Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1913, p. 2

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER M. JBtt. «iW».m"hV'""*te [What Peapfs Are Doing i ______in miwoWft------'--' SEALS IN EVANSTON ui Mrs. Ionia A. Clark in reported to her home, 716 take aveque^ Miss Marion Roberts wa»!(the.«ueit OTMenda In Madison,jWlfc,Jta9tji»«efc Miss Doris Hill •ot-BIue:fsland^waB tfie WesToTMIss"Nellie Shoop of Wll-; ihette avenue, Sunday. : N J. P. Rosberg was called to Chicago last Wednesday death of his sister. !il Many former well-known residents j ioUWilmette attended the funeral of] Postmaster Edwin Drury Thursdays afternoon in the home at 1112 Green- â€",'â-  â-  .------= i^^^S^p*rir^«^l Has Been Made to Citi- |*§ ^l^g1 ot a!raL_I<,8e?L 'M zens of Evanston to Pur Pritchard, 128â„¢tSureT.....Iivouue, last â€"------ - vrotk chase the Seals Merer <)ft-;;,-w^wM^^t'MHjwyr^i Mrl fTieuda enjoyed -tj» en- â- interested "avefiueT ...... A luncheon was given in her ihonorby Mrs. Pritchard Wednesday ! afternoon. IA birthday party was given: j_njh<m: I cr. of Miss Sarah Hugenin,-506 take|anston at the v. Wednesday night. Fifteen ] topic in which the citizens are vitally be ^nâ€"jnterestedr An appeal already has •tertatnment provided by Mrs. Huge-1 been-made to the citizens by the Ev- '-MravH. J. Smith entertained menv|njn^ anston Tuberculosis Institute to buy Ijersof^tbeCennan class in-her homer; ^g g. A. Jtaumeyev^Ol I-indepithe ehristroas-seals-in4Svanston._TUe Monday aftfrrn"*"- ~~ - ^avenue ,:""'~gfrv'»' "a" "dinner to fifteen[rnpppal la'Tiradea1 as follows; "Why =^Mias=Bertha Neuinan of Chicago was j Iriend8 'Wednesday evening In honor-not buy your Red Cross~CBrisrma3 the guest of MIbs Irene Stephens, 418 I of hcr mother, Mrs. Robert Campbell,-; seals in Evanston and help flght the Hill strflerrlast week. - ^ ' ^vfwho'-celebrated her birthday anniver-ituberculosis problem here?" Mr. and' Mrs, J."H. Metfsden, ^01/fsary on that date. â€" j Tire following statements, carrying ^reenlegf^venue, are . entertalnlngi- a birthday surprise party was gi\^nJi^afi^^B^onl'j3o_YJOu_KJoaw>^^-follows ^Mw'fc^-A^jeland-of NcwarhyiJnf. }yor rJarry Cumberiand In his home, [ 1. That the Evanston Tuberculosis !iil^n^*f1^rgP"Ml1 and aon.f.jjjft Fjffh ntmnt, ««»^r*ftv evening bY.Ly^jy \m » frtanoh nf Htt) nfwtw and tbe|more than forty friends from Chicago, J national societies, and exists to help, |in various ways, those afflicted with ..Dubois 'Andante; Religiose^ ........ .Thome Offertory: "Aria" ...... Mendelssohn Postlude, "liocata"! ..'.........D'Every On Wednesday evening, November 19, Attorney John M. Camelon will read a paper en the J'Blble In Our Public Schools." DIscussienr^IR foK low. The Union Thanksgivirg services ,i, „i;,t i„ I'v-^m-be-beld this-year^ln the^Presby^ Tuberculosis is a live subject in bv- ^â„¢*"~ **- " m,.-i,.ri„in» »TO present time and Itf^ tertan /nnrcfton J^^gjgg November 26. Rev. Roy E. Bowers* Congregatlonat €»aWe«r^of-Sarem^-JJass.,--are ........ guests of Mrs. Jobn-C-Baker.--------------LRyanston-andâ€"Vvalmbtte_lXlamea-and|tn........ Orville Hankins of Decatur was the mu>sjr; comprised the entertainment consumption? guest of WllHam Barrows, 236 LgureUfor .the evening.â€": --,----':-.: ------- 2. T'hat there avenue, last weeK^- "iv««i« nf novelties and fancy arti ~ZA_8onZwas born to Mr. and Mrs Peter Conrad, 436 Kline street, day.^Nov;-2i -^fembi Sun- were twelve deaths A sale of novelties and fancy artl- j from thhj: disease in Evanston last clesT the handiwork of "the ladles 6TTyear compared - to seven from diph- ' ' " theria and five from scarlet fever? the Wilmette Congregational church will be held in the church Fridayjirt-! (Twenty-eight deaths from consump- hoihn%tte-eittb-w4iUernoonâ€"under the auspices.^^lfteJ:{jon~in 38, J*fm^.^l^\'W^,liRSiWi in enjoy the regulari senloj^dance Satur- crescent circle. The proceeds. w4iUbe4^^-fourteen in '11. This remarkable day evening. • -^Jised for benevolent purposes. r^ductlon-of^tbe-death raja ia thp r"- Members of the Baptist Ladies' Aid; Mrs. Fred D. White, 1021 Central suit 0f the activities, of this society J; R. ~Mon- society met in the home of Mrs itjatnWuttl,JLS38^ Poresl, aveitue; Mom un her home Saturday afternoon in day afternoon. u honor of her guest. Mrs. Fred Adams Mrs. E."Jackson Casse returned lQ-.^ Indianapolis. The function was her home in 633 ffpreat avenue Snn-~f0>fc nf thfr most enjoyable affairs of â- 'day-after a few weeks jjassed atTSx- ithe season quartette will sing at both services. Sunday school at 9:30. No better celaior Springs, la ZZMr. and Mrs. A. W Central avenue entertained thirty-five [ladies This year so-far there have been nine ~"deaths"as against fivei from diphtheria and four from scarlet fever.) 3. That there are at the, present l r0V,Bkm foFyoung folks and adults tiine_175_Jcnown cases in Evanston, rillra_Sundav-schooI trnrthe north shore and some must be given more help? 1. That, in order to give this help, it is absolutely necessary to establish free dispensary where the needy Twenty-flve~members of the Neigh- . ,. Hawkes, 714 borhood circle spent the day in an all Central avenue, expect Jo. leave soon 'day gathering in the home of Mrs. M. a ,,-ee uibiieuoarj' nucic u>« u^c«j on an extendedtripLthrough the south- |jjj .McMillan. 1010 Linden avenue, on poor, suffering from this disease, will __1 _*_*_..- Thursday. Luncheon was served at r(.Ceive regularly iiroper care and be noon, after which the women passed taught by an attending physician and the remainder of the (lay sewings tor^imrsa-Jiow to llve^ so as to limit the the libfiday sale of fancy work next spreaiL of infeetioii?. ,^______â-  month. ---------------~"- " ; -<• That the officers of the~iocal Members of tfte Cretonne committee.branch are giving their time and 4>f-4he^onianlsâ€"GuiltL of^St. Augus- energies without remuneration to help Samuel W^ Rlchey;tjIK,.s Episcopal church gathered in;protect your home? .