THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1913. 41111111111111111IIf111111.'"' Mrs. Fred Adams of Indianapolis, » * ' \ who will arrive" today to be a guest ; What People Are Doing \ \\la the m homc for 8everaI days MUM in Wilmette iiimiimi.....MiiMur~ CHURCH BULLETIN A fish dinner was enjoyed by meni- What People An Doing; inGlencoe Mrs. Clary, a | Born to Mr. and | daughter, October 22. I E. D. Brlgham is spend log; a few btrs of til'" North Shore Golf club iu the assembly- hall In,, the Brown building Wednesday night. Following Arthur Hinsdale has gone to Denver tne dinner military euchre was en- ter an extensive stay. joyed. Arthur J. Taylor, 835 Central ave-j Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rennacker, 1022 nue, spent a few days last week in j Eleventh Htreet, had for their guests days in Racine, Ul. Minneapolis. I last week .Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Browo | Mrs. Thos. Keith gave a delightful R'. W. Jordan and son, "Billie," j of Cleveland, O. Mrs. Brown bad been Hallowe'en party at her home Friday uasaed the week-end at Princeton, the | a guest in the Rennacker home .for j evening. guest of relatives and friends. . two weeks. Mre. Sherman K. Booth Is in Wash- Miss Margaret Veach returned to j Mrs. Charles Dingee was hostess at | ington, D. C.. attending the Nationally Schmidt 827 Elmwood avemie" her home in »13 Forest avenue Thurs- an informai card, party, rhureday aft- Woman's Suffrage association. ' day after a stay at Cheyenne, Wyo. jernooh In honor of Mrs. Charles Davis j M,M LJ1Ue 8ftJlberg entertained Mrs. Herbert Graves, 105 Sixth j of St, Petersburg, who has been >!uumber or yomg people Informally street, is in New York, the guest of, guest In the home of Mr. and Mrs, I j,.rJday evenjng her son for a few weeks. John D. Coulter. -. „„,,.,',»„..,.„ w««.u^,»^. _ i | Mr. and Mrs. Percy Manchester are Mrs. Harry Davis has returned from i Members of the Men's W hist club I moVing to Chicago this week. The St. Paul, where she has been visiting i were entertained in the hom^Ja^^^lTT^jggce-f^^^ WILMETTE. Baptist Church. Services held each Sunday In the Woman*! club building, Greenleaf avenue .and Tenth Btreet. ' Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching service. 11 a. m. Rev. W. B, Morris, director of state Bible school and young peo- ple's work, will conduct the service next Sunday. The mid-week devotional service Wednesday evening, Oct. 29, will be held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. U held in the church every Wednes- day night at 8 o'clock. ^and Mrs. R. W. Jordan, 131? Elmwood! relatives, __ Mre. Fred Buckman has returned i avenue, Monday evening The wives j^eed. to her home, 831 Oakwood avenue, °f the men whist players were guests' alter a visit with friends in Minneap- olis, Minn. ;;;;;;,,' "" -~" |Mrs. Jas. P. Dike. Mr. Gobs returned Mrs. A. P. Pierce. 1007 Lake ave- nue, had for her guests Mr. and Mrs. -. <n_..i____ _.» .__it- - ..... -»_.._ a\»'iiue. v> nuit'Lvc nui cuici iaiu iuci Henry years has been purchased by C. F. feed. of Mrs. A W. Allen, 1029 Thirteenth.! Jud*e and Mr8- s- A- Go8B *ave a street, that evening, where cards wereiduck dlnuer la8t Sunday to Mr. and enjoyed. i Mrs. G. D. Richards. 723 Central j S^^t7pc°& ^ *"* ^^ ^ h p Hoh«n<mn of I »ell» a tew days avenue, Wilmette, will entertain theja ygan' H, F. Jtobinson or i^ueiia a rew aays ,. -----,----- _, L ,.r-------,_, MrB ilenry Bower entertained a last week. Cretonne committee of the Woman's guild of St. Augustine's Episcopal au*»»er of children from 4 to.7 Thura- Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Nelson have re-t.,mrcn on Wednesday of this week.