TiJfilTAKlTSHCmE^BWSrT^^^ J M.......â€"* I; What People Are Doing; â- :*^*** in Evanston ♦***»♦ "Bob White" will toe repeated at the. WonranV club on Thanksgiving eyen- SBMr^aroMJLWing,«8 Greenwood boulevard, returned Saturday fronj a business trip. * Mrs H. W. Wales ot-Hotel Monnett left this week: for California, to spena^the winter. "- "'.. ', â- _â€"r, 1M Mr. H. H. Kerr, 1215 Greenleaf street, is in northwest Canada on a rst^-^kBt^sltoe8s--^ip.;;;,; .„Z'", v"':'~ Mrs- 'F.' Thayer, 814 Poster street, has as her guest her sister, Mrs. W. P Allen of Arlington, S. D. Mr. Frank R. Seelye, 724 Judson avenue, returned Saturday froni a business trip to Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs..Arthur Uawxhuret, 1315 Church street, returned Monday from a motor trip-through Wisconsin. Mrs. A. P. Nightingale, 916 Sheridan r0ad, had as her guest last week her sisteivMrs. B. C. Webb, of La Grange. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Altster, Green- wood Inn, left the first of this'week for>-tbe-east tOZVlBtt^Mrflta^^QjL^K ter. L. '"'^ ,y > Mrs. A. W. Harris H, 174P Chicago avenue, left Friday for Beaver," Fa., her former homes to spend Thanks- giving. , ~ "~ ..... â€"---------â€" The Kappa Delta sorority of North- ~~iv^stefrr~university gave an informal dance Friday evening at the Evanston Woman's club.. : \lr. William Grain, who has been TtsWng--hlB^brothertâ€"-Mr. ---..George. â€"-£rain, left Sa*iiTday for his home -in Mount Erie, 111. Miss Bertha Moore, 2406 Prairie avenue, returned Sunday from a week's visit with her aunt, Mrs. P. W. Moore, in Chicago; Madame E. J. Bogart, 1113 Maple avenue^ will spen<T the winter in France. She spent the summer in England and Wales. Mrs. Robert Smithy 1123 Monroe, street, entertained at luncheon Satur- ~darIorTwelve guests^ -Thanksgiving ^decorations were used^ â€"„ 4'....- Mrs. Charles-Davidson, 1745 Orring- ton avenue, spent the week-end in Ann Arbor, Mich., the guest of her son and daughter, Donald and Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Gilbert and fam~ ~ilv, 1502 Hinman avenue, left Sun-.; day for New York. They will sail No- vember 22 for Europe to be away a vear. Mr. John C. Shaffer, 1704 Judson -aT«iireT~^eturiied--Saturday-7from-r-a short trip^oTJehver. He was an hon- ored guest "at^Jwo banquets while there. Mrs. Peter R. Shoemaker enter- taTneaH:hTmenlPera of her Friday^lt at luncheon Friday at her home, ~2f8Q Hartzell street. Covers were laid for sixteen. ~â€"Mir-aniL Mrs. Lewjs^ T. U. Slocum, in 15 Forest avenue, are spending some time in the east. They are now at the Hotel Marie Antoinette, New York City. " : The active chapter of the-Kappa 7Doita sororW^ -4fly-^£towinnit_hy the Alumnae chap- teFat the home of Miss Louise, Rep- logle of Edgewater. Miss Jessie Mendsen, 1217 Judson avenuer entertained at tea Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Helen Gerould, who will be married Lee. 1* to Robert Wells Lazear. Mrs. Edward Hines Is among tbs^ list of patronesses for the concertino reception to be given Dec. 1 at-Op*: chestra hall by* the associate commit- tee of the FiheHy^Memorial associa- tion. â- ".-.... HIT, aad Mrs. W. DTNelbltr732^Col* fax street, returned last week from In- dianapolis, where they spent a few days. Mr. Nesbit was in St. Louis Saturday, whefe~he~went tcrspealr at a banquet. _ "__' '.,.'