___________________U>i«»"bomo of Mrs, (•- 1>. Richardson. «. That 77% per cent of the money ndUMrs. W. S. Hammer. Mrs, j^gg Central avenue. Wednesday, for â-  received from the sale of Red Cross ern states. Misses Virginia- HoUenbergep and :r~T^fllfajT^t7at6h oQlavehswood were â€"ThXguestFoTMrs. BeniafiFtn E. Gage, --^Ol^Oalrwcaid-aTJcnueT-Saturday. _____Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mayfleld, 141 Kline street, had torjheir guestsjast week, Mr. and Mrs. of Dowiaelac. Mich Lubeck and Mrs^Austin of Michigan | ^vor|f, ^Manyâ€"noveltM^^va^^made^mrrjirtetm^s" seals trom^rher.JSvaaxston City, Ind.r wore guests of Mrs. H.. W. ^.ti BOid at ihtv ba/aar 'which the church Idistrict remains in the local treasury ; workers will hold 4h« first week in De-.for use in handling- the tuberculosis â-  . "' '.problem? (Twenty-two and one-half have been sent out for per, cejiL goes to state and national wedding of -Mis* (Jladys Sehl, 920 Elmwoodh avenue, last week. --Mrs-H. Lamb of Salisbury, Mo., and rcrml)eT.- Mrs. J. A. Geisinger of New York are: invitations lire'"guestsoPTIrB. W. ETTftgersoll, 5i? Central avenue. Miss Nellie Ayleswprthj left last Providence, K. I. visit relatives for where several the wedding of M daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Cannon Lay tr.ri r.l QeaXfiJC Coin - tn't.on T-nder heart. The annual "Harvest Home dinner, under the auspices of the fifth; division of the Ladies' Aid society,, OUl IOI' liei" CtlUL *i*J'-'S I" »liUCâ€"iiuu uouviuoi Unon, isoT-Tolles "lot cfr*rOT*3r»Tr^^ ling.) Tlmt thiR appeal is djrectwd to week for "she "will" wack*. Mrs.^X, ~cral~friends at a luncheon in her homo, 916\Greenleaf avenue, Wednes- hill will A. MacLean entertained s'ev- luncheon this village perform«'«l ('. rikiiuM^i'. 10-21' Central ft Monday evening for, Paoa TaT. where she will pass tne ,„.SK ;ii.-,n In' Bcllingham, Wastr;. was.'wjnti-r. She was-nrrormiaTrred by Mr ^n^Wirmette^Priday^or-^^few^iourRHiA^d VVi 1 ite'w iiiulhin',TrnTr-'iFtirHMV-^Eh . callffag Upon friends. 7 " iwill visit the Grand Canyon and other " More than a doze"n small friends ofscenic Colorado stnots en route to CaTT- little Alice Gallagher attended a party â- fonTia. Mrs. Skinner is popular In given In honor of her birthday, annl-f social circles in Wflmette and many versary in her home, 1233 Forest ave-; friends gathered at ihf* station -m ntiei Friday evening. • - bid, her -farewell:"' â€"â€"Tireâ€"I larvest J lonie supper given by ; â€"â€" " ' ............... ' ^^^iflLll£SICITy FIREMAN The cerenionj; von thai:you may-buy your Red Cross Saturday in the Christmas.'seals in Evanston, where Methodist church in Princeton, 111., by your home is and where you .are rais- Ucv. I). C, Kvnns. ' .Missl'>iuui 1 Wythe iim vour children? Smith Of this place will be maid, of honor. Mrs. I It „Ls_ signed by Airs. Rut'us C. 'Dawes, president Woman's club; H P. Smyth, pastor St.â€"Mary's church; A-bra-m-~AW Harris,â€"presidentâ„¢^rtlu. ^ \vestern_university; -WiilianT T. Mc- Klveeu, pastor First Congregational . Inircrh^. .iiimns-R. ^fnnvt-.r'm^<&PmXiL.._ Kvanston, and William R. Parkes, M. P., Kvanston Medical society. CHURCH BULLETIN Organ recital at 7:$0 p. m. by Mi«s Corette: "Hosannah' "Cantllene" .......Dubolr ""Tbo«e^iidt<fc"- Ttii North Show Mathodiat Church. - Basel and Oreenleaf Avenue* Olenooo. Horace G- Smith, Pastor. Sunday Schoolrf^*K"^ittsâ„¢~m~â„¢m^^^ Worship, 11:15 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. pastor of the