Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1913, p. 8

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FGUERS THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913 MMMMIMII »•••»< â-  M+»f I »t ♦ I ♦! 11(11 .....Mt.......»♦ It j* Want Ad Department! BOND ISSUE -'»L**«sh™«^l iilSJEEEHE Large Enrollment of Immigrant Women Opposing Proposition Population Instructed by â€" Prove Good Campaign Mana- Washington SgHooI 7â€"gers, and Bond Issue Is Lr-------^Teachers,.' -â€"j-â€"beaten by 486 Votes. TWO CLASSES EACH WEEK'lARGE VOTE WAS CAST TELEPHONES: EVANSTON 585 WILMETTE 1487 J W.nt Ads in the Lake , Shore News are charged at the following rates .*_â- : Real Estate.Classifications. 7 >4 cent* per liner- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__ '.:Z~=~ All Other Classifications, 5 cents per line. hminroTn-rVicer*! 5ncentsr^-No~advertisertient chargCT~i^e33~th« FOR SALEâ€"RAO RUGS, 1 yd., 1% yds. and 2 yds. long; price $1.00, $1.50 and ffcOO. L. C; Thompson. 92i~Oakwoo<l-aY.,-Wllmeit^ Phone Wllmette 785-J. 16© MUM ft»M"JM t 1111 > l»MJt III11 It I III il 11IIIII JJMi.t SIM SITUATIONS WANTED COMPETENT COLORED LAUN- dress wants work by the day. Phone 4752. Itc FOR::: SALE >- BABY CARRIAGE with hood, $2.00; gas range, $3.00; electric lamp,, $3.00. Phone Wll- mette 378, 1026 Greenwood-av. Itc ; ;. FIRE INSURANCEâ€"ROYAL INSUR- ancti' 'Company of Liverpool, largest fire, insurance company in the ^tld, inaurea dwelHnga, houflehol'd gptrds, rent; lowest rates. Charles A. Wigbtman & Co.. resident agents. Phone 203. Itc FOR RENT-ROOMS "The Making of American Citizen*" would be an appropriate title Tor splendid work which is being ac'coni- plisjied by five teachers in the Wash- ington school in the sou til west part city, who. coriauct _two nighF of the city, who. cohauct classes „ehcTi_ week in instruction in English language and other elemen- tary subjects for the foreign -resident* of that* section; - Ai^^^'tliis is the"'third year that the Ifro THght school has beep held Hm*-tlwfâ€"schoolâ€"whtehâ€"hasr- beenâ€"used- so extensively for social center work in a contest marked with more in- terest than is-usually manifested in a special election -ori-sehool matters, the proposition to issue the bonds, of the Evanston township high school -dis- trict to the amount of $250,000 wasde- FOR RENT â€" TWO PLEASANT rooms with best of table board,, 731 Tenth-st., Phone ^llraeTTe-992*------ 1> • 2w-4te For RfNr^/ipflirfs^ feated Saturday T>y a vote of 1(443 to-~ : 057. Th'o. activity taken bv women voters who were opposed to the issue, in the election, is given as.the princi- pal cause of its defeat. A total of 2.497 votes were cast but beca use_of:?rregu tart tl e"S7 utiiety-severr , ,, .of these ballots were.not counted. This t w\« T^ S2 " £ & *T "umber of .irregular^, ballots are cred- ^fe^^fe^^^t^gtg'-." J'l'P-.lled to the women votm who?"being MfTrfr"" T* f thelf frvfces- -; unfamiliar with the AumraUtfn s£? that the immigrant ropulation may tenvjuarketLth^ wrong become Americanized wTOi ETmY 'right•J-a"1^'^ â„¢*' â€"- ivausron's Finest Apartments THE PARKfcR Hinman Avenue and Church Street â-  Choice location. Large, well-lighted rooms Va< uum Cleaning System. Laurie Wall Saf.-s. Large private porch rooms. Store-rooms ami laundries laricu ami well-cquipped.' MASON &. SMAKT Telephone 285 1580 Sherman Avenue FOJBLSALEâ€"CHOICE SINGLE COMB Black . Minorca cockerels, directr from "Papes'Y pricesjeasgnable. 