Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Dec 1913, p. 2

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a THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY? DECEMBER 25, 1913. :vK%vv:o--v-v,,---^ociOC*«*^'l Florence Wlnshlp of Elkhart, In! CWA WQTfjW j AM SPEAKS J !| ClaTjcjfasktns Is at home from the Western MHItaryr academy afe~Alton < ', to spend the holidays with his par- ents. Miss Elizabeth Haskjns, who college, New4 (ilSflHIlRSI her aunt, Mrs. Point trucks to take them to Association Holse, Olivet institute and Bohemian house for distribution on Tuesday evening. Ruth -aâ€"junior ells ... Neil Saunders, .who is attending the Delafield (Wis,) Military academy is jirTtMnSTlor the holidays. Donald. Payne of Paw Paw, Mich- was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R Webber, 815 Forest avenue, last week. Mr,;-and;- Mrs. Earl Matlock of Indianapolis were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Allen, lf)29 Fif- teenth-street, over Sunday. Miss Jeabette Tuthrll of 125* Fifth York, is also at home for Christmas. Another surprise party was held in the Hoffman home Sunday evening in honor of Miss Mary Hoffman; Among the guests were: A. Dahm. Mrs. C. H. Lichter, Miss Susan Hoffman, B. J Hens. Elizabeth and Margaret Mr. William H. Cameron,nhe-secre- Schwind. Joseph and'Nicholas Ucn- *»»* '«* **"» National aafoty FJ«* ter, William baubaeb, .Mr. and Mrs H. V. Braun, Miss Bernlce Evart Joseph Rangel, George Lenhardt William ttrCamerorr Gave Some Interesting Statistics Sunday at Church. Movement, was the speaker at the Cur- rent Events class at the Congrega- tional church Sunday morning. Mr. 'Christmas with ney 1 n^SteulStofav JJfflHK 7 Dana HaUrr-Estliet ^Kelsey, Wright. Kentucky Military InstUHte-^ohn Woodbridge. Augusta-Military Academy. Fort De- (lance, Va.â€"Montague Corse wilTspend Christmas in Virginia. Miss Wright's School, Bryn Mawrâ€" Dorothy Hall, Elizabeth Williams. Louise""Taylor. Miss Burn hams Schoolâ€"Ethel yn Hinckley win be at the Congress ho- tel,'Chicago, with her parents. Denver Universityâ€"Robert Sherer. Andoverâ€"Edward Hines, Jr., and Ralph Hines. street is spending her Christmas vaca- tion visiting relatives in Kansas City. Mo- Miss Constance Jordan, 1317 Elm- wood avenue, and Miss Anna Sharpe ^O^Rogers Tafk" spent Sunday in Mil- waukee, j Mrs. J. B. Colt, 1236 Greenwood ave- nue, entertained members of the Drama Study class in her home Henry Bohn. Freddie Seiber of Glen- Cameron is an Evanstonlan and is re- Bryn jlawrâ€"Ann-Lindsey White. m« »nd \tivK.-s Mario, an.j Eleanor ! Karded as an expert in the art of i»re- university of Illinoisâ€"Loyal Whee coe and Evart. Misses Marie and MAYOR SMART'S PAROLE PUN HAS BEEN ADOPTED Wednesday afternoon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Burton Thorns. 500 _Lftkg aveimer left last week for Sara- j sota, Fla., where they will spend the winter months.___ j Arthur Wolf is expected home this week from Philadelphia and Pitts [ burgh, where he has been for two weeks. Maurice Maynard and Sherman Sykes, cadets at the Kentucky Mili- tary' academy, are home for ,the holi- days with their parents. -----Miss Margaret Thompson is spend- ing the holidays with friends here She is a teacher in the public schools at Onarga, 111. <i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor. 835 -Central avenue* will leave tonight for Justice Boyer PlalceVrlusblinfj* and Wife Under Parole to North End Resident. Eleanor ! garded as an expert ..... .......... „..„„...... I venting accident. He is a fluent, rapid lo~£'i)*n." Comatock. Gardne'r Rogers, speaker with an interesting story to R<Jy Grave8t David Thompson. Bryant tell. Mr. Carl Pendleton presided. He Judson Harold chambers. Lulu Cham- said it was an appropriate topic to befB Harold Corke Irene 011n consider even on the_day when the Nationai park Seminaryâ€"Miss Mar- church was celebrating Christ's birth- day. The prevention of accident means peace and good wiljln a good many families. Mr. Cameron said: "In the twenty-three years from 1888 to 1911. the operations of the rail The first case of parole under the plan suggested by Mayor James R. Smart of Evanston at a recent "safety- first" dinner, was recorded by Police Magistrate John F. Hover. Hilda Lams, a housewife, who resides at 2G<;8 West Railroad avenue, just in- side of the limits of the village of Wilmette, was before Justice Rover on a drunkenness charge. Hut there was more than a mere in fract Ion of t h* *oeial code in the case. - „ _ ^ GLENCOE. The Ndrth Shot* ~ttetho.di.vt Church. Hazel and GreenleaTAvehueB"- Glencoe. Horace G Smith, Pastor. Sunday School, 10:15 am. Worship. 