|da>* afternoon at her residence. The turned to Wilmette to reside, They. Lunrheon wi„ be served and the ia-|nfternoon w*» 8Pen<- In games and have purchased a home in Forest aye-;^^^, gpend tne day p^tiag tne| many Hallowe'en pastimes. nUe' attractive articles that they are mak- Mrs. M. W. Darling returned last Mrs. J. S. Daig, 820.Oakwood ave-jjng for tno h0||(iay shops bazaar. week from a summer's vacation in the nue, was hostess to members of the Crescent circle in her home Tuesday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs, W. Q. Beyrer gave a Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette, J. M. Wilson, minister. The pastor will speak at 11 a. m. Sunday on "The Call of the General Assembly to Prayer," and at 7:80 p. m. on "The Master's Mighty Deeds." This is the responsive service cover- ing the eighth chapter of Matthew. At both morning and evening service, Temperance Sunday will be in mind and the mighty power of God to de- liver from the liquor traffic and the liquor habit. Miss Corette will render on the or- gan at the evening recital at 7:30 ('clock the following program: Allegro, D Minor, "Sonata" .Guilmant Salut, "d'Anlor".............. Leraare Home, Swee£ Home".........Flagler Offertory, "Berceuse"..___... Godard WINNETKA. Congregational Church. Pastorsâ€"Edwin F Snell, residence C72 Lincoln avenue, telephone 60&-J: J. Vv*. «\ Davies, residence 1004 Pine street, telephone 470. Servicesâ€"Sunday school, 9:45 a m.. morning worship, 11 o'clock; vesper service, 6 p. m. "The communion serv- ice: First Sunday In January. March. May, July, September and November. First Scandinavian Church. Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school is held at 10 a. m., followed by morning? service at Si o'clock. The Young People's society will meet Sun- day at 5 p. m. Services in the church Wednesday at 8 p. m. Phone Centm! 3461 M.Gffie 1 SfUrt and Mt 217WflflMllnlUl Uce Dyeing a Specialty Meh F^sflsee Dresser St. CMCipJ Tulips, Hyacinths, Nards- 8U8,Crpcu8, elkVPlant now LmilS Phone 2050 Evanston Both ting. KADLEC 820 CHURCH 81. Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Scheidenhelm, tte8t- Prof- and Mrs- A- * Rowell Postlude, E flat. 804 Forest avenue, have returned from *'nl make their home with Mrs fBoston, where Mr; Scbeidenhelm at- iln« thJs winter. , , , . ,„„„ , , tended the annual convention of the i Miss Lyle Smith entertained a num- dinner dance In their home, 1022 Lake; Nat|ona, Bankers' association. ^They ber of friends informally at her resi- *i'Te-.?atU»Bjr. ^ g . for â„¢ciaDer8:have been gone, ahout three weeks, jdehce Saturday evening in honor 6f of the Silver Heel dancing cub, -I while In the east Mr. and Mrs. Schel-!Miss Caroline Eckleman, whose Mrs. Frank E. Robinson, 915 Linden denhelm visited in New York, Phila- uroachlng marriage to Mr W avenue, gave a luncheon toseveral ;del|.lilav Pittsburgh and Erie, Pa. Shaw has been announced. ' * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis, who Dar- ap- C. friends 4n her home Thursday after-; i>,oon, Mrs. George Saunders entertal members of the Century 500 club her home in Forest avenue Saturday- night. lined wtn" tne guests of Mr- and Mrs* Jonu avenue gave a h in l)- <,oun"er ,a8t w«ek> left Sunday for it»idence Wedi iD thai. 1.SA..