Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1913, p. 1

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EVAN3T ON â€" W I L â- M -^- . . - ( •^KEKILWCRI The w.* « VOL.V,NO.L Phones 535-536-587. THURSDAY. ^OViMBlR 13, 1913. - -.'*-â- - 526 Davis Street PRICE FIVE CEN1 Health Department Detectives of Chicago Health Depart- merit^Arei Searching for a "Tvphoia Mdry." RESlXlffiANT QUARANTINED Victims ArerFovniMn EvanstonTWyd^ Park, Englewood, OaU^rkjanil Other Suburbs; Waiters Are Found III. An epidemic of typhoid fever radiat- ing from the loop district of Chicago in every_ direction but to the various .suburbs has engaged the fighting in- telligence of the physicians of the Ch icago, Evanston and Oak Park health officials in one of the hardest battles the department nasi ever "been isked to fight. Several of the-phy^ .sicians are united in the belief that there is a "Typhoid Mary" at large in Chicago and suburbs. Defeats Oak Park in lOflflteiSj^atul^ "Germ detectives," like the "mos- quito detectives" In the Panama canal ^e^-^airtly^ore^^^ the pickpocket detectives of the police ._..._ r_ " °_ . .â€"f^ t j department, have managed already to trace the typhoid germs from Evans- t on and Englewood, from; HydezPark and OSk Park, t©5 a definite spot-% the loop. The task now, and strange- ly enough the greater task, is to nar- row down the *earch and discover the actual source of^e^contaglon. T ----=^yphoicf"^»e«'in"Evan«tonT==-â€" 'there have been a number of ty- phoid cases reported In Evanston this tali, in which no trace of the source ber six cases were reported, and in Octolmr eighrmore-were-added^fo^fhe SO f^tv^fe'-ffijpixit^wUv' OtxSj^ESiw lias been reported. It Is claimed that in but two of these bases are the -physiciansâ€"certain.„of_the.; .cause of the disease. -* A fortnight ago a group of statisti- cians in the Chicago health depart- ment in the^coursejbf their compara- tive book-keeping came upon thexfact that" there was an increase of typhoid er-ln Chicago. This called for ac- tion, for concerted, systematic; irre- sistible actionâ€"action of the sort that would have resulted^ from. learning in the canal zone-that-a-mao-had a moe^ fiuito bite; i£L~------miiT/^ "Find the germs," commanded, Com- tnissioner^Y0ung»-Just-a8_the order in the canal zone would have been. '.'Cap- ture^thaUjnogqu|to-J'-~ . == -_,-== Whenever"a'case of typhoid is re- WILMETTE COUPLE IN CHURCH WEDDING Miss Anne M. Brady Becomes Bride of Frank B, Dolan At Pretty Church Wedding. .....A pretty church wedding sol- emnized in St. Francis Xavier's church Thursday-evening when4;Miss Anne M, Brady; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ter- rence Brady, became the bride of Frank B. Dolan. Rev. Father T. V. Shannon officiated. Only immediate relatives and friends of the couple wit- nessed the ceremony. Raymond Bur- get acted as best man and Miss Cath- erine Brady, sister of~the bride," was maid of honor. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Brady, parents of the bride. The home .was prettily dec- orated, the color scheme being pink and whits. ' ~~ i^The-bride was attired in a gown of white charmeuse trimmed with pearls and real lace. She carried, a shower bouquet of bride's roses. and lilies of the.valley. The maid of honorrwore a gown of 'pink silk' trimmed with pearls,and carried Killarney roses. Mr. and Mrs. Dolan will reside at Fifteenth and Hill streets: Mr. Dolan is employed as clerk at the Ward and Aspegren store. NEWTRIERSOGGERTEAM - TIER IIUJHAMP RAI By defeating Jhe Oak Park squad by a. score of 6 Jto 0 Saturday, the soccer football! team - of New--Iriej; pionship race of the suburban high school conference. CLUB LINKS Members P|an Changes to Make Urrtfocm CourseWhich- ^rwill ^O^ajfc TO BE GREAT IMPROVEMENT Lovers of Outdoor Sport-Wiil En> joy One of Finest Places For_ Play in Middle West J There. Members of