Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1913, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER gO, 1913. playgrounds Are Necessary for the Proper of the Girls of ThisiVa#a# (which combines common sense!, safety mc-riotonoasly singing. this song, too lira] plane.' under conditions that con- Sand modesty. Lfeiliy to repeat: ' duc'e to decency and purity. When w? 1oWe^oh In fancv a mb-!"The rain rains high, and the wind; Waiting for the Boys, ment ago at the boys In their ball! . blows low - | Now for that third group of girls qraWe~amr-\vbiraeW<rifh^rTnnfteir sis-! "And the snow is gathering-through who are .waitingjyUh \list less vloffiafi through. " _liieneaiar.,th£lboys to join them. They ters were, I suggested that one group' and might be aL.hame doing the house-! "And Katy Johnson said she'd die are all too typta w-lot or the in- I RANDOLPH MARKET â- v: =jjf=§igned ATficle in"ZJ&^&aygmmdg^hfcagtr WdmanGw&s Her Viefivs on the Life of Boys ~ anaJJirls^and States What Is Needed. Work. What pf them? Having "the training, you may say, that tits them best for the lives they wilt lead by all means. I agree with that; What- ever tlLt girl's ror> she will he_gra!ci fttl always for a firm foundation in IKfiL knowledge of home duties. Too Much Work for Many. / lave a feeling, however, that-many If she didn't get a feller at the roll cUnatton o\ women. of her eye. --â- â- â-  -â- "-â€"â€"-__"-~â€"â€"â- â€" â- ' V "For- nte4»-4riu^t-WWk andnvohien. must Ye8rlJ,She-i9 handsome, she is prett>% etc. â- ! weep By Mrs. Chariea F. Weller. Many centuries passed beforeâ€"the a orl'i -discovered the woman, game, springing forward in eager, wistful excitement! straining their "JImpTle'Watson he'd-have her ."While .the harbor, moaning." : "JlllJheJ)o^are_8ght,U»gJ^hjerLet(-.'*i Those fisher wives with all. their _ Katy Johnson UseA to join some own absorbing cares, feU the d°Pre8' i times with / the-boys and girls who kion^of their monotonous restricted; gathered for "different play in the early lot.. How different they werr,, though .â-  summer evenings on the green behind bt)iind_by,the same <l<^stiiiy. . fnun the ....... .,:•!, an- -o heavily burdened &£?&&» Dutch Church." No one ^^^g^^^^M Httarl,Th_t,-,,l„ moved slowly in those games, no one may see all day long.locking, unking 1 " ......gossiping,-^waiting-for It is j, ,trange., then, that-even this age, which i!»s been called the Age of the Ch'vJih XWrjnot^a^VrOnce discover the eirl in the-midst-of_coUntless move-j mend the family clothing.^xLr care lor ments. local and national, to improve (the little brothers and sisters, while 'he o|'u'orthMQies_jaf_JULeJ)oy. bis sjSjLjthe boys^^f the honsehold-care-fru ws have been until recently almost ....... with home .. . no doubt many TsmFTHETrag^ewnBrnJ-1 simpered, no one, 4aokeil_aentimental, ^.^lea undossoiaufily into motion as; gested to. me, who do not. Wqr> Ifa-rd'i «n they followed the flight of thy ball. enoughvAvim have "too itrrh^rn^ferr^ Perhaps they were at home helping lives of any serious pursuit. That is , S«iâ„¢e>- she never Jost herself <n no- ":tswl-il to sweep the floors, \va&^%v:e>'diishe ^the men to v..,less it-was Ka^Johnson^and she |OEh| home. A strange tangle it is in ^ir^w.w^-j,Ain^ivvAry:" hPnrtllv l»tthc which no oiie can'di^jngjilshjjetween under* now A TncTTnation, arbitrary "TraTtt7 lion, and a certain necessary dtvis.ion H function,." ^ T .brgotten. The problem of the girls is so much "less* dramatic than that of the boys. Tlie) Uo not "shoot craps" or "rush the growler." They do not'organize gahgi to turn pirates, fight Indians 6r burglarize the corner store. They do not do the hundred and one things. .'hat^e**-ita-i>ur- Interest, thrill our imaginations and arouse us to em- phatic action. They couldn't do these things; society has so long held them back, teaching them a restraint and serious pursuit, true I think priftt'i.p,alT*,.!.1.ii.-.^amiH«S',.J»K..<,*.':|*^?-»Por*'"" »?**»««. whichâ€"<re striving for superficial;8tand then wh>" it was; but show, and spencITng inr folly-the- pro- know. One day she told us ......... »*â€"oH couldn't piav on the church .green- any ...KlUheMnlejoMmoIHgrnce >outlndan more. "Ma says she won't have me increasing ability* nu the -parrot sirls sno Certain it is though. that as you rise feeds Qf sudden hnaliutHs -Bin*ce straining beyond their means to imi- • ...... ,iri, .,,,. k--. Tiiran thpr.< rnnninc around with tiovs to have a good time togetnei . uitnout tate some one more prosperous. But â„¢wn tneic running, aruunu wun iwys _n____ ^ ^ t__^ tu^ K««.' in families where perforce there are â-  «very evening. no servants, and only onn family The words had the silliness or pUt»jag_fQr_tho boys, sudden shock of a blow that dashed- Girls Without MLuch^â€" Boys of all grades are mere Thde- sought play and exercise abroad. Perhaps in some secluded corner they were trying feebly to play those games that tradition and convention- ality have permitted to girls. Perhaps they sat aside, gossiping to- fords a serv geth er,.-- chafing a t t h e -slow-pa ssage 1 a reT riia itvt of time before the boys should befree pTayKround directors speak "ofteh~oT^'ether- Poor Katy! and ready to talk and laugh and flirt; tlla »„,ioCn„cca nT iho gi,.jg ln -ontraatTpure wholesome childish thoughts had made up of the roughest, most uncouth j withjhem,________ . ..... ,Z .j"ith t e eSy and the lnHaXâ„¢ofi b^P PP'^°c« for hereby the one^ho^mhignoranrboy^-I-have^ver known; ; Such a group-6T gif^^^^^ of! should have cherished their purity. I but the girls from the same families. V^l^lt^^^^toUnvnr heard thatJKra.Johnson object- had little interest in each other. One lourteeii tn-rhis countrjV it is.said, af- away some of our innocence. We had ant, the dufies of the girl not been "running around with boys;" pendent of the other sex than gi.l^ we had only been_children playing to- Ijneyer saw boys have a better time The fountain of together than in a settlement, clutrt Terry Simpkins Managtr 222-224 WEST MADISON STREET, Near fHth kitm "I" Station Phono for Groceries- Central 5895 Fcr Liquor- Central 3847 ..... "". i 'â-  .......'.--'.____.....:.......„i___'.__Z-'-L-_. ".,.'___ {... ......_â-  Ofl Friday and Saturday of last week we=3ioticed an Enthusiastic .response to our advertisement on Thursday in The Lake Shore Kews^ - ' lUie North Shore business-mejMJjjdd^ply realised that^he "Randolph Marl^^^hii excellent o! products, its ronir/ifVnf location and its remarkably l^^^i^^s^^^^^^^-^n^ideaVâ€"m ar ketr fer-fc&em*â€" And Wep€6inen appr^cta/e the"iiandblpli^ to&T On their way to the' Uhopping districlihey stop for a minnte^in this clean* spacious^ well-lighted store. mentioned are a Hying; refutatjon of ^ tnis difference ,8 due-to the fact that' •The rain reason for this, I believe, lies not in j the claim that girls' instinct does not th„ _,_. „omps to thf> niavero»nd ai.