Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1913, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913. iWhai People Are Doing; ♦^♦in Evsnston Mr. H. M. Leman, 1326 Judson ave- nue, has returned from California. """" Mr. Strather Grlgsby, 1468 Maple avenue, Is home from Pittsfleld, 111. ~MrÂ¥. S."P^Burden, 721Washington Mr. and Mrs. Elmer h. Adams, 914 Greenwood boulevard, are home from New York. Mrs. Raymond Cook and family, 1420 Davis street, returned home from St. Joe. Mich. 1 Miss Harper of Pasadena. Cal., la! the guest of Mrs. H. B. Riley, 1822 j Sheridan road. " I ° ' Mre.-W.-H. Munro, 810 Washington! street, has returned from a month's visit in Canada. â- ' >"â- ' > "â- -â- - "~":___ ..rlet has returned from Omaha, Neb. ^^mm»mr-»^m^m Btreet. u«» »«v ..,«_„!/ ... Asbury. avenue, will return this week MissT Lillian Johnson. 1015 Sheridan road, has returned from Cleveland, O. Mr. E. B. Olp, 2324 Park place, la rtsHlnguin St. Louis. Mo from i^ew York. Mrs. Harold Dyrenforth. 741 Forest avenue, has returned from a month's visit la the east. ________ A chorus cemem Covenant M. JR. church this evening.! street,/returned last Saturday from Mr John Rogers, 1458 Maple ave-1 S*ugaflick, Mich. â€"-------- n,L has returned from Bloomfleld,-ft-M** J. Seymour Currey returned ,7 i ------'~------- ----------- i last week irom ^itwo-montha^ivlsit Jo| and Mrs. L. P. Moore, 1131 Sher- danvoad, has returned from New York. Invitations have been issued by Mrs. Henry Dawes and Mrs. G H. Bos- worth for a reception to be given No- vember 18, between the hours of 8 and SOB, the home of/Mrs. Boswprth, 224 Hamilton street. / .._•_ . Mrs. J. P. Prlmley entertained the French club Monday afternoon at her home. Forest avenue and Greenwood boulevard:. - Madame Augusta Helein gave an address on "The Progress of the/ Modern1 Frencn^heat«%" - ~" Louis J. Braddock, 610 Lake street, has been appointed-assistant western general agent of the Insurance Com- pany of North America.,. Mr. In fire Insurance, and for some years has _ been assistant to the secretary of the Continental Insurance Company at Chicago. For some time he was a fire insurance man In Ohio, and later In New York City; -â€"â€"â€"~^â€" Among the boxholders for the char- ity ball, to be given November 20 at the Evanston Country clUbrare^Mrft M. C. Armour. Mrs. A. F.Banks,Mrs. A. W. Gross, Mrs. W. A. Gardner, Mrs. FT^STHaTdyrMrs. EdwaF?d-Klnes;TMrs. George B. Dryden, Mrs. R^-A^-Keyes, Mrs. W. S. Mason, Mrs. John C. Spry. Mrs. J. P. Prlmley, Mrs. Clayton Marks and Mrs. J. W. Kepler. The Brad- ball is for the benefit of the Illinois dock has had an extended experience Children's Home. Miss Leila Verne Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' George P. Palmer, 2418 Park place, and Mr. Joseph urai. Jr., of Milwaukee, Wis, were ~mar- ried Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents! Rev. Horace^ Smith, | pastor ot_ the Methodist Episcopal church^ot Gleii- coe, performed~The~ ceren«myr~ -The bride, was- attended by two matrons of honor, Mrs. Thbmas"WInthrop of Chi- cago, sister ot the_groom. and Mrs. Roacoe^WhRman of Morris. The .Misses Vivian Connellef Wilmetteand Margaret Moore were the maids of honor, and little Kathleen Knox irerved^aSTflower girk -The-groonv- was attended by Mr. Emmons Bodding- house of Wilmette. The bride wore of white lingerie, trimmed with pink a . pow n • of white chiffon and silk shadow lace with rhinestoneV trlat* i9lng8.