Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1913, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1913. .........I............H 4 What People Are Doing I in imMMEWS^Mtm^0M^EA1Jmmih4iAKE SHORE HOMES Classified Bus! ness List Mr. Ernest Burkitt Is in OhioYon a :'business "trlpr"7 ;:-;v â- 'â- â€¢â€¢ •â- '•-.â- 'â- : -' " ^' 'â- â- 'â- .,•. Mr. i.and-Mrs......George. Olsen have -inoved-to-Ghieago^foi-the^ winter,- I Mr. and Mrs. Jdfafr-T. Boddie aro"lri.;Ji Texas for a vi8ir^T~alv^f?rar~\veek9. ! - Mr.. Norton Meyer, has returned"} -*t-<wkâ€"a two .weeks' visit in \VktohaJ_-. 'Minn. ~ A daughter was born to Mr. and .Mrs.;>faf<oh. SuiHb of .Oak streetyFridJaJ" of last .week. ,-:;.',,v/; â- '• â- '-,, v -Miss.Phoebe Brown is to rehrrcr-ShTs week from a visit of several weeks In. Lexington, Kyrrâ€"â- T-^^^~^~^^ussra-- ^^* JohvT'V: A. Weaver has been chosen -«dU.b£ -of-"bit.;" -thei^eoliege==paper=rrO Hamilton-college. . â- :: Mr. "and Mrs. Gerald Mahony are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davis J of Hubbard \Voods._________~______;.__... Mr. and Mrs. \V1 O. Pringle. former ly of Chicago, are -occupying a house; In Hubbard Woods. â€" Dr.'bejrck and family have moved! into, their new home recently erected a? 467 Linden street. Mr. Lawrence Heughteling is mak ins a rapid recovery from a recent at-: tack of typhoid'fever. Mrs. Zoellin of. Nebraska has been lithe: griest of her niece,. Mrs,_JV. W. Power, of Ridge avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. French, recently â€"of-Minneapolis, are occupying the new â€"hOBieat 477- Elder lane. ~~ -^ Mrs. Geo. Seinerâ€"o£_Alegan, Mich. | has been the guest for several days of _ hex-daughlcr. -Mis. Jlmiry-Wtetteeko. â-  GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS rt i wi «.^iA*»^' AUGUST RODELlUs : Successor to Rodellus ^oTHRftjgg: Expert Watchmaker and "Optician Repairing of complicated watches ,_and..jjlocka.: Many yaafB' exne»fe ehce with best known Chj houses. Phone 2632. cago 827 Davis Stre« Does It Fit You? If it does, you can make no mistake if you purchase this home. « ......-----•••,•;' It is only four blocks from the station ami is convenient to all the places you. will want to go. It has a rood deep lot .with a frontage of 48 feet; nicely improved. The house:is attractive, inside and out, and has six rooms besides the bath-room and a large hall, and has all the usual modern con- veniences. Pri e is $4,500. Terras reasonable JONAS Hi MADSEN Phone 345_ *,„â-  - /. ___ -Wtnnetka; 111. HfltJND PIC KEEPER The Misj-es Will lams,, r.oii Sherjdavr -road, gave a tea -Saturday nftarnoon i-----------------«_.----------------------â€"------------- \o introduce their niece. Miss L6isjjury j,n Justice Harry Bartietfs Pittman. â€",. â€"iâ€"------_ 'â-  V^------------~, â- â- ------JL^^", .â€" Mrs..'L. M. Johnson of Sheridan road UOlirt MlldS MlChael rrewdjiTv^frexT~\vTFjek-^in 1mnor of Miss"' , oChTTUflt Utility* "XoTs^FfEtman. Mi. John Make, who recently sold his business here, has located at Los Angeles; .'(?al.', where he has *ni ef ed a new line of work. "'.' Mr. and Mrs. â- "W. L. Hoyt and chil -drenâ€"atuiâ€"expected__liurm A jury in tire coxnt-of Justice of the- IVace lii. 31. Harthrtt found Michael Schmidt guilty of a violation of the dram shop act Saturday afternoon and t^s-i^p^ assessed a fine of $â- >?, and costs.