829 Hamlin-8t7 : [ ltp FORâ€"SA-fcE^PIANOS""" TAKEN_ IN trade on four standard makes. We buy direct from the factory. Our prices are lowerthan Chicago, and we can prove it. Square .......,.. ,=fem„„.„.,$- 15.00 Lenard........ ....^....... 125.00 Hallett & Davis.........:... 125.00 { I .eland -----...'.............. 150.00 ' Also Shipling, Steinway and other j makes of used pianos. Payments $5 per month and up |.; FOR SALE rr â€" EVAN8TON. HOMES Name-On FOR XMAS 1580 Sherman-av. 3Sw-tf training along educational linesj f Two' Classes Each Week. held ~rrTwo night classes art Week, on â- $. Tuesday and Thursday .nights,___While tin; instriiction is con- l iifled^chiefly to the "three R's," civics ana--etfier subjects deating with the ..form of_gfi\^rnuieiit in the Ignited ihgs ijistruction is devoted to read- ' iug,i:v»rrTtihg and language work. Orr Thursday evening, a special spfilllu^- class j|ix-OJQducted,^to^ether with spe- cial arithmetic instruction. No discrimination is placed on any one's nationality eoffc<:rnitig eligibility for the classes^ Every person of for- eign -birth residng in Evanston. pax-I tfcularly that~section in which the school ^ is located, is welcomed. They It was "TromeiT -TbjeJr; First Opportunity. Open Tuesday, Thursday and. Satur- day evenings. . '"" .•"-."« PATTERSON BROS., -15^-j3herman-av., Evaustorr;â€"itc the voters flrsjt opportunity of Ev-aiiston have the had" JJâ€"tw" exercise the ballot and the jnau tier in which they turned out en mass* FOR SALE â€" SEWING MACHINES taken in trade. It is better to buy a good__usM-j3ewing machine than cheap new one. =S4nger- Wheeler & Wilson. New Home . .,..... JDesender. drophead r$£0ft . 7.00 . 5.00 7;00 indefinite. Harryâ€""What polish Miss Flirt. has." Maymeâ€"'-iDo you mean in her j manners or her face-enamel?^â€" Our Prices Complete Funeral â€" Casket, En- balmins and Serviceâ€"Hearse and Carriage to any cemetery $65.00. Also "an assortment of sTTghtly used machines at bargains. 'PATTERSON BROS., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. lt< are made to feel that the night sciiool "iff thelrs;-jsml' tHaT TRejr are as wel- uume at!""ir,"[n'ey were; ...paying tuition for the instruction.. . „.- ^ ing pluwe, wnefe nearly 250 more hal ^^Naturally, men, arid' women nrHota-Were^agr^%haa^the total vote" at .POilsU^desceut l^ad in Uie enrollment. !)l,; olhei two -to vote on tlie pjuposittonTileaTly indi- cak-s that they will take an active in- terest in all city, affairs from now on The. polls opened ^at-2- -o^e4ock=and^ closed at 5 o'clock. In the three hours uinch hard work in electloneoring and â€",._._._ ._ settinK the vote out, was done by 'iKMTHnijnUT IT U/A.9 AN women workers opposed to the bond! ,*www,^, B u • VJflU fl|\l l.SSUC. ' . . -T-r â€"~.;. Automobiles and other conveyances V<- scurrying here and there in every street in that short period car- n,, 2>'»g voters to the -poiis. women,^mcago Youth Thought He Had worktirs electioneered jiear tlie three voting places in distributing circulars urging the voters to vote "no." Shortly after, the polls opened at 2 o'clock the rush at._the eity hall vot- OPEN SEASON; CAUGHT LaJce Shore Sanitarium Our Specialty ia the SuccesHfuI Treatment _ flH£UMAT 1SM s*™™*?**' n - •• â-  ".,.""' Stomach Cases Home for invalids and elderly persons at rea- sonable rates. Medical director and Graduate nurse in attendance. 