ;: Want Ada ui He lale Shot* News are charge* at the foUcwbg rites - - n -'vj:: T r Real-E^ --"-"-■- ---i ► , All Otber Chsslications. 5 cents per Itne. \ Mimmom Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents «; i.....i*iiiiiiiiiiiiM9imiiiiiiiiiiiiiniinni»» Is Doing Nicely at Following. .^Operation. OVERY NOW ASSSURE Thousands of warm friends and ad- Irere of Bishop William Fraser Mc- swell, who underwent an operation the- Evanston hospital late Christ- I fori relief from inflammation t. a*Bauet, are anxiously await* sf danger.-Re- ship of the University o* Beaver, where he remained until 1899. From 1894 until 1899 he served as a member of- the Colorado state -Iward^of--char- itiea and corrections. Friday, the 13th, comes in February, March and November. Epiphany, Jan. G. Septnageslma 8unday. Feb. 8. J_ PARCEL POST BATE CHANGES JANUARY I Information Has Been Received! in Rate Schedule. and sixth zones, and of an Increase of the weight limit to fifty pounds on parcels mailed for delivery In the first and second zones. After March G next books shall be embraced in the fourth-class mall, regular zone rates being applied to •from the hospital today are that v well known divine passed a good . and that his condition fs excei- ; #t However, the point of dange? has not passed and the horde o friends and acquaintances, not only, in ranston. but throughout the state and ibtt. are deeply concerned. The his case 4 probably will be tomorrow or Sunday. the chances for the recovery of the bishop are pronounced My the attending physicians and surgeons to be unusually good,' interested friends point, to the dangers following an op- eratibri, even when the most tender care and attention is given. ■ Taken III Sunday. Bishop McDowell was stricken Sun :::-4^7iin46li^^~'W^f~lio that time lie" lad Buffered intermittently with slight indispositions, but was able to 4>eup.ahd around witiiin a few hours after suffering a slight attack of pain, t^en his condition did not Improve ; Mondayr a consultation was held by the attending physicians. They diag- nosed the case correctly as inflamma- tion of the gal! duct. Later It was de- cided that an operation was impera- tive, and late _ Wednesday afternoon he ivas taken to the hospital, where the operation was performed. ^Because of his sturdy makeup and the unusual general good health he has enjoyed up until the time he was stricken, Bishop McDowell quickly ral lied from the anaesthetic and Signs of improvement were at once noticed In hls'Con4lUpn. ,'■: . Wife at Hlo Dedside. '■^'j^.]liicpdWeU'ha8 been at the bed- side; of the bishop almost constantly since the operation. Though worn and iJ|roip--4be long vigil,-ah remains with her husband, resterday telegraph mes- letters and telephone calls ^tt; at;(he hospital, each of contained an inquiry concern- condition of the popular church ing with Bright's disease and other j^^.|io>ea;bf--iii;"i8peedy recovery, ailments floral tributes form a veritable bank stricken. He was taken to a physl 23 the room and hallway near the j clan, who immediately ordered his i^wrd^of; thei stricken bishop, the re- removal to his home. He was partly Postoffice officials have received from the main office in Washington in- formation as to the changes in parcels post rates 'and regulations effective Jan. 1. -. • The orders provide for a reduction . ... ,, , ., ., , In the rates of the third, fourth, fifth 1 gg, "g}- ^iL^g^gSg;- *!?! Sexageaima Sunday, Feb. 13. Qulnguagesima Sunday, Feb. 22. Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 24. Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25. - Quadragesima Sunday, March 1. Palm Sunday, April 5. Good Friday, April 10. ------------ Easter Sunday, April 12. Low Sunday. Aprjff 19. Rogation Sunday. May 17. Ascension Day, May 21. Whit Sunday. May 31. Trinity Sunday, June 7. Corpus Christ!, June 11. Advent Sunday, Nov. 29. Christmas day, Dec. 25. I Ember Days. March 4, G and 7. June & 5 and 6. Sept. 10, 18 and 19. Dec. 16, 18 and 19. The planet Venus will be morning HELP WANTED AS^COACH- WAKTED--POSITION t man or ii best of f Barry. East End Belle-av.. Highland Park, ill; Care C. E. Barryr ~ ltp iener and general work; nston references..,' T. J. WANTED -- GHtL, LIVING HOME. • to assist with light housework three. i hours a day; no Sunday work; not ; objection to girl in school. Call evenings, 630 Park-av.. Wilmette. ltc REAL ESTATE MADAME AUGUSTA HELEIN ONL1FRESCH DRAMATIC READER Iff AMERICA Clab and Society Engtgenvtnts Dicmaik end Caerctrc fntti|i«uU((8 PROGRAMS and LECTURES 1246 Wilson Avenue CHICAGO 731 Fine Ott» BoihHna FOR SALE--212 ACRE-JPARlCWESTL of Highland Park, three-quarters of,| s. a mile* along Milwaukee-ay.;) bar- gain. Jas.Huxtable, 431 Sherman- av., Phone Evanston 1187. ltc WANTED , jSlTHATIQJt, WANTED -- EXP dressmaker; ladies* and misses* suite; also 'renovating. Phone 3181-W Evanston. ;■• / \ ltp SALE FOR SALE--WE HAVE A LARGE stock of slightly used new Singer sewing machines at close price. We are taking: inventory. Now is your time to buy. Call and see these ma-. chines. , White, box top........... New Home' .....'......... BOARD AND ROOM FOR RENT -- PLEASANT EAST front room; good table-board; all modern conveniences; suitable for two. 741 EightbsW Wilmette, Phone 444. ■.,. • t> ■ _ -Mft LOST AND FOUND parcels of books weighing over eight ounces. Parcels of eight ounces or less will be required to pay 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. It is thought that these changes will have much to do with increasing the business of the department in the zones affected. It Is said that the change was to have taken effect be until Nov. 27T after which date she is morning star to end of year. The planet Mars is morhiag star until Jan/ 5, then evening star bal- ance of year. * The planet Jupiter will be evening fTJasy payments. Patterson 01-08^1822; star until Jan. 20, then morning star j Sherman-av.. Evanston. ltc until Aug. 10, after which date^ It Is Wheeler & Wilson,.. Singer............. Singer, drop-head .. Wheeler & Wilson :. Wilcox & Gib.bs..... . 6.00 . 8.00 ;--&MT . 12.00 . 12.00 . 18.00 fore the Christmas rush, but it was later decided that it would be best to wait until the end of the present year before putting it into effect. STRICKEN AT HOME evening star to end of year. The plahet Saturn Is evening star until June 13, then morning star until Dec. 21, and evening star from that date to end of year. -- '-Ember Days for 1914. Spring begins' March 21 d. C h. 11 FOR SALE--FORD TORPEDO RUN- about, 1912, a choice car and hap had excellent care. Address W 202, Lake Shore News. ltp LOST-r-HAND SATCHEL ON 8HERI- dan-rd., near Evanston hospital, con- taining toilet articles, sleeping gar- ments, story books and toys which - child just taken from hospital is grieving for. Please return to or notify Mrs. Angela n09jForc8t%v,, Wilmette. tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmB3BBBBeSS!SS. To»igM 8:15 The Repertory Company will open' CliRiSfilAS NIGHT and Evenimrs Thereafter mlUnry Artkv■ Jomis" fmf. tut Comedy, "Oolly Refflfffiing Herself" ----There- wit! <lai»l»e»«tfc»cf SPEC! *!• MATINEESofafolk play by F. H. nOSE. *rtittol "THE *WSKR!M6 *iliM Saturday. Dec. 27th, Tuesday. Dm. SOth. Thursday. Jan. 1st and Saturday. Jar. 3rd Auspieea Chicago Theater Society Best Seats $1.00 trees Sprayed All varieties of Shrubbery. Vines, Roses, Fruit sad Ornamental Trees. Hardy, Herbacecu3 Howerisg Plants Perennial Gardens ' JOHN FREEH AS, J i r Jeisr PH08E 1106 ICHELI'S MICHIGAN AVE. A\OELEVE#TH ST. A€4»lt»I.