E.V TOM â€" WILMETTE â€" K E M L W C lifflSfl NN ETK COEâ€"HIGHLAND PARKâ€"LAKE FORE VOL. V-, NO. 2. Phones 585-586-587. THURS3DA Yr NOVEMBER-2(H-l»l3. 52A_Pavis Street PRICE FIVE CENTS PjFITZCERAlD DIESHN- HUBBARD WOODS HOME Well Known Aged Resident Passes Away Suddenly Wed- nesday of Apoplexy. Paul Fitzgerald, one of the oldest residents-^-Hubbard- Woods, died BEtt^ff IRRITATES VILLAGERS W *E«H^ORTIHAOIES^0*| GIVE SPLENDID BAZAAR â- JUStlCe S. A.' bOSS ASSeSSeS suddenly in the family homo. S26 Lin' $150 Fine Against George tog* Bouse in Village. 1 den avenue.. Wednesday night, follow* \ ing an illness of less than' two days. I Death _\vas jauj^ by _ apoplrx>^^He | was 81 years old. -,*' %â- â- â- â- '."-â- -.....^U-â€"^ -----;." â€"-^ . Mr. FitzGerald had been in good â- "" '--~~.:-..:..,. , health considering his advanced age SEVENTEEN ^FfittEtTtN RAID•-•••<- --*<- -x*«- able to be about the" vil- ' iago until TuesdafcrmprningT-when-lte -â€"â€":-. â- •-----T ' j was stricken.'His condition gradually Youths from PrOminent-Fawilie^-in !*rew â„¢rje andjae. passed away Wed- Residents of Wilmette Declare That They Are Kept Awake at Night by Gongr Anticipating warm debate on two or three topics which were presented WASTED YEARLY All Kinds of Fancy Work and Novelties to Be Sold iby t Village Ghurchwomenv Matrimonial Acencv Rsahwitliti^^ wnmette in; So Said E. M. Bjpard; ^Member W ii^jj Supposed millinery Sale Are Involved in Con-i ^lidehce Game. tEAVES VICTIM WITH $100 week.^a large crowd of citizens gatu- iered at the village hall and listened ! attentively to the proceedings Tues- -day night. It "-was -aâ€"disappointed i throng for no fireworks or oratory of rthe spreadeagte (type featured the [meeting. •""".' p Probably the most important topic] $luâ€"whleh^manyr-ofâ€" the villagers wllot /were in attendance at the meeting of the Cook County Commis«^eh«rcfr sioners, in Talk Before ^tvanston" Gitizens^^z: MANY DOUBLES ON SALARY1^ -An-up-to-date, church bazaar, which | probably-might be more appropriately eu~by~ Union" -oHKenilworth Saturday after- noon and-evening In the Kenilworth Assembly hall. For several weeks the Kenilworth ehuroh^wouieu hava^beau preparing for "the money-raising event 1 and a-^splfeHdRT awiar^tni^^ahtictr- AJMrican-Red "Cross Has Pla'ni- Perfected to Divide the Socir ety Into Four Separate Di- vision Headquarters* ^ Fancy booths, such as aregenerally unibAqv It) pt A utN f C.R plaimed^mâ€"aâ€"bigâ€"carhival^are being arranged and the Assembly hail Will Suburb Arrested Along With Negroes in Disgraceful Jtffaic- nesday night. Funeral services were I conducted in the family â- home Satur-I ! day morning af 10 o'clock by Rev.|3d-| j win F. Snefl, pastor-of' the Winnetka Following ai closely -contested hear- ing held before Justice of the Peace ^3-.-A: Goss in Glencoe Tuesday after- rt^ngregatIona£--^w^k-^h^ | was.in Rosehill cemetery. A resident of Hubbard Woods for more than fifteen years, Mr. FitzGer- ald ytttB ' well- known. For twelve yjearsjjr^ylous^to^nisjemovaUto-Hub- Bride-to-Be Has a Heart and Doesifwew interestedf^rwr-theprotest tiled [Speaker Says That County Politics^be the^acene oHone^Mn^^ i, â- _ , ... . ,, ... , by practically-all of the residents in i â- <.. 'p.