Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1913, p. 6

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M.HIPIPI. U TOSfciM^g^^ »III MI â-  IIII Ml Mi 11 M 114 What People Are Doing in WifliNrtka WORLD'S BEST ARTISTS WILL VISIT E! Mrs. Frederick W. Burllngham of 6:iO Maple avenue $p In Boston, Mass., this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Soule of Cherry street returned Saturday after a two -week's absence. Mrs..John Meigs of Pottstown, Pa.,j is the guest ot Mrs. Hermon B. But- ler. Mr^N. H. Henricks of Monterey, Ind., is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. j Henry Thorsen. of Cherry street. j Mr., and Mrs. C. D. Nichols moved i last week from 906 Cherry street toj ___________. the new house at 955 Spruce street. | ' Rev Frederick G. Budlong of Christ j UNDER T WO MANAGEMENTS church has as his sermon topic-next j *"'*"- Sunday, "Here Am I: Send Me." j ------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Hopkitm have j By Wa|ter Alien Stults. returned from Dulutb, "" ""' Two Courses of Concerts Are to Be Offered This Season to the Evanston Musi- cal Public, Minn., where thry-were for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Higginsoti and daughters have moved to their town house at 713 Rush street, Chicago, for the winter. Mrs, Joseph Husband of Ash street lias' issued c&rto^ojla^ecejitMn[this ~wvUkT to Introduce Mrs. Lawrence Howe of Linden street and Miss Hurry : of New York. j Consul and --â- â- â- In"the two courses of concerts that j are this season offered to the Evans: ton public may be' found some of the world's leading exponents of inter- ; pretlve art. The one course, under Ithe management of Mrs. Charles |"Dwl'ghTtr offers"Charles W. Clark in re- jcital as its lending; attraction, whi]^ the other one..under the direction of Mrs. B, Singer have I M*8N Rachel Klnnolving, will present closed their country place on Wlonet-, several artists of the first magnitude, ka avenue and have gone to Chicago j notably Yvonne de Treyille, in for the winter. They have taken a HUite at the Hotel LaSalle. Mrs. Frederick Greeley has returned recital in costume; Julia Clauesen, the remarkable contralto, now connected with the Chicago Opera company, and from a trip east and is staying in Chi-1 Francis McMillan, violininst. In each cago as the guest of her sister (or a fpw weeks before returning to Wln- '. i«tka. â-  Mr. Arthur J. Fllkens of Cherry street and Miss Jessie MacKenzie were married last week at the home of Miss Mackenzie's parents in Wild Rice, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. Fllkens are to make their home la Winnetka. Mrs. Robert Lawrence addressed the Women's Associated guild of Christ church at their meeting on Wednesday afternoon. Her- subject was "Church Institutions." Mrs. " Charies Fuller was chairman of the meeting. The Woman's society of the Congre- gational â- - church held an all-day ses- sion Wednesday. Luncheon was served and the afternoon was taken up with the subject, "Foreign Missions," under the leadership of Mrs. C. B. Prouty. The next meeting of the society will be held on Wednesday, November 19, at 2 p. m. â- 'â- ::;:/i-:;; 'â- - The Congregational church is try- ing a new departure in church work, holding open meetings, non-sectarian in character, on Sunday evenings. These meetings are planned for those who wiBh to spend an hour or so oa Sunday In some public place and tor those who do not belong to any par- ticular church. Motion pictures are shown and special music is provided. The meetings are held in Community House gymnasium from 8 to 9 o'clock. LUNG MOTOR SAVES LIFE I OF BABE AT HOSPITAL ift.; ';:"'P-"1 ---------------'•J'-i-r-[-i/-' When the respiratory organs of a baby eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc- <b;v Brady, 1326 Main street, Evanston, Ip^I born at the Evanston hospital early \:Ji;-n Thursday, failed to show signs of op- P^pl eration, the Evanston lung motor was 'â- &:^:::l called Into action, and after several ^tf^LJiaiirjtjmrJK -4he-H!eH>JHhe infant war i>;v? assured to the attending physician. 