\r. IXVITATIO>f Ino«t«>n-linl you nnrt yourTrlpnilH. to wnleoiuvi -tn'tlio New V«ar nt »IiebnUV. whwraata tsxcMiieni dinner (Iruluilli K •«m« of «ur hmoM ttnlinn dlnh**) will lie ser**<l. A Joyoun tlu.o itwaitH you. »V*li^vearr!Uij:e«lf«ri»jrronl vnt^rminraent; tliere will bennulinn- .lunceuF rtv..ur*ouil eou.l vli«t*r will pmtMil. _«».B^ « w**ii»i ' .-, ,_____--.:--. Very tr.u'y yonr*. IOUI8 O.MUpari TKlndly n'ranae fn^*ou».ifeae»v«»: tlons with Mr. Fred W. Jolloy. Mae. The Watson Business School « Announces its term openiag Monday, January £itb» 1914, both day and evening classes. Stenographic and Commercial' oooraea* Splendid Traioing Splendid Resulta Splendid Poaitions TEE.. 3800 C«li. GUOVE AND SHBBHAN fire insurance^^p^l^insuh:- ance Company of Liverpool, largest fire insurance company In the' world, insures dwellings, household) goods, rents; lowest rates. Charles ;' A._ _ Wlghtman & Ckh, resident, agents. Phone 203. ltc | m FLORIOA-KURON MOUNTAIN SCHOOL CLARENCE B. SNVOER, OIRCCTOR " ~:l;:;~ An Out-of Door Tutorial School for Boys. "Winter Term Opens Monday. Jan. 5. 1914. Captiva Island, (near Ft. Mycra) Florida Mr. Snyder <a now in Chicato enroute to Florida and will be pleased to arrature for a con- terenca at any time during the next two weeks, either at the home «ur at the Chicaso office of the School. 337 Monroe Building-. M-jnroe and Miehican Avenue, Telephone Randolph 1685 Write for UluUMted catalogue " ^nr Suffering from a complication of end a partial stroke of par- alysis, Thomas Catlow, a veteran engineer on-the Chicago* Tfiyrth west- ern railroad is dangerously ill at bl»|^ North" a^lBouth'Amerl m. morning". Summer-begins June 22 d. 1 h. 55 m. morning. Autumn begins Sept. 23 d. 4, h. 34 m. evening. Winter begins Dec. 22 d. 11 h. 23 m. morning. Beaaona for 1914--Eastern Standard Time. ,..... , In the year 1914 there will be four eclipses, two of the sun and two of the moon.' __1. An annual eclipse of the sun Feb. 24, invisible here. Visible to the {greater portion of the Pacific ocean. j 2. A partial eclipse of the moon, i March 11-12, visible here. The begin- ning visible generally in Europe. Af• the FOR SALE--PORTABLE GASOLINE wood saw; good condition; bargain. 2134 Maple-av., Evanston. ltp $850 STATION V/AGON FOR SALE at Lake Forest for $50; good condi- tion. Addresa S.- T. Chase, 414 Mon- adnoek-bldb'.. "Chicago. ' ltc home. 716 Washington street. *<# ^{^^bte generally in western sometime Mr. Catlow has been suffer- Europc. western Africa, North and _ „. . ■ South America and throughout the On Christmas eve he Was|central and eagtern uortlons of the Pacific ocean. Eastern Standard Time. pocJMw** of the hundreds of Ev- overcome and since has been partially I eJS?** beglnS MarCh U d' 9 U' ^ *" anston and dls^nt friends. In addl paralysed. j M|d*e of ecHpse Marcb „ d n „ - *■■■■"■ 13 m. evening. Good Positions Open to the Public !mo?n^fenda March I2A °h " m ^Understate Civil Service Regal^onslm^t^^^t^^^p^L ' j time, three hours. . j 3. A total eclipse of the sun Aug. f- Many highly paid positions In the State service are thrown open to the 21. beginning at sunrise; visible to general public by an order of the State Civil Service Commission calling for northeast portion of the United States examinations for various dates early in 1914. Vacancies exist at present in ' and Canada. Visible also to North At- mos^ of the following positions, and they will certainly attract manx appli- Jantie ocean, Europe^AsIa andVAfriea. cants: • • '.■**r~ Date of Examina- tion May 2, 1914 FOR SALE--PIANOS TAKEN IN trade on our Gfam-Riclitsteig Piano and Player. We are selling new and used pianos cheaper than Chicago. $360.00 Simpson, upright......$80.00 360.00 Kimball '.............. 125.00 ^00^)O BUBft~&"GertSr;•-. -.Trtret 150;O0 450.00 A. B. Otflse...........175.00 550.00 Chicker4ViiVfr-Sensv 600.00 Stein Way;*............. 200.00 Square .....___.............. 20.00 Organ ........................ 1500 Kimball Player, almost new. with 50 rolls................ 