Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Nov 1913, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1813. HE NEWSGALLERY OF BEAUTIFUL LAKE SHORE HOMES^M Six S4.S22SO Detroit, ;E.C. A. Members Ratify Plan to Extend Lighting Scheme • In Davis Street Section Before January 1, CLUBWOMEN APPRECIA Twenty-four additional elupte stands will be installed in the ton Da Vis street business section be* lore Jan. 1, thus carrying out thesplen- did !ighting~Bcbeme~promoted by the mt-mbers of the Evanston CoramerciaU association a year ago, according to an announcement made in the regular ( ~monthly meetfng~of. tbatTbrganilation | Thursday night. The additional lights will be placed in Davis street and in Sherman avenue. They will cover the section east on Davis street from the Rosenberg store to Sherman avenue and north in Sherman avenue from tin department of police building to -tn-e- cityâ€" hall.------â€"=â€":â€"-;__-.-..............-, Dlsappeartjig Scn(« - Lelr-Side Dri»o four Forward Speede iss Hudson Rides Like Constant Coasting 7 ATP any speed -uphill or downâ€"rough roads or g ; smoothâ€"aâ€"HUDSON-Six^ rides like constant-â- :; "~| coasting. It is not marvelous spring adjustment, or unusual balanceâ€"though these things help. It is the smooth- 'JS nessof the six-cylinder motor. - .^ iri:^â€"„ The delight of the vibrationless and gliding ride you g get in coasting down a long, smooth hill is:evet_presentl_ILS in the HUDSON Six 54. ;._.>_-â€"- # It's like flying. Only in six-cylinder cars of proper desigrrand balance do you get such riding qualities. It/s needless to-say-hcre a wordabox\tJBUpSONS-----T- mechanically. Every motorist concedes their superiority -t-B of design. Most Beautiful Car Ever Built || What People Are Doing > in Kenilworth * in â€" Told oT~Arralngement. : the meeting of the board of di- â€"rectors of the Commercial association Thursday afternoon, W. M. Colwell, r._rfrairmanâ€"ofâ€" theâ€"streetâ€"lishtin But fee, told of a tentative arrange- ment he had made with the Public Service company for the installation of the added-4igbt8-t)iuet! ho had re: â€"^fi"â€"Huntlngtoir Byat- of Clmelandr tMiio, is dyenaing TjTirnlvSiiYhrg friends in Kenilworth. Work is progressing on the addition to the Assembly hall. It will probably be finished before Christinas. ~ lie-noting" liPiiple nf K'ptiilwnrtli will be guests at a dance to be given at the^Kenilworth club tomorrow night Mrs. Lester Gaylorof Denver, Colo., ^is tho guest1 uf her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Smith in Comnor road. - ceived- contracts, from the-rproperty; Mr Ira Darling left last week for a owners and lessecs-in-these streets to month's tour abroad. He will visit pay tor such installation. The direct- .'France'and Italy. ors sanctioned the signing of a con-^rMl?- He!iry R- Corbett entertained , ._ ,. « t„ c , Monday afternoon in Jionor of Miss =*taet with the Public Service company^urr> who is the guest of Mrs. Francis by Mr. Colwell.â€"A.â€"H,~Bbwman, in itaCkner â-  - the absence of Mr. Colwell, at the be- j Mr and Mrs peter Thauerer have ginning of the session of the members igone to Chicago> ^iere they wlu Thursday night, related the plan, spend the winter at the Black8tone â-  which was heartily ratified by the "hotel. * -------------------------'â€"------------------- members, ' Mr G H yennema, president oftlie' â€" Several important^4oi>lcg-Js^ag--d3a^KoB^ cussed ih last week's meeting of the, tne guest of his brother, Mrs. John Commercial organization, chief of Vennema, and family last week'. which was the reports from President I Mrs Ira couch of Winnetka will -J...