Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1913, p. 6

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mmmmmmmmm^ei^Mmmmmm â- â€¢ THB LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lZ^iMZ. ft 11II1 Ml 11*11 • M * HI I •; i What People Are Doing i in Winnetka 0. H. BUMNAM LEFT MILLION DOLLAR ESTATE • Mr. P. K. Copeland of ProspecFave- nue IsJji the east on a *uslBeaB^Eip*=n Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Butler are at their winter home in Chicago, after a visit to Fargo, N.D. Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Haines are visiting In Tf5*rTortrfor a- tew weeks, after which they are to be at their • printer-hoihe- In Chicagoâ€" . i A dance tf411 he glten Thanksgiving, evening by/Mrs; LM. Johnsonfor| SchOOl Board Tell Why an ^liss Lois Fittmm. . ;Mrs; Mirfnie Mufflt, who has been; living"inVChicagp/,the:I'past year, hasj returned ioAWitmetka. Mr. WiHiaBpAitken is erecting two) new'"houses on Poxdale avenue, whMh [ will soon be ready for occupancy. ~ Mr. and-^tpj=jf?- R. Roiliy aTerng making their? home at-25 East >Val- "ton place, Chicago. Addition Is Absolutely, Necessary to School. HISTORY OF INSTITWION Mrâ€"Henry Thorsen has moved into his new home on Cherry street, west ©f-Provident avenue: Mr. and'Mrs.-John-H'. ReiUy have been the guests of Mr. Reilb's mother, Mrs. H. J. Reillyof Lincoln avenue. Mr. Albert Zimmerman, who has been staytar'with'Mr. P. D. Blake for -several Weeks, has returo<M-HtoHjrig Thome Ini Chicago. .. ;"" " __ . ' »•' J â-  Mr.. John W:7Pa1thOTh~ijf Chicago last By Board of Education.- Evanston Township High school has outgrown its capacity to house its pupils. The present building is ade- quate for an atendance of COO, while the 'total registration' this year to date is 741. It is without a gymna- sium, an assemWyjroom^large enough to7Mco^mroodate~airSe pupils of^ the school, jpaee _for_a. ,jlomejjX|lseience department and any desired extension of fhenmanual training work, a lunch portant.......of all, various classes. recitation rooms for Carlton Elms-nf JErospect avenue, Mrs. ATM7Kales read "Independentp mi***' â€" Means," by the author of. "Hindle 1 â-  ^^}«m^*^*ho<*- Wakes." at the meeting of the^Wpm- i .jn brief, the history of .the school an's society, Monday afternoon. [is as foll6W8>-It was founded ln.l>»3:." Mail Carrier Walter Lip. who J a village high school had preceded it, serves the west side, is away oh a well; jmt had been without any permanent earned vacation. He is spending hisrhoma Assets, :^oHnciu^ogz^tocklte ~fWd' Bonds, AmounjroiZZrr $M03,d06. EMBLEM TO BE ; What People Are Doing; in Classified Business List ;! GENERAL MERCHANDISE The estate of Daniel Hudson'Burn<-j â- â- â- .; , .","...' -. .„'.â- :___"famous Evanston architect,] _ _ « #• o ' v. ho died abroad a year ago, amountsDouble Red CfOSS OT Same j sister, Mrs K. Luxton William Lester left last week for Arizona; where he will take up ranch life for a year, . Mrs. Charles Macklln entertained a number of friends at dinner Wednesr day evenings r _ c M rs. C. K. Parmelee has for her guests her mothef; Mrs' Cleveland and JEWELERS to more than a million dollars. An inventory of the estate has been filed in the probate .court and shows assets uf approximately $1,103,000, -be- sides stocks in nineteen corporations and bonds in nine others, the value of which is not listed. The largest nor- Proportions Will Be Used by Anti-Tiiberculasis Asspci- ation Th roughout World. L Mrs. Frederick C. Little has re- i turned from Goshen, Ind., wheye she Iwas called last week on~account of 'the death of her grandmbther. ? The men of the Kenilworth club/ ' enjoyed a novel smoker arranged un- Ider the direction of Mr. Kerry Mea- A splendid _=elsix â€"<â- â€"-------.