Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jan 1914, p. 7

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of Piano, Music, Dramatic Art and \ \ I ■ u/j-mrfta Thi» directory will appear in these ""*v-ptir | ooee * MiiwA :. Clip it for future reference ■< ®l?r ^arban £rbanl__ Vocal Art (Maclean Method), Dramatic Art, Expression, Oratory, Languages, Theory of Music, Dancing, Etc- Concert Pianist Pupils Received SI Auditorium Bldg. "#■* •MM* J. CO0HTLAND COOPER =OF BERLIN Natural Method of Singing t&9»******* 3f*i$»*»fi»»tV-- BuwaSt * CMiCACO jHar«*PP 7033 Clubliistructiou a Specialty S. A. Campbell B. L. Brandenburg Instructors Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar and Piano Studios: Boom 40. Kimball llaJI and ot5S Madison Ave. Accompanists _/ MnaieforallOecaBiona J. £. WILFOKD CABBIE II. WILFOKD THE WILFORD MUSIC STUDIO Piano :-::Vofce -^ Theory 502 KIMBALL HALL -----------Locattd inKimball Halt 17 Years._____•_ MQNOAY THURSDAY SATURDAY H. B. BARTHOLOMEW 1 ■ Accompanist, Recitals. ■'; : •' Pupils Accepted____ 502 KINfBALL HALL ft*?* Concert Pianist 510 FfiTE ARTS BUILDING CHICAGO Phone North 3663 R. GRATZ COX Teacher of Singing In all Its Branches - Phone Harrison 4865 419 FINE ARTS BUiLDING Bernhard tistemann Violin Soloist and Teacher of Advanced Pupils HTX'OIO.S S10 FINE AHTS UlILDINO Wednesdays and Saturday* fiom 1 P. M. Kettidence:Oil Kullerton Ave.,Chiiago Mildred Wentworth Society Entertainer , (Iinprrconatlonn, Monologues, .}■ llroll StdrlM, Eto.) Private instruction In Popular Entertain - Ing, Oral Kxpre»uli>n and KngllHli; Cuachlnn. 1933 X. OIJAKIIOKN AVENUE Phono Dearborn 1049 STUDIO, Al DITORItM III II.UING THOMAS A. PAPE ' Choral Conductor TeacjierotSinking SIMON BUGHHAiTER I Pianp Virtuoso, and i Teacher STUDIO, 424 FINE ARTS BUILDING I'lione Keuvvood 0058 Mrs. Theodore Parsons 3 AUTHOR. LKCTURKK. DRAMATIC * KEADBR AND TEACHEK r ?7 T ArtistIp Doily and Voire Culture tmLJFtKR ARTS BUILDING , _ Residence Phone Ravenawood 108 ZUKOWSKY VIOLIN SCHOOL «S7 Fin* Art* Building _____^. Zukv^yJttfoj^agmmU: WM-Jsn.4.18; Feb. 22; Mcli. 8-22-1914 MAE POKM1N6 Piano •;•';- THKO. DC MOULIN Cello Hinshaw Conservatory V ALL BRANCHES oV MUSIC AND I Select--accredited Catalog/ DRAMATIC ART thorough--ayateiwatlc. and aixamlnationa Hli - free. Adurwa Arno .1. Hinshaw. Manager. 60S KMIBAIX HALL, CHICAGO Alderman Sherman C Klngsley. of Kvaustou, lias just been named by Dr. P. P. Claxton, United Stales Commissioner or Education, a Corinne Marie Fraser PIANO INSTRUCTOR r STUDIO: 726 Fine Arts Building . f!nose Lincoln egj9 282* Hampden Court, Chicago L. Douglas Russell '~VQlCe TEACHER." 719 Fine Arts Buildtejr, CHICAGO 23 Kood Building. EVANSTON Rmideace-Pliotie; Stewart 5885 Male Voices a Specialty Advanced System TteACttEBS LECTURERS "and- VOCALISTS roue fitting m fictf Bpntii Carl Preerorius aoOUkiiitaeWg.. *;• . .., Telephone Randolph 146S . '_ ■ i. "■■ Mr. Harry Pat Clark Is in Phila- delphia. /,.. *;,, ■ %^g .)