11:15 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. -----------Glencoe Union Church.________ Dr. Douglas H. Cornell. pa*t»r Sunday services as follows: Siinday school. 9:45 a. m.; preaching service at 11 a. tn.; mid-week prayer service is held In the church eyerj Wednes day night at 8 o'clock. Ruerite Hills. CHURCH BULLETIN roads of this country caused the death of over 68.000 employes and the injury of over 1.180,000 other employes and in the same time over 7,0OO-=passen- gers died and almost 162,000 were more or less injured. From 1888 to WILMETTE. Presbyterian Church. Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. Dr. J. M. Wilson, Pastor. 1909 over 108,000 other persons were' The pastor will speak on "The killed and almost 150,000 Injured. Any Closing Appeal of the Year: Look unto campaign of accident prevention in or- me. and be ye saved," at 11 a. m., and der to be successful must do several <>>» "A Triad of Remarkable Events" things. Experience has shown that at 7:30 p. m. The installation of the mechanical safeguards properly placed Council and officers of the Young Peo- around dangerous machinery will pre- pie's society will take place at the vent thirty-three per cent of the Indus- morning service trial accidents. rkâ€"andâ€"Boston, wh*r»- th#y ^frer -close -qnest ion in g. Justice Boyer will spend two weeks. 'discovered a case of marital woe. in Mrs. Arthur Brown. 5l'<t Lake ave wi,irh i,otll parents of an x year-old nue, returned to her horn.- last week „ov weri> sbxyes of the liquor habit from the Evanston hospital, where she ar)(j weep reding the lad under the was a patient for two weeks. 1 most adverse circumstances The The Town club will hold its Decern- r^rns woman works for Wilmette and ber dance Saturday evening at the Woman's club building. Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street. Mr. and Mrs. George I. Dietrich am) daughter, Ruth. 722 Washington ave- nue, are spending Christmas with relatives and friends in Detroit. - MTr^tmi Mrs. ('. M. .McDonald. I23!» Elm wood avenue, art- spending the . .holidays in Montreal. Canada, th" guests of friends. Mr. awl Mrs William Freeman. 711 Lake avenue, departed Sunday for New Orleans, where th<\\ will spend the winter on their plantation near __that city. .........Mr. and Mrs.riiiirUs Sanford Cfsrk, 1 526 Washington avenue', entertained twenty-four couples of young people at a dinner dawn in the Uuilnutte clu'j Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. I'eter Kindlaj and son, j 4K» Ninth street, are in I'.attle Creek. _Mieh , tin- guests of relatives and ; hev forSier Mr and M r? Lak. av •i»U' until afte • tli ' Trie rids over Christma; ly resided in that <it> While Mr and Mrs 1 <'. Tln-mj. Son. 141:* Central avenue, are ;-pending "the winter'In their winter home in Florida. Mr and Mrs T C Th<»mps(»n. Jr., are lhing in" the famih home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Welsh of Bloomington. Ind , are the guests of the former's parents. William. Welsh, 1::1" They will remain Iter. holidays. Mr. and Mrs <;•â- â- .rr.- V;m Dyke and sons, •'.!" Washington avenue, left Tuesday for Grand KnpWK Mich.. where the. are spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs |( K Powers, par ents of Mrs Van !>> ke Miss Dorolh.x Webster returned Friday from Codfrey. ill win re she _is atUiiuUnu tin: Moutic.-llo sepiinary She will Kpeml the holidays with her parents. Mr and Mrs. D V Webster. 61!