THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1913. MiiiimiiiUMieii: tTHE NEWS'GALLERY OF BEAUTIFUL LAKE SHORE HOMES "â- Mr. 'E> Hi P»tgo»-1^4«Mhe north- west on a business trip. â€"Mr. W. B. McQraw-is In-MteMgan? on a business trip. Mrs. Emma Evans and Mr. Robert Evans are An California, where they j are to spend the winter. Mr. and-Mrs.-E. E. Adams-had as J their guest over Sunday Mr. and Mrs."] Montgofifery of Highland Park. Miss Hattie Hendrick of Spruce str^etf has gone td Seattle, WaBli., for i -an extended visit â- • }â- • Miss Helen Happ of Spruce street j left Sunday for-anâ€"extended.stay in Clinton, la. ~~ IT! Mrs. C. E. Rand of Chicago has -been the guest of Mrs. C. I. Sturgea. the past week Mr and Mrs. C. S. Buell, who have been away since early spring, are to return to their Winnetka home this Mrsy Frederick Greeley, making her home in Chicago this win- dier, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Greeley over Sunday. _â- ; Mr. a»d Mrs. N. H. Blatchford of Sheridan road returned this week from a stay of several weeks-in Colo- rado Springs, Colo. Mrs. Gertrude Beardsley, who has ^»eh staying with "Mrs. Filkens of -Sunset Toad^ has gona to Evanston to make'her home. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney_E'rank-_Qt Fig- street left early in the week for New Orleans, La . where they: are to spend the winter Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS Does It Fit You? If it docs, you can make no mistake if you purchase this home. It is only four blocks from the station and is convenient to all the placesyou will want to bto..'..' .\\*r.' â- â- ' '..'. <>. It has a good deep lot with a frontage of 48 feet, nicely improved. - The house is attractive, inside and out, and has six rooms besides the bath-room and a large hall, and has all the usual modern con- veniences. Price is $4,500. Terms reasonable IIjONAS H7 MADSEN Phone 345 Winnetka, 111. -Courtesy of the nook of the North Shore. Summer Home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. McCormick, Lake Forestâ€" ^ The regular meeting of the Woman's club has been postponed for this week "ion-account of Thanksgiving day. -The-i next meeting will be held Thursday of next week. - Judge and Mrs. Thomas G Wlndes j »ml Miss Winder are to spend the vTvintef-^"town: -I'liey ; are-fo-leav^ : their Winnetka home tlie first of De- cember. '.-,'•' - Dr~William Healy was the speaker of the evening before the members of7T, pr.j ,.nfjnn nf flonr(T^ ~th^~M^FscVub "Monday evening. His j I he rroduction ot beorge topic was -Psychology . ot Deiin-prEfrr McCutcheon's Famous quency;" - ' - . ..- â- Moving pictures, of "Quo Vadis" are to' be shown at' Community House, iDec; C: The ndmission-4or--these-spe-. ^cialj?ictures is to be 25 cents, instead of the usual fee of 5 cents. The pie-, â- E»^gg^^JbteiACTING IS COMMENDABLE anAâ€"whai' appearsâ- .iQ._t.he Princess of'Odell, Miss Maud Parker, Mrs. W. T. Graustark to be American impudence,' Rkrkards, Mrs. J. J. Symes. '•any the hero through the difficult' Linen Tableâ€"Mrs. T. \V. Hrermans, role lie has laid out lor himself to chairman; Mrsr F\ PV Eyman, Mrs. "the final triumphant Issue of success , Clinton French, Mrs. C. C. Linthicum, . e woolng~of thtr^lad.vâ€"Tef ive-and--Mtss--Basttan, Mrs; e^SrHaHy-Mrsr-S. Hrer^-loyai^ubjectH and the-iiimh*urr-jrt?r^l+HtM^^^S7â€"l^w* Marshall, Mrs. tain descends upon cheers for' the K. br-ttarpham. Princess and the .American Prince. [ Apron Tableâ€"Mrs. B. G. Sykes, * Accurate Stage "Settings, chairman; Mrs. C. M. Brooks Mrs. F. ^^uulnrtiun-aL (irausrark