■ \ Mr. «nd Sirs. Harry Kess of Pine street are in Benton Harbor, Mrs. James Fentress entertained at her home NeiF"'¥<eir*««v«. "•• -- Mr. and Mrs. George D. Forrest are visiting in Baltimore. Miss Olive Payne, who has been visiting in Western Springs, 111., is to retain tie end of the week. -' Mrs. William Bersae and daughter have returned from a visit in fit! Lonhv ,; _ ----- ,^-.' ." - "*' _ ■ ■■ ■-■ | Miss Christian MeCcrdic is at home for a- short visit Miss McCordic has been In Maine for several months. The J. E. MeLeich family of Ash street have moved to lingers Park, Chicago. . , ■ --..:^ , - Miss Mary Garret son has returned from a visit to the" home of her i>ar ents in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Winter hot ham of Oak street are visiting in town for a ffijw weeks. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Post have re- turned from a week's visit in the sout»era~Iiarr of^ffie ^tsc©r= Miss Emma Williams is the guest of relatives in Racine and is to he away until the first of next week. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Adams had as their guest last week Mr. Adams* mother. Mrs. Hattie Adams of Mount Vernon, 111. Mr. and Mrs. G. A Thorne of Sheri dan road entertained at a young. peo-1 spada* v coBaborato*" in tbe United pie's iiarty last Friday for their daugh I States bureau of education in the pub GEO.H.IOTT Teacher of Voice 512 Kimball Hall, 1902 Sheridan Road EVANSTON of Music Esther Harris, President bf Music Taught Catalog Mailed Free 422 KIMBALL HALL ANNOUNCEMENT. -- Mr. George Steinhaus, who is the musical director of the Wilson Avenue theater, announces the opening of the Stelnhaus Musical college, and has chosen a location that will appeal e§: pecialiy. for its conveniences, occupy- ing a suite of light, airy studios on the second floor of the Plymouth Hotel building. Private college entrance at 47uCi08 Broadway. " " The aim of the college will be tu give the most-thorough instruction, in all branches of music from prepara- tory to collegiate courses. „ The keen- est personal interest will be taken la every pupil who enters the institution. Not only will music, both vocal and instrumental, be taught by splendidly equipped instructors, hut there will be a department of dramatic art, under able teachers. , Iri connection with the college: in fact, on integral part of it will be the Steinhaus Violin school. Mr. Stein- haus will give special attention to thla riapartm«nt. For many years he has been associated with musical or- ganizations of high character and with artists of eminent reputation and is peculiarly equipped to furnish every advantage of a comprehensive musical education, Each pupil will enjoyj a personal supervision of this director The worK~ot~the cottege-eiftbraee complete course of study in piano, voice, violin, organ, harp, orchestral instruments, harmony, counterpoint, composition and a school of oratory and acting. Voice coaching. What's the Use. Why should a man commit bigamy when trouble is available at so much lower prices?--Atchison Globe. Orchestra Hall cbicauo COMINGt * 0WI6HT LMENOORF IN Five Ntw Travel Talks: CEYLON SOUTHERN INDIA WESTERN INDIA EASTERN INDIA JAVA S Coursrn Exactly Alike Five Wtdnesdav F.vmingt Five Friday Evenings Fiv* Saturday Matinttt-- llcRinnlnsr Jaiiary 14,16 lid 17 Coirae Tlckot» ft. t3 and $2.50 Saleopco* Munilay. Jan. .j Mai all Outer* MUSICAL COLLEGE. _ 0. r.C»Kk«ltoM,Mtr. fM.SMrtMf, MrMW I ,Wraws»gMf«9ra»dway^Ulaa^ STWnHAUS ViOLiN SCHOOL-Partiai Scholarihip To Talented Ps|U»l VOICE COACHINC-Danciflj By Miaa OUve Dtncw SHERMAN CKIHCSLEY BY BODY Br.r\£€l Him to Important Position to Gather Data. Sherman C. Kingdey. iters. _ , ■ Miss Edmunds, physical director of the girls of the Winnetka