2237 Sherman Ave. Evanston, III. Telephone Evanston 2R18 Extra long fibre Mohair; luxurious, durable and warm without being bulky or heavy. Bound with feltâ€"sewed with three rows of stitchesâ€"mitred cornets. "High grade ma- terial and workmanship, choice of colors, name „woyen in, etc^makes the "Name-On -Auto Robe" a very desirable made*to-order gift. *v order Winnetka Garage - Winnetka now {Foster's Garage ~- Wilmette from [William S. Lord - Evanston â- Â»â€"- Lake^hqre Jsfews Ad^ This cloth covered Casket, lined with wh te silk, with complete furnishings, only $30.00. NOT IN ANY TRUST We conduct fumerals in all parts of the city and^ubarbs. ~~ . lo extra charge for distance----- . Calls answered Immediately WEIMESCHKIRCH 708 Main St. Tet. toss Evanston â€" ; All varieties of Shrubbery, Vines, Roses, Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Hardy, Herbaceous Flowering Plants' ~tm JOHN FREEMAN, Proprietor PHONE 110 6 818Noyes Street MONTESSORI Elementary School Kindergarten S mall CI assesâ€"Personal Attention Elements of education attained before six without effort or strain. If interested, the teacher will be glad to call and explain the system. Address: Director, Care College-School, Kenilworth, 111., Phone Wllmette 624 extended half the in "which the -HitvlH flireet. Then come the Sweater. rcsidenLs. " (ler^iranHrUreeKir-mta^-repFestMittttiwis. of other nationalities. The uttend- ~a15ce~vafle6. On some nightH as many 120 men and women.are iiiHtructed- -rlhâ€"tlieâ€"fiveâ€"classes." - fn this- year's "classes more young men and women are being accommodated" than, in the :flrstr-^two years that the instruction ~Wafi~giVeh. Many of these young men are employed by the Murk .Manufac- turing company, while many of -tin? yMpg-^^me^Jare erhpIoyeiF as maids of irregularities! „ |)laces. rhti coit- goStlOtt^i^E-amS so great that, the vot; era were forceoMo form a line which city hall is located In a Right to Shoot Evanston- Squirrelsâ€"Meets Trouble because stories published frT Chi- cugo newspapers sometime ago rela- ^tvfe-to the proposed ridunce of squlr- rels in tfvanston, Chi<;ago to believe caiised youths in thai an open sea lensthT of the^hlpck. ^"m had been decttrryd iht?re-kt-kilUng- ' City Hall Vote Close. The "'Milt at -tt». pity ,]ltln voting place wa^ also" ver>^ elr>H^£j1ie^m"ajor- ity against TTi«7'proposition b( inR only twenty-three votes. Forty-ftve ballots were not eoUnted at that place because ICvanston homes. The eagerness which is manifested by foreign-born people astoii ishes thfr instructorsr For two hours Of ea*ih of the two evenings a weekr the classes are in "-session and it is with reluctance that the "pupils'1 leave the building, so anxious are they to become conversant with American -ways and to master tlie English lan- -gnagcrâ€"â€"â€"" . .â- -â- â€"------------;------â€" / Vistors Not Welcome. ^Visitors are *not welcome at tb*a night school for the reason Jhat their ; appearance might embarrass Jhe for-j eigh j)upils. "We do not -rtiow-Tttrrr . curious people to visit the nigUt-school ras It wtJuld-Tdetractrfroiij tlui interest taken by the pupils,", said one of the IJnstructors today in talking of th<v jnight±scJiool,â€" :"Wv dir^4iot~-?tak^aufc embarrassing ciuestionH of these for- eign folk as to their age. etc:, and coufeV-viucntly ^vould â€"uot- Ii4«»-A-Jsitors to come into the sessions and ply ^ihese 1 