â€"An from a trip abroad. They havi -gone for six months.-------------------------- . Mr,- KU0.â€"Magi«v-ot 735- Sheridan road -is- still at: :ilot Springs, Va., j^nersuhe has-been- for several-weeks recovering from a recent illness. " ( Rev. Frederick G. Budlong of Christ church was elected president of the yorth Shore Sunday School institute -u*. n meeting held in F.viitmloii Thins day. -----------â€"'" Konn 1 appeal was immediately/takeV Tlie [case was prosecuted by Assistant Staters Attorney Malcolm B; Sterrett. Nil defense-was offered. â€"Schmidt's place in the West Main street road, west of Evans ton, was raided Oct. 12 by the police and dep- uty sheriffs. Several continuances have been granted since the raid. The cases against Kd Hale, peter Johnson » â-  i '* j_j â- ' m- «. .m m ^ • ^ V W W^rVW w * * •* < • People Are Doing â-  Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fent Nov. 13, a son. Mrs. Carr is the guegt of Mrs. Q. J. away from Utah; of his return to his people to find them crushed and per- secuted by the proscription acts of jhjg=Jinj^ed-=StateszigQxernment.:.___L. West on Greenwood.avenue. 1 of Cast Ed^oitâ€"a-venue â€"as-ber^guest Miss Ellen Baker~of Chicago. Miss._iV^nfred -Ha-mn was a guest Last "Legislature Passed Law of fl88^ Sandfers ln ChicasQ sev f~> #,»r;il <bvc thi« \\:tmlc Prohihitinff Th^ir IIsp and eral days this week. Mr. and zttCS. 'fr; â- â- â€"Ism-^K-Tsn^tmivr. Many Have Begun ta-'Qfr- ing Into their .new home, recently com- pleted, on Laurel avenue. serve the Law. I'SrOP DISEASE SPREADING Tin le'xr time you enter a cigar :=â€"Mr;~and. Mrs. Janles C Calhmra and datrghter areâ€"making -a trip tlnoitgh- the south. They will spend weeks Miss. < 'onnors, Charles i-Heiidrieksmi.' Axel AValkt'r, Everett Anderson, Hen ral ud BI10.V Befts and Clias. Heijt^? on disorderl, <;auduet -â€"-dtai for voiir drme. yu.ti nwiy looJt.Jp vain lor a cigar cutter, aiid failing to find you will either have to bite <>t*t* dim '• .vir. i.'arnoal, late of Dubu<|ue. Ia., is erecting a beautiful home in North avenue, just west of Rosehil!. Miss Isabel Christie is home from Canada, visiting her brother. David Christie^ on Green wo d avenue. The Young Women's guild of the M. E. church held its regular, ineet- itigâ€"withâ€"M-tss- Ruj4tâ€"l^:oybe^;gâ€"Sa4ur-d»y- affernoon. * - - =___ . . '.Mr. James Pringle and dltughter,- "MargareTi of Hamiiton. OnT." are ii:vit:es_wni TklZEiM in Spf MaL Christ, church on Thanksgiving day. ( |,;i -Services will be held at 10 o'clock riie-st1 men were in â- t theiihitâ€"of-Tt-lte-rirrd 'rtr-Ttf jvvure........tHsiiii.sned^--t-rreze«d.tuv. use your pocket, kiiiie, for i guests of .VIr, and ,\1>D~. l^riugLe^oLiJjib^-. the ScTiihTdt place -I he chances- are thiit soon- cigar cut-ibard Woods. U. Bud ciiiie.aifllilSLA.. F. Marliol/.. 1 sWith beinp the k«e-p**f of a vliere intoxicaTfng" liquor was ters Imuv will become as . scarce iâ- rliiiil '.hen's teeth.____-â€" tin Mr. and Mrs. ! formerly of La Layman and family, iiraiuie. iiaAX' taken Cigar salesm«Mi have pluce vviu'i-i- ltii-oxuaiiiig liquor was . io "Evanston cigar dealers that the use sold, iiyrtiiwust of "Kvanston. and w ho ; o.l cigar cutters is another practice that Was. arrested in tt-rakiâ€"(lie prst wiiek In againsl the law. It lias been diK- brpught word up their residence in their new home oil "A sh land a venue. •-."'