Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Nov 1913, p. 8

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 87, , 191ft RAILWAYS MAY MMM v and electric STERRETTLOSES CABS IN COLLISION « Motorman Failed to Heed Sig- nal alid CaTFCrashed, No One Was Hurt. dlgg g|.......I MM.............MIIHHMIM -~~.....--â€"----.---•-â- '-râ€"â- fâ€"r--A mistake in understanding signals tbymotormen on a Northwestern Ele-r. • o*-^»- A«»A»nA.. C„ Rumor Has It That After the vated train and a Chicago & Miiwau- Assistant Mate s Attorney tn» First of JariM^^ tersJMQJsreementWjffiUE HfRoadsWHIiNotReceive hâ„¢^^^ ^^fearansportation, 4|SiSS^^S^JBSfl J^S*0StS' ! Want Ad Department j The LaRfc Shore News j â-  fil4tP«NES: EVANSTON 535 WILMETTE14ST Want Arfs in the Lake Shore News ire dwrged at tbe following rates Real Estate Classifications. 7 Scents per iwe. ~ATIlpJlterCIasiificatioir.-5 cw»-per^we. â€" â€"' Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged forless than 25 cents 4MMII......11iI• »..............M*'»'â-  *.......»'*** HlLP WANTED WANT^-omL FOR GENERA,. IPM- MM -W,"f*f^ I person was Injured In the accident I and no . â-  | is regarded as one of the most un- I usuaFresults of such a crash, '-------â€" The Chicago ,& Milwaukee tracks TOSTRIKEPfVANSTPNIANSJ^.^;/^^SfBiWN«WD BLOW *U EVANSTON housework^ good wages; children good place for right party. 116 Ninth-st., Wilmette. ItC tated over the rumor that the rail-, ott to. the southwest from...the se^ of \ knm ,n EvanBton ln justice courts! ways of this state are planning to j tracks used in common by -ithe^ two, repreBenting "blind pig" keepers. tanning ; roads at University place. A signal YOUNG LAJ>Y INâ€"BHtCHWqQD wants woman to take home si washing each week; Address W 256, Lake Shore News. 2*P » WAfiTEP-TO RENT SITUATIONS WANTED abandon the practice of J:. Hi.., â- â€¢â€¢Â«-â- ..â- â€"...-.â- -.-- â- ..-â-  rT„i,.„- ; scored for the second time in two days i FRENCH, road and «?a" »â-  8tat^irt ?orT motorman Saturday when in behalf of his client,' Isityâ€"place. (Jeorge Cor>, motorman passes to employes of tli? «}<»orge uory, • â-  , , „ . W^SPFSâ„¢OT^^ thecas^a«a1ntrtffnr than-in any other city near Chicago. , lowed the Chicago & Milwaukee car, The Northwestern railroad alone has I which was just nosing inore than 200 employes living in That city. GERMAN, SPANISH, taught -byâ€"experienced lady teacher. Address W 257, Lake Shore News, ltp oadp he caused tne cast against mm _____ _â€"- «**«.«.«<«♦«»» enelne. comnlete on one base. Phone;, For years it"has TTeeif of the railroad the custom companies to issue transportation to theiryemployes and -^to members of their immediate fam- jjies. This has taken the form In late years of both annual glasses and was just nosing out of the terminal track, and the two trains ^Hwiped^eacli other at the jntersec- --*tion^ Both trains were welt filled on the charge of the / Illegal sale of liquor to be dismissed1 upon payment of costs. The prosecution was^lropned after ah agreement was made with by graduate of Leipsic Conservatory Address W 259, Lake Shore News, ltp with passengeTB, but as neither was moving jit a high rate of spaed, the Malcolm B Sterrett, ajipistant state's attorney. : ... The Bhrziek case was called before WSNtEP^PLAiN^^ACHINE SEW- ingrâ€"work; done-earefull>VT Address W 266, Lake Shore News. ltp eoaches of Che Elevated trained notT- ^â„¢f ^L^^lLTlml SITUATION The Chicago & Milwaukee Pollce-^Tagtstrate Boyor and the time- . , A slight worn contention of a change of-jvenue • ' raised careen, car did not leave the track. Interruption of service was occasioned,^ Wmte enced irients WANTED â€" EPERI- dressmaker wants engage- in families. Phone 3181-W, ruitTce' ~BoyeT by Attorney Short. would--not- consider Short's plea. de- Evans ton.