THE LAKE SHOKE NEWS. THURSDAY; DECEMBER *«, VTTr**TT*TT**i\FAD$ and fancies for the motorist /TT T'l' TTTTV1. *• *• 'â- f*****ttlt TTtTTTI Mr7Harry^BufRItt laliomertb spend 1 Christmas with his parents. - * j. ^^r~ and Mrs. P. 87 Pbstlir^spwadrf ing the week in Galesburg, HI, : | Miss Edmonds is In Detroit to-Ye-1 main unUl the firat-ot the year, i;4 j -r-^Mri- E; ^Ti-W«issenberg returned Eri-j day from a business trip to Wisconsin, j Miss Emma Williams left Saturday; to spend the Christmas holidays in Ra- j cine, Wis. Mr. 31. L. Greeley and Mrs. J. R. j Leonard will entertain New Year's 'day. ; Mr. and Mrs. George Higginson re- turned to Winnetka from their town "hbuse-over Sunday. i! What People Are Doing•;; > i tufiJlAi * in Kenilworth «â- Winter robes have plaid on one side belts that pass around the waist and silk envelope bags, and'Solid color on the other. They bosom in front. It buttons with loop Motor reefer is the new name for are leather bound and stitched. button in front. It buttons with loop the men's Angora scarfs this season An odd coat .is of gray and black has wide sleeves strapped in at the They are in all the solid colors. Dr. D. W. Poff left Sunday for Ol- ney. 111., to spend the holidays with his parents. Miss Dorothy Weart had as her guest for the week-end Miss Eleanor Snyder of Wilmette. The new home which is being erect- â€"ed~on31aple avenue by M. W. F. Wal- lace is nearly completed. i Mrs. H. I*.-Mollis of Lincoln avenue , entertained Christmas eve at her tome. ; natural seal. -It has an opossum col- lar and is fastened with black mohair amFsTlk frogs. It is the full skirted model. "Llnkoat" is the name of an un- iiMial coat designed by a prominent tailor for outing use. It is made of white Montagnac cloth and slips on like an artist's apron, with two strap wrist. Velour hats with soft wide brims Corduroy caps for men's wear come trimmed with the gay game bird in all of the popular colors.." ""Tte"!7!t*lher8^are'"popular for" outing use. styles do not differ from last season Shaded veils go prettily with them in except that they are rather fuller In colors to match the feathers or wings. the crown. The "magazine pillow," that holds Oil silk hoods are practical for rainy a robe and a book in its wide pocket, weather and may be worn with or comes in leather as well as in cloth without a hat. They come in little to match the lining of the car. a Rev. Frederick G. Budlong has as his sermon topic for Sunday "The Child and the Man." Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gonsalves are spending the holidays in Jacksonville, Illinois. Mrs. L. M. Johnson of Sheridan road will entertain Christmas day at her home from 4 to 7. ___Mr. S. H, Brownell of Pine street is in Summerdale, Ala., this week in- -Jii.s properties at that place. I Mrs. Samuel H. Greeley and Miss Greeley are to entertain at an after- noon tea on Dec. 27, at their home on Prospect avenue. The Sunday school of Christ church will hold their Christmas festival at the church next Sunday. The service will begin at 10:46 a. m. Mr. J. Allen Haines is a member of the managing committee of theldg af- fair to be given in Grant park, "Ohi- -eag©'& Chr-Utmas-Tree."----------------------------- Mr. H. K. Tenny spent last week in Washington, I). C, where he appeared before the Supreme court, represent- ing the state in a law suit. For the third year in succession Mr. R. H. Wallace took first prize with his entry at the poultry show. Mr. Wal- lace exhibited a black Orpington. The annual dance of the Winnetka chapter of the Chi Sigma is to be held ! Tuesday evening, Dec. 30, at the Worn-' an's club. Mrs. JehW H.. Leonard ol Bryant, avenue gave an afternoon tea for young people on Monday afternoon PRINCE CHAP" PRKfllHr THE EVISTON Play This Week Is a Christmas One and Should Appeal to the Old as Well as to the Children. DOROTHY CLARK THE STAR member, she smiles and say's just what everyone wants her to. If only Mr. Minturn and little Dorothy were in the cast the play would-be"welF worth seeing. But all jhe others are good, this week.