| c-d'to'having Katy play *e»«n«-^vlBO«usâ€"sinmr-1-T.tayed^ the gfrls themselves, but in the fact .elf repression, of which it might have games myself when I was a girl anl râ„¢* valualdT Kti£ttothiR«llMmi-| P^P** who ^grudge to childreiT fh^BBarihe borhas in-bis owr^hands-the4 played -them hard. I can still feel through all the years since then the faeen well to impart some to'their brothers, ahd boldfhg"before them, en- forced by terrible penalties, a double standard of morals not only for^thejand the proud moments of triumph vital, but for the most trivial ques-'when with Itrength of muscle I held tions of conduct â€"_=_! ---------More Liberty for tne Girl. You will say that boys and girls -T^erdHferent-hy-naturft; PerhnpA-JBui, ! wish I might live to see-the effect upon the human race when for a generation or two the girls have been giv^niore^iheily^_burnatJtoQ^much, and hoys have-enjoyed less license. At any rate, itrrisâ€"gradually^dawning upon us that the women of the race need more - than a negative set of virtuesâ€"that the best development of our childrenâ€"demands that fulness of life for the mothers that shall make _:them-strong and fine and broad, able to rise above that pettiness^of woman- â€"Itind-whiehâ€"has been the- jest of the ages: ' _ All through the world's history it seems to me the girl and the boy have tieen too much differentiated. Even now we begin in babyhood to train the hatr we look upon as manly- off the boys Or with fleetne8s of foot left them behind me. Three-fourths Liked Games. - •: In answer to. questions asked in worked out in regard to- the occupa- j innocence of childhood, and who do „ , , , tion-Qf^childrenr they -are founded i not understand that when they tease pure all-effacing joy of the exercise | -, witteQ by 45a_Jtlrl9 and | Johnnie about his "lWtejwircethearr 437 boys in smaller towns and"rural for Mary about her -Jeau" they are not communities in Minnesota. Massachu- <"»y polish, but absolutely immoral, setts, New Jersey and Maine. The! Supervision Ever Needed, children have been asked to tell exact- \ I have realized since those days that iy- what -they-did. on.the Saturday and } perhaps it might have been better it Sunday just passed. M^re^TnalT^T^r^hlid^had a~Httle closer-supcrvisjoir preparation for this paper, it chancedT^eTeent of the girls^entioned^olhg^TffThbse^evelilng^r that a very informal sort of cenBus+wmnr-yorkj->n-«lmost-alL-ca£e& work j never^ stayed out after dark. We was taken in twl^ schools of widely 1 at home. Only 24 per cent of the^oysTmight ^ave^derTved~trom them some different locaUon ^nd^ character^___In I performed any labor and much of that j positive benefit beyond the mere joy " schdbT on the "Mlnfaesuta |conaiated in veiling; newSPftperg, ojJ^orphy»tCTtt~activity;--8o fay-as I know " some other r&roungrafive ocrupation , no sllghtl'st harBLeV-er came~frjtrm-that a\\ay from home. pfree play of boys and girls together. â- '.." . . . .. . - „ ! Yet it might not have been amiaa_lf_ An inherited Folly. i Mrg John8on had 8troned down 80me- If this difference prevails in- the times in the evening as some of our country how much greater it must be mothers did, to see.that all was well, in the city. The average modern jpity i .:.' y. _ ....., IrnTne-nl^is-n^nl of the conve^tioVal - ^deal-Play Together----- m J. h T- gr°"P.