~"%er:\;tmile~yeil~'was-"h«d-~-ln- place by a Juliet cap trimmed with ribbons and carried a basket filled with Aaron Ward roses. The bride's attendants carried shepherdess crooks tied with white ribbons which formed lilies of .the valley and rhlnestone air aisle" through which_ the bridal ornaments. She carried a bouquet of party approached the alter, which Was white".brocaded satin and Mrs. Whit-j formed of southern smilax, and on The matronB-of honor wore their wed-1 ottht>V alrfe of which atood larga vases ding gowns. Mrar Wlnthrop wearing i ftlledt with white chrysanthemums, white brocaded: satinandMiss Whit-1 The decorations throughout the house man white charmeuse trimmed with i were of Aaron Ward roses and south- duchess lacei - The bridesmaida-worej-etn^ gowns of white crepe de chine anayheart-sTiaped bosquet li»f. Waftfcioses, shadow Jace^QneigownJbelng trimmed 'surrounded -by shaded candles, "isir^ in blue, the other in pink. Both wore and Mrs. Graf will be at home-after corsage" bouauetSTiof 5 Aaron JYard iJantrfcat -1718 Pabst avenue. Mliwaa- roses. The dower girl wore a frock j kee. Wis. â€":-â€"-;â€"-~ bgEN SATyRDA?^ NIGHT TILL 10 Mr. R- P<-Hollett and family will be Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. Alice E. Adams of the Green- wood Inn, Is spending a few weeks at â-  Los-AngetesrCat.â€"'â€"â€"-------------q . _ , _u, „ _, Mr. and Mrs. W..M. Allster of the Tt^ue^WgTatff=*otelFeMcago^ winter. â€" ..._ i â-  Oconomowoc, Wis. Mrs! Charles RT Websieir 926 Sherl-I Mrs. Frank, S. Cunningham, 1818" dan road, is home from Cape Cod,}Forest avenner^ls 'spending a few Mass.. ." - *"*1'""^ rweeks In tile-south^- â€" Mr At L^ SprOUle, 1637 Chto nue is on a business trip to the Pa-} street, has left for San Diego, Cal., to[ -tfilitLcitMsL,,,^, ' _ ------:^â€"---------- |be gone toree months. â- -• Mrs O. W. Ydungquist, 2318 Harri-1 Mr. and Mrs^ Krank Farkor-Davls^L son street, will entertain her sewing club at luncheon today.-â- -â€"*-----â€"â€"- David T. Layman, 2405 Lincoln --gtr'^T left-ErldayLonj a businessi trip to New York City. J~W . â€"-Mtss^ellaJtorfihari, 2030 Or ring ton 1117 Sheridan road, have returned Trora a trip east. ~~MrsT ""^rahT~Starkweather,: r:1044: Lake Shore drive, returned last Fri- 4iav~from Dubuque: la. . Mr. J. F. Stewart and family, 2125! Central street, have returned to their: homerijr=Daytona, Fla. Mrs. Payne of Virginia is visiting; . ^enuer^aYe-a~c|inttri!'n's musical Sat- in day "at her home. - M. F. Warner, 2223 Lincoln street,! at the home of her son, Mr. Thomas has been in New York City for some I Payne, 217 Kedzie street. days on a business trip. ' j Mrs. J. H. Jewett of Canandalgua, Mr. andLMts. Ernest Guyton enter- N. Y., is the, guest of Mre..JML A. ,ar _iained their bridge club-Friday night at j heir home, 835 Judson avenue. Miss^aria Byam gave a_birtbday party to twenty of her school friends Saturday ar~her home, 807 Judson "avenue. ~~ " ~ ~" â€". Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Roloff of Se- attle, Wash., jecently^of^Evanston, an- nounce the birth of a daughter, No^ -veiuber- 3.---------------_ .____________ Charles E. Pox, who recently re- tired as president of the Glen View | yerg{ty fioTT club, has gone east with his fam- ily for a two weeks! trip. A harvest dance was given .Friday evening by the brotherhoodâ€"t>t St. ~ Matthew'sâ€"church 4ftâ€"the parish- ""llou'ser-------•â€"â€"â€"<-.â€"-â€"â€" •â€"«™_„_^,.„ mour, 1608 Ridge avenue. Miss Winifred Castle. 