questions, " as we fear they A .coirKidenccris noted in the vote at the Buster- avenue and Central : street voting places. The sanie num- ber of votes against the"bvofia. issue were^cast-at each place, :iSZ.Tâ€"ait4-an eycji 100 votes more, were cast for the proposition at Custer avenue than In rtorth^Bvanaton, at tAn CJent ral street polling place. The number of irregu- lar ballots at Custer avenue_was thirty- "Tliree. ami at U(>niTllT^rfT.ernTrm7t<s<ynT^ Everybody Happy. Bitterness was, experienced at none of the three voting.places and the con- test passed without any of the un pleasantness evidenced in a few of the appeared the little animals, the police are still wmoyed by. boys coming to shoot the rodents. On Saturday William, Cortlund, a 15-year-old boy, residing at r.417 Southport avenue, Chicago, was taken into custody after he hail shot five squirrels oh the Northwestern university campus! He told the po- lice that he had made Inquiry at the, waterworks pumping station and was : informed by employes there -"Thar lie"' could kill tlie sgirrels and not be jirosecuted. In fact, he declared that two squirrels were shot-by employes at the waterworks with his rifle. The youth told a straightforward story to the police, and, because of his truthfulness, he was not prosecuted, lie was warned not. to come to Evans* toi^ again on a hunting expedition. to be in good humor and, while divid- ed on the question, no personalities mrarTurd Tlie jplecUou.' '.'."' 7"'" might. . 'i.. jam s_°?E y • n °_ qbpe &s .___ Ovuieis. of-.'aytoinybiUw-^OCTtt-itue- to violate t|i^; parking arrangenients at the l-S'tirist on vail road statioiib. accord- The interest in the night school Is r_not confined to the pupils. The in- st rue tors -ar<; as deeply absorbed 4n T~ngiv4rrg^^TeTiirr8trjicUoii nsl die pupihr -_trare"1n rec'elving^frrTrn fact, the teacli 'era of the south side, are so much 2 concerned'in tbe-work that many-ap. - . plicatioju^^ hajr*u-beenr--niade^by_ku structors in other- schools who are -:- -.anxious to teach the foreigners. The. list of teachers . includes Misses Levin, Imfflngton;-A-dts, Ca*eys and :, White. Miss IMckersoh, Ithe-ilUnder ~ garten teacher - inâ€"the- Washington"^JOnTjstffufenSfg'hir^ndbrin- - ing-to- reports made r»y "Trallic Officer rf'ajnrch. n^everal machines lost woek-1 [were left at the .Davis street station! oifâ€"the Chicago & .\orthwestcr-n^r4il-r -road, directly in frolitof theTCariopy~ instead of being parked fiftyâ€" feet I south-and on the east side of Railroad 1 avenue, as-required We handle oils and greases for automo- biles and all o^rher vehicles. Speaai Ford Oil Suc- cessfully tried' by Ford^ Owners._________. Our -Evanston location enables prompt attention to orders. 933SHERMANAV. Telephone 1391 The Master Motor o/ Them ATI "Trtruct»rr Social sessions in connection with the night school are "held only at Christmas time and atihe cjosejof the _ scijgol^ffar^â€"A=4nusif:>l^_d!ML^lterary vlP>»«itram=Tf=gfyf5rQ^ of ^achool=yby ^tlie-Joreign puirilal -whichr is declared to be one^ of the""-riwst In-' teresting entertainments of. the entire ; school year._____ Evarislon Tjmalmt FOUNTAIN SQUARE _________EVAJNSTON_AMUSEWJEMTCO,i_P;HOP, PHONES 2898-2899 H- L, MINTURN. MCR NEW CARS FOR «'L." Announcement is7-rnade that the Northwestern Elevated road is con- sidering building â€"new jars^_^Ihg plans now are being prepared and if they are accepted the order will call .'