«ui nn<i fi,«t M«B„ r'^V"" TivaTs flint ha* been held there in i/ A( Tt~ u/ti* u • Not Take All of Her Wooer's i^ake avenue,against^jhaud-souiuilnV1-^ Rotten and That Many Grafc. |n^s"^Mj^Hertaan a. Kasteu is Kinssley ot Evanston Will Head igong which has been piaced-attiiei-r fens......Are on nie^Eajfoll^ the Central Division, But § ;crossing pf the Chicago & Milwaukee | paru Mftnlh" "â- « - arrangements. She has beeni assisted G, Cashâ€"Police in Futile Search; „_____ noon George Ligare was found guilty j bard Woods, he resided in Chicago, of being theikeeper of A^amliigJiouse,| Avliere he was engaged 4n the whole- and was fined $150 and costs. An a^J^e^^â€" j,U8ineB8, He retired peal was taken by Ligare s attorney., from business nearly twenty years The hearing was the sequel to the ! ag0 . sensational raid which ^as made in j £ FitzGerald was born in Ireland, the Lgare mansion In Glencoe about July 20 lg32 and came to the UnUed 10 o'clock Saturday night when young j States more tiian 8lxt He L,gare;was taken as keeper and, six-j sett,ed ,n N Orleans, where he re- ^ ^wir°vnSth?,nf *t JmirUamed until the close of the Civil -r SSL^St-Sai&JSS ^ar. He enlisted in the Confederate house. Several of the white young i ... * .. . . . - _ A B------_„ _„_.k~~-«*- .,w/r«,Vn»n» #„.„!• After the war he removed to Mlnne- men are members of prominent -fami-*-• „ wliere he resided for several lies iirthernoTthrshore suburb. ; apons, wnere ne resided for several . I years. He was married to Miss Spectacular Raid.______;______fHarriPt Clr^v In ^w Or)pana Tntiii- gaming raid was one ot the ! ary 7^1864. Sevej^l years agp_ML- mosjf spectacular affairs that haFueeh j FitzGerald Was ^romfoentHh Masonic B"the~Tiliasg~in years, and|.-clgeles^belftg^&^miggi^^ ^^lUjaepdatiott Uj_hea7d froman of j rites rank. Mrs. FitzGerald died six nre~villagers^tor tbreTsflteers".and^cit^njonths ago. The following 'children' zenS who took part; in the arrest of j survive: Mrs. P. O.-Hackleman of ^be^oKaywffrd , yo"thB^^ccoMlBg^o^DOkahe."Wash.: Mrs. A. D. Crowe, good authority the Ueare p^ace was, Sullivan, Mo.; Mrs. Arthur Metcalfe, known along the north shore as a!chIcago.. Phmjp FitzGerald and Miss- pjace where young;-men-had been eon-1 es Qeraldine and /Alice C. FitzGerald gregating for months to gamble aud|of Hubbard Woods. ,.â- â- â€"^~ ^pardcipaterJn^flither--revelry. 1____:â- ______â- ___" '------- - jabaciri(i^ixoad_iitJ^ki)-J^ i or three petitions signed by property | ; owners and prominent citizens, includ-: Evanstoii was again made the seat j,lg one-remonstrance from members of-a confidence-game worked succes'a-40t the New Trier^€t»niuercjalassocia^ fully on Robert H.-Phillips, an unsd- tion. were ulaced with the trustees on byJMfa". Charles R. Chapman. In addition to the various booths, "a life-sized doll, a large aud expensive This-He Oehles. "in spite of all our endeavors ^ Ught dome and other articles administer '.economically and efficient. ly the (rf phlsticated painter, of Rochester, N. | the subject. It is declared that Uie X, last week by a designing Chicago;80unding of the bell is so loud that woman, and as a result Phillips is i residents within-eight or sten blocks It'BeT-ot-some, ll.o^Or^bielrrepTeBetttB^fthe crossing-aJ^-olteh^vva^enecTat his entire savings for a period Of -I night byahe continual Jangling of the more thau six years. Phillips told hls:noi8y alarm^rThe matter was referred