Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1913, p. 6

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i^j»liBn:'w";.ni.yw*<. ijU"wh.ib mpwwBippiiP fiR THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1913. f What People Are Doing in Wimurtka Formally Dedicate Splendid New Greeley School in Winnetka Friday Afternoon Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Soule of Ash street liavt; been oast for tliu week. Mrs, Harry Hyde Harmitn of Jf2"» Elm i-tn'e'tciU*'rtain<id nt bridge Friday. Mr, itnd Mrs. 't'harres A, Klotz 6i Lincoln avenue ire at Kxcelsior r'ltrliiKH, Mo-. .Mr. and MrH. R. I,. Dmy/is have re- tninH from ;i vJkIi with friends at â- N'i-w JIu*<mi, Conn. Alias Clara KfldalinUHl is the. gurrM <>: h'-r limit. Mr.-,, ,U>lm I'.labiu.s, of Ash iVrcCt. " â-  -.â- â- â- -. .Mr V, \V. hits hvvD in n<^-. rri|*.- Mi,;- Kru; I Willi People Are Doing: in Kenilvorth ****** Classified Business Lfet r n i * *t / »r f .». . * rr Mr. Alden'Sears, wbo has been suf- Large Crowd Assembles at New Institution to Honor Prominent(erla*trom nervousness for several ° â-  ' weeks, Is slowly Improving. Veteran After Whom Edifice Is Namedâ€"Ivy ! Mr and 'Mr8' rercy a' Eckhart of Planted by Mr. Greeley. w â- â- yu>\)«-« of i;-'.", Oiiii .*irf?«t S>-i Vork C/ty on n buai- .•>., \/bo'ira»- been for five iMhi-rn Michigan. Iiiih re- !|HICfkll, rd II. <w?ihx1 of I hi land,. Kii'-st of bin jiiiM'titH, Mr. \V. cjs^«(»d of Uld(?D live- 'iirn-'d ii - Mr. |,i-«;n;i .Mich., u ilu' .Mid Aim. S-. inn- - ' Mi-, .niii Ui;- A /-:, f.iuchiu and H»il- rlr-n I'll Siinicria.v Tor i'bueiih, Ariz. 'I hey will ffjiiiiin tliiT*' :it. tli<> Desert: '•â- â€¢in al! winter, . -----! ,.Mr«. .1, W". Snow of (>;il< street- baa ; bfirn railed- to Munljoriu-. la., an ac-; count of fix- Mf-riotts illness of her , fa Hi it. > j Mr, ami Mrs. l>. K. J^rre'ms, whu , have oecuj'.rfd the Healy house-this ; summer, have returned- to tlieir Chiv cago norm;. Mr. and Mrs/Warrington, who have; been staying with Air. and MrH. lii'- teiiing of JVillow K-tnieLâ€"ifauiâ€"tuw i*H their new homo on Kir street Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen iiain«» of ;^>»chihc.TS CMKACJO-; .â- 'â- -- New Samuel 8ewall Greeley. School at Winnetka. Mr, Roslyn road are the proud parents of a baby girl, born at the Evanston hospital Thursday evening, Oct. 23. i Mrs. Franklin H. Martin plans to jgive a'reception in the crystal ball jroom cf the Blaekstone hotel, Chl- 'cago, Nov, 13. A dinner will follow the reception. Mrs, Peime and Airs. Itufus Stolp will entertain several friends at a Hallowe'en party in (lie home of the former tomorrow night. All kinds of weird games apropos of the celebra- tion will be played. Members of the Holy Comforter church are arranging for a cabaret • supper to be given soon. The uniquo entertainment was decided u.'ion by â- members of the guild last week. Mrs. (J. K, Al. Cole gave a birthday dinner in lienor cf Mr. Cole's birth- 'day iinniversafry Tuesday evening in their home. The guests included Air and Mrs. Curtis Brady and Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson of Chicago. Following' the delightful birthday din- ner, the party went to the Kenllworth club, where the evening was passed at cards. DIES IN PENNSYLVANIA. JEWELERS Dues It Fit You? If it dews, you can make *io'miat*ke if you purchase this home. It is only four blocks fr. is convenient to all t]p plac to aro. It ha«a 48 feet, nlcejl _ .____ The hijffc iftaffrlctive. In has >bix rfom* beams the { lurrt hafl, and has f 11 the; i venta 8uc|esp^i[> f xforWatcht ReriTiflag of and.'clocks, ence with ', houses, Phone 2832.* fcdeliufr 4 faker aa<j a| >mpllcate/j 827 Dtvbt MENS WEAR Clothes Ready Order. r~ Soroslg Children, ing GoodSj H AYi The new Sammd Sewall Clrenley spirit of congratulation and good;i.