â€"--------â€"--------â- ------------------- TW, Jean Clarendon as the "Earl of Huntington" was a realistic English- 'THE GREATEST XMAS GIFT;" PASTOR'S TOPIC Dr. William T. McElveen Talks man, and his strong English enuncia-! nn Qnacnhahlp 9llhiprt Rp .ton brought a flow of laughter when*; maeasonaoie aunjeci oe- ever he made a peevish remark. Gale Satferlee, Miss Russell, Miss Guise and Miss Leicester all are deserving of exceptional praise. I Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Traver gave a dance to a number of friends Monday evening. Several friends were entertained at a dinner dance given by Miss Lucile Mick in her home Friday evening. Mrs. RathbJiie plans to leave about .Ian. IV for an extensive European trip. She will be away about nine months. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Little are in Holland. .Mich., where they are ------spending the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blackwood left SatuTday for Toronto. Canada, where they are passing Christmas with rela- tives of Mrs. Blackwood. Members of the Evanston chapter Alpha Gamma Delta sorority of North- western university were guests at a party given by Miss Charlotte Everett in her home Thursday evening. Milton P. Ghee, Jr.. who: is attend- ing Dartmouth college, is spending the holidays with his parents. Mr. Ghee won the honor of being star quarter- back on the Dartmouth football squad this season. A party composed of Mr. Henry Tay- lor, Sr.. Misses Virginia Steam and Dorothy Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hurnham and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Laughlin are spending Christmas at the Tatter's counCry~tiome m Oregon. Ill Classiffed Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS JauqustRaiiu M C. A. THORSEN * Livery and Teaming Building Material KENILWORTH Phone 261 Residence Phone 264 Agent Hartford Fire Insurance Co. and Illinois Life Insurance Co. OpRi U8C A AND BE HEALTHY GROCERIES Fine fruitsâ€"in and out of sea- sonâ€"always form a part of our large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Good. GEO. B. WINTER fore Large Audience. for her daughter, Mary Elizabeth. Mrs. R. Floyd Clinch of Hubbard WoodB gave a dinner at her home Christmas eve for a number of young people preceding the Magie dance. Mn and Mrs. W. G. Green+,who are~ at their town house at 1211 Astor 'street, gave a young people's dance Tuesday for their daughter. Miss Lu- eretia Green. Mr. George Higginson of Winnetka has been chosen one of the directors of the Uptown club of Chicago. This is a new club just formed anjLllmUedâ€" -to-iOO-mrrn berg. Mr. H. P. Clark, nhysical instructor of the public schools, is spending the holidays at his home in Philadelphia. Mrs. John O. Syme of Willow street entertained at afternoon tea Monday of this week. Miss Mary Garretson is at the home of her parents in Iowa for Christmas. The dinner to be given by Mrs. -A-y-wss-Boat oil Saturday at the Wom- an's club will be one <,f the largest af lairs of the season. Mrs. John Sidney Burnet of Sheri- dan road is to take part in the musical to be given for the benefit of the en- dowment fund of Mont feel 1« .seminary at the Fine Arts building. Jan. VI. Mrs. L. H. Mettler is one of the" pat- ronesses. Mrs. George Plummer. the well known club woman of Chicago, is to preside at the meeting of the Winnet- ka Woman's club on Jan 8, when the by-laws of the club are to be amended. There will be no meetings of the club till this of Jan. 8, which is the. mid The Evanston Stock company, pre- senting Edward Peple's charming ro- tnane*v "-P-y4««jâ€"CUji4>r'â€"a .joyous, .mix- ture