* Forest avenne Mr. and Mrs Harry Uilli.ut.eck. I .".Hi Elmwood avenue, have i()r their guests the former's mother, Mrs C Dillenbeck. and liis brothers, diaries _and_Rahih Dillenbeck. of Woodlawn, â- over .Christmas,: ..-" Misses Ruth nates, wjio is attending college at Burliiiglon. VI . and Juliet Gates, who is in college at Evansville, Wis., are with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry H. dates. 112(1 Wilmette avenue, during the holidays Mr. and Mrs Arthur W Allen. |e.'!i Fifteenth street, Lave for their gm-is the latter's nieces. Mis^.-s Kathryn Evanston families and is known as *i good household helper and laundress In fact, one of her employers from Wilmette was in court to plead for her. 'line woman told a pitiful story o1' Ill-treatment by her#husband. She de- clared that for almost a week her hus- band had not allowed her to return to their room and that she was sleep- ing in barns and sheds at different homes after finishing her da} "h work. The husband, Carl I.arris, was also in court, and upon recital of the story of cruelty by his wife, he related in<i «hmts of thm'r marital difHruliles. He is a hard worker, but admitted that he and his wife ifre addicted to drink c L. Iturling'ham, who resides in the north end. was present at the Sun da;, morning session of court < He l-t a member of the safety first commis- sion of Chicago and Cook count}. -b+4-w-js- ;sa-MX-M-lâ€"-a-sâ€"*»fhjâ€"of ttm -tU-*;Jâ€"JCv .. anstoii representatives of that bod} Justice llmiT was considering the we' faie of the s ,. ,,, ,,1,| „,,!, \\ ith hot*' parents < onfessin^ their frailties, Jus tiee l!o>cf decide,! that |.i obatioiiar* nethods would pro\e more fruitful than a fine for the offense Here »a.- a 1 bailee to employ the plan ^UggcM'-d b> Mayor Smart Mr. liurlingbain was siiuilllOtied to the police, railing and then the police magistiate atitiouined that he was going to place both I.arns ntid his vvifâ- â-  on probation They wife in-irn<te,l that the\ wef- to perform their duties as parents to tie small son and to r" port to Mr MiirJiuL'liain. to whom the.'.' were parolhd, regularl} each tl wicks fur six months STUDENTS HOME TO HOLD MANY REUNIONS 1 Continued from l*ag>- 11 Falcon, Cornelius II. Reece, Robert McLain. Wisconsin University I.tuile Rob- ertson, James C>.» Rood. DeKalliâ€"Lucy Chambers I Thomas Normal Training for Do- ! mestic Scienceâ€"Eunice Magill. I Massachusetts Institute of Technol- 1 opyâ€" Louis Ferguson. Albion College- Isabel Hat die. I Kingsley School. N. J. Robert At- i water. Toronto. Canada- Frances Patrick. National I'ark Seminary -Lorraine ! Williams. Marguerite Hills. Girtonâ€"Alice Rood. Howe- Military School- Earlc Blge- low, Harold Johnson. Columbia University--Charlotte De Colyer. ! Interlaken School. Indiana â€"Robert1 "ICiTTtsslJury. Fran w ith him. Law rem . \ ill. Ui. hard A. Aishton, i;. org" McCoilliick, Raymond lloltz. Miss Dennett's School. Millbrook, N. V. I.aura Gliswold. Martha and Mildred Smith. Ruth Kimball. Jessica 1 '..U in Ferry Grace Merrick Francis Knight WINNPTKA. Congregational Church. Pastorsâ€"Edwin F. Snell, residence 672 Lincoln avenue, telephone 505-J J. W. "V Da vies, residence 1004 Pine street, telephone 470. Servicesâ€"Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.. morning worship. 11 o'clock:â€"vesper service. 5 p. m. The communion serv ice: First Sunday In January. March. May. July, September and November WiMeHeExchc^ CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00 3 % on : Phone Central 3461 Lace Dyeing a Specialty M. Gillespie F..S.Vr,5?..Sr Stoles and Muffs Cleaned and Remade 217-718 Venetian Bldg. is E. Washington St. Chicago Sam's Restaurant THE BEST FOOD AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES J. A. SHANE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS APOLLO CLUB Next Moml. Musical club gi\e M^ first of Hand, hall The See,,||.I place Frida.\ niuht torium the,it. r i nl both MUSICALE. :ht the ,\|. ». >nm'-rs ill \l. slab" perf. .Ian his ^ lerlormani e ! Ori h.