First church, will deliver the sermon. The* church will observe the Sun- rise Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting_at 7^30 ^Thanksgiving morning. Mr. Thomas B^-Du Bradley will^lead the meeting and at its close the Men's League_JUble_Class--Will ser\e. break- fast.. This is becoming a fixed event in the life ofliba^ehuMh^ â- â€¢/ ^__â€", LBoth Dr. EldgarP.HUl ana Dr. Geo. y. Luccock of Chicago will speak at the-church-dlnner- Prlday-night^lJSftL vember 14. This Is the first celebra- tion of the kind and bids fair to be an occasion of great Importance.^-T-he- Woman'8 Society has the matter in Glencoe Union Church. â€"Dr.â€"©ougiaaâ€"Itâ€"Cornell,â€"pastor. Sunday services as follows: -Sunday scbo<MV-^^5.a..m.faMTeacbiiuy-servlce at 11a. m.; mid-week prayer service Is held in the church every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. . charge. pastor, E. Church. The pastor, „ Rev. Thomas Keene Gale, will preach next Sunday morn =ing=at 10:45 ou "The Influenceâ€"< Able," and at 5 p. m. on "Like Sheep." Miss- Dorothy Rae-and the double MlsitoMifr^^ ^ M* Stafford choosing as his subject WroNETK*^ Congregational Church. -Pastors=Bdwin P, Spell, residence 675L Lincoln avenue, telephone 505-J: J. W. prDavlesT^eaidenceilOOl Pino street, telephone 470. Services^â€"Sunday 8ChoolrO:-45Si-mr; morning worship, 11 o'clock 1 vesper service, & p. m. The communion serv- ice:-First Sunday In January, March, May, July, September, and Sovenlber. First Scandinavian cnurcnT Richard Malm.r: pastor. Sunday; school Is held at 10 Sg m.i foUoJgedrJH^ morning service at 11 o'clock. The Young People's society will meetSun- tfaay~ai"5 p. m. Services in nrarimurcif Wilmette Exchange m CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000,00 piiSa^ngs Wednesday at 8 p. m. iim-Sunday^schoolTxtt^the north shore than liere. The Men's Bible class-wlth Prof. Harper as teacher, the Ladles' Bible class with Mr: E. M. Stafford as teacher, the young ladies' class with -Mtbt-T. K. Gale as neacher, and thej young men^s class with Mr. E. G. Bentley as teacher makes -an ideal equipped Sunday school, and the chil- drens departments are always well cared for. Junior League tft 8:30, A good serv- ice for the boys and" girls managed by the boys and girls undeF the able superintendeney of R. M. Kirtland. .Epwortlt-4^ague-at-fi;l5 nexI_Sun_- Phone Central 3461 Lace Dyeing a Specialty Me Gillespie FeoSVr Dresser StoUsand Muffs Cleaned and Remade 217-918 Venetian BWg.. 34 Washington St. Chic^o dav~wlH'be_in charge of Wm."~Wlse- Satlnnng NEW PROCESS CLEANING AND DYEING 631 West Railroa^Aye^ -Wilmette; Illinois Phones 'Wilmette 320 The North Shore Weddquariefs for XMAS PRESENTS STORE. WILMETTE, ILL. JEWELRY ELECTRIC PLACE and CENTRAL AVE. W,e carry a complete stock of everything in the line of Jewelrj. -Remember-w.e are^not on-State Street and can afford_to7 selLhigh-^ grade goods ata__yery low profit. -^ A- Bayittg-of^25^^guaraBteedi held in the evening with church last Thursday the largest attendance in tfii history__of its annual occur- rence, the attendance being 235, and a goodly .number-was' turned away,- thpre not, being