.â- ::.* *' Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Mendsen, 1217 Judson avenue, have announced the engagemeniTof their daughter Jessie, m Edwin Childe Conover, son of Mr. anjLMrg,-_E^-C. Conoyer>_M27_Hln- Trian avenue. ^-----"---------r~r"â€"im Mrs. Le Roy Delano T'homan, 1554 lAstuux avenue, will give a presenta- ! ion party for her daughter, Miss Dor- othy Thoman, Tuesday, evening, Nov. -at-the -Woman's^club.- Dancing, at t'-r 10 o'clock. Mrs. Harry P. Pearsons, -1816 Chi- cago avenue, gave a bridge party â€"Wednesday 'afternoon4n-honOii_of_Miss "^^^mma^TownerMIss^DOfothyrThonian ; and Miss Billle Klrkman, debutantes of-this-season^-^â€"----- :.: ~ ~~'~~; The Theta Alumni club was en* tertained at luncheon Tuesday at the .,;. home of Mrs. N. W. Helm, 626 Li- brary^ place. The hostesses were _Mrs^Chas.„WmTS*>fforJ^Mrajpi- . iiams and Mrs. Helm.â€"'.'.J n,"';.€ •^L^-Theâ€"engagement. is announced of Mfss Ida Mae Shotwell, daughter:fb* --Jto^Ida^S^^^ place, to Mr. Arthur Decbman of e Champaign, 111. The marriage:-will take" place next month and the young People will be at home after the first of February at 2112 Church avenue, : ChampaignT; " "".. ~ ~ '•'"-â- •â- â- 'â- "â- :'":;: ::":" MriU M.} M. Kirkman, Mrs. D. H; .Hurnham, Mrs. Charles Dawes, and -^ Mis^Pj-ederic^C-UPham are among the EvanstonlanB who are^subscribers -__fbi;Miss-jaaTgtterite Easterns musical Tiiernings, to be given at the Biack- "~~Ttone â€". The twenty-fifth wedding anniver- *n,ry ^4£rrand7M*S.I A. B}: Dale was "rrtelirated ^Fridayâ€" ey.eningLajTIWeljr , bOTag. j327 Central street. OneAf^thej ' :rirerestlfig~features otfthe. evening "^TTfcirjpres^ ^^P^ot^iraTT^eTa^nmald of honpr at _herr.wedding.: The home-was,prettily^ deedTated^-in^yellOw chryiSSthemums: daad%egas^5^:^^g^-v --^-=^==" % TkisM^^ Thursday, Ffffi Mon., Tues, Wed., NovemberJB to^2& ! CooWrig Apples, 10 lbs. for..... .29c Ask our prices on Apples by the barrel. Northern Spya, Wag- ners, IIMIssourl pip- pins. I Hubbardsons, Greenligs, etc. ^ APPLES. â- ; '; Fancy Jonathan Apples, per basket ••.......1?c. Fancy Red Missouri Plpv pin Apples, 10 lbs, for ..... ^^^39c -Sweet Potatoes. Baker's Pre ml u m Chocolate, 1 lb. 'pkj?........33c 5 lbs. for.- Popcorn, swre :pop.-: rer lb........... 4 lbs. foe;i'-..â- ;.'.... .17c ...7c ,.25c Greening size. 1« kpples, good 'lbs. for.....49c Imported Malaga Grapes, per lb... 18c Fancy Florida Oranges. _â€"mpdlnm Hlaft. dn>...gSg Fancy Florida Oranges, large size, doz......43c Fancy Florida Oranges, extra large size,_____ per dozen..........55c . The First Louisiana Oranges, sweet and Juicy, medium size, per dozen ......h19c GRAPE FRWtT. Florida Grape size., each .. 3 for .....:. Fruit. 64 .......10c .......27c Florida Grape Fruit, small but heavy and Juicy, each .....'. .TTTTc per dozen ^.... ri». 158c Large size Grape Fruit, each................ 15c 2 for................25c Fancy Pineapple, ........medium size, â€"pfl^Vi -,,;.V.'.::\-.. 15&- VEGETABLES. Yellow Turnips (Ruta- baga), 5 lbs. for.. ...13c Dried Onions, 5 lbs. for............19c Carrots, per peck____.21c Beets, per peck........23jc White Turnips, per peck.......»