- Mrs. W. A. Fox ga»e a mu'sjeale at lief resideine oil Long wood avenue T»t. Harrison 4577 Voice Specialist 59 E. VAN BUREN ST; Pupils fitted for Chiirch, Recital^â„¢ Concert, Ora- XQjdQ^Ai^XXper^u-------â€"â€" Four thofbughly equip- ped assistants. Pupils -booked-at-anv-time.-------.â- _ Mr. Munro tests all voices and supervises all work^ •n'liiuance wa> -conducted by -Jfeevr-Freflericl long. , ', 'â-  * ------ The Dramatic club of Community'! in ..October, another Kouse will give :t fflay ^tr pantoutinie..m;(oU-d Saturday The case the evening of -'November" 22: This is^taken from I'oliee Masjistrdte it the.iirst play to br;,given by tlie chrb on-n-changp of vpnue tr>-.histic»'*T.f-rhr' j illegal^nr have the'cutters,on eounlefs I-i-sLL Mr. Walter- 1'ng. r membeW. ----- ' _..i\eaee William Schatz. Marholz. asked {'jn tin stores. " • : Bodhahlt, ae^-omjj^iiist covered that disease milted irr' tbts-ttiani legislature passed a has been trans- tt .mil tin last law making it Saturday evening. The artists for the eveping were Miss . :.utile Stevson, soprano; Mr. .Enrico Tramouti. liarp- elllst: Miss I here, were Fridav evening of next week Mrs. "'""••' <">"i"uanee. Ratine that his at- "Fra'nFw.'BlatchionUwm .-»., r.ain Sr^iiey could-no. -be present on at- perfoiniance of tte Wisconsin players at the 'Woman's club during the even- Jug- A Filthy> Habit. "100 Kuesfs. in.i_ J__ Fifth Ave . Bei. Washington ^tid Madison - Right at the loop, Sut JevuiJ af thtt iistriet'n exorbitant, ctijrges. Finest litnch room in Chicago in connection.. Table ti" note, to Courses, Sundays & Thanksgiving, 75c Instrumental & Vocal Music. Ootn alter Theater, MEN'S WEAR Clothes Ready GROCERIES Fine fruitsâ€"in and out of sea- sonâ€"always form a<part of our large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Good. GEO. B. WlNTEk Order, Sorosis Children ing Goods HAY E.S Made-^Clothes to Packard Bhbes for Mbjj Shoes for Ladir- «n(j Gentlemen's Furnisn & JH_A^E8l PRINTING Printing of All Kinds Done Promptly and „ .r:S^ Satisfactorily by - The WOWjJiiTTpf ^U B. , Telephones 585 and 585. CO. Quality and not Quantityâ€"the best for the moneyâ€"is our mot- to. , Our large stock of groceries is always select, -sand Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- alty.---------------------â- =------ A.; S." V A;.N- DEUS EN HOTEtS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange 1110- Sunday Dinner a Specialtv, 1 to 2-r8Q-P. M. ------- ¥•' Phone 1110. CARLTON PROUTY Police Magistrate PLAYER PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS â-  83 NOTE INSIDE PLAYER Installed in ail upright "pianos Call andsee this player. Our prices are very low. PATTERSON J8R0S^ Tel. EvinMon.654 1522 Sherman Ave Ladies: Tailored Suits $2! P/Tr?mtyWORKMANSHIP CUARAKTttti â-  Designer and Maker of Fashionable Gowns for Women JOSEF POCIUS S;K«„ STATE AND ADAMS STS^CHltnio - Telephone Harrison 2802 ' Jurisdiction same as that WnOmirir- of a Justioo of the Peaoe-^ I IfiUlSlU FROUTY BUILDING Telephone Wionetki 7 WINSETKA Jti-LT-eOPfSALVES Contractor and Builder -RlB&izing-BatmpiLy-AUenJeJ To . Phone Wtnnetka *.'