EVANS TON â€" WlLMEfTE^KEKlL^CRI H _ * I N N E, T K A- G L E N C O Eâ€"H I G H t. A N D PA R Kâ€"L A K^ FOREST * tewsâ„¢ Phones 585-586-587. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1913 596 Davis Street PRICE FIVE CENTS TO SOAR HH Greatest Rise Knfflfn Is Expect- ediSay Experts, Following - ^ ^onleTence ofOfflceHeads, at County Building. MA* CLIMB 25 PER CENT Famdus Swedish Contralto Will v Appear in Evanston Next Week ......â€"â- - â- .... ,tii _i Mme. Julia Claussen, Noted Grand Opera Soloist Who WillGiveMusicale At Evanston Woman's Club Wednesday Morning â€"-Residents of-;:4he--:-nbrth shore who her abounding tempersmen^aud/com* are interested in musical affairs will!pelling and assuring stage presence welcome the news that Mme. Julia are additional features of her artistic Claussen, the famous Swedish con- equipment. As a child Mme. Claussen tralto of the Chicago Grand Opera j was noted for her rare musical gifts company, is to appear at the Evans- and when the possibilities of her re TRIES SYSTEM UPON GLENQOE KENILWORTH BAZAAR WILMETTE MASONS TO I CT LIBERALLY PATRONIZED GIVE ENTERTAINMENT LCI u â€"DemocratsirLDisrnay-as-TheyRealize the Step Must Come, Because of Larger Demandsâ€"Two 13 â€" â€"Views I Are GI venr^â€"~ "> The taxes of "Cook county are to ^1,^-boosteo!.-Rumora^clrculated - at the county building have stated that the boost would be the greatest in the hls- tory of the county. Experts on the county's taxes estimated that the in- crease in the tax rate over last year will be not less than 25 per cent and it may go higher than that, as every department of the state and county is clamoring for more money. The tre- mendous rise will come in spite -of unusual increases in valuation, 'It ie asserted. . i - .Rate Increase Necessary. These facts became know." follow- â- tng a conference between Prank Ryan, county comptroller, and Martin ! O'Brien, chief clerk in the tax exten- _sion department, when the situation was gone over, particularly with refer ence to the report from Springfield that^-the- states board-dt- equalization has decided that an increase in the state rate from1 38 cents per f 100 to 70 cents per $100 is necessary. This is in spite of tlie"Tact~that the final assessment figures of the state board showed no augmentation in the total valuation of property in Illinois amounting to approximately $237,000,- ooo:----------~" ~ â- ;" "" =â€" """ " Mr. Ryan and Mr. O'Brien both lustteeJk-Ar Goss Suspends Heavy Fine Assessed Against Wayward Youths Caught in Gaming Raid^ THEYvlUSt REMAIN GOOD More Than $1,300 Taken in Saturday at Woney-Rafslng Affairâ€"Playlet Makes-Hit; Chicago Artists to Give Joint "Recitalfor North Shore Lodge- ~ * men and Families. The ^WilmettA Masontc^lodge; wil BieJA/ilL;Bft?HeldJLvLejL_Yoiiths-Who -rSuc&esscrowned^the^efforts of the women of the Union church guild in Kenil worth Saturday In the annual ba- zaar held in the Kenilworth Assembly hall: The proceeds from the numer- ous attractive booths, Japanese tea garden and-other money-raising meth-jis for the members of the 1 ods-totaled more than $1,300. Slnce|aiet^am^es7-anaHor-al the expenses have not been paid JUs j impossible tp make known the net re- ceipts; A promise of a donation of a sum equal to~ 25 per cent of the net receipts marks the generosity of one of. Keni l worth's prominent citizens, Mji_i_JL_CulberJtsah^_and-thlsâ€"will give a high class^n^rtalnmen^Tlhur^^ day evening. Dec^Vat the Woman'8X0an,rarY^,SinCI * ! USCOeS Let club, Oreenleaf avenue and street, Wilmette. The entei Contract for Building of Two Sectionipf North Shore Sewer. - Plead