Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1913, p. 7

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THE LAKB SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913, STATE CLUBWOMEN IN SESSION IN EVANSTON Items of Interest to the Delegates [(Qlubrooms â-  tor Working Girls Are to BeOpened in the Mann Builclffi^Jlii Davis Street^ in Near Future. A^r\ r> i * /> .. a ^"he Wdmaifs^lub is located at the yUU Delegates Gather in An- conM!r °* Church Street and Chicago nual Convention This Week-1 The Congregational Church is atthe ";. in North Shore City. -J&S*" Grove street -*-«â€" ______â€" ^| Delegates' "Dinner tickets" will be • i^i' â- â-  .' .â-  | honored at the Avenue House only, The convention of the Illinois Fed-' corner of Davis Street and Chicago «ration=of=Wpnian's clubs opened < Avenue. Tuesday morning In the First Congre-1 ..Alternates and visitors may secure gational. church of Evanston at 9 o'clock by an organ recital --givenfjir Mr.-John„jj^nei^y-" -'.\y.: ..-"•'iTiy; 'dinners at the Cafeteria, 1627 Chicago | Avenuer:-tfae--Avenue"Hoh8e and tcs- jtaurants on Davis Street. ^ ___^^_â- â€¢â- _ DONATIONS SOLICITED A rest room for girls and young women, to be conducted in connection -with the recreation worfc^bich-has feeea given under the direction of Miss TLura Robihsoh at various centers 4n Evanston during the last few months, w ill be opened ih the Mann building, in the 800 block, Davis street, some time this month^^The plants eventu- to develop the rest room idea into club for the girls of Evanston along the same Maes that: €he~01ympicr club is conducted for the youths of the city. â€"--------J:__:â€" The new-quarters^probably will be known as the Girls' League Rest Room of Evanston. Promoting the plan are j clubs, but not with the General Fed twpnty-one prominent men~and~wom' the Illinois Federation of Woman's |eoha^«ttotta^SS clubs called the meeting to order and j ^n^ct^Sre room, Worn- introduced the speakers. [an's Club House. Mayor Welcomes Qufalj, j „ Conservationâ€"Lecture room, lower Addresses, of welcome were given | «°^ Congregational Church, ihyjtfrs. Francis D. Everett, Illinois | ^"cation-Lecture room ally r»« «r m »r t^,, . , Headquarters for the different De- ^Dr. Wm. T. McElveen, pastor of the j partments of the State Federation are b irst Congregational church, gave the j located in the foHrnring places.-and invocation, followed by the singing of [the chairmen may be found at their "Illinois" by -the audience, led by Mr. j headquarters at/the close of the after- Mountain of Northwestern university.juoon sessions: ' _ _____':';-:-:- -• ^Mrs. Jflrederlck A; Dow, president of' Artâ€"Parlor VVomau-'a Club House Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bangs have re- turned from Cynthianla, Ky., where (Irey^penY^ihiS"iminmei^'â€"-^f^""11^"^ Mr. and Mrs. John Scoville had as their guests for the week-end Mr. and Mjre; Wt B. Clovejrof^Chicago. j Mr. and-JIrs...,~<L_S_._ Bogjgs have opened their new home on Edison ave- nue. _______:: •'•.- ;'•'- ' • 'â-  ;j; v : r^'Mt. and.MrSi-'Wi H. Titus have tak- j ejBQnpahMrj^idence at the Virginia hotel for the winter. 1 Mrs. A. F. Voltz was the guest of] her sister, /Mrs. Wv ArVdlDnsT 2304 j Avers avenue the latter paiLof last I week. . Mrs. Beck, who.bas been the guest lower floor_ot|<rf_^eF_80n^aIldl daughterWlawj-Mrr and Mrs. H. M. Beck, for several weeks, returned.! to her home in Los Angeles, Cal., last week. _â- .._:_,'. directoiy-who-spoke for the ^r^^HWhoti Economics Federation-oi! WomanXciubsi J|y^It-!room_VVomah'8 Club House. John Harper Long, president of the) P_y» Food^South roum,lowwFTIobTf'glliBflHt j*enth district; Mrs. Rufus Dawes, Congregational Church president Woman*sctub A>1 iffiffltftfor ->ibrary^ Extension "Hon. James Smart, mayor. The re- sponse was-given by Mrs. Frederick A. Dow. j A surprise party was given for Syl- Womah's vester Beck at the home of Mrs.. J, A. ?