&. Duthie,J3. & Macpherson, ^fesfoi^peaJLJtBtois^Mte, Neighbors' club-in man of the special committee named their 'meetiHgTnext Thursday^aTter to co-operate with members of the Ey-^noon on the subject, "The New Point anston Woman's club in the entertain- j 0f view." nient of the delegates to the Illinois Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulze expect -Federation of Women's elutolegggffl' |to~leave Wlday at i p. ni. via the tion held in Evanston, and A. H. [Twentieth Century for New York, to Bowman, shoj^ngJ^IMprectetton of| attend the rsxmy and Navy football tho clubwomen for the valuable assist-1 game on Saturday, Nov. 29. They will ante given by the business men in the . meet tnejr two sons< waiter H. from ejitejlatnmlhrjotJb& vlsitor8r--faetterSrw^st Point and Paul E., Jr., from, from Mrs. Harriet M; Clifton and Mrs. Yale, in New York on Saturday. Mr. Joseph Pearsons, officers in the Evans- an(1 Mrs schulze will also visit West ton Woman's -club, and also of the !p0int and New Haven while.jLast, and â€"Tenth, districtof the Illinois Federa-! ti,en go^4o^Washington, D. C Mr. tion of Women's clubs expressing; Schulze being appointed to the Na- thanks for the aid and also the c6n- tional Rivers and Harbors congress. tribution of $15ttby the Evanston Com- â€"---------------------«,------- mercial association, were reaa. _______To Become Beauty Spots. Concerning the new small parks which have been promoted by the park Villi MAY RFP.fiMF ThIFF committee, of the E. C. A., Chairman! IUU IIIHI UtUUIfJL 1IULI H. E. Chandler reported that much _____________.__ progress has been made in the small. â€" ,- space between the two railroad sta- j Qean JhomaS F. Holgate GJVeS tt6ns~Just nortn~ot~Dav;is-srreet-and j " .. = 5E ir H u~ .hat more than shrubs and! interesting lalk on rsycno- -Ouiiihps had beeji^set" out. He declared «"'U""»«»|j/ HARRY LYNN i I What People Are Doing j,1 staple & Fancy Groceries inOlenMB^ • â-  MrSr-Dr-W: guest of Mrs^ Star -ofâ€"RocMwdâ€"is - G. C. GmjdspTiTnV Miss Mary Brinlaeh is visiting friends in West Bend, Wis. H-. P. Williams returned hist week, from a trip to Now York.__________ Fruits and/Vegetables In Season Kenilworth, 7ll. PhoneTToTT 4ogrear4epic-4a-5t4Hkftte, imr-next-spring-the^-new^parks would be made the beauty-spots-of-Evanston. â€"_-----^_____________ Urging tW co-operation of every. member of the association to assist taj "H a man thinks steal, watch him: a camnaien for new members A. Hj he will steal," said. Dean Holgate in Bowm^d^r^^ ,! ' ' Hl< made a few remarks following the in-' western College Y. M. C. A. meeting." traduction of a resolution by George] "If a man gives htmself over to A. Kearney so to change the interpre-j thinking about dishonest things he tation of the section relating to asso-1 will De doing dishonest things before ciate members as to include employes|Iong At first the posiiibiiity, if he is of members and also retired business j tninking dishonest things, is not so 'Barry of the Fusiliers" to be "Presented at "The* Evanston_ T^beatFe^By-Amalear jCastâ€" for Its Benefit. BEGr-4M6f 17 AREMT-ES The most important and deserving lJiaEit^-benefitâ€"thatâ€"tevansion has seen in many years is the forthcoming' production of "Barry of the Fusiliers" at the EvSnsEon theateiTTDeceuiOer 15r 16 and 17, for the benefit df the Ev- anston Tuberculosis society. This society is a branch of the-state nnd nationaHsocieties ~and -existsâ€"tor help, those afflicted with consumption. In order to give this help It is abso- lutely necessary to establish a free dis- pensary whereJiiejieedy- poor may re- ceive proper care and be taught how to live so as to limit the spread of in- fection. The people active in the fight ^tre Mrs. Riitus . C TJawea, H, P. Smyth, Abram W. Harris, Wm. T. Mc- Elveen, James R. Smart, Drt Parks, Dr. Jones, Dr. Alexander, Mrs. Peter Lutkin, Mrs. Day, Mrs. Green, -Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs. Odell and a host of Ev- anston workers, ait" intent upon a warfare against; theâ€"spread ot-thia dreaded disease. It is believed-that this announcement will be sufficient to fill to1 its limits the Evanston thea- ter for this notable play.