Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1913, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE,NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER,80. 1913. ! OLtLt.**! fc»Hi ^mwwHiM ii"â- ,♦.; The News' Gallery of Beautiful Lake ShoreHomes PARENTS TO MEET rWllof ^^ |f in WllmettB "i Miss Helen Butz, 802"Lake avenue. 'lias recovered fronia-recenF surgical â€"eperatleBiâ€"â€"â€""' Miss Graice Gunther is here from the eaatJJljfi. guest of Mr, and Mrs. H. Mrs. ,J^'CJ. Castle of Sandwich Is visiting Mrs. Louis Springer, «0 Hill street, this week. Mrs. J. Hugh Foster, 921 .Greenleaf avenu^r has for her guest her mother, . Mrs. George of Canada. :.;,;.- Alrsii--S>J-_.^o»h4°ff_ entertained a idozen ladies iu her -home,- 1507-fcalce avenue, Wednesday "afternoon. Mrs. Percj CSkillen, 808 Ashland avenue, passed last week.' in- High- -land-Park the «uest.j)f friends, Mrs Alfred B. .Wilson. 4Ul^£fiJltta' | avln,iPf has for her^guest her sister,; :'Mlss Adete French of Vermont. :~ ; Dr. K. - - _last"week'for Los Angeles, CaL, wirerc ; be will remain for several months. ; A card jlaT^was^IyeirWeTraesday;] evehiHg in the Jones* hall by members I of the Wilmet tejcamp Royal j*eJgn- J Mrs. Charles Carlsen, 501 Washing-[ ton avenue, entertained her mother,, Mrs- Oliver R. Hinadell of Aurora, last iSL-CLAtla^^ -relumed-from Buffalo, ^-X,^whfire he has been for two weeks on. a busi- ness trip.â€" - .. - I^iMrsrrF^d^A^Ryer-^*^ -Washington avenue, entered theJSyanstonJiomit. ' Talt^^kUioTundergo treatment for nervousness. ' .^â€"-â€"-â€"_^_•__â- -.'. Members of the Feltowship, club were entertained in tiiFTiome of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, 933-Lake avenue, Friday evening. Mrs^ George Sunderland, 711 Cen- tral avenue, left Friday ^or^Fort \V«3(«erlBd-1>-"Wher«^he will attendJthe, twedding-oL Jier__siste£i JIIZZr±r==^_ A, H. Hill, a former well known resident pr Wilmette, now located in Rocktord, was here for a few hours Friday, visiting friends, Mrfi ^Vallace~jy. Kerr. 707 Forest TlACHEI^TtJPY Plans io Be DiscussefJiatHeej- ing of Neighborhood Club in North End. Mrs. Robert Arthur AVorstan, Pre£|; dent of the Ne^^^rjiop^cluo^g^e^ trai street and.. Llnc.Qln.wood schools announcej.tjha.1^^ will be held in the assembly room of Central street school this ,even- ing. The • meeting" will, assume the form of a neighborhood sympo- sium. The program committee will take chaTgrr'of the meeting, and the round table talk will center about the ubjeetr-of-better co-operation^jj^RkAe, tiparttTers of the two schools on part of the community, the local" organiza- tions, the-parents-and friendBc --(.'odrtesy of'thP Hook o Residence-of-Or- Rufus F. Stolp Kenilworth. SITTINGS FOR PLAY ICICARET WAR STARTED 1 avenue, gave a birthday party ,t score of llttle~frteTnl3"otr her Bwrr William, Saturday afternoon.------â€"â€"; Mr. George Iriaietrich, 722 Wash- -ington^awnue,Zlhas-^returned^-from Mlnneapolis^andâ€"Tw* he passed two: weeks the guest relatives and friends. ------~~~~^:'~ ' Announcement Ismade of the rniuaehltig" nrarrtage^ofâ€"Misi ^BeIn4ic1i^tfF^ty^^^ Mftrton TirovgT, 11L^ vv;hJcj)L_wlll- take place during the holidays. ...... Mrs. A. G. Williams, who has been ^siting relatives-inthe west for sev< "eratmonths, has-retUrned-to the home of her- daughter, Mrs. J. G. Wray. 61.8 -.