~ ,.*_ I Beck-in JValley'street Monday even^ Lecture . .. .â€" v^ ~ ~ _v- -â- â€"â€"-â- â€¢-'â- - -â- --»â€" ing, November 10. -There were forty â- lower formally-at-afternoon_iea Friday._____ Mrs. W. A. Fox will give a musical at her residence on Longwood ave- Lecture Jroom, Woman's Club House. Legislativeâ€"Lecture" ^roomr floor Congregational Church. Literature and Reciprocityâ€"Lecture Mrs.-Everett^n^bidnglng^b^greej^XoJMn^ Club House. - Music-^Parlor Woman's Club House . ,^,tri« aw *0«»»,„Condltioni- summer at the Skokie club^wtll leave ^SSSSSbi^ south ^remain en of the city, members of, the Girls' League board. Furniture and other rfufnishings -are,.now being solicited with which to fit lip the roonrand it i<? hoped that the donations will be large enough and will be made within the next week^so that the rest room can be opened and in full working or- der before the busy holiday season starts. \'..T. ing of the General Federation, ex- pressed the desire that those women's clubs who' are already affiliated with the Illinois Federation of Woman's ^ . â-  tor mm of Congregational Church. oration, would qwnirljito^^ ^^a^^?'^^^^^,^^ ^^ federation. She congratulated the II-\ The Bureau of Information has Mrs. August Schepp entertained- In- nue on Friday, November 14. MrsTj. M. WRherspoon, with son and daughter, Wfio~have" spent the linois Federation "on, the great gooiit j headquarters on the lower floor of the bas accomplished, upon the power it j Congregational Church; idsoTaT the possesses and charged them to con- i Woman's Club. This Bureau has tfnue to use their power with wisdom. I charge of the Postoffice, Lost and there during the winter. ; Ambrose Beauden was arrested Frl- day-for emftezaloment^f funrt'i la *"ft Glencoe Electric company's office on Park_ jivenue, was tried _be'fore Judge S. A. Go8S at 2:30 and case continued for further hearing. Mrs.lrong7a~inV^ articles, Telegraph and Tel*-1 Miss Carrie Ekelman and Mr. W. 19 at eight fifteen ARBS^QUi^TxEffl MME. JOHANNA HESS-BURR ASSISTED afr'•-••â- â€¢â€¢â-  -__ THE RBV. GEORGE CRAIG STEWART ^â€"Tickets $i:25 at Burket's Drug Store. and from Mrs. Charles F. Dwight. 1240 Asbury r«lcphonc I.b.48. Sopranor-Vera Allen ; ContrajUo^GraceW.Ybuiig^^ â€"JIenQt£=MQS£&JL Rrines~^~â€"~â€"^ Bassr-Arthur Ifffljjtw- â- â- ':"â-  ^ ^IVANSTON^CMAN Direction NM&GH AS.*. BRIGHT Mrs. D.B. Macauley teac^r of UlollH For Working GTrTsT come from the 4 500 women she renre-J ph°Te »tations' and illustrated postal c. Shaw were married at the bride's j „. come irom tne 4,&ou women sne repre--|cards. Long distance telephone booths - - â- ---------â€" l s,ud sents as president of the Tenth dis-,are located in the Congregational trict. She stated that though the dele-! Ghurch and in the Club House. The gates Would experience some discom- other telephones are for local use w^udd^^probably_3e exhaTUBtedTO'riy7-for which there is ho charge. ~A hTcat^etttrjhone---ia-^oeated=4; churcli where luncheon is served. , , . ____io Room 30,115tt wnmette Avenue residence on Vernon aveaue Saturday, jVhonemUattUi ^ - ,; nattais» Phuna246 November 1. A reception was given j at the home following the ceremony, j JVANDOI.1N AL6O TAUdHT -fort= with the week's workâ€"in years to -primarily the rest room farbeing orâ-  thlnra^vnnld T fnrrnt -â€"â-  "»-e .um.m.uu » a«rveu.. â€" -Lstoa-JKiere.will j>e a matron in;^n andâ€"onTy the Inspir^ton. Wf^^f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ x-liarge at all times and saleswomen and others employed in the Davis street department stores who are iorced to take their lunches in the business section, will be welcomed at the ndon hour or at any other time. Jiuring the cold Weather