^~33c ,...9e FIGS AND DATES. California Figs,------------' per pkg............. .9c Fancy Smyrna Washed - ^FlgSr-l^lbr-boxes^^^SSc Large Fancy Turkish----- Layer Figs, lb......19c Fancy Pulled Figs, per lb..............25c Fancy Turkish Pulled Figs. In 2 lb. original wood boxes, per box ............48c Hgiiowl Dates. T>er pkg<^»...... Dromedary Dates,-â€"â€"=â- per pkg.............10c Valcaâ€"Pittedâ€"PatesTâ€"glfr ready for stUftlng,--------- per pkg..........,..15c Fancy Walnut Stuffed Dates, per lb.........29c Large Fancy Washed A„ Figs, per lb.....,...30c Fancy Stuffed Dates, round, wooden boxes./ per box ...____^^290 Large round boxes of Fancy Stuffed Dates, p<>r box ----- ~TASLE RAISINS, CtOSTERS. Savoy Plum Pudding, 1 lb. cans, each......25c Richelieu Candled Cher- ries, V* lb. pkg...... 15c Richelieu Boiled Cider,â€" pint bottle ..........25c - Tiuart bottle ~ttt .;. rrS9o New England Minco Meat, 3 pkgs. for.........;25c Armour's Mince Meat, > per pRg. ............^9e Dodson's Mince Meat, * Mason Jars ........25c Sage, per pkg. .4c Marjoram, pWpkg___.4e Ground Cinnamon, per pkg. ...........'..4c Poultry Seasoning, per can..............9c Candled Pineapple, Rich's, % lb. can...„....,..25c 1 lb. can.............48c Crystallized Canton Gin- ger, Rich'*, _J4 lb. tin............Ifc Fancy Large Cluster Rafslfis, for table use, per lb. pkg.25c Cabbage, solid heads. each 2 for ..'. 7c "Dried Peaehesr'Pcr4b^J2&_ per, tail far ,11c ^e7rCaWag*rs«lltr- heads, each ....... Leaf Lettuce, large leaves, 3 for....... CRANBERRIES! CRANBERRIES! Fancy solid Red Cran- berries, 2 QtS.... .21c per quart ........ 12c -r Richelieu Seeded Raisins, per lb. pkg.......... 12c Savoy Seeded Raisins, per lb. pkg........". .12c 18-carat Brand Seeded Raisins, % lb. pkg...10c 3 pkgs^ for. ^.^,.J .28c Beauty Brand Seeded Raisins, % lb. pkg. .10c 3 pkgs. for..........28c Richelieu Cleaned Cur- rants, per lb. pkg------14c Savoy Cleaned Currants, per lb. pkg..........14c Golden Eagle Brand Cleaned Currants, per' % Ibrpkgr.â€".."..12<r 2 pksrs. for..........21c Extra Dessert Table Rai- sins, the fanciest Clus- ter Raisins packed, per lb. pkg...........38c Very fancy Dried Peaches, a Medium size California c Prunes, per lb.......12c Large size California .10c Prunes, per lb.r^...»15c Extra large size, very fancir"Callfornla Prunes, -^pcr-Jb^^wâ- â- ;â- ., v.... .^19c . Fancy Dried Apricots, _ per lb. ..............19o 1 lb. tin.;____ ____..48c Preserved Canton Ginger, Rich's, In 14 bz. glass jars.................25c Chinese Cumquots,----------- Vs. lb. tin............48c Spanish Plmlentos, pep Ciin ..............9c Red Cherries, formerly called Maraschino. per bottle...........23c medium bottle ......42c large hottle-^^^^TJBc Creme De Menthe Chet ries, Green. por bottle...........25c large bottle ........45c Fancy Fruit Baskets for Thanks- yiviifT- <Mintftininv faiu'y fruifeB JELLIES AND PRE- --------------SERVES. „ » .r..k,o. ^,,r>r, * ^,-^o Pu>e~ Fruit Jellies, Old RAISINS, CURRANTS Manse Brand, .all na- and DRIED FRUIT^ -{ jyjj,Ja^Der glass......10c Pure Strawberry Pre- serves, Old Manse Brand, 25c jar.......19c Pure Raspberry Preserves, Old Manse Brand, 2"ic jar ..............19c p u-r-a- Strawberry and Raspberry Preserves, Old-Manse Brand, tall jars ............29c Apple and Fruit Pre- serves, quart Mason jars, Silver Leaf Brand. Apple and Strawberry, Apple _arul Raspberry. nuts, candies, figs ami dates. Baskets up from Trrr- .v.