schools, re turns Saturday from a two weeks visit in Detroit: A cotillion was given at the Worn- [ fund, which organization works in an's club by Miss Constance Tyrrell j conjunction with tbe Chicago board and Mils Augusta Feniger New Year's i of education, has" placed Chicago In eve, i the lead in open air and open- window lication of a special government buile tin on open air schools and to work on Other topics pertaining to the health of school children. Being director of the Elizabeth McConnick Memorial Mrs. August Peabody and Mrs. Frances Butler have joined class of the Chicago Equal Suffrage association. Mrs. J. S. Burnet of Sheridan road is to take part in a musical benefit to be held at the Fine Arts theater Jan. 12. Mrs. Harry Hyde Barnum of 925 Elm street is in a Chicago hospital recovering from an operation for -ap^ pendlcitis. *•---.. The village police are enforcing the ordinance requiring all vehicles to carry side lights. August Brand was fined $5 for driving bis cab with- out n light ______________j__ Mrs. J. L. Houghteling and Miss Harriet Houghteling were box hold-' ers at the Saturday evening perform ance of the Chicago Symphony or chestra. Mrs. Phelps Boyt amf-Mrs. A. P. Gilmore are to give a masquerade ball New Year's night for Miss Betty Hoyt and Miss Isabel Gilmore. The affair is to be held at the Woman*! club. Mrs. Laird Bell and Mrs. Edwin Fechheimer of Winnetka bdve been chosenN for the "Botticelli group" in organizing the artists* fete fancy ball to be given in Chicago Jan. 9. Mrs W. G. Hibbard is in another group. the law | acquainted -vsfith the task- school work, Mr. Klngsley is closely which is awarded him in government service Urgent requests for a special bulle- tin has caused Dr. Claxton to name Mr. Kingsley at this time as a collab- orator In the work, so that the bulletin can be issued at an early date. Data will be collected not only in the schools where the open window and plenty of fresh air plan is in effect in America, but from different European countries." The bulletin will set forth the latest and best methods of equip- ping and operating these schools. BIG XMAS PARTY HELD 1KB1LW0RIH MISSION MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC EARNINGS $240,000 Total Balanfift Fqnak % $&_ Cent on $5,000,000 Illinois Division Bonds. s-a- Ikee Electric Earnings of the Chicago & Milwau- rallroad for the year will bo approximately $240,000, after pay- ment of interest; on the receiver's obli- gations. Profits are slightly below those of 1912, which was a record year for the company. After paying interest on the $1,080,- OOP first mortgage bonds, the" balance will be equal to about 2 per cent on tbe Illinois division bonds, of which there are $5,000,000 outstanding, and which are quoted at 40 bid, 50 asked. .-The income account of the receiver for the ten months ended Oct. 31 fol- lows: f-^______!_______ lata. ' nflfr, Total operating rev- enue .....f■■■...■1802.478 $818,200, Operating expenses.. S07.329 498,69:i Net operating revenue 295,143 319,507 Other Income..:..... 15,488 Gross income........310,631 Taxes..............'. 44,166 13.921 333,429 42,500 Interest on receivers' obligations....... 52,019 Deductions -rjtxv. . ,T 96,187 Net income.......... 214,444 234,034 64.894 92,394 Indorsed. Hobson--"Are you' In favor of that curfew law?" Dobson--"Yes; I'm In favor of any law that reduces-the-nunv bernf dogs."