| in VVini^ka^asi^mnally^ilijd^ rcateilTrlTIay afternoon with appronrl- J _thc namlng of a 8chooi a£tcr inter exercises at I lie school bufldln,'? in 'Hawthorne avenue.. The feature Prospect are to spend the winter in 1 of t)l(, program ivjih the planting of town. Thoy will leave their Winnetka j u.f) jvv ,,y (||C aR0-d Mr cirecley, after home this W€;ek. i whom the'jnst'ltutlon Is named. Mr, and Mrs. James S. Harlan of Washington, 1), C. formerly of Chi- cago, are the guests of Mrs. Franciu Payne Mason. The Winnetka Woman's club is to hold an open meeting in the club rooms this afternoon. Mrs. Joseph T. Brown Is to read a paper, "Added Responsibilities." Mrs. Frank R. Greene is to be hostess, Mr, and Mrs. Augustus A. Peabotly have closed their Winnetka home, "Cioverhill/' and have gone to "Chi-, ~ cago lor the winter. They have taken j an apartment on Lake Shore drive, j Mr. and Mrs. R. G, Allen have j moved to Winnetka from VVllmette, and they are now occupying a resi-1 dence on-Flf street. Mr. Allen has) charge of the Winnetka branch of the IX B. Allen rea'l estate firm. Invitations have been Issued by Mr. .and Mrs. William M. Morse of 433 Provident avenue for the marriage of their daughter, Lid la Norse, to Mr. Charles Frederick Wahl, The wed- ding will takejplace;-_MjrJn_day._Nov. 3, _^aT fhenMdjse residence. The young couple will reside in Gary, Ind. RACINE BARS CUPID; WAUKECAN DOES NOT Evanston Couple Go to Wis- consin to Get Married ____JktrVr^RefoseriT-- ItTaiT attempt to evadd their Ev- anston friends, Albert Klamforth, 45 years old, formerly of winnetka, now a resident of Evanston, and Mrs. Au- gusta Schoen, 26 years of age, also of Evanston, became the principals of the matrimonial entanglement In Racine, Wis., Saturday, which caused them much embarrassment and trouble, The couple thought they would sur- prise their Evanston friends and slip away quietly to Racine and wed; Everything was planned and they left Evanston on an early morning traJjL Saturday, Arriving at Racine they secured a marriage license and then went before Judge Heck of that city to have the nuptial knot tied. They were then given instruction con- cerning the marriage laws of Wiscon- son which prohibits the marriage of hon-resldents of the state. Undaunted by this rebuff, the cou- ple took the next train for Waukegan where marriage license No. 2 was se- cured and they were married. Mr. klamforth la a contracting teamster. While the. program was brief, it was impressive, and the large crowd which had .assembled cheered when j the response was made to the dedl- j catory speech by Mr. Greeley. ! The program Included: Prayer.............. . . -. Mr. Budlong j Pilgrims Chorus, from Tannhauser, j with Chorus and full orchestra from 1 New'Trier high school. j Address of dedication.............. j.......... ...Mr. Edwin Fechhelmer j „ President -Board of Education. ! Reply and Planting of Ivy........ j........ Mr; Samuel Sewall Greeley I Song..................,-------America Children of Horace Mann School/ Ilenedictlon --------.,.......Mr. Davles As Mr, Greeley finished the impres- sive ceremony of planting the ivy, the children of the Samuel Sewall Greeley school marched up two and two and the two smallest girls presented Mr, Greeley with a beautiful silver basket filled with roses. The little tots were Susan Burllngame and Phoebe Fuller, Mr. Fechhelmer then introduced Mr, Otis, the architect of the building, who made a brief but well chosen address of acknowledgment. After <he close1 of the program Miss Churchill and Mr. Clarke presented a very interest- ing group of plays and dances. A very large crowd of people were present to do homage to Mr. Greeley, among them being noticed the prln- - <4i»alB-of-tho HlghTBinnHorace Mann schools; many of the teachers; meni' Jbers of the Board, of Etlucatlon and prominent citizens, who united In a a liv- ing man and in'.his presence; An Interesting feature of the occa- sion was the fact that the commemo- rative Greeley badges had been sent tc Mr. Ureeley's absent grandchildren Gr^eJsv^aa^lv«l-ln^Ghk-a«oi-^^wi^S,-8kimier^sr years old a considerably more than half a cen.