---a,!>r?--fin-Sh' duties sdJMJw-^orf to cut, water j l^n6w there is an age at which ing school „, an eastern eity waojpro Zhr^ lireslo make, or animals to : the boy at least shrinks half in em- a MorffiSl prairies, the question was put to~25Q school girls; what sports are most beneficial and pleasurable: games formal athletics or dancing? Three- fourths of those girls answered, "Games." Preferred the Turkey Trot. duties .oJLlhe^boa taJir4ng^Jir.es_io care for. In some households, especial- lere i,s ir bwt^ small means, the boy pno?!^,!6"21 S^^ilS^'l^re'foT: in Zme ho^hoid*7esp~ecial-1 barraMment_half in contempt from ence in play. The ieachei-wTote-Tne, . . intelllKOnce play with girls-; and it is the gener- "One instantly said, 'Tennis,' while [£Jnâ„¢!** _!"! l .!^ PJ. ..^d | aliy accepted idea, I believe, that they But in should be conceded to. No doubt they traits and the- girl in the long accept- ed virtues of womanhood. I have knovm"_sensible7^inteliigent people seeing a doll in the hands of a ooy-baby at the ripe age of 6 months to exclaim: "Take it away, you'll another groaned and said, 'Too hard ,. , .. w6rk.'~ Still another confided to us. uPon to relieve hls mother with the_prefaee that. sheknewLshe ^iaby loved his doll. Why shouldn't tie? To this day, though he numbers almost seven yearSr he cherishes an affection for a doll which I am very glpi to see. To be sure*his devotion :s not the unfailing mother-love of his ,iitle sister. It comes in impetuous riai-hes, and even when the impulse is on him he isTroite likel3rtcrcarry-dolly apside down and to disarrange and dislievel her-garments, but^some day, ! hojie, if he has a child of his own, nis affection will be all the more ten- ier. his instinct to protection, his "*fTi>re of responsibility, all the stronger because long ago in his play, which should be life's great rehearsal, he practiced fatherhood. No*- for that little sisterâ€"she loves a>r dolly, and wellshe may.* But if sometime she is the better mother for ha\ing.been a mother always^jshe will aa\e a deeper, truer love if her, life has been enriched by. other exper- iences that make her power of loving 'creater and \that add to it ah intelli- -tfnrtâ€"andâ€"conscientious devotion to ought not to, that it was bad taste, that she did like to play croquet! One of -abJect Poverty, iolate-the-old-t-r-adit ions any homes it is not so; and in those should some of the time play apart gr^BH^tH^^ to entire ^â- Paration-well it is very unusual sometimes I wonder. Nothing i It seems to me that the ideal play For (aiildreh_Ts~OiaT^nrw'hich--.boyrj»nd liked basketball, bht others declare.. that sentimentally 'ful1 abandonment all dlfterences of boys. As for amusements these girls really enjoy, the teacher, <"Httle mothers," we „v„...^-------, contribating something ,! him effe-inlnatc;. "-^Jhat^boy^^mefateTrilTrlrer letter to me only' fratt-them-) rresponsibWy^s-far-beyond | ««,_but_ eacn ^f^1^^â„¢! 'Turkey trot,' and Its train ,<** and sisters when boys much «'««r! D^roUnd this ree play^^ dimcult lances, *-- vaudev^ the tlme , it is an ideal to work towardâ€"an ideal raise it above mere animal instinct. A Doll Not the Beginning. _ True to the. traditions of her- sex ^irF^cherlshes first among" her toys her doll with its small belongings, but she .loves,At times to join her brother in some improvised game---with the -wind-up"' engine, or To climh ohTTthe unresisting back of "Billy Horsey," Even th^ game of "meccano," which consists-of-bita of-metaLtoJBe screwea and bolted together into the most ir^in^elO-Us^rmeehanlcal,. devices from ^i^wheelbarrow-to-a suspehsion^Fidge^ has jts fascination for her.