Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jan 1914, p. 2

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SHE ZJkKB SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1814. MMIIIIIMIIItMIII in Wiimette Miss Olive Glover is in Rock. Island visiting relatives.* ; '• f Anton Schwall is in Indianapolis spending the holidays with friends. V, Clinton DeWltt is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. $ Miss; Jean; V. Hatch is the guest; of her aunt, Mrs. Arthur II. Churchill, iu iMonUJlair. N. J. __' _;■;;- ;_ £' A. daughter v^as born to Mr, and i*«s.:'%S. E. Burgess,' 1520 Lake avenue, ftfednesday, Dec. 24. Miss Jeanette Jamison of Mansfield, Ohio, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. JBlymer. e'Mrs." Thomas M. Knox entertained members .of: the! Tuesday clubin'""her: home, 519 Forest avenue, last week. BfMfc^- a«d_ Mrs.„ BartoiL Buckman amoved Into their new home in Laurel avenue last week. ■ - Dr. and-MrSi-^BT-Gi-Stolp--hav«-#>r their guest Mrs. Norman IV Oassett of j^garJfi.yFrancf'." ,/:"•. ;■',---,.;'■■" "■;"..'--L_ '■'. A Christmas party was held In the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klemm, 420 Park avenue, Wednesday evening. Among those who attended and. who formed a family reunion were Mrs. B. Klemm and daughter Helen of Chi- cago and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Klemm of Evanston. Among the various Christmas par- ties held In this village Christmas .eve was the gathering in the home of Mrs. Anton Schwail, 632 Kline street, Wed- nesday evening. About twenty guests .et^oyci-.lliieij^tyL^_1!!he_ftouae.,;was prettily decorated in cut flowers and mistletoe, holly, etc. An old-fashioned Christmas program with Christinas tree formed the entertainment for the evening. fiiimniiminniiiiii' MRS. RUFUSG. DAWES Mayor Jas. R. Smart 5as fij£ panted President of Worn* an'sClub Board Member. ? Mr|l; and M rs. George Frey, 1625 Charles street, are the guests of.rela- ;tivesaftd friends In LIbertyville, Ind. r Mrs. A. S. Donnat of South Haven, f Mich., was the guest of Mrs. Emit Butz last week. •'■' f E. C. Austin. 901 Oak wood avenue, ;\has returned from Ottawa/ where- he ;' spent a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Ling are at home -to their friends in-thelr-new-home-in . Greenwood avenue. ;l Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South worth, 1010 Elmwood avenue, will leave tomorro for Indianapolis for a short stay. "£mk and ^rh^ q^ ojtovia returned from Minneapolis, I Minn., where they yisitedjover Christ- &na&.'. ..<. • • _ ■ 'Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Comstock of EI-i gin returned to their home Sunday ;aCter spending Christmas with Mr. -sisd Mrs. Fi B. Crossley, ^ -Mr. and Mrs. William DavidBon ex- peel to. leave soon for their wintei home in Cltronelle, Ala*, where they will spend the winter. iMrs.O. E. Hinsdale and eon, Oliver Hinsdale, of Elgin, are guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. Charles J. Carlson, 601 Washington avenue. <Mr. and Mrs. G. Bv Morrison, 1025 GrcenwooclravenUe, have returned from a month's stay in New York and other the solons eastern cities. ■ ""t'"■ -~-~' - Mrs.. Rufus C. Dawes has been named a trustee of the Evanston Free Public library to succeed Edwin L. Shuman, resigned, who has left Ev- IN in ' MriJL: W. J. Louderback entertained thirty guests atdIa»erSimdayf" -~- Mr. HowardKulst: Is'Twmre from college for tie: holidays. Airs. Frank ,jR». Cain gave the. New. Year's eve children's party at Hull house, Chicago, last evening. . Mr. Robert Shields ia home from Williams college for the holidays. In Jacksonville, Fla., the guest of his son, Lyman Prior. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cox had as their fiestaJast week Mr. and lira.'Greyer. Cpk and children".of MHwaukeer" Miss Florence Shelton, who has been visiting ;for several months in Savannah, Ga, is at home. Miss Marjorie Learning left Fri- day" to ,:SpendVt6e'-reniam~der"'oT"'tli'e" "rolidays: with her aunt,~$f re. B^T. Page, and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cropsey 6f Minneapolis. "■.