room to accommodate them. * â€" Mr*,. Colwell gave a talk on""'The Ladies in the Aid Society." Mrs. E. Oii for Floor Mops. Wooowoih and furniture INJURED BY AUTO churcli Thursday evening netted" a! T^OfcBmn^cn^thTr-cbirrcnT1^^^ ijr(F= eeeds will "be devble]dv40'benevolences. - a birthday-party-was-given-for-MisB^ Katherine Cody in--her home, POgj ___________L_ ."ChreenwoodTvenuc, Saturday evening.: . f â-  More than twenty schoolmates attend-: pjfeman Matthew ed the fiinetlon.---------------------_J__â€"=4=â€""J3TT~f~l - Wirt.-MverB.-the son of Mrs. V...Ar__ J_aiIlIliJ .Myers, who has been a patient at the Evanston hospital for several weeks, was returned to his home here Fri- day»v MrB. P. A. Myers had for her din- Struck WILM6TTE. Baptist Church. = -Sunday servicesâ€"IteWâ€"hi the Wem- Hiis club building, -eoFnef-.-Greehleaf iivenuc and Tenth street. ;_,.,.,„.......„.,..-.- Itiirie school, 9:45 a. m: â€"â€"^â€"â€"rÂ¥eaeliiiig service, 11 a. m. > := Rev. .T. P. Abbott of Austin Will Con- >j^^^Li^dm^i: the ehnrch service until a^per- IVI11X W I j^j^ pastor- is-SGeuredr- The devotional meeting_a[cdJiesday evening, November 19, will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Greig. cor- avenue * and Ninth ijxad_ When utomobile. iTer Greenwood HtreeL Bv -ner guests Thursday evening Mr and :Mw. Wirt Humphreys of EvanBton ^ahd-Miss Katherine Harrold of Chl- cago.______' - _______-.:::______ ^^Mr. and Mrs. F. T, Jacobs, i)24nPafk avenue, left last week for California, where they will remain during the wlnler^^JEhiiy^-Will dfvide their time Matlhew Maxwell, age 66 years __ anston's oldest city -flrehlan now ~ln..[ Presbyterian Church. service, was paint'iilly injured Thurs- Ninth street and Greenleaf Avenue, day morning when he.".. was. -runf-Wifaete^Rs^J^Ml Wilson, pastor. down by an automobile, owned and; Sttnday morning, 11 o'clock,, thenas- TiPlven^by-eT J:. PhttlipsfTTT9^ PoreaT; tor"".wiU^8pcak"on".'the-.-subject:â€""The avenue, Wilmette. The a^ldehtjhffiir^^J^^ihW^H^i^^riii-^^r^ Tears of I puned at - EmersOn-street andâ-  Ashuryj Freedom," and at the people's re- avenue, Evanston. Maxwell suffered a j sponsive~8ervTce at-7:30 p. m. on "The , , , „.......,.,.,.. ! broken rib and other bruises^-He-w^s^-hofd^s Authority Over Sin and :betW6tm Los.^ngc!^i|â„¢n^07;t;ken to the Evanston hosnltal bv Mr. 1 Drntb." The responses will be from jfcgS^Jmr^irY "r Vjtr HiUllps in theater's auto. ...... the ninth chapter of Matthew. guests last week Mr. and Mrs. II. G. I Although arrested on a warrant --Greer of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. \ charging assault, Mr. Phillips is not Thomas J. Carthey otSante-E.CNJ44-.cenanred. for the accident either by The Ladies' Aid society of the Wll-! Mr, Maxwell or witnesses to it. Mr. mette Congregational church will give j Maxwell was alighting from the auto n luncheon Friday at 12 o'clock. Two of E. J. Schager. 1222 Chestnut street, JOJ^BlJMjG^A-SJ»E.ClAX,-TJy PRICES RCASONABLE orrthe clrelesrwitl^a^that time hold I Wilniette^ with whom he had been) their Christmas sale of fancy goods. rfxiding-soutli in Asbury^avenue.- ^Phe4 â€".:: Mrr:iaadir3d^^Geofge.