the Skokte Golf club are anxiously awaiting the*completion of-the extension and practical rebuild- ing of the golf links, which is now being done by a .corps of workmen. The improvement has long been need- ed and when- the work is finished ex- perts with the stick declare that the tlQBu=-Theâ€"plat has. a flne^ stand of graWâ€"free from weeds and other To Relieve Congestienr^ The two nine-hole courses are un- even in length, and it has been .de- termined to .balance them, and im- provement begins jvith the^-making-ef- TROOPS LEAVE FORT SHERIDAN FOR MEXICO More Than 250 U. S. Soldiers Depart Froii North Shore ^ Fort Tuesday. I ' ' ^ " \j-....: "~~^ ~^IZ Four troops of the Fifteenth United States cavalry, composed of 261 men, left Fort Sheridan* Tuesday afternoon Tor the Mexican border. The orders under which the troops left named the destination as Fort Bliss, Tex. The men will remain there until other •orders--are---Niceii^y/^here--'Was'--a crowd of wives, sweethearts and other relativesâ€"at-tbe^tatiohfo :bid fate- well^tp^the^»ldj^sf"DUtT the: usual tearful scenes were not enacted. Lit- tle, if any, anticipation of war is held out by these relatives. Maj. Michael M. McNamee is in command of the squadron, Capt. Ralph S. Porter of 'the medical corps accompanied the troops, but probably will return as soon as they reach Fort Bliss. Other commissioned officers who-went-werer -Capt. Ben fcearrJr.7 commanding Troop I; Capt. George W^l, Moses, commanding Troop K; Capt. f Casper H. Conrad, commanding Troop L, and First Lieut. Taylor M. Reagan, commanding Troop M- Only twenty-three men remain gar- risoned at Fort Sheridan now, under First Lieut. John Cocke with the de- parture of the troops Tuesday.., There were, twenty prisoners in_the( guard house, seventeen of whom'weretlaken After n-successful pastorate-extend- ing over-a period of seven and one- half years, Dr. W; H.WrayBoyle of the^I»ake-Eorest^Pre3byterlan church has resigned to accept the pastorate .of the Woodward Avenue Presbyterl- course will be unequaHed-in-this-^ec-^^-FOT^"Jefferson7=3adr, Wednesday. The other three were- left to do canjp. work. i • r-.-. =Therig^were~eight coaches' farther special train which conveyed the sol- diers, and four baggage cars for their luggageâ€"equipment and provisions a» brand new first hole, 400 yards in length' and~*ofâ€"deiightfut course lies to "tha right o£ the ores' ent-first hole, and a thick woed~1iiad~ to be cleared to .make it. ,. A high pile of cordwood on the edge of the- gb^scJieia^diKyLclQie^ of labor involved and the density of the wood. This flne~:flrst hole' will get the players, off ia^-short-order: and The contest was playecLat^NewTrier-athletlc=field-be-i foYe"a~gobd-^izTd crowdV The workJPr^gJL1 congestion isease was found. In*Septem--^"captain Taylor Of~New Trier's ' The^secona tee win pe placea about squad-was-a.feature-of-the garnet -Sin^^gj, ^^^t^^^S gleton,. Bellows. Hall and Gruver also maklng^lie"renvgth~abouT^roor yards: The. oiuy-~wjrnge~on~iiie" inira note will be more adequate trapping. "The featured^ with good work. The line-up of New Trier's squad m , , „ was as follows: Brus1tr-goaTF^rtera^tlr,19 * flnYe example of alternate son, fullback- Veness, fullback; Wig-1»>folectIngZbunkexs,_andJ:equiresgood- glesworth, right half; Hall, center Placement of tee shot but the green half;. Bellows, left half; Singleton, j»«• ,ike most of Skokie greens, wide center forward; Gruyer, inside left; I0'""11 'Cuoke, Inside right; Taylor, outside -Theâ€"fifthâ€"holeâ€"will, remate- right; Bush, outside left. -trap im- AverBUTLER DIES INDAUG I changed. The sixth is much fproved, only the right hand half of j the course being available for the j daring driver. #- The seventh is the | same old blind second shot, and is [not good. On the eighth a series" of sitfe" traps jpiejpejtts^lhfii^golfer from playing at randomâ€"a former