-â€"«~- {numbers, was provided. A special committee of the National! Dr. Charles G. Horswell, pastor of Association for the Study and Preven-; the Union church, will speak upon tion of Tuberculosis, of which Dr. p'lhje; Gettysburg Address_ next Sun- ry Barton Jacobs of Baltimore Is (day morning. A general observance chairman, haB announced the exact!has been asked-for Nov. 19 of this historic document. Fortyyoung; friends of Miss Helen tion_of the tatAlMrtKr^ec^m^^fifi^^^jif^if ijffli/" jlgf j^liBhl4Eher-^ftftfl6y evening. tural firm of D^H^Burnham fe Co..JJB.ftHJL JiVrL JVSS..-JIBm^fflj^^r^" amounting to |700,356. The sum of $338,737 is on deposit at the Continental and Commercial Na- tional bank, in which he held 1,038 j shares of the capital stock. Deposits in other banks 'bring the cash UPTheiS^nTsb holds"nWea"^]?®^^^"1?^^! .*S Cr°™ I „i,n„t er am '.rk« i.L«»» nMM*x». «# > the international tuberculosis em-- l^i2f^^ffiSffJSFiSSfi«*. whIch has been-adopted for!Schulze enjoyed ajolly dance and ^nmTJnJS Â¥- 8ty4r a«e In IbeUnitedStates .^Every <& [iartr^iveli fa the Schulze-home in ^h^^-f»I«!^«l-Jiiliii«J;K»^» ieanization or institution dealing wlthiMelrose avenue Friday evening. Thi ^^^g^^HnS^S^IS^ea^lB will be urged to use the home was prettily decorated with au- 2^t/&SSn^nhnt1BS"M*> in its correct proportions, 'ftwbn decorations.===== nam aud Daniel T. Burnnam, Jr., and f • , â- .......-..,--,-.,. ..^.-jâ€"-- . • â-  . ., ...... j .• ^câ€"nr^ 3â€"-----l^a1«l^Cnhahae~7VfIer"^tuciyrr" A splendid timerwas enjoyed by the Does It Fit You? Ir it does, you can make no mistake if you purchase this home. It is only four blocks front the station and is convenient to all the places you will want to so. * "~ s It has a good deep lot with a frontage Of 48 feet, nicely improved. __ The house is attractive, inside and out, and 'has six rooms besides the' bath-room and a large hall, and has all the usual modern con- veniences."- „ Price is $4,500. Terms reasonable JONAS H. MADSEN Phone 345 « â€" Winnetka, III. tieOfgeTV Kelly, aJrwiwaiisionT - .,, .. . , ., , List of Corooration Shares ' Although the double red cross was! man* villagers who attended the caba- ~u ?! o'corpo rat ions nares. ^a^a tor usp in the United States ret supper given in the Assembly hall The other corporations in which Mr,; aaoptea lor use in tnt unuea ssiaies, JmW"..^.; th«» ansnfees Burnham held stock are- : in 1906 as the symbol bf the crusade! Satyrda> evening under ue auspices uuinnam held etock are: airainst tuberrulosia no effort was of the Rectors' Aid societr of the North Shore and Western Railway a*>alnst tuoercuiosis, no enort ^as -__ r ^f t The company, fifty shares, par value ?100 n^e to standardize the shape or^^^^^-^^^-'^ Pfoportions. with the result that hun- suPPer was 8|vep In nonor or. ue\. ana .on a hunting trip. "" Mr. W. 