-3ta^ which was lmmeili- entertain several friends at draietZinl^ffcJy behind the ^chagen-antoZiwairt -<^|IeTjr^i0nie-i?aTuTuray jivjuitngjiroced- [ turned out To pass. Mr. MaxwelT; ihir theT seTffoF dsmce to be given "at; failed, to. Jook_up- the street and was; rlnh ~r struck by the Phillips car, and thrown : Bakeiv fi07 Lake ave-.jto the pavement. Phillips was not; ^_.__ - v-vTrj-.Tr nr^rrVi returned z?rorn French^"Lick" running fast and was able to stop JjFTjQ kONEY oHk/I? the 0urllmei±ii- Mrs. Frank nue, has' 1. w. snn^E,s Contractor 6 Builder â€" TELEPHONl WILMETTE 1384 Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, III, Springs, Ind.. .from where she I WISH to -triform the public tjintJ-..positive--- fast "and was" able to enjoyed .41 \vithin a fe\V feet ~ fTHan was picked' up and "was taken to ly eure-stomaeh ainj-in-. testiiralHroitl4es7-ifl<4i^â€" tionfgastritis,constipjtion ^tuberculosis, nervous dis- orders, i n s o li^nta and ^rntrrmia^ ^Ikeaer-fc^^r '^â€"Humarh (' ulturlsEZ, - -1812 Gfficago^Avecuig: Evanston, 111^ The injuredflpe-1 raedicaTaid ; summonet the hospital. I ,^Mr. Maxw -son street. - 'li^resldes at 1000 Enier lie iSh a veteran fireman ] Telephone 2072 irnd is well-known in Evanston. While j â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MAKER OF Individual downs, Evening Coats 1614 Oak Avenue The best bread made on the North Shore THE: 1165 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 449 -SRECiA^fSTgr AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ___EojLEasy Starting in â€" - Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi GabServiceNigtif and Day J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette telephone: wilmette 446 Miss Dorothy Macauley Tcaehcr-flf^Punn and Vocal WlLMETTrLULL-______ Hefekknce: Caruther's School of Piano 10c refunded for bottle 45c^PER QUjRT W. G. BEYRER Hardware FOR SALE V complete line j?£_Eogty Used and New Stoves. Also a full line of any household goods. SMITH-DUCE CO. Tel. Wilmette 32 Wilrastte, 111. X B. Heckler ! 137 Greenleaf Avenue U_______SKilmette.JUlinois-------,------- Real Estate, Loans Renting am Insurance Real Estate bought and sold on . commission First mortgage Loans Negotiated Rents collected and, taxes paid Estates managed for non-residents -Phone~Wilmette SOO #»»»»»»♦»♦♦»»»»»♦♦♦♦»#♦♦»»»♦»♦»♦»♦♦»»>»»»♦»♦♦♦♦»»♦» Evanston his injuries are not considered serious,, j_j\years of conTinufd business; always giving on- jiceount of his_ advanced age It is ^_l.^e^e3 y^0'^'^^^^}.^^^."^ itred that he will be laid up fot_fiCY eral weeksâ€"frem tjie_broken fib and S3aS&__ \». pv-ijnv evaniliiatinnâ€"^vtts 7...... i/if itji i.iu.a .... me iiuji m"'i.yv /I a a prompted us to ask^ yon toJmaji* your Christmas purchases of â-  " JE^wajrd_JjQrchhero; _^ TuMTTtF learn Whether or not- he" suf rDlamonds. Watchr s and Fine Jewelry jj^d^nyLoUier-bwiken bones= t~~-°M 13* No, State;St., Chicago We Kave -tarheiir Wilmette Motor Car Works, lift<tfcaMstartedki^ the firm jresolve to treat our customers iviih prompt, courteous and efficient sefvwep^^Repair jjj W^specmt^^^ ^E^T^E^SMONttrTfqj^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»»»o For Bakery Goods of Superfine Qiaiity Goods you can place before the moat discriminating guest, call Z WILSQN^ North-^fior 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wllmstts 41*414. Wilmette Auto Delivery RalRhWFaupel 4%eVtrla^e£lectriciati- In connection with his regular Electrical Contracting business, has put in a roll line or coium- -bia Grafonolos and Records. You are invited to come and hear thenr. 