•W^«htngmn wvenuer-w here sh«^-will remain during The winter., Mrs.JohnJ). Greig, ^3F>3»"rgenwoQd 'ayenue, is expeetedr-ltome today-fronv ; Kalama«QoV-Mlch^ where she attend- ed the annual convention of the-Wom- â„¢arrs Foreign Missionary soeiety--as a -rddeJegaieâ€"frogL_the- WilnifeUe^liajLtisi churchT • " The various committees in charge of the bazaar which be given by members of the guild of St. Au gustlhe's Kpiscopal churetr^ire work StageJklisiJ)l<LMsMMev&t WotkTPrlpfrirvgfofAfte11 rzzilaiJMs.WefiL DkectorHMrickissues Jkdec Bills of the week announce the pre- sentation of "Justin Adams' beautiful rural drama, Quincy Adams Sawyer, a romance;^^ of-jLhe_Berkshlre Hills." at the Evanston theater. Whether it was the magic word "romance" or the promise held out in the "beautiful rural drama," or a predilection -for The fidvel^b'f "the name' by™€harles Felton pnrgin7^hat Ailed the house Monday night, we. will not undertakc'toriay. The fact remains ithaT the house .was filled and the large^aullience. was~very evidently pleased with the selection of .yianager-Alinlurn, and tne linexpIBZ -----Hi rector of Public Safety^Waltef:""'C7 Hedrick will work hand in glove with Lucy Page Gaston in her light against the,jc|gareJLJ.n_Evanston, according to an edict he issued this, morning. The ultimatum is this: Each^nlnoTTnEv-" anston who is addicted to~the ctgaret habit will receive his cholcffof giving evidence in the prosecution of the dealer from whomâ€"he purchases -the cigarets :or: will-be-subjectrto-a flne-for^ smoking them in the city of EVan}ston,T The ordinance prohibiting the^sale of cigarets to minors is also protalblt- jyelof the consumption 'of the "weed" tation of the "rural" f-haraeters-hy-lhfL members of the stock company. ......_ The Cast. Tin- cast and the settings of _the ^g-ttr<r-tts==feih>ws: â-  â€" •---- Qrrinry Adams Sawyer. -â€"^r^TTTT.____...Harry L. Minturn Zekiel" Pettinglll....... ;Chas. D. Brown {teftdiiih-STrontr:" rf-Arthur Hastings. Hiram Maxwell. .. iicon Mason.. 3ESer^SfiTf^s. ... â- gam-mil.. _ _ . Bob Wood...,.. feindy Putnam.. Altee Pettlngill; : .-Kdward Ewafd â- A_Ij^an_SJy:ke. rJamcs'U. Aionon TTGile Satterlee . .. ;Ce(-ll Alberts "...... J. Thoinas . ..Rielrio Russell ..-, .. .Nolle Redd Mis/TTepaibah Putnam.-'â-  .....>< • .................. A ugusta Burgeon Mandy Skinner!........". .Jessie Royce Hulda Mason... Samantby GrWts Mrs. Crowley.. . Mrs. Hawkms... to Police to Strictly En- =toPcesGtt\rtaw7^^ hy_niinors.___On her_vl8it h^re^Saturr day, Lucy Page Gaston was ql ilhs opinion that the Evanston ordinance was not as rigid as it might be. For Sis own satisfact;ion Tliirectdr T^edrick has looked up the ofdihance ancTilts^T sected it, clause by <-lause. He is posi- tive that-he-ean ««rb the eigar<4.Tmbit ^i!L^Um<Mi^mlll9rs-hWfian(i has given or- ders' to the pel loo department to give the youths found smokingâ€"thenx the iUiiarnalfe&=^tfE=StptSYi^ ^«* against tobacconistsâ€"oi themselves. obituary: Mr, F. H. Trude. v_ the â- The ^S^tt^e^WW^MBTtSe school principals to tell frankly what can be dohÂ¥ to -assist the teachers in their work. Men' and^wameh