Guilty ffleven Months Pastor Also.Gives Talk In ===â€"M}0urV=Room-^=r^ Believing that the "honor system is the one correct method.joLjleallngi with youths who are inclined to vio; late laws and the moral, code of a community, Justice Sanford A. Goss of^Glencoe-adopted the plan last week of assessing fines against the four- teen youths who entered pleas of guilty to gaming charges "following a sensational raid on the old Llgare mansion in that village. J2acji yojmg^ man, with the exception' of J. A. Lund- quist, was fined $50 and costs, but the fine was suspended providing the youths remain "in the straight and narrow" path for the next eleven months. Lundqulsl drew- a fine of cause he was the leader of the crowd Before Justice. Goss assessed the fines Rev. D. H. Cornell, pastor of the Glencoe Union church, made a brief statement setting forth the serl^ oiis consequencesi of gambUng7 ton Woman's „cldb Wednesday morn- ing, Dec. 3. at 10:30o'clock._ In, the second matinee musicale given under the direction of Mrs. Rachel Busey Kingsolving. J1__: . â€"r_': Mme. Claussen is one of the most brilliant artists on the contemporary opefatfcstage: Shells thetlrstslhgef since the days -of Jenny Llnd to greed ttiat-when the rate for CooXiarouse ^e general enthuslasm-©f her < ounty was fixed it would have to be 25 per cent greater than last year. Phis means that the man who received a tax bill for $106 last year will get a bill for $125 this year. The swelling of the state tax will raise the amount of revenue received by Cook county, but wheiL. disirlbuted between the county, city, schools, sanitary district and park boards it will be only a drop id the bucket, it is said. The lowest tax rate in Chicago last came when she-gave a special contort at the Swedish court at the express command of King Oscar, u Mme. Claussen has a magnificent contralto voice of singular sweetness vear was $4.20 per $100, the assess--!^ organ-toned sonority. In range it -aent in the south town district. This rate was low because of the enormous value of real estate and personal prqp- erty in the loop district. The south compatriots, and for„ several years- past has been the idol of Stockholm, where her appearances at the Royal Opera are always gala events.^ Since her debut in 1903 her pareeFhas^B&Bn a remarkable series of emphatic tri- umphs, the culmination of Is prodigious, its amazing compass enabling her to sing, with equal fa- cility ,-suchâ€"widely ^different_roles3s Dalila in "Samson and Daiila" and n district gets the benefit of the' Brunnhilde in "Die. Walkuere." Dra maticT&w^^fithe^ hance all her interpretations, while WltMETlE^mlRCH BAZAAR ON NEXT WEEK Ladies of St. Augustine Church to Give Splendid Church 1^^ Fair Next-Week. heavy taxes^p^id- by^tb^ Jug retail stores, banks and other corporations? The highest rate was $47?irtnat paid by the west side district, it was es- timated today that the west side fig- ures this year would necessarily he much higher. . Hfow the Levy ia Fixed. r ; ^ The tax revenue law requires that each year the county clerk, who this .vear is Robert M. Sweitzer; the chief clerk of the tax extension department, now Mr. O'Brien, and a representative' ^fcrthe /county- legaLdepartment shall meet, go ovef the requests for ap-- ;3£opxiations, scale _the figures accord- ing to the state levy j|nd apportion the county levy according W distrleW â€"Mr O'Brien saidthatltwould prok iâ€" B/inp;ff^Kptaftnpa|--churclwof-^Wili atity be ten days before this commit- mette whicll will be held at the Oull tee could act and the final rates fixed, j mette Country ciUD on Tuesday and as