of real, honest, wholesome senti- ment and humor. Players. William Peyton, "The Prince Chap" .................Harry L. Minturn Jack Rodney, the Earl of Hunting- ton ................Jean ('larendon Marcus Bunion, an English serving man ................Gale Satterlee Artists in the Studio Buildingâ€" Ballington ......Edward Ewald Yadder.. . . ........A. C. Van Slyke Fritz..............Chas. D. Brown Truckman...........Fam«is G. Morton Claudia, age 5 years (Act I >....... .................... Dorothy Clark ltl years ( Act III..... ....... Dorothy Clark 18 years (.Act'III).... .................... Nolle Redd Arlington." Claudia's mother. .. ................... Florence Guise Phoebe Puckers, maid of all work.. . . v.............. Billee Leicester Ance Travers, "Princess Alice" . . .................... Richie Russell Scenes. Art 1, Scene 1'â€"The studio of'Wil- liam Peyton, a sculptor. In London, England. Scene 2â€"Same as Scene 1. One hour later. ATI llilennlsHhiij-nf- one minute between Scenes 1 and -. Act II. Scene 1 â€"Same as Act I. Five years later. Five days before Christmas. Scene 2â€"Same as Scene 1 Christmas Eve night, four days af- ter Scc'iic 1 Intermission of two inin-. lit oh between Scenes 1 and - / Act III Siftiim room in Mr lv> ton's apartments. Eight years after Two very" large audiences attended the Evanston Congregational church Many Scenes. Sunday morning. At the morning There are five scenes and but three' service the choir gave a very elaborate acts and tin-re is much action at all musical service. Dr. McElveen times. The play opens In the studio preached on "The (ireatest Christmas of William Peyton in London. The Gift," using as his text the statement mother of little Dorothy, who is an in Corinthians that he used in his artists' model, dies in the Peyton Thanksgiving day sermon, "Thanks be apartment, the young artist, swearing unto God for His unspeakable gift." to watch out for her interests just as He «*4d^ â€" .._ . the mother dies. Peyton, who is an "The meaning of every word of this American, is greatly in love with brief, beautiful statement is at once Claudia, age Claudia, age Ws. "Alice Travers," the "Princess Alice," and he sees that if he adopts the child, "Claudia," it might break his engagement with his lady love. But he decides t+h stand by his vow and looks after the child as though it were his own. The "princess" hears through rumors about "Claudia" and j breaks the engagement and marries a | man of wealth. I In the meantime the littli j giows to womanhood and when the i"princess" returns after the death of her husband Peyton is still-greatly in I love with the little girl, but in a dlf I ferent way. In this act Miss Redd re- I places Dorothy and looks as though I she is the same child, but grown to womanhood, so perfectly does she fit in. The climax comes when he re- fuses the friendship of the "princess" and accepts "Claudia" as his wife. "Under Southern Skies," by Lottie Itlair Parker, tin- author of "Way Down East." is the bill for m;xt W'.rk, apparent except that unusual .word, unspeakable. Wliat does it mean? What does ft signtfj '.' It is a spacious word. It is a word which includes much truth. Lei us explore its wealtln content. This phrase, 'un speakable gift," means that Christ is the incomparable gift of God to man. He whose birthday we today celebrate is God's pre-eminent gift; His most , .precious gift; the gift par excellence, the gift which Is above every other gift. There never was any one like Jesus before; there has not been any FLORIDAâ€"HURON SCHOOL. The Florida-Huron Mountain school is a Chicago institution under the di- rection of Clarence E. Snyder, A. M., for fourteen years at the head of the German department of the Girton school in Winnetka. The school is migratory in character, the first term, now just concluded being spent