.i "Shop: 909 Lin Jen Ait. Hubbjrj Woods, Illinois WE ARE MAKING Ladies' Tailo, -Made Suits for $3Q to $35 Best Material and Workmanship Jladek Ladies^-Taiior n^MORJT-H-ST»TP strf^t Opposite Fields Phone Central 815 CHICAGO All Wiring Guaranteed â- Sm our system TEETH Investigate I lene of WITHOI'T and ' ^^»e«rt PI.ATKW sj«5D- TTiii of comfort and durability Our j celebrated S3 00 sets Mate stood the 4e»t of time Painless -attracting, but : oothsaiingspecialized 0<»sf I.TtTliix FKKK. Southeast- Cornrr Randolph and Clark Streets Open cvening-9 until 7 â-  Sunday !' to VI for â- Irfrr &UÂ¥ VVluilt^. Pi Furj avi'inii rile iioariiiK Was Nov. 25.' Assistant State's Sterrett appeared to 'j»ros»»- case, ile .objected to the gayo an iHi/'i^stImk lecture before, the Wiiuietkn oouiu'il of tln'~ftoyal Arca- num Friday night. Mis subject was "Mfasurein^nt. StorasCR and Funnta- lion i>{ \VaL(ii^_- Next FjMday .eveuine.-.-Mrs-.â€"la-mepon,: ulio sharps sm tjlflt^tr SfiSrrjfegiaar^Tijds^ltia^ M0iTlrt-.-Oi8elay4.ah1l saVf> as hi? rf>;tr?oti that sine iiwjo --I'-nttrtain jiifmbcrs of thV Wta-.-'-^rkeTt is ft lenani. of Harrison '^.-he <onsin I'lay^rss <*onips»tt>'- ^~Mr«;~"L1 M. j would be preludioed; . JohnsoniRivvs a larg<> rrccixion trnrT ; â-  â-  â-  J"T~" â- ""â- --------â€" Fann.; ufl«*rnoou. in~hrjrror-n.f-44r<>fr Hit»k^ - Inson of Wisconsin univt'rsiiy..-loader .of. tin: players.,'~ ,~.~;.- J^-.â- -â- 'â- -" ('liica«o. Tuesday. Attorney fill.' Tilts ichanjjp of ,runueâ€"boiru; ta.Uc'.a t.« ex- Justice el the Peace SamueU Harri- son, stating that lie wasâ€"not recog- nized as a justice. He also objected to n eluint;e of venue being taken to [Justice of the Peace William Norkott. with Harrison. imU gave as hrs rettsoii that SEARCH FOft Ml SSI NG Gl R L, : 1A jjjs&rESi is being jmaxLe^±n nortli WAWSTON SISNH1T BY ' BRICK GIVEN $3,900 shoie cittFS and urwtis for M;ty-Mrnr- tarro, it; years old, who is missing -from' her home-in ^Hubbard Woods. .The voting-- woman iuui h^B^artaglntf- sincc*_ Wednesday niglti aiid^TTO^tri zl^tis been-, fouwl^-of lier: Tlie parental ar«; greatly wurrUnl over lier al);e. and fear that she -bjLfiCHT^L with -.stint" : accident.-...... ' . ____ frnTTBett waid SettlesCase With ChicagoANorthvyestern Road ^hristma&XJoods Dir$ci Importer tioti-of Novel and Received Daily. Make early selec11 oits 5nd avoid the Hurry.-.and R us IT of late shopping. Rpq tit ifu I Wedding and Birthday Gifts Lt>{JL&e tj'tnf "/•</'.'â-  h'jir )<>r I' PICTURE;On<DSOiJrfE5 By- terms of a settlement with"the Chicago and North\v.euicxu I'ailxoad couipiitiy, annouueed today. Emit Bgtt- waitl, a resident of South SSvanston, .wjfto was iujurod lasr April wiieTTbe V.its 'struck by a brlcli -which fell of -w-a^ Alliwt-f£(mu-a^pasaing- fhicago and Xujihwestt-rn train as b^e passed ^li'st lie n niiiisteil7Jhe_end+^Jȴ tlfef cigars «iili their lips before putting them Into the cutter and cases have been recorded of various diseases be- ing passed along. The state board fit li< ;ilili conducted aTi....."invesffgatlon alonK tiiis iijie ajid became convinced that the use of cigar cutters was 'high»- ly Insanitary. 