-------- Good Talent in Cast. The best local talent in a city noted throughout the country for its drama- 4-ic___prominence^__wilLLpxgBeni thfi. drama* assistetLby-two. leading profesr sional, Mr. H. C. Minturn. and one of Hie beat character actors the.Evanaton stage has seen, Mr. A. C. Van Slyke. The oast alBO-^eiudes-Mrâ€"frk-C-Til den, Mr. J. I*. Barchard, Mr. Abram Mendenhall, Mr. Milton E. Hosking Mirâ€"rfali Mrs Arthur i)trrrrmr-ar»r cpeiiing-4l44ii^_iwvâ€"itemrâ€"oTr^l-MsoTrt^Kt/trPHrCIS and BEST.ATTENTIWt GIVEN to CHIIOBEH avenue. Mrs., V. WT Hess entertained at luncheon and bridge Friday at the Woman's^Athletic club. In â- Chicago. ' Mr*, ("has. Ohio, jer. Mrs. Jas. Quan returned to Chicago this_X'aii'kJ..after spending the Bummg Anderton, of TTTe~_guest of Mrs. A. Dayton. J, Krea- witH her mother MHrT and Mrs opened their town Mrs*. W. S. Crosby. Isaac Mayer have house at 4417 Drexel-boulevard-,- <8hieagOi tWsâ€"we«k. Mrs. John Nohelty returned from a U4p t""^^ Arifhtpnii^rinrt rnlprndn this week. The ladles t. Elizabeth guild will hold a bazaar in Guild, hall, Do- ecmber 1. and 2.--------- DrT and Mrs. L. B. Kuppenhcimor have returned from a several weeks stay in the east.______â- _ The Men's club held its regular monthly meeting Friday evenlng^ProfT Arthur- G. Graham gave a very inter- esting lecture on Abraham Lincoln, The baza*ar given by the ladles of Winnetka and Hubbard Woods for the community house was a great success, both socially and financially, ^-'â€" Cards are out announcing the inar- riage of Miss Elinor Grabow and Rob- -ert-Bage. at German -Lutheran church, at noon, December 1X)7 â-  Mnv-and Mrs. J no. II. Janison enter- tained 150 gucsta_at_tiij^lr^home_on Private road, ^Thursday evening. Miss Hereford7- gave a nldhologue, â- ; after which the evening was spent in danc- ing'. . ,________â€"â€" â-  â- _______. â€"For many jreHTSTnere tner increasing demand for the treat- ments employed in the modern sana- torium or health-homo. Invalids re- pair to £uch institutions to _recelve in addition "to mediea4-eafe--theâ€"gr&at advantages that .may be'"'derived from the skilled use of water-treatments, imts^^ex^J^ctr^icity and many other Alr.aiul Mine, tlelcin s French School 12-16 Wilson Ave;â€"- 731 Fine Arts Bloc. PHpnt SunnysiJe 962J Tuttdbyt and Fridays Private and Class Lessons at either. Studios -oi Resutenri^ TRIAL -LESSON FREE m THE HUDSON Six 54 ia pconouncetLb-y: maay-the most-beaut,;:-.-/â-  tiful car ever built. Certainly with these qualities you should at least ridejin^onej-^ ; Drive it if you driveâ€"compare its beauty with any car at any price. _____It is built like a steel Pullmari for sturdmess and safety. : Its streamline body comfortably seats four, five, six; or seven piisscngejss.%r, ______It-has leftside- drive, HBht^hand"(c«nter) controirentrance fromrâ€" -- either^sidei-four-speed-transiriisston. It is electrically,cjanked an3 ' electrically lighted by the new fait type Dclco System, patented. It =;=^Ki^I^S4flierPWh'eel"bas<C36..xl4JjLinc.h tires.- Pantasote top, quickly"" adjusted. curHtinaâ€"i^errnanetytly-gamedâ€"Jxi ton, magnfticTjt.'Wclejd__ speedometer and many other attractive features.' ; ; ; ^: Come see.for yourself the true streamline-body and experience the ,â-  smoothness and flexibility 61a. real sis =.cylinder_carj ;;- "â-  .' .'