bo. <; "^ Jj*£ â- A "J^T Jll Mrs. S7 G. Kingsley, Mrs. G. F. Mer= Novel by Evanston Stock- Co. Calls for Praise. ^Mr. to- Mr; and |.' Benback of Chicago for Mrs. Hubbard and civil- rell, Mrs. 11. T. Wilcoxon, Mrs-S Ralph Horn, Mrs. R. J. Slater, Mrs. George Olmsted. Mrs. McKay. Mrs. E. F. Wefge. Fancy Articlesâ€"Mrs. C. A. Ward, TFairnian; Mrs. Lawrence De Gblyer, Mrs. W. A. Gardner speaks pathsTaking work on the~ part of everybody concerned in it • success. The stage settings are.most accurately • 'one and pleasingly arranged. Espe- cially in the first act has the stage ar- tist displayed his skill .in the view of the castle of- the -Prim-ess parched; Airs. Lawrence npw=«VE side of the. imnrrthe dis- Mrs. W A. Gardner.. Mrs. Northrup taifce, its lights gleaming M the half Mm E. J, Bufflngton.-Mrs. J. H. Hil- uarkhess. Every role in ih- play is ton. Miss Florence Ward* eoriWtir^OStTmred and -ekylnclnsty ' â- Children's Gift Table-MrsR b. played. So smoothly is the business Crane, chairman; Mrs G. W. D. Par- of the production managed that, al- sons. Mrs. wither Miller, Mis. A. R. though-ttoere are five acts.ta be pre- Bates. Mrs. W. S. Estelle. Mrs. Her- sented. each necessitating it^-chang* ens, ilr&_E.JVL-Board Mrs. H _B. Hei- of stage setting.' the curtain fell for the fft*; Mrs. E. N.â- Fulrher. Mrs. Carle- Ona Kind of Success. Success is merely a Jjon.tlnuous per- formance of small deeds well done. strong contrast to last weergrhrKt tiine Monday night. Ji^thejnjtial awe at- <m&u rir?n are to snend the winter in Call- i producticm at the Evanston is t..- • , . Sa " - I'vhieh oTened there Monday night, o'clock, a fact whTcITFovealB the care- ,0Thc^-Woman%â€"gjjildâ€"of- Christ Icrace . Haywards dramatization- of I f«l manipulation behind th^eene*- chnr^Thas a^rang^d for an ^penNjeo! flarr McCutcheon's "Grau8ta,k."L Of the players. M.ssUexul-made a ^Sg at the Wuumu's club-ior-noxt l Where there was in 'Mumey Adam,; fBlflftl Haughty bufcrgraciouo prinr^s; ISnS Dean Sumner will b. Sawyer" the reeking, -humon of the .WLMIgrnn was an American in whom - thi-Bpeaker-^-the afternoon. -Alt. tnounttHn^villagiH^d the W* .odJ.'S. ^HOjyi^gjwtrymen mighty vvel women of Winnetka are invited to 'pathos which is a-pa^t of the life o. i teel pride; as the lady heS Ibis well known speaker. even the Amplest folli in -GraustarV In waHtmfr- Countess IttRtmrrTind we see this week the dignity amt poni|) and ceremony of court life tu ^tTiinmiall kingdom of (h-austark. th«> airri I romance__and,- intrigue__characteristic ton Pendleton. Too?" Tablr^Mfgr chairman. ^iarrtnr^Eiewlf DOLL PARTY PLANNED Northwestern Co-eds>t6 Be rGiyeri Opportunity to Cheer iieart of Some Poor Child. [of the McCuteheoih novel and th.j matching of American courage and honor against the loyalty of the good and the treachery of the evil subjects. »The_Cast. The Evanston players as they ap pear' tti "Graustark" are as foliows: Grenfall Lorry, an American..... ............... ..Harry L. Minturn Harry Anguish, his friend......'... ^SiropfjOPtulilty to pla^ Sajfta Chun | \r??z~~'~*-?~±?' J^^"^:^^^ fe^Se child whose ..hristmas srocfrT^^nPi GabrTel. of-Oawibergen. irn. and his lady. Mr Clarendon iave a realist.ic impersonation of all Tliat goes to make up the nobly born villain with his,.inaligii and sinister personality. An Enjoyable Play. • " Evanston will be intereste(i in Graustark. especially the yo'ing peo- plf of Evanston. Tiny will enjoy every, minute of the play and go away from the doors~w4lh-n "good tastc^-a ^Jng^ouldrJAherwteeb,. jmpty, and an Bal^2eu^ ~the same time enjoy a good time on | â€"her own account, is offered to every .... Jean Clarendon pf Graustark. .... ....... .