40.00 Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston, ltc WANTED^TO RENT POSITIONS 150.00 175.00 Salary per Month Asst, to Chief Inspector of Grain......$208.33 Aaat, Deputy Warden (Penitentiaries) z&fm.:te-i;X.*i-...................... i5o.oo Asst Registrar W. of_L). J75 to......160.00 Asst. State Deportation Agent.........200.00 saaat=BUta Veterinarian (Per Day).... 8.00 ASSh Supt. Bldg. and Grounds, Spring- field ..». ,*.. i i,.................... 150.00 Aaat Supt of Public Instruction...... 233.33 Biologic Chemist (Psycho. Inst.)....... 175.00 ^JUt^BlarJi 4iBtatelFoQd jCem'n)...... -. Cleric to President Board of Prison In- dustries........ ,»................... ?CWii»l:PathologltMP8ychorIn8t)v.^. Collector of Tolls (Illinois and Michigan SC»88»V 176V tO^v.^................ 90.00 Corporation Asst. (Sec. of State), $200 to' i ivi t'• • • •■■' •*• -.-*--« • - • • • •......■ • • 250.00 Deputy Warden; {penitentiaries),^.,.. 183,33 Inspector of Licensed Employ. Asen... 125.00 Iftveatlfatbf^inherttahce Tax Dept.) ♦10O td■;•* ....>...:iLL.................. 200.00 Labratory Helper (Psycho. Inst.)....... 150.00 Parole Agent .;...>.............. ... 125.00 Piflwiotiit'iFayehopathic inst).......175.00 Phyalclan, Oeneral, $100 to.....i....... 183.33 Principal, $75 to...................... 100.00 Property and Economy Officer (Board of Administration) .i............... Reimbursing Investigator............. Secretary Bd* of Arbitration........... jietataipr Induitrlal Board............ Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics... Secretary Rivers and J<es^nVn..... State: Agent Live Stock. $100 to....... Supervising Grain Injector. $200 to... Supervisor of High Schools............ Teachers of Adult Blind (10 montba), .^$/ti ■*?....;;;., *:.;.v.. >•...,.........±..r Teachers, Advanced, $45 to... ..... Teachers. Primary. $46 to..,,. •....... Warrant Clerk. State Auditor's Office. 4. A partial eclipse of the moon, Sept. 4, visible here; visible generally in western North America, Pacific Last Day for Filing April 22, 19)4 ocean, eastern Asia and Australia. June Mar. June Jan Feb. Mar. Mar. 6. 1914 7, 1914 6, 1914 3. 1914 7, 1914 7. 1914 7, 1914 May Feb. May Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. 27, 1914 25, 1914, 27. 1914 24. 1913 28, 1914 j 25, 19141 25, 1914 THOUGHT BIBLE LAWS 160,00 ApriL4U&u Marl 25.1914 ColorecUAmateur Plumber Ad- vances Unusual Argument When Brought to Justice, April 4, 1914 Mar. 7, 1914 Mar. 25, 1914 Feb. 25. 1914' Feb. 7, 1914 Jan. 28, 19141 Jan. Feb. May Feb. Mar. April Mar. Jan. Mar. 3, 1914 7. 1914 2, 1914 7, 1914 7, 1914 4, 1914 7. 1914 3. 1914 7, 1914 Pee, Jan. April 22. 1914 WANTED TO RENT-- COM- furtable furnished home for winter month!*. It. L. BAKER,4251'ome fns'iran«*e Building. Teieplonj lUnJoii.li 1280. Local 365. FOR SALE EVANSTON HOMES 1580 Sherman-av. 39W-U yf 7 YEARS of continued frmfar**, always giving '•* the best va?a»s for the least ■ m*ncy, has prompted as to ask yon to mako yoar Christmas purchases of , * ■ * Edward Kirchberg Diamonds. Watches and Fine Jewelry 13? Nd. Stipe SL, Chicago Send tor one bt our "Gift BoohUtt." TT FORTIFY YOUR HEALTH BY NATURAL PHYSICAL METHODS ■^ RrlMiiiTrlpr^1«o"Gf*rf'?»fen*F? n5 usi a Leisure Hour •iH ^fe ^o e> 7V m EDGEV1ERE MEDICAL BATHS 4811-4813 Broadway, CHICAGO * h jnc Edfiewoter 338 ice Prices 1 To rapidly dispose of the remainder of our M Stock of Men's.'Boys' and Children's Overcoats we offer a special discount of 20% from the regular prices on any garment remaining in stock. Q Wnllror /& Hnrimnn 2nd Floor, The 5hops Bli'e., 17-23 N. WihMh.ChlCig*"* _jauuK€T & nariman ^l?m^tf«»Awar«ikau/^w*cfe.-TcL^tMfci^«i-M 125.00 June 6. 1914 100.00 May 2. 1914 208(33 Jan. 3, 1914 208.33 June 6. 1914 208.33 April 4. 1914 300,00 April 4. 1914 141.67 Feb. 7, 1914 228.33 May 2. 1914 333.33---Mar. 7. 1914 140.00 60.00 60.00 250.00 Mar. Mar. Mar. Feb. 7. 