- Jtp trip passes and is an. important K5"m Ion the Elevated road by the accident With the-railway^meti- ' and ^asKehgers wer« transferred at »>â€",.,. .......».........- -..... . itBywor-li to Do Aw^-^mtH-^UBa^lA.^ J^f smrinn for an hour daring that Harrison was not rocog- You Need Not Be III to Enjoy Now comes the/ report that this untiJT^^^^k Vaa cleaTexl-away:----------«â€"-•â€"••» <â- â- <â- Â»Â«<»« •"• •>>«â- Â» <-«« ♦»"â-  â€" --• - ""-""' "-"" free transportation is toâ€"be with- -dTawn^atrthe closedI the year. Qnt rumor has it that the employesthem: selves Jire to be refused passes, while anpther is to the effect that the rul- ing "will strike only their families. This report that fre? transportation lis .to be eliminated J^as been quite ------â€"-------â€"â€" generally circulated, :but amongjthose . ' , „ , , r who claim to-be weir informed aniLPast Little OuarterbacK Trom WILBUR HICHTOWER TO LEAD THE PimPtE close to the "powers that be" little Htock'--is;;:talveF ill it. These persons com panics ^will. fol- believe iTial Jhe "Jew the same system they have held Oklahoma Chosen to Lead nfeed=a«g-a-4nsticeL^Ha then sent the case to Justice Scbatz, the next near- est, jusiice. Bartender's Case Dismissed. Following the disposition which had -been made before Justice of the Peace II. M. Bartlett on Friday, when a case against Jack Gilroy. a bartender em- ployed by Bufzfck, was dismissed up- on payment of costs, the same agree* nient was made by Attorneys Sterrett and Shorty__Burzick was arrested in a jaiA._made October___1. nearly__two The Edgemere Medical Baths 401 1-4813 BROADWAY, CHICAGO l I .• ' -**â- â-  ti -^eS â- â- :. M 3h J3i" tei tnentJisl^gOLaiid^altJvJUm, eight men in the place were taken. The costs in the cases, including those against the inmates, totalled nearly $25. Attor- VfTlH.' n'.nort"'nroves not to' ¥«""true the. most . oriiiiant piayers uiu. ..*» ney Short pointed out that Burzick had In the past,-allowing free-transporta- tion to their bona fide employes and their families. It is thoughl i-rtje-gnizing his ability as one oi the most. brilliant players that has ^Marth^«wnvays w>„ u» "^^^^""^^^^ 'of .^^ .^iected Umount-of-costs J n the cases against | TonicTreatmm-â„¢ "^notUl. -nexTTear concerning the identity of -^ve , â„¢^fv^ r the douchtv fittle ! C.llroy an-^ othexa in Justice Bartlett's Choice of£tft„n. Bmth.. Massage and'Exercise^ nnronnu in Whom thp riassps are made Wilbur t1igntow«r. me eoug-H+j *ttn« wtw^-ow. »iii..n in .... .^ . a_. s nggTrcMtmeiits........................ $t»50 persons to whom trie passes aic maut tertMM,k captaln of the 1914 team, court Friday and that the total of $50 , Tjcket of Twelve Treatments ..............$15.00 00 Law Causes Trouble. ~^~ i upon their return from the Ohio State , would'serve practically the same as a â- ;_ ............. *rn» iviiTr^r me agitation is con-I university game Sunday. Hightower's ; fine. . tailed intw^fJcSons^JS new p^b- splendid work with the eleven this; In other words Short implied that Sa~3MUfieTqkwMassed by the last! year-has been the lone redeeming fea the Evanston officials would better ac- -Ite-atlUtles. Lay> passed by tne tasi contests which the N. U. cept the payment of the costs than to flegislature: This was not intended as J turc an anti-pass law, but there appear.