-.â- '.:„~r-. i..*.. Also Fancy Fruit | Ba8kets,empty,up from CANNED VEGETABLES. High Life Sifted Peas. per can..,......,,'... 13c Nashotah Peas, per.can .,.,•.. ....;• •â- .l»e Dodge County Early June Peas, per can....... 10c: Dodge County Sweet -Wrinkled Peas, caiv ,42c Dodge County Sifted Ear- ly June Peas, cnn...14c Dodge County Extra Sift- ed Early June Peas. per can .......... • •. 17c Rhodesdale Tomatoesr--- No. 3 oans, per can.. 12c Dot Brand Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, per can......10c 3 cans for..........-25c ~ CHEESE.-. New York/.American .25c Beauty Brand Asparagus. 2% lb. canbrr>..*.. y<<v25c Hillsdale Asparagus, No. 1 can............16c No. 2 can............ 19c Nuway Baked Beans, No. 1 cans, per can...... .8c 3 cans for. .<........20c Mushrooms, - piecea^.amt „_ stents, per can......19c ^Mushrooms, failcy selects. ...>.,,,27c 38c Cheese, per- ll>. Fancy Swiss Cheese, jpefclb, ..........• • ....-.â- Cream Brick Cheese, â€"-pc-r-lb; ... â- ......v. .-rgSc Blue Label Cream -Cheese i-. â- •â- .-.-. r .•:•â- • t, .i. 10c Holland1 Edam Cheese, each................95c Imported Caniembert Cheese, each J.. .y.. 35c VtNgGARS.^_____ White Wine Vinegar, quart bottle .........9c | Sweet Cider. _ per gallon r.v-----33c No charge for jug. Blue,Sea,T,una Fish, F King Oscar Sardines,';,,- 2 cans for.......... .25c Fiskeborter i I Kraft; , 2 cans tor.........%. 27c American Sardines In Mustard Sauce, large oans .T~"..,,. .9c Oxo Bouillon Cubes, tins ....... â€"tlrreâ€"n,.....â- ; 9c â€" .23c Cider Vinegar, quart bottie . .9c tier can White Wine Vinegar, gallon. jug ..........28c No charge for Jug. Pure Cider Vinegaryâ€" SS llohjug ~........... 33c - No charge for Jug. C. & B. Malt Vinegar, quart bottle.........21c BOTTERlNl Good LucltTButterine,' .43c- Heinz Chow Chow, per bottle^ H el nz Select On lons, per bottle...........25c Heinz Baked Beans, with Tomato Sauce, can. 15c Heinz Baked Beans, with- out Tomato Sauce. per can............15c Heinz Spaghetti. Italian Style, per can....... 15c Heinz Vegetarian Baked Beans, without Pork, per can .............15c Heinz Mince Meat, large cpn........... 35c Heinz Apple Butter, large stone Jars, per Jar. .35c Apple- andâ€"Peach.- Applc- â€"and -Plumiâ€"Apple and Blackberry, per <iuart jar........25c Richelieu Brand Pure Raspberry Preserves, ____15c ..$1.55 ORANGE. LEMON AND CITRON PEEL. Candled Orange Peel, per lb. .,............19c 2 lbs. for^..........35c Candied Lemon Peel, per lb.......:....-----19c 2 lbs. for............35c Candled Citron Peel,-â„¢â€" per lb. ..............23c THANKSGIVING SPECIALS. COFFEES. Sheridan Brand as fine as any coffee â€"-in-the world, lb-----35c 3 lbs. for..------....$1.00 Bogota Biend Coffee, _ per 16:".".:.. .T... ;T.29«rf Fancy Mild Santos Cof- fee, per lb..........28c For those who will' have nothing- else, we have i a genuine- certified Java and Mocha Coffee I at', per lb......... ..42c' R. A R. Plum. Pudding, • individual cans ......9c Savoy Plum Pudding, individual cans ......9c Coffee, Richelieu Plum Pudding. 