In the location of Mr. Snyder'* summer camp in northern Michigan on the south shore of Lake Superior, Camp Sosa tvngatning. The winter term opens early in January and will be held on the west coast of Florida near Fort Meyers, and the spring form, breaking the return to the north, In April and May. in the Appalachians of North Carolina. The curriculum combines regular preparatory work for college with business and agricultural courses and Is upon to boys from 12 to 20 The number of pupils is limited to 25, mak- ing individual instruction in studies and personal supervision of out-of- door sport an essential feature of its benefits. The Florida-Huron Mountain school offers an often much-sought opportun- ity, enabling parents visiting Florida Quality and not Quantityâ€"the best for the moneyâ€"is our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. A. S. VAN DEU5EN HOTELS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange 1110 Sunday Dinner a Specialty, 1 to 2:30 P. M. Phone 1110. Successorâ€"toâ€"HbdsUoi & Hn*. Expert Watchmaker and OpticlSjf Repairing of complicated waffi and clocks. Matty yenâ„¢- r._.e? ence with houses. Phone 2632. best expert known Chleagi 827 Davl. str,* MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Madeâ€"Clothes »- Order. Packard Shoes for M*„ Sorosis Shoes for Ladlr- ln"j Children. Gentlemen's ~ ing Goods. HAYES & HAYBS Furnian. 1 PRINTING Printing of All Kinds Done Promptly and Satisfactorily by The BOWMAN PUB, CO. ----------Telephones 888 and 586. ~ PLAYER PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS , 83 NOTE INSIDE PLAYER installed In all upright pianos Call and see this player. Our prices are very low. PATTERSON BROS. Tel. Evanston 654 1522 Sherman Ave Herbert F. A ntunes Piano tuner and Repairer 1117 Main St., Evanston Telephones Evat ston 3475-J and 4.0 Official Tuner for Northwestern School of Miwie CARLTON PROUTY Police Magistrate Jurisdiction same as that of a Justice of the Peace PROUTY BUILDING Telephone Winnetka 7 WINNETKA one lik^ him *inee. We is *!.♦> ehiefeat duri,> winter months to Keep their hoys in a high class northern school while in the south. POLICE PENSION FUND RESCUED BY TIETCENS Forest Avenue Resident Makes Up For Sum~A~F Threatened to Withhold. ;iinonK ten thousand, and the One al together lovely. The completion and the perfection of His humanity arc? far beyond th-at of any other per- sonality that history portrays. He is a n<-w type, of man. He Is the One Man who exhibits man in perfect re- conciliation with God. The word human does not adequately define Him. His life has a qualitx that other 4tv***^-Im-ve .but In prophecy. He is a perfect human heinfe divinized He lived in God as no other man lived in Cod; and Cod lived in Him as,Cod never lived in any other man "Jesus is indeed the holiest among the mi^li'v, and the mightiest anions the holy Hut He is more Though we rank Him as the very best Of men. we don't confuse Him with others He is surpassingly SOMETHING NEW. The Evanston Fireproof Warehouse has installed a "coat hanger outfit," for use at parties, concerts, and re- ceptions, with or without an attend- ant. The "coat hanger outfits'* can be rented independent of the dining chairs, folding chairs, and tables, which they have for rent. Now is the time to make arrange- ments for the holiday functions. Phone 845. TRACK MEET HERE. The big field and track meet of the â- ntral Association of the Amateur more, or Athletic association will take place In than best He is a complete rsonalily in which abides Patten gymnasium on Feb. 28. Hi. don •lose of A tile The Kngland. 11: pies III Local I.on U> iii< iiriinn tile enmit\ of Daniel H Hurnham, ' Dempster street, anii A 1! Lord. 1^:;."