- to have been a Joker slipped into it that may make it -an anti-pass law. In-that ease legislators who refused 1|» vote for an"anTFpasy law unless thplf own salaries were .raised will -findâ€"that -they- passed a- Jaw which Tmi^-theiiPeuluoLpa«stjs without any iialse In their! own u*sf organization have lost. His work was commented upon as speMacular by practically all football experts, and his* name is included in.the list of players who would make tho aft-star team of the conference. submit to an appeal in case the prose cut ion was forced and fines imposed,1 aTiinhen have the entire proceedings j <asl aside in the Chicago courts, • As- j Hstant-----State'sâ€"Attocney .. Sterrett j agreed to the disposition of the case?, j All of these "blind pig" cases have- Urim despair at one pervadad. the ... Northwestern Saturday evening -beett-eertinued about four-times since ^wheli EBe-Trevir^aa-flaaBeB here that^the^raids were conducted. Each time ^N^dy^appear&tor have discovered I the Purple squad went down to lg when The hearings were „n caU.depu- that S2e sectfons of the public utik, nominious .defeat befpre the Buckeye ties from the sheriffs office who con- ties law might have any effect oncoHegians. The final . figures were, .ducted the '^appeared .â„¢** *« IS iss^celrpasse, until after th.^hio-«xr law had become effective. Now if curtain is ftmg down in the last con-, I. mosl di^uraging to X he^officers the Northwestern railroad and the â- â€ž.„.„,« game on one of the saddest I and it is probable that it will be many other railroads cut out the issuanc«f j seasons ever experienced by tollowers of passes to their emi«loyes they~~w:ir of the Purple. give'^tTie utiTfries Ta^r as~Tlie7 reason . .___:---------------L__zr: -=â€"-â€" for their action. The two clauses are: as- follows i râ€"r- â€"=râ€" i :;^«N(j" public utility shall as to rates- Tor other charges, servtecs or facilities ' or in any otherTeej+eefr-thake or grants any preference or advantage to any Desirable Office Space with desk, telephone and stenographer's services in modern day light officchuild-. ing, moderate rental, across the street from C. & N. \V. Terminal, Does it appeal to you. Mr. Commuter? If so, address' 516 Madison Terminal Bldg. 9 S.Clinton St. CHICAGO Franklin 2790 weeks before other raids are matter VltbAdE-HOUSE-OPENEO. AUTOISTS RIDE PAST jt ^corporation or person, to any preju- dice or, disadvantage^_______â€"â€";----- The Raviriia village house near Ra- vinia Parkxjvas opened Saturday evening___An-JniexeaOnyg pxogram_wA] given, Ineludiog-abori-taJks-and-music -by--tlie^e^dent^rof-4he^splendid^park. I The house \sill be used as a commu- iiity 'center and several social gather-j inns are being planned for-lhe winter.^ Lake Shore Sanitarium Oar Specialty is the Successful Treatment of ttfjnilTtS)r&£ttr .Stomach Caiwg . = Home for invalids and elderly persons at rea- sonable rates. Medical director and Graduate nurse in attendance. 2237 Sherman Ave.