in the co munity; have also been requested to give some practical suggestions as to what ip~their opinion can-bei accom plished ^o help ThT teacherB. There js~Xlc1bsTe^ym^aTliy^n-the-i>Jort anston neighborhood between the schools and the people. The parents have-done-muehTofurther-the-efforts of The teachers. TTie TTTstructpra_.rfr gard the people asltheir. friends deslr- ing to increase the nenents of the school. This rbund table meeting promises to be one of the-most Inspir- ing eveT held in the^commuhity. Ah opportunity will be given for any one to give suggestions. UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC CLUB TO CIVE PLAY ^0n Friday Evening "The Witch- ing Hour" Will Be Given" ____at Havinia Park, -------- r_ On Friday evening at_the_J3Lavania Park theater members of The North- western University Dramatic club will give a performance of* Augustus "The Witching Hoar^jEhe performance will be given under the direetien-ef Mrs. Mary Hight. Two of the leading -parts will be Tttken-by CHURCH BULLETIN _------------^"wILMETTE. T~ " Baptist Church, ......Sunday-services h©ld-4n-the Wom- an's "ciub^buiiaihgr corner Greenleaf avenue and Tenth street. -^Bible^cliotHr^^^--â„¢---7â€""~~*~ •PreachTfll'^ervtceril a. m. Rev. j;~P. AbboTt-^feAuMifc^^lM0^ duct the church service until a per- mahenflpastor is secured. -^ -^ -- glencoe.' â-  '^zr:"::"; The North Shore Methodist Church. Hazef^Trd-GTeeuleaf-Avenues Glencoe. " "^ Horace G. Smith, Pastor. ^ Sunday School, 10:15. am. V â€" Worship, 11:15 a. m.; 7:30 p.â-  m. _: Glencoe Union Church, â€"TJrT r Douglas H. Cornell*....pastor Sunday services as follows: Sunday- school, 9:45 a. m.; preaching service at 11 a. m mid-weelTjrrayer service ^^^^^^^^^h^l^iir^^^toM* day;-night-at-8-e'clock, WiNNETKA. ~ Congregational Church Pastorsâ€"Edwin F. Snell, residence 672 Xihcdin avenue, telephone 505-J: J^ W. F. Da vies, reside ncje_1004_Plne streetT telephone 4707 - * Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:45 a,^>; morning worship. 11 o'clock; vespjr service, Vp- mrâ€"T^e-communlon aerv^ IceTTSrst Sunday in January, March. May, July. Septemher-and November. First Scandinavian Church. Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school is held at 10 a. m„- followed by morning service at 11 o'clock. The Young People's society will meet Sup- day^afS p. m. services in the cnurclf Wednesday at 8 STjai ITT T Phone Central 3461 Lace Dyeing a Specialty M. Gillespie ».&?'&,.., Stolen and Mnffs Cleaned and Rtmadt 217-218 Venetian BWg. is e. Wasnington St.. Chicago MfsTEviryn^^ Olson^n^nlsTIeftrud^ McKowh. Noah Worried. "They say fait-l»-€anâ€"moveta=m©un- tain," he muttered. - "I certainly hope TOliody has "fooled with Ararat." F. H- Trude dfed at the .Wl«:haC»r4: Reese hospital Tuesday, Nov. IT. Fu- neral held at St. Paul's church, Alice- Wilson ' Fiftieth and JJorchester streets, Chi- -Hillee Leicester,f..,^, Mr. Trude was a chancery ingj hard planning, th.e_ attnuOions-Ior the affair, which wili be given in tire ] church Dec. 2 and :{. "-..'" . Dr. E. R. Murphy of,. La -Crosse-, Wi»„>was the guest last/ week aT-The -=~^honte of--'•fhlsHbr'oTlier. Mr. Herbert !;T1--.