-,,. In C3t Ha* A^ollll ,*»• li^U „« m., Mrs. A. G. Lagare of Greenwood Hallowe'en party at her Wednesday evening In hon- their honi* in St. Petersburg, Fla 0i of Miss Margaret Kent of Mon- They have been passing the summer j trea|, Canada, who Is the guest of Mr. Fifteen children were entertained at '" thheir c^unftry h°mhe near <*******> â- and Mrs. Daniel McArthur. a Hallowe'en party given by Mrs, Dan-1 â„¢eb:> anfd 8tppfd here. en ,â„¢ute,% J- A- Armstrong and Carl S. Miner, iel Brewer Friday afternoon for her \T}ortia\ {°r *kZ day8s vl8,t wlth ^° a« just completing their beauti- sn.all son, Daniel. j Mr' and Mrs- tm!fer- \ M homes in the Faixview gubdivi- Rev, Fr. T. V. Shannon has returned j Member8 of the Catholic Woman's; sion, have recently purchased all of from Boston, where he attended the i club of Wilmette enjoyed a splendid lot six and part of lot live which lies annual session of the Catholic -Exten-',frCture on lne 8UWect of "Ancient and between the two houses and are going sion society. ! Modern Rome," by Miss Rose McCom- i to make of it an attractive par*. Edwin Austin spent Sunday in Mad- > **? Friday afternoon. The meeting' _---------------:------------ ison, Wis., with former college friends; waa held in the assembly hall of the* and attended the Wisconsin-Minnesota ! Br0WI1 building. Miss Sarah Galla- football game there Saturday. | guer gave several instrumental num- Mrs. C. N. Roberts entertained mem- bers- Mrs- E- Kirchberg was hostess. â- bcrs of the Drama club in her home in j ----------------------~~~' 1014 Uke.avenue Wednesday niter-| YRENEFITS Mrs. Charles Loveland, who former-; FLm UHtMILI DCRCn I O ly resided in WUmette, visited friends1 FUAMCTilN flAV MIIDCtTDV here last week. She now resides in tf HI1.U I Ull \if\I HUliaLni Waterloo, Iowa. j . â- _____________ Miss Ruth Dietrich entertained four- teen girl friends in her home in ... ,.„w„,„0w,^ „,c-, u _ nue Saturday evening. Her Clever Acting BHllgS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. South worth; have returned to their home at 1010 j Elmwood avenue after tn joying a trip! ______ to Cuba and New Orleans. Mrs. K, J. Cody, 908 Greenwood ave-! The Ua>' Nursery ........ .Faulkes The church dinner will take place on Friday night, November 14, at which time the speakers will be Dr. Edgar P. Hill and Dr. Geo. Luccock of Chicago. Mr. Ralph H. Rice will speak at the Wednesday night meeting on "The Church's Place in Social Reform," and no one of the congregation is better versed in the subject than he. These Wednesday night discussions are proving very interesting. At the communion service Novem- ber 2, twelve members were received into the fellowship of the church, bringing the membership up to 202. Of these all but eleven are on the resi- dent membership roll. W. C. T. U. MEETING. i The Wilmette Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. L. E. Blunt, 1008 Oakwood ave- nue, on Tuesday afternoon, November 11, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Clara E. GaskiH of Chicago will speak on "Franchise, Legislation and Petition." AH ladies are welcome. On Thursday, November 13, from, $. „ to 6, ladies are' cordially invited to attend the fifth annual linen shower ,4nL. *8h,ngton a*H Her Clever Acting Brin^ ^mce "h08plta1' 71°Linco,n 8tr**- Praise at Clubhouse. Chicago, when through the courtesy i of their president, Mrs. Agnes Palmer, the Amateur Musical club will render J j a choice program, consisting of voice, is substantially I P'h»o and violin numbers. Donations Wilmette, entertained the Doll com- richer since Thursday, thanks to thelot llnens» Jellies, fruit, etc, will be mittee-of^Sfc-Attguatrne's Episcopal i ingenuity of Mrs. Guy S Mc-'8,eatly appreclated- church on Monday afternoon._____:.. i Cabe. â- wbo-baa " ~~"---------------------- house and, though there were gome J f rom toany of the North misgivings as to how the scheme I ^'------------------â€"- Capuin A^rMlller;^ho-has^eni.:~":;H""" """ ^T"*??"?1 a8 in Colorado some time, hu returned a ,,tt,e woman who does blg ttlng*," to Wilmette and is residing with rela \And to the splendid management tires at 1046 Linden avenue. iot Mrs. James Odell, who saw to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wray have re-[it that every seat in the house was turned to their home, 618 Washington sold. It was a new plan to sen re- avenue, from Freeport where the?' ' ., â- *• ~» w mu "» were called by the death of a rela! 8e"ed seats at ^ Woman's club- tlve. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Hoffman. 1231 Greenwood avenue, are sojourning In the south, Cards were received a few days ago from the Wilmette cou- ple, who were then in Asheville, N. C. Mrs. A. W. Allen, 1029 Thirteenth street, will leave Saturday for In- dianapolls, where she will be the guest of friends for two weeks. Mrs. Allen formerly resided in the Indiana capital. Mrs. Grace Price has gone to Koko- mo., Ind., where she will visit friends FORD SPECIALISTS. Meyer A Sons of 1715 C«lum bus>Manue, Wilmette, are^HSxtendlng | their busflMas and J^iCput in ma- chinery for relM^gautoznobiles and vulcanising. TWey^ake a specialty of Ford cars and are alre^dv receiving orders Xrom Ford ownersfbaL repairs LWosrt QLENCOE. The North Shore Methodist Church Hazel and Greenleaf Avenues. Glencoe. Horace G. Smith, Pastor. Sunday School, 10:15 am. Worship, 11:15 a. m.; 7:30 p. m. Glencoe Union Church. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, pastor. Sunday services as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; preaching service at ll a. mj: mid-week prayer service Schultz I NorrJ new process Leaning iffrxr csVRailroad J iy*i Ave. ^^ilmette. Illinois Phone* Wilmtit* 320 TELEPHONE: WILMETTE 446 Miss Dorot Tracker of Pi WIL Refsrence: cauley ocal er"i School of Piano EORP SPECIALISTS tor a short time. She will leave soon for California, where she will pass the winter. She also contemplates a trip to the HawaMan-Ialands this winter.___ The Woman's guild of St. Angus-!the tasracL tine's Episcopal church are to give a moving picture entertainment at the holiday shops' bazaar, which will be held at the Onllmette Country dab on December 2 and 3. Mrs. G. TV JXytir, 1010 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, will entertain the Handkerchief and Necktie committee of tlte Woman's guild of St. Augus- tine's Episcopal church at luncheon on Friday of this waek. Mrs. F. G. White will entertain Sat- urday at her home, 1021 Central ave- nue, afternoon and evening, in honor wc^iawittk^^nch,misgivings vanished f^6W8^Â¥AWT7tDa^BRiWQ RESULTS as the last reserved seat was taken. Mrs. McCabe, who has appeared tn her own playlets at Foster Street school and at the Woman's club sev- eral times, is improving, both in writ- ing and in acting. "Henry's Vaca- tion," sequel to "Henry's Study Hour," is full of action and real fun, which begins when the curtain goes up, re- l/BREAD vealing Melinda, the maid, swatting flies, and which does not end. until Henry and his fellows cheer Aunt Maria as the curtain goes down on 1WISH to inform the public that I positive- ly cure stomach|ai testinal trbul rion^gastr^fconstij tub€rculo8i8,Yie rvoi orders, in s Jmnia anaemia. lister Levere Human Cultnrist •. 1912 Chicago Avenue 41 mum Well Known Couple. The Melvilles are becoming Very well- known in Evanston. They are so very true to life that they even change maids. Mr. Gardner Read, who played the role of maid, was goodâ€"not a good maid, Irat a good actor. Mrs. Melville (Mrs. Edwin A Dawson) was the same worried, hur- ried mother of big 12-year-old Henry, whom "everybody loves." She is es- pecially nervous as she goes to meet Mr. Melville's sister, who comes from Brookline, Mass., to make them a mocltdmded visit Mr. Guy 8. McCabe was splendid In the part pf the aunt In very cor- rect clothes and stiffness of manner, she arrives, and is so horrified at the condition in which sha finds her brother's living room, where Hemy has been playing "rubber-neck ride"; at the behaviour of Henry and bis playmate, Henry