story to Chief of Police Shaffer to the public service committee of the after waiting . for _mo_re _3&an &|board oftrustees with power to act day for the woman," who incidentally]- Anpthej^subject inwiiich many Wil- was to have -been his bride, to makejmette citizens "were Interested Was a her" appearance in Evanston., She communication signed by residents of â- â- A â- , , _ ,, , , was-oo^hav^p^iased^. miUiner^o^ Men«eJ^P^^ gS! , . i have- been donated by< *\trs. Francis many departments uuder^hokr f >^ â€"the Cook countyâ€"beard of we are still_ wasting dollars a year." So care comiuissioners, over a million said Mr. Ellsworth M. Hoard. Evans- ton's representative on* the" Cook county board, to the Current Events; class at the Congregational church. ; •Why," said Mr. Board, "Bob .Wilson,; who misrepresents us in the state legislature, is on • our._jCookâ€"couutyLLp- payroll and gets 12,500 a year fori -^ In the evening an entertainmentrth^- nature of^'hichwill~notrbe "made "pub-7: lie until that evening, will be given by| liie young folkiot„the. village under the | direction of Mr. Charles Armstrong. | < The-followitrg-iir-the list of booths j with the chairmen in-charges:-â€"~ Fancy Workâ€"Mrs. Grant Ridgway.| Utility and Linen Boothâ€"Mrs. Fred! Chicago at last is to become a cen- lraL_!divislon--point_of_the American l';od Cross. Since the Dayton' fiood lhefeihas been .mucb clamoring for a d(vision point * elsewhere than Wasn-- store there with Phillips' money and; removal of ^^^^^UWii^^^Sâ„¢^?^! ^F^'Ji?* !wi L& »0,« nh»v0"i.v0H i,«-„„v » Ck«„Li:.!:. ^S^',^L-.,!?„„« impossible to remove him Immediate^ ever afterwards^- | donee street. This proposition^ was ly." Mr. Board quoted' a_fieJd com- â- ,,.. , 77â€"VHwiom atid ^ -fntsstoner assaying: •u\iOTertnan-haltT Apron Boothâ€"Mrs. O. M. Ruth. Japanese Tea Gardenâ€"Mrs. Henry Everett. ' L . â- ' •; v" "--:â- •= -"â- â- -â- Cakes-and Delicaciesâ€"Mrs. Edward Mrs G. P..Nichols. pointed for__political reasons _ Matrh^onial-Agency Affair.- jilso referred to the public wrvlce.;^h enn)loyes of ^ 1)0urd artV The recital of Phillips" experience committee with power to act. Mj„, jaiaBigBr^lfc^f=4hc elemouts *of -tfae-Shipley-waa-in the meejattg^=andr.tolv: old j.lnje-w_orn.. cotiMejtcii^ajpe,u__£h»41g^ of them cannot-write ap- and wifhoUl any reifairetueiits BaviHg beeir BotldolriBj»tlF=M1s?r-Kireten- Tulip Bedâ€"Mrs. F. E. M^Cfile -fcamp .Shade Booth-~Mrs73rffcaura4 lips became acquainted with the; engaged adjoummgnj^^ ~in a aveiy; aerate wnn seV- ' ^J. ',„,. ' „,., ^ that thnir Caud: IN WINNETKA SUNDAY . in addition to the fines imposed by â€"-Justicet8.-A.^Goas a fnil investigation^ "of"tnte'^utfifhl ganibtftit^ffl";W&iicoe^j willJje made by the next grand jury.'1 ^AttorneyGeorge'-T-I;:~rKieks of "Glehebe t • represented the village in the hearing j -rr-Tuesday in prosecuting the cases. Jkn-j- ^ !___ y 'â€"a j assistatit state's attorney also was I » • •â- ' _ - . present to obtain evidence to be placed j More Than $200 Worth before the next grand jury. i r»_jj T i c nm . The list' of youths taken in the raid;------mRQ | BKen F FOIH UtilCe plac^ were JT^Av- tf fr. Q-yy; Jfafc-- Of ... , •-. ........................