-•• V,... ^rrMrsr-J^Van^verarHentertained tha Sunshine circle and the O. H. B.'s Tuesday evening at her home on Ireen Bay road in honor of Mr. How- ird Kuist, who is. home from college tor the holidays. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenwald have sailed for Egypt, where they will meet their son and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. Messing Rosonwald, and their son-in- 'awandj daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- -uon Sulzberger, who ai*e abroad en- joying their honeymoons. They plan to spend the greater part of the win ier in Egypt_____ ■■_________ New Year's day will He observed at the Congregational church by an in fonnai---"Conferencs this moraine in the . church parlors. Div Vic- Elveen will . preside land a number of the. men and women of the church are to speak, on various-topics,, There will ■ be' greetings from, absent mem hers of the church and greetlnifcBjsent to those at a distance: new plans for a.Jarger.wprkjropjfled.___ CHURCH BULLETIN WILMEtTE. Presbyterian Church. ■ Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue, Wilmetter Dn J. Jft Wlisonrpgiitor. Communion and _reeej)tit>u of mem- bers Sunday, Jan. 4. The pastorzwUi COURT ORDERS CHILD TAKEN FROM PARENTS speak on "Comfort lor the New, Year from Gethseraane," and at 7:30 P. m on---^rraditlohs.1--the___Canaanltish Mother Comforted and the Hungry Multitude Fed." Miss Edith Corette will render at the evening service the following organ.selections: t"1 Chorale, "Dundee" ".. >......3 .^Parr^t "Hymn of Nuns"........Lefebre-Wily "Home, Sweet Home"........Flagler Adagio.................. Beethoven "March Militaire".....Schubert-Best The week Of prayer will be Observed every evening except Saturday as fol- lows : Monday, Jan. 5--"The Voice of Con- fession and Thanksgiving." Ps. 51. Mr. Merritt B. Lum, leader. Tuesday, Jan. C--"The Spirit Filled Church." Acts 2. Mr. Chas. C. Oil- ver> leader. ~^-- "~"f Wednesday,. Jan. 7--"The ;€onyerv; ginn nf Children " Hi Tim. 3. Mrs, Mr.. and Mrs.; L R; Aflkins, 1112 Cen^ tral avenue, have for their guests Mrs. M. 3. Adklna- and daughter, Miss Alta AdWns, of La Porte, Ind. Harold Biirsbach has been the guest : of his parents' for the last week. He is employed in the northern partner :<ii0:: state.; i The custoiriary New Year's eve ball Was hjjd rat!" the Ouilnmtte Country club last night. A merry crowd filled the spacious ball room all evening. )\ Mr and Mrs, Franks S. Koonta are expected home tomorrow from Lake G«»i>ev%^WisJ where they spont the holidays with the parents of Mrs. Koonti?. |, Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman and chiidren and Mi^.:JC![ara. Freeman of Denver departed last week for New ^riibinft-^here^they'^ill remain until April. • Thomaa Home oljdhlcagp has pur- .ehased the W. II. Riddiford home at pP^reenwdod^a3'emieT~Mr. and Mrs. Riddiford have moved" to Chicago. Th«y will reside at 5033 Sheridan . Mrs. Rufu8 C. Dawes. . ' 1 - ' ■" i. ■ I anston to reside in New York City. The appointment was made last wee) by Mayor Smart at the council meet- lug and was unanimously approved by Mrs. Dawes is the first woman to serve in this capacity. Mrs. Dawes Is president of the Evanston Woman's club and for years has taken an active interest in-literary and edu- cational work in Evanston. Mr. Dawes Ts president of tue "board 7>f education Because Both Father and Mother Indulge in Drinking, Lad ISPlaced in ttorrreT ant one," said Miss Mary B. Lindsay, librarian, when informed of the an pointnrent by a~ representative of Tin News. "I have long wished for n woman on the board but I had no ide; my wish was to be fulfilled so soon. District No, 75. It is a surprise to me^-trat a l»leas^j-che promise made a week ago that she. would stop the use of intoxicants and lid not fight for the child when he vas taken from her. The only re- luest she made was that he be given lis supper, as he had been allowed to play and roam the streets of Wii- mette until it was time for the family .o appear in the police