-stra lance takes ;it the Audi • itnirks tin t'ortr'trinth and fiftieth performances of the "ALtisBtafa" in Chicago by the Apollo club, and the occasion will be particularly marked by using for thr- first time In the west, a new orchestra tion of the entire work by Proiit. re cetitlv published. The soloists for both concerts are Mabel Sharp ll'-r- dien. soprano. Rose Ltitiger < atiiion. The evening program of music will be as follows: Miss Edith M. Corette will give the_____________________________ following selections orr the organ:.....; ' ""* -----------..... Prelude. C Minor Rachmaninoff g^Q W§ Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL. Vesper Bells ................Spinney _____________ â- _______ Finale (Sonata, Op. 12).....Guilmant Offertory, Andante Keligioso.....Cole Post 1 ude West Mr Freeman win sing-The'Birth- Real Estate, Loans, Renting and Insurance day of a King," by Niedlinger. Nonh shore H»Dinan<i Vacant The Watch Night service December j Res.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 31 is for all, but will be specially un-J office 1128 Central Ave., Phone 1079 der .the direction of the young people. Mr. Win. B. Wrenn will lead. Sub- ject: ••Retrospect and Prospect." The evening will open at 8:30 with a so- cial half hour, followed by a stereop- ticon address by the pastor at 9, social hour and refreshments at 10 and special watch service at 10:30. Part oi the program at this hour will be an address by "The African Princess" on the home oi her birth. At 3 i>. in. Wednesday the stereop- ticon address of tip evening will be given for the children and their chaperoneg........~~ ~ '..... • The Men's League will observe Fri day jii&hL -Januafyâ€"2. as'"Recreation Niuht," at which a very unique and original program will furnish amuse; incut for the evening. \t the Christmas entertainment on y~{Tayr grocer- es, toys, books and other articles ami' pouring in for the needy people : Chicago so that deacons provided The North Shore Vlflft Q DDCQCUTQ Headquarters for AlflHO mLdUl I 0 S. BE.IL1N & SONS' JEWELRY STORE. ELECTRIC PLACE and CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. We carry a complete stock of everything in the line of Jewelry. Remember we are not on State Street and can afford to sell high grade goods at a very low profit. A saving of 25% guarantetd. Edv anis. - »i u be j ^cr«u33^ aifiiit last ahrrroT I preceding offerings of clothing llobb I lotchkiss- K night. .\. Well From Smith. Smith Coll. «'• Florence Ware, Katharine Knight. Klizabeth Haz^eL- hurst/C Helen Whitman. Emma Feller. W.|llesl.â- >•- Sarah Louise Buffington, inr'S liog.rt, Dorothy Gould. Louise Marguerite Nichols, Faith Williams. Helen Heals will spend X KING'S RESTAURANT p. rl. contralto: Ri Arthur Middb ed ton. Miller, bass tenor. What Is Human Culture? Human Culture is the name of a scientific principal and method of en-ring and preventing .disease of which I am the discoverer and founder. Lain anxious to prov the superi- or-)? v of iilv work ata'.t,' any and ail-.?**>ftthnrt«^-of,, treating dis. ase- jkhown to" tTieT~wbrTd. - It is my greatest .hope ilia! • v. ry person-'fea'dlrig" rtris apparetrly . v- travagant statement, will, if tinjMr thettlstdVeg,~tor the saitT»-«f-'«?i:ifct*t:t;r investigate as: to the truth and cor- if mv assertions. WEEK LEVEBE ULLZ (Minimi Ave.___Emm Man. III. ra tin- F.\. Kin, w in AT IT AGAIN. report of a si. 'ci'ks « a^ iiston police, il avenue, was tli" aim d at $::>, wa- t ukn'c parish tim maib K .1 e„ 1,1, Mood; hn<?on in nn aken and i\ in . Ml': The Iron. lilMl in tin ir bll•.io«-s^ .11 I at al KIMi'S to «f 1 morrinN 10 CIlklM MAS 5th AVENUE â-  ikiny. id« »l »cr \ Ice mill ink, -1 pn'ticular pride .in.l w.i- ^. 1 Hi.- I . 