|'loneer resident of Lake. T-orest, died ,. ,* ,. „ , , . In W ernersvllle. Pa., last week. He tury. He Is the oldest living graduate had been vjg,tlng reiatlve8 there, The of his class of '44 at Harvard and is body. arrived In Lake Forest for burial one of our really «minent and distln-,; Saturday. ISurfal was in the Lake tsuished citizens. He has been the j Forest cemetery. chief Burveydr of the city during the most vital years of its growth. In 1855 he was surveying Michigan avenue north from Randolph street. The now famous avenue was then a simple country dirt road. He came to the stockade which inclosed Fort Dear- born and was preparing to continue Ills surveying through the fort terri- tory when the commandant. Col. Gra- ham, ordered him to halt. "By ! WILMETTE YOUTH MISSING. I The Evanston police have been 1 asked to join in the search for llur- dett Jones, aged 19 years, of 112;: Gregory avenue, Wilmette, who is re- ported missing from his home. Mcdowell in charge. Disop William Fraser McDowell, of Evanston, Sunday conducted the funeral service of Mrs, Charles W. Fairbanks, wife of the former vice- whose order aro you coming! president of the United States, at Samuel Sewall Greeley. and most intimate family friends, who had been asked to wear, them during the hour of the ceremony, the result being that cur Dedication fete was ob^trved at Bryn Mawr, Smith and VVellesley, as well m Harvard. Yale and Cornell. Mr. Greeley recently celebrated his ninetieth birthday at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. Lowell Copeland. onto United States territory?" In- quired the colonel. "By the order of the mayor and city council of Chicago," responded the young surveyor, "Prodttce your order," said the col- onel. As Mr. Greeley didn't have a written order lie had to halt his work and go and get one, for the fort was still Jealously guarded as territory be- longing to . the federal government. Not long afterwards U was vacated, tho stockade was--removed, the block house torn down, and progress oblit- erated one. more landmark, Mr. Greeley's birthday cakef with Its ninety pink candles, was a mem- orable sight. Every one ate a piece and drank his health to toasts pro- posed with appreciative speeches by | bis cousin, Edward L. Ryerson, and, by neighbors like Horace Tenney and I Geors^Lj^Follaasbeer^ :! Wr» Greeley is one of those fine ex-! nmplBS -ofâ€"longevity lliai rub""old -age | of all Its terrors and make It seem the! last and most desirable gift of life. Indianapolis, Ind. Bishop McDowell recently accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks part way on their trip around the world. Burial was at Crown Hill cemetery, Indianapolis. NTISTS Ht Inuttliaft lOUT »»< <^H tan 60* _ , id fcirabllHir. Out Sl.oMIt ha«a stood Hit if liffl*. Fainliit Htraetng. but oofh uilng saaclaliztd. Os>VSUl.TATiO> Flttci:. Southeast Corner Randolph and Clark Streets Open evenings until 7â€"Sunday 9 to 12 CHARLEY'S AUNT IS A LAUGH PROVOKER Wedding Inexpensive new and novel Birthday and Remembrance Gifts The most itnuptf ifUifS shown in //I jPICTUR ! Arts and IS an drafts Ihnd Made Jeuhlry, Leatltrv Ooorfs. Jfrass anm Oifprr Wit re, JiwJ .&'*,; IfnnW DKCnttrd /y branit CAds. SsS The Only Shop of Its Kind in Chicago 1118 South Michigan Ave. I Phone Randolph SO I 7 Audience at Opening Perform- ance at the Evanston Gave Signs of Enjoyment. The Evanston Stock Company Presents "CHARLEY'S AUNT," By Brandon Thomas. The Immortal Farce Not Born to Die. Players: Col. Sir Francis Chesney........, ................;i, C, Van Slyhe Stephen Spet.tlgue..., ..Gale Satterlee. Jack Chesney........ Jeun Clarendon Charley Wjteham... ..Edward Ewald Lord Francis Uabberjy......_____.. ...-------.^i,..... ..Harry L. Mlnturu Brassett...........James G. Morton T|ie New Footman... .Chas. D. Brown Donna Lucia D'Alvadorez.......... • â€" •............ Augusta Durgeon Amy Spettigue....... ..Richie Russell Kitty Verdun____.....•;.. .Nelle Redd Ela Delahay..........Billee Leicester '.•'*. 'â- "_ â-  Scenes:' . , Act Iâ€"Jack Chesney's rooms in col- leg<;. â-  Act IIâ€"Garden outside of Jack's rooms. Act HIâ€"Drawing room at Spetti- Siifl's house. .- â- .•>^t.^-^--' Timeâ€"The present.:'., i^'v- >-'-".