- B. Mulford and wife. 835 Klmwaod^H.sktng^ee-aMhe great ban., avenue Dr. Murphv. wasTm attend! ; Act IV-IM^Ml^JnJ^X an :TTaneeat the convention of physicians exterior of the ^'"^j!0"^^ .^^aa^urireons^n-aiicago,---- _____^iHrjiijg-a^oe^e^^^ Several property owners "started r81"^"1, -â- -.â€"-worlcâ€"this waekâ€"T'em-ovlng shrubbery-]â€" l eago. Mr. Trude was .Alice Armstrong.court attorney and had been a resl- L. Augusta t)urgeoii; ,|£nt of (;h>ncoe Tor-Thet?lasrTen years. "SceSes " " !Her leaves his wife and two daugh- Act I-August. interior of Benonl |te«. Misses^May and Bernlce Trude. Hill's grocery store and the village -. .â€"r:~â€"â€"'..- ... -..------- ppstomce at ilason's Comer. " j" 7"" â-  \ , "STOTME" HOUSES. â€"Aet H-â€"September. Scene Iâ€"The Vandalism on the Part of niischiev- cross roads -between East borough antl;mis boys, thought to be members of Mason's^Corner. Scene IIâ€"-ilis. Put-ja gg^g which makes a rendezvous of nam's sittiiig room at th<^ Putnam UJl(, subways in the south part of Ev- larm. • ' 1 anston each evening, has been re- Act IIâ€"-October. The PettlngHlfported to the . police. Windows _Jn shffe^tg-^^liWa^hhmed^ venue and 1402 Main_ street, have Present. Locale â€" Mason-'s from Theipa^IiTfopowhig the ^^1"Th-^v!I^ post office ami general that has-been entered^bl- •the_vlllage! -_^; ^" - -,,U.>^rimr«r rhP rillaRe tSiiti^Tthat auT^LTl^foTia^ whldU^'01-'^1"1 ^ngTWtW, M *» >^W obstructs the-viewof-the-^nt -inter ^lk-at;»he umc o f the d. »>>â„¢"â„¢L â- -£,. â-  ^-.. . ___ ,._^_â€" ,--..r------trtlrtition -the-frolic of -ilia .uusiuiig sectiomfmusr be. removed.. - ,nmuwi1' 7"1 â- â- " ,„r.n„* nt tiie - --------"bee and the rural production ot_tne ^JWusic. .Study ;v.rKViila ceti^h0_i{,rm yard with its willâ- â- inpNo^^tTiiwS:l^^<irriuirHT?.â€"WU^hemr- matri and the subject is ' FolU aiuLArt Mush of France.' - The meeting of IcTSSB.7 â-  of WUniett ft iliickens jindTliorse â- tvmntions of the simple life of tbj peo- - The-programTTwm be in charge. of Mrs, H.:M, Snow, and is as follows: rPaper^T'"Folk Songs anl Dances"... ..... .".".',â- . -'. .JMrij. O. W.. Hosteti Piano .>sriV>7^"SoHH ' Hois" YVictot . . SlaublT.„........Miss-Mary-Oates ..y.QCftl.....solo, selected..........".. .^. ^ .......___r. Mrs I pie whose existence is spent in places ^irrmote from the e.ivili?iation_of the ! clryr are To; be seeii this sve(>k on the 1 yta^, ftl^HJ-4^HK^>H^-it h-Jlie-e^aS- ;; geration arid T»ie ItonnOy hnnior which always,and been broken-by the miseri-ants, wlio have stoned Jke-^trucJur^s. The com- jifaints w'ennninh7^ liroperty "ageiifs "of flu; Board and Room-Wilmette Welifurni^hed front_ room, also sma1l«FT«Birtr_TO"om." with" hoard; 1& l> r i va to fiimfl y. I)eslr:t hi *i loc at ion: convenient to-railroud and electric. 757 -Twelfth-st., Wilmette, Tel. t,:g:â€":--------~~------------ "• "â- --â€" riiafka- the ruralâ€"iTlayT everywhere. •««> •» . ' .- W "ir 'ai^u^wt^' M"- Mii[turm=ns^jtTi»TC>-A<lam3 -Saw- %y â-  \. -r) till I ill till ' , . .*• f»*.:., mkm Quartet-^- *»* ^,iss R*d* ** A,'CC l "UlU* SefeCttoiiS. Treble \ lei ...;-m;'- < J na n «• 1 , , ,.. ,ai„. .Piano solo. "The Swan' tsTsaens. -^>^ Have Ittrle o^portun. y,to dh^ Tio^^'Selected r: r:V:r:T:.Tryr^TTl-â€" «age-will -1h> tilled This week by W. -rvTAllsK DorothyMacauley i"" -Papers-•'â- Eariv- Eight^mir-t.'entufy* Music"............ Mrs. if. Macule Hamarr^atturtst 1812 Chicago Avenue Evanston, III. â€" "i wish to inform the public that_ I |K>»ttlv,^y----r-------:------â€"â€" "J- stomach and jntestina.ltroubrcs, ipdiyest ion. gastritisi ctins^ti^ "patiOn. t u h e r i; ti i osi's."" "Tie r votys â-  disordersiTi^cminia andanaviiiia I cballjin^eibii-iuos^t^searohing TnveBtiijation^sf-tiiy-eiBiTnsir^-â€"â€" ^0beste^=feeveR ndon. as near a villain as ihe Jcii'UBhJreiji cnti produeef-afldHfe- .^at; teiToe and Mr/Van--Slyke in their r(>les of village wits. ; Tl^ZTT. Tbe management is,_to_;J».e congratu- lated upon the soitlnk for the last act. i^Vclr dcptets--a-T-wo>»4. -â- â€¢ reaiktie- N^w Englanrl siuiw â-  srnTm" ifr-siieh~«--yivj^ fashion as to make one feel the itnnii- nence of ..NvHjtrrJâ€"Oir»â€"^^uhl^wtefcfor €6irm[TOr^&^uilder JOBBING ASP-ECIALTY^ •- PRICES KLASONABLE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1384 _B6S^L302-Wllmette Aw.,-WilinetM»- H THELdNilhSHOP MAKER OF Jjjile Tin ire livel v iemlit milâ€"oi^J-be lioxology' and a tiTrte Tnore-^oMMTa+iv lgfcthe"ltt;t4«^T-«'etlI oipaTt; -butti%gke are "TnT minor matters, which ^listurbed aluiieiufyTast "niclM not at" "all".____1____ 7 Next -.\v-. k tin* EvansHtn invades agafh the -realm-o"f-t-hrLlling-adven4-nr-€ ami ronitmce in the j»»%nuc-tion 0 _4mmnlMi\ tin i+^-t. fâ€" i .-•.i^-giii-Thar individual Gowns, €»cning€oats 1614 Oak Avenue Telephone 2072 v â€"â€"------------------Evanston The best bread made on the North-Shore __---------THE----------_ Wilmette Baking Go. TT65 WilitrettiTAve. Phone cWiimette 449 SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather -â€" We equip your FORD with i Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi Gab Service Nfght ami Day ^. W. Meyer S^ons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette Schultz & No StoltorittQ NEW PROCESS CLEANING AND DYEING-1 631 West Railroad Ave. ilmcttc. Illinois Phones Wilmette 320 X^BITAI^and StIBBLLIS on Savings The North Shore Headquarters for ELECTRIC PLACE ond CENTRAL AVX. WILMETTE. ILL. We carry a complete stock of everything in the line, ©fJewelrj. Remember we are not on State Street and dan afford to sell high grade goods at a very low profit. A saving of 25% guaranteed. TELEPHONE: WILMETTE 446 Miss-Dorothy^Macauley T<acTjc~r~ofT*iino and Vocal WILMETTEfta; " . *Referf:nce: " Canither's iSchpol"5rnFno for Floor Mops, Woodwork and Furniture 45c PER QUART-fcflBS"* WHY PAY $1,00 7 W. 0. BEY RE R -Hardware-*â€"- â€" For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the most discriminating guest, call ^"WILSON'S T Jortir^hoi^fiafceriL ^4aeEf*TRAL-AVENOE" Phones Wilmette 41S414). Wilmette Auto Delivery EEfaeSMaigEiectr4ciaiv= ei Sanitary Barber Shop In connection with his regular Electrical Contracting business, has put innrirtiiriinirof-CoIum^ bia Orafonolas . and Records. You sare invited to come: and hear tbem. .609 W. RAILROAD AVE.f" Phone 522 Wilmette J; A. H0TH ^SCONSIN ICE GEN€frAL TEAMING i-»ft«-€PNTirAI. AVENI F WJLM ETTE,_ JiX- Ofltce 53 Km. 36 Stable ft«8 FIRST CLASS SERVICE ALL HAIRrCUTS, 2$C Wilmette H39 Greenlegf Avenue Sam's, Restaurant Tthe best food at Tiiir^^' :4 HOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Rillfoarf Ave. Wliy ETTE. ILL. 1137 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette, Illinois Reat-Estate^Loans ~ Renting and .. 