609 W. -RAILROAD AVE. Phone 522" • Wilmette ..;':;....-, .......... ^.A.H0TH WISCONSIN ICE GENERAL TEAMING 1308 CENTRAL AVENUE " WILMBTTE, ILL. Office as PHONES: lte». 36 Stable 5Gt Sanitary Barber Shoi FIRST CLA838C WVtCC Wilmette GhtbtivcT TJ CROSS & CO., Proprietors 4225 Central Avenue. Wilmette. 111. Telephone Wilmette 21 JCABS-____CARRIAGES SURREYS MOVING! EXPRESSING BOARDING Children's-Hair Cutting a Specialty ACL HAIR CUTS, 25c! Wilmette . Tt39 Greenleaf'Avenuel Sam's Restaurant ^^ICHl^BfeiSt FOOD ATTBE ^ MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL Ko»tng Boatdmj Baggage Eiprtssing â-  PHONE 9 Van Order Liver Lyons 6 Erg an Props. Carriages Meet All Trains Carriages, Cabs and Surreys for All Occasions 726-73*18TH ST.. WILMETTE Automobile and Carriage Upholster'ag. Trunks and All Leather (jooils Hepaired. f Charles R. Petersen Haraefs-Maker 1225 Central Avkiiup Cross Livery WII.METTK, ILL -â€"-^- -3H1 WOrirpTonTptly and neatly done Telephone Wilmette 21 J. A. SHAN&- Real Estate, Loans, Renting and Insurance North Shore Home* and Vacant ------ Res.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 Office 1128 Central Are., Phone 1079 OIS Bill T RT NJ FirttCiats Eltetfie s-lv VlrCWbStSAosRepairing AT LOWEST PRICES Til. Wilmette 590 603 w. Railroad Ave. Dr. Elijah tK^arritr NERVE SPECIALIST and CHIROPRACTOR After twelve years' experience with nervous cases in the East, announces h is practice. S2gyE**iJS£ iwwiUKP._________.__.^-----:------------------ All nervous disorders, including Head- ache. Nervous Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Spi-~ naTCurvature. " ___ Best of references from former patients. Appointments by telephoneâ€"Wllailh) 1304. BltiflNCt.lJ30F«r«lUMT4»i*««e,llli»»ll Office Phone 296 Shop ft Res. Phone 168 A"..-£* WOLFF â-  Tin, sheet metal and___ , furnace work. Furnaces, "utters, spouts and metal â€" roofs. :: :: jf-- -j:""". ^ESTiLM A T ES-F U R NI S« E D NOW Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Office. 1124 Central Ave. Shop, 628 Park Ave. (rear), Wilmette Pure Milk and Cream, Bqttermilk and Cheese M^DTbt ItrL ^r^0MO if jgfa^clasa~llTnr~of new- ^=t= and second-hand___________________________________ STOVES, RUGS and HOUSEHOLD GOODS in all Styles at Half Pries '-^â€"7 "^2:^TZ^Mond-handJFurnilaM: bought, sold and exchanged " TELEPHONE 189 fctolfh to -fhe Evanston - |>oHfle fromH the BeckOr nuisfe store, JyOLDempsJter-4 street. lO^liTbught that the theft; l_s_ the work of some sneak I stole the pens- while^tfie- thlef clerk who was j Dusyiwaflttng-upon another customer. &elf Watering Flower *bxe»^^^^ Guardâ€"Shrubbery and Hardy P«r<nnlols :: Tt ftpfcont 629

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