1914 7. 1914 7. 1914 7. 1914 24, 1913] Because the laws contained In the !!£• Itl* Bible are not observed before the or- dinances contained in the city code of Jan. 28, 1914 Evanston, W. M. Owens, colored, ar- Feb. 25,' 1914 rested a few days ago on a charge or Mar. 26, 1914 making plumbing repairs at his prop- Feb. 26, 1914 erty. Oak avenue and Clark street, 2^H« 1913 without a permit, declared in the Ev- Feb. 25, 1914 anaton police court that he was a! Ma* 27 1914 Persecuted man. Owens is inclined to| April 22. 1914 De argumentative, and the Bible quo- Dec. 24,' 1913 tations used by Follce Magistrate j May 27, 1914 Boyer and' the colored man, caused j .Mar. 25, 1014" persons in the couTt~roonr-to~imagine| Mar. M, 1914 that they were listening tor a-Bible,1 iaDii 99* toil cla8B discussion rather than an at- Feb 25 1914 tempt to 8ettle a v,olation of the ,aw> .' v . - j Owens claims to be a masseur. The Feb. ' 25. 1914 hearing of his case was set for yester- Feb. 25. 1914 day afternoon at 5 o'clock. Plumbing j Feb. 25, 1914 inspector Henry A. Clausen and other Jan. 28,. 1914 employes of the city were in court ICsaipinationi arc ordinarily held at the places Hstecl below, but theCom^^-rfv\0 PTOBecute--After waiting al- ,!'«. n.« ,»s „•!.;. nl.na. «f limit nnv l>y»mln.itlnii In i>ortnin nnhi. jJK8!iy_tO prpBeCUlC. AHer waiUUB ai mission may use other places, or limit any examination to certain points. r - ^Attha Oolconda tlncoln Qulncy :_-"^:.'-'- XShxtrxgs Harrlsbpra Marlon Springfield •4^-,--Punatnr - JaciuMmt3BIez~r~MtrVeraop z^z^^ B.:St~t»uir Elgln "KatiSaiitelf" Peorla- ^ most an hour when Owens did noUap- pear, Justice Boyer -announced that the $100 bond was forfeited. iBatrbe^Cttada^on-hlanVg fj-.rT Watettown -- Owens appeared in court sometime later in the evening and gave as an erly filled out. and file* at the Bpriagfleld office On or^wfore the last dates patient at the hour the case was set P^^ueWn« tppllcatipn bian^ definitely the poaitions in which they arc interested. him anything. Again Tuesday morn- Applicatlon blanks and further information can be secured by addressing >ng he appeared in court and the Bib- 4hs Secretary of the State Civil Service Commission at Springfield. Illinois. ileal debate was held. Chicago & Milwaukee --EtectHe-R;^4?. ^^™P?^^^^^^^^^^ COMMENCING Additional Between Evanston Liniiteds and Milwaukee ill "It] feaP^t? GDllf : HJ-'X A Writing Paper for Business Tfie^j letterhead is^ seen before your message is read; from it your correspondent gets his first impression.' You know what it means to make a good impression from the outset. Let Us Print Your Stationery Your Letterheads, Envelopes, Billheads and State-- ments are as important as the advertising you do, hence you should entrust the' printing to a firm that knows how to combine tasty composition, good press-work and ink with the right paper. NATIONAL BAtfK BONO is a fine writing paper, such as is used by Banks, Manufacturers, Retailers, Wholesalers and Professional Men. In price it is within reach of all. Why not let us figure with you on your next order and use NATIONAL BANK BOND, the paper that is recognised throughout the commercial world for its appropriateness to busi- ness uses. In this paper we offer you the choice of Whits and Five attractive tints. Envelopes to match if you wish them; You'll be interested In the sampler we have to show you. When may we call? Bowman Publishing Co. 526 Davis St * Telephone 585 ^urmg greater part of day beiweeir Evaristcm a^ tM Price $1.50 and SecondTlaaft jf tBe I^gtEShore Price$2J)0 -Ipiipr^ar3ens> Landscapes, Hjgl^ ways and Bywa|s, Past and Present by MARIAN A. WHITJE JliiejiseI)r2jjDLte^ fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value S3 books will not be reprinted. Make remittancesdirect to MAiMAN^A; 6928 Sheridan Road w nli iv :: Chicago '-•f