Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1913, p. 5

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m ♦♦♦4IIHHH**! f 'Mrj C- °- Franklin, 1024 Grove "^ * 'Street, has gone to St. Josenh. Mini, K^astijfflffljsss^f^BWB^S; Wkit People in Evanston #!THE LAKE SHORE N^yS, THURSDAY, QGTOBBR >0, 1818. % Tiis^i!i^lpf?i^ii5P? jr. .rrauKun, 1UZ4 Grove Mm John r» a«i. ~-------.........;â- , â- --------â€"------•â€"â- =â-  Kone to St. Joseph, Mich., her auction Mi^ST^TT^^-' ^ «"*"•*« »*â- â€¢ Club was an twin _. «â- Â«'«â- Â«Â»Â« uriage ClUD at luncheon »ntnrtnlno.l ,.„_*__.i... _» *.«._ •._._-- ;;on a business trip. ..-â€".. --•--'"'" """Be ciud at luncheon entertained yesterday at the home ;! M». and Mrs. Antone Wawell. 312 2S^ at her h^e, 2311 Harrison!of Mrs. L. i Rayiond, 716 ££}* , Sherman avenue, announce the birth mâ„¢ B,i0(t„ t> lidm r0** I of fwin girls. Saturday, Oct. 18. Nouhan f o H *°?h °' the Ghiat „incin Lo-r,> « the guest of MrsJ ..._____ I Mr. and Mrs. _________ ..«„„„.0. a oale 2119 Lincoln street,' 8M formerly of this city, have taken entertain"1 HOOD. Mr. ......__________________ Centra/'8he will study music away all winter. s- Mr. and Mrs. Luther^l Miller and I - nnounc-fd the engagement of Mrs. Wolcott, 71« Poster street, re- W« a"n" "^ Rose; to Harry Crost *«"»«»â-  Friday from a two weeks- Laurence Hallberg. .his city, have taken aTbridge Tuesday after.. ««5 house at S3 East ^pivi8i0]1 street, «p„rv Mitchell of Gary, Ind., L? Miss Myrtle Falcon, 8*8 Reba place. "'"lend gUest of his slster/has gone to Berlin. Germany, where w|S thG *etKel B ___- -._..__I'cho will otmlw ~..„l„ hl. _....___ Wlss Istreet. Ruth Mitchell, 2203 §he will he Under the auspices of the Parents' large number will avail themselves of little Harriet Harder, 719 Monroe sfropt I. .tor a few'days. . ' ley «ond««ed Mrs, George Scurlock ami daughter, Catherine, 822 Hln nue, spent Moines, la. • Miss Eathf and Teachers' association Miss Kings- the opportunity to attend these claas- Gymnastlcs and gymnastlo danc- ing, including folk dancing, games, etc., will be taught. The small charge a class in gymnastics Thursday at the Lincoln school. A good number of high school girls and the wi'ol<,oi!(i man aye- 0idcr girl8 and women attended. The daughter, Dorothy Margaret, to Raw- "ji;; and Mrs-; A. Fainer of Chicago annoui |tbeir dausht ttesj£veaing for these classes has been '!• Gr-uithnr "ii- tr lcI,a,l8ed from Thursday to Wednes- zell street, was ttiv'^.l^ lu^orl llV* T^ ^ â„¢* ClM8 f°r th° her sister; Mte* th,„Z..; ^:?'of .high-school girls meets at T:30 and antham; ... this «ty. The Plii B,'ul |ttined â- Â»Â« "le(1S€B at [dance â- Friday trip to Washington, D. C. Phi sorority enter-! Mrs- Greea, who has been the guest an informal ?LheL'k^?"****' Mr8, JoSeph Morris, Theodora <; in Maillson. Wi.<. A hard time Ilaiiow.e'en dnn'ee wilt be.given.ut St. .Matthew's lasts an hour. of 10 cents is asked. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chatham Haa- kins. 7360 Sheridan road, Chicago, an- nounce the engagement of their leigh Warner, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. ]!. Warner, 427 Greenwood boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Patten. For- est avenue and Davis street, sailed The class for older [last week for Genoa, Italy. They will girls and women la,from 8:30 to 8:30. |pass the winter at St. Morits, Swltaer- \11 high school girls living in the land, and in the spring will go to US> k^Sv!