--Judge. T---------i~--L I The 25ukowsky Trio, under: the lead- ership of -Alexander Zukowsky, wilt give a series of six Chamber concerts at the Chicago Little theater on Jan. 4, Jan. 18, Feb. 22, March 8 and March 23, at 7:36 p. m. The programs will bo of an unusual and eTreptionaHy in- teresting nature suitable to the set- ting which the: Uttle theater affords and the personnel of the trio--Alex- ander Zukowsky. violin; Mae Doeliing, piano;n."Theodbre^::bu:riiIouHn,;;,cello^ TJieJt^e^theater 1« a^partlcularly ap* proprlate place for chamber music and More Tiian 100' Persons At- tend Entertainment in New Chulrcli^atiirda^Eycnlng. .More-than 10^ i^erffpns^attendedJhe big- Christmas party ftohj in The"new Kenilworth mission in West Kenll- worth avenue Saturday evening. A large Christinas tree was in place and an: entertaining program of music and talks was given. The mission is conducted in the store room formerly occupied by Harry Lynn as. a grocery. Sunday school Is conducted each Sunday with Mr. George F. Appleyard of Wilinettf* as iiuueiinU'inient. On Sunday even- ing Rev. Thomas K. Gale of Wllmetl*? preaches. On Thursday evenings other ministers along the north shore conduct religious services in the mis- sion. As a token of esteem and an ex- pression of their appreciation for his -WOrk-in the new n>lnw|np, n new HO bicycle was presented Rev. Gale by members of the mission Saturday night at the , entertainment. Other valuable- gifts were' distributed. The mission Is nondenominatjojinl. Every Sunday evening service has teen, largely attended and many per- sons have professed religion as the result of the opening of the now place of 'worship. S. S. GREELEY TELLS -HLES-8FiWlfrTIME (Continued from Page 1) ~**We~haor no greoTihacki^tlien. H'e had merely the notes issued by vari- ous banks. They were Issued on one- third security and-Sometimes a dollar note jpul. worth only 5 cents. Nat- urally enough, therefore, it was not Tong ueiore ihe^Chicago people began to call this stump tali money. "In the meantime there was little actual money-^sHver--in circulation. People were hoarding it. If a man went to a^otore^to^buy^20ror 30 cents' worth of goods he would pay in ^ios^ age~stamp>r-they^were-then OT5 amT; 10 cent:denominations. The dealer.; were, willing and anxious to get the stamps. That was the only way to make change. But this caused hard- ship, because stamps would stick to- gether.......-v ._-..' ;. -V ' "Shin-Pla»ters" Are Issued. "The government came to the res- plastdrs^ as. they., werei JcaJled. This money never bad anything to do with thrv-hoatai^denartment, but:lhe_name, came from thefa^t3MESlSiA38MeS as a substitute for postage stamps as airelifctiii©^^ come _the opportunity of bearing this" 25^and^50^HjentH!erUBcaiea cue by Issuing postal money orT'shJn- f ■■ ■■■ i mi in b in i innit »':-.'_:^::::.........._.:__:.:.......; _..:.-__ "'- ■■.■•« .-uisB Eiieu Pratt has returned home after an extensive visit in the east I Mrs. Iiohert S. Smith has Tor her guests Mrs. Leslie Taylor and daugli- ter of Denver, Colo. T Miss -Mabel Mascn-las-returned to. her home in Des Moines, la., after a visit with Miss Charlotte Everett Mrs. C. g. Burnham entertained her brother, Francis E. Gillis of Cedar Sapids, la„ last week:----- .