'v- ' The heart action-of the tiny infant was perfect, but when the respiratory organs failed to respond the attend- ing physicians were baffled. Such a case has never been brought to their attention before. Finally someone suggested the Evanston lung motor And a call was sent to the police sta- tion tor it The hour was 3 o'clock In the morning. Lieut. Hoffsteter and I>rlver Kenoe responded to the call In the police automobile. For more than four hours Lieut Hoffsteter worked over the infant with the ma- chine, and when, shortly after 7 o'clock, signs of' respiration were manifested, the work was stopped. case the programs are to be given in the auditorium of the Woman's club. His initial Appearance.' Last evening Mrs. Dwight present- ed Luigi Gulli, pianist. We are in- formed that Mr. Gulli has for soxa-i years past been sojourning in south- ern climes, where his chief field of endeavor has been that of. teaching. To the best of our knowledge this is Mr. Gulli's initial appearance as a recitalist in the west. His program j last night, while overly long, served ; to demonstrate that he is admirably equipped to make a bid for concert honors, He sings a melody with a suavity of tone that we are unaccus- tomed to in the playing of his race and is possessed of fingers that are both fleet and accurate. Mr. Gulli elected to open the evening with a rendition of Schumann's "Carnavel." To earB accustomed to the Teutonic conception of this particular number, an interpretation largely infused with Latin temperament s- »med somewhat difficult of comprelien ion. The ele- ment of fantasy, so characteristic of Schumann, seemed to be wanting and in its place we were given a matter of fact treatment that did not utterly satisfy. V" His Work Imp-roved. Better things' were accomplished in the Beethoven Variations, which were given with much beauty of tone and unusual technical clarity. The Branm's "Hungarian Dances" were accorded a performance of splendid virility, and in response to heartily Insistent applause, Mr. Gulli played a Chopin Nocturne in most ap- proved-fashion. Those present received with mani- fest approval the'pianist's interpreta- tion of Debussy's children's pieces, all of them being delivered with a keen appreciation of their humorous cojn- tent. The closing number took the form of Chopin's E flat Polonaise, which was delivered in rousing style and was successful in calling forth strong approbation. The audience was representative and of fair size. pl||UtitMMIM)wlHMt<»#j Wtot People Are Doing in Kenilworth ^WW*W" iWInt TlMlfr II COMMITTEE OF HEAD EXPRESSES S. P. Thrasher Attacks Mc- Weeny and Charges Police With Collusion. Mr. Frederick C. Little has recently returned from a western trip which included a visit to the Hawaiian l3lands. ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monroe, wboj spint the summer in Kenilworth, have returned to the city. They occupied f "Mayor Harrison cannot appoint a the old Joseph Sears homestead. i<8g competent man than McWeeny to A smoker will be given by members be tne cnief of the Chicago police, of the Kenilworth club next Tuesday | That tbe vice kingg and the police night. Kerry Meagher is chairman of i »'«..