.for steel cars with sliding doors at eachjend and in the center. The plans, zzHewsiiEiSfriliaT^^^SiezMg^ department___ ___^__________ ; â€" **=>â€"â€" TONIQHT AND%LATK^ ^mMrims^ocK Icompamv Will Present JUSTIN ADAMS'Beautiful Rural Drama QU1NCY ADAMS SAWYER Dramatized from Charles Felton Pidgin's celebrafed noyel^A Romance of the Birkshire Hills" l______WhM^ther„jma^ for we give you in the New Ghalmers ««Sixrâ€"â€" â€" â€"Io_thebegt features of the costliest cars we have added_ these crowning triumphs: Silence at all speeds; silence that lasts. -___---r Sustained power; even after years of use. â€" No vJbration;nCo1mToTrand long life. -------Extreme-rflej intricate geaf4gg^ These features mean far more than the luxury they bring. They mean minimum wear^-no waste of powerâ€" lowest possible depreciation. A car that lacks them, may cost you less to buyâ€"but it will cost you more to keep. When once you know the years of extra service these features add, you'll wonder how we give them at the price, $2175. .' j Qo ride in this car. Let it tell its own story in deeds. It ca^neither over-rate Its virtues nor hide its defects. nhcOTUSt-tell iheiruttiâ€"nothing else.--^^^ ' v ~ SILENT AT AlA. Sl'IKDS J______cj;ri'». 'hat aro quiet at t»ii miles uTTTiour. kick Jip-^a-l«t--^{-~\ri-tise-at tliirtiC. . Let u» sim!. ivhnt the New flmlmora "Six'. will do. Watch thi* Hi><-.id6mptiir; 30â€"40â€".10 miles an hour unci not a murmur from cams nor .The Chalmors engineers have. discarded the noisy lutle weilKe-tike cams so widely used. They knock ejL-uueivâ€"withâ€"a blow and close them with a MiATrgES OF TUB XKW CHAli. WAI.IKX SIX? sl\-i-,vllnder motor, T-head type 4 In. by •-«". h. p. All moving parts enclosed. •f velvet â€"ho^ lslK_oval cams_ofJ,thl,i jnot(.r„push_iipen Tv^s and slide them shut with the snioothness" It--<h inauneto KliMirif sturter shops____ Noii-stiillahli- motor. V, In.â€" Entz System, built In Chalmers SW0.00O K\TBA COST TO ISâ€"AX KNORMOI S ____^____-1____savixq roit VOL ' ~ InacU.switb l^he "Old Homestead" and "Way Down tMiill ,_^The MoatSuccessful_BoJ»^-r-,.-..-:^ BUILDING PERMITS. - 1021r3 DavW^sTreet.^r^tofy^bTlclr building. R. P. Brown. Cost $3,700. £^^^**ayTI*U"*'iy an4 Saturday. All Seats 2S Cents. -^K»WT^HI^S:^<jf>OoiRl^ats3«jth^^ ^fumk^giv^ -i-iTSSs-molnr. like the trained athlete, grows better by action. ...'•. . â-  â-  -â€"• __-. â€"-:.~, ,: Chalmers valvee-ofâ€"TiinRSten steel cost $80,000 extra per year Hut Tungsten steel is not affectedT bv the ^ylliulerâ€"boat. So there^s no warping-â€"no 'leakingâ€" no power wasted as happens with the ordinary cast Iron and nickel steel valves. • Tungsten steel -valves almost never, need regrdndlng. li This means an enormous saving of__po.wer *•> v.iu means nfT-wear-^-no depreciation. Think' of tire 'ftFs-e-fâ€"&«^-r«-8ervlce-trii9 ntMter*----- towjerssjebeiJe AS A tENCKRS WRIST ~ __Tli0.tpowcr .of our W«w "aia" is hi? nijy|l.l^ t' y^ • an thcpttlo It down on high to a creeping gait In "the crowd; then away swirt as a swallow, mounting quickly to .twenty, thirty, forty miles' an hour with- out stress or elTort. ' . ' This wondrous; flexibility is due to our big, roomy valves, they open 40 per cent wider and shut tighter ..than common. This gives freer passage to the gases The woncb-rful flexibility of-this motor Is amazing; -,*"" 'Ulna. >"'! can do. nearly everything on "high " fti ^2,""'ay'with «car shifting atmost entirely. Wltlt ins ^Srx atiy supplementary gear mechanism wouli i-ticL^ugifUm, The" motor Itself gives a suppleness of p..uer unknown even In costlier cars.