-T-. <.].j-rA. C. Van Slyke i il'ritice liolaroz, of "AjXphiane.....',". Northwestern girl by tiie "Doll- Show" ;..................James G., Morton which is being planned by the Y. W, prince l.orenz. his sOn..Chas. I). Brown C. A.r Dolls, small enough not to ru- jSilzky. bell boy at the hotel.. -fringfe^too iiaiv'lh Vui':t^HHw^he^lime^>r-l ..'.„ !.,.... â- . â- â- â- _-j:_. . ^-JialglSiilte | the pocketbooks of I hose obtaining Ostrom. guard to Gabriel..,-,.,,., ^TheTnT^m-be_given ou to all who d- •>:-•-..... ..... Cecil Alberts â- , :. â€"iirr;; »„„i,!„., Daimox, guard- to -\ etive....... ;. sireto lake part in the dress-maki:^, ... ;..., ..r,:::, James G. Morton competition. â- < -•'-â- La(lv .\nsrox.......: Alice Armstrong -i^At a .party and^eji.ftlbition li^id^^d.>,..h^n|^x^_T^.v_^-.jOBKi&_Roy.^ Pec.'13 a pri'/e will be awarded for^AniUjVvoiuie........Augusta Durgeon ;^|1g^jg<a^lrH^sefl--dol-h-^XhiaM^ ht; .IX.:oiiii-U»sb Damua-r. ladv in waiting to a true doll party and each girl-is ex-} Y-efive.............. Billee I.eicester pected hot oWy.:t0-'i>rtug her doll, but iTherese, Yetivc's maid..Richie llussel! play peculiarly-timely just now. i4CumHECAIinNALISTS READY mm SALE Preparations Are Complete for Christmas Bazaar, Which -to~SS^rlnl^pr!utc costume herlTeliA-T-rr.rim^ss of Graustark .Miss^ Wm The dolls will be seat dowjw^> ^^^ ' • â- - ; â- â- â- "*"* ""J» â„¢^~^-. . . â- _ tL, . ., __ So popular have bn-n the product* the Northwestern Settlement where P^ ottQea^ 1Jan, m,,-,,,,,,,,,,, ^they-will be dlntTlbmer7Q-thT-poor ; ,,,ar any ,l,.^u|,r[rst,),.y-„f ,his. om- of, children of-^lm nw-iglt-borhofid on Christ ^^i,,^, ia (lui)(i mmecessary^Vit-^rtH â- masâ€"day-: his best, is (piite unnecessary^ line Of I lie plot may not. how amiss, ----------------------- -. â- v. be Christmas Goods Direct^ Import a- turn of Novel and JLnexjnensive^GiHs Received, Daily. Make,early selections and avoid rAnd Rush ~ shopping. Beautiful Wedding lir4 I+eaht yhw, order note ifior Per- tonal X~ma* Cartl*â€" f>Hfn>rtr<l. PICTURES andFRAMES Arrived in Graustark, a small but proud__principality ruled over- by frtnt-. Princess of. .Graustark, and j.ruled .absolutely, Grenfall Lorry, an ! American, and his friend, Harry An- guish, find themselves strangers in a j most strange land.- wliere a self-iiu- , posed search for Miss Guggenslocker, ia chance mcetin^-^vith whom in tlu^ Ttifattes--has tired' the ~roinanttc-4oye ol has led them. In- the presence of , the hero of the tal j (tuiry fails to disc i Miss Guggejislocker in Graustark and 1 the two friends are about to despair 'of a successful issue of their soarch; 1 when the lady "with an attendant ret- [inuo appears,- revealing th,e^identity of TMiss Guirgenslocker atid the princess Yetlve of Graustark. ________. :An EvSnproTT Tho discovery of.a plot to abduct ihiL princess worked-, out In the evil mlitd of Prince Gabriel, of Daws- bergen, .with two false servants, and a :xoiinioj plot to ^a\-T-^HT^'^ffig1«tt*s^ â- supply the Americans with a motive -for remaining in Graustat1r>~and- the r^guHanl^cotnplicatiuus fill out thr -plot.