„â€"»«• ° the committee in charge of the affair. I Wags "ere in collusion I haven t a Mrs. J. W. Olmstead, who has been | the guest ot her daughter, Mrs. Bent-j iy McCloud, for several weeks, has re- j turned to her home in Omaha, Neb. | Mrs. Warren Pease entertained sev-j eral friends at dinner Wednesday, evening. The evening was passed at j bridge. Miss Helen Schulze will be hostess Friday evening .to about forty of her young friends at a party.. The hours will be from 7 to lo o'clock. A jolly Bocial time is. anticipated at the cabaret supper which will be given in the Church of the Holy Com- forterâ€"Saturdayevening -by-Tnembers of the Ladies' guild. Mrs. Bulley will entertain members of the Literature division of the Neighbors in her home in Sheridan >»»â-  11 MliM • II III 111 MM; What People Are Doing LinttotoarfJWMlls Miss Margaret Fisher is the guest of j i Mrs. Murry Nelson. Mr, D. Shannon of New Philadel- I phla, 111., is visiting his son, Mr. F. j E. Shannon. I i F, E. Shannon returned home this week from several weeks' stay in ; Southern Michigan. ' Herbert Levans, who Is attending jscliool at Champaign, 111., is expected. I heme for a few days'visit. i Mrs. L. G. Vincents is enjoying a visit from her mother of Jacksonville, Illinois. | Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Healy have re- turned home from an extended trip In the east- * Miss Ruth Lleber entertained infor- Classified Business List |t GENERAL MERCHANDISE doubt." So said Mr. S. P. Tbrasbef,; the superintendent for the Chicago, Committee ot Fifteen for tbe eradica- j tion of social vice,/to a very large j audience that attended the Current j „ .â-  , x "' n ^„,nMO| roally Saturday evening for her guest, Events class at the Congregational ? ^.^^ ^^^ of ^^ church of Evanston Sunday morning^ M^. ^ Q Oliver and daughter, ~^Mr. Thrasher Is a big, broadshoul- Mlg8 Lola 0Hver ot jackg0aville, 111., dered, reliable-looking kind of man. i ftre gliest8 of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. He is quiet In demeanor, but Mr. Jas. i Defreltas of 988 Linden street. A. Patten, who presided at the meet- Ml8g Ethel Carlton,- wn0 has Does It Fit You? •ssi It it does, you can make no mktaltj* if you purchase this *_' block* from the station and want 48 ___ house has six rooms large hall, veniences. .and and a con- Price is $4,500, Teraas reasonable JONAS H. MADSEN Phone 345 Winnetka, 111. AUG J3Prt Watojfaaksr. iMFPairing of/comp] pad clocks, *-- w ence with houses. Phone 2«32|li jewim^; srmm ^H^^m Clothes Order. Sorof Children, ing Goods. Ready ing. indicated that he was most-ef- fective and resourceful. Before com- ing to Chicago he cleaned up a num-i ber of Connecticut towns. He did it; so well that the younger Mr. Rocke-! feller was anxious to secure his serv- ices to clean up the* Tanmiany-de-} bauched city of New York. But Mr. been; the guest of Miss Ruth Lleber for sev^ eral days, returned the Jrstloi_the, week toTher home in Wheat6n, 111. GROCERIES All Wiring Guaranteed Fine fruitsâ€"In and out of sea- sonâ€"always form a patftfTour large siqckc^elecUrfndFancy GroceriesT^BjIfSjsJt Steel Cut Coffee is Good road one week from today. The sub; Thrasher was attracted by the oppor-l jftct will be, "Stevenson." Mrs. Lind; tunity which the Committee of Fif-f will preside. ; | teen gave him to do efficient work in ] Mrs. Frederick C. Little entertained j Chicago. Mr. Thrasher said: few friends at bridge Thursds-y, "During the last four months we' evening in honor of Dr. J. L. Patter-1hove through our secret service de-; son of Philadelphia who was a guest; partment, investigated over 450 disor-i lust week In the home of Mr. and Mrs. derly resorts. We have closed twenty;.. Charles Armstrong. disorderly saloons and ninety-eight: Mrs. E. D. Parmelee, Mrs. Rufus houses of ill fame. I have submitted â-  Stolp and Mrs. Carl Keith were hos- tr> the committee a list of eighty-eight j tesses at a musical given Tuesday additional disorderly resorts, twenty-! afternoon In the assembly hall. In-1 nine of which I had previously re-' eluded in the program were several j ported, but against which new evl-! songs given by Mrs. Greta Masson dence has since been obtained, i Electric Shop ISKY JPING *LIES GLENCOF, ILLINOIS Phone Tlnaeika 587 Phone Glencoe +90 * j Christmas Goods f Direct Importioiis 1 of Novel and /rt-& 9k4xpen&ive