„ so that their womanvwho,^v* the name orMissreral^,ropertyo^ read, and maQy of Rosetto Reynolds and .the addresssposed to his plan to remove the old,them are unable.to foot correcuy a Chicagb, general delivery, through a j structure, r , ^ ....... ^column of figures, yet they are the i matrimonial agency in Toledo, O.,!_ The report of the finance cojnjiiittee more than eight months ago. He had|on the water bill of $11,816.62. due placed an advertisement for a, wife Lthe city of Evanaton for water-Jur In the Toledo matrimonial paper,, and I nished forjthe year just ended." was Rosetta answered that she was also ! receivecTana"tire-bill ordered paid. I ^ i men who have to spread the assesB- I ments on all the real and personal -property of CoolccountyT" â€"^r and> Booth- Mra. . An-all-day-session -ol-the^ guild-waai held-in-the Union church Monday at J which the ladles prepared fancy art! j elesf for the bazaar. Mrs. Frederick! C, Little- and] Mrs. Charlesi Arlaistrongr 'j were hostesses at a luncheon served ; anxious to become a~h^pnTate of a gojd^gener^us^^vihgjnan^______â€"~rt? .^^ftfeSLipwpptaBpnniiBnpB which paasedtLif. X_ as Tnmates ybTThe placeT were J. l .undquIsTT^fthur Kursc1rnei,r-G7~-F; JVLeyers, Harry_i3hl.E Thomas Watts. Jr., J. JL-.Bailey, Frank Baker, Roscoe Baker, Clarence Brockway;, Glenn "T'alW'Henry-Adams,"mTSfbrose-Beau- â- , ,, , , .. ..^ „ den. George Kelly, Rudolph VevauiiIiet^ ^nd^ whentmore £an *2â„¢ anjj^ Wilson and Matthew Johnson; wortfa of go,d wa8 stolen colored. Wilson is the son of Rev. Dental thieves made a good haul in Lhe_j>ffici.jol^fcJB£wi^^E^^ The theft was. not discovered unfit "Monday noon when Dr. Poff searched for Homer F. Wilson, pastor of the col- , . , ,.,,,,, , , ored church in Glencoe. Johnson.is » bndge work^lued-at $100, he W the colored mail carrier-who tailed ^st ^>m?tl^ imtS^0^^& XoTTass the"physical test after he had qualified in the.civil service test for mail carrier in Glencoe two months ago, when-the-freeâ€"deliverjr-w^sâ€"in-... .. ,, „.,.i ^cJMirnZ^QT^^*^1^^^^ patient th#-afternooxL__,JNi)_£lew has been found which might lead :to the apprehension of'tbe thieves. _ Dr^ Poff has been located-in the floor^ of^ thei ittewnSalvkrbuirdlh^Ih^Elm street, Winnetka, less than two weeks. It is thought that theZflnef or thieves -auguratedr-^with the Kurschner and Vevaul, each of the in-: ,,,. , , , . , Unites entered a plea of guiUy before ^f^^^rT^^ ^^ Justice of Peace S. A. Goss when ar-;"â- «« tho«ShtJh&[ gâ„¢5 r*tS^S raigned Tuesday morning of being in,u.sfd a ^skeleton key to^nter^the out- -mates of a gambling house. 's,?e °®Ce «*: #f J!^£S --------- e . -j£â€"â- ;â- i where the gold waaklepUwwas^entered â- ^â- ^Story^of^Rald. -â€" ^- r^^ter^the^ lock -was i)icked;^Qniy^ gold For some time the ..officials in Glen- AVas taken by the robbers,; -J â€"eoeâ€"have . been awaiting an QOPgrtUrDrr-: : â€"â€"â€"â€"^ ....... - ' nity to-raid- the Ligare place. That gambling^wasr^belhg^conducted there hall, where they gave bond for their between the,jpair â- soon ripened into what Phillips presumed was a genuine I love affair. About six weeks ago-he | came to Chicagoand by pre-arrange- meh~tTmeTll08e.tta at the >La Salle Tali- i road station. Distinguishing tell-tale bows of ribbon or flowery adornments j on either was not necessary as each j had received a photograph of the! NEARING COMPLETION --------A-TraaicFBtoryi- was_a_tragieâ€"storyâ€"whftchr~MT7-[: j Board