coffee prob- ably wiirbe provided. __^ The rest "room "will be located-on lito .and the spirit- ual uplift felt would be remembered. Street A Quiet BjjQjm is located JusLoOfie^Jgoq Hre invited Auditorium of the Congregational room8;----------......... The Olympic Club for Boysâ€"is-lo- in the City Hail building, corner and snermauâ€"Avenues to^visit the club Mrs. Dawes brought the greetings I Church:â€"Stricrsrtence is requested, of the Woman's club of Evanston, and Tea will be served each afternoon. - ns,«Swrt»w tnu, 11,. chicico voiced her desire that whatever nar- j ?t the close of the afternoon session ^MttwlSS? Mectric j~ Delegates entertained "in suburbs roWness the local, club might have drifted into that this meeting would eradicate "It and bring the club back to a proper state of humility. The in the Woman's Club House. All are jind invited. The wafers' served are fur- "s,r<u*t iiished by tlie Loose-Wiles Biscuit Com- pany. \ -'â€" -" _ j â-  â-  Check rooms are located at both-the aT^Church and Benson Avenue, three blocks west of the club house. Delegates beiBg-entertainedLin^Rog- ers Park. Birchwood, North Edge- M, EILEENLLONG cond-floor-oMhe M«nn hnibiiP^^^TO^^flhei^lulxJa president stated that a grear deal of \ Congregational Church -and-the-Wom- long and about tw --.amply large enough, to sub-divide Into small rooms tor club purposes, eral donations of rugs, chairs water. Argyle Park and Buena Park take^drfcago and Northwestern Ele- South to station nearest their location In introducing Mayor Sioart,-Mrs.â- â- -acconntJoLtbe Convention"and_a_com~-| Delegates being-entertained^in "Ray . . , - ,,,.,. ,;,„,.,.« ,-0 ,.- ,,v,-v...... ... ....v. â- â€¢ ....-jin** Club House. directly over the^room occupied by a I ofk ofMayor sm&rt&nd m^e^^t~T^Memiio^ edition oflhing 1 * e Joonl 18,m.iy„""4the_Commercial association. |ton Daily News,, containing a detailed ' enty-nve feetwiae, â€" introducing Mayor Smart,-Mrs. accounL„oi_the Convention and a com- bow^said^hatJ^nston^as^oJie^oa^^^^^ W-.................â„¢ BiiAiAilii An 1J WALTZES 1246 WiLSON-AviE.â€"- 7aLFiNE Arts Bldo, PHorieSoinryst(*#:?WJâ€"-----Tuesdays and EriJ>i\?> . Private aid Class Lessons at - -either-Studios-or~Residetu&sZ___r^L SPECIAL PRICES and BEST ATTENTION GIVEN to CHILOBEN TRFALTESSblTFREE"r~7~'" JL^I^lvAhtunesj Piano timer and Repairer fHH? Maitt St., Evanston Telephonan Evanaton 3475-J and 449 Oilicial Tuner lot Northweatmrh School of Music ECONOMY IN MUKEN'S SHOES ITIultH. Qtan-atrp. rtr. Oi't-n Daj and ETenlnit Powtrs Hul'dfog, Suite , I30«. 37 S Witw-fc Ave. Cor.Mohror St., hlrago Phone.Cf ntrsl 3482 Sfivl man of such lUaOed oh uaie rfiursday morning by . , the Press Commitreer- Through, the Mayor Smart, courtesy ot_the_ Bo_wman_ Publishing Company_the entire proceeds from the Federation - of* sale of this paper will be given to the gratulated uponhaving ,t.^Jiigh_ldeal8 at -its head, other pieces ot-y^jyff"* g?^m»" to the dole- been made to. Mrs. .Ernest-Reckitt,; ^^ 0f the Illinois president of the Oirio' League aasfteta^ Uyft|oai|.B rfnh^n-higpee^the- pubtt^ Oeneral Entertainment Fund tion, but many more articles are need-fhii|lfllnpR thA stnrpa anH narkwava. A cordial invitation Ts-eSena^edTy the Advisory Board of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society to visit the'Receiving Home at 826 Ridge enswood take C & N. W. R. R. south. ""Delegates-going; to WiTnreftg=Wom- an's Club â-  reception cake Chicago and Milwaukee Electric, * getting off at j Tenth Street. â„¢ **„ tmm<! buildings, the stores and parkways, ed to fit up the room for Immediate eU M the ft.onardg. „ ,use. Donors are-asked to telephone, *Mrs, Reckltt, phone 162, if they have1 He said in part: articles to give. Spend Much Money. ^ore=th^n==|^©l!0=has-rbeenâ€"spenfef during the summer in providing re-f "Itâ€"is-an honor, indeed.