1 lb. cans, each.....25c TEAS. Ceylon and India. Tea, 70c quality, lb......48c % lb- pkg..........25c h60c-quality Basket-Fired Japan Tea, per lb. .38c % lb. pkg..........20c Llpton'e Yellow -Label ^o-::::::::.....28c 1 lb...........---------56c To any customer visit- ing our Grocery Dept. during this sale we 4c -v will sell 3 cans of Campbell's' Tomato Soup for ...........20c •38c Datertut Butter Jn 10c and JSc-^Ja rs.---------------- Cudahy's Fig Marmalade, -Per jar...........•_^2jc 25c glass- Jar .of Orange Marmalade..........17c Imported Bar-je-Duc - - Jelly ,-per-glas»rT^.T:S25o:: Phrk^â€"Englishâ€"Marma- lade, 2Sc stone jars..19c OLIVE OIL. « RICHELIEU CANNED â€" GOODS. Priced by the Dozen. Richelieu Corn, per can ...... per dozen ----- Richelieu Small Sifted " Peas, can .......... ,18c per dozen -..........$1.85 Richelieu Telephone Peas, per can -.....'. â- . rrâ- .. 15c por dozen ......... .$1.65 ^ncheHetHGreerr=Strlng -^= ~~TBcans, per can ."TTTTiSc- per dozen ...:.....$1.65 Richelieu Lima Beans, - -per eajv^- per dosen RlchcUeu^Solnach.â€"â€" -- ^9c L. F. C. Italian Olive Oil, 18c bottle ..:........12c 50c bottle ...........38c $1 bottle ............. ,75c . - quart can ........... .89c Pompeiian Ollvb OH, packed In cans only, â€"\ pint can ........,23c pint caii.............45c â€"quart can ... /.......87c %. gal. can $1.69 gallon can ........$3.25 The flnfest olive oil in - t he^world. "HEINZ" GOODS. Heinz Preparedâ€"Mustard, Jar..................10c Heinz Tomato Ketchup, jar ......;.. rrrrrr.rvrfSc Heinz Tomato Ketchup. â€"jar,.-..--------.........25c Heinz Peanut Butter, jar...........sv .'... rr15c Heinz India Relish, Jar ..................25: Heinz Sweet Midget Pickles, bottle ......35c Heinz Euchered Pickles, bottle ~-------.7771777250 Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, bottle.... .35c r^RJcheHeu Hawaiian Plne- 3SpTei:2i2Jl>. _canAi .35c pi>r tlozen.........$3.95 These prices on Richelieu Canned Goods will also be made In >/a dozen lots. NEW NUTS. No. 1 Soft Shell Califor- nia Walnuis, por lb. 23c Pecans, Soft Shell, small size, por lb....15c Pecans. Soft Shell, med- ium size, per -lb.....19c Almonds, Hard Shell, per lb...............19c ^Al mo ndS7~Sof t-SheHâ€"T ragona, per lb____...25c Almonds, Soft Shell Fan- cy Ixl, per lb.......30c Filberts, Fancy^Soclety, per lb...............19c Brazils, larg<? size, per lb. â€"..-.---------19c Brazils, oxtral large size," per lb. ___j.........25c Hickory Nuts, per lb-~8c ~~r7bs. fijr.,.].........25c Black Walnuts, per lb. 7c ^=4-'llis.'forF. «-.«..-... .23c French Peas, â€", per can .............«9c Very Small French Peas. per can . •......• • • â- • 25c WEEKLY MONEY SAVERS. 2' lb. carton, i 5 lb. pail............99© Swift's Premium Butter- ine, 1 lb. car ton..... 23c Holly Butterine, 1 lb. carton..........22c ! Snow Ball Shelled Pop- corn, per pkg............ .9c Golden Wax Beans, Mon- soon Brand, pier can .;....-.... -. 12s ijper dozen ;.-..,....$1.25 White Wax -Bearis, Savoy Brand. per can . ....>â- . â- â- . â- 18c_ per dozen ........$1.65_ Cut String Beans, 7Xton- __jjojon Brnad, per can .........-..-, 12c ....$1.25- per dozen Van Camp's Red Kidney Beans, per . can .....• • •-------9c j cans for-----.......25c Savoy Red Kidney Beans, per can ............12c per dozen .........$1.25 19c j Van-Campus Hominy | per can iTVrj.^r^.V. «2P ! -3 cans for.. ^^----- â- \\n n Cam p's Pumpkin,â€" . . per can .'