it is necessary to wait ofor_ofaciMjWedneBday>]3ec 2 and 3. The shops figures from the state hoard of equali- zation. â- ----- There was dismay in Democratic cir- tilft^to-^e-eity-hall-and county builds ing today when It was learnedvthat a heavy increase ih_ taxes under a Demo .Lcratic administration was inevitable. For the first time in the history of Illinois, it is argued, the state, county. city, schools,.parks and sanitary dis- ttjet-are in^full control of the Demo ZE ""Justice -GlveV-Good Advice, . Jn fining the youths Justice Goss mar kable vocal tfndovvinents were disclosed she entered ^he-Stockholm Conservatory of ifiuslc^ where she I made a talk to them which was full studied voice placing and dramatic! of advice, in part he said: expression under O. 'Lejdstrom, the j "The section of the statutes under lielp swell the guild's finances. Should the net receipts total $1,000, which j is expected? by the church women, they are assured a donation of $250 from Mr. Culbertsbn. The feature-of the bazaar -was-the splendid one-act playlet, "A Bachelor's" Revery."â€"given by Mr, Charles^Arm- utroegT^asslstetl by a dozen pretty!!- young Kenilworth women, who ap- peared in various roles. Mr. Arm-j strong wrote the piece which deals; with^ar/bachelor, who on the eve of! his wedding sits and meditates over] a congratulatory letter he has received j from a former sweetheart, As he sitsj before an open flreplace"fie: tries inI vain to recall the author of the letter, I which is anonymous, as each" appears before him in a vision. By the means MANY VILLAGESuBENEFJTEO Sewer Will Extend to Wlnnetka. the Contracts Being Given to Mar- - _quette Construction Co. and : rfrJv McJVichols Co. _ Mrs. Sibyl S. MacDermid Cbntracts'Biave beenawarded "by the ^ uftantmotm^vriteof the-SanliaiÂ¥raiE: trict trustees for two sections, of the j north shore sewer to extend from the sanitary district channel at Wilmette to* Hill road in Winnetka; „ The* cbfc„ tract for the work in" Dlstrictr'No. 1»- whlch extends from the channel at Wilmette,> Up Sheridan road and Mich' igan aVeriue, Wilmette, throughTKenr llworth and to Cherry street-in.JiVta'i- netka,\ has been awarded The~H7" J. Me Nichols company of Chicago. The bid was $2a3,9i)9.75.jK3!herejveFe-five of a, large frame, t4ie different girls :sons and their families.who are »ivingjbjds on this section, appeared, life-like, before the bache- j tn the jurisdiction of the Wilmette \ ^ .. _ • ' lor as he~>enJoYs his reverv. The cast' , _______-'-â- - :____â€"â€"â€" :,-------------Five Firmt B»d.---------------- .___i..j„j *i.-^*„u.___i__. *»u.^»i- ^._. :»0"S«- â€"â€"â€" â€"~m\ • â- ':. included the^followlng: Athletic girl, $lOO-4inder-.4he_same-prov4sions be-:mmAgnes^easoi-jnusteaTslrl^Iiss EHeanor "STiri^eirj college girl Marie \j. Hasten; jfjinter girl, Miss Margaret Kitch; summer girl, Miss Miss: MacDermid, dramatic soprano, am ! Mr. James B. MacDermid, composer iand accompanists_._ Mrj^_MacDetrald For the second section, known more Mary Taylor: debutante. Miss Beatrice sa»B in Evanston recently at one of Starj^actffiSs^Mra.LutherHammondi^hjB^_ m^Ufl^^gi^^ie^^deraUgn^of widow,Jvtrs^T^T Wilson; bride.JMrs.^0'"""'8 cIubs and ha^ahost_of_ad: KarLKorradjV Mrs^Serrell and- Mrs.T"?â„¢ra, Ih^tms^ojnmunjty.^ ^J „ Clarence Gasque assisted in directing! Mr. MacDermid is a very popular nei wor^V^hichV^xtt^^on^WIhia'et^a-" j avenue from Sheridan road to Hill ro'a^lir^Whnetka, tSe~MarqueTte"Cbh7" j strjuctfon company of Chicago was the successful bidder. The bid was $84v-- 1404.25.