__Evanston, III. Telephone Evanston 2819 ' . The. second, clausp' Teads; "77^77, =~??p^pTfbT^tWl^ agent thereof, or any person acting for or employed by it, shall directly or indirectly by anar-devlce or means porationOr person to ?htain-anyCserv-. Jee_or commodity or product at less i)Mi>:bicagoan Pays; ar Pi ne^ While Kenilworthl/lan Beeomes Angry. râ€" GA^VJE-SILVER SERVICE.---------- A handsome silver service was pre- sented to the Rev. and Mrs.-.George ft, Ueivfivtt at gre^farevL^tiâ€"reeeptton tendered ..them aL-the AVoniaiv's ehrb They leave Evanston tuts afternoon than the fate esiaTIiTshed^" MAILCARRIERS NOW ARE BUTTER parcel post as a practical and economical method for delivery of fresh dairy butter, di- jr^t- from a large-ilairy In Windsor, VCifi:, is an experiment which is prov- ing ftfttisfnetory ml, A. Twomev. 1818 'Vhp poito- are continuing ihcrprose- euiion of automobile drivers who per- â-  -*>a» In diaaheyiug the ordinance pfo- hiliiting the passing of street cars stopped to discharge or take on pas- Isongers, by_ n^ vehicle; :Two vigla; tors were arrested Tuesday morning. _They- were Frank Jiika, a wholesale -confectioner of Chicago, and Rrnest Freise of Ken 11 worth. Zoka paid a 3oi Skanoateles, N, Yrv Tvherc^MT. Bew- lett will â- tal^e'-rTiarge oT .St. .fames' ehii.rch. ^^ermani^Mojii^^ Sitiefcâ€"llie-adopXiou of the'parcel ppst system last January "many storTee have- beeti told of the variety" of articles, which have been eeht^DTougirtlie~irntil. However, - the establishment of a regular butter ijjute-J n jw^hi(dLtlie_.corjiLUin(ir_h^s^he_ Tine'of $^. and costs, while "Kreise re- monstrated against his arrest and de- clares he will contest the case. His hearing- was sot lor Tuesday morn- ing, Dec 2, at :» o'clock. Both arrests Aiere-^imid(j"-by- -TaiUulmau Kdwitrd IfugheiL. who "is-stationed at Main street and Chicago avenue as crossing watchman. H © LI DA Y VACATION. Winnetka public schools will weeki>r supply of butter dellveVcd, by j close Dec. the mail man7Jls one which halvnoT rion and been previously reported. i for the wiTl open .Tali: holiday' Vaca- Thls- ar- rang>ny^jvjirj^^^^ to . The butter is mlll^MbWd^^T^m^^^^^^^ 2r«g board cartons direct to the. consumer i;^ad of June. 19. It is beHeved that, in Evanston. By -*n arrangement the $>&- interests of both parents and chll i shipment each weefc-eomes In a sepa-j'^en will be, best served by a shorter Tall maiFsaek^and is noterushed; en^ri.Un^^^n^^^^^m^ Touter=-^fan>^ftmmes-are now-being j closing JiL.lnne v^-------___, sunplied by this plan and the mail car-; . -_£."LL:â€"_"" " " -â€"â€"-j rler is their deW^TX boy- __ DONATIONS BY McCORMICKS. AnijoniiV^eTiTtrnf Ji:fs Jrrar1iPTtn;TiVa^e:j~ -A^-ha-kory naif. Wy,W-..y»ewlw*fr*riâ€"tHM-bee ^htrge. donation :-puul«i. recently .by Mr ..-.awl Mrs-. the children te=awF^eitrttv graag?of ^tGyrus-H.^ McCOrmick-oM^ake Pores y,flVf,- PnroBt Bftioola RntiirTlnyl -hy."6ne.ia"a $50.000 Rift-which was made] jphich more than $44 -jubs, ^eallzed.-UotherBubmiue German£fioliege in Pu^ The money will be"".used~jo: i»uy new |buMe.Jkjra:ngrt3ie^ther for-ajBrequaVj ^aifgtture ^forâ€"a~-Test room la^hei^mount'To a^NSaL^li^rk-T--M.^ Ci=A±± 'schooir.~:v:_."." ...... "aKd L.wrrrA.:„ -^-r^^^^s^g-^l: 5gggSg5g5g§g5g5g5g5gS B The NorthWestern limited The Train of Today St. Paul - Minneapolis tgo daily 6:45 p.m. „Five other splendid trains daily, leave Chicago 8:45 a.m.f 10:15 a.m.. fQ:00p.m. 10:10 pTrn.. 2:50 a. m. „Chic»go_8od: North Western JRluIway ;. Evanston, Illinois Jfcm«mfagj^^l^iL/e«M'g-^fesBr th* new Poms*tiger Terminal Pennsylvania Oil Co. OFEVANSTON We handle oils and greases ror^mrtomo- ^Siles""aojil.