'A.. Noerrenberg of Powell, 3D, is the guest of Mr. P. W. Geher- _ty. Mr: Noerrenberg Is a former resi- dent of Winnetka whose son operates a large cattle ranch near Powell each. Business Real Estate Trust com- dreds of differently formed emblems Mrs; Eustis, that they might become AirNorJllJ^^^^ "time in. the southern part of the state j gbuth Evanston and Rogers Park IZ ... eiMiP- ' "•• JJurihg necemberrthe-religious-edu-;. | xs:;, hm were all in the same township and otr"~_ the same railroad, the suggestion Of I a' townsliip high school' met with a favorable reception.â€"Aâ€"lot was se- cured, a building "put up; and the school â€"wasâ€"openedâ€" in September, cation-^ exlnblt,-^*ich was at the na-j ]fanj^-.r,, Rnltwood^â€"The-first faculty! ^tonaj-eottneir^a^^ahBa^^Ht^^torr^^g . to be tihown in the Sunday school ">61lmeiit ot â-  pupil's was about g>0 â- rooms- of-tlm-^'ongre«aHoiial-cl>urch^^.q,T7it fqen'it.y__Sj5m5S5 rthlrly-four %s soon as the exact, date of its-eom- "'.: '« is known,, further notice will be TKTven,:..___--- During the alterations which are frelng made .oiO-he parish house of Christ Church, the meetings of the i teachers. During the thirty years of the school's existence more than Women's Temperance Building~as- social ion, 200 shares, par value $100 each. Chicago Deposit Vault company, 148 shares, parâ€"value $50 each. ~^ Masonic Fraternity association, 100 shawsrTpar-value ^iOO^eaehT- Itk^agoâ€"Summer Resort company;" now being used in this country, a* year ej r-tistAeâ€"rifefitsâ€"of~ more intimately acquainted with the de-,iage Signs available, the National Associa- Kenilworth club women have opened tion has finally, chosen one in which all of the asms are pointed, the two cross-arms being of the same length. The'width of the cross is taken as the unit in determining Theâ€"length of the-lowerâ€"leg their homes this week in assisting the Evanston Woman's club members in entertaining the hundreds of dele- gates to _the Illinois Federation of WonwtAiâ€"-elubsâ€"convention;-----More hundred club women dele- ftmr-shares, par value $100 each. Charlevoixâ€"Gaitâ€"association, nliitr TheTroportions. . .« lower-lee is-T1111311 one i â- >â-  i. !.» -Igates are- being entertained during units; the arms are 3 units on either f, „_ _ .,„. ._ r]r__.,.___^ u„___„, •2*6 jrj.fiiH) pupils have been enrolled. • ._*_ Reached a Conclusion, the! Two years agoâ-  â- the-towns.hip board \v^majt=sâ€"_JgmId -will. _h.e „ liel(L Jn \SL educaUori took under consldera- Rqthgay Exchange bank, 250 shares. adrli- Abstract Safety _\*ajJlLj^Qmpanyu_ilfi "the basement rooms of the Public: tion the question of/securing Library building. The meetings are htlomrlr-Bpaccv and reached thy CMUCiU.^ teen-^terrelTparvalue $100 each hejd on Monday afternoons instead of on Wednesdays as fonneily Ision that the best plan was to pur- Lent building, and on this to build an ^HHiSJlCYCLLEEATS; J addition. The terms of two members laLlliG bciard expired that spring, and -rne\\t-iff(VnTbei*-were-tdeoteuV . The new- CA11 "'Q^-ARRP STF-fl-^FI'MF|Vi^Mfl£6aidaiSd board~^IMJooE^up^th&. question of providing for the. increas- ing attendance of .pupils, and reached Joseph Baber, Is Impertinent /jo.Officer When^nedr l^r^T;:.1 L ~ Arrested ancf Fined^_.__.img-noor. plans for Trie . . .