â€" Five firms also submitted f bids-forrtirtsh section of the sewer. WorkTyrobabl^wilHbe-starte^ with*- direCtor, and Mme. Dag mar M oiler. Her progress was rapid ami complete and "she' effected"her debut most suc- cessfully at the Royal Opera house in 4he role of Ijeonora^ln Donlzettl'aâ€"ULa Favorita." Like Lord Byron, she awoke the next morning to find her- self famous and heralded throughout 4he^-clty^4w-a new" queeh^f^aong^.1^,-^- "Anehgthy engagement at the Royal Opera followed during which she was hoard as Dalila in "Samson and-Da- Ha." "Fides in "The Prophet," Amne- ris in "Aida," "Carmen" In Bizet's opera, Brunnhilde in "Die Walkuere," Ortrud in "Lohengrin," and numerous other roles. Her fame and popularity grew with each new. role she assumed until today she is recognized on the continernras one of" the toremost ar- tists of the day^ It was only after -accept~an American engagement. Preparations are nearly completed lor; the holidayzJ^S?LJS^M<L^^1. given b^TrTfTyVoman's guild of ST Au^ little folks, and every article she car- "ries""wilt-"he aprfzeT .TmU'Iir:^." ""The bazaar bail will'_he" decorated by Wittbold, the Evanston florist, and the dining room will-be^decorated by ihe Starâ€"Flora 1. company-of WahHetter The management of the bazaar Is in charge of Mrs. H. S. Grlswold. presi- dent of the guilds Following is a ,list of the shops and the names of SOTdy^nxnE^MT^ rChas.^S.rWahner, chairman; Mrs. F. F. Caln^ Mrs. B. F. Affleck, the Misses Dorothy Cody, "Sara~Murdock andTJessie" CafnT" which you have been^arreated - and tried is aj^tedlow8xi: Ga^ing.^^Who^ ever shall play f&r money, or other valuable thing, at any " game with cards, dice, checks or at billiards, or with any other article, instrument or thing whatsoever, which may be used for „£he purpoae^ bll^ajifig-jar betting, .upon,. or ~wlnning-^r losing mbhey,~or any other thing or article of value, or shall bet on any other game others mayrtie=itfayfegT=#toall~bc fined not exceeding $100 and not less than $10. 'Un each case_ the defendant plead- ed guilty, and- also testified to what they all were, doing at the time4 they The~production. Between the appear- i artist and many of the songs he has , n ance of each young ^oman^ld-lm'o^mposeiMvere^ritten-for Mrs. Mac-11***.^SLS^SSJKSSSLthS songs were sung by Miss Gertrude^Dermld and thereHs-a-peCuliar charmftr^S^fto^i^SS^f^«r^t Kastholm: - , Jm^neMlng^ih^^^ :h«^"<v^re^wTUfen;~-~xm -:â- ""â- "â- ' ""^-" r After, yeara^f Tfartnful^worilr In "Pro^ UNION SERVICES HELD IN WILMETTE CHURCH The urogram follows: {â- ••'-Wttlr-Verdure Clad" (C 'Down in a Forest".. i 3reation)l; . Haydn . Honald muting the north shore sewage dispoa- atjpropbsttibn. probabljr no^: xesldjnt Of this section is mOre elateir*over the unanimous1-decision Of the sanitary trustees- thanâ€"Mr.^rankâ€"E.-.-W'lndear g:So^V:; V,- â- r^^^^thepromlncnt-Winnet^iclytl^ngi- , , TI , , . 0 . u^h! ggijfeffig ^;;:lilberteineer, member Of the firm of Windlii Special Thanksgiving Service °ne MngT,gy (Mmt-- ButterpyJCcin,! and Mahrth Th,s flrm~*M»pi?yw * ' "'."""' ^^^V«V^'=^SC^-i^ u^-^L ; civil englneerar by the north shore "Guardian Angel" .....Liza ^^^ \ a^tmr Kemmmr^m&i&M ^4 Glencoe. In addition to his duties for rial ConductedHn Presbyterian Church Wednesday Night. ! â- . . *, ,, m a ,»„ i-uiencoe. in addition to his duties ;^utumn Song^...Mary Turoe^S^^ ^^i^*"*1 ^»ion ThaaJwglvteg.serv-1^s^nmur (new) were arrested and prior thereto, which ice. Participated in by members pf th0L.Wflftrt 0> Me».... Waltz Song (Romeo et.Juliette/.t.. A^^S^^^i^^:"M^n^?t. 