----- •T^rtfV %utrt,W,il.?e%7r"KO «Je«d'ln the crowded cltv n.imc. The .-leetrtc starter won't let It. • l^ven If the dPtver should -cut off. the_gas acci- ..uii-^uiiiiti/ii; minor.----------------------------------:â€" Full electrii- light.-,â€"Our powerful headlights also contain auxiliary lamps of moderate power"for city driving. l:i'.*-inc!i wheel Imse. Molded otal fenders. " r__" aaswllne t«nk-una«lre-carrler^n-Teur=^c1earrTinr^ ntng boards. - -J^tj drive control-^nter from either 38rtin1rlnch t,r*" "nd Contteenh,l demountable Four forward speed transmission, "tee? * "!Ur *'*â- Â«â€¢! maln leaf of vanadium ^«tt^S^^dd^rr" «iT**U-lm*aea bodr. ^%^^^hJ^rp^^^^}^^^ '" '- one extra demountable iiiiTeler. horn, pump, tools, et«. O tâ€"viootnc: ICo:i lister: Four"-PassenieV ;; ;||}?S r^"^" ?, J||^. I lv» Fassenger. . S3l?5 Mm„u,jne ' ;; JmSo I JlAT VIBRATION MNX - - ^â€"Alter a long ride^your are often tired and-Vou-donU- - kiww-wln^-lt^r^re^bratton-tlinx 1n the-^rlnk c««e. It means the moving part* are too heavy or a frac- tion out of balance^ Vlhratton Is overcome tit the Chalmers by forcing connecting rods stronger and yet 40 per cent lighter than the average;; by 'glvlnguthe motor an extra long -sttolce^and so-reducing the number of strokes: by balancing all moving parts on a delicate scale, fcven «h» c,«*<;h and the-timinrgears-are balanced with the rest or -the motor. " noTIllifmoothne?2 of the "su" »aves wear on the car ?L £Laa, OI» *»« PMsengers, iThe interval between -«he-eicpiosIon8-of-any-"Pour"-makes a^ gap ln^t£* power stream. It produces a vibration "hat ham-- mers^constantly at the life- of_the car, -There'l^o f,SSSt/J°!S U- The explosions of the "Six" give in- w^n^J1 ,lXI?am ?.tP(>wer- " gives smoothness and -rnen,0lfey6fh?Ln2a;:rOUr. ;_««^JUM. Wilt. -1^'__-'..;.' Eyst-RPABSBP AT AKY PRICE JXJs^imposslble to get more real value than we «rtv» -^k^I^t^^ce."^" The^dtr^tbat; ^r-rrrhr car is ifreVrod =mn uaV is' the^roduit^of "a »r,60Q,OOQ factory" I'^ns'n^nf^r01"0 f-^ter.'ju-hich is always on duty; Keeps. Che-motor runningâ€"worrt tertt-storr--------- ^J?*^"!* 9t^'""g ""dor sudden ovorlnadr"^ ~,i"£-- V" . " ine_p.roauci:J_or. a 17,000.000 fact m /â- ? u^11my uof Prod»ctfon has been i&fectea aa mliUmum where enorm^us^output reduces cost tTa earVm*â„¢n%.3*'« you *et Natures' that mean your iar will run year.after year as smgothly and sllentlv i^r,hn=tia^ you bousht ,t: features thai%ee* Spl?at? insr costs down to a minimum. • "*"""" -fhT?-â„¢X3:-^^3hatliac.ks these.features=even-thouKh :i-l"«tâ„¢vagancerW~ta ^^-'^hted. To pay mlfre mtitm im i£__â€"â€"l â-  "â- â- "â-  auauen overioacu- -:------:â€"iâ€" â- ,;!,„t^!rra^t feature of safety and c'ohven••• .,Ke P.u_t_on a. car in the pastifl^-e years. â- -.---â- .-â€" V-L «ajB^33HC-STARTER t(hat NEVER QUITS7' nn,V nn?I"* ^heâ€"engine to,..start it. Then It -auto- Mores u, â„¢e(Jt.^lf\1,ccbme' a generator aad ^mT ru el v,Vri.„ln the hattery for electric lighting .imi rutuie starting purposes. LE1-THE CAB TEtt ITS STOICV IN DEEDS 7~WSl^nt-yo'r ^ take a rlde^ar the-NeiT cbalmers mers Standard Road. Test-i^ paVt of our r*sSSrS.ti^ feSX t meets emergenciesâ€"overcome.^ 'obsUclesT Ti Proprietor rr

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