habit Five days' rations were provided for the trip. Officer imim^McM^M jured at Evanston Lake ___FronrBy OwfliGuri. ZETamclbthes Omcer Lawrence Mc- SMba of - the ^Evi^fcstoc .poUce^denart ment shot himself In the left foot Monday with his revolver, wnen he attempted to shoot a rat in Lake Xront^arkr "Whfle thlT inJuryTlsTpaln.' ful, it is hot thought that it will re- sult seriously unless infection should set in. He probably will be off duty for^a^f^V^weeks onr account ~of^ the injury. With Plainclothes Officer Arthur Johnston, McArdle went to the lake front to Investigate the wash-out con- ditions. As they were walking through the park several large rats, driven from the shoreFwere^arabllng through fported-to-the-health department-an elaborate report, according to a set formr-ia-recorded. The records show where the patient lives, where he gets his milk, what his water-supply Is, where he buys his meats and hla "groceries, where-he-eats- his meats, when lie does not eat them at home. Xlgozen or mojre_such_polnts of inior- , ... , . . , „-. the park. As there were no teams or The ninth will be a new hole, and I . . , .. . .. A -.___„ i ... . . . „ - .^......„ .. .„, :, pedestrians in the park, therofflcers A. ^Butler, formerly associated W,1VeX?n^m^^^tI^f *H drevT their revolvers io^ shooTW H^J^^J^LSi 5SLJ^jrodente. One of-J;he, rats.ran near hole-of-theâ€"same practical distance. .,-. :, • â- â€¢ y-,â€" v.- â- -â- .- v >._ _* but_Jno^:^cult4l^Ze,up-i^^ oT^te^iatute-of-^the^grormdiâ€"â€"- with the firm of .Swift-&-C6., died Fridayfflght at 6 O'clock at the' t&P denceâ€"ofâ€"his-daughter, Mrs.â€"Loulg-FV mation are covered ^TTrr^ : Mlik; is ^Tested; -^â€"=" The task of the "germ detectlsa!! tirst of all-was to-go through the re- ports 6f cases in hand and look Tor similarities.__They-irieaZlhe^item . of • milk" first. No clew was oT)tained from that. All the patients got their milk from sources of known purity. 'Water" also yielded no clew. And ^ it went on down the llsLJunHOM germ sleuths" came to the question where patients ate when not at home. There the clew was found. Six of the patients it was found, living in QP- l.osite portions of the city, niany miles apart, getting their mear and milk ,^4 groceries froniL different., source! stricken all-at once with typhoidâ€"all six^fe their luncheon athoohlat the same restaurant Jn-theHBop. „IUwas the_Tfstaurani at 22-24 South /Wabash avenue. Brown & Mc,Kinj|on!s;l_ _ _ "That^s in-vpur department." said Commissioner Youngâ€"toâ€"Dr^S.â€"E. Slurtnan, chief of the bureau^of food inspection And~tlien the^nexfc^sleg "^liT^lTr order.' ~" ~ " r â€" -.- â€" Sends Squads of PoctOrs^^------- an unusual task In law^procesBT^â€"It was to replevin a gas meter belonging 4eM "very^ good^-wereHfoaiid^trbfrnptt| gkokie is & delightful club, w#h^^ t^p TWlWtff"gorTT<nn rnrnpunv from the verge of ° collapser'with typhoid ] a large membership, and ^^^^p6 a:i Evanston householder. Chief Sherman sent his deputy, Dr. i. J. McCarthy, to the restaurant. with the food supply atihe restaurant. The milk came from a healthy source. Sordid the meats^-And-the-water-yaa pity water. Dr. Skerman telephjbned McCarthy found 4fe-Or blg^j)lace, ap - arpnflyregain^mofeThah a thpu_sand lersons-every dnyi ^â- vrem^aiew^jaosi.oi them waiters; There seemed, to be nothing wrong Commissioner Young: 'What we need down here Is a -whole1 salejQbioi diagnosis," hejaid. - - ^tlL^send you a squad of"abcto^s,,^ the commissioner replied. .j And half an hour later seven physl- Swift in Lake Forest. Mr. Butler had been in ill health for the last five years as the result of a strokeâ€"ot paralysis. IKl Total Length is 6,300 Yards. the-revolyer^^y^g^is^iaigedE=tfafl- He was ; bullet entering his left foot. m taken tff the^^ffice of aTPhyslCianTaTid -r-T4vfr^ to a | the Injury dressed. *"-- 325-yard length, with the new tee just [ it is