'mmo 1 the sanitary-trustees pertain:ug to the m>wage problem and has worked tttfci; long-persuasion that the management of the Royal. Opera at Stockholm was :|nducjBd^Ozrgrant=^er^permi8sion=-to-|-wa8â€"«oirelu*fv«TT~-«ndâ€"theâ€"complaint Js very commendable on their part, and the .court takes this into"con'sld- eratIon In deciding thggg cases. The evidence on the part of the people In each and every one of these' cases made in each case was proved be yond any reasonable doubt. In my opinion, shooting craps for moneys o7 any other valuable thing, or gambling of any kind, is one-oJLthe-itMngs that affect the morals-^ofâ€"a -ydang Jnan more-vthan-anything-else, andLi if-npt ! sjfetpped" Will havo i» tdndency to ruin him in time. It is like playing with fire, dangerous In, every respect. If a person loses, they play again to make good; if they win, they play 1 Malsoh_ NouveHe â€" Mrs. Arthur Browm chairmant-MrsT•"PuTttlmanT'Mrir iiawkes, .Mrs. Thomas, Mrs, Kerr, Mrs, Braithwaite, Mrs. Worthtagtoni^Mra. Baker, Mrs. Ilelt, MrB. Webster and <-i.»t .--TTTTie. deepest gloom prevailed qfflcea^of-thJ^Qunty^ "wbenTthe" compmhit^^irhermade; Cauaea of increase Given. "Causes of the increase are not diffi <mk to understand." said Mr. Ryan "There -wa» a reduction in taxes- last -. x«uv^beGause_of the_ supreme court decision' upholding the Juul lave> Noy^ TTEhfiTJlegisiature-has. given the city a tax "of 35 cents, extra for bonds. This "increases the city's rate to $1.69. Then they must add to that the extra tax allowed thes eLte-hy th« sCate for tuher- * culosis purposeBF The mothers' pen- sion fund is ahetjher addition. „ The courity_4s-going to_receiye_a blow in eiectlbn expenses.i- The demands ::of the county departments are jilSg^ttp, the sanitary district wants more money and, in fact, there is hardly r lanrteUthe past and present of every department that believes-it^an^xistlbodpwHo."crosseffher paint with sll- unle8s more money is appropriated. r It is 4â€"natural increase-andâ€"reaHy will be^bpen afternoons and evenings, and a turkey ^dTrineT will, be~served : Mrs. Montgomery. _^_ .-__;_ „_____ both evenings. The women of the | Children's Shop-Mrs. Gibson chair, cirufch-have been busy-preiraring^prf^an^M^^Pa1"1^ Mrs. Smith ^Mrs. SwerenJfor months and as a result i^ Mellinger,. Jim. Robblns Mrs. Purdy, the bazaar of next week will be ^^^^&^^^g^^3^^Z most attractive and elaborate affair Mc( ready. •â- of its kind ever held in Wilmette. ; Neckjwear and Handkerchiefs-Mrs. A remarkable stock ^articlejjgto^eo. T^ye^r^ha/rnmnrB^Wja^ be pS on sale in the variwislm^^ White, Mrs. Brower, Mrs. Pat- andthe^priceswilLbe very reasonable Moving pictures have been secured, making galore*â€"=-â€"- -^-â€"tâ€"--- .: â- â€" There has never "been such a collect tion of Indian blankets, weapons, bask- etslana^urioszsbownin Wilnaette as will be put on sale in the Indian shop at thi?L bazaar Mr. RoberrStoddard, who is chairman of the committee of this shop, sent directly to the~Navajo reservation for blankets, baskets, weapons, etc, and also secured the en-r tire output of the ShOBhonrreseTva- tion -for :the--8easqn.__Besldes_„these there* will be many beautiful baskets Jrom a famous iBdian^aske^ake^Mr^m^ on the St. Lawrence river, """jjr^WJtib'Ori^ wrattractlve shops there will be an Indlan-foffune toiler who will-makegclear the future (Continued on Page T.T the club house with a grabbag^or-the White, Mrs. tiers. Mrs. Ambler, Mrs; Qart, Mrs Webb, Mrs. Phillips, MrsrColson, Mrs? Davis, Miss Robinson, Miss*Donaldson, trIeTMlsseirLrttsted and MISB-ParnreT. . Dolls Shopâ€"Mrs. Phillip Huguenln, chairman; ^Mesdames Bright, Toddv Shapker, Akely, Cody, Shrader and Brent. l Apror Beynrer,c chairman y- Mesdames Be van, Arms, Sherman, Marshall, Heald; waitrresse^^isses-jaolseJArms.Nancy Shermanrf Loralneâ€"Tichenor, Virginia Beymer-and -Peggie -MacLean gaiit-to-getâ€"somethings -for nobbing. If-they- -continue"tro^loae, ~lHey.' will beg-br" barrow money, and if they cannot get it in that way, then they aW liable to take" money that does not belong to them. This has bap- "p^Tred^n^mTmy^BsesT one rlght^ere- in your own town. It goes farther than that. They get-discouraged and disheartehed^tak^r^to^^drinking and frequently-_cbmmit suicide.