• • • • • .'.rrrr.9c .1 cans (or............25c 25c • Van Camp's Sauer Kraut, Kellogg's Corn Flakes. • . lH'r cr»ji ...... .^.,.120 3 pkga for..........25c Savoy Sauer Kraut, r^ L , , „ „ j A , per can ............15c Dr. Price's Rolled Oats. , l},.tu,r tn.m sauer Kraut .i pUgs. for.........,23c : m UulK. Shredded Wheat, pkg. 11c i Fall River Corn, Navy Beans, 3 lbs. for...........1.7c Fancy Japan Style Rice. 3 lbs. for..........'• 17c Oatmeal, i lbs, for. Yellow Cornmeal, 5 lbs"for......... White Cornmeal, ~f> "TlVsT for..... .... Quaker Oats. 3 pkK». fOr.ij-,.: • • r^v9C .....25c" "Golden- 12c -I Grape Nuts, pkp. 12'/ac eans for..... per dozen ..25c ..93c •NEW MAPLE SYRUP. Large Chestnuts, per lb........-.. 2 lbs. for....... .^,15c ..15c ..25c per can ........ per dozen .7.......S1.85 ; Richelieu Tomatoes, 'per can .. 77........ ^8c f per dozen .........$1.65 | Richelieu Lemon, Cling Peaches, per can. .^-aSc | per dozen........JI3.95 j Richelieu Apricots, _^_â€"- per can .............35c^ per dozen ______-, .$3.95 Richelieu Sliced HawaiIan ^f PlHreappl«, 2 lb. can. 25c ; per dozen .........$2.55 MIXED NUTS. -MixedJNuts: Mixed of only the best "now ntits. Walnuts, Bra- zils, Pecans*â€"--Air monds and Filberts. per lb...........19c 2 lbs.- for.........,35c SHELLED NUTS. New Walnut Meats, - per lb. cmsrAL W qxfrnino]/ .©I GRAsiJlWED*" sugar m Crystal Domino lated Sugar, 5 lb. carton..'. .45c â- i lb, pks...........25c lb. pkg...........15c ' Shelled Pecans, i per lb...............65c w. lb. pkg............35c >4 lb. pkg............ 18o | Shelled Almonds, per lb...............58c j •£ lb. pkp............30c . i »4 lb. pkjr- • â- â- *â- r......16e -[-Shelled Filberts, ~ per lb. I Fancy White Clover Honey, per comb 19c Old Manse Maple Syrup. I pint bottle ..........23c quart bottle.........43c ! â€"quart- tinâ€". , ,â€"„„.39cJ Loci Cabin Maple Syrup. ptrrr tin............23c quart tin............39c Silver Kettle Syrup, large bottle .....,. . .25c j Savoy Self-Rla+na Pan- i 77C^KCFI.oirrj.7sr^gJ^7725Â¥J Uncle Jerry's Pancake' Flour, per pkg.......9c "Uncleâ€"Jerry's B'uckwheat- Flour, per pkg .......9e Sheridan Corn Syrup, .....No.-2 can-----.------~^79c Golden Crown Corn - Sy- rup, No. .10 can.....43c 27c Knox Gelatine. 15c pkg...... J] m I Lighthouse Family Soap, 10 bare..............39c I per box ......... .$2.63 Gold Medal Flour, with >4 bbL sack., any order, M bl-l. sack.. H bbl. sack.....^-.$^63 '1.21 2.39 Hammer Soap, - lObara-n,..... - 100 bar box... ...23c . .$2.16 Flotilla "Soap, 2 bars In-a carton, C cartons for 21c St. Jullen Mqlatset, _• 2>/i lb. can... •,:.... - -9c Ginger Cake Molasses, 2 '^i lb. can............17c St- Elmo Molasses. 5 lb. can........ Duff's Molasses, 2 li lb. egg ..'.... r, lb, can' ,, i 10 lb. can FLOUR. and Ceresota SUGAR. KMbs.- of granulated- Sui Karâ€"for, 47c, with Jl.OO grocery order. Hour and soap not included. _____ 20, lbs. of Granulated Su- Kar. .with 12.00 grocery order (flour and soap not Included)., 91c. io TIT or IgTnaT bags of- Sugar for..........$1.29 Fresh Ground Bone for Chickens, â€"ftlbs. for.......,-.-.25c 1AKERY OOODS^----- ^Fresh-M lhce-:ples.- euch............ None delivered^ Small bottle Stuffed or Plain Olives...... ;..,.