said'that followJOTr Lhe 'severe Mr. Butler was horn Get. 28, 1834, [off the present first green and the storm the park and other places along in^Rpckiand, Me^Hfccame to^Chicago4wew^H#ttfr! ^OrroEsT about twelve years ago, and retired j construction of "a^sfngle" new green, j driven from the piles of rubbish and from* active business five years ago. He-Is-aurvlved^by his "widow-Ttnd"one^ About =flfty^yainis^-wiH^be =-added tof daughter, Mrs. Louis F. Swift, wife of the president of Swift & Co;-------- <â-  Interment was. in"MountrHopeceme tery Sunday._________ZZZl-ll-j------- will give a 3,000-yard outline. other fill. Y^-W^C-A>-RECEPTION. the eleventh, making it a strong three-J shbtter of nearly-(500 yards in length. From there to-the fifteenth, the holes are unchanged. The fifteenth and six- teenth are very nicety- side-trapped. i breaking up the former wide-open CONSTABLE HENRYWITT DOES UNUSUAL TASK LAKE FOREST WISCONSIN PLAYERS BILLED IN WINNETKA Badger State Theatrical Organ- ization to Give Benefit Per- formance November 28. Popular Pastor of Presbyterian Ghurch in Nortl^Shore ^ZZZ^MO^H^BOoj" i!i:2^^?.:^:".ifetrjoitI-:II"lI13 HAS A SPLENDID RECORD WirKn^Wyi'neProiminentfigtfry _ Jd iBfttK^lmrjclLanii^^ cles of Select Vil- lage. i- Auiiouhcement is made this week in Winuctka of the benefit perform- ance wh ich "will :be1^giv£ttiby=the±;WiSi consin players at the Wlnnetka -Woman's club Friday- evening^ NovemV her 28. A triple bill of middle west plays, written and acted by middle west persons, will be presented. The plays to be given include "Neighbors," by Zona Gale; "Tradition," toy George Mlddleton^-Jirid^^lory of the Morn- ing." by Bllery Leonard. 7 The organization of Wisconsin play- era gained much distinction in the middle west last season when several plays were given in Milwaukee, Madi- son and Chicago. The 'Madison com- pany of players is under the direction bi~Pro£7Tbdma8^^ University of Wisconsin, and the Mil- waukee players are headed by -Mrs. --E.-P, Sherry.^ Both Mre. JohnBton- the duties In the Detroit, church-Jan- uary T. 7~. ' ~3~v ' .- " It was with general) regret that and Prof. Dickinson will appear at Wlnnetka. They will be guests in the home Of Mrs. Lorenzo M..Johnson in Sheridan road,- Wlnnetka. ' -â€"--râ€" Atrtho,J^BiL^Arts-theateg.Jn Chl- cago last winter this set of players scored a hit in several plays written SOhTfcirlnT Detroit. He wlU asiuSTe j by middle west^mateur playwrights. members of the Lake Forest church] and^otneE=KSldent80f-that-^Hlage--re-^ ceived the announcement of Dr. t Boyle's acceptance of the call to the j Detroit church. A final effort was DIES IN COLORADO Sf^rs^.„n „T,te iT^^EJTOsrYates, Form glgSSy-S.1^!^! ^^!L^; of-Sotith-EviftstorPasse^ reconsider his decision and remain â- J^Jn^ateBaF^jaesfeaSaturday,, b^itr^gasi of no avail. The call from the De- •Awav in W&st^ troit congregation,' which is one of! ; the largest in the state of Michigan,: News 0f tjie death of Ernest Yates, -was unanimous/ provlng^ke^demand^^ormefw^^ (of the popular Lake Forest divine, j Evannton/; which, occur Enjoyed Splendid Career. radb Springs, Colo., Monday, has In the period of seven and one-half j t,oen received by his brother-in-law, years that Dr. Boyle has been pastor |Ai p--eurrler, 93^ Sheridan road, of the Lake Forest Presbyterian|yor more than two years Mr. Yates church, theâ€"progress has-* neen so j had been_suffering from^ tuberculosis marked that it has become-a topic-in+antrnad^tKed~erery treatment for the religious affairsâ€"in^hiBsectfon^To^^ -jecouht -the Splendid - work : accom-Uor tho â-  â- Frledmaanâ€"Teuje^laefe g year. plished in that-time in detall^wbuldi Only- K be a great4ask^â€"With the welfare of (from the -treatment;â€"- â-  , J-^- ihe -members of~liis congregation at'j Until ill health forced him to retire, heart, he has labored continuously. I Mr, Yntea was engaged In