Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1913, p. 4

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TUB LAKE SHORE NEW*. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, Wft L PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY .â€"-------------------------' BY ' ' â-  '" ' ."-----â€" love and service to one's fellowman, a THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO., 526 Davis Street, Evanston/ albert H. Bowman . Bertha R. Bowman . James Ijeonard...Lee Managing Editor Associate Editor IZO^City Editor â- most necessary part of the work of j c!u- Christian churches, we admit, anil | Florida] no doubt, contributes to that fwork.:!: ..........â- --â€"__â€"-'--. - V- ! Such activity should not be allowed I to exhaust the missionary enthusiasm of the loss mediaeval portions of the country, that some effort may be made to redeem these people of Flor- ida, not the negro population, but the 8UBSCRIPTiOJSn»RTLCB; $2A YEAR JM matter "Tor publication ia^any week's issue should reach our office not later than noon on-Monday.------- -Entered as second-class matter June 28, 1911, at the postoffice at Etfanstou, Illinois, under the Act Of March 3, -wis.â€"===;â€"'.-"".;,;•' -'- whites who , control the law-making bodies oMhe state and the people who: A. H. BoWmaiT, Editor Of the allow themselves thus to be used to |)|eW5, P6lOtS Ollt Why the sanction the injustice and cruelty Of the laws which discriminate against the negro in such a manner as to de- i^-^Se^e^S^^oi-^^^^Sdu that reduce materially the cost price of $56,000. :„_ "Evanstonian" says: "Is It not time in arranging for an expansion of the high school to ase the same money that the board proposes,,to secure a newâ€"Site*-awayâ€"from the noise and dirt of the railroad, easy to transpor- tation facilities, to begin a unit sys- tem of building that will admit of ready additions in the future and at the same time will afford our children an opportunity of a playground?" F 1 -To fellow these plans would mean, â- *' that for -a number of years while U»e proposed unit system of buildings is being developed, high school classes race shall achieve a racial self-respect =-â€"fand honor. " â-  - â-  -'-: ~ â- '- • â- '- Bond Issue Proposition Should Carry. system which might Ikrvery desirable from an Idealistic standpoint, but which from the present financial con- dition of Evanston and the present high tax burden that, we are now pay- ing, is entirely impracticable. The edltor^of-Tne-Pally News wouldJlke to see the Evanston high school board of1 education-buy a site: covering one or^wd^Dlocks and would like to have erected thereon a group of buildings that would cost a million and a quarter or a million and a half dollars, but he realises that our high school is al readycelebrated throughout the whole country for its -excellency, > and be- ______ _, u lieves that, with the: small expend!- tvould be divided between the pres-lture which the high school board of ent high school building and the-flrst education^recommends we can still ANSWERS "EVANSTONIAN" THURSDAY71NqVEMBERrl3r^^l^r IMNfe- TOO BAWtO STOP. By.A.H. Bowman. Usually bond issues for schooTpur ON TAKING TBE PLEDGE. lve thousan are are said to have signed a pledge to abstain fromâ€"the- »»*» ofâ€"alcohol, ^ptemFand tobacco,, Sunday,In emu- latlon of.the example set many years Waukegan's board of education has \#»** «J hyr d«W•*» J*â„¢** • °,n |t-ho._i2»h of October, 1912, the high __{found the principal of the McKinley]schoolâ€"board-presented, to the citt- r-olinsubardinatio and of .falsifying his educational rec fens of Evanston a proposition to issue flg&o.OOtTln bondspwkicb was at that ago: by:A»iuiiAM Liscbijr. â€" Those who object to the taking of lime practically a duplication of the ^n^l^bu^^naT^a^^ffi'WTis^^aW^Stt15 wnicn will be voted upon on I ' .