___ ±___ Pitfalls of Bank^Clerk.' -^•f-was-tadking th^other"day^ytth the presldeir of one of our largest banks-in Chicago, and hertold me^-of-3^,,,, several cases wherevyoung men had' taken small amounts, at different tfmesPbut-were finally detectedf? as their system is so, complete that-it la practically impossible to steat~"and- not be found out, and that this money so-taken-was-^uaed to phty- shobtlnglâ€". craps games. and other small gambling u "I was connected with the courts in Chicago for twenty-two years, and during that time for several years was in the Orimlnal court,Jthree years ftt one timerTDujflug airthls'perlod 1 was in charge of prisoners when„they wrereâ€"tmlied-^or-'triai,- andr^ln -xhost" air^ases I"q"uestlone4"them as to ho^^ it.hey' started but "In a M'e of crime. rIn indlala ShgPâ€"Mr.^bert Stodda^r^ chairman; and Mrsniell and^ Mr. bmmitteeâ€"Mrs. McKinney, c^hairman; Mesdames ^-Stoddard^-El^ ^tegTRbbbiBa, Bradley ana Todd. Candied Apples and Ciderâ€"Miss MaTgaretHVelnlahd-and^Mri Richards. ^CrefOBtteShop---Mr8.-G^Tr-Rlchards, chairman; Mesdam_es_Noyes,JJrjswold. -MnrdoekTâ€" SklBner^Grows^ Misses-Barrow and-Croaby. stated that the first wrong step they took -"was.'-"toy ' gambling for-nmoney, ing shooting craps, etcv""Do~yOT; y°ung men want to continue to dp ^theBft, things? I think not. I hope this will be alegsojoL-toeachon-a^f^QJiJlhat youT never wnTrforget, an^^frqi^ this time on lead a life that will he-* credit to yourselves and ail eiample Baptist, Congregational, Methodist ahirM.pyjjjjjjjjgj^iM P^esbyterian--Churche8-of^lmette^h-~g^^ was held in the Presbyterian church \. in ,, ....,;. I. â- ,... In that village Wednesday ' night, at S ;"Charity" '""T" "" " "*":"* v"r * o'clock. The church was tastefully i..,f You Wouldiova Me"'(Ms*)'" dg^oratM^with palms and^rns flff aif7n&afc;-JftA.-.mi v».? Xnew other decorations appropriate ^Fthfff" :*r*« season. Special music was furnished by Miss Helen Trular and Mr. Alfred 1 G.^Freeman, soloists. The attendance 1 was so" large that many" chairs had to j be placed to accommodate the throngs, j --The^aej-mou.wa^^ Roy j Kf Bowers, pastor of tlie Wilmette ] "My Luve Is Like tlie Red, Red 'n j tlrlngly to influence the trustees lit:; j taklngi8om&-action*on-4lie-proiect^^*: I has given his time and sei^ices-,"-:gfa:'" j Us,; In assisting the^^ sanitary- district engineers in securing Surveys, ease* I meats, etc.^ prellmlnaryL" jjvork.'- :â- " ' • 'â- â- Saved village Money. Rose" .James O-' MacDermid FIRST WHITE PERSON Congregational church. His - subject was. "Who Are the Romans?" - The following program was given: Organ prelude, "Grand Offertolre," from Saint Cecilia Invocation.- ......... • • • • • • • •^- • • •; Rev. Wra. W, Anderson. • Responsive reading, selection from the Psalter 37. president's Thanksgiving prochrma-" ^tf^n^x" â- "â- â- â- ......... ,;_-_.,. •".:- a Mr. John J). Grelg. Baptist church. -H-ymu, -^r.Godte3eneaihl-TJiy_iSuld-,-.