the shoe building up the organizatlon-of the church until it is pointed but as one of~ the most._jBucjcc88fuL„^thc. manufacturing business. The plant was located at Racine, Wis. With â- his-^amily--he-residedâ€"at 929 Sher- idan road until two years ...ago. _ He was 46 years Of age.. Besides his north shoresâ€"The.present membership of the Lake FOresjt church totals about 650 persons. This does not Include!wife, he leaves two daughters, Elsie about .200' students at Lake "^Forest j and Helene. The body waB taken college* who attendnhat church during to Neponset, 111., the formeT~h1ome"oE the college year. j Mrs. Yates, for burial. Chief among the "features of the work, of Dr. Boyle In" Lake Forest has lieen his Systematizing of missionary acork-and ~ the„ organlzaTlonrinfe^tbe; Young Men's club. This last, named organization, which numbers about MO ybhng men of thtr-village in .its: COSTUME PARTY-PROVES membersnip nas oeen prominent m\fm Ga|ore Rjr7llSlieÂ¥rWlKi social life of the^youths.^--------â€"â€"â€"T- .- ,---------Vâ- "/.'â-  ' b xommunity House piannea. | tammeht Given by Parent- A- campaign, Conducted under the j ; TAarhprQ i^h'lh -S supervision of Dr. Boyle, has recently.] ' cai/iiclb Kjiuu. ;elbged=ln Lake Forest In which |40, [ 900 Delegates to Annual Con- vention in Evanston Given Heartv Reception Upon Arrival Here. CITY IITGALA ATTIRE Stores and Homes Bedecked With -^coration^in-Honqr^Yisi^ .__tors and Hospitality Is The^bttd. Evanston is the mecca this week for-more than 900 club women from practically every city andTown in IIW* nois, who are in attendance at the nineteenth -Annual-convention of the Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs. More than^40,000 club women of. the r6B6ated^by these dele-" gates and that a favorable impression of-ehleago^-beautiful suijurbnaQWy-be" created in the minds of these hun- dreds of visitors nothing has been 5 provide for the welfare of the guests. Bedeckedâ€"with streamers and p.0tt> uanta&ln^yellbwfand^brownv the wlnr*: of the state organization, every busi- ness house and Tnanyr residences In the city of Evanston are in gala at- *; tlrejn honor^Of the_delegates and visi- jorg;-;TT)1 fyery isnctlon of the;olty the r object of decoration has been to make the visiting-club women feel Jhal.n hearty welcome-is extended*wem. gpc. A. Lends Assistance, 000 was raised,to^e used In the con-' Mirth galore was-furnished at the struction of a community -'-housejeostume party given under the aus- which will bemused-jointly by the Pjce^ ofjtjhj^ Paieht-Teachera^ club of; Young Men's" club-of Lake-Forest audiWiimettejn the Logan school Friday, the Y. W. C. A. of that^placeL iThiB^enlhg-in^ that vlllageV More than work will be one of the monuments '00 persons attended the Entertain- to the untiring .efforts which have been expended by Dri Boyle in Lakeftne ^dlerous make-ups More JMn-^H^pafiafrns allftriaea-tbgtspace^::-: : reception: *glyen-.J.p_, theâ-  Jjake_Fprest I The new Y. W. C. A', rooms Friday evening;. A" musical' program was given. ^urrangementâ€"wiil make. the two nines nearly equal, witlfTa Officer of Law Serves Replevin St. total length of. about 6,30,Q_yards_Jor. thft ftrtttruB: Some' of .tJfe narrow pits put in Dy ^A^otn^iReatufe of Dr. Boyle's work -â- was the completlon--of- ther-Sunday Writ 0J1 a GaS Meter, schoolJchapel during his pastorate. tl l n /vL' V-----------This flne-bulldlng, in connection with, -^r.niujgDJULWJie,r^^ cians had taken possession of the res^,^ â€"^-â€"^ .... ..<- taurant, captured the forty-five em-:Mr- Hopkins do_not permit a player) Constable Henry Witt, a veteran of- ployes, recordedâ€"toritydteft' ..temiwra-j'*0'. f1^ JWi, of -ffl_sm^Btrj^g toward 1 fioiai ln Evahston justice courts/was tnres. 'nulsesand^otherdata-ahd had) the hole. He believes that a trap caU(^d upon~ recently to perform i-. ... - -fâ€"a-stroke-with- struck the trail. ...: ^should uiea Two7waiters whb s^d they^Wd-n^ti;^:1"^^ .chailc^.6r ^e?