-ajj other vehicles. Special Ford Oilâ€"Suc- cessfully tried by Ford Owners. ~~~r"'" Our Evanston location ^nablgg. prompt attention -to orders. 933 SHERMAN AV. Telephone 139t Our Prices Tri,lsis«=£vmbTdy; balmlns and Serviceâ€"Hearse and Carriage to any cemetery $65.00. This cloth covered Casket, lined with wh te silk., with complete furnishings, only $30.00. NOT IN ANY fRUST~ LVÂ¥e^Hmdttctiiii^eral8-^in-all4ptfFts^of= -â€" the MM. and aiibjixSa, No extra charge for distance Calls answered immediately 708 Main St. T«i. 1065 Evanston FOR RENT- rooms with best of table hoard. 731 Tenth-stn. Phone Wilmette 992-J. ..... â- 'â- ---------•â- -^•' -.-......-^-2w-4tc DY EMPLOYED WANTS board in atrlctly private home comforts, ike Shore News. Address 2tp FOR SALE engine, complete on one babe. Phonej Wilmette 893-Y-2. " 3w-2tp FOR SALE -J:. PkDIGREED BOSTON terrier brindle puppy; female; high class stocki, -good head, nicely > marked, $25. 1507 Lake-av., Wil- mette, 111. Phone 135(j. ltc Name-On Robes FOR XMAS ~-----~~ExtrTTon^BrerB«ohwrtox^ aSd^rm without bbingbtilky or heavy. Bound with feltâ€"sewed with three rows of â€"- stitchesâ€"mitred cornets. High grade .ma*-. _/terial and workmanship, choice of colors, name woven in, etc. makes the ^Name-On 1Z Auto Robe" a very desirable made-to^)rder gift. ;-'-'..........;;-â- ; ;. ,^ ORDER f Wiwi^kaGaraec-^^^tka NOW {FostcrV Garage - Wilmette FROM {William S. Lordâ€"* Evanston FOR 8ALS EVANSTON HOME 8 Bf MONTESSORI Elementary School Kindergarten Small Classesâ€"Personal Attention Elements of education attained before six without eJGEort or st If interested, the teacher will be glad to call and explain the system. Address: Director, Care College School, Kenilworth, 111., Phone Wilmette 624 does not mean cheap shoes but it does mean the best shoes for ~--=i"^ the eostt......'".....~""; T~';r; ~% Foster Shoes fof Children are not ^igh priced as compaTe^wtth^iny shoes made. But they are superior in material and FOR CHILDREN -----BQYS ^ workmanshipj[o^most shoes sold at $3.00&$3 50 even higher prices. â„¢~~Tâ„¢"" *â- â-  . .t GIRLS We put soles on our shoes that will Wear. $3.50 We fit the children's feet scientifically. 1608 Chicayg;© Avenge pvanston Near Davis^Street Perfect Fitting Stilts xt $30.00 and $35.00 Style and fabric that cannot be excelled at that price. We serve the most fashionable women in North Evanston and-would be pleased jo have you come and see our new fall styles. ::: References furnished. We do Cleaning, Dyeing, Repairing^ and Remod- eling on Ladies* and Gentlemen's Garments. • ^TlTllSr FASHIO N^WH^ Q 1 Hr IrS LADIE.SV TAILOR Telephone 1829 LADICS'TAlt-OR 1912 Central Street Bell System ^phone^on Thanksgiving Day "Mid pleasures and palaces"Xhougfr^wej may roam, ~- ~ Be it ever so^bumbley there's â€"no place^ like home! 7 A charm from the skies seems-to Jbal- _ low us there^ - M.......~râ€":- j â€" Which, seek through the worjd, is ne'ex met-with elsewhere. ~~ â€" ---- Rojue> home, -â€", ......-,,-JS.weet, svyeet Borne, There's no place like home." Bell Long Distance, Lines carry home thg: ^oyiflg^t4iought-iiT^ absent-one thus adding^ individuality and wantittrJo the holiday gree^ifl^^==^ Every Bell Telephone is a Sweet Home Special Chicago "Telephone; Company H. B. XJates, Disfrict Manager Telephone 9903

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