told. Political affairs in Cook tepanty are evidently rotten, "wltlF=a jlrottenness.that -is Indescribable. Vile In at noon to the workers. HIGHLAND PARK WOMAN oW SodonK in her pariiuesniaTf wiekednesSj-Avasn't a circumstance the trickery and the chicanery and ; the graft and^he corruption at work tn the"maladministration, of Cookt 3V6fn&nt eount>' affaiirs. At' the beginning of j n . «.;,, |Mr Board's address Uie audience Being rlaOea^lirnrrttage ilauglved at his brilliant sallies. It? sounded funny tp be told-of a horSe doctor who was made-^i^hysloian-4n-v Asphalt IVIacadam eing flacerf^ Street at Cost-$50,000. Workmen are fast completing the other. However, Rosetta playebT fier game well, for even before the first visit of Phillips she induced him to return her photo because "it was the soniyrronefcsheâ€"had . and _ a sickâ€"aunt-|-trWo-and~ouft-half miles ofâ€"new. as- needed it." Thus Chief Shaffer and. phaltic macadam paving which" i; officials of ttre centraL detective bu-. | being placed in Melrose avenue, Rich reau.. in Chicago have only' the de- j mond £6Jad3uur~?.>lher; .^tr^eM .in-lthJiu^: M^"3r?7 Srmth^-VVanWrson Track and y\f^sKllleiJ^t; - thursday^jyignt oneâ€"of-tlte eount^--ho»ndtalsâ€"by pass- __, .â- •. 1Z 'â- "'~~~~~" lag this simple examination. "Whatj . Mrs. J. P. Smith, wife of the presi- is your name? What is your addf es_s^ ] dent of the J. I*. Smith Shoe company Are you a physician? On answering J of Chicagb, stepped in front of a -north* r-vâ€" -^â- -â€"Sherman C.KInfl«ley. . rtrtgton. T.The'.^offtcers- of -the- society ! were quTck^lo realizeThl^necisiity of" more than one division point and ^incethe- disastrous Ohio-affair they have been work ing^ quietiFfor divisiooF '|rgrntis~^ ;:' ~ "" ' "" â- -•â- â- â- -='â€"--------â€" ' The./firsr inkling of this was an- nounced Ift Chicago^ Tlast week by ErnewtfcLBicJknfiJl. jilrector of tto.so»= "cletiL'.IHr? BicknelTwas the man .who directed relief work following the Day- toDLjloodT . - -â€"â- - • - Chicago Division Point. "The work of the national body has become so heavy that It has been de*% cided' to divide the society into four sections," he,said. "These four divi- sions will be^called the Pacific, the Rocky Mountain, AOantlc^nd^genT- fral. Chicago will be the division point of the Central division. In de*-i elding UP on Chicago headquarters the Hed.Cross took into consideration t&e. Fpiend Id work done in its behalf by the United Charities. Tfie workers of the Central divlafon will be' drawn." uestions affirmatively lie" was 1 bound Chicago & l^tbwWteTn".raii grTiTfted a certificate ai-d a remuhera-; road train in Highland Park Thursdav .-..._ job. But the audience soon dls-? night "and was so mangled and crushed scrlption which PhiBiFs furnished to ; village of Kenilworth. The hew street j COvered tiiat the story Mr. Board wasrthnt identity-was-=establi»hod-only, by work on now in .their search for the covering is being1 placed*with the ex-; ivMm was no laughing matter. -A-I parts of her coat and by white knitted voman. . » - -- ception of ia small strip west of the;90rt of".grim looU soon appeared upon 'gloves^hat she wore, ^r^^ecurea Marriage-Ucense*^^ Phillips arrived in Chicago on his -^s badly worn. When completed, the i 'riiey got mad^and^trrey^dererOTlned^nnentr tor-nervousTiisorder for^several second and