-of the sttfry Characteristic" American assurance Harry Anguish, the friend of \\\^ \o- mantle hero, supplied a d.ivetiMig sul)- plot with the love, episode' to balance the more involved romance of the taste Tor more "iri TutUre r perform- ances. Next week the noil nc pi "The Mail management from M' \ic^ Opens Decern her 3. for many, months the .women ..of (he Kvanston Congregattonal church- -have betui preparing for thotFChftsnimlglia'- zaar. which is to lie hold vVednesday, December :'.. They are calling it an. • Intensive'" "Uazaar,"' and Tor this"Tea- sou: they arc going to compress__all their sales llhto eight hours. The ba zaar will open at 10 o'clock in the morning and close at 5 o'clock in the aftornpon. Literally, thousands of ar- ticles have been made. But a large corps of-saleswomen will be on hand and the eight hours will do the busi Don'OUad Unless You Own An Automobile We have, an entirely new process of clean- ing carbon out of the^ motpr. We burn out the carbon with joxy- gen which does the work better than by ^sc^aptiig^ndRs-absTi lutely harmless to the rest of the4notor. Do not confuse this with the old liquid forms of carbon remover. Tt is unnecessary to take 4ow« the motor. We'â€" can complete the .job- in half hour. Thti best- part of all is the price $1.00 A CYLINDER Winnetka Garage W A.'T. WE.HLPLSTEDT, pf°P- 562 Lincoln Avenue Phon8-T66 George W. Munro Voice Specialist T.l.Ha,rl7.a«577 59 E. V*H BUfiEH ST. Pupils fitted for Church, Recital, Concert, Ora- torio, aufi^Operar T^ p^d assistants. Pupils booked at any time. Mr. Munro tests all voices and supervises all wojk. A-UGU strodelius Successor to Rodellus & Rosen. ' Expert Watchmaker and Optician. Repairing of complicated watches < and clocks. Many years' -experi- ence with best known Chicago houses. .'-••.". ._ Phone 2632. 827 Davit Street MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready Madeâ€"Clothes to- r Order. Packard. Shoes for Men. Sorosls Shoes for Ladle -nd Children. Gentlenjen's Furnisa- : ing Goods.- "' 'â- â- â- '""• .":..; -,.-.â€"- HAYES & HAYES PRINTING GROCERIES Fine fruitsâ€"in and out of sea- sonâ€"always form a part of bur large stock of select. and^Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Good. GEO. Bu AVINTER Quality- and not Quantityâ€"the best for the moneyâ€"is our mot- to. Our large stock of groceries is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty. . A. S. VArN DEU5EN HaTEtS- AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange 1110 Sunday Dinner a Specialty, 1 to 2:30 P. M. Phone f1TO ~ _ErinUng__ot_All Kinds Done Promptly and Satisfactorily by The BOWMAN RUB. GO. Telephones 585 and 586. PLAYER PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS 83-NOTE INSIDE PLAYER installed in all upright pianos. Call and see this player. Our prices are very low. â- PATTERSON BROS. Tel. Evanston 654 1522 Sherman Ave. Ladies' Tailored Suits, $25. FIT, STYLE, WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Designer and Maker ot Fashionable-Gowns-for-Women- STATE AND ADAMS STS.. CHICAGO Telephone Harrison 2802 CARLTON PROUTY Ppli ceM a g j s t r a t e Jurisdiction same as that of a Justice of the Peace FROUTY BUILDING Telephone Winnetka 7 „ WINNETKA R. L. GONSALVES Contractor and guilder Repairing Promptly Attended To ime-Wmnetka-+£5------Shop: 909-tjnien-A~v*^\W ' Hubbard Woods, Illinois WE ARE MAKING Ladies9 Tailor-Mad e Suits for $30 to $35 Best Material and Workmanship Jladek Ladies' Tailor 118 NORTH ST*TB STREET Opposite Fields Phone Central 815 CHICAGO KING'S RESTAURANT W>0, All Wiring Guaranteed Electric Shop Fifth Ave , Bet. Washinfton ami Macllson Right at the loop, bat devoid ot lhat districts exorbitant ctiarges. Finest ' lunch room- tit Chicago in connection. - ---------------__ Table d'Hote.10 Courses, Sundays & Tnanksgivingjsc lastrumtntal & Vocal Music. ' tfptn after Theater. CAefliOpEN -Livery and Teaming Building Material KENILWORTH Phone 26 I Residence Phone 264 Agent Hartford Fire Insurance Co. and Illinois Life Insurance Co. USE A AND BE HEALTHY Johnson & Johnson MASON AND CARPENTER CONTRACTORS Tel. Winnetka 645 Hubbard Woods, III. FIKEARTS i ness. At 12:30 O'ctocK a fino chicken dinner will be served by Mrs. Frank Oonld and-Jicr,.a3SQClates oa^thc din- "Here is a list of the ««nmWtees' for the bazaar: .: Advertising and sale" orTunClieon ticket's committeeâ€"Mrs. J. J. C*6lTins, chalrmaniâ€".' '. 