> I Unman avenue. Kri 'day in the arrest of the former on a , charge of allowing the engine of hi> .auto to run without an atl Manager Harry .Minl'mu lias chosen an exceptionally pretty and appropri ate play tvrr his popular stock players in render this, the Christmas week, at the F.vnnstou theater. li is a real < 'in is4 mas phis and one of the princi- pal roles is taken by a child, which lills the audience with a lioTTOav spirit id a way that would be extremely dif- i'n ult for iiiiv one but a child to do. int. I'a K\ ans I of tile etgfllH year business meeting ^Suggestions for ihc should There Christmas Shopper Pictures, Picture Frames, Pottery, Leather Goods, Hand Made Jewelry, Arts and Crafts Ware. The finest line of Ciir:«tma« __\__Cards. Eagtaated- ^hhI- Hand Tli'arrTrett;â€"known m Ctii<^"-â€"-â€" Tiaybcrry Candles, Sticks and Sncli^ts Caii.11' The Only Shop of its Kind T~ in Chicago Appeals to All. "l't ince Chap" is a play that appeal to old and yrtnng alike is CQllbideiable sentiment to the piece but it is mixed with, cxacth the te- ouisite amount of humor to make the tlieine strong and appealing. It is a play thai the mothers should take their children to see. _Aiid_H will ! make the hearts of older people li^ht-, e; if they attend. Any person with for children will be more than i by attending. - j star of the play is Dorothy , a little ffirl as sweet as slu> is. She is so childlikeâ€"being 1 merely a childâ€"that she holds her au j dience in suspense, everyone eagerly listening for every word she utters, j Little Dorothy is a member of the • Uaekr+xJ^arkrtyâ€"company amiâ€"4ku»4 pioved a favorite wherever she has ' •'Prlnco ' a love repaid Tile Clark. clever. trolman Havmond o. Staten of mil won ;i uarm lifelong friem department ft• - is Mr Cm! '1 !<!== l<or«4*t avenim. Mr Tit-tgens read the Moi> « oiu.ern nn.' the wrath of'Mrssrs Muriiham and Lord when ili»-j were arraigned in llie police court and the â- statement made that the police pension fund would n,ot receh e -an} further dou-i- tiiniH from (hem The story touched a pspon-i\e chord in Mr Tietgens heart He tu 11\ appreciated that Pa Lroltuan Staten had performed his duty and, rather than have the im- pression ue| nut aniotiu the pntrolmel: that their police pension fund was to suffer if they did keep ii|i their vlgl! for law violations, he decided to call at the station and make up the deficit caused 5>y the -two jounp men ol woaltli withdrawing their names as donors trrTrre Ttrnd:â€"^~ - "I just read the story about I lie follow getting peeved be- ctmSe he was arrested and declar- ing he would never again give the po- lice pension fund any financial sup port," said Mr. Tietgens, as he stepped up to the desk and addressed Sergt. Dennis McIOnery. "Here's a little sum ;est of tilt human pe and is exhibited alf of Cod that can ~be contained within such a human personality. .Ions is the divine life â- under certain human limitations and under certain historic conditions. •|!u' this phrase, 'unspeakable gift,' means mure titan we have yet said It means that Christ is the indescrib- able gift of Cod io man No a«e has given itself with more persistent de- votion to the study of this divine life than this age The person Of .lesus. however, has yet its profound mys- teries. There are depths to it to CURRENT EVENTS CLASS. Mr. William 11. Cameron, an Bvans- tonian, who is rendering a splendid service as the general secretary of the National Safety First movement, is to address the Current Events class at the Congregational church on Sunday morning. R. L. GONSALVES Contractor and Builder Repairing Promptly Attended To Phone Winnetka 12J__ Shop: <?0g Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods, Illinois Wh ARE MAKING Ladies' Tailor-Ma tie Suits for $30 to $35 Best Material and Workmanship Jladek Ladies' Tailor 118 NORTH ST*TP STREET Opposite Fields Phone Central 8i5 CHICAGO NTISTS All Wiring Guaranteed Sb©^ onrsystemTEETH ln»estigate , »of W1WMU-T antf ! Hears Pl.A-TES sa«»5fr: I mjrvti et comfort and durability Our calibrated SS 00 sets hut flood the »•«» of time, rainless titracting. but oath taring specialized. CONSULT ATIOK FREE. Southeast Cornrr Randolph and Clark Streets Open evenincrs until 7 Sunday 9 to 12 HARRY A.WITKOWSKY Proprietor WIRING, REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOF, ILLINOIS Phone Winnetka SH'i Phone Glencor 480 Klinge <& White HIGH GRADE GROCERIES ijfD MFiTS Ridge Avenue, near Lake Ave. Phone Wilmette 430 Phone Wilmette 4.M GROSS POINT, ILL. Johnson & Johnson MASON AND CARPENTER CONTRACTORS Tel. Winnetka 645 Hubbard Woods, III. which our pen not fathomed, it tn which our Iccls h;i\e not â- trativc thought has There arc heights to most ambitious intel- limbed. Paul."think- ing of the unl'oundariod being of Christ, exclaimed, 'O, the depths of the riches both of wisdom and the knowledge of tlod ' To the great apos- tle Christ was ihe absolute One of whom men would never grow weary and to whom the* would ever continue to turn for new kinds of help and healing. Taikiiig Machines ()ld Phonograph- remodeled to play Ni:w Kmson |{kioim>- Lnnijuao;e taught bv phonograph. IM>oiih vviiuietkii «t»3-W*aii<l Oiitrnl 3A07 JAMES I. LYONS ».â- â- WEST I. AKK >»T. (IllCUai PRESSING REPAIRING whirh 1 presume wUl offset any dona«-j Elione WiuneUui.'21%.. Jrlaynard.BJdg. C. A. FORBERG DEALER IN fancy groceries, Mleats, fiotions & fiardware Phone Winnetka 46 & 78 Hubbard Woods, III. FtiiTeTt ttarryâ€"Minturn. Chap." 1s unusually good this week utijd lire two lnake an ideal pair for the rendition of flic plot. tion those chaps might make next ! year, and at that Mr. Tietgens pre-) sen tod Sergt. MChJnery with a crlsir $20 gold certificate for the police fund officers I don't want toe officers to feel that they are forced to neglect their duty in order to get subscriptions to , their pension fund," added Mr. Tief Dorothy Has Confidence. i gens, "so that's the reason I make thir The little girl has plenty of confi-!gift. Then, too, you can accept it as j deuce ij> herself and plays her r61e ! a Christmas token., if .vou like." .like a veteran. She has a clever Mbit j Mr. Burn ham was fined $.1 and costs =JR^ Sbutliâ€"Kfichifat^ AyCllioi-acting as though she has forgotteu j Friday ^vienlng. Jle remonstrated j what she is to say and then, when the! against his arrest vigorously and was f-tmdK5m> Ta ^jptffing"^for~hor to ie-' aided in the protest In A. B. Ix>rd. - 3i««.^trfs Phone Randolph SOI 7 H. E. ODHNER â€"M«rcbrant^F&Wot»---- Ladies' and Gents' Suits Made to Order 1010-48 (iage St. ^Hubbard Woods, 111. All Kinds of Fancy Cleaning Telephone Winnetka 21S C.T. NORTHROP REAL ESTATE LOANS â€" and RENTING Gage St., Hubbard Woods â€"A Pleasure to-Show the Property - Don't Read This Ad. Unless You Own An Automobile We have an entirely new process of clean- ing carbfin out of the motor. We burn out the CTrhon with oxy- gen which does the work better than by scraping and is abso- lutely harmless to the rest trf the motor. Do not confuse this with the old liquid forms of carbon remover. Tt is unnecessary to take down the motor. We can complete the job 'm half hour; The best partof all is the priop Men's Clothes A Specialty We have so wide a reputation for skill in handling women's fine garments that you may have overlooked the fact that we do equally well with men's clothes. We do the work right here in Evanston. 622 Davis St \ Evanston 1730 Phones: "Wilmette 1475 Dehmlow's $1.00 A CYLINDER Winneika Garage WM.T. WfiHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue Phone 166 _â€"THE Arnold Massage Vibrator FOR GIVING THE Celebrated Massage AT HOME Was $25, is now $ 15 METROPOLtTAIl ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. Everything Electrical mJW.LMkeSt.. * 103 S. Wabash Ave. ____ CHICAGO^ T Phonea «9M*Jb"1JMbJ_V