^,JsX, Tall bottle of hand packed Stuffed Olives, per bottle Finest olives packed. Mason Jar Plain Olives 23c ;Mg8QO^cr Stuffed .OHvesr^ Y Brand ..:......;. .21c Large Stuffed Green onyeli.tall botrlc^^29c-_ Durkasco Stuffed Olives, â€"hand packed.___________^ quart Mason, jar. .. . ,48c The- prettiest..â- .-iiIliie_jKfi_ have. Large Queen Olives, , Princess. Bramfcâ€"~zr? per Jar ....v....,, Combination large Queenâ€"*£ Plain Olive?:") and large ~- Queen Sti/ffe'd Olives, In the same bottle. oer bott.Io ....... -........35c1 Ripe Olives. Cairo Brand, 25e tin ......,...... . 19c Sylmar Brand Ripe Olives, pint tin.....25c CELERY! CELERY! Fancy, tender, home- urown Celery. -^^ ixincnes . .23c larg On sale all week and also -Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving. SPECIAL FOR THURS- DAY, NOV. 20. -No-Phono or Mall Orders _Natlqna.l_Biscuit Co.'s 10c__ pkg. Crackers, Oat- . ~^meaLâ€" Graham, ___CltjL Soda. Arrowroot, Na- bisco, 5 O'clock Teas, Social Te*»«_atc.,,-.___ per pkg. jym 18c Fruit Cake from our own Bakery, per lb.......25c Two-layer Chocola^ Plllsbury Flour, '.iClibl- suckrr; . li bbl. sack...: *i bbl. sack.... â- Nepelesn Flour, Cakes â- .•••........18c Two-layer Orange Filled Cakes, each...... :.18c Three-layer Chocolate â€"Cakes, each ....... 28c Lady Fingers, per dozen ..^..-..^...Jllc, Cocoanut Macaroons, per,1b. ....-----......25c $ .69 . 1.33 . 2.74 bbl. sack........$ .63 34 J>bh sack.....â- _â- . J.25 % bbl. sack....... v 2745 Bohemian Rye Flour, - \% bbl. sack ......------,65c 5 lb. saek ...... ~„ .22c Graham Flour, 5 lb. sack............22c Pure Buckwheat Flour, 5 lb. sack.-----.-......2»c Pure Branr ~-â€"â- ---------==3- ___5 lb. sack..........t.25c Whole Wheat Flour, r, lb. sack.'.......------25c Gold Medal Flour, 5 lb. sack............22c. For those who wish to buy Flour in- less than . % bbl. sacks we have a - *'^r l^celilence"; Brand of Minnesota Flour, In 10 lb. sacks, at......37o SPECIAL â€" One day old Bread for dress- ings,, per loaf...-, PICKLB8 AND OLIVEa. Monsoon'..:Brand Pickles. ( Sweet Pickles. Sweet NMixedâ€"P-ickles, Onions. OJbpw ChowJ Sour Mixed PlStjes/' ,y squartr Mason Jar... .23c Monsoon Brand Pickles. Sweet, i Pickles. Sweet Mixed- Picklea?- Kâ€"Câ€"Baking Powder, 25c can ............16c SPECIAL FOR SATUR- DAY, Nov: 22. Wayne A Low,- Brook- | fieldâ€"andâ€"Arctic. SpgJaae. Best. Creameryâ€"Butterr- per Jb. .:-------.77.7.36c ___Relish, Sour Plckjes and Onions, M -Oz. square Mason jar .-.........39c Dodson's Sweet Midget Plcklesr-20 ~o*r7)arTrT2Ba Royal Blue Peanut But- ter, 10c Jax77777777776c 15c Jar ......u..v. a ,9c Finest .Norwegian .Sar- dines in pure Olive Oft, 3 tins for.... .......25c -Oiity: j5 ^pkgis^^lfe i^_eusj7 tpmer. jp Crackerjack. T" =f= 3 pkgs. for.. -..: .K.. 10c Angelus Marshmallows, pinto or chocolate. „----- 3 pkgs. for........ .13c Sauer's Vanilla or Lem- on Flavoring. Extract, 3^oo bottles-101^^.-220- R ion ford Baking Powder. 25e can •____.-...-... .1$t»- Best Selected Eggs, per-d0zr~7^77. :TT7-rr^29c- None delivered at this price. " 5c pkgs. of. Gold Dust, 3 pkgs. for......,,..10c So pkgs. of Star Naptha __Washing Powder, 3~ pkgq. for...;.......;9c Glass- Jarâ€"Labelâ€"Fancy â€"Canned Apricots, per can~"~r...... â- . rTr29oâ€" Glass Jar Label Lemon â€" Cling Peaches, _â€"per-canâ€"i-. r.