â€" .--â€"--------- j Saturday of this week, and but^-201 I may be avoided, the man has been re- people Voted. This year, | instated in his position and will cbn:! cause of the publicity given in these |'-'"•"-'- â-  ^^^Jjajlumns, much interest is being mani-' Uinuj for the remaining; months opm [{esteirmidrttme iB every possibility of the buildings to be erected by the uniisyStehi: which .would-be Jnh-ali ways contrary tq_anv_w^U^eydoped plan of high school education and Which-would~materlally increase the cost of education by duplication of teachers^ and equipment. It is not .generally thought by those who have, made a careful survey of-the present- location thaTRs" proxImRyToTEe_rail- toad is as greatLa rdtawhack as an endorsement-for-th%-present^location^ In *hp> flrat jElace. it insures easy ac- hope to maintain that degree of su premacyHJn^ourhlgh scnooTTof which we have been tso proud these many years; ,-,--.. • .' .:•'.â- â-  NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS cess to the school' and brings stu- dents to the" door wito, dry feet and raiment in bad Weather, whereas" a school further removed fronr^the^Talt A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN ef-f_: iWlLLBliTGIVENUT road would have just the opposite_». , »*»..,«. .. * feet Then, too, there is little doubt jf fjj QJyrgJ Q Mll$l SCIBfltlSt â-  that the trains on the Norfhwesern-j1"*" K3Mmum a^.»^j>) vwww 'J pledges of any sort by children who sohool year in control of_an institu- tion responsible for the mental and of^a-blg Vote being cast in each of the three voting precincts. The Daily News has printed two statcmenta^Tgne^-blf^tfieilflgh^schoor board officials and is printing today a are too young~te realize ~thebindlng-r , , , ^ „ , , , -----------------vâ€"»â- -------------i moral development of hundreds of the nature of the contract into which ther | .... . .. ,. .; 7r;. __ | children of the city. â-  I enter, are humerousT ^ndthelrargu 1 '"~~r ';-' ~~~~~-'~T' ~ "â-  1 long argument- against the issue as :- â€"" ' j^r;rVVe know ma^what may be the^nan-j proposed Ty the hoard of education mehtS are good. .If tbejtnatter. Of. the ! ,,_.-. ..*.«. . . .J nnri In fnvnr of a nrhprno pnHrpiv Ait [cial straits of the Vvaukegan board of ana m iavor or a.scneme enureiy uu- taking of the pledge is to be allowed u---â€" ------- v ,^ ^ i^l ilerent from the. pen-of Alfred- 1L .. ; education, but the saving ola prIncLiGros&.â€"Tx>morww^râ€"Wednesday-an to be forgotten^ n^^ n^^ n ^^ 1 article opposing the bond issue, writ- Jlo be keep the promises mado!:. . -â€" -------â€"â€"-â€"-------â- =â€"â€"â€"^fe.n^mmz^-nr^atirelyâ€"itlffftreDt pnlm. railroad will be electrified in less than five years, in which event all the ob- Jectlons of noise and", smoke and soot will be removed. :____V „ His Plan .Impracticable. "Evanstonian" says that we are all of one mind on the question of giving Evahstoa/the best high school the city cajfF affdira, yet he proposed -a GUR, CHiCAGO AVE. AHO GROVE ST. TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 18th AT 8 O'CLOCK, BY Hon Clarence A; Busklrk. C. 5 Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The Fir»t Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass, The Public /s Corditflly Invited by these little people constantly be- fore theft ;for such "time as Is- necejg sary to ImpreB^s' the seridu8nesg_jol their action upon them, then it were _hetter'that".'-the work had never been! begun.' It is quite as Important "In.! high price to^ay^or^The^evli-ittBir|of vjew frpni that Qf Mr. Gross, by ence which a man convicted of anyj Mr- Frank H. MeCulloch will be-print- ?:'., -- ~r.'