--After all, she is only human, and no one has ever said to her, "That's" a game for boys, only." If 'she has a brain, and "be developed" as well as^ber. brother's. ^heT^runs-and-jumps-and plays.â€"She- -Marathon-race, learned .to, swim befbre she was 5, and l^bope^that-as each successive sr'ortMpJies within her gr;asp she will n, -tfj^gj^iji that each conquest will adi] tq^R^jrehgth, her vigor, her presence of^nind and her self-control. ^ope„tnat as she/ grows old enough fhc-^may learn to join with-courage, •"eK-effacement^and-fairness in^ games -nril-. the pettyâ€"sentimental games of [*rTS==that are her brdtherts undis tmtfid birthright *ast is'^the"old'"orderrljhanglng-^-that «hen she attains the proper age base- fair-may he free and Open for- girls as wen as for hoys. Perhaps from such a beginning she may carry Into For boys and girls on the border of maturity I am sure one final object of s;â„¢. ,„„ »;,;„„, ^ â- -..•, --•-- - z^^SS&S&'&sgSi of related dances or motion pictures." The points of contrast in the en-1 eager {o help-them ta kill ^... ..^^ aitahmbl*. vironment of these two groups of givrslthat hangs heavy on their^ hands. It!! ' '"•'> 'lr. are so many that it is hard to tell !i!am speaking for the boy as well as what we should attribute their differ- j for the girl We are most unjust to m,rMtln„ «hn„id be to ence in taste. I am inelined-tc-think-lHm. This is more Ug mot J«fX**** I H£tt£ tog^eTon" a healthy nat- mvself that the discrepancy was not Uhan any one's else. She is a part of a , »""s a matter of city or country, of east or vicious, circle:and repeats for the ris-; â€"|•â€"-- _ _ s*^-j - - j west, of anything but the fact that i ing generation the follies that the old j /\flf $# U, D. lUuQCLUlCy one group, more wholesome and nat has taught her, ural, untutored in that striving for ef- fect and slavery to conventionality J that is a menace to American^ prog-J ress, followed spontaneously the im- pulse for active expression that ft natural to a human being. An Idle Argument. All I havejsajd., however, does not set aside the importance of supervis:"j ing the play of girls, excluding as has already been done, some games for which physiologically a girl is unfit- ted, developing by gradual exercise the Ccacbcr of Utolln Residence Phone 246 MANOOL1.N A1.80 TAUOHT girl who is too weak at first for active dut!es and oblTgations of . boys and effort and.even shutting out from the men Thus onlv can justice~bF done game a giri wno ny some weakness is | tQ ^oth and t6* the race that shall Let the Boy Feel His Obligations._____________________ This condition reacts most seriously j .^^__. ^ . _ W; upon the bov himself. He runs forth | Studio Room 30, i 159 WUmeii^enue unhampered.