'â- 'â- -â- â- ,â- . ' Luncheon Committoeâ€"Mrs. Frank ('â- wild, chairman: Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. To»ight SitSr EASON It. II>KN I'AYNK --^-.. "INDEPENDENT MEANS" staxi;ev hoi'«hto> . Author-H indie Wakes "PRESS CUTTINGS" (iKOKOK K1.U>'AKI) SHVff TiaTIWEE THANKSGIVING DAY Bast Seats $1.00 Auspices Chieaso Theater Society-^â€" Jolfn. Bridge, Miss Alice-Glark;_Mrs. Fllis. Miss. Josephine French, Mrs. R. B. Herring, Mrs.~H._H\ Kjngs- Tey,;Mrs. "James Lynian, -Mrsr~Gr~W.~ Nobte;-^Mrgâ€"Nyis^Mra-.TSarah Phelps. M^s^E^-P7=4tedington.-Mrn. -bVGf-RoI>- "ertson, Mrs. Barnard. MrsT^J^^coti^ CT^ilf^rarFrM: Elliot; MrwPh^K. -Goffor. Mrs. F.__A; HolhrooK. Mrf?, Heren^ Mrs- T C. Keller. HMrs: J. S: MnrTayr~1Wrs7~NoTthrupr-Mia5E=*f^-P: FOR SALE 'it-rnniii hr>nsi».. will ht» com-: ± ^_1 pleted January 1. Price |2200, $500 cash required â€"balance to suit,- â€"â€" William R Wilson gari>{KKr=>Bui!asr=: Phone Kenilwofth 1146 Keniiworth. III. Klinge <2b White HIGH GRADE GROCERIES flND MEATS Ridge A venue+JLeaiL-Lt Phone Wilmttte 430 Phone Wilmette 431 â€"---------GROSS POIN-TVltl^â€"---------- WM> EDWARDS __ PAINTER and DECORATOR l._3WTERIOR and EXTERIOR Estimates Furnished___:_______ P._OjJBox-222. Hubbar<i Woods Phone Glencoe 447 ,.^ . PRESSING____R_E_P_AJUlMLG Phone, WiOnetka 278. , Mavnard Bldg. ^EE.ODHNgR â- ».-.-- Merchant Tailor Ladies' and Gents' Suits Made to Order . 1016-48XJage St. Hubbard Wwds, 111. All Kinds of Fancy Cleaning ---------'â€",------Telephone Winnetka~<!78-~'^ : C,T. NORTHRQJP RLAL ESTATE. and RENTING Gage St., Hubbard Woods â€"A-Pleasure-to-Show the PropertyL^. SeeoursKstemTKKTH In:;;:;;;!; jlemof . wmion and 35»ears PLATES sanM* A mar»Bl ol comfort and durability. Our _______________ eettbrattd SJ 00 sals niie tfdod lh» ^^"^-Itilot llm*. Painless extracting, but ooth saving tawlaDw* .COS8W.TATWIt FllKK. Southeast Corner Randolph and Clark Streets Open evenings'until 7~Sunday 9'to12"" Society Charms. RinRi. Buttons HARRY A.VITKO^SKY Proprietor WIRING, REPAIRING SUPPLIES GXENCOE, ILLINOIS Phone Winnetka 58* Phone Glencoe 490 Special Dealffne, Manu- . facturern for School, Fm<n, CIuIih, Etc. WINSHIP ®, CO. lf.27 Chicago Ave. Tel. 4231 Evanston Woman's Exchange CAFETEBtA Lillian Davidson , - Always clean, pure, wholesome foods. MEAL HOURS DAILY SUNDAY 707-0-.T Mhhoi.Ic Temple ^^^^t . 6:45 to 8:30 I Breakfast TAKE ELEVATOR Central 1380 Chicago, III. Lunch - - 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner Dinner --- 6:30 to7:30 . NoSupper )to9 12 to2;30„ ^. A. DEALER IN fancy firoccrics, |f|eatsvRoticms^6f^aTd iwarr" A Specially We have so wide a reputation for skill inrhandling women's fine garments that you may have "overlooked the fact that we do equally well with men's clothes. lo the work right here in Evanston. 622 DavtTSr. Phones; \ Evanston 1730 /Wilmette 147S Arnold THE- ibrator FOR GIVING THE Celebrated Vibratory Massage AT HOME Was $25, is now $15 METROPOLITAN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. Everything Electrical 180 W. Lake St. ----------. ' â€" ' " ' â€". 103 Si Wabash Ave. CHICAGO Phones 4193-94-95 Main