11. tit <>t it iln\ ii â- ! vii li < ""'<' back to- irs- i«bt^ Df Mule IHnnrr d Nl U % I AW. Si.ndHy 75c .1 U; njti.n Sis. Private Institution for Ladies Only Broken constitutions built up Convalescents «rd Invalids Receive Scientific Nursing Dtctors have strict ctnttul of their patients Koeklet M-I't Up.u r. i||.i >t CLARA IUXHFIM S.V> Hart yell ^f. \'< ..lie Ills Kv.instoii, III. FORD SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi GabServicetlight and Day J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette Sciiultz & Nord JUmlnrtng NEW PROCESS CLEANING AND DYEING______ 63 1 West Railroad Ave. Wilmette. Illinois Phones Wilmette 320 For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before th« mo3t discriminating guest, call WILSON'S North Shore Bakery 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 41&414. Wilmette Auto Delivery Sanitary Barber Shop FIRST CLASS SERVICE Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty ALLXHAIR CUTS, 25c Wilmette 1139 Greenleaf Avenue ------------Tf?trf>eHt»M*;r -wn-.S!tiTT» 4-4H------------ Miss Dorothy Macauley Teacher oi Piano and Vocal WILMETTE. II L. KEFERKNCt: luiulli. Sch.»l..« I'l.. Ralph W.Faupel TheVillage Electrician In connection with bis regular Electrical Contracting business, baa put in a full line of Colum- bia Grafonolas arid Records. You are invited to come and _ hear them. 809 W. RAILROAD AVE. <*hone 522 , Wilmette Oil for Floor Mops, Woodwork and Furniture 45c PER QUART Z^Sxt1 WHY PAY $1,00 7 W. G. BEYRER Hardware I. W. SIPE.S Contractor 6 Builder 11 JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1384 Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, III. Wilmette Club Li ivery CROSS Si CO.. Proprietors 1225 Central Avenue. Wilmette. HI. Telephone Wilmette 21 CABS CARRIAGES SURREYS MOVING EXPRESSING BOARDING Automobile nnJ Carriage Ipht'Ntt-r'fiK. Trnnkrwmd All leather Good* Krpalreu. Charles R. Petersen Harness Maker IS38B (Vntral Avvniir <><•»» l.iv.ry WILMETTE, II.I.. All wirk promptly an.l neatly don» Telephone Wilmette It â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦*♦♦♦»•*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ > â-  ♦ 0 47 BREAD The besf bread madr on the Xorth Shore Wilmette Baking Co. 1165 WilniGftc Avc.L "7 Yl -IKS iidward Kiichberjr DiamonJs.W atchtsanil line Je>\elr> 1.12 So. Slate St., Chicago A,-nJ fur ,..ri- of <nir afhft fitrnffrfr." **" -'"" We have taken over the Wilmette Motor Car Works, and have started in business with the firm resolve to treat our customers with prompt, courteous and efficient service. Repair work a specialty. GEO. DESMOND, Prop. ATTORNEY-* r-L 6 w JOHN HUGH LALLY 916 CIBcmn Title aity Trnfl Bldf. 69 *. Washington St. Centra) 1567. Residence 1131 Oak Ave. Tel. 1886 J. B. Heckler 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Illinois Real Estate, Loans Renting and Insui Real Estate bought and sold on commission First mortgage Loans Negotiated Rents collected and taxes paid Estates managed for non-residents Phone Wilmette 500 Dr. Elijah G. Harris NERVE SPECIALIST and CHIROPRACTOR Afttr twelve years' experience with nervous cases in the East, announces hiii return to practice. All nervous disorders, Heail- ache. Nervous Dyspepsia, Neurahria, Spi- nal Curvature. Bestft>f references from former patients. Appointments by telephone-Wilmette 1:04. Residence. 1730 Forest Ave., Wilmette, Illinois Office Phone 296 Shop & Res. Phon- 138 A. C. WOLFF Tin, sheet metal and furnace work. Furnaces, gutters, spouts and metal roofs. :: ;: ;• ;; FST1 MATES FURNISHED, NOW Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shop, 625 Park Ave. (rear), Wilmette â-ºâ™¦â™¦***♦##< ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WILMETTE DAIRY Pure Milk and Cream, Buttermilk and Cheese 1819 tlmwood Avenue TELEPHONE 224 WILMETTE. ILL. M OR R I S C R ()8T A high class line of new and second-hand FURNITURE STOVES, RUGS and HOUSEHOLD GOODS in all Styles at Half Price Second-hand Furniture bought, sold and exchanged ~HwiT"*r- »• M-kk-«-»>• "Rr.TTWTvNK'1'oV • KPHOHtJ / â- >i LAWN GRASS AND CLOVER. SEED Self Watering Flower Boxes Wire F!ower-Bcd Guard Shrubbery oiid Har<Jy-PrrrTlTrc?5 v. Jiltl wishes to announce the formation of an Adult Tango and Modern Dancing Class at the WiUmeile Woman s Club, Terms mode/ate. Please applyior particulars, Willmcttc Woman's ^tab, Saturdays between 2 and 5 p. m., or address, Studio 80, Auditofium Building. Chicago. TELEPHONE H A R R I SjD N 1207 ____â- _ ______ H o u n ft- Vn B^6^ J. y'll ;-: ~:-n

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