^**^1^^*^â„¢"*' left Thursday to ber of t tlle \vmnetka womans c.uo .^ w^ter { Florld& ------- ur, . pansh Sat-J south end of town an cordially invit-1 Florence, Italy, where their daughter, «i> uinp. October 30. by a num-!ed, as are also those who are busy'Violet, la attending school, returning during the day. It Is hoped that a home about the first of May. SPPPipjH ..,PU«J| "JPIIW "'eIijne; v a-., rflturned" * ne annua* cnarny oau ror the ^""li. T Monday benefit of the IUinois Children's home l^^^^a^KT^ of *«* *»*• plac Saturday at da'" S* ISZJZ SLZ!X the home of the bride's parents, iembcr 8, at the E3vanston Womans Tlcketg t0 ..H<mry.s vacation- to clnb. , . ^ w^,^, be presented this evening at the Clmmi Evanstonians who we e box WoffiP^,, club> caQ ^ ocured t8 at ,i„> Chicago Symphony or: -g A. Odell, 1302 Church {j,estra on Saturday evening were #^ ^ '- ^.Perkins Bass and Mr. and Mr8-#Mr. T. J. Brosnahan. 1T28 Ridge usseil Wliitman. „ â-  ._# avenue, has returned from his farm, Mr.and Mrs. Everett T. Marsh Jjg» near Mlcnlgan Cltyi Ind> Mr8 Bro8. Violet Hills) have returned front«neir nahan wlll return from Milwaukee on wedding trip and.are stopping at the Saturd G,eenwood Inn until the|»-horae *t f._ Elvyjl-MacRae^2525-Pfff]r 221 Harrison street is jready. Iplace aQd Mr Harold„Bennett, 2508 Rev. F. O. Beck, Rey> Ban B. Brum- Hartzell street> stUdents of St. John's mitt and Rev. Harry P. Ward, and Military academy, Delafleld, Wis., Messrs, It. C. Brown and E. E. Olp at- 8pent the week.end here. tended tho national meeting of the ,MrB/R- D. Richardson, Forest ave- Methodist brotherhood Monday held nue and Greenleaf street, has re- in Indianapolis, Ind. 'turned from an eight weeks' easteru A normal class, for women Is being trip She spent sotaQ time in Wood. eonductfd each Sunday morning at stockt vt> later goIng to Boston. Covenant M. E. church by Miss Grace Mr and MrS- Ezra Simmons of I. Scribner, a training school gradu- Kenosha, Wisconsin, are guests of ate. AH the women of the congresa-lheir daughter, Mrs, W. G. Hemp- tlcn are invited to join this class. 'stead, l833Asbury avenue, en route Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Elliott, 1314 Oak to thelr ,vtnter home ia Florida. jvenue, returned Monday from Fort Mr. Frank Y. Norris,. 2407 Harrison Wayne, Ind.. where they went,Ur at- street, returned Friday from a tend the wedding of their son, Mr. tnree months' trip in California. Mrs. Bruce W. Eliott and Miss Agnes Norris, Miss Helen Norris and Miss Slemen, which took place Thursday Avena Smith will remain until next evening. ' spring. An engagement announcement of Mrs. William S. Mason, 1401 Ridge interest to university circles is that of avenue, and Mrs. Forest Hopkins, Miss Cornelia Carrier, daughter of 1221 Hinman avenue, have returned Dr.-Wilbur Carrier of Waukesha, from New York, where they .visited Miss Harriet Hopkins, who is attend- ing Westover school. The Home Missionary society of tshe First Methodist Episcopal church, corner Hinman avenue and Church street, will give a .benefit sale Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday of next week in'parlors. Mrs, Ira B. Cook. 133 Dempster streeV'Jias as her guests Mrs. Susan Ballou and Mrs. J. W Ellis of Rhode island. ;Mrs. Chester A. Cook, 115 Dempster street, entertained for them at bridge Saturday, and Mrs. Ira B. Cook on Monday. The annual reception by President A.