______ â- ' ' ! tion, and the samp conclusion as had been held by Urn previous board. Sketclies were by the weJ! known firm. (SL- Itoche, architects, show- Glen View club, one stock member- ship. â€" â-  " tt___________ Castalia Sporting club, one stock membership. arms, lx/-i units. These measurements- hold good for any size. â- -'â- â- â- â-  of tvenilwortlUsâ€"worthy matrons. THE RIGHT MAN, The-Evanston polipe have been en- abled-to clear up the theft of two au Adopted in 1902. The double red cross was first Unlopjbeague AuxtHary association, atjopt0li as the symbol of the Inter- tomobile tires and other accessories two shares, parvalue $100 each. national Anti-Tuberculosis Associa=ifH>m_the CentraLgarage a few weeksill Great Northern Theater compajiy, The ai'6, with Morris B. Parmelee, a chauf Tfr~XT. J^TT^ho~Thas confessed to the theft who is now Asso- in cusjtocljy. Parmelee was arrested -ciatc Secretary uf L'Assoclatlon Ceil- -several da.v sago tion in Berlin, in October, 1902. -proposer of th^e"Bymbot"^vasTr Sersiroh of Paris,. etectives in Chi-1 <x.\"'\ shares, par value $100 each. Hale Francaise Contre la Tubercnlose. cagb as a suspect. When no case was Fnited States Fonetlc company, five Today' the emblem is- being used by ,<â-  stablished against him there, he was shams, par value $10 each. anti-tuberculosis workers' in every ?iven into* the custody of the Evahs- Majestic Building company, 164 part ol tIlc World, even in Iceland, In- ton police_ajyLJias-.a<linitted-the_tire Khavefe-par valin^ $l(^mdi^__ -One of-thfr-rtres-lras-beeir-Te^ ConrmeiVe^^Tauif company, eighty \ rjjniha and the Philippines/ The .covered and a search is. being made shares, parvalue $100 each. double red cross is similar in shape - for the other property, which was sold Chieogo Grnnd Opera--eoTOPtttiyT-t*rir~^ u ^ .^ frequently In the : to. an auto repair shop in Chicago, shares, par value $100 each. - _ G-reek Catholic churches, and also to Holds Valuable Bonds are held in the Bonds. following con- proposed addi- water color" sketch of the Lorraine Cross of France. Many Fighting Disease. It cost Joseph Baber, an eighteen- year-old youth, residing at 12.'59'i- u,(.)iS i,;.<i_earefu4> -the- TTTeTront etevatlou was made. Tjefore these plans were drawn up, the anhi corns: â€"i Ten bond AVest-erh <K the KailroaoT" -j'imerson~Kti^et, Evanston, $:; in oiollGe_coJirJ_because -ho-p&rstetgiF in ia^atiempls_JjXJC«mpJi^ was timi-foractic 4n-^-triclur_bic^cae----wdliig 4n the Lu this niatt(,r> ti,r board called i ^etsr Baber was trying to ride eject.fon for OcL 12. IHUC to vol- incpegtod^IJM; pjresâ-  it. building, and liad earnestly ad- vised its retention and enlargement. action an en company $260 each? - -F4veâ€" htTttthr-n nany. $1,000 each. Ten bonds Glen View eaclu i -d tell at $100 each North Shore and value sta Transtr coup cluh, $500 Omerson street; r proposition to purchase- ground. a bicycle backwards in shortly before dark~wF.n TuTwas no- â-  .Hrept- an-addllion, and Issue bonfe (iced by Plainclothes _OJJlcer Lawrence J tlm sum Q1- ..^5i,,onii,-•â- - At this- elee-: McArdle. Baber took a faIl__jW_._thc_j_tioJ^__jt_^cM4ti_ of onlyâ€"'i££ votes wa«- 7^nyementr!u8Ta8 the officer was about 1 cast and by a narrow margin th* r^Bfcjyagh htm"to Stop. A crowd of hoyB 'nroposUion was defeated' ' =^lK)ut-the youth began to jeer him and I - . , . « , »• le. gave JUtielheed to the warnings Hav« Cons.dered .Question, <<f the officer. ! The terms of the two members of McArdle walked across -to^another â- ! that board e-xiuredâ€"last April, and Mtvvo* ytfld-^'aa surprised to._Bfiel.Baber f their place's were filled. We, too. the i'gain trying his feats awheel. Again j members of the present board, have \ â- > admonished the