1217 Oak ave- nue, - has returned from a three months' visit In England. Mr. and Mrs. Franker. Dunn Lillian Wheeler), are at home at 812 =$fMitrose"boUlevardr"Chlcago;â€"--------- Mr. and Mrs. Luther Miller and Mrs. | Wolcott, 716 Foster street, have re-\! turned^from -Washington, D. C.__â€" --Milâ€"and Mrs. Jesse Wallace cele- hratert their geyenth weddlmrTtnnt TJiursday evening at their t«5 Grant street. ^t^KSJelHF€i=^a^er-0il--Forest avfc inie, entertained her card club Satur day eveningsâ€"Thereâ€"were_four_tables. Mrs. A. D. Sanders, 1227 Elmwood avenuej:: Is^ejntertaining her sister, Mrfc-G^ H. Johnson,^MJBasthampton, Mass. * Mr. and Mrs. John McNab of Mexi- co *are visiting Mr. McNab's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McNab, 1206 Elm- wood avenue. Mrs. William KrauBB-of-Mempfeis^ TVnn.j arrived the first of the week to visit Mrs. W. P. Bissell, 1208 Maple avenue. > â€"Mr aafeMBB Wvprptt T. Marsh are now occupying their new home at 2221 Harrison street. The Home" clfib will meet this tfome, 23i _ The Kappa .Delta sorority pf North- western^-universlty will give an in- formal dance Friday evening Novem- uer"T4,~aE: the-Evan8too>Woman'H nlub^ Offlcere»^fogâ€"the__newly, crganlzed ^Wednesday November 12 nLAIN White Shaker Pf Flannel, eiderdown finish. "Sold regulariy- for 15c a yarl v ^9^S iojr^^^.^./2C Only 10 yards to a customer. HiSVY Wis iricir- chon Laces, of fine linen, cluny laces with insertion, worth up to 10c a yard, ° ^ 6 yards for, A CASE OF SHORT Lengths of White Cambrics and Muslins, jy] Wednesday, Kovembei zM^â€"- ^-1 ronly Carmen Hair Kefs all shades, :23tjqEII~: •# H this season of the ye^^^ omi?eHt^~fmerestran event^ thatprwes^our progi^ we offer bargain inducements. Our Dry Goods Section is^teeming with new merchandise: Bwadreds of bargains are thrown out for you. Of course, we expect a great deal mare business^kan usual. That is why we're offering^hese^^ \2 to^Sat., Nov. 15 Stamped Pillow Cases ity^ttrbini speciivlly ^=pair Linen Crash Pil- low Tops -^ WithJ^ack, speiiL- ^ailypricexilor this sale * U (J i l/T* Battenburg Scarfs and Tidies Worth 75c, forifm sale speci- ally priced at-r All Linen Crash Scarfs and ce nter^pieces, already embroidered. worth up : to4W75r^r; Covenant Boyj^itol^have^een^ejejrt-. ___i.".v _v"»"" _~ ' " â€" ------ Mrs. Lroren jj. wens,. «isw tiaiuniou aiTernoonT15ovemBeT~13r~wtth Mrs. -j sfreefT^rs^home from Grand Rapids, H^e6-RoRe^2410"Park place. Mr. Frank jS. Baker, 2226 Central street, has; returned1 Irofn a Ave weeks' business trip to the Pacific coast. .Mrs. Stan wood N. Osgood, 2230 Plo- iTir road, was a luncheon hostess "Tr'rp'"^ny"tn"'the m°r^prfl of her sew- â-  lug club. r^ == The Forward circle'of the Second Presbyterian church will give a ba- zaar and dinner Friday afternoon and evening, November 21. Dr. E. O. Sisson, commissioner of education for the state of Idaho, was guest ,for a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Rob" son, 911 Reba place ed. For president, Wyatt Brunnnlttr - je-PTesldent.^Melvln^A._Root, and secretary-treasurer,- Benjamin BakieTi: j have been elected. The committee in charge of the first anniversary of the dedication of Cove- nant M. E.~ church announce three events: November 13, concert by chorus choir; November 16, sermon by Bishop William Frazer McDowell at 11 a. m.; November 21, fellowship din- ner. " ' 7 ' '^â€"â€" :~ Miss Louise Grover is home from Leland. Mich. W. B. Phillips and family have left for Clearwater, Fla. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Abbott,! 1414 Pempster street, a daughter. Mrs. Loren D. Wells,. 