__-Mr^.and^rs._Fred _C._Traver gave a dance at the Kenilworth club Mon- day night Mr. Elmer Cope of Omaha is the guest of his sister. Mrs. Mark W. Cr<»- sap. during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Itejchuianii hav» returned from Iowa, where tin y spent Christmas with Mr. Reichmanns rela- tives. TUTs. O. A Dent motljer of Mrs. A F. Reichmann, is spending the holidays with relatives in Toronto. Canada. The 3-weeks-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Kelly died in the family home Friday. The burial wa* . Rose hill cemetery. '_. _ , .. Mrs. Oswald Lockett has returned to her home here after a long visii with her mother. Mrs. O. L. Blossom in New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs, It. H. Olmstead oi dmaha, Neb., were the guests of .Mr and Mrs. C. L. McCloud over Christ- mas. Dr. and Mrs. A. \V. Friese have an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, .Miss Charlotte Friese. to John B. Henning of Peoria. Tiie date of the nuptials wiil be anaouueed later. An enjoyable dance followed tlie-an.: nual Christmas entertainment givt-ii by members of the Kenilworth club Chrrstmaire ve. AnHMig-tlios^ vvlso gav_i^ dinner parties preceding the dane* were Mrs. James C. Murray aad Mrs Robert O. Berger. Classified Business L GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS *mm C. A.THQASEN Livery and Teaming Bwiaingi Material Phc-:e 261 Rtsidezie Phone 2A1 KENILWOBTH Agent MartlarA Fire In' Co. Amililiatui Liieljnajance i.e. ' GROCERIES Fine fruits--in and Out Of sea- son--always form a part of oar large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's SUeT "Cut AUGUST RODELIUS Successor to ftodeltus A ftosaa. Expert Watchmaker aad OpOcbM Repairing of compBcatod watck«« and clocks. Many! f«arrt«afem*|| ence-,with best'..know© ::^bteas» ; ' *HPBBwsHBw~~ ■■ ■;■'.' Ph Dnc 2532. S27 Cavis Street MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Made--Clothes to " ' Order..' Packard.'Shoes-' fdr':Men.:'-'-' • Sorosis Shoeav.'.ffer T-a<Br*; ;-»>d■/' Children. Gentlemen's Furoisn- ■'■ jag Ccods. HAVES & HAVeI PRINTING iMaiinjr or Alt Kind* _...._ . .-_ Done__Promntly ^_a5 d_ Satisfactorily by The B O W M A N P U B^ CO; Telephones 585 and Sdt^fla they earned 7.3 per cent, or 2 cents a day on a bond of $ltlu. These bonds were used as currency. It was easy to iiguro up the interest--just t cents day a day. The government"pair! this high rate only- while it hud difficulty In obtaining European leans. Tho next issue of bonds was-at f» per cent. "Yes, Chicago Is quite a different city today than what it was in those days," Mr, Greeley said, after re- counting some of tbe scenes that came back to his mind as he gave himself up to reminiscence. Peddled Water in Barrels. "The water carrier used to drive out on Lake street into the lake until his wagon was in water up to the hubs. Then he would All the tank in his cart. He peddled this water at 10 cents a barrel. He came to my house once a week and I took two barrels for 20 cents. That- was- the week's supply of drinking water. We had to depend upon catching rain- water for washing purposes." Mr. Greeley is In good health and enJoys his daily work at the office despite his age. He lived in Chicago until fifteen years ago, when he moved to Winnetka, and since that time he has been a dally commuter. PRESSING REPAIRING Phone Winnetka 27.8. Mavnard Bldg. H.E.ODHNER Merchant Tailor Ladies' and Cents' Suito Made to Order 1OI0-4S tiage St.