£ â€"ing-Hand.1^ No. 658^------L__ , :; Scripture reading (Josh. 24), ;____'_ Rev. JamesM. Wilson, pastor of the -"Presbyterian churclK Solo, "Open to Me the Gates".Bishoff; rg,rer for more than three years. râ€"â€"-rMlBTr-Traairr â€"----------: Anticipating the- action of ;he drain* j age district trustees at- some future j date, Engineer Windes, in designing I] the"^rese^9ewer system iu the vtfr;: iage of Glencoe; has saved that muni* cipalityrthousahds1 "of'"-. dollars by" di^ln* ing the 8ewage"lbrThe" Skbkle, - west dif_ that village, instead of to the lake, the mistake the other. north shore towns Lived !'have. made. Under the relief plan"how concurred in by"the1 drainage dtttfieV the section of the Skokte north from Wlnnctkattfirtftencoe wilrte drained by the hew sewer. â€"â€":-----------â€"------â€" 'â- .' -â€"â€""' . ' .â€"j In Wlnnetka a complete change of Hubart Schwjill.-who-eujoyed-t distinction of- being the first white Wch^l^ir^a^e^alniosfe^ child born- in Wllmette^died in his] l&r*»m g« change;planned in Evans- home, -1418- Wilmette-i avenue. Wli^1lon- ,nKlhe eyent a â- de»l ,8 eTer m^e mettc-Thursdaymorning. Heiwaa-SCJ'*"^^*""1^-^^^^^ *M years old. Death was caused by Channel InBvanston forthe diversion drupsy4of-whlch-he had been-a^Yiil^rmm&&mmJMl&ke. It fa estimaf. rBarist^rrtuDart oc Among' Indians in Village Passes Away. Revr Thomas K- Gale.^pastor of â- ._the_M ethodlst_EplBcopat:ohurch^ Offertory,- "Meditation". .Dewey ed conservatively that $200,000 willbe . , , .(the totalcoat of the new storm sewer -Jhe-4»arentH of Wr^ SehwiULawttted^^^. â- h{ih musL w 1n3talled ln in the village ol Wilmette In 1848,! ^fnnetka , â€"r.--_-__ soon after they arrived in this coon- ^ ^^. \ ,'C â-ºÂ». „w^r« JSTBai; time~oWl~^t»fW*»* filan.of.the^art^shoro: -relict sewer ta^tocare only for the do- long^ of Thanks; [try,from Germany. *one other white family, that of a Mr tngr eTmtmr Mr,. Freeman. } xWircnft:re the RomgnsT «'iiii .„ t-w**aherty,'-resided in Wilmette^ AMttgeft! tribe of Indiana, of which Oullmette,j^h « 0"° w»te j^ 1 mestlc sewage-ahd'not to combine this ' alnage. Rev. Roy, E. Bowers, pastor of .the Congregational church. Prayer. .: â- -----......~r^~â€"â€"-â€"........- - Hymhr'^ly-Countryr^Tls-of-Thee^ No- 065. ;; ____ â€" Benediction. I ~r "~'/:': :,.â- â- 1. Organ postlude, "Thanks to God" ^from "Elijah") ij^_chifit, Jimahtted-the^wooded-mk^j^ J^ [shore tract. Mr. Schwill told many \?#*^"*?** combined *e^tothe ilhterestlng stories of his boyhood Ufa 'a*"*M **' P'aee. **°* **ES?l£' spent among the Indian_setUers. Uhange. In Wlnnetka -h^eharjgr to i,* â€"^s- -*.,--- -:.-. -- .„„„. the sewer will cause the tearing up of Ljy, Sch^lLw^Lfbi3nerly e^««frauchne^ pavement. jj'ta farming and general teaming bust- fneas in Wilmette.r. Also tors -»*-h. !'â- 4- 3«-«p *o Vary in 81». }years he conducted a meat market.{ „t " _.;t-^ ^„a»»,.„»^» ^tohdelssohn and was^ well known. HCw. »«r j :,^ f«»«wef will |Jf22«£* tMoM«188°°° rl^ He also t proyen - satisfactorr-*"--^rerf. cttar where-li^has-been^lnstaliecL the dt- ents mette DecT2. at teen feet: ,,,„, ot Ji££EShSi^^J2=CSM?un£SQMSi^^ parents and teachers of that= schooi|tnid*aj^^A«nes-Schwal^of~»^ will he read. Officers of the dnbswll^ jguneral-serytces-weireJCOttdoetedJ- be chosen in^thls meeting. (Continued on Page 4.) Because of the uneven and rolling jfinInexitthe family ho«ae Sunday a«iro^^ ahdte It witt FridaT'Dr E^^b'" MoorVof Wiunette ;Rev. A. H. Myers, pastor^ of the Wil-ibe necessary in District No. f. ***** wlng^i^orttelk In alspecial J mette Lutheran church. The Imri-- - ! : ' ' -â- meeting of the crub. -was la-^e-Nlles-Genter cemetery. The burial -the" tunnerwork will be placed, to go |to a depth of Tftfti ir*stTn7 vm*