-. W. Harris of Northwestern univer-1 sity to the members of the faculty and trustees and their wives was held at his residence, 1745 Chicago avenue, Thursday evening. Mrs. Abrani W. Harris II assisted President Harris in receiving. Miss Eva Hardin, who accepted the Wis., to Andrew Shomast "Weaver, professor of English literature and public speaking in Northwestern uni- versity. " ____ Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Mrs. Leonora Holabird to Dr. Ailen McLaughlin of Pontiac, Mich,, which took place on Thursday even- ing, October 23, at the home of the bride, 2221 Harrison street. Mr. arid Mrs. McLaughlin will make their home in Pontiac, Mich. Pieria Literary society of the Ev- anston academy Will present three one-act plays at Fisk hall, Saturday evening, November 8. The cast will include Miss Mildred Moore, Miss* Margaret Oeddinger, Friz Kaempfer, George West and Walter Elliott. Miss Jessie Power is directing the affair. Mr. Frank Y. Norris, 2407 Harrison street, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Allen Nor- = ris; andâ-  little daughter, 2327 Harrison street, and ME ana Mrs. Jofffi Sr Burchmore and son, 2607 Prairie ave- nue, motored to Aurora Saturday, r . vhere they spent the week-end as the I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. ;' Norris and family. Miss Kingsley is conducting two classes in gymnastics and gymnastic dancing on Wednesday evenings at Lincoln school. The first class, which is for high school girls, meets from 7:30 to.8:30, and the other, which is for-young people and adults busy dur- ing the day, is from 8:30 to,9:30. Everyone interested is invited. P "The social committee of the Par- ents' and Teachers"association of Lin- coln school announce a dancing class tor adults at Lincoln school Monday evening at 8 ^'clock. On Tuesday evening at the same hour there will he a class for younger people, none imder sixteen admitted. Both classes are under the direction of Miss Winl- ;f fred Nash. Miss Gladys E. Boesch, soprano, as- • slated by talented vocalists and a reader frrmrChicago, will give a con- cert Friday night* November 7, at __' 8;15 p. n,. Among other selections " Jje will sing "The Magic Song," by Erik Meyer-Helmund, and "Goodbye," hy\F. Paalo Tosti; "Under the Trees," hy T. K01 theur, and "Entreaty," by Carl Bc-hm. The concert will be given ; M the Woman's" dub. -Miss Lois Bloomer Johnson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Johnson, «14 Grand boulevard, Chicago, and Ernest Palmer, of this city, were mar- ried Saturday at 8:30 o'clock at the home'bf the bride's parents. The Rev. John M. McGann of Trinity Episcopal «hurch performed the ceremony. The wide's attendants were Miss Doris Husseli. maid of honor, and the Misses •*«! Stirling and Marie Louise Rus- *«. bridesmaids. The bride's gown 3m. °'f white fiatln- veiled in tulle, pearl gatnitures. Her veil of roue was caught with orange blossoms â„¢d her bouquet was of orchids and ««es of.the valley. The maid of hon- \l w°re a gown of yellow satin, veiled .« yellow tulle and trimmed with fur. j William C. Ijsvere returns* from an extended Journey throurtt the west Thursday. The patronesses for the presenta- tion of Mrs. Guy 8. MoCabe's play, "Henry's Vacation," - to ho given Thursday evening under the auspices of the Evanston Woman's dub for the benefit of the Day Kursey. are: Mesdames Edward Hines. Rufus C. Dawes. Kenneth Barnhsrt, Richard C. Lake. M. C Armour. E. J. Bumngton, James A. patten. Win. M. Turner, P. V. E. B. Ward, James Htlbren. Charles E. Clifton, Carl S. Williams, Ulysses S. Grant, Frank