420 Hamilton Mldu |. Mrs. Edmund S. Baker of New York lis visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles 11 i. Bartlett, 1415 Judson avenue. Mrs. Maurice K. Baker and chil- dren, 309 Davis street, are home after ,i month's visit In Boston/ Mass. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Inman of Louls- ^v4ile,> Ky., were the guests of Rev. and , Mrs. Frank Orman Beck, 2641 Prairie r~ateiiue, last weelt - '" --•'--.- ±r Mrs. C. H. Pantham of Woodstock, 1)1., delegate to the convention of the Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs, is i he guest of Mrs. John Breytspraak, ~^Wto-FVwest-avenue, Mrs. Louis J. Braddock, 610 Lake street, left Monday for a three weeks' visit to Cleveland and New York. ^ Mrs. Frederick Blue, .425 Green* wood boulevard, haB returned from visiting relatives In Detroit, Mich. Mrs. F. S.: Duke has returnejd^JtoJber home In Gary, Ind., after visiting Mrs. E. A. Parker> 2101 Harrison atreetr Mr., and Mrs. C. M. Rogers, 1039 TSlSlC^ilOT^=n50 inches Bleached Table Dam- ask, all linen, fine patteirns, -75e-o^iaUty^piiiL_yaj^^^^ Ginghams lOOtTy^TofYorks Dress Gingham, ^n lengths from 2 to 10 yds., 12^t^values, yd. double-faced flannels, for bathrobes^xegiilar 30c valuie, per yard'*..â- â- !â- -. ..^3^arl, == MNi^e^Giiig^ brandy 1,500 yards sliort lengths, beautifal patterns. The very best 12j^c quality, a yard L:^T i^*Things You Need E^very Day at Mr._ani Mrt. William J. Johnson, and Mr- and Mrs. Oily S. McCabe, 1837 Asbury avenue, spent "the week-end in_Bewiekie^JPja^ljvlth Mr. McCabe's parents, Miv and Mrs="D7 t, McCabe. Miss Dorothy Lewis, 1039 Forest avenue, entertained the members of Mr Ancient History class,of the high Forest avenue, are home irom a ten days' stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo..A Mr. H| G*. Haugen and his daughter, Miss Alice Haugen, 1122 Judson aye^ nue, returned Tuesday from Norway: Mrs. James Knapp, 1406 Main street,,, returned from_ Robertadale, Ala.,, where she has been visiting her= isom_______' _3ICB. O. H7 Mann, TOOTUrovezBtreetr | has returned from her summer place at Goblesville, Mich. JMr,jand Mrs. W. J. Fabian and fam- ily bave~left-the-Greenwdeorlnn and taken an apartmenrat 1637 Chicago avenue Silkoline The best standard quality fancy pattern Silkoline, from 1 to 10 yard â- -â- Â».*., Jejagths^JiegUftlar-â€"^J|^ price J2j2o a yd: ifjll Dress Flannelette Wool Dress Goods 50 pieces of all wool Dress Uouds, mostly all shades, worth up to$l.(K) AA per vaid. for______lQP „ best quality fleeced l3ressFlannelett"e,medium and dark patterns. t%i regular 12'^e Olp quality, a yard ^a**ii^^iiaip^,Mnehes,45c ,ya+uerspeieany^priced for this sale, at .___ German 'S i Iver Vanity k NeW style," regular price JorV ....... „,,..... ..„.. „. - -Mrs. Albert L. Grave^, 630 Forest! schoohFYWay-^venin^F^anyT^euRosJi^enfteJn » and relics were'on display, "which where she visited~Wr som-Mr^Roy^ nrQved^y^ixJnteresting. .. Invitations have beenTlssued" by ^Altst=Martlh^MJJOridley, .1433 Hinman ivenue, for a reception to be given v-cdnesday, November 19. at the Worn 'Trtfs^-tjrabr^be^een^fhe-^hou ar.d.6. •' ^ "-----,;â- - " -' ' Mrs. C E. Clifton and Mrs. S. C. Graves. Miss Dorothy Murray, 834 Madison streetcisrvlsltlngjrlends in Faribault, Minn., and later w!ll"vlsit-inr"Nortb lYingsley-wlll ^glve a card party- at the Woman's club a week from .Wednes- _Jk^JXovember .20, for the benefit of -the; Glrls'ULeague. Auction bridge ^ ill be played. '-~- Mr. David O. Robertson, 911 Reba placer has: returned |rom Manhattan, -â€"-Kan., where he^ attended the celebra- _: _ tlon of the fiftieth anniversary of his university at which he was one of the speakers. - ..