--HlibblUd Wooilg, Hi. All Kinds of Fancy Cleaning Telephone Winnetka S7S C T. NORTHROP RrErALtSTAXEv LOANS Trt|dTlt|SNTIJNO Yr Gage St.. Hubbard Woods A Pleasure to Show thef Property {trio in programs of a-very high oraer at moderate prices, Nost came the government bonds --called seven-thirties. That's becauao Unless You Qwn An Automobile We have an entirely jicw nrocess of etean- ing carbon out of the motor. We burn out the carbon with oxy- gen which does the work better than by scraping and is absQ- lutefy harmless ^o the rest of the motor. Do not confuse^this with_ the-old-iin nid forms. of jBarbpn remdyer. It is unnecessary to take down the mjfor. We can complete the job in halfjiour. The best part of aii is the price $1.00 A CYLINDER SAtrf^r. te^A&Bi^t; Udldgc ^WJL^_WWRST*aT,_Prop._ 582 Hiscoli Avibki nm161 Coffee is Good. GEO. B. PLAYER PIANOS^-- WINTER Quality an* not Quantity-^-the best for the money--is our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. ' A. S. VAN DEU5EN HOTELS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange 1110 --------Sunday Dinner a Specialty. 1 to 2:20 P. M: Phone 1110. CARtT€)r^PROUTY PLAYER PI AMOS 82^NOtE 1?1 SIDE PLAYER installer in all upright piaiio*.--^ Call and see this player. Our prices are very low. PATTERSON^ BRO& Tel. Evm.ion 654 1522 Sherman A«. Talking Maclilnes tllii Ph«ino<;ra|i!is remodeled to play Nkw Eiji^ox Kecoisiw *" I.angua«;e tahjyht by phonofrrapli. t'lioii* \% (Muctkn 6tt3-.WLaii«|.Cai>ttal MStf JAMES I. LYONS^ ♦.-. WKST !..%KK ST. CHICAGO 1 '•'" ' ......•'"--t........T.vr-i"i .:....... niHm ' P?*^eI?V,a|r,?trate Ladies'Tail6r-Made Jurisdiction same as that %«*^*> .»«■--w ******* Best Material and Workmanship Sladek -^^^g of a Justice of tht^ Peace PBOUTV BUILDING Tcleploae Wiisctka 7 WINNETKA R. L. GONSALVES Contractor and Builder Repairing ffjtmiffff^flhmied'--r^ - '. Phme Winnetka 425 Stop: 909 Linden At: Hubbard Woods, lllir.oi* WE ABE MAKING flS SOSTK STAT8 STREET Opposite Fields Phom Central SIS CHICAGO -lt»»e^rifiaTr-;isTtMi!Ht Am of WIWIIHH___ Kfttn VtATKS tanS* A ra«nr*l ef ccsfbftaod darabililjr Our celrtuhd'Sa.OO ..Is hut ilcol lh» tottaf naif, ejlracleg. ial tBK. il ir..^iiiiis------ ColhssiingsoeeUIUoJ. COMit'I.TATlON Iff fteajbegst Corflrr Randoloh and Clark streets •Optrt eveiilnijii Sliitll 7- SUtidiiy 91<>13 -;:- All Wiring Guanattetl ^ ; Electric Shop rlABRV 4.WlTKOWSkV * ' ,..'■..;.. ... Proprietor -._. ... wmmorRBPAmm supplies GLENCOP,.ILLINOIS;/ Phone Gltocot 4A0 Klinge ®> White HIGH eBAOE nSOHEfllES AUD MFaTS Ridge Avenue, near Lake Ave. Phone W Unit lie 430 ' Phone Wilmctte 4M " ' ■ , CROSS POINT, ILL. Johnson & Johnson MASON AND CARPENTER CONTRACTORS Tel. Winneika 645 Hubbard W«d$,M News Want Ads Bring K0siil4i Taney Groceries, ffleats, Hotions £^ hardware Phone WitiiietkaHie &^78 Hubb^ A Specialty We have so wide:]a reputation for skill in haha^ingwoln finegarmentsilial you:^ciy^ai^-^w/Qolretf7.f^: fact that we do equally well wtfh men's clothes;; We^do the work right Jicre^^ \Evanston 1730 ■ Phones: JWilmctte 1475 if.'j......--i -THE- Arnold Massage Vibrator FOnClVTNGTBE Celebrated oratory AtHOSOS Was$2&tis iufr£l* _ ItTROPOllTAJI ILECTRLCALSUPPlf» 103 3. Wateah Av*. - CriiCAGv SlPhai,«*lS3-V4-teM8in mmm

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