A. Vkkers. William S. Carson, Robert 8. Bonis. William S: Mason, Alfred H. Gross, • Frederic P. Voae. Charles Wlghtman. A. W. Harris, Ralph Horn, Thw. W. Roblhr sos, Ottvsr Wilson, Arthnr Rogsftaad Frank Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. W. A Iustey, iOHBew- ard street, will introduce tb«hr daagjfc- ters, the Misses ConiUnce andElisn- beth llUIey. who are debutant** oC the season, at a tea, to be gives Sat- urday. Nov. 2». Mr*. John Boyee Smith is coming on from New VorK to assist. Mrs. D. D. Thompson and daagjfc- ter, Miss Sadie Thompson. 1629 Hin- man avenue, returned Monday from a month's eastern trip. They ha^e been in Montreal, Boston, New fork, Baltimore. Washington. D. C^ Hatiiav burg, Manchester, and other eitSee. In Washington they attended the na- tional convention of the Home Mis- sionary society. Ii-you have^ ever thought that you couldn't buy Women's Wear in anston, visit our ready-to-wear section this week. You will be surprised at the great variety of fashionable clothes for women. The offerings listed here will give you some idea of the complete- ness of our stock. Many of the items are specially priced this weeh> fomen's Coats of Alt Miiids ori the t&m position as physical director at the Y. W. C. A. in St. Joseph, Mich., in September, has been compelled to: give up her work on account of ill health. She returned Friday and will probably remain in Evanston for; the winter. j "At the series of musical mornings,; to be given Tuesdays, beginning Nov. ; 18. by Miss Marguerite Easter in the I crystal ballroom . of the BlacKstone > hotel, Mrs. Charles G. Dawes, Mrs. | Harry Pratt Judson, Mrs, Marshall i M. Klrkman and Mrs. William S. â-  Holabird will be among the patron-j esses.' j Master Irving Smith, 916 Slierrnan ! avenue, celebrated his fifth birthday by entertaining fourteen of his little girl and boy friends on Thursday. Among those present were: Francis, Jean and Marie Carlborg, Ruth; Holmes, Hlldegard Johnson, Robert Swanson, Elizabeth and Carl" Doerr, Sylvia Edwards, Henrietta Bond, Stewart 'a!Wer. Coville Page, Ernest Erickson and Fred Smith. President "Guy Guernseyâ€"Friday gave the first of a series of lectures on civil government which is .to be given by the Hamilton club to the wives, sisters and daughters of its members. The next six lecture < will be given by First "Vice-President Rob ert S. lies on each Friday afternoon. beginning Nov. 7. The subjects- will be- "Government," "Constitutional Government," "Constitution of th..- United States," .."Citizenship and the Elective Franchise," "Naturalization, and "The Application of the Princi- ples of the Constitution to Practtc-M Politics and Government Polici^ 'â- Â» the State and Nation." Miss Harrle M. Downs, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. E.. E. Downs or sl.l_ Michigan Ave., entertained haturda> fourteen of Her schoolmates .in cei- bration of the fourteenth anni- of her birth. A_ marshtn.allo.w and games were enjoyed, aft. r w ur,. dainty refreshments- were *«>«,i », the dining room, and ^>]^ pdrehes. which were pret*ly d-to- rated - with a variety of H.Unwe en A- delightful eve" Sport CoatS, made of good qual- ity Boucle, in navy, brown and wool Chine , Caracul Coats, made of quality caracul, large shawl c turn-back cuffs, full length for women and * 4 misses ;.. ..... ..... J| Smart Street Coats, made--of the newest boucle cloaking, extremely effective, large shawl collar and cuffs of black brocaded velvet, large •! OjFJO silk ornament in front...