^."':. Locales-Oxford College, England^. t res sing situations. The scene is laid In Oxford college; the characters are Oxford students, their friends and families, the most important member of which Is conspicuous by her ab- sence. Charley's aunt, depended upon to serve as chaperon at a luncheon, .upon, which the> young men have placed the hope of tete-a-tete with their respective 'sweethearts, avails herself of iier feminine perogative, changes ^her mind at the last moment and falls to appear. The guests are bidden and due to arrive, the heart-, toheart talk Is most important. There- fore is one of the fellows of the two swains pressed into service to hn-j personate, the missing aunt. Of course.,; there are all the difficulties, the mis-j understandings that are associated with that particular sort of disguise. The situation is further complicated by the appearance of the real aunt with her charming nelce. whom the obliging friend has been worshipping from afar, ills chagrin at being found "in these clothes" Is most touching. affecting, however, the rlsibles rather than the sympathies of the onlookers. Finally, when the last entanglement has been straightened, when Charley's heal aunt comes into her own. and the Imposter appears as a very dapper j young Englishman, the play ends and! the audience dispersed, the better for] having had a good laugh. ! Corrine French Shop \jCorszt ^se and Pofe a Thf Pfeil Fi set with the 30 Republic Bid?.. 49 S Slite SI, Chicago Harrison 55.51 liRANT exnrbltont charg Chicago in conne, retire d'Hote. 101 Initruimstal A Vocal Mule. thai district's nth room in Holidays, 75c Optn after Thiatar. J oh n son & Johnson CI N Al N-; Tel. Winnetka 645 Hubbard tfoctfs, III. The evident enjoyment of the audi- ences in the Evanston theater this tek points to the truth of the asser- Hon that the "immortal farce of {'Charley's,Aunt' is really not born'to From the very beginning there was fun, although to the characters in the play, least of all to "Charley's Aunt," was there anything but the most dis- A triple anniversary party was held In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dun- frund, 1620 Lake street, Evanston Sat- urday when the silver wedding anni- versary of Mr, and Mrs, Dunfrund, tho golden -wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ahrenii, parents of Mrs, Dunfrund, 1725 Darrow avenue, and the. birthday anniversary of Mrs. Ahrens. were celebrated. One hun- dred and thirty guests were enter- tained during the evening, Mr. Ahr- ens Is seventy-six years old and Mrs. Ahrens seventy years of age. Several out-of-town relatives attended. All of the principals of the .party in whose honor the celebration was given, have msm ....v.r..:8s?m-fe dls- resided in Evanston, for Beveral years. Don't Read ^This Ad. Unless You Own An Automobile We have an entirely new process of clean- ing carbon out of the motor. We burn out the curbon with oxy- gen which doegrme war k bettei ihinhy scraping anfl is^tfso- lutefy harnJess tothj at' * *i the fiotor. « confute thia^lrh rt\M old iibuy^orms olj.Jpjbori'remover. Tt mnecessary to take fowri the motor. AVe. can complete the job in half hour. The best part of all is the price $1.00 A CYLINDER Winnetka Garage WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. "£ 562 llacoli Avenvt Phoii 166 Klinge (3b White IAOE.WWEfllfS ANQJfCATS Tge A Phoitt Wilmttte GROSS fancy groceries, Ifteats] Phone Winnetka 46 & 78 & Rardware Hubbard Woods, ill. \fu0C garment Tact thai we We do the PAlNTERfand INTER I Oi Estintmes P.O. Box-222. Hubbard, Woods Phone Glencoe 447 ^ PRESSING REPAIRING Phone "Wiunetka 278 Maynard Bldg. :e.o/ NerciVtnt Ladies' md Gentsyitui 1046-48 Gage St. yiln E1V ail or e to Order d Woods, III. All Kinds of Fancy Cleaning Men's Clothes A Specialty We havi for skil t you m qually right mdef refutation andliesr^v<itnens overlooked the with men's..chtthes. Si^i Dehmlows I Wilmette 1475 -THE- nold Massage Vj>rator elebwrLed Ttltpnong Wimilka £78 CT/JORTHROP 'and Gage St.. pjgls*i S#®^ ifM&gi&M iSS&'felitlSifiss ir5i». â-  carB* â-  A Pleasure to Show the Property.,..... JBas^fe-*""^ " - " â€" " " Fhon«.«s 'ibratory Massaj Pome "Was $25\£snow SlS_ 1 METROPOLITAN v ELECTRICAL 5UPPLV»: I3": EvnMat Electrical J 180 W.Lake St. „ . . 4_ WI S. Wabwh Ave. W&M CHICAGO. ':'^i I»hon«» U9S-M-95 M»in

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