-to repre- oont thd beautiful city of Evanston. I 56unt it air especial privilege is Avenue, and to thoroughly inspect it, thus becoming acquainted with the to ex-factual work done by this worthy rew~wards- of- wclconie.^karlty^iiL which the whole State of Illinois is interested. â- -â- - „ , ,- , , , I The Frances Willard Home is lo- Federation of Woman s clubs as per- cated fOUr_doors- north of the Wom- hapsl might be, but I do know of the|an.s Club House. A welcome is ex- tend to you .a I am not as familiar with the Illinois splendid, work of the Woman's clubJgtitended to.all. Evanston? Eh^b^eArJyl^ysjyieJocal^ The jnerchants of Evanston cor- club's efforts were given Oyer to phi-jdially "invite the delegates and other lanthropic, educational and social visitors to come in and inspect their service workT but" now tBey'are also}stores with regard to" the sanitary creation work for girls by the league which now wTttUe-sponsor for the rest room; v It is thought that a gi"eat amount of good influence has--been_ex- erted in the movement and much more can be accomplished with asocial cen- -mâ€"the business dMrlet for the young women,-4 As soon afl t^^-ta^ng an actlve part ln aii clvJc af. methods employed by them oeonly-a^^ ^- . . -â€" -; "I am thinking of the inMrovements the women of the Woman's club have brougnt about not only in Evanston; but for all humanity. â€"The Evanston hospital, the probation ofBcer, the vis- itlng nurse, food sanitation ordinance, associated charities, medical inspection in schools, and the GlrlsMeagueatand for some of their accomplishments and they also secured sohie^df -the funds for the filtration plant and are now awa^lhgrforrairesrxop^ ^=Thfr speaker- sald^there^^wcre-two-or-- room is in operation, it will step, the' social workers assert, before entertainment and amusement Will be provided and. a-generailclub=4deajer suit from the efforts. ^The ideaTls~id "divert the minds of the girls and young women of Evans- ton from the 'moviesr and kindred **"other entertainments, the only amuae- ments now provided fiere," said an Ev- anston clubwoman prominent in^the â€"-mastemsat^^iWe^ntfini _ to- sup-^nt""--' f^.?^.t!da1ttfcr--H^lfgj^< ^amjusement and entertainmentJaE^the^ rest room for the young Women~Ior the everyday motion picture show and We^are sure that they will appreciate it." Evanstonians who desire to give aLJielping^hand-toH;hiB-mov42menL_by- ^onating furniture and. other furniBh-: ___ings^jKlll_sur^y_^e_as8istlng In a â€"worthy^â€"rauwe «H onfT^wTitchT-will ___bring good ree^ultB^ _______â-  The Girls' League officers are as fbl- lowsi Mrs. "TSrisesr Reckitt; presi- dentT Fred W. HarpwellL vlce-preai- -jientrMra, Q. W> Kaufman, secretary, and Mrs. E. J. Lukey, treasurer. PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS BOND ISSUE ==D^^d^^€dueatiorNAppanges zt^-ipr Meeting at High f ^T" School Tonight. ganizations in Evanston of which he is particularly proud, the Woman's club and the Commercial association. "If any of you' live where there- is commercial • association, go hom^ lioz and one. have your In giving her response,. Mrsr Private Institution for Lftdies Only Broken constitutions built up Convalescents and invalids Receive Scientific Nursingr~ Doctors have strict control of their patients Booklet sent upon request jCLAR* LUXHEIIVr 2328 Haftzell Str^ PhoBrl 11»-â€", Evanston, 111. : â€"Upon the .request of a number of representative citfttenan the -Public meeting to discuss the proposed bond, issue for ah addition to the high school the high school - building, this ovening, Nov. ^JL3, 1913. at 8 o'clock; expressed gratitude tothe. trustees of the chUrebr^^the^ae^f-the-buildlng^ to Dr. McElveen and tdltll the speak: ere_who_ had^ representedjthei r_ r espec- - -tlve organlzatiohB, to