Jones, alias "Shorty* and at "western irays" in general, also revealed by her brother, Mr. John Henry Melville, played by Dr. Wm. T. MeBlveen, that she is quite over- come in the first act As the ew> tain gees down she mints, Mr. sui- rille caning for water and Melinda rwhingr in with the teakettle. Ai >erybo«y- loves Henry, he «o* «aers even ate asnt, who tnwttsa bia to spend ate Christinas holiday at her home h* the east. Haas *>*â- *â€"â- #â€">v ttu small pert of "Ssortr* «*d was Automobile: Re; Tube Villi to save you.M Tail Gab Int ifwilra- lpemonsjs »!.• extra. Wilmette, asVf to Chicago " .OO, each additional Any point depots, person, Call fir Lisfaf S«ct«f-Ilajd Cart for Slit J. VV. Meyer 6 Sons 1715 Colnmbiis Avenue Phone Wilmetts 426 WUmctU Wilmette Beauty Shop \S1, M-I^VWER. Prop. High Class^f/ifcingDone by Exqs^dg/rators 1200 CENTRAL AVE, TELEPHONE 79 Oil for Floor Mops, Woodwork* art FyraKure For Bakery Goods of Superfine Quality Goods you can place before the most discriminating guest, call North §/ti<kst Bakery, Mf/CENTRALAVENUE \ ^•^neflss Wilmette 41S-4U Vwilmette Auto Delivery IT'for SALE A complet and New. of any house RalphW.Faupel The Village Electrician J. A WTSCONSIHICi In connecMn withlbls regular Electrics? ybntraXjni businest, baa put infa^hil^in/of Colum- bia OrafjLs%is and Records. You are invited to come and hear them. RAILROAD AVE. Phone 522 Wilmette •u are Ji 4f/w.i Sang.s Restaumnl Tel, )e oQJTorty Used etc 41«o a full line SM1TR-DUCE CO. Wilmette 32 WUsaette, UL WilnJMtB Baking Go, 11«5 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 449 ' TwCjjIaadUtieral nia»«geC«if)i>i ashtynr* taach«bin 0 Thoroashlr, mticlclr. »es«i- tifieaU; on Ihr- _ insnUceta. EvMMton Hoq>itaL THWLONEYSHOP I614pak)trenne TUTTLE,l>lsa»»tfi« cowevLTa-nsw nut 2d Floor, 619 DavU St., Fvsestoa lIe«n:*toUlt(oS«UUlT.Ta»«^nir«*w.,?to«:* a/ cmtfmmid bmtt»mi,twma» gMmt U$t MktMt fmr (to tmtt mm;, Hm «I* «sfe yo« (• mA* mr CkrUtmu Edwif^lornhbero; Diamoeds, tsMfkisfedVif* Jewelry 132 Ho. Stat* %Jbhlcaco w 1234 MISS ^iGrtfl^SON Uto«* mr» HwpiA. London KlECtnc LIOBT BATH fwSiwiaisBliiS) Mi SteeSMfe law, lie a QCAxmai* luMnniatMT to sxnDSKCS 1414 S XIC S. MAN AVENVt W«Omm1 Bids., StittsSK J.. B/ Heckler Greenleaf Avenue wilmette, Illinois Reql Estkjfr xjans Re^fphgand fosurai Estate bought and sold on commission First morwsg-e Loans Negotiated Rents collected and taxei paid Estates maoafed for non-residents Phone Wilmette 500 Wilmette Club Livery I CROSS * CO., Proprietors MOVING EXPRESSING BOARDING SevMs •««*«• Ewttsftj »»H0W Van Or Cwiid^tmim and WB'raA ISTrTsr., WILMCTTi •eeeMi<te»»t#t»»e.......>.....m»#s»» We have taken over the WUmette Motor Car Works, and have slarttun fthinesswith the firm jresolrh tQjtredt our customers with prompLaprteous and efficient serflle. Repair work a specialty. GEO. DESMOND, Prop AntoBOblle and Carriage UpboUterln*. Trunk* and All Leather Goods Repaired. _Charle« R. Petersen Harness Maker Wr •Vs#«*'1r done e Wilmette 21 iiSlii-eiiiaaaaa«*aaaaaatffn|ftttft-ttt|t<ttttMt(|)t<< BuTEsMl, Worth ate. 753 Office 1128 Dr. Elijah G. Harris tVE SPECIALIST _ >RACT0R iter ~ iMrvoiuii return to All n«n___ ^ache, Nervooa, nal Corvatnre. â€" Beit of xwferencesfron* former patto* Appointmanta by teliphomeâ€" â- He* I* leinnce, 1730 Femtiie., wis**,*! Oflo»Pbor»296 Shop A Be*. PbaM» A, Q. WOLFF sheet met a I ani , Furnaces, aits and metal Jmmacet ISHED PiDTMace Cteaning ate ftopilrfm: Office, 1124 Central At*, eta Park Ave. (rear) ^iJTILITX SHOP 1141 Greenleaf Av Dry goods, notions and WUmette 1540 ^ wear a specialty ^^LMETXJBffDAIRY Pt» MUk ami 1819 Llmwood A •fsdCbee** WIXMETTC, D* LAWN GRASS AND CLOVER SEED We\t#>ring Flow*r box** ^^^ i«llti*>»ei»sslsH -js rth|**s»»>> --'^5ggfSj|ggj