court. No action was taken against 4he Lams' at this time for contributing to the delinquency of their son. Both isked for another chance to straight- en up and they were.released with the . .understanding that they report to Mr. C. L. Burlingham, to Whom they ire parolled. I DRAINAGE INQUIRY IS VOTED THROUGH Trustee Clark IVins Demand for Investigatioa of Excava- tion of Evanston Canal. yrtnj; in tha| city. " i Miss Margaret Thonipson, who has been spending the holidays with rela- ;4&g£ and -friends JbeBe, wili return to Onarga Saturday, where she will re- sume her duties as teacher in the public schools at that place. Miss ^iarjqrle Hatch, 915 Greenleaf avenue, who has been at Lake Har- 1»r> Mich, tor the last ten days, is now attending a house party at the iWme^^tPci^ept-^BTal.sdell of Alma college,-Alma, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith of Ke- hosha, WTs., and QJenShaw of^Qska- lOpaa, la., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. ShaW; 1244"■ Hill street, over :Chtis±hiasrr Av-big Christmas dinner : mas day in their honor. 'The annual Christmas uancc- was en- joyed by members of the Zcta Beta P»I sorprlfy rChrlstmafljnight at the Assembly hall in Kenilworth. Lisle Smith of Wiimette and Mtsai Mary A. ■2!JE^ofeoJ[-':KenHworth. led the grand march, l :___:.:..; _... _.:_._J...;'_._.. __ One of, the -prominent sociai func- tions in Wiimette for New Years will JbejUio Tango-tea which will be given at bakleign, the home of Mr. and MrB. Frank Jr Baker, 507 I^ake avenue, this evening from 4 to 7 o'clock. The party is to be givlm by Mrs. B. Jack- son CasBe and Mr. attd Mrs. Baker. Trustee Wallace G. Clark won a vie tory at the meeting of the drainagt board Monday afternoon, when his resolution, asking for ah iifve^tfgaTIon and report by the chief engineer on the present contract between the sanl tary district and the Great Lakes Dredge and Dock company for tho ex- cavation of material In the north shore channel, was passed by a vote of 5 to 3. "The Great Lakes, Dredgo and Dock company has no authority to take the material it has dredged from tho north shore channel and then dump it into was given In the Shaw home Christ-, l1^ Wilmettxrharlror," said Mr. Clark. Human Culture Jq a p»rff»vfod Aj-tjwith.jvhich. I can bring about perfect digestion,, ab- sorticn, assimilation -and- excretion^ The blood thereby, is replenished, ihe cell* and tissues are reconstruci^ ad. Without the use of Medicine, In- struments, /or anything that is un- pleasant, I cure chronic ailments,: in mahy^cases^nnienls of twentyr years duiatiou. ^^Tftese. statemepte. can be .,yerifie.d_. by anybody who will investigate -"" • To know what 1 have done, or 'to talk to one who has been cured by me is to be Convinced that these statements are absolute facts, ■ Human Culturist 1812 Chicago Avenue "I would like a report from the chief engineer on t!i« matter." "The Great Lakes contract is more than a year in dffauit," asserted Trus- tee Paullin. "It has cost $65,000 to remove deposits in the north shore channel. Then the spoil is dumped la thp-karhor-by the pumping station so that it win go back into the chan- nel. Tho company therefore will be dredging until kingdom come. When will they be finished?" "There are tons and tons of material going into the main channel-and thou- sands of dollars wasted," interrupted Mr. Clark. "1 want to know whether it is the fault of the company or the specifications." Taken from his parents because botli admitted they were unable to ibstain from the use of alcoholic li mors, 8-year-old Charles Lams, son >f Carl and Hilda Larns of Wiimette, vas' given Into the custody of Miss ,/une Mary, Woods, probation officer donday night. He was taken at once ,o the juvenile home in Chicago and probably will be placed In the Glen- wood school -or^a~^a»HarHhi8titpt|on /or delinquent boys within a few days ; Although suffering from remorse ind shame because of the recent car- rasal on" Christmas day, Mrs. "Laras idmitted that she was not fulfilling 1 Frank R. Eager, leader. Thursday, Jan. 8--"The Gospel in South America." Luke 10. Miss He- llene Phelps, leader. Friday, Jan. 9--"The Foreigner - jWHhin-- Our--GatesT1^--Acts--g.