~:^'-'~i T~^C T t - iod? Both these letters and othera sort of dishonesty in the discharge of iwbich may be presenled_w411 be dis- j- his^pTOfessiohal -duties muBt exert 'cussed by the editor-of-..The JSews must the boys and girls under charge: bulidiug of character, wnicn j ultimate aim of all j It CohdTtions Wfir4i--jw&h--that--fehi? . . before election day. Today the argu [ment will bo limited to a discussion ^ ' of a letter printed in SaCuftlay*s~issae -and sigfitT(i~*'Evftnstnnifin."__;_________ tne should be the work done in the Sunday whether in the direction of fostering j^iejnpjarancfl inâ€"the usfi of. alcohol, hands'of the members of the board of Should Sign Names. education were tied and â-  In connection with this letter let it school, I *""""*""" *"=««= »cu uuu nothing; be said that The News management could be done to mete-out to the|knows who wrote it, for it-was accom- - , - - ! panied by a letter asking tnattn© offender whatever punishment his j „ftnttrrtf the nnthor he withheld. We drbgs and tobacco, or- teniperahce_ln ^tbe-use-Of-ainuse'ments and the matter rof^dressrror' the developing of habits of truthfulness and uprightness, that Attttomtcmtntt PHOTOGRAPHIC: CBRTIFICATES REPEEMEQ AT TQL^I^F STUD1© - ^ WE WILL REDEEM CERTIFICATES Issued by any-ehteago photogra- pher in-Evanston. We will allow-full face value on each certiflcate-and give you photographs in the more expensive Sepia, instead of black and white, with the best attention-.-------------------'----------"' " ~~- 7 JEok^L=SMdda= 1623 QRRING1 ON AVENUE ^EmPHONE 2178 ~~ All varieties of Shrubbery. Vines, Roses, Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Hardy, Herbaceous Flowering Plants Perennial Gardens JOHN FREEMAN, JProprMor __1H0NE ___iioe Elementary School Sura II Classesâ€"Personal Attention Elements of ed ucation attained before six without effort or strain. If interested, the teacher will be glad to call and explain the system. Address: director, Care College School, , Kenilworth, IU., Phone Wilmette 624 AtinOUIlC£Iti£Ilt Mr* J* â„¢' Walber and Mrs. G. Hartman, for- â€"â€"â€"â€",. merly with Marshall Field & Co., have opened a |â€"Modern Clothes Shop fonnenrboys and children, on the second-floor, the Shops Building, 17, 19, 21, 23 N. Wabash Ave, near Washington. You are invited to acquaint yourself with- the character Of our merchandise. Phone Randolph 2275 CHICAGO fault deserved, It had been far better f would suggest, however, that~4f-ourJ ~ ~ 7""""'" - :' i. (correspondents desire what -theyr to leave the matter unagitatcd and have t() aav to rRceive any considera- "Uaadyertiaed. Zâ-  _-*- -â„¢- |tion from the public, ..they wiil do 96. yik Â¥& ' ". I W^H to sign their names. JPJIJS^NEEDuiiait A comtAfiV.,i^i^^ansionjaniL^ IhXchlldr^he tau^hTrahxrthm3bor-p Chicago post office offioials assert^ tJ,-c -mftInS irf'.thf Nor[h ?** lm, - . ., " ' " ° fprovenient assoetation last w^ek oughly, that a promise given fs bind-j that almost half the mail Which .when the subject was, discussea; ahdT ing. A pledge taken lightly does far ] rasses Through, the post office is incor- s*ys' "* thlnk ^ the sreat majority. ^s.,------»_-,- _ ._ . I V . i who attended the meeting the other more_har.m_than good. A piedge_tak-jrcctly or insufficiently addressed, nec-eveuihg beTieved that the high school en more seriously and broken, in deft- j essitatTng" delay "and endless work for â- honnl is I»r°r,os'n8 a $250,000 expend!- , ,---------------------------------------M^nf^â€"m-cennectionâ€"wfHiâ€"tiro Irfgh ahce of_qualms= of conscience malres a the clerks to correct the errors of this j school. - is it not a fact that the $250. repetition of a breaking of faith so much less- difficult,â€":â€"-â- â- ; r - Therefore -congratulation «7f"Th"e~Stm- TWrtion of the -publ icr dayljcliool jworkgrs Who secured the names of these 5,000 children to the niedge of Abraham' Lincoln must be Accompanied by thec hope that tney are realising that they have only made 0'>0 .merely covers the cost of the buil(L_^ -----f-Mtgâ€"andâ€"thatâ€"the-board proposes to :The situation is not so bad with us raise sorae $150,000 or $180,000 in ad iuit_there are, nevertheless, -plenty of Edition. by_ direct taxation to purchase ""*" : ; -~rr~- ' _TaTIT6lnIng~'Tatid"an<r:^utlo?IttgS?" I .top 11.' ... w4to- -ei-titerâ€"-d«=nofc-take- the-f ~As aF^fiffatler or~facT~ffie proposed patmrtxr determine the proper address; bond issue, coupled with savings' al- , . - - 3 * ready made by the high school board, for the letters or parcels-sent by ^ nn addilionai Bum of $2$JHL0. them, or; who are s'imply careless in I. whlcB can be saved out of theT tax levy this year will not only "build the the matter of their correspondence,., prop0^ed addition, but Will acquire a beginhlng=which, they-are In honor] gome thqro are, but certainly not all' of the land which the board pro- luany in our city, Who are eo illlter-|S°ses to, Â¥uy' "f anstonian"'puts-lhe ____ - [figure for purchasing the adjoining ate as to be uhaware of the nccessi; land and buildings at fronr -frSfrQOO Ties^of a correct Addressing of mail. |tl) 518(J.°°0. whereas expert figures s J compiled by real estate authorities for With the approach of Christmas r The Evanston Dally News put the bound to follow by continued effort to encourage the keeping of the promise bjr each boy andqirlrFwho lias made^ the promise asked. -------- â€"- 'â- -â- â-  -â- â€"•- Ht ?K 51t MISSIONAJIWB WANTED: A --law;:entirely unworthy any peo- ple who lay claim to-the faintest trace 'ofjOhrlsilan or"h'iimane-^eellng-has-re" cently been passed,by the FlorldaJeg- islature, a measure mak 1 ng, it unl aw- and its mighty increase of work for the post office clerks and officials, with the_Ju-amped conditions of the quar- ters in which they work, it is most important thaTTlhlF peopHToT the city inform themseivesjof-the-requisites of •50x150 ..;.......^____ a correctiaddress'of mail, particularly"+1205"""Elmwood avenue, groes in negro-schools, and for negro] -amThavth^^learned what to do, do it teachers to teach in white schools." j txHruTTy" and painstakingly. ____ IT 2P9 The last clause is obvioo^iy-but af;_____j,_ %. ^ jj: jopiAorZ^th4ffifi^whose:_esiiacience8â€"ar% total value of the land and buildings between the high school and Grain street -at $56,000. . ^ ~ Their Values. ----- â€"The-trouse numbers, the size ^of the. lots and the value placed on them, follow:"-*------â€"-r-- 12.03. Elm wood avenue. -lotâ€" ...$1X),000.00 lot - " - 40x150â- -.-. .-;,->............... C.000.00 1207 Elm wood-avenue. Jot _ 40X150 ..^..,â- .....rrrr.. cooo.oo Elmwood avenue, lot ___ ~_ TTTTTTr.";.~'77T I^OOTuT avenue,. lot.. „ .. Now that "the frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder! in the shock/' e housewife's mind turns to her linen ciie^ancL-th§,^-needs jof liiture feast days. So we call attention to our unusually cojmplete display of tai>le4mens^no^towel^^^p^ciWHy^r^^ for this T|hanks: 72-«ich Pure Flax Table Linens, re- â€"imu:lwiWy-kefiv_y weight, in five new pat- ,.^ .tents.â€"A^rade-that-c-atvnot-he;-fltipUoate<t- i.iter in the season at this greatly reduced price. â€"Fltese linens will appeal to the jjijugeAyifeif-on har<l, every-day use. Spe- lianksgiving" price, yard. $1.00. 24-inch Lii\en Dinner Napkins to 'match above, at dazea, $3:50. 72-inch Pure Linen Damask, special finish cloths, conventional and floral, pafe terns; our usual $1.75 linens. Thanks- gTviTiirsaie, $1.50-vard. not yet so dulled as to be entireiy__sui j of working order, 'for there is but lit- Tribuneâ€"relative rJ------tmiTTHE CROOK. ~^z= IiL-Jiis. telegram to the Chicago WxTSi 1215 Elmwood â€"-ifix -VOWâ€"Elmwood TOxibo ..:s. â- :. to the matter of 122:2 Elmwood 50x150 ....