- feeling useless, bored | PKd"e Wiimetw 44e and out of place in the home which makes no demands.upon!his time or his affections. Then when suddenly. he steps into a home of his own the world marvels if he bears lightly bis responsibilities *r 'drops them utterly in some time of great stress. If *e are to have fglpesB of life for_glrlB-}; and women, we must round out the unfitted for great exertion. - To Prc' comP aTT'MOBeinr sent as an argument against physical â- â€" j nav6 pictured another group of development for_girls a few cases of i gjj.jg piayjng games by themselves, women who feel they were injured by i ^ot )ulncss 0f Hfe, but foolish sentl- excessiveâ€"exercise o^ the time-worn f mentaiity and~~prematurfe sex-cou- story of the girl who jumped rope J B(.iousnPf,s have been emphasized in without missing till she counted to a|tne training of girls; and to a htim3red~agatir-and-^agalB--aBd-again, i gTee thejr game8 rt'flect-those^ldeals; and finally dropped dead with the rope j Absurdly Yet Sadly" Sentimental. In her hand, is just as idle as it'would ; Aa i think of girls at play, the tip'to cMm-that aibat-hletfe-spoff^oj"j8jQund of voices comes back to me men and boys should be swept away ^through " years_of time, and ujaiiy because of the folly of six^day bicycle miies 0f distance. I see a circle of races, the sudden heart failure of the jgtriB gathercd -in the schoolhouse yard, athlete who has over-straihed^of Ihe |^n thelf^mTdSt standB one^ girl inert he seems tp have, It ha« a right* to I sad Etory of those boys who died lastxand_8jmper4ng There is no pto in year through the foolish excesses of ai4jH^_piayT-nodramatici movement, ex M. EILEEN LONG MEW WALTZES Pajfj. Siwi-Btrp. rtr. Opt'n Day und E*enin« Pou«rs BulldinK, Suite 1301. 37 S. Wabash Ave. Cor. Monroe St., Chicago Phone Central 3402 power of initiative. He can, if he chooses, spend an evening with his companions, or he can seek out the company of the girl who attracts hlt&p while tor the. girl traauiep demands that she wait modestly till called for and stifle with pride her nervous anxiety for attention. Will custom sometime relax, leaving to the girl somerpower of adynnceZ-Ihe-tactjhat it has not been so does not prove thai it never can be. So, while the girl needs to play with boys, that she may be stronger physic- ally, broader lh spTrTrand-more^dem ocratlc, she needs also to learn to finj pleasure in playing with other/ girls, so that -as a woman she may be loyal to other women as men are loyal ;to each other, and eo that all her pleas- ures may not resolve themselves into a matter of sex-expressjou. I do ptu, mtean-tg belittleâ€"gentler and more conventional amusements for girlsâ€"music, dancing, quieter games, and all the reaches of beauty through literature and art that give life its highest meaning. I take them for granted. They are already part of the girls' accepted curriculum. I would plead for more of this fol bo>s. Let us teach each one to-be gentle, eaT^h~onir-to be BttfiBfe.each one- fine and each one to,be brave at the" proper time. Then, both working to get her aB the man and the woman they may round out a fuller, more give their orderâ€"and upon return to the Northwest- ern depot they find" it ready for thejm an the oheek roomâ€"withouM**ra charge to thern^ -:.._ Get into the line of satisfied "Kandolph" custom* ^3s==yovd\hnever regret it. Monthly charge accounts invited. Delivery to> all points along the NortEShore, Double %&H:orFish Stamps All Day Friday J *0 MtS.CiKAMI.ATKt> Sl- (iAK_ twixii ;okj>kh:_)jmc 0 .*!«•â- Â«â€¢â- â€¢. Arifo oturrh for.................... iHc ml iilllid sour In nuKit'r. <i<>i»-n. ^t««v 40 <!../. <h<rrti*a, m 10 .V ninn brnt «'«mlfn>ie€l milk "fi>r. . .;.......... .<-.33€> .1 ll>~. Swrrt S:mt« clant -pmx»» for ............JUNL 4i»T»l»r»Ju> 8 lb».