^... ... . ^-r^^r^marta^MiiMG^t^^ main tor the holidays. MJ8-^^""^ of Aii Souis wiii hold an apron and food sale Saturday, November 15, at 9 a. m. at 803 Dempster street, second door west of Sherman avenue. Light refreshments may be obtained. Dakota. >tMj=M«CTg P WheeWTZZT Dempster street, have returnea^frognr summer spent In Norhelm, Germany, and Parish ^^____'. rJ'\ ^^ 'principal Heim~of the Evanston academy was,, a:inrest-atertr-luncheon aC^e-ChTc^lM«r^ty~club-ye9ter' ^ay^hmmrbrf Dr^Wlffr^ T; XJren- fell, the well known Labrador ntis- sionaryâ€"Dr. Grenfell was Mr^Helm'a guest when he -spoMJn Evans ton. Mrs. Bentley Massilch, who Is visit* lug the family of her son, C.B. Mass- Hch, In New York, will probably re- attended the^recenTly'gfia'H' trl-enn Woman's Christian TeffiperancerunlOBh cohvenfldn^a^^BrooUynr-^tr-y^r-and theâ€"National-convention- at Asbury Park. N. Jw â- -......'^-- ~â€"* â€"...... Longclotb. Genuine, im- ported JliiglishJongclpthi npe, soft Bnish, fk^old Te^g^fflaTly^fbt-*1* y JOc, a yard at....", this sale am PlaWs^Tl^Wcw Doul)le11:wtdth S c o t c h [54-ihcTi wide,wobl"'Ladie'8*" \ i J'laids, all new Specially priced for this sale, a styles. Cloth, in navy blue ^iey mixed, 85( value, per arid Round Tidies, 124neh emâ€"f^M^ broidered, edged with 1 i neh lace, 25c va 1 ue~ in tan and blue, special for..:.......-, tickingLanarc^ plain and fancies, for- Silk Scarfs.^^ Double knit- i^dT-^somethiRg^- newri<ft of sam pies worth to 1.2, Outing Flannels. Teazel Down Out i ng Flannels, in light stripes; Q I ^aRd-eheeksrehoapJ ' " at 121c a yard, at. £ x t r a Fine Barrettes. Rhinestone set- tings, sold for 50c Teddy Bear Blankets. Ex- tra good q u ality? During this sale at. v......... Handbags. Arlotfof 78BBPr pie Bagsratl fine leather Qnesrworthmp^to 50. DiiringLthia^, sale......... learner 39c Cotton Blankets. Extra large, double size, heavy fleeced co tton Blankets, 1.55 quality for Bleached Sheets. 72x*)( > i n softHinish,-extra„ value,: for this sale at.......... Writing Tablets. 400 tab- lets, samples, all styles made, worth up to 20c a pad, this sale at. No Phone or Mall Order* Hlled on tbc*« Itemn. None «old to Children. WEDNESDAY* NOV. Vt. __ 9 to IBaizmi maSyurfrV^m, D6ubie;~Tirtdth-:;:ftoyaTâ€"Percale,- ttttaark-patterns. a yard '............ .;:"" ',--. ^IQ-yard limit. "-"; V - ^Jtt|ji'|flil»Al«:- JiO*. 'â-  i9râ€"_rz â€" 0 to 10 a. m. and 8 to tsa^m. Gingham mader-our regular :9c" seller, all patterns from the piece. Hour Sale only, a yard ...7.........:. ' Ifcyard limit. 6c FIHDAY, NOV. 14. >"-i»":M'-ai-B8.-«Bd-8 -4a;-♦ â-  p±m.r RoBenberg^s-^Iachine-^hread^ »i__Qn_.the market. Sells otherwise for 5c straight. Comes in biack~and~ whlte; all numbers';â€" 6 spools for.... I. .TTT .^.JftATCBpAV, NOV^15i_. 100 pieces of-Cotton Chally, all new patterns, in light ^Q3^^#* and dark, a yard ...... O ^..1â€" 14-yard limit. -MONi&Af,_NOViJ7. 0 to .10 m. at. and S to/4 p. m,' Sateen flnish^ulltGalieoT^eat^uallty^guafan teed Jast colors, beautiful patterns, a yard (14-yard limit)....... RATINE qualttyvin pinkrvvhite, Ladies7 Extr^ fine crochet ShawteT maBe^f Wpol^aiTit ^5i 1 k, w0rth up to $1.00, foF^i^ Special Sale nSifel Haic: Switches Stvitches will be sold during this sale at^ of what theyarf^roarked

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