youth who replied j given our earnest consideration to Lt4ia4^eâ€"wouid^ride--as/-he pleased4th^â€"l*wblomâ€"ofâ€"acquiring largerâ€"ac- ricAr.dlo then placed lUmjinder?arrest |coimnodations,: and nave reached the TIT'a disorderly' conduct charger- i same conclusion as did the two pro- la the police court Police MaglaJjdPJifi toa^dj^^Ehia-^locatlnn ,rt,-,-tha fiiied B7ibw-$2--and-ewsts:tbiiTld1iig as'rt stands is very S»-ven bonds Hotel Rector company, NW-Â¥orkT $1,000 each^â€"-------iâ€"- ----- ICtvxr bonds of Country club. Evans ~~Tn vim United States over 1,200 anti- tuberculosis associations and commit- tees,Hear ly 550 hospitals, 400 dispell- s-aries and abouT~20tT open air schools, -besides a number of other organiza- tions, are using the double red cross i-a* their emblem. Wherever it is seen, j it means war against tuberculosis. KlaCSJlESIAllRANT Fifth Ave., Bet. Washington and Madison Right at the loop, but-devoid of tha,t district's exorbitant charges. Finest lunch room in Chicago in connection.^ '.. â€" â€": Tabltd'Hote,iOCmirsB5^iniBap*Tliani(sgi»iiig,75C Instrumantal 4 Vocal Music. 0p»n alter Theater. c. a: thorsen A CARELESS J AIM If OR. rfrnT"$100 each. Twenty-eight TlliLpolice conducted a useless search tot an emblematic -ring, vahred at Livery and Teaming failding^Ma teria I Ucnlty cqmpaiiy. ^1.000 each, j f^'J nt *hnnnat „mâ„¢ for a few j-f=.»te7Boyer fined Babw-$2-and-trosts:-pmniaing as ii sianas is very close to 1 nber promised to refrain from bicy- the center of the present high, school i I., practice -In-theg-street in the fn-rPoi>»h>tion. of Evanston.- Three Ua^s jjjr<1 J of tfansiwrtatieit-are within a short PREPARE FOR BAZAAR. There havi-beenrH«vemr-ftlr-day- meet- ^l^mxUmUuJ i distance Of the sc.hool. The present I plant, for wliich the sunf of $150,000, -fftgs-this week-of thc-rconmilttcervplBT i e arranging for the big bazaar to be. held at the' Second Presbyterian *, was paid, including the TjTSuiidiâ€"couldâ€"not now urch on November 21. i-eos fb"e duplieatecFTor"anything like that ! amount. We nowâ€" propose?â€"toâ€"pur-~ ! chase laud to the south as far as " ihti OOmuiltlee ftt the Kvahstbn GohE gregational church that, has charge of the work at the Bethesda church -ini Chicago itas issued a call to th« Rev.! VfeE.-Ho_ncsTof the Maverick chufClir- Rast postonTto~be the pastor ef the jjethesil.-i ..elinrrh Mr .tones lihs in - aâ€"fe-w- \etir^ accomplished^wondera in East RosToTf; The Sunday school of that church numbered but 100 when It now numbers over L.200. Christmas Goj^di Direct Imports- Inexpensive Gifts deceived- K3SI Make early selections and a\-oid Ute-^Hurry andâ€"Rushâ€"ofâ€"tate ^lirjbirijgf^â€" - ;â-  •â€"---â- zzZ-TS. - t Beautiful Wedding â€" -andrBirthdayGifts _ti±iiL-2^n%(i» V'irtlx-^Jtftj/orted. PICTURES andJERAME^ .itlrai 11 - s Ert><:<t, and Oil IhllS To erect-an ; addition to-tho present, building. With [ this proposed addition- the-plahtwiD jfurnish adejaflte^ejajg roomJfor 1,21)0 } pupils; ^ assemblv ro6m to seat the fsatae number, a-large gymnasium ain- • ply equipped with shower baths and ' locker rooms for bothboys and girlie a-vvOllWighted luncli room to( accom- -modate at Ohe" CTin«Miwera^ hundred pupils, and 'quarters especially ^e^rutpwd-ferf-the teaclrlirg of doiuesllc science. It is believed that! in^this ^ay^^suffieientjraeeommodatlohsâ€"catt- provided tor niteen years. Other plans requiring^ either now |or%ter on, a much larger expendi- ture than that for which the board ] is now. asking, "have been proposed. ! ThPSS^OotTrtlle^oard. has-careluUy leonsldered., and it has not aeeined to j tifem wlse-io^uggeat-layThg^upon-the |taxpayers of - Kvanston any neayier [burden'than that which they now rec- toTnTTTeTTd:"^:^ir£T~^": 'Jz^Z^'"' ElectTonTS^turdly, Nov. 15.