-..:'.... .29c Glass Jar Label Fancy - Black Callfornla_JCher^_ r rles, - p,cr can ... .^...... .35c Glass- Jar -Label Fancy Royal Arth* Cherries, per can ..*...,,... .380 Quality, ^eryiceand Price. T f^P^t3f^pn NOTICE We will announce our.usual very low-rhanfcsgiving price on Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickenslin the Evans- ton Daily News on Monday evening,-November 24. Best Prime-Rib-Roast Beef, from- corn-fed cattle, young -| Q " and tender, per lb., 17c and. M. €7l; Native Pot Roast or Chuck Tnoastyâ€" from best beefr~*f' perrb.f 14j^o and/.. Soup Meat, tender, per-lb. rrTTr ^7. v.., Best Sirloin Steak, -perâ€"lbâ€"..-----•... 12^c ::;:.20c: Best Round Steak, per lb........• • Best Shoulder Steak, per lb.' ...-----• â€"? • Best Flank. Steak, per lb. ......-•..â€"â€" PorterhouaeuorClttb-Steak.OJj; ^ perrb. V.;7:7.v-TTr777.....^0C Best Rump Corned Beeft per lb. ........7.•<->••• 18c I6c .11* Choice Veal Stew, --.per lbr .......th, Best Shoulder Veal Roast, .- per-lb.-. :ujxi-. .>._♦.. r •• • • • 13J6C 16c Loin or Kidney VeaTRoaBt, per lb. -Leg of Veal, per lb. ....., -Fatfcy, ^Veal -Chops, per lb. ,....; 3J: !c ^20c 20c â€"%^-â€" lity TH^^TQRE^TH/^SELLS^y^ER^HlNG, Luncheon Meats Sliced by Machine ^ ,-../.'.:.,'.-'.. to.Yoiir T«|*sv._^,^_ Best Boiled Ham, sliced, per lb....... Be^f neweyTHam, "tA\c.i per lb. ..;.......... "Best; Veal Loaf.,, sliced, - jer-lb;~^,,.W.". • .^. *-^. • • :llest_Mlncod Ham, sliced, Best Cooked Corned Beef, sliced, per lb............. bSeiectedJiSpring Leg of 5 Lamb, per lb............ Selected Spring Hlnd- quarter Lamb, per lb-,. Loin Lamb Chops; per lb. ....'. 7.. .77.;..... ^tih-tam^Chops;â€"-r-â€"â- â- per lb.\7LfvvT^,ci=^v=i=^i=^ Shoulder Lamb Chops, 38c 30c 4pc ;i8c 17c 23c »21c7 2TlF I5c7 16c fc Sausage Tonnu' Dairy Farm Sausage Meat, with any-meat-order of'ROc (EaaI-_ "~try. Hams, Bacon or Lard -Q/-|. not Included), 4>er lb.......:4tjd\MC Best-fcittle-pig-Farm: - Sausage, per lbv- • • ••^.^.•.•. Home-Made Sausage Meat, per lb. .'..............;... Jones' Dairy Farm Sau- sage Moat, per lb.. •...... 16c .17c :25c- 20r j;-Best New-England Ham. j " Blteed,- p&c^li Best Dried Ileef/iBllcear Uest Jongue^Sausage, _r sllcedr^pfeT^tbFi^.. ,-*.. T.. SS Best Pure Lard, per lb. .*7....... 7.... -;â- •.... =~ --- . --- - . ^-j â€"Be8t7Cooklng Lard,- per lb, ......;.. .'j/....... Morris & Co.'s White Leaf- Lard, 3 J b, pall for......:', 1.3hUV»Utlft Shoiltinlng. ^g.Jbj7pail_for7 v°. 7. v^ r^v.... :^tc7Pi**^ jiarfeiwjth.- $iy5fr=^neat. -.t^ll^l^.Hâ- {I lumai. Dacoc ,rmt;-PgUii^y *e4^itek«lt!fHvâ€"rrâ„¢-----â€"--,'- tf>-Q-^ ZZ, lbsejfor....._,._. .... 7.'. 7; ,-siU1 ^SQ"sUb Cllscoâ€"'â- â€"- Hams and Bacon -Armour's Star-Hams, per Jb. ....U..I........ Morris & Co.'s Supreme -HaraaHper-jb.;,^.-.-.-*-..... â- Boyed, Burnham & Co.'s 3-star Hams, per lb-.. •; .."Rosenbftrg'B-hgst- quality Hams, 'per lb.... .-.77777 Best 4i:t^Pf«=Ham8r4-t<>- $- lb. ayepage. porjbjj.^. 3HZ Jar. 23^ ^faitoui^'-.gtaj..'Bacon.--t!-y-:-Uifr..ft»Ete Tper lb, ?6ef wlifcgd^by ma-OiQ;, â- .dfi.inw,...rladk'ss. p«r_lb-_.... ,uAt Jlaiit anality Bacon; slfeed 4^0 .â- â- â- >>^o^h1iie-Xjlnm^si~Ib.rTt!7iBir^^ â- Extra-quality"'Bacon.^ sugar eured, ^regular -2Sc^Bftcon, "7 " tf)^ F Special, per lb., tor.....: ...^m^mtI~:_