- ,.,â- '• ;.l^B*l== Women's C quality Sail's with skinner of best; lush, linect in black andj [ors( \ or full lengtl^p^gf^Sstens; >ne side wjjJg^Srgesilk orna4 its, large shawl collar deep turn-back cuffs, tyllsh COdtS of black Ural lamb, targe shawl and turn-back cuffs, fastened at front with large silk frogs, lined throughout with good satin, in black and colors, sizes for women and misses, from iS.OO down to.;-. 32K 0 Street CoatS, of heavy mannish mixtures, f or ^u^ length models, mm brown, grey, navy and red, all prettily ^trimmed with buttons, velvet «| A QO 5&nd contrasting colors..... .... JL^mTfO Good Looking Coats of all wool broadcloth and serge, full length models, lined with best quality satin, in all the new shadis, velvet and silk cord trimmed, ^1^ QO women's and misses' sizes,â€" - JL^"«70 In our ready-io-wear section you will meet with the most courte- ous and considerate treatment. 'rs.-irv roast c*'iiea Aaron Ward roses, ghow-,favors. «ed with inies of the valley, The spent. Thwie â-  Jtesent ^esmaids wore gowns of similar Frances Doane^jGladysJaekw,'^ fetides-flna___^.^.___ â„¢-* -~». D,f„«, nnrnthv' Edwards. Msiioii mc Mi***.* Maria fl»Jon and carried Aaron Ward ros-|Byam. Do'ro.J|ry- Ed* *"• ^alJteivGraham^of Ottumwa, Ia-Aciure^Jean Al^Leo.d, ^ as best man and > the ushers i Robert Dart, ,^8^ were Tracy Teomans. Harry McClure Qraliam. ' Herbert ^BatvRer. J^on, Edmund D. Brigbam, Jr., Graves. Louis Fellows and ;7^,,Liwrence Johnson. ?>, ,-.,-. J Stone. !.,.,,.„,.:, ;r~H-.,v.^: -. â-  and -Messrs Small, Junior I Patrick MackinaWS. Coats that afford perfect body shelter. They're warm, yet not too heavy; they're comfortable but very stylish they're the best mackinaws made, yet they're moderate in price; 43QQ ,-$9.98, .$7,98 andf^^^^Osss8 Women's and Misses' Dresses, made in many attractive models in all wool serge and ratine,ttinomed with brocaded velvet silk and buttons, lace frill at tj rJQ neck and sleeves ...... .: f _M f O We maintain our own tailoring depart ment, and are prepared to alter all gar ments quickly and in accord with your needs If you have not already a charge account here, we invite you to open one. Credit to responsible persons Skirts f oipitt Occasions Dress Skirts, the latest., fad in skirts, made of all wool Scotch plaid, open on A QO side and trimmed with buttons... tN^JO Dress SkirU, made in two-piece style of good quality shepherd Vheck, the back is. made, with pin tucks and self strap, slit with buH tons and buttonholes O Qft on each side.. - •':... v» <V.. A Strictly Man-TdHored Skirt, made of best quality all wool serge, tucked back,.slit with buttons, for fall wear. This is one of our most popular styles, comes in ^ QO navy and black..... ,,^ ,,..>.',.... aV#7U Suits Specially Priced Beautiful New Fall Suits for women and misses, fine all wool serge, che7iot, broad- cloth and fancy mixtures, plain tailored and fancy effects with trimmings of velvet, but- tons and self-material, the new cutaway coats, also straight effects, plain or draped skirts. Specially priced at........ vi,,:..... WINTER. SUITS.â€"All Wool mannish serge, chevi'its, poplins and novelty mixtures, plain and trimmed effects, straight and cutaway models. Suits that are the height of fa?hi< n and sell-pis^where for much *J^ Cft more, women's and misses* sizes aWaw•OKJ 15.00 ^THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING* iii'

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