â€"liiimlâ€"plikfil . i beans for............ TSfipw i'ilrnn. or.miie fftinlOll 1)»»<-I. 111. . â- 'â-  .,-r-r-r- Ilart bnniu punipkin tor your ThnnkHKtviug heeds, 6 oans. «3p^i4»<>r,oan......tSc ?»0 boxnt .Swift's -t'rtde Kfinp. 100 bar- box. *'.H(I; 00 bai-H.. SI.I3; 10 bikr*>.30r l^irsr ai:i(-kiiK<*» luirbunk's ia«»^t»uUl.-Pu>t-^~>^ â- -.-t-,-.-â-  â-  .vrlte •i.10 do*, tiobl liar aprirots, 33c quality, tri heavy syrup. <loz. cans, >$.A3; can. . '!Ae Kxtro <nialll\ pickles, ;!'i oat. size, larjte square ln>t- 'tles cbow ychuw. jaweet <>r_ s.airâ€"nnxcil. KiicrkTris or ., , , ,,_i 300 c a « e « f :i n c y lianil I III. Pkirsi-Kurkwmwl s 30c [ ^r-yo^lâ€"tT>frr,TroesT -tiuairty tcas, B. F. Jnpan or mixeil. I,ea. Jb«™^$1.0ft best.. -..<•»*»•--'8 l.arce cant. «aiillary park sptnneh orâ€"sauer- kraut.---*- cans. «5f; can........i'> ttc 3 pkas.. currupls or. raisins for TE............ 4 Ills, fancy full head Jap- an rice................,85c I ttr pkKs. WffW Knsland mince meal........ ...33c Tally ijg corn, the best "TrtStne^ pack. 'i.>o; nuallty. ft.BS: .ran,,.......t»r A tew more Nuwuy peas. "Best Vette" brand. , lie uualnv.â€"atoz.^__JUluS. can ..-----. â€"........ ,l0<r »t.«»; TH eases Hart - Brand cat wax. ifreen beans. Mures^- lus Jimas or succotash or beet*. Jtiiia., IMS; .can^Me- 30 Hlamps with 3 10c pk«a. asaarrwt- flavors Jelly p.Sw-^ der . .. -.e ..-.'.... ... " . .9S*7 10 stamps wiili lance hot- "»5eiL:*lcs_bluln« or amnttiala. IQc^ â- "io'stunips-1wttftâ€"aâ€"|0c~ caaa;: Babbitt's cleanliiK ut'wour*.. InK powiler.......... . . . .35ei 4« »Umpt „#Jth_JLJJ». P*«- best breakfast cocoa. . .3ft" 10 ' stamp* with 3 la me cans new packed . hominy- for ____.......-.........»3e In Our Butter Departmentâ€"High Qualityâ€"Low Prices wholesome lllefoir all the NEWS WANT APS BRING RESULTS Special 5 lb. tin Nutlet pure Virginia .pjB.A_a.U-t _ hiittcr f,,r _......"i=*3 ii WW, .-; ...<Hte, l»ure white clover honey comb, IHVie each, z for 35c or 4 for V,,...........«»c PoiIkc County full cream brick' cheese, this sale. l>«r pound , ..... ......-. • IHVie ft iW. \\ o ii n t a I n Brook creamery butter for •l.'SO. or 1 "pound" for. ....... cSSc We quote only tb,e hiKhest grade butterlne. , A'ankce P»l »y butterlne. S pounds for . , . â- .___ 5 lb. pail lOlgin iTKinitT) butter (stylet for. â- .. ,$t.4P fold SprldK creamery but- tei-Jite, S lbs, for «t.ia or--l.- Our fresh churned' ciHJntry^^W«ji^^?j}yi_^lS - â-  â-  -:--***: st\ lc rolli, a quality that [ l.tiuliiirgiT. t or 3 lb. cakesv m:ery<»ne-enjoys,- lb,... ,33c | this sale lb, ^-----. ^.jIII.H*. Large clean selected' r-'er»-?_ dalo eggs. 1 doa. carton, at lowest prices in city. _ % li>«. fancy A in « r I can cheese, mild or sharp. ,3Se X^lhr . cut «.e nwjn e ln»- ported Uoquefortt_ lb. . ,33c JKidlâ€"CJrei»in_l%ll h c â- > n - I n Fresh and Smoked Meat at Prices That Save You Money Get Our Prices on Thttiihsgivii 1.11 carload of extra fancy selected Alberta. Canada, steers came ln_under th* -m»n--ntrlfr -t.rr-nelrf-'r»Mnicli,,nt?»""tnt!,H-,gost .if llvhllT~rn~,t.TiTrU'grjr- ITtnnrTTTi toiisN, JUXL-, IHVjc: sriioln rolled roast*,- lb. tlVic: sirloin ..-stMvkf<r^-**| >| I j-. l»«/je Biib'lti pot roasts, lb. [.ess . sugar rump corn beef. lb. The cheapest It'.^c ___yet. No. I beef tenderloin steaks ifnTT rousts, lb., .,.,,....... .20c Little fresh pork shoulders or ..pig hams, per lb. ..I3i_c ho|>s, lb., pound ...........