losing visit Saturday; l»ayinjg-to the village will be the best; that if. Mr, Board would consent to months and had been confine^nto her liromtlw United yharitieS,^ From that day until Thursday ofi •" an.y of, the north shore suburbs.'run again they would take- off their home in Highland-Park. Lured by the Jvosettar wereLJhitJgteLiQsLwjlLbeJ^ _l<oats_abd help him- to be elected. ipleasant afternoon Mrs-" Smith eluded ! W»S to become a division pointi::: Alr=-t>f^-the^curbing- and^^ntter-^^-r^^j,,^^ 1 ing work is of concrete and was placed -j Here are a- few of the ^Xitigs-TOFTir"walk. ~" ~ . severai weeks agOv_^ eohju?ieteT)ian Searching parties^wefe seeking her j for^ the mixing of the street covering ^jnehairman 0f the finance coSmlUeeTwTien""she steppedâ€"'ontcrttheâ€"trackn has been placed on the Chicago & Mil-i0f the board these last few months: [about 500 yards south of the railroad Since It became known that' Chicafbt ras to become a division point, the name of Sherrnaa C. Klngsley bas-ire/ quentiy^beei^^TOentlonedhas the man for the head of the new department.. Mr^~-Klngsl«y;^-who , la-. an ; Evans*: tdnTTaldefJfian, w as-"foT"ra"~ inhnr Frfe V>s7reet*. where slie^and Phillips Wtt»He^ Klectiic railroad right of way \ "When the decision ^onlir supreme [nation and; not more-than fifty feet.ib^^oi.years-the head dt:thfc tfnft^ wouldI visit^durfngtiie day the first"sn^ of the week She posfd as a milliner iployedinthe work; of mixing the con-;,luu and void, was published, a num*!neer. put on emergency, brakes andjEltzab^ and led Phillips to believe that sheâ- •â- â- erwte and laving lt_ _ -her of comiietentuneii were swept out nimle frantic efforts to stoujheloco-'. At the time of the Daytpn flood Mr. .had been emploved On the south side Tht" longeut stretch of the new pay- }„f office and-^a-tHHni^r-of--^vard--hool ; tuotlv w, but there was insufflcient time" j: Kthgsley. went to the strieken district ..... ers putin;ofHce."-Mi\ Board said "Inito^ savethe woman. r~.-X~^--â€" jand^did heroic.:^ot^ as a represents lastâ€" weelL-Jhe and "doing Chicago" and all the while planning their'- matrimonial venture, even to the eittentrthat on Wednesday Pirtirrps -secured a marriage license. Rosetta had a room rented at 19 West w,« tiu vHii.-P en,<,in hut th.. r. , appearance before^ustice Goss in the iaCh|cag0 ma Wholesale millinery; ««B ls in- Melrose avenue .«rora^l«!r-^^ twiH^I\^ ?Z:?JL ™«L . hinn i3Um of ^00 each_for Tuesday mom- establishment, and was still rooming ldHn road to the electric railroadTToTje instance a man who had been] Mrs, Smith was the mother of two 3S^f^^^^S^SM^v-\^'i^-:^,i^ with thewoman who was her former This is^all resurfacing and is prac- ,ft teamster was appointed as a stenog-i young boys-and two girls, all of whom ,mci iitaci. ue piace^^^^^^-^3^mi^^^^®ft is alleged to have emp|oyer j ticaliy compietcd. In one block mrrapher, in another instance a saloon-jwere searching for her at the time of •"'â- =-" " 'made his escape in the raid. It is'-â- --i- 'jhp rpnftI1| feftgrir~whicir had^^^^^^ but the j the accident. nicer Charles I C.;:r.,,r ':aa_been iJP ^^^^^B^^S^^KS fteVublds 1 ^uinbe.laud ^ nun t.naricb J. t..»oi»n ut ^^ |offlcers as theventered the place. B> woman unf0iaed the plan of the pur- rbase-wasTplaced -were~ sure^ of ^getting i an denee-to assure a conviction. yw=cbncretf He was successfurm finding out that!