7 Already, as. a result of the tip that is being passed about in Evanston, the cigar cutters that have been in use for many years*are beginning to dis- appear and. customers are looking for tlntn in vaiii: It is safe to say that as soon as it becomes generally known j | that ,i.t..JB againstâ€"tlK1 law to Itave the WrrFeTs-^Tiaf^ail-of- them will disap- jiear. ;' y^""" ~-~-â-  ' -- • â€"y '-'â-  ~ -: A Big Surprise. BIG AUDIENCE HEARD F. J. CANNON SPEAK C A. THOKSEN Livery and Teaming Bu 1 Id ing Ma terial KENILWOBTH Phone 2b 1' Residence Phon "Well, what do you know about that," one'man__declared when told that cigar cutters were against the "Here The" gymnasium floor of the Evans- I ten* Y. M." C. A. was filled with men i .Sunday at the first of a series of 1 live big meetings under the auspices •poT the Sundajâ€"Afternoon club. Hon. I FranU J. Cannon, first, l-nited States ! senator iioin Utah, was greeted with great enthusiasm, and his address war interrupted by frequent outbursts of tip 1 da+jse. A ianalT" orchestra played prevfpus to the meeting. A. B. 1JBate4a general secretary of the association presided, and the invocation was made Agent Hartford Fire Insurance Co. and Illinois Life Insurance Co. USE A Red Cross Filter ."-,;:."«WfFl|«-; HEALTHY by "Rev; (.). F. Jordan, pastor of the Evans ton Christianâ€"church. One en- joyable' feature; ofâ€"the meeting was law and had been abolished. "Hffr« j the .rouging^ singing under the leader- J have used cigar cutters^ clip my iship of Mr'. Carlson, assistant secre; cigars for years^andnow. I "^vf^_'t^tlay^orT1ii^ullgge $. U.'C. A:_The be told by sofiie one in -Springfield student organization also co-pjierated 1 hat I mustn't.-do it. Can JlQU-iMmt-^trith the ^Hy^tsisocTatioit by fjirnlsfFf Tf?n:^-A-nd.-x\it_h this! he put. the end of 1 fng usheJcs Tor the big meeting, â- Ms~ «'rgar-tfrâ-  hls-niQutl|i and bit off a I l-lx-Senator Cannon took for his sub riber«rpicce. l-'ject, "The.>toder^ MormonTvuTgdom.' --Tiie-liTihriTTtnr-or jhe^ cigar TxmersiH-e stud t]tat whereas in the earl* J oh n son & Johnson MASON AND JCA«EEJ(tiX CONTRACTORS lel-Winnete 845 ;â€"Hubbard Wocdi,; Ri: Society Charms, Rings. Buttons SpevinlDeidsiig.Maim- f.-n-tiii-.-r^ fur School, ! WINSHIP ®, CO. FACTORY ____J l)7-0-.-> MmmomIo lVmpl«l TAKE Kt.EVATOR Central >383 Electric Shop HARRY «.WITKOWSKY - Proprietor WIRING, REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOE, ILLINOIS Phpne M'innetks 587 Phone Glencoe 490 27 Chicago Ave. „. Xel. 4231 Evanston Woman's Exchange CAFETERIA Lillian Davidsonâ€"_____________ Chicago. Ill Always clean, pure, wholesome foods. MEAL HOURS DATLT SUNDAY-------- Breakfast - fi:45 to 8:.S0 I Breakfast - 7::'.0to? Lunch - • 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner - - 12to2s30 Dinner - - 5:30 to 7:30 I No Supper C. A. DEALER IN ^Uacy^firoccrUsFffieatSrBotions & Rardwarc Phone Winnetka 46 &T78 ' ^â€"^^ Hubbard Woodfs74Hr rmrugn- tii'"IUtiu street sul.way, re- ; i-i-ivâ-ºâ€¢Â«. daiiiapvis x& the^riflotint. of $3^ -T&9Q- for the injuries suffei-eir." John i iiiign Laiiiy represented iiellwaid. • The injHiy to.-4$ellvvaid consisted of i-ftâ€"Bi\vSEa--iTii->ivt.-<):Fii--^i. tl)t'"hfise. of the. I SKUti near the left ear. For a time r nhyaloiapB â- doaiwilred â-  <>iâ€"ht&-i*xsovi.^y- •and, as ;t last resnrt. a surirical jJiiera- f â-  ion vyus decided tlpOB; More titan an hjtBrrS tit tlie â- skuH--;'-'\vasrâ€"removed â€"lu- the operation, wliicli was declared i*\'-.l)ee|l (ill.- of tlie OlOSt .difficult : acrotiV|VTi"s!