IS ReceivefoDta Make early sei tbe Holy a fl Behtiful Weddkif ' anmBtrthdo^mfts Leave ymr order «mi/or wPergonal Xmati VaroU Imported JPieturea and Frame* BRANCH IS GROWING. The North End branch of the1 Ev- anston public library is growing larger every day. Last week 500. books were sent to the branch quar- ters and are now ready for distribu- tion. Among them are about forty of the very latest books, for which rental dues must be paid. The list will be constantly added to and ex- changed, and it is now the plan of the committee to keep at least 1,000 books at these quarters all the time. The library Is open every afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock, and on Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 p, m. Mr. E. E. Richardson and Mr. Chas. U. Mitchell are in full charge. Murch. . A good sized crowd greeted Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus, who gave an il- lustrated lecture on the subject, "The Gospels According to Rembrandt." The talk was given under the auspices of the Philanthropic committee of the Neighbors and a good sum was real- ized. 'â- Â».•â- â- â-  Among the Kenilworth hostesses at dinner parties given at the Chicago Athletic club Friday night, in con- nection with the Hallowe'en party, were Mrs. G, W. Pitts, Mrs. Warren Pease and Mrs. E. H. Stevens. Many Kenil worth persons attended the function. NORTH SHORE GRAMMAR SCHOOL LEAGUE STARTS Series Will Open With Indoor Baseball Games in Central Y. M. C. A. Gym, The North Shore Grammar School Athletic league which 1b being con- ducted under the auspices of the Ev- anston Y. M. C. A. began its first work of the season with the indoor baseball series last week, There are fourteen teams in the league and all records for enrollment and enthusi- asm have been broken. Over 800 boys will compete as members and substi- tutes on the teams. The schedule will include ninety-one games which will be played at tbe Central and North End gymnasiums of Evanston. Hand- Borne ribbons will be given tbe boys on the winning teams and a fine shield will be awarded^the school fin- ishing highest Through my offices I have dealt with fifty-five cases of pandering, twenty- seven of which have been fined or im- prisoned, and fourteen of which have been turned over to the national gov- ernment Some of the. owners of property used illegally have acted so promptly and vigorously as to leave no doubt in my mind that they did not know that their property was being used improperly. Others were so re- luctant to take action and bo fertile in excuses that one suspects that they made money out of the improper use of their property." Mr. Thrasher showed the audience a huge map describing a section one mile square. The red line on the nap indicated the segregated or red light district, 'and black marks indicated property used improperly. Upon many of the black spaces gold stars ap- peared which indicated that the places had been closed through the instru- mentality of the Committee of Fif- teen. Mr. Thrasher told many pathe- tic stories of girls lured away from home and of the work of his society in restoring them to their parents. At tbe conclusion of his address he an- swered many Questions put to him by persons in the audience. HARRY LYNN Staple and Bruits and V i KENIL' roceries Season, LL 1627 CWcagro Ave. Tel. 4231 Evtn»ta>n Woman** Exchange â-  CAFETERIA LilliADtvi ^Iwiyfclean.flre.wfblAome foods »E 1LY t- 6:45 to 8' - 11:30 to 1:30 • 5:30 to 7:30 Br Dinner SUNDAY Breakfast â-  7:30 to 9 Dinner - • 12 to 2:30 » No Supper a eo Wl NTER Quality and not Quantityâ€"the best for tbe moneyâ€"Is^tfrHnot- to. Our latjge stockstf^receries Is always Velec^^and #resh Fruits and raffablea. a sped- ^ alty. A. S. N DITUSEN HOTELS THE AV Private JEfunday D; 1 to Pho- HO USE 1110 ecialty, CARLTON PROUTY Police Maoist rate BUffDl your work. CHAS. SI Phone 270 lots