°^rT- fever. It was learned that two othersri congratulafeff-: upon the improve: also^not-:ferfing-well^-were=sick lnlmenTs: which will add so much-tothe bed at^ homer-havlng^qult^^ work^only^'^»««'-of-th^-Playcr3- learnt that a fifth victim had beenC AID SOCIETYiSpCIAU. llifor^severat weeks and had ^finally^ â- -^Experiences "of jibw they' each" come back to work. ' Several weeks ago the gas In this home' was shut off and the meter lucked"" up 'fiecause-the .patrons-was in arrenrsF^n^payment^-of^hlsâ€"gas^-bill since .July. The lock was,broken,' it TOafd, and since that time the house- lielder has beenrusing gaa, alt^-wilch; ECafe^Un.der^uarantiner earned.$2 to~be given~to :th'e Ladies'; JA^d-sbciety of the^yorth'Shore-Metho-^has been^^dulyT'egisterebf on"the meter, "disf'.' church^Tor beneA'Olenr imrposes;; "When-workman "employed:by the Pub- of .the most . prosperous Sal schools on the north shore meht and enjoyed the fun of_yjewihg:^ Characteristic^ of. the. object 6* the organization, tlie members pf the Ev- anstbir Commercial yaftsociation-have enteTedhlnto:Ttheinspirit; of co-operatSri'r and have given every aid possible to the members bf the Evanston Wom- an's club in providing accommodation for the delegates. The committeer from the Evanston Commercial assos elation named by Presldeht James R>- Buthle -Is composedyt v. D. Macpherf^ son,^lohnVictor Leie, A.H.â€"Bowman, Peter Randlev and William J. 6'COn- ( hell. By, their persistent efforts the general decorative scheme #aa: worked out. The Public Service; cOttir: pany also provided-street illumination with-streamers of incandescent lights in7 the"""colors of^tlie federation afy Fountain square, the Woman's Cl.u^: ;bullding,~esurch"istreet Tahd Chicagotr avenue^; and Jai front .of the Cpng«K gatlonal church, Kiumau"av«ii!ie anB 7 Grove street, were sessions are-bein^f" niem~T":r;""":"""7;""""""'""""r"'"T"T.'" A committee from the Evanston city - council, named by Mayor James R. Smart, assisted .the reception of the~delegafes and worked In conjUHCfc E. C^ A; conVmlttee^ittrj arranging details for accommodation. etc. The council committee is â-  com- posed of Aldermen Samuel Topliff, S. C. KiDgsIey, William Foster Burns and Fmnk^BrBYcheT"' "â- ^~'~f-""";;"" .Warm Reception Given. '"Represehtatives from two it would be difficult to describe^ all 1 committees assisted the members of , j... â€"-£=^y-râ€""-~r: _:_ ,_ .-„„."â€".*»_____.. 1 phriimltfpps from tlio Rvmialnii \ifft\m. whLch included the exponent of the an's"cTub in meeting the incoming hobble skirt, the old hoop skirt and trains on the opening days of the con- other oddities In feminine attire, a Mention and greeting the visiting delOv nML-gMm_wjfe:j3^izM^lrojn^jyia-J^^^^^^ tertalnment. â€"~------':â- 'â- â-  ~ '-----â€" LtomoblIes were providsd^anaTlSe-*' ; .efreshments, consisting^of apples, Probably no o^nortlT'shore niin-l^ and cake; were served. It was ister^wtth-the^ possibl^exception of !vote« one of the most enjoyable even- Rev,'O^McC^e of L^ke Forest, W SS^S^n^we^ lug at so manT^woddtngs In^whtch during the wintar tor the olub membersuOt.aeificL society of Lake For- jg!vep during the water py tne ciuo. est and.jTligbJand^^Park have been! principals as has Dr. Boyle. In fact! Ive^hSs o^cIatedTfwith Dr. McCfiire at j soveral nuptialB7 Dr. Bowie's close ; relationship to. affairs in Lake Forest'CoiIegeMnrcon-4 PHTHISIS DAY HONORED ALL OVER COUNTRY tors--^were-Hwbj^ed--to Jhe' various homes in Evanston where they are guests. -â- -.,^;:--:'.;..:;â- ' ;L"l"iliS Every detail was prearranged even to the caring of the baggage of the JjQjUisâ€"TKpjk-tlLe memMrji, of the Olympic club assisted by con- ducting a check system and" distribut- ing the luggage belonging to °the^dele- gates^^..... •"•.;..';-;:'. •.:..;:-_.