â-  • • .llMic II Indquurters select e d spiing lamb.tb,.....,. t»Mrf> pound Canadian mnlton "tf tripâ€"bacon. I 0 toâ€"W lb: little pla sugar 4 lb. taol t'resTt II fed. jars best l3«-jc remlere«l .....BSc halThTtlr canglit steak, lb.........:.. . 13'. jc 10 lb. imlls _ ..famil y mackerel ....-------,. .f WtO, Sherwood Music School Founded by Wm. H. Sherwowl -----Tl2 Fine Arts Building GEORGIA KOBER. President WALTER KELLER. Director Highest Standard of Artistry Piano, Organ. "rTarmbny. Counter Point Coni|ieisi t ion, VbcatT'-VioHrrr- Public School Music, Musical His- tory, School of Expression-; For flat«U6girg adjfess, . JESSIE K. READ Business Manager 410 S. Michigan Avenue i 1246 Wilson Ave. 731 Fine Arts Bldo. i Phone Sannysid* 9633 Tuttiay* (uut Fridays I " Private and Class Lessons at either Studios or Residences | SPECIAL PRICK and IIST mWHOII »WE» (8 CHH.0REB TRIAL LESSON FREE Herbert FrAntunes PUtto tmtand Kemlrtr 1117 Vain St., Evanston -,- Telephones EvanstiVu ;rntwJ and I I'J Otlicial Tuner for Northwestern School of Muaie The New Cabs, Carriages, Saddle and Driving Horses General Teaming and Expressing A. F, VOLTZ, Prop. S97jVernon Ave. Telephone 98 ^cacber of jpiano anMDaicc CAN DEVOTJB ONE OB TWO Jâ€" DAYS AT YOUR 116MB MISS E. H00T0H B3» "^A„c,Kri'SE6*VE- Here's the Way i cfPt that they circle round and round i, . ' .. ..yjtU- - JTtllrin Maclitnfl^ Old Phonographs remodeled to play New EnisoN Records be discusseMorwerhave to do^with-LaTrguafre taught by phonograp . ********* r^gBBE^a^ag I believe that, if all girls practiced vigorous-sport regularly without dis- crimination the general good health that would. result f,rom itâ€"would-far. more than counterbalance the occa- sional injury.>*sHowever, that need not Ask for our Guarantee Certificate. That guarantees you nail weight ih good, clean coalâ€"Coal that fs practicably without impurities. Consumers Coal I have had letifeers from many women \vrm tell how they played with f 2.-, wcst lake st « lilt AfiO iitUe girls, but .the strong, :"v-e*y^M_b6ys. ran and raced and play.ed-.j- ^ben-tbey-were^girla^^iui^ln^exerx I â€"haveâ€"faitb^SQLj^jng ^0f_them-there~ls a vigor aad_a. -potency that-nrgu^r-v^i--for-their trainjngr »- > __ . .._. The^Preble.mTof Coatume.- Where one girl is injured jgy ov^l sassteBBSaSr^gttiaaBiaaffliB for warmth, the skirt too narrow for safety, the ankles unprotected against tint a habit dplky that will make her •We l^apriy_an^3»holespme.--------- Have ynu ever wondered as you ^niched a crowd QfJbpy&playingLfease- ball what, their-sisterff were at th'tt ...giomfjit.doing?!. -â- -:. of the shoe so higlr-that all- the body- is thrown into distorted .angles. I ih^d^a^ise^o girrrtotake^part ln4 «lh^aZihizZiwere7f"'^^txHl^^ -Private-1 n stitutton for Ladies Only ^â€"--^rtl^n£6nltifnTion8 bttifT^ , Convalescents and jnval Ids --lleceivi^aentif^Niralnft^ Doctors have strict control of their -T»tients- -Brjoklefc^eat.apQtt.JgfpfifcJ 2328 Hartzell St. Phone 1118 â€"â- â€"â- â- â€" KvaiiBton, 111.-----'S------- First Book jpQheLNCrTtK Sliire Price$L50 Second Book of the North Shore Price $2.00 Homes, GardenSj^Landscapes, High- ways-and Byways, Pa^ and Present Intensely^meresnng,, HistOTically-Valaable, Pro^r fiisely lUustrited^n sepia and onncreasirig value as books wtfhiorbrreprinted. Make remittancesdirecue «1^8-She#idaa4^^-^-^

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