Or} PRilMTIWG^ Done Promptly :~^H->f?Sj Satlstactorily prices PATTER Ttl. Evanston 654 1522 S>eraaa$|' Juaradic o^ni J ua' Vr prout Telephone Wianetka •s that Peace, . ING WINUETKA Re4jro&ilt< ,. ______ ANOfaC WRlTHV ilter ftftf â- &*.m. TOOK HIS CLOTHgS. Arthur Weiss, 1945 Orrington ave- nue, reported to the Evanston police the theft of a suit of clothing, valued at $20, from his room late Saturday evening. , The police are investigate A.THO Li STONED A TRAIN. Four more boys, charged with ston- ing a Chicago & Northwestern train as it passed between the Dempster and Main street stations, were taken in custody by Plainclothesman Law- rence e^Ardle of Evanston, The lads were Paul and Howard Knox, 830 Cus- ter avenue; Walter Anderson, 942 Sherman avenue, and Theodore Thompson. 931 Sherman avenue. After a severe lecture delivered by Chief of Police Shaffer, the youths were released. EN raffling" ___ ierial NIL WORTH n'mtnc* Co. and HUntlt Htm Insurant Co, tton't Read TMssAdPI >aco I|3ltte^Ktfl L. rt. KOSHGARtAN GEO, H. HALL 'i"~.....1" R T HIS We will clean and repair at a sacrifice price- in orderBo sl>w you the workmanship, and put youfcnaAj; our tomers. If yol_hav#anv dVssns of our will clean Js^mallimf free, "We will an estimate \thoqf any obligations attention p\vd\*mml m»ilavd telef ia a position to\jf yd^r work with you m advance OJN1T H ONLY oriental rugs and carpets ^r delay of our «4 ou?- hip, we to jfive you art. Prompt g ers. We are p pa^ron|ge,jr.(| Are respectively, *A Picture* and Frame* \ â- '^â- ^-MSS^^^ Vvg:^-" liSv H^ ;. â- â- â-  •â-  •â-  â-  *^*-sS $£mm Evanston Carpet Cleaniog Cpippany t ^^^ rF.^IIIfIw , â-  *â-  wmmmm, l, m. koshqarian, m***** m^ . WtiSH |:ft â-  â- â€ž f^^flS. L, -H. KOSHQARIAN, MANACiCII rVUln OfOceajMlPlgJit: 9IO CHURCH STILEtT TdJlMMi 277 ead 79t ^^f^y^t^^m â- :Y*^ITiW Hi«Usad Park Q&cx ST. JOHNS AYl^ Plu^ HiiJd. wl P«k »OT Wisattka Office, PhosM Wiaaetfca l»o^ _ Unless You Own An Automobile We havvl ^Vntirely new prooesmo| clean- ing' carbon mm of the motor. We burn the carb« With 03 gen whicl^doee -Work better tha? scraj)ipgand is i)es8^)the lotcTr. Do this with rq a id forms remover. It; s88arytot»^e; down the motor. We can complete the job in half hour. The best ' Part ofjJ|» the price fi 31.00 AfcTLWDKR tMnnnhmTKlfiTH imansato lOHll WITHOUT aM **fnl JMtfP** »sr«»sS Ss^lBajnfftalltStiiMlllv. Sat _____________ ctwalfltSMtafhtNtlaaStln llllsnli. fswlafl aittwttaa. Sat MK-MttSflllcMltSS. VONWUTI&iOti FKkZE. SooUieast Comer Kand|pta and Clark Streets Open e\r«niO«* until tâ€"Sunday 8 to 12 '., Bet. ftittijfiU loop, txorffhnt charg*$, Chicago in tanneet TaMtflMMi fattraawaW I fseal BMk SJAURANT adlioa dittriet's room ia- AKUMin, 7Sc •staartarTliiatar. NSJtLVES cijrLwMuildcr Ripatring FftimUy AO0dti To j Phone Wtanttka 42S f Shop: 909 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods, Illinois rs ARE MAKING Ladies'Tailor-Mad* Suits H $3tfto/!.5 1913 Fall Stales eady 804. MASONIC TEMPLE CHICAGO Johnson & Johnson Ttl. Wisnttii ard Wsodi, III. Klinge d. White ntu sif amaums yro Winnetki WM.T.W 562 LlKt* AfUM ssfiar North Tel. Winnetka 3t o $7LOO in cellars. free. V(sf- time.. Woods,III. MS^Sfln Tfmple kAKB KLKV ATOR CtstrslUW Cktein, IN. HEJJRY^ILG G FLO Pine Street aatrwesr Phone Winnetka 313 NDSCAP1 UrotdAfoit tfinnetka,E P. O. Box 72 Kenuwortk, il William R. Wilson Additionsf Atjaajtions, Shingling, rfardwood Floors, and Storm Sash. Phone Kenilworth 114* fancy fir ocerics,ifle Phone Winnetka 46 & 78 RG s&Rardwarc Hubbard Vonds, III- WMED RDS mi PAIKPER and IMCORATOR P. O. Box-2K.)Hubbard Woods . Pnj>ne CaeBcoe.H7{;;^^:|r|i| PRBSS1IG 1 Phone Winnstt a 978. e Ladiss'aad 1048-48 Gage 8t. EPA I RING Maynard ^%. NISRm llor to Order ,r4 Woods, 111, All KhtdTof Vmacy Otaaing te'^^.^^^^^s^? Telephone Winnetka 2J» * m m tm Property siua*

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