the people who have opened their homes, to the busi- ness men of Evanston, and to the city officials. ' ' ^ . Reports as shown below followed: Credentials and, printing, Mrs. Thos. jyhlte; prograni, Mrs. John C. Swin- son; officersTMrs. Frederick A. Dow; recording secretary, Mrs. J. Kibben InCTlisr^rreapondtag-secrelarj^^^ C^ E. Hull; secretary GrFrWr^trMrs^f Minnie Starr. Grainger; treashrer,i Mrs. George Mayer; auditing, Mrs. Morton Thompson; local board, Mrs. C. E. Clifton; transportation, Mrs." Chas. B. Young; G. F. W.'C. council meeting in Washington, D- C> April, 1913.-- ";-:". 'â- â€¢â-  ; -:â- '.:. " - â-  â- ........â- â-  â-  •- â-  • ; - â-  â-  ;â- ;â- !» THESE are the enterpris- _s__jne^prth Shore mer- chants who redeem nsâ€"one coupon on OUILMETTE STUDIO OF PHOTOGRAPHY This^was to haveâ€" been held ohr:TueS- day^ Nov. 11, but, owing to the fact that the Woman's Federation reception was held on that night, it-wasâ€"de- ' until "'Tdesday^" Joseph Herberg, 19 years Old, 1615 Map^0 avenue. Evanston, was ar- rested :Jby Motorcycle J Policeman Brooks oiF a^; "charge o^ riding: a mo- tonsycie wlthontra-llcense number dis- played. He also was not_cajPErJng^hJs certificate of license. His case waa set for hearing Friday." -- -^ - _1_. R. H. SCHELL...&. COT^ ^-Dry-Goods and Furnishingsr; H. K. SNIDER, Proprietor Wiln^t*6 Pharmacy. Dry-Goods and Furnishings. PHAR HUBBARD WOODS IrtACY; FRAWrSSfiTHT -. Groceries, w GLENCOE RTH. SC^eW^^CTT^ Dry-Goods and-FurnishingSTT. ! CLEMENS IX)PFER, â- â€¢"•sMeats and Groceriesr W. Munro Voice Specialist Tll.Hirrlson4577 59 E. VAN BURIH ST. Pupils fitted f&t GhuTcV Recital, Concert, Ora- torio, and Opera. Four thoroughly equip- ped assistants. Pupils booked ftt any time. Mr.Munro tests all voices -and^upervisei all vyorE. does not^me«n^^h«apL=shaesJbuL it does mean th& besi^hoes^for thi £0t Foster Shoes for Children ar^tt FOR high priced-as compared wittLany ^HTr.^i^N-^hoes-made^ BOYSZ "But they age superjof i|i materja> and |3 00 & $3 50 "wbr^manship^to. ^njosi-^0]5ir|liici^ir GIRLS even higher prices. TT V?e put soles on otir shoes that will wear. $3.50 ^wmmmm co; ^1608^ Chicago Avenue Evanston Mear Davis Street /Tlte^ftlew Music School , Founded by Wm. H. Sherwood 712 Fine Arts Building GEORGIA KOBEK. President .' -â-  â- -,-â- .._ WALTER KELLER. Director Highest Standard of Artistry Piano. Organ, Harmony. Counter, Point Composition, Vocal, Violin, -y»hlic-K<ihrinl Mimin, Musical His- tory,-Sehool-of Expression, For catalogue addrens JESSIE K. READ '..'_ Business Manager 410 S. Michigan Avenue R. H. SGHELJi & CO., Dry Goods, Furnishings and „: Shoes. ADAMS' PHARMACY. ; WINNKTKA HARDWSRE^ND i ^ Keen-Kutter^0i(>l!fc^_.-7^-^ ;r~ HIGHLAND PARK H. P. JEPPERSON, Staple and Fancy Groceries. EARL1V. GSBLL PHARMACY. vX^MLUAM- -ANDERSON, Dry Goods and Notions. N. C. DALLY-ELECTRIG_AND_ REPAIR SflOPv "".;• '} HIGH WOOD WINNETKA SHOE STORE. -CO^HgERATlVE GROGERY^y: J. V. GARRITY, ^-Qrocerles and Meats. MISS E HOOTOfi Geactor ot piano anb Dotte CAN-DBVOTK ONB OB-TWO--------J---------- DAYS AT TOO* HOME 5I3STBLACKSTON ETAVE.T Cabs, Carriages, Saddlti aM Driving Horses w ^ General.Teamingan&Expressing Telephone 98 A. P. VOLTZ, Prop. 507 Vernon Ave. C-H-t-C-»-Q-«-. FORSALir Six-room house, wi|l be com-; pleted January 1. Price^22IK). to suit. 3PaMlain-R.^ilsQn Carpentcr«Builder«3obber Phone Kenilworth 1146 , O. Box 72 Kenitworth. 111. FirsrlBooE ^';lhe-/N6i^;:"SKilfe'. nce=£l±5Q=^ and 5eGon<a Bootrf^e^^toFifrSbore ;Prive t2JL(t MoM^h^G^^^t landscapes, Hjghr ways^and- Byways, I!a^IiiSd7l^s^i^ Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, Pro* fUsely IIlustrated in sepia and of increasing value as books will not be reprlm^ MfVR1AN A, WflITE 6928 Sheridan Road :: Chicago

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