^____!_ - -A sâ€"w4H-rappearâ€"f roiu notices- al- j : ready published-and from a notice appearing in this issue, an election Twelve bonds of Southern Building corporation, Virginia, $1,000 each; Three bonds of Central Market com- pany. $1,000 each. GALL NEW PASTOR janitor at the post "office, tor a hours Sunday night and early Monday morning. Reed lost the valued piece of jewelry Sunday and told the police that he feared he had .been robbed. About 9 o'clock Monday morning he re- ported that lie had found the ring in the basement at the government build- ing. Agent Hartford Fife Insurance Co. and Illinois Life Insurance Co.â€"- he came. Theâ€"-yetmg- -pepplc'sâ€"--workâ€"when he came might be represented by zero. it is now"a~ iha^y^sided-ahd^successtQ 1 work. Mrs. JohesTs an able assistant to Her husbah(I7 It is expected that the Jones' will take up thefr^YPrk-U.^ Bethesda the first of December. lH|ik_bearingJuterest at-1 \fa per centr the bonds to mature in twenty years serially, will be_ held- Saturday aft- ernoon, Nov. of 2 "arid" 5 15, between the hours o'clock. Voters living north of Noyes-rstreetâ€"wi]rHrvote~at1 Central street;- those living of Nbyes_st.reetj_and Inorth" of j j to" vote on the pioposition" to acquire ^ site to erecta building, and rto â- HsBueZTIIiSasTTto The amount of $250,- 1916 south Greenleaf street will vote at tire city hall, ; amjL_.tho.sjB south of_ Greenleaf ^IreeL-rat.'.828'^Cuilter- avenue^---â€" ' The need of additional space for our school Is imperative: -The "prdpo-i sitlonr-asâ€"above^statedr^is^the resulth of the careful""consideration of tlie j board, andr,as=8uch=4s=eufemilttdiu t&e j taxpayers of Evanston. ." __r' - George P^ Merrick^ fSank"W. Gerould, ~~.~ Wllliam T. McElveen, .--;- '-." -. Mrs, James A. Patten,â€"-----[ _.'._ - "'-----George Olmsted,-^ | Members of the Township* Board, of Education. ._ i Jioit^t R^fcd Unless You Own An Automobile We have new process of clean'- ing Carbon out of the motor. We4?nrn out the carbon With oxy- gen- which does the work bej^Kfi^to by scraping an^fe abso - ThfMyharmle^slothe" rest of the^ motor. JDo not confuse this with rthe^^ld=K^uitt^lornis- ofcarbonremover. It. is unnecessary to take down the motor. We Can complete the job in httrf iiour^he befst partof all is the-priee: $1.00 A CYLINDER WM. T. WEHR.STEDT. Prop. Johnson & Johnson MASON AMD CARPENTER CCNTKACTORS Tel. Winnetka 645 Hubbard Woods, III. Kiinge ®> White <l6l«ffM^6Bu^mWlllHilEiir^ Ridge Avenue, near Lake Ave. Phong Witmetfe ?Ifl"~J1 JUfone-liUtmttfe431 ; GROSS POINT, ILL: PAINTER and DECORATOR INTERIOR and F.XXERIOR â-  Estimates Furnished- PrOrBo5c^2227 Hubbard Woods â€" . Phone Glencoe 447 -V PRESSING REPAIRING Phone Winnetka 278. Mainard Bldg. H.E.ODHl^ER Merchant Tailor Ladies' and Gents' Suit3 Made to Order ^iSEtSiXSage^t^-Hubbard^WbodMtt? r All Kinds of Fancy Cleaning 562 Lincoln Avenue Phone 166 â- â€¢;;.' Telephone Winnetka 278 REAL ESTATE LOANS _^_ and RENTING GHOCCFJiES Fine fruitsâ€"in and out of sea- . sonâ€"always form a .part of oar