- â- ;â- / â- â- ____ SHERLAND &-WlLU'AMS'3QrtluE«terji_Garage • ' . DBALBKS FOR EVANSTON AND NORTH SHORE " Wmwm 1624 Maple Avenue iliP;i:sr;::;i'!";:::::- -......"vi Telephone 1336 mmmmmmm in Privatfeâ€"I««i4l irtiafr f or b a dies Only Broken constitutions built up â€"eonvalescents=«na4itvalids Receive Scientific Nursing Doctors have strict, control of their _______________patients______________ Booklet sent upon request CLARA -LJLXJ-LCUft •2328 Hartzell St. . Phone ,1118 , Evanston, III. Old Pl>o'no|rraph8 remodeled to play New Koison Becouds Language taugh^^y^lH^o^fffpfeT PhoHe «in net tin (IOS-W mill 4'ciitriil :>n07 JAMES I. LYONS 25 \VKST LAKE ST. ' CHICAGO TOejOeslding in Evanston. ;, that he will COmmit a sin, but "Peterltandtev-gave a report of the ] ^â€"g- . .f he,keeps^Up m =^onwnTIbaiotth^litoois=^mme*^^ D ! e=sanre^line^or^thoug>hiir- federation held in Chicago this mom , , , » , to which he was a delegate from the "At the present day there is not a T3vanstdn~association. Mr. Randlev stat-j very large number of the young men «il 'that the promotion of goodfcllowBhlp ; who think evil.â€"But the trouble is among the members of this federation j ^^ the young men do not think at had been-accomplished but aside from4 al| They' W not think ^f the results .T^fMfc=he=eould^^o4-dfitennlne are ___bfi"^gts of being a member of the or- ,padin not only on tW world, bm ,*anfeatipV were of J^*W^^ '^i^-nn hla owfaelf. Habit of though. However, he suggested that the^ns- ^^mj0rtant lactoy in our jres, ion association remain-amemher of therl^a «.ry nuiu ^â€"^-^^^ _„^I„il, Mnrntinn fnr another year, and sup-;ent manner of living port the newly elected officers ana 1 studenfrinto then if strides were not taken in the he will think medicine, wnere~he win - -a4m4ulstrat4on-of-affa4r^r4he-member^;.telt^^ will study TFuT~a~medlcal are Mrs. J. L. Bal^ara^Mrs^Ias. K. fallied methods of treatmenf~cmasIMd Baker and Miss Marguerite Wells, As;^uniier tne name physiological _thera. has been stated in these columns the | I)dutlc3 _l__ , play Is an English comedy drama in j [t ^ - ^^ th0se requlrlng med. three acts and has been pronounced., ^ service8 can obtaln all thB neces- one of the, cleverest and-most-entcr-1 sar-y treatIBeQt in ^^ phy8iclan'8 here. taining productions ever-^sceiL "w^±mD^j^tbe.uphy8lcai impossibility of There-will be nochange in the regu> Urft,g])Ug together so largo an amount lar stock price%^C7and 7^*â„¢f- .^Tof: costly apparatus-mto one^campara- chan^OieJ««s^ma^^ jgd^lojt^^ November 24, lor _each_ performance which will entitle the holder to an earlier selection of seats than those purchased for cash In the usual way at the box office. ~ WON SEVENTH GAME. The Washington^Park^^nlors won their seventh straight game guSffgp Office Hours: 8Jq Uj 1 to 5 .â- ['_. .. Saturday, 8 to 12 when' they defeated tteHa»i-gtfryr^n- mea^n^snEoolf^arner )icYic club, 2n~ttTo. The Juniors will sh i p be allowed -to-lapse. medicir will come out a pr> Following a talk by My. J. A. KaP*ffeiiibnai thinker.^^rWe^can veryiieasih* pejman in which he urged thestippoff [^^^^^j evU nabits of thinking, of the Evanston Comnsercia^-asBoela TTA ^ • -~ e n faave serioua •ionjojtfie Evanslon Tuberculosis in-!*^.!2S^S al/itv of thought stitute^and the work being a^dfletej^^otj^^:^^,^^! by its members, a donation of $25 to wUl give purity oTllfe-and PWW. approach this play the Hamlin-Hanks-TJianKagiving day in a championship contest. -This this reason-patients very often do not -teceive^ali the attention required by their condition and-unless they^leavg home and ' visit some sanatorium or" health resort, they must remain witlF; -out the jt^ntloii ot wMoh-ffiey^aiggg standin- iregd.,„„^---------------- -.'. -L-.- - Therfacilities of the Edgemere-Sanaq^i toriurauoJKerlalL the attention nntf tare,. of: the largest institutions, with the ^ added advantageâ€"ofâ€"being-closeâ€"to- â€"^^MK) Cjjtff flltw nCPfllfCf safe hnwfrrâ€"-The treatments require. game-will - be. XUfctfflfl=^^1 ?'