^ ^^ being aQ inmate eectric buzzers were installed in thef* ,^ are place.: He appeared _old Ljgare mansion and: that in case j d ^ afternoon before Justice Goss ofan attempted raid the P^»P" j jâ„¢ afleT for a contlnuance-until â- the second noor coma ne notifiea-and ,Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock7^he could drop^their.aUeged^ambUng^nd.fj^ttauiice was granted. â€" - • be engaged in a quiet game of pool- , â- --- An Old-Village- Mansion; ^ ~. - wlien-therofflcers arrived on the scene Cooper foiled these well-laidjplans by: Tne 0jd Ljgare mansion stands on â€"disconnecting the buzzer. Al chain was I kflollirfacing Railroad avenue iu fastened" to the outside doorr^and } (jsfifccoe .between Park and-Lincoln when this door was opened the chain j avenuea7^ n Was formerly occupied by râ€"rWj)Uld-be-rb,rc^n-^gai^t-^t^o^ and radiator. In case this failed to work. |g om q£ the landmarks of the - vlU _anyoneneaiL could, touch the ferrule jlage Tne Ligare familyâ€"have not i $100 bills -^f-a-eane^r ah umbreila-to-the-raii^ fox which wouW give the signal- JLiiUe R^_Pgare, mother of George...... ' Tried to Signal Players â€"j Ligare, Uves ifi-«li!-WIl8on-avenue Residents of the village of Kenil-: that the and the clerk so blotted the rlter books commissioners. £ Wll LHEPEAT OPERETTA tive of the -National Red: Cross. .Alt that time he announced that there should be roorer than one division point, "which always,has JjeejJLIpcateC. at-W^hington, iWany,credit^the.EvaiUk> ton1 councilman with being rflaponalble THANKSGIVING NIGHT ^fojtithfediv iding of - th'e= uatloi^intflr1 -quariers by- tb^NationajJRed Cross so-. Vn~order She told a Fogical storv that a woman worth are l)roug QL-tgejmieL imptu^- ltutVe uteiu^I.^ ft.»..t.: vliil ttfla sate -hereoTvho conducted a millinery store menf' which replaces the rough ma- isil(,,i both the offices in order todis-i in Main street^and who also had ilv-!cadam, with which they have put upjcharge both the men; Nine of the| ing%oomsinUhe-establishment, had ilor. severaTyears. men drawing salaries from Cook; proposed to sell to her^for-tfae-small ----- _ ! county are members ol the state ieg-; sum;"'6f $l,600rwhicinwas~|TOOO--'lew:"~:-...„.-QIVE8 RECEPTION.---. iislature. Thirty of the employe»r««j than the place was worth. Th* factJ^A rec^^ Woman'^saJUi that she was an old friend was given; N. Rhodes lusher home in Hubbard only of -.Cook^county, but of the c*ty4cluh-tReTopei-otta, "Miss Bob AVhltfl^T^^ ttayerattended-f ; u . r .Mr. Klngsley, ho^eveiv-d**ni^s-he-U - candidate for the headJof the een- " Rfaf depaffmentv "The origanlzatioa la Upon thoT^rgefit^f«iu^BtS^f=mi " * the Rvanstonlan when, o,uestlon«t.. as the reason ior the low, price. "Pays Over the $1;500. j.__ :-Oh-Thursday-mornlng Phillips sep- [ Forest. arated himselt=fromrtherfliBfiO. which:?". *as-counted but to Rosetta in crisp 'j meet him She asserted she had al* I been detained Woods Sunday afternoon In honor of I and park districts. ^ In the cp"Pty| whlch was successfully presented by f,! ings and I think the four centers will I her niece Miss Rose Powers of Lake jimilding ttrerr are two wood-finishers: group of wiimefte-TOutiKiollc^p^^ * j who get $2,800 a year. .What they i^,, 7 will be repeated at the club Tweek. AU