â€"large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Good. __Quality and _not Quantityâ€"the best for the moneyâ€"is our mot----- to. Our large stock of groceries- is always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a spect- alty^â€" â- :. ./--- ' A. S. VAN DE US EN HOTELS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange lilO j Sunday Dinner a Specialty. â€" 1 to 2:30 P. M Phone 1110. CARLTON PROUTY Jurisdiction same as thai of a Justice of the Peace PROUTY BUILDING Telephone Winnctk* 7 f. WINNETKA AUQU5T RODELI Successor to Rodellua A Rowa Expert Watchmaker and Optician. Repairing of complicated watchw and' clocks. Many years' experL ence with best known Chicago houses. .; Phone 2632. MEN'S WEAR Davis Streej j Clothes Ready Madeâ€"Clothes to Order. Packard Shoes for Mea. Sorosis Shoes for Ladlr- ->qj Children.. Gentlemen's Fornisn. Ing Goods. liiVYES^* HAVES PRINTING Printing of All Kinds Done Promptly and Satisfactorily by The IWWmvrN FUBTjCiiS Telephones 585 and 886. PLAYER PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS 83 NOTE INSIDE PLAYERâ€"â€"I â-  installed in all upright pianos. Call and see this player. -,-*-â- â€¢ Our prices are very low. PATTERSON BROS.J Tei. Evan«ion 6S4 1522 Sherman Ave. J« Ladiss' Tailorsa Suits -S25; FIT, STYLE, WORKMANSHIP GUAHANTEEu Designer and Maker of Fisbionsble Gov ns for Women JOSEF FOCIUS •J5f« STATC AND ADAMS STS.. CHICAGO Telephone Harrison 2802 /V. L.JgQNSALVE& €onfractor and Builder Repairing Promptly A ttended To PhnmrWinnetka 425 Shop: 909 Linden Aver â-  Hubbard-Woods, Illinois WE ARE MAKING Ladies'Tailoi-Made guits for $3Q to $35 Best Material and Workmanship e^tCKMSeft L*Ldies' Taster 118 NORTH STATF STREET1 ' ________-------Opposite Fields------------â€" - Phone Central 815 CHICAGO MISTS SMoursfsUmTKETH Inmtlgiia 4em of WITHOUT and 35 years PLATKS sa»e 50;____ A mjmel of comfort and durability Our celebrated SB 00 ssts have stood tht last of time. Painless attracting, but oolh suing specialized. CON8UI/TATION frke. Southeast Corner Randolph and Clark Streets Open evenings until 7-;Sunday 9 to 12 Society Charms, Bingg, Buttons Special De*ls;na. Manu- facturerti fnTr School, Frots, Club*, Ktc. winship m CO. FACTORY Ail firing Guaranteed Proprietor WIRING, REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOE, ILLINOIS Phone Winnetka $87 Phope Glencoe 490 1627 Chicago Ave. ToL 4231 Evanston Woman's Exchange Lillian Davidson ' . Always clean, pure, wholeaeme roods. MEAL HOURS 707-0-.T IUhhoiiIc ^lnpleTl^^^j^L_&454o^^0^r^kftwtâ€"=â€"730-to?- ____JAKEJXKVator----------hrjunch - - 11:30to 1:30 Dinner - -12t62l» Central 1380 Chicago, III. I Dinner - • 5:30 to 7:30! No Supper VZA. FORBE^G ^ ^ ^DEALER IN fancy firocerics, Itteats. fiotions & hardware Pbone^Wiirnetlta-4r>& 78- â€"â€"â€"Htrisbartl^^odsV 111. A SpMiatt^^jwj^hM torâ-  skilFin handling:womenrs fine garments that you may have overlooked ihe fact that we do equally well with men's clothes. W^zjta^te^m^^^^^here in Endnstonv 622 Davi$ St \ Evaoston 1730 ?Wilmette 1475 Phones: Gage St., Hubbard Woods ___A_&easafeJ6ShowtheProptWtyEIE. rTHE^ Arnold. Massage Vibrator - FOR GIVING THE Celebrated Vibratory Massage ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. Everything Electrical ------- i80 W. Lake St. '.--.'â€"^-L- _^_^_± 108 S. Wabaah Ave. CWCACO_J__ Phones 1193-94-95 Main

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