1: Insurance^ â€"â€" Real-E*tate bought and sold on â€"' commission First mortgage Loans Negotiated Rents collected and taxes- paid ' Estatcs ifhanaged for non-residents Phone Wilmette- SOO ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e»e»eeo»»e»o»ee»»»»e»ee»»o»e»o»e»e»e++e -£?7^tt1l$-oTTmVmfttiisihts sT a lira ys giyirSi "' the best valatf for'the least money. Hat prompted us to ask- yoii to make your Christmas purchases at Edward Kircliberg th< fn t chenn > .;'tlmii_st_ ark.". |___ SEVEN^WSRe^TJVKEN. jZj^ggiijp^ttliS^TsHw^tk'rff wir'j I rre it i d iby . Moioj^j^ei^Pplicjehian Dcvella Rro"ks <n Kivnnston S:ttiiT'Ia.Y_i und ! Sunday. Pract if ally, all ihj nsSTSTfom'Chicago. violators Diamonds. Wat ches and Fine Jewelry 132 No. StatcSt., Chicago Send tor cine of our "Gift Booklets."- â- ." - Wilmette Motor ^Ga^^pHcs^ and have started in business with the firm resolve to treat our customer^wtffiprow^ arid a speci -=^GEO. DESMONDyProp. ?»»e»»eeoooooeo»e»»»e»oe»ooe»oo»e»soe»oe»e»ee«>»e»»e+»> WittnctteCtab Livery .___ CROSS & CO., Proprietors 1225 Central Avenue. Wilmttte. 111. JclepJiOftcJEilmcth CABS CARRIAGES: -. -----SURHBfS « MOVING EXPRESSING B04RI5J Automobile iinrf Carriage Cpbolsterinjr. -â€"â- â-  Trunks and All Leather Goods Repaired. -_ _ GHaFlegMRr Petersen ifarness MaEef ^=- S? WW" Cewtral~A^epn<riTj 3 ;_^ 5^~ All work promptly and neatly done - i-_-----Telephone Wilmette 21 . â€" ~J. A: 3HANE Real Estate, Loans, Renting and Insurance X^orth Shore Homes and V acant _'__ Res.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026^ Office 1128 Central Atc. Phong io7Q WILMETTE, ILLINOIS AT LOWEST PRICES . * 603 W. Railroad kit. witmettejii «o»lng Baggage EiBftiitofâ€" BMrdlne PHONE 9 Van Order Livery - Lyons 6 E.sjan Props. â€" -: Carriages Meet All Trains Carriajres, Cabs and Surreys for All Occasions 728-734.19TH. ST., WILMETTE NERVE SPECIALIST and CHIROPRACTOR â€"â€"After twelve years*:. expertewce~witlr nervous cases in the East, announces his return to practice. All nervous disorders, including Head- ache. Nervous Dyspepsia. Neuralgia, Spi- nal Curvature. * Best of references from former patients. -Appointments pylelephoneâ€"Wltmitti' 13Hr >8$ldeBW. 17# Fowst :A»e.r Wilmette,Niilnols Office Phone 296 Shop & Res. Phone 153 â€"- Tin, j&heet m etai~and - furnace work. Furnaces, _ T gutters, spouts and metat^ ^ _ roofs. ;: »-r!^- •»«' ;: _ES£TLMATTg& -ElIRmSH ED NOW- Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Office, 112 4 Central Ave. Shop, 625 Park Ave. <r»ai), Wilmette ' Pure Milk and Cream. Battermilk and Cheese 1819 Elmwootl Avenue TELEPHONE 2 24 WILMETTE, ILL ...,::. MORKI8 CTETOST STOVES, RUGS and HOUSEHOLD GOODS in all Styles at Half Price Second-hand Furniture bought, sold and exchanged. ~1 OQ4-e h-M KKSQM ST.. 7KVAHSTOTS 7 . f~EL EJLUQJKLJzZt-*^- lrAWN-6R ASS A N^D^trOVErR SEETT i; -^eif^VV&tering Flomer Boxes ^tte^?^ Wire Flower-Bed Guard- Shrubbery and Hardy P«nnniols ^t: tfItffcenc 629

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