~ Mr, Ralph tL- Rice, leader. __ Watch night will be celebrated with a social hour at 8:30, stereopticon at 9 o'clock, refreshments at 10 and- the watch night prayer service at 10:30. Mr. William B: Wrenn will lead the watch night program. The African princess will speak, and Miss Ayers and others will sing. - The Men's league celebrates thn en-: trance of the New Year with "Recrea- tion Nighit" Friday, Jan. will be observed Saturday at 4 p. m. Rev. Wm, W. Anderspn will speak. ■'"' M. E. Church. Next Sunday will be communion Sunday. Dr. C. H- Zimmerman of ev- anston will assist at 10:45 o'clock in the morning. At 5 p. m. the pastor, Rev. T. K. Gale, will preach the first of a series of sermons on mountain peaks in St. John's gospel. Sunday school at 9:30.; Everyone invited to join, classes for all ages. --Junior leaguers will- meet at-tne church and go to the Old People's home in Edge water next Sunday aft- ernoon..- ■' S.-V . ■'- - Epwortbr league -at 6: tS .neatrPun* day evenhig. : "': ; '.'■.'- ~ The first quarterly conference will be held next Wednesday evening, Jan. 7, at 8 o'clock. Dr. Leseman will preach. , ._, ->',-;' ^:^ At the Christmas exercises at the Kenilworth mission, Saturday, the members presented Rev. T. K. Gale of Wiimette a fine bicycle In apprecia- tion of his efforts in helping them or- ganize and carry on the mission. : * ----------■ , VV- U____ QLENCOB. The North Shoro Methodist Church. Hazel and Greenleaf Avenues Glencoe. .......llorace G. Smith, Pastor. Sunday School, 10:15 am. Worship, 11:15 a m.; 7:30 p. m. Glencoe Union Church. Dr. Douglas IT. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a m.; preaching service at 11 a. m.; mid-week prayer service is held In the church every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. WINNBTKA. Congregational Church. Pastors--Edwin F. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln avenuer telephone 50M: J. W. F. Davies, residence 1004 Pine street, telephone 470. ---r--- Services--Sunday school, 9:45 a m.; morning worship, 11 o'clock; vesper eervicer-5-p^-mr- The cpmmunion^err- ice: First Sunday Infjanuary, March. May, July, September and November. Wiimette Exchange $60,000.00 ob Savings ■: y'. ♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦•••♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦••»M»*»0>00»»»» if.vt,-,TV .- 'M tidife iaken over Wiimette Motor Cmjfatftfy arid have started in businesswith the firm resolve to treat our customers with prompt, courteous and efficietitservwe. work a specialty. /*" GE0.BEmQNB^r :-':'< ^M ♦♦♦♦»0»0>»»»»»0>»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»«#0»t»>0»»000»00»M ____ Ah, Yet! "Why do you call Mies De Style a 'fictitious character?'" "Because she's made up." TIUPHOMKIH1GHI.AND PAKX 3 2 O Mrs, George Smith, Jr. Private EmploymentAgency CALL ME! I furnish good help ~ with good reference. -- 35 St. Johns Ave, Highland Park.IH. Office Hours: 8 to 11; l to S Saturday, 8 to 12 The pro- gram will include various entertain ing features. Preparatory communion service "Private Institution §T6r Ladies Only I. ... ,\i wm .... j ju.j... ..M.r,' Broken constitutions built up Convalescents and Invalids Receive Scientific Nursing Doctors have strict control of their patients ---------Booklet sent npou request CLARA LUXHEIM 2328 Hartsell St. Phone 1118 Evanston, 111. SFECTTTLISTS 2S AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING _- JEor Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer fox $1.50 -- 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wiimette 426 Wiimette Phone Central 3461 Lace Dyeing: a Specialty M. Gillespie f^tSS&e.., Stoles and Muffs Cleaved and Remade-- - 217-218 Venetian EiHg. i6E.NuUl0eilSt.eMap BREAD The best bread made on the North Shore ------------THE----■------- Wjjmette Baking Go. 1165 Wiimette Ave. ~ Phone Wiimette 449 , FIRST CLASS SERVICE . Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty ALL HAIR CUTS, 25e Wiimette H39<ireenteafAvMae Sam's Restaurant THE BEST FOOD AT THE^ MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Railroad Ave. WIIMETTE, ILL. J. A. SHANE Real Estate, Loans, Renting and Insurance North Shore Uoiuch anil Vacant Res.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 » oince 1128 central Ave., Phone 1079 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS ypmmm***mi6*0^^ Trustee XJlark also (Iemandeu* an ex- planatidltof nTvoucher for-^lull .made j payable to Benton P. Klceman, state [T^pTeSeHtattre, for legarservicus. 11 I asserted that the voucher did not ap- fpear in the regular payroll, aj»,d that the" attorneys for tho district wore able to hafidle the two court cases for which Mr. Kleeman had been engaged. -^i^dent-Snmh^ileiiiedLthia^Juit Mr. Clark Htrtr-ngtlipneii his argument ^»^ea_ihfi_saljL_that :lhe legal depart- nieht rhalided~down an opinion forbid- ding him-to get information from the head of a. 'department.' 7 Meat inapectors In Berlin are env ! ploying tho moving picture" camera'"in I their ms&t^^MkimSc - THE only thing cheap about our caskets is the price. We ea»y a-ftiH" line of Solid Mahogany, Circas- sian Walnut, Solid Oak, etc./as well as the usual I line of broad clotlis and crepes. For the reason that f we manufacture all of our own caskets, we can and do guarantee a saving to the public from One-third to one-half. Wm. H, Scott, formerly j&'iih J.L, Hibbleth^aftg of Evanston, Js manager and part owner of our Evanston store and will personally superintetid'eveiy detail, " Oil for Floor Mops. Woodgorte and FumittirG & Nord NEW PROCESS CLEANING -------AND DYEIN© 631 West Railrpad Ave. Wiimette. Illinois Phones Wiimette 320 ...' Miss Dorothy Macauley Teacher of Piano and Vocal WILMETTE, ILL, Reference: Caruther's School of Piano For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the most discriminating guest, call WILSON'S North Shore Bakery 1148 CENTR£Tr*VENUE Phones Wiimette 413414. Wiimette - Auto Delivery RalphW.Faupel TheTiHage Electrician In connection with his regular Electrical Contracting business, has put in a full line of Colum- bia Grafonolas and Records. You are invited to come and hear them. 609 W. RAILROAD AVE. Phone 522 wiimette ^tlmettcClpb Livery CROSS ft CO., Proprietors 1225 Central Avenue. Wiimette, 111. Telephone Wiimette 21 CABS CARRIAGES SURREYS MOVING EXPRESSING BOAR01NG ELECTRIC PLACE <& CENTRAL AVE. We carry a complete stock of everything in the line of Jewelry ■Js3 J. B, Meckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue 1 ___Wiimette, Illinois ' ■ jftL •:--•- Real Estate, Loans Renting and Insurance Real Estate bought and soli commission First mortgage Loans Negotiated Rents collected end taxes paid Estates managed for non-residents Phone Wiimette 800 automobile and Carriage . ill 45c PER QUART .^BBC* WHY PAY $1.00? W. G. BEYRER Hardware *• We S I'Jp]Ma.5 Traoka and Ait Lcaibcr broods Repaired. Charles R, Petersen Hnruess ^alcer -------■-- 133S Central Avemio Cross I.ivery WlI.METTi:, 1M.. All work promptly and neatly done Telephone Wiimette 21 Dr. Elijah G. Harris NERVE SPECIALIST and CHIROPRACTOR After twelve years' experience with nervous eases in the East, announces his return to practice. All nervous disorders, including- Head-' nalh*C«rvatuSlDy"P*P,ri*- N«»***^ Best of references fnH& former paUeat^r^ ~ Appointments by telephone-WIIimIIi 1104. Besitfence. 1730 Forest Ate., Wiimette, inhtols JOHN HUGH LALiW 916 Chicago Title and Trwt BWg. 69 ». WuUagfMSf. Central 1567. Residence 1131 Oak Ave. Tel. 1883 Office Phona296 Shop & Res. Phono 1C8 Tin, sheet metal and _ . furnace work. Purn aces, "utters, spouts and metal < .roofs. :: :: •• J;; '.- ESTIMATEig FURNISHED NOW .■■'::-■ Furnace Cleaning and Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shop. 625 Parte Ave. (rear), Wllsutts WILMETTE DAIRY - Pure MUk and Cream, Buttermilk and Cheese 1819 Elmwood. Avenue TELEPHONE 224 WtLMETTE, tit work. enlarged photographs ehowing micro-organisms in motion It the meat is diseased. '- ---

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