the offleerg will beselected both do could be dofie In two^^ weeks. !hollge'irext Thursday night, Thanka-1 from the United Charities. The head. at the- "millinery ThinkiiiK that she had j *57l-h* Cook county -buUdliig-^here ^ v|ng n, ht at 8 ;15 0>clocit, The pro* i who probably wilt be called Erector of h Ure two marble caretakers An ordl*i^-^^^^^ fund^f-the^lub. : - jr-------â€"-•â€"4-«oan. Mr, Bicknelt has several raea using one-tenth of her time. In,; Tfte pjHy ^ prekented two weeks fin mlnii! for t»e omee7?bst w^mng.r^e"W'p^iice|thf assessors^department^ere^ar^^^ wag . . ... ,n, .„, « ..„.„ , store," he w^e^ah hour Tor more. |^^ the place. This a as about 8 o'clock, j Then he yvent to a -*"^-"^*»d^^!^/|fh, Hall, Arthur Grabo and Louis Conrad, burst-in the door of the house-young , ,. . , , ,v ,„,, ,,,, ... Ktiii .....iHiii: wiiiic fhp nollce """ •'••â- â- --""-- â- â- •,•"-â- ••â- - aKO ,,,,,-, A auccess 1'Oth ilhaucially! tain he has notlnade a choice a* yet Sh.- forewarned Inn, thai must "^g^^^ â€""TLigare was In the reception hall. ^He made. an. attempt to touch the radia- â€" tor with a~ cane and-^itive-the ^ alarm, ' but Officer Cooper was on to his game. The officers crept by, slipped up the stairs and entered the room where the dice gamerw«sln~tttil swing ^rhe ^dice^andmoyez^anrtlfclPzmoBe^ithe: stake, which was scattered about the â€"-â€"table,- -was, confiscated. Theâ€"entire crowd was marched to the village of the routing of the crowd of nroif- terers and youthful gamesters The easy-mark painter fell fur the â- rtiilllpsdi^-aa-^^g^Uslimaa-and excuse and Rosetta, boarded a Broad- i sents a good appeaVance. ^He the.old homestead alone7 He is only 22 years old â€"The clean-up . ot- the Ligare place. said to have beenla veritable ren- dezvous for youths of the north shore to gather, and gamble, is recognized by the citizens of Glencoe as one of the best efforts ever made by the police of the village. The manner in which-the citizens stood behind Ofll- cer Cooper and assisted In the raid _. ^-^^ht~eVtaegCB--of'their approvalTcaga & Norttsfesiteiy railroad at b men distribute the tax schedules and ieralpe^on9^ Ite pr«. | regard It as a day's work if they; anceg of_ the same piece given by ex- not want it; as I have more to do now t8 a!visitT forty-people. v,At a recent-Jn*-I - ^^1^3 theatrrcal people declare than I can well take care of. MI •» 1 " " officer in the National Red Cross, t -v m«......« -......-• n, ,,...."r!-*»^j£^^ ,. : „ „ „ ......::,:- »t »c ,-, rangement was that PhUllps waa;;to; in^the ynlted^States ^^ 'han ^Jati One consoling feature of his ",r p. m. gage. Phillips arrived, bag and bag- but thwer was no H<w^tt«t-Hto alum She Is of Polish descent, discarded underwear^ and-* cheapithan S100 left. whiclt_the pol|c« nwf quilt; and that she would meet J him at the Itovis street station of the CM- | people: Misses Rae, Macaulesv Mrs^viaJot reiuiiv rmruu. lur uiu. of hl8 tlm* *** Ws ?wu b"sl"W18,*** \ King, Mr. Orwlg, Mr. Blchl. Mr.KeUy ffor-tl«naationalDo4y to «o mnelriaore The^eySr^wSkn^ls deserts w^ J°t^E2Thon«. Mr Lavery and Mr. Hoff leftective-worfc- !n *** ^ast when a Z^g^Xnt3Siaola;Tf me* c°»->-e of hours a week. In one of mTtaMl The play was given under thetdisaster has befallen a oomnwnlty. It (Contlntted oh PJjs^F" ^a.bhib. work to come from Washlngtbia.