^-'d' by' tii>; ski 11-of'any [s' '<â- > n ,•â- â-  u r-fiV'^i^-Kel 1 wa id r"ee«.-iv-e red wTHtaL^^IiS^aiiy. One thing isUeflaiii ^fhe-^ntnr-ln ,w- v^iUâ€"i^n^i'-eaite-t-he \ :ti',i"i! atl'r â- TJ J- n beiotising to \lttn%*râ- ---.! «*29=iHin-rnair' : Pho«e-R» adorp iehi^ah Ave reported stolen : to 0a5£3SSg ir.vyHU.ti>;-: I18S i the liv'aiciLuu ed-H'tn-tâ€"the a.tnneitL vviiH^tole^ from 4ii»aw,- a-icnnkl'tn; t(;»;â- - iiiettt-in «-ltich *tat*froon+-ofâ€"Ui i she residesâ€" -- will 1'i'iiiovt:-onnfource of revenue to; stage of the Mormon church it the dealers. They have been JLu the [claimed only one adherent for every la'liit of "sefiiiiK tln^lTipprnK^" "that col- \ i;iiinr,injii inliabitants bT this country.- e m White HIGH GRADE GROCERIES HP MF,TS -Ridge Avenue, near Lake-Ave^â€" Phone Wilmttte HO Phone Wilmette tJ-f GROSS POINT. ILL. lected in the cutters but now .pocket cigar cutti>rs. $1,000,000. IS-WASTED YEARtV IN COOK COUNTY there j now one out of every sixty Americans pledge allegiance to this church. This InMohammedan monarcliy," as the sen- | ator expressed it, has IroOO.OOO ad- iherents. .who are ruled .by/one than j ami .". t'Utl-pxie^ts .whfl,bow-to his-will.-lâ€" 'â€"Tlie speivke-feOhfenL^told-^of-hi«â€"wa WM..EDWAR08 PAINTER and^&EGOftATOR INTERJOR and-EX f ERIOR Estimates Furnished j life among tjie Mormon peopie, or nis ; birth as the son of George Q7Cannon, ; first chancellor of t% Mormon | clmrcTT; M opCCldlty We have so wide a reputation for slaTJTih handling women's fine garments that you may have overlooked the fact that we rfo equally well with men's, clothes. ^We^dcrijtte -work right iier& in Evanstortr 622 Davis St Phones: TEvanston 1730 /Wilmette 1475 (Continued from-Page-.1.). sent) get $ir>o a inontlr. Two good -p at the olrhis haptisin'into tlie chiirdi iige of 13: of his education ~ •_. • ......... ~ --------fl----^-:r.-r------ ' • . ' ' ^THg^^^------â€"" ^TT P. O. Box-222. Hubbard Woods ifc^-^^jfwLM^ "T-v Jmw^:~^T- pi.oittGiencoe447_.___ t ahioRi Massage VipTcitor jitfctiirgra4ihijjsâ€"at-i4X5â€"aâ€"mouthâ€"<u»n Id-j- (16 all tiie^ work. " One of the depart-i me tits i>s callt'ttrttttW-tridgt s find ro^ds4 iiepTartriTeiit: Mr. Tt'atiey is called the â-  et.rjt-iTujgrT-.ofrthaTrrt'ftpa rt in * â-  tTrr^Hts-feeyt amount to rover $12<&00 a year. I rrietl t_o~rT»pTSce^liim_wjt h ^cronneteilitt engineer on a saiai> of f'U^j'.L.a.... The man wtii* jviiling to come, but my i.ieihocratrc associates- don't befleve in h paying iiftlnrjes;â€"they '>elieVT. in lees. ; ! ?yxiTJ32m=rinTisjpr~will be com- plelecl Januafy' i. Vrh-^22WK ^itfehrcanli re yuTf-'cl â€" IralithUcT to suit. J^prtiursBuHde^obber M»> Is, now -getting '$6,im.rt a year In fees ; Phoi whenâ€"he walf^ifiTf^rly^ wtl ling â€"to t-p^ r, OTBox^?^ wuric^fof ^ >,»on a^year." """" " ~"~V 3K«ttlwt)rthr-Htr- ^P4ioneA\-iunetka278. Maynard Bldg JH^E,ODHNER Merchant Tailor tadiesL-antLGentii' Suits Made to Order - TmiiaS-aafce-St, .|Iubbard Woods,Ill; ^s~y All Kinds of Fancy Cleaning REAL ESTATE. â€"â€"â€" _5 LOANS^zz: 4^ta^e^St^rHu%bard"Wod_s A Pleasure to Show the PfoperTj?â€"~ FOR GIVING THE Celebrated Vibratory Massage AT HOME ; Was $25, is now $15 • MFMEgmAfc EUCTRICft SUPPtY Cft Everything Electrical 180 W. Like St. CHICAGO ^ Phones 1193-94-95 Main

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