*}™£ amtzwill-be-Edayed- on-the-^onje field.. -"Andâ€"s« the organization waB â-  voted. Tlrfa prrihanry-yW-n^^0 «a- ahanaLAmft; [ T»"«"^sgivlnR, let us think of the op^ pbTtunltleB-we-have of-which QlBll Resolutions of condolence to the wl- people are deprived. We must" cutti ZlJowl of James E^^S^^^^^^^^a^B^U^^^^^^^^^^I^^ nrâ€":knerwnrr^enritTnfiorp-^whftrdied recently.' ^Tquii fcr tho thlngn vr'tltf** -were read and a copy ordered sent toj fa other peopl^have^6t" Five new^ actrve meinher associate member were admitted to the membership of the associatlonnit" an the lastineetingr Mlaa Jonea atzY The College J. "W. C. A. llatened-te bys -intereBttagr^tallt^on "ralth" ^Mlsa -Mildred Jones. Our faith, mss Jones said, grows deep in MTgrows out in^the^ra^and-up-ta-Gad. We InusiJiave faltn^ in ourselves to play-our^part-in-thelgrjat_p]ane which UntUias made: we must have faith -in "Our ,falth,^rtte s^id^ "must be a living part of M; tt ^ust shine-out for othera=ft£=8eer~ isacn one^of u erting an influence on some one else. whetherâ€"we?know-lt or"-'pot,- and our and truer our faith la.' but~a~comparatively^8maH-amount~of- your time and^no prolonged absence from either home or/buslhess. -:^^tie selection of-^i-aanatorium, bear In mind that you should use judgment, not merely becausenr"lB known as a sanatorium by name only, but7 because_Jil3l3rer8Z3!^u^llnnioniern7 faciiitiea^L^___L:':.„„'-' 'â- ',;'.;' __r>r T. El Cnnway^whft has mada a life-study of hydrotheraphy; and all its branches, stands foremost in hla profession^ aBd^haa^tdod^^HMi^s^itot manyyears. ^grgann to^iJttJg^dtt 1 n easy reach bfthe entire north shore anifitseintral-" ly located at 4811 Broadway, Chicago. Can easily be reached both by Evans- influence will belgreater, the^stronge^ ton Elevated railroad ana Evanston avenue surface line. Sherwood Music School Founded by Wm. H. Shorwood 712 Fine Arts Building ".GEORGIA KOBEK. President WALTER KELLERrDtnecWlf- Hiehest Standard of Artistry Piano. Organ, Harmony, Counter fotnt"-CompOsit ion; Vocatr^Violr Public School Music, Musical His- tory, School of Expression. , • . i _________For catalogue address JESSIE K. READ "^BuMnessrManagerTT 410 S. Michigan Avenue CHOOSE ANY OF THE We have all the up-to tie-minute fash- ion? for women. U«r expert 'talior^will" produce any of the styles to your fit and ineasurenienr, producing a first-cJass- garment in ever^detail. Ladies' Tailored Suits at $35 Long experience in ladies' tailoring a ^uaran- tee that you will get a perfect garment in this estab- lishment. Genuine woolens in beautiful broadcloths, Trench Berges/in fact a complete assortment of both imported and domestic goods are on hand"for your selection. ~ '..*,. '... Get yPTrr:Winter auit-doner^in -time for tbe hgiidaj's and order now. Phone Evanston 258~â€"^â€"^80&13JB^it^Stin»||s; Studio Room 30,1159 Wilmette Avenue Phon^Wilmett* «6 T ~ . . RMidiSc^hoiVB 2W JKAHPOUW AL&Q TAOaHT Tolephono Harrison 2SfS~'-"; Mad a me Elsie Weinberg ,'.. 832 Republic Building State â- & Adams Sts. '^CHICAGO ; TELEPHONE: HIGHLAND PARK 32 0 Mrs. Private Employment Agency with good reference. 35 St. Johns Ave, Highland Park,III, Hei^effiF^jtounes 1117 Main St., Evanston Telephones EvanHton 3475-J and 449 Official a'unor for Northwestern ScTiooVoHBTuaie-f M^^SILEEN LONG Powin BultdlDK. Suite f>Q3ft 1301. 37 S. Wabash Ave. ------VP«> Cof.Mairâ€"a< Second Book of the North Shore Prke $2im ^otBe^^Gardens^dLmi^eapes^ •vyays and Byvyays, Past an3 Present by MAR1 A>LA. WHlTE Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, Pro- ftrsely Illustrated ijhsepia and of increasing value as booka^ill nota^prJliteii.1W^ Sheridan l^oadr :: """

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