â€" 1227 Elmwood a white schoor for purposes of pursu-j Signed for candidates: for "dcntisi'sl 50x150 â„¢!..". . tie danger of a negro teacher entering fraud in the examination questions de avenue, lot avenue, lot avenue, lot ^6=090^00 7,000.00 8.000.00 0,000.00 ^ag-hls-pMfession^-^rttes-prevfihtionof j certificates, Governor-JDtHwtB-lncludesI , ,, . . , , , . -, . . TotaL. ...TTrr.-.vrr7V....'. $56,000.00 ^^t^improbablc activity. gnj^o_,Mll4Jthis_suntencei "If ..guilty, would -sav- apjiese^ ligures-iire-tnrsedâ€"upon-the ortfie black brother^-nF"par|"of the I that no crook calf live in office under"!'rioi^s "which.J£rJOD5S3luTi asked for 'a .L i" ~- r t WMr-^T^^Tr7r------r' ^,'\- ",," '.,----^~-----^^"-----------t^H-rtSin of the- rt'sidenits^firthe-bTdfk- Pttrpose^of-the-shameful^iil^lt-ca^m^ -------â€" ^- which are tm the mS^thScel ixave hut one explan.ation-r^tlnv lcgis-1 -ratoiy Iear the result : of any If, indeed, it is_the _goy6rnor's pur- quoted, ^en-! poso-tO-cleanse the political and ap the ^couragement to the negro race rIeayn-8»nlr^Mise4fUHt>Sypto -r-ise.^T4teir-Iworttiy" of ntifeni whlcK" been sold,-" have" tojpointive offices of the state of men uh- .the prices , which "k ihcreTiir^tirF-x^no'f cxe-^ ip'roasrjlie- stree prices others have Recently : brought 7 and the property BImwQod-a1 ' iNgppiectrLtinch Sets. In attractive box, scalloped' edgeV. J^. S. E. guaranteed Hn^ T'lis. Thanksgiving sale, set, $2.25.____1 72-inch German an| %ish Linen Da- masks, in spot, floral, Mlipe and conven- -bianai-desigitsr - Ottr ;^^paL$L5o grades I'll a 11 ksgiy i n g sa le, $13 ery~ heavy Lin- is, .dining cars, ___T^Iiich ens, suxlras is used ij| __.,,,.......„.&____, etc. Readily bleachedj^^riking_patterns. Usually $1.25 yarc^^^Hanksgivliig- salc$L0a- • Dinner Napkins tfiH at%$2.59, $3.50, $3.75j $5.00 per dozen. feh above cloths pB$, $4.00, $4.75, 72x72 inch Linen Pattern Cloths, sev eral attractive patterns', pure linen, spe cially priced. Thanksgiving sale, $3.95. Cluny Doilies ahd^Genter-Pieces^ ^Special Thanksgiving Sale. ^_ Iiave-brpught,-anci at~whicn ttteyrare best, thterests-are served by-^p^ss^^ ; undoubtedly the 1 lug all civilizing'and edu^ -SiaongFtb'e' p>'Op>» w*»T? p ro mm^_iiijjuiM^unf-JUj4--^=^^ uitinv . able: to? thetn-dasaatdsswhen they are^ Ttrnabie-toronderstand" what^ js their in JfevilbJK^-â„¢. from the sites at a figure which would jgfl.t-onJy.:cQyer-the cost 0fr5iffeckage7 Matjijct" AnxoiD must have had a aBrfrtJL"'.woman's ctubsrof the fu e wfafenâ€"ho-vsa id^If^e.vjiEjtthattlme:! 4 but-which will bring in a revenue to 6-in. Qluny, linen center, 10c, 1:5c. 20cr^ each. - i 8-in. Clnnv. ° linen center, 25c each to ^^Oe. 12-ineb-€Huny, 1in en ^errtetv^Scâ€"eaclv to75c. \ - • 20x45 thch Clunv, .iiiien center. $1.95, ^2;25ii$3;00r^-^^â€"^----------' " .--- --.-_ 20x5"4 inch Cluny, linen center. $1.95, $2.50, $3.50. 20x20 in. Round Cluny Center Pieces, 95c, $1.25, $K5Pr$L95. 3ZZZ 24x24 in. Round Cluny Center Pieces, $1.50 up. 28x28 in. Round Clunv Center Pieces, $2.50ut Towels Pure Linen Huck Hemstitched Towels, rmti*aT^r'pfam7ejn^;"""5(te7^lfc," 95c, $1.00. Special Huck Towels, in guest room â- â€¢ or~targe--sizey-286r^f0fe------- -â- ---------- j '- Old Bleached Towels, red and blue em- broidered hemstitched ends, 3 for $1.00, each 35c. , Special~lJath Tovvelsâ€"with^plaiit:white or blue or pink borders. Special values for this sale at 75c, 50c, 35c and 25c. IruHvidual Bath Towels, small size, with blue and pink borders^ each 25c Turkish Wash Cloths.. Aer^r-Wash Cloths Sanrknit-ary-Wash Cloths m oths. ) -Founta Square ^~^~\/^^ 6 for 25c Illinois wfeeuir3OTnieu=sbuifc3OTm ^iiefid^^and^ul^S^il^r^^?^ made to send to foreign lands mission: flt f '"J****;^m b^* *°"Z . ."-^__- ^^^^!fe[;Bueh-a»?^e-woT4d«^ia< never dreamed aries to carry with them the gospel of I of." ~-r EMERSOl Now is the time to plantâ€"Come and make personal selection Evanston, Illinois Phone 997

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