â- â-  JL S-:â€" JChe-restaurant is under quarantine. were reiateci in a meeting" held in_the__u^a. All Of the food found in it at the time j home of Mrs AV of -the "health raid'* has been con-[a..„„â- â€žâ€ž Hnhbard W S. Hamm' in Scott demned. All the implements have I M0re than ?200 was rais£d_by„the been sterilized, and the five-infectedJ wom<^^ Tmd-gentr^etabfcwTitty after^the^ga1^-JXhe Woodward Avenue Preabyterl- Ther^e^loliitsniplo^^ co-workers are semg Mrs. -3.-Fred McCuire gave"a[ cu •' ' 1 - c-jfor $100.- -' "" - whether the carrier of the J ... ......., .....â- ..â-  watched.â€"| But germs was really an employe of ^he plaee has not yet - been definitely learned. It is possible Jliata man or woman,-^b:ealthy. but, germgarryiBgT like the celebrated "Typhoid Mary,' may'have been a dally guclat at the restaurant, may have given the germs to the Jjyc employes andJtp,_tM..six other guests of the place. â€" jaay were~sont-tc home-after the rdeter they werie re- 4^,ed-«dfflittaac^^-4Steally--the-ga8-ef-4nt^re8ts^ the school life^pf the ricials instituted replevin^ proceedings steriugrdevice.â€". ^ r . â-  -."-?C:- . "FVe haoTa good many funny exptF riences," said Witt, "but replevlnlng a.igHR^me4erzia:the-be8f^ye^L£-.-_â- ^^^^. anâ€"church. DetrblgrlSâ€"ong^of^he ENTERTAIN THE LADIES An enjoyableâ€"evening-was passed- Ky t^omhara ftf -the HJghlaad-^Pl Business Men's" association sndnhelr wives in the regular monthly meeting of the organization Wednesday eyejk ing.- Following a social hour a ban-, ^ioet was? served.^â€"â€"-------,1â€" â€"â€" WOMAN'S CLUB MEETING; James B. ArmBtror orthe Englewood high school of Chi- cago, is to be the speaker at the meet- ing of the Wilmette Woman's club this afternoon. Her subject is "Lim- ited Segregation in the High School.' The convention is the largest that ... has been held in Evanston for many, years. With the splendid facilities offered in the hew Evanston "Woman's . junctlpni^Ith his pastoral duties; also L The^natlon^ide-.nio,vement for tu- j Club; building nothing but-praise has claimed for - him-r.a. wide, acquaintance ^borculosls day, December 7g LJa*r"eceiV' He bas"al-1 ihg: impetus through requests for Jin among the student- bodyj iromlne Hied with dorsements that any moyehientr-which-furthered .the Forest young people. President Wilson -and. to every state govi^tfor and the mayors of the prin- cipal cities. than^;500: TpeCTPnsJ belngTWrBherel In^dtezimembership. : The Sunday itial portions ^of city. Dr. John AiBpyd, at one time pastor of the Evanston First Presby- terian church, was formerly pastor of the Detroit church to which br, Beyle has accepted a call.------- The details Jit the^inovement, with the program for a~~ tuberculosis week been heard from the visitors for the accommodations and the splendid ar- beenâ€"sentâ€" ©-Uangeroents made for the session. North Shore Homes Opened. Realizing that -accommodation for thP <lftn nr mnrs vlaltlnff club WOmett largest Trongregfttions^ In^Betro1trWoTe*iE'gihn"lng Decemner T, Isre^ being ~ worked-ont byJbr^GeorgeJ^ Pteher of the International committee of the To- school enrollment totals l«t$0. chIKfbercuiQ8l8.a8BociaUoa7~"~ drenrâ€"it-Is located In «ne finest ^-The-plsjas-eontemplatfrJectures and ber 7 and through the following week in organisations connected with the Y. M.-C. A. It Is planned to hays leading speakers Jin varloue cities 6t the country address 4he meetings. T" In1 Evanston homest^during^^ the too* dayB~of"the "meeting could: not;he-fn|g~ nished, club wome#^"^Baetfe^KeiF" ilworth, Wlnhetka and .other. JidrUi